mrs. harlin. 2.2.2 explain how the use, protection and conservation of natural resources by humans...

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Mrs. Harlin


Explain how the use, protection and conservation of natural resources by humans impact the environment from one generation to the next.

Sustainable Use Policy

Philosophy that strives to enable people to use natural resources in ways that will benefit them and maintain the ecosystem.

Resource Use

Overusing resources will deplete them faster than they can be replenished. Water Trees Food Fossil fuels


Cutting down or burning trees makes room for homes and cities, but it is destroying homes of many organisms creating less biodiversity.

Also, with fewer trees , there will be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and less oxygen. This is a factor in global warming.

Pesticide Use

Pesticides are used to kill insects that are parasites to plants and animals.

This can be good, but it can also have negative effects on the environment.


Also known as bioaccumulation.

It is the increase in concentration of a substance, such as the pesticide DDT.

DDT: A Threat to America's Bald Eagles Watch this video clip to see how

bioaccumulation is harmful to organisms.

Conservation Methods and Stewardship

Legal Protections

U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 made it illegal to harm any species on the endangered or threatened species list, or their environment.

Preserving Habitats

Natural Preserves and Parks 1st -> Yellowstone National Park (1872) Big Cypress National Preserve Crater Lake National Park Big Bend National Park Sequoia National Park

Habitat Corridors

Protected strips of land that allow the migration of organisms from one wilderness area to another. Ex: Land underneath a highway so

animals will not get hit by a car. Ex: Hoover Dam

Reintroduction Programs

Taking care of organisms then releasing them back into an area where the once lived. Ex: wild-turkey in N.C.


An organism that is held by humans to prevent extinction. Ex: ginkgo tree

Protecting Plants

Plants are easier to protect because you can cool seeds and store them for future planting.

Animals on the other hand are really expensive to keep, feed, and take care of. Plus, they may lose natural behaviors that enable them to survive in the wild.

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