newsletter 19 - 2019 · 2019-07-18 · kurunjang primary school ~ “learning together”...

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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NEWSLETTER 19 - 2019

Thursday 18th July, 2019


Welcome back to everyone for Term 3 and a very special welcome to our new families who are new enrolments to Kurunjang. I hope you were able to enjoy some time with your child/ren during the holidays.

Holidays for the students was extended by a day with a Curriculum Day on Monday. Staff participated in continued work with AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination). The professional learning was facilitated by Tim Gill. Tim has been an AVID instructor for 25 years in California and is an AVID course advisor in mathematics for AVID Australia. On Monday, staff participated in scaffolding instruction using WICOR strategies (Writing / Inquiry / Collaboration / Organisation / Reading) at all levels of schooling and the development of growth mindset for achievement.

Notice of Curriculum Day was posted weekly in the newsletter calendar from the beginning of the year with reminders at the end of term. A COMPASS alert at the end of the holidays served as another reminder. Unfortunately we had a few children who came to school on Monday. We are concerned that some families are still not linked to COMPASS which in addition to being unable to receive newsfeeds about important dates and events, means too that they are not accessing their child/ren’s progress comments and reports throughout the term and at end of each semester.

In week 6 (20th and 21st August) we will be conducting our student learning conferences and the bookings for these will again be via COMPASS; another reason for ensuring that you have access to COMPASS. If you know of anyone who is still not on COMPASS please remind them to contact the office in person or by phone to receive information for logging on to COMPASS.

Painting of the ceilings, walls, architraves, skirtings, cabinetry, doors and window frames and sills in the east wing of the main building, was completed during the holidays. Arrangements are currently underway for the part painting of the west wing during the next holiday period.

If you access the school from Mowbray Crescent you will also notice the completed community hub including all landscaping. Melton City Council and the Department of Education are in planning for the official opening during August. I will forward information re this when details are confirmed. Planning is also underway for the use of the community room, meeting room and


the café, which will be available to the public. On Monday the gate at the back of the community hub leading to Raglan Court will be opened to permit access again into the school’s east entrance. Thank you to the school community for your patience and alternative arrangements during the time of construction and the restricted access.

Tomorrow’s assembly will be for Year F-2 students. We look forward to seeing you at 2.30pm in the gym if you ae able to attend.

~ Learning Together



Student of the week awards are made each week and announced in the newsletter on a Thursday. The awards are presented to the

students at assembly on Friday at 2.30pm in the Gym.

Parents are most welcome to attend.

Foundation Mel ~ Peehu Verma Foundatoin Mel ~ Joel Bisengeta

Foundation Potts ~ Gideon Naikovu Foundation Potts ~ Savannah Portelli

1/2 Havers ~ Varshna Vadivelan 1/2 Havers ~ Ethan Forward

1/2 Sarah ~ Lily Cassar 1/2 Sarah ~ Beau Gilmour 1/2 Patton ~ Lily Gunko

1/2 Reading ~ Xavier Chew-Flynn 1/2 Reading ~ Joanne Bullecer

1/2 Micallef ~ Sonny Boyce 1/2 Micallef ~ Jennifer Le

1/2 Templeton ~ Harry McIntyre 1/2 Templeton ~ Annika Odewahn

1/2 Castellas ~ Jackson Offer 1/2 Castellas ~ Ejay Taealii


Monday 22nd July

Year 3/4 Star Lab Incursion Tuesday 30th July

Foundation ~ 100 days of School

African Drumming Workshop ~ Foundation-Yr6 Friday 9th August

Year 3/4 Camp ~ Final Payment Due

Year 1/2 ~ Big Night In Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st August

Student Learning Conferences Friday 23rd August

Year 5/6 Camp ~ Final Payment Due

Year 5/6 Camp ~ Medical Forms Due Wednesday 28th August to Friday 30th August

Year 3/4 Lady Northcote Camp Monday 9th September to Wednesday 11th September

Year 5/6 Beach Experience Camp Monday 7th October

Curriculum Day ~ Students not required at School Monday 25th – Friday 29th November

Teeth on Wheels ~ 2nd Visit


Students in 1/2 Micallef have been building their knowledge of a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. We are beginning to change our self-talk by adding YET when we cannot do something. Well done 1/2Micallef on building your resilience and eagerness to challenge yourselves!


At K.P.S we encourage the use of our values in not only school life but outside of school also. 5/6 Rob have done this in so many levels. I would like to share one of these situations with you. The students of 5/6 Rob have demonstrated resilience of late by supporting those who have been hospitalised for various reasons and in turn showing support during their recoveries. Our classroom culture is full of positive reinforcement and encouragement. When these students returned from various illnesses, all the students would welcome them back and bring them up to speed on their learning. Fantastic effort from all students.



Children 0-5 years are offered the opportunity to join Playgroup with VICSEG.


Children from 0-5yrs. Come along and meet new people while your child learns through play experiences.

Friday 26th July ~ Winter

New members welcome however, you must phone to register. For further information on any of our playgroups, please contact Kathleen McInnes on 9743 0633



For the remainder of the year, Junior School Council are going to be collecting bottle top lids

such as milk lids, water bottle lids and soft drink lids, as well as bread tags from the top of bread and bread rolls.

The bottle top lids will be sent to an organisation in South Africa who will recycle them into prosthetics, which are robotic legs and arms for those people who have lost their arms or legs due to illness or an accident.

The bread tags will also be sent to South Africa and will be recycled into wheelchairs for those people who cannot afford to buy their own.

This is a great chance to keep these items out of landfill in Australia and do our bit for recycling.

So put aside a bowl in the kitchen and start collecting. Please make sure you rinse the bottle top lids before bringing them into school. Each class will have a container to collect any lids or bread tags you bring in.

Thanks Leon, Betty, Jakaila and JSC




Parents who live within our school’s designated neighbourhood area are invited to enrol their children for Foundation 2020 at the office. To be

eligible to enrol for Foundation in 2020 your child must turn 5 years of age by 30th April 2020. You must provide proof of your child’s age by presenting a birth certificate. For students who were born overseas you must present their passport and visa details. Immunisation certificates are also required and may be posted to you on request by calling 1800 653 809. As the immunisation and birth certificates may take a little time to arrive, we suggest you get organised early and phone for your certificate now.

Please contact the school office on 9743 0633 if you would like to arrange a tour of our school.


OSHClub Kurunjang BSC: 6:50am-8:50am & ASC: 3:10pm-6:30pm each day during the school term. We are operating in Room MB(E)5.

Our program provides a healthy breakfast and afternoon tea each day. Permanent and occasional vacancies are available for Before School & After School Care.

Please feel free to come in and see our program and the fun activities our staff provide!

Program Phone: 0400 028 149 Coordinator: Brittany Assistant: Danielle

All families must be enrolled to attend the program. Please create an account online at All bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program


Ham & Salad Sandwich Juice Box (apple or tropical

or orange)



If you would like to assist the PFA in any way please leave your details at the office or contact Elizabeth Bajada on 0404 525 975 or

The PFA is a great way to be involved in your school community as well as make some new friends


Did you know? If a child misses over 20 days every half year, this equates to 2 ½ years of learning between Foundation and Year 12.


If your child is running late for any particular reason, please take them to the office to be signed into school. A late pass will be issued to your child to be given to the teacher.


We currently have a large number of overdue library books. Could I ask all Parents and Carers to help their children look at home over the school holidays for books that belong to our school and return them to the library.

Thankyou Lynne Notman ~ Library Technician

Have you signed up to the Compass App?

In order to keep you up to date with important information Kurunjang Primary School uses a portal system

called COMPASS.

Through Compass you will be able to update personal details such as phone numbers and be kept up to date

with important dates, whole school events, due dates, excursion reminders and the weekly school newsletter.

You will be able to view your childs school Semester report and monthly learning tasks completed throughout

the school year via Compass.

If you have not yet signed up, please return the slip below for you to receive your personalised login details.

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I would like to receive my COMPASS APP details to be kept updated with school events, reminders and

calendar items.

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Student name/s: ________________________________________________________

Class: ____________________________________________________________________

Wilson Pee Wee Tennis (4 – 7 years) MLC Hot Shots (5 – 12 years)

Junior & Adult Coaching (Group & Private Lessons available)

Squad Training for Elite Juniors Mums in Tennis Program

Professional Racquet Restringing Ask us about NEW Cardio Tennis!

Phone: Steve Kelly 0409 173 273

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