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Ohio News Mar/Apr 2014 published by Ohio Holstein Assn Wooster OH 44691


OHIONewsMarch-April 2014


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The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohiorichmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com

Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891Jim Morlock, Jr. and Martin “Bud” Yoder

Fitting and Showing

~Richman Farms, Inc.~

Selling Richman Atwood Shasta, born 9-2-11She is ready to show as a 2-year-old.

Fresh at 2-03 – Her first test 76.9# milk 4.5%F 3%PHer Dam: Ocean-View Gold Schene-ET VG-87 VG-88 MS,

by Goldwyn2-03 365D 30,199M 1,141F

4-04 355D 36,068M 4.7%F 1,570F 3.4%PGrDam: Ocean-View Durham Shene-ET EX-90

Great-GrDam: Ocean-View Lindy Sheen EX-94 EEEVE GMD DOMRecords to 47,400M

86161 p02 Richman 3/20/14 12:19 PM Page 1

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Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539

Home of theBell Sears


Service Age Bulls for SaleAt All Times

Visitors Welcome

After a long winter, the kids are ready to show!

Congrats to our fellow breeders for another great convention.Well done, crew and helpers.

86161 p03 ParadiseValley 3/20/14 11:26 AM Page 1


Volume 78 Number 2MARCH-APRIL 2014

Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH

by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATIONP.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

www.ohioholstein.comdairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links

PUBLICATION OFFICE — SHREVE, OHSubscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS sub-scription list is filed geographically by town and state. When youchange your address, please be sure to give us your old addressas well as the new one.Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertisingforms close one month preceding date of issue.

Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWSP.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodicalmatter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676.

OFFICE STAFFOffice Secretary . . . Diana Miley; oholstein@embarqmail.comEditor . . . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch; ewelch@embarqmail.comWebmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Spike; spikeptr@aol.com

OFFICERSPresident . . . . Dallas Rynd, Ashville. . . . . . . . 740-983-6690Vice President . Randall Kiko, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-831-0174Secretary . . . . Cathy Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . 419-886-2871Treasurer . . . . Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield . . CELL 419-606-0527

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERSJoe Miley, Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-263-7814Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-770-6206Greg Conrad, New Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-495-5067


760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859. . . . . 765-592-0644

BOARD MEMBERSDist. 1 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . 330-770-6206Dist. 2 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-205-1738Dist. 3 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . . 740-236-7240Dist. 4 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon . . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271Dist. 5 Greg Conrad, New Holland. . . . . . . . 740-495-5067Dist. 7 Lisa Mangun, Burbank . . . . . . . . . . 330-435-6520Dist. 7 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604Dist. 8 Ryan Welch, Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-651-5281Dist. 9 Matt Lawson, Bluffton . . . . . . . . . . . 937-538-7110Dist. 10 Laurie Menzie, McClure . . . . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Dist. 11 Kristy Ackley, East Liberty . . . . . . . . 937-666-5502Dist. 12 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . . 419-738-7174Dist. 13 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823Dist. 14 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta. . . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427Dist. 15 Don Bickel, New Vienna . . . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697

Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

May-June DEADLINEApril 20, 2014

ContentsFrom the President, by Dallas Rynd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

From Your Regional Representative, by Glenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2014 OHA Convention Sale Averages $3,441, by Barb Lumley. . . . . . . . . . 6

2014 Ohio Holstein Convention Reports and Award Winners . . . . . . . . . 8-15

2013 Progressive Breeders Registry Award Recipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Ohio News Advertising Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Ohio News Subscription Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

From Indiana Mike Jones, National Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

From the Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33

Convention Thank Yous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

A Dandy Day at District 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Ohio Holstein Women’s Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

The Queen’s Corner, by Allison Mangun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

On the CoverThe cover photos are from the 2014 Ohio Holstein Convention and Sale, March 7 and

8, at Alliance and Salem.The top photo shows the officers conducting the business meeting. From left: President

Dallas Rynd, Vice-President Randall Kiko, Secretary Cathy Berg and Treasurer Lisa Kerr.In the photo at left center are Linda and Tom Thorbahn. Tom received the Senior

Buckeye Breed Builder Award.At right center are Adam Whiteleather, who received the Junior Buckeye Breed Builder

award, with his daughter Stella and wife Jessica. The entire Whiteleather family wasthanked for hosting an open house and judging contest at their farm. Also, WhiteleatherHolsteins received the PBR Award for the first year.

The bottom photo shows the high seller at the Convention Sale, Lot 1, Springhill-OHDorcy Wanda VG, consigned by Chris Lang and purchased by Greg and Mark Brightbillof GEM-Hill Holsteins, Loudonville, for $16,000. Back, from left: Russell Kiko and ChadGriffith, with Ted Renner, pedigrees, and Randall Kiko, auctioneer, in the box. Front, fromleft: David Lentz, Paul Haskins, Ben Simpson at the halter, Greg and Mark Brightbill, SteveDeam, Glenn Sageser and Ken Janes.

Thank you to Cheri Oechsle, Julie Renner and Karen Welch for photos in this issue,and thank you to Karen Welch for her help with this issue. Also, thank you to Barb Lumleyfor making an extra effort to contribute to this issue.

4 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862)Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following:

“The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain

a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”

86161 p04 contents 3/21/14 11:02 AM Page 3

This past week-end was our stateconvention, andfor those of youwho missed it, itwas outstanding.Friday’s eventsopened with agreat lineup of salecattle and a beauti-

ful day. The sale was hosted by the KikoFamily, who had gone to considerableeffort to provide a nice place for boththe animals and the bidders.Congratulations to the Lang Family,whose Dorcy daughter topped the saleat $16,000. As it turned out, the Dorcy,who had contract interest, ended upjust down the road from her homefarm. The Brightbill Family, neighborsof the Langs, placed the final bid. Thesale averaged $3.441 on 70+ lots.

Following the sale, conventiongoersheaded to Whiteleather Farms andCampbell Brothers. At WhiteleatherFarms, folks were treated to awonderful meal and a tent filled with35 head of outstanding cows thattraced back to “Miss America,” anExcellent Outside daughter who wasstanding on the end of the row. AtCampbell Brothers, guests were treatedto a beautiful herd of cows in a tie stallfacility. Both Campbells andWhiteleathers had a group of animalsfor those who wanted to participate inthe judging contest.

Friday evening brought the queen’scontest and lots of socializing. AllisonMangun is our new state queen, and Iexpect you will be seeing her a greatdeal as show season starts up. MorganMcDonnell is our runner-up.

Saturday morning was time forgroup meetings for the women, theJuniors and the adults. All hadinteresting business meetings, and thegroups came back together for theawards banquet. The All-Ohio andJunior All-Ohio winners wereannounced, as well as several otherawards. Steve Andrews was awarded theDistinguished Service Award for all thetime and effort he gives ourassociation. Adam Whiteleatherreceived the Junior Buckeye BreedBuilder award. Tom Thorbahn wasannounced as the winner of the SeniorBuckeye Breed Builder award which, asDuane Logan pointed out, “was a long

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 5

time coming.” Mary Liming receivedthe Outstanding Holstein Womanaward.

In one of the most touchingmoments of the convention, District 2,our hosts, opted to single out one of itsown members. Bill McKarns washonored by his peers for his contri-butions to local, state and nationalassociations. His tireless work allowedanimals that would not have beenrecognized by the Holstein Associationdecades ago to become eligible forregistry, classification and many otherprograms and awards.

As we move through March, weshould look ahead to Spring DairyExpo, which will be old news by thetime you read this. Our Spring Sale isscheduled for April 19, and I urge youto attend.

As many of you heard atconvention time, I have set up acommittee to review the needs andwants of our membership as we moveforward. I hope each member will taketime to consider what you expect fromour association and pass thatinformation on to your local boardmember. We are currently puttingtogether a questionnaire for themembership to identify the things that

you believe are important to you as amember. This will better enable theboard to determine what our next stepsare to plan for a successful future forour organization.

From the Presidentby Dallas Rynd

U-Dean Farms669 SR 89, Polk, Ohio 44866

Come and See Us.

1 mile north of Polk on SR 89

Esther, Karen & Scott Welch Dean & Doris Welch Randy & Mike Ryan

419-945-2250 419-945-2411 419-945-2542/2698 419-651-5281

2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd AwardWelch Family Farm since 1867 • Registered Holsteins since 1913

Congratulationson a Great Saleand Great Con-vention. I waspleased to be apart of them. I amhappy to beworking in Ohioand am spending

about 60% of my time here. I likebringing in national and state mem-berships.

I will be at Spring Dairy Expothrough Thursday helping with thejudging conference.

If you would like assistance toanswer questions or provide on-farmservice, feel free to contact me at 502-321-8670 or gsageser@holstein.com.


by Glenn Sageser

Spring UpdateSpringhill-OH Time Relic

VG-852-02 359D 24,037M 992F 793P3-03 217D 19,465M 920F 624P Inc.

Bred to DECEIVERHas three pregnances to HERO

— Her Dam —Springhill-OH Oman Relic EX-92Followed by 8 more EX or VG Dams

U-Dean Dex Marqutte VG-854-08 337D 28,133M 1,103F 834P


86161 p05 UDean.prez.Sag 3/21/14 12:14 PM Page 4

6 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Mother Nature chose to bring out the sunshine and abeautiful day for the Ohio Holstein AssociationConvention Sale, held Friday, March 7, 2014, at the R & PKiko Family Farm, Salem, Ohio. A large crowd was on handto bid on their choices from the great group of consign-ments featuring outstanding type, production andpedigrees. An average of $3,441 was achieved on 71 live lots.

Lot 1 in the catalog, Springhill-OH Dorcy Wanda,garnered the top price in the sale at $16,000. A Very Good85 daughter of Coyne-Farms Dorcy, she was from a greatmaternal line going all the way back to the well-knownLangacres Elevation Hope. She sold with contract interest toBrightbill/Gem-Hill Holsteins, Loudonville, Ohio. Herconsignor was Springhill, c/o Chris Lang, Big Prairie, Ohio.

Greenlea Adv Maemay-Red, Lot 10, was the second-highseller at $9,200. Classified Excellent 91, she was sired byKHW Kite Advent-Red from an Excellent 94 dam, and hadbeen the Senior and Grand Champion at the Mid-EastSpring National Red & White Show in 2013; she was freshagain for the spring shows. Consigned by William Indoe,Lodi, Ohio, she was purchased by Grant Randle and Bryce& Abbigail Easter, Zionsville, Indiana.

Selling for $8,000 was Jas-K Guth Treasure-Red-ET-VR,Lot 7, classified Very Good 86 as a two-year-old, she carried

2014 Ohio Holstein AssociationConvention Sale Averages $3,441

by Barb Lumley

LOT # PRICE BUYER CONSIGNOR1 $16,000 Brightbill/Gem-Hill Holsteins, Loudonville, OH Springhill, c/o Chris Lang, Big Prairie,OH

10 $9,200 Grant Randle, Bryce & Abbigail Easter, Zionsville, IN William Indoe, Lodi, OH7 $8,000 Robert Puskas, Somerset, NJ Matthew Steiner, Marshallville, OH5 $6,000 Paradise Valley Farms, Louisville, OH Hez LLC, c/o Tim Abbott, Franklin, VT

62 $4,900 Bruce McConnell, Volant, PA R & P Kiko Family Farm, LTD, Salem, OH13 $4,800 R & P Kiko Family Farm, LTD, Salem, OH Whiteleather Holsteins, Minerva, OH2 $4,700 Steve Gasser, Creston, OH Matthew Steiner, Marshallville, OH4 $4,500 Paradise Valley Farm, Louisville, OH R & P Kiko Family Farm LTD, Salem, OH

14 $4,500 Jay Hein, Celina, OH Whiteleather Holsteins, Minerva, OH6A $4,000 Paradise Valley Farm, Louisville, OH Congress Lake Farm, Mogadore, OH75 $4,000 James Beardsley, Damascus, OH Eric Havens, LLC, Fremont, OH29 $4,000 Trent Neuenschwander, Dalton, OH James Kemp, West Salem, OH

the Variant Red gene, which means that when bred to ablack and white bull, 50% of her calves will be red. Her sirewas Fustead Goldwyn Guthrie, and she was from a VeryGood 86 Picston Shottle dam. Her consignor was MatthewSteiner, Marshallville, Ohio, and she was purchase byRobert Puskas, Somerset, New Jersey.

A spring yearling, Hez Goldchip Hada-ET, Lot 5, sold for$6,000 to Paradise Valley Farms, Louisville, Ohio, and wasconsigned by Hez LLC, c/o Tim Abbott, Franklin, Vermont.Sired by MR Chassity Gold Chip, her dam was the well-known show winning Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah,classified Excellent 92.

Twelve consignments sold for $4,000 or more, and 26consignments sold from $3,000 to $3,900. Volume buyerwas Paradise Valley Farm, Louisville, Ohio, purchasingseven consignments for $28,000. Cattle sold to Indiana,New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Ohio. Auctioneerwas Randall Kiko with Ted Renner reading the pedigrees.Ringmen were Ken Janes, Rusty Kiko, David Lentz, SteveDeam, Chris Lahmers, Chad Griffith and Paul Haskins.Cattle preparation was handled by Steven Jordan and hiscrew. The sale was managed by the Ohio HolsteinAssociation.

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86161 p06 ConvSale 3/20/14 11:27 AM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 7

Matt Steiner and Sons11071 Easton Road, Rittman, Ohio 44270Home: 330-925-8354 • Cell: 330-466-1896 • Fax: 330-925-2948E-mail: pinetreedairy@earthlink.net •  www.pinetreedairy.org

Visitors Welcome

Pine-Tree 1782 Toubib 4831 *POVG-85 at 2-11

Toubib X EX-90 Goldwyn X VG O-Man X EX-92 Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET*She is POLLED, has a UNIQUE pedigree, and has THREE sons heading to ABS!

*Below is 4831’s Udder shot

Daughter of Toubib 4831:

Ms Pine-Tree 4831 Earn 5695-ET POGTPI +2079 & POLLEDOwned with Steve Gasser

SELLING in theOhio Spring Sale

in Wooster, April 19

86161 p07 PineTree 3/20/14 12:23 PM Page 1

8 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

2014 Ohio Holstein Business MeetingThe business meeting of the Ohio Holstein Convention

as held March 8, 2014, at the Carnation Mall at Alliance,Ohio. Following an opening prayer by Doug Dye, PresidentDallas Rynd called the meeting to order and madeintroductions. Secretary Cathy Berg presented the minutesof the 2013 annual meeting as printed in the program.Minutes were approved as printed. Treasurer Lisa Kerrreviewed the treasurer’s report as printed in the program, andthe report was approved. Tom Thorbahn gave the report onthe Ohio Dairy and Holstein Education Fund as printed inthe program. Current trustees of the fund are Regina Bergand Julie Renner, and Paul Haskins was nominated andelected to be the third trustee replacing Kevin Lingle, whoseterm had expired. President Dallas Rynd commented that ithad been a challenging year, and he was pleased with theway that the board and membership had worked together.He added that, with an insurance settlement and severalsuccessful sales, the Association is in approximately the samefinancial situation as a year ago.

The Credentials Committee reported that 43 of a possible92 delegates were present, which represented a quorum.Based on the Nominating Committee report printed in theprogram, Dallas Rynd was re-elected president for his secondone-year term, and Randall Kiko was re-elected vice-president for his second one-year term. Cathy Berg was re-

elected secretary for her third one-year term, and Lisa Kerrwas re-elected for the third one-year term.

The term of office for president and vice-president shallbe limited to two successive one-year terms. The term ofoffice for secretary shall be limited to three successive one-year terms, and the term of treasurer shall be limited to foursuccessive one-year terms.

Scott Higgins presented information on ADA Mideastand ODPA. Lindsay Worden of Holstein USA presented anupdate on the national association. The followingcommittee reports were printed in the program withadditional comments by the committee chairmen: ShowCommittee with comments from Steve Moff; and NewsCommittee with comments from Cheri Oechsle. Themembership report showed a total of 688 adult members todate, compared to 773 members in September 2013. Juniormemberships as of March 3, 2014, are 251 compared to 305as of September 2013. Both Junior and adult membershipscontinue to come in during the year. There are 26 newmembers for 2014.Lewis Jones gave a report on Spring Dairy Expo. Glen Sageserand Daren Sheffield of Holstein USA were in attendance.

President Dallas Rynd opened the floor for discussion toidentify member wants and needs.

Following the noon meal, the program turned to awardswith Cheri Oechsle as emcee and concluded with theHolstein Women’s Fun Auction.

2014 Ohio Holstein Convention Reports and Award Winners

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Tom Thorbahn, 2014Senior Buckeye Breed Builder Award


From a young age, Tom would follow his father, LewisThorbahn, to the barn for the evening milking, and beforelong, Tom learned to feed the calves. At the age of five, Tomwas promoted to record keeping, perched on a milk can atan old desk in the milk house, recording the milk weightsfor each cow, as well as recording breeding and calvinginformation in the herd register. He soon learned to milk,and by the age of ten could milk the whole herd of 40 head,carrying the milk to the milk house. The herd was allRegistered Holsteins, and Tom did all the registrations forthe herd. In 1960 his father and Uncle Richard built a newparlor and expanded the herd to 105 head. Tom was “athome” in the barn and was usually doing the milking andchores while everyone else was in the field.

Following graduation from OSU in 1971, Tom assumedall aspects of the dairy herd: milking, breeding, nutrition andhealth care. Over the next few years, the herd went back onofficial test, and later HIR, breeding the herd to 100% AI. Bythe late 1970’s, they enrolled in the classification program.During the herd expansion, many grade cows were added tothe herd. When HFA adopted the grade ID program, anygrade cows in the herd were identified. The herd prefix was“Crimson Lane,” which comes from the old lane lined withred bricks. In the late 1960’s, when Tom’s father and uncleretired, Tom and his younger brother Lewis assumed fullmanagement of the farm and dairy. The dairy herd was soldin 2009, a year after Lewis had a disabling stroke. Today, Tom

continues to grain farm 1,000 acres.Tom and his brothers all showed dairy 4-H and FFA

projects at the Sandusky County Fair and District 9 Show. Inthe 1980’s, they also showed at the Ohio State Fair. TheThorbahn brothers are proud to have bred the Reserve JuniorAll-American Senior Heifer Calf in 1984. The herd hasalways sold a few animals, but in the 1980’s they beganhaving regular consignments in state and district sales. Oneof their consignments was high seller at the OhioConvention Classic Sale. A private sale of a Bell daughter, toJake Chardon in 1986, provided embryos that founded aprominent cow family for the Veneriette family of northernHolland. This cow family was later featured in a HolsteinInternational article. One of the greatest compliments to asuccessful breeding program is the excellent performance ofanimals that are sold into another herd.

Tom has bred or developed numerous Gold Medal Damsand Dams of Merit, and many young sires were sent to A.I.from his herd. Two of those bulls were returned to activeservice at Sire Power. One was in the top ten for milkproduction in the breed following the bull’s release. Whenthe Tom’s herd was sold in 2009, the RHA was 24,988M,858F, 780P, with a BAA of 106.5.

Tom has been extremely active in the Ohio HolsteinAssociation, serving on numerous committees and offices.He served as treasurer for the 2000 National Convention inOhio. He is a 40-plus year member of the HFA; has servedas delegate to the National Holstein Convention manytimes; served on the National Nominating Committee; andin 2003, was elected to the at-large position as NationalDirector of the HFA, where he served on the JAC, GAC and

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86161 p08.15 feat.6ads.k.4c 3/20/14 1:46 PM Page 2

10 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Executive committees. He presently is a trustee and the vice-chairman of the National Holstein Foundation.

Active as a 4-H leader for many years, he coached the dairyjudging team and served on the Sandusky County and state4-H Extension Advisory Committees. Tom was on theMarketing Panel for the Governor’s Strategic Task Force forthe Dairy Industry in the early 1990’s. He has been active onthe District 9 board, serving as state director, and on thecounty dairy board. Tom has also received the SanduskyCounty Farmer of the Year award and the Outstanding ServiceAward from the Ohio Holstein Association, along with theOhio State University Dairy Science Hall of Service Award.

Tom and his wife Linda, a retired Fremont elementary artteacher, married 37 years ago at Good Shepherd LutheranChurch. Tom has been a church council member and officer,Sunday school teacher, usher, worship leader and choirmember. Besides cows, singing is another passion of Tom’s.He has sung with the Veracious Voice of Victory Choir andis presently president of the Terra Choral Society. This 120-member group, now in its 13th year, performs in NorthwestOhio, and for the second time, will return to participate inthe National Memorial Day Festival Concert at the KennedyCenter in Washington D.C. The choir has presented concertswith guest artists including Elizabeth VonTrapp. This springthey will be working with recording artist MelissaManchester and record for her new album.

Tom and Linda have one daughter, Ashley, a graduate ofCapital University with a degree in chemistry. Presently,Ashley is enrolled in professional school at The Ohio StateUniversity in the School of Pharmacy, working toward herdoctorate degree.

Tom concludes that the joy of working with thewonderful Registered Holstein cow has provided theopportunity to meet so many wonderful people across thestate and country, plus provided a life with so manycherished memories.

Adam Whiteleather, 2014 Junior Buckeye Breed Builder Award

by Adam Whiteleather PHOTO ON THE COVER

To my mother, Su Lin Boudler, I am known as AdamJohn. To my friends in Columbus, I am Whitey. Here at 8208Bayard Road, I am sometimes anything but my own name. Iwas born and raised at Whiteleather Hoslteins within a large,close-knit family. With two uncles, nine aunts, 23grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren, you can onlyimagine what the Columbiana County and District 2 showdays are like.

Some of my first farming memories are at the age of six.My grandfather, Ludwig, assigned strict duties to me ofpicking up trash and feeding baby calves. However, the onlygoal I had was to make sure that I rode with dad, GlennWhiteleather, when planting season started. Throughout myyears as a “youngster,” I have been involved with RegisteredHolsteins as a 4-H’er showing at the county fair and minimaldistrict shows. I did okay, but cows didn’t really give me that“itch” yet. At the age of 16, I was more of a tractor guy at thetime, and my only priority was planting corn, combining,raking and baling hay.

After high school, my strong interests in agriculturalindustry lead me to pursue a B.A. in Science and Agriculture,accompanied by an Associate’s degree in Construction at TheOhio State University. I had worked closely in the past withthe Soybean Research Lab as an intern, and my part-time jobwas on The Ohio State Grounds Crew Team. There I met agreat friend and future cow partner named Charlie Henry.We were responsible for prepping fields and game day setupon The OSU Buckeye football field. While performingmaintenance on irrigation lines and ground equipment,Charlie always wanted to talk about “cows.” His knowledgeof bulls and information about his own herd inspired me tolearn more about my family herd back home.

After graduation, I realized that my life didn’t have torevolve solely around harvesting. I started working with thecows on a daily basis. I began giving I.V. treatments to sickcows when needed, trimming hooves, vaccinating, breedingand helping with the pregnancy checks. Like Grandpa,mating cows is one of my favorite things to do and is thefoundation of the herd today. Lawrence and I are dedicatedto studying our cows and using the best bulls combined withhigh profile genetics to maintain that solid pedigree line. Itis self-gratifying to watch a two-year-old freshen in with agreat frame and mammary system and know that I wasresponsible for choosing the mating.

Here at Whiteleather Farms, we are currently milking 500Registered Holsteins. Our rolling herd average is 26,127 lbs.of milk, 964 lbs. of fat, and 807 lbs. of protein. We arecontinuing to grow at a rapid rate due to all of ourflushing/embryo transfer work. We enjoy working with ourherd and take pride in flushing. I am very excited to shareour growth and development of all our young ET’s. Some ofthese ET’s have seen the show ring a time or two. Due to ourgreat success in flushing by Dr. Nate Steiner, we have beenmore active in the show ring than ever before.

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OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 11

The highlight for me had to be during the 2013 Spring DairyExpo week. Wednesday, March 27, was the arrival of our firstchild, Stella Jane. Thanks to some great friends and a VERYunderstanding wife, Jessica, the cows made it down toColumbus and so did I! I made it down the night before theshow, and cows were resting comfortably and could not havelooked any better. I cannot give enough credit to CharlieHenry, Todd Unkefer and Rudy Kiko. Whiteleather Holsteinsended up winning Premier Breeder for the first time.

Through my constant studies, work experience and lifeon the farm. I have gained a strong knowledge of both thedairy and the agricultural business. In the past, I have beenelected to serve on the Dairy Advisory Committee for myColumbiana County. I am currently the state boardrepresentative for District 2 of the Ohio HolsteinAssociation, and I serve as a representative on both the Showand the Sale committees. I also serve on the DHIAcommittee. In 2008, I had the opportunity to buy a 128-acrefarm in Salem, Ohio, where I custom raise heifers and drycows for other dairymen. I thank them for their trust andtheir business.

One of the best parts about this industry is the people youmeet and the friends that you make. I was truly surprised andhonored to receive this award from the pool of talentedyoung dairy farmers. I didn’t do it without the help and theguidance of several great people; first and foremost, I have tothank my wonderful wife and daughter. Although there aremore bad days than good, and more long days than short,they support me on more levels than I can count. Thank youto my father, Glenn, for his tenacity and hardworkingmentality that I have picked up. Thank you to my mother for

her patience and understanding that I have somehowacquired. My brothers, who have always been there when Ineeded the most help. Thank you to Lawrence, Betty, Jill andEve; I appreciate all of your support and understanding,especially on the hectic days! A special thank you to mygrandma, Marjorie Whiteleather; she is known as “Grandma”to all that visit the farm, but I am proud to call her my own.She is our matriarch of the family and the heart ofWhiteleather Holsteins. Words cannot express my love andadmiration for this woman! Thank you to my good friendNevin L’Amoreaux, who’s always there for support,information and guidance. Also, thank you to Rudy Kiko,Todd Unkefer, Grant Cope, the Henry family, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Holsteins, Lorawae Holsteins, Buck Owen, ToddLocke and Bryan Whinnery. I would also like to recognize theother board members for all their hard work and dedicationto the association. This year has been particularly challengingregarding the state of the association. To Dallas Rynd andRandall Kiko, your persistence and phenomenal work thatwas done within the past year should not go unnoticed. I amhonored to have you as President and Vice-President of theassociation. To my neighbors, the Kiko Family, you have allbeen so gracious and eager to help me no matter what; to JoeStryffler, for giving me the opportunity to buy his family farmand assist me any time I needed it; to Jim Beardsley for allhis help; to Hugh and Justin Fraser, who never say no! All ofthese individuals are irreplaceable, and I hope that I cansomehow pay it forward. In closing, I want to thank everyonewho voted for me. I’m honored that my peers think that I’mworthy of such a distinguished title. Thank you to all bidders,buyers and owners of Whiteleather cattle.

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12 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Ohio Holstein Women’s Reportby Kathy Whiteleather Johnson, President

March 7, 2014, was the nicest day of the whole year in somany ways. The weather was sunny and in the 50's; theauction held at Kiko's had so many outstanding Holsteinswith buyers from several states; the tours at Campbells’ andWhiteleathers’ were such a pleasant experience, and theactivities at the Comfort Inn were enjoyed by all. Those whowere unable to attend did miss a great Ohio convention.Please read about it in the upcoming Farm and Dairy,because Susan Crowell editor of Farm and Dairy was thereas one of the queen’s judges and also taking lots of notes forthe paper.

The Ohio Holstein Women would like to thank KatieLora and her committee for a great 2014 queen contest.Congratulations to Queen Allison Mangun of District 7,daughter of Roy and Lisa Mangun, and to runner-up MorganMcDonnell of District 8, daughter of Kyle and BeckyMcDonnell. A tremendous amount of work from thecontestants, their parents and the committee is required tomake the contest a success.

Congratulations to Mary Liming from District 2, who wasselected as the Outstanding Holstein Women of the Year. Besure to read her interesting bio found in anther part of thisissue. $650.00 was given to each of the two recipients,Allison Mangun and Makayla Conrad, for the scholarshipawards. May they both continue their college education andenter into a career in agriculture. America needs more greatindividuals to meet the agricultural needs of the country.Allison Mangun also received the Memorial Scholarship.

Thanks to these committees: Cow Auction, Farm Tours,Food, Decoration, Table, Juniors, Queens, Scholarship,Women of the Year, Dairy Bar, Men’s, Awards, and FunAuction, and to any other committee I may have omitted. Ittakes many people and their great efforts to make theconvention successful. It is always a lot of work, and yet sorewarding when everything comes together. If you missedthis year, start making plans for next year. Also, a big thanksto the officers, Vice-President Betty Whiteleather, SecretarySara Twining and Treasurer Lisa Mangun.

Mary Liming of Lou-Ida Farm, 2014 Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year

by Lamar Liming PHOTO ON PAGE 14

My mother, Mary Liming, was born and raised on ourfarm, and this year marks 97 years of raising registeredHolsteins there. She was an only child; therefore, she was mygrandfather’s “son.” When she joined 4-H, she became veryactive with the cattle. Her father, Lamar Young, was acontractor besides running the farm. He gave her the job ofregistering the calves, which she continues to do. She lovedthe cattle, and to this day, her passion is the cattle. Seldomdoes a day go by that she has not been to the barn.

She was in the 4-H Dairy Club, and she showed at thelocal fairs and the Ohio State Fair. At that time, our TrumbullCounty cattle were grouped together and taken to Columbuson two railroad cars. Trumbull County was always writtenup at the State Fair, because it was the only county club whobrought their cattle to the fair on the train. She was also inher mother’s cooking club and on the Junior Fair Board. Shewas the Ohio Holstein Queen in 1956. In later years, shecomposed words to the “Miss America” melody to be usedfor the “Miss Futurity” song. She was happy that she and

Greta Cummings were never taken to jail for the copyrightinfringement. She attended several national Holsteinconventions with my grandparents, Lamar and Lillian. Shewas so impressed by meeting the famous breeders of thattime at the national meetings. My grandfather Lamar was astate director and was the Ohio Holstein President from1956 to 1958. Mary accompanied him when he attendedmeetings and to meet so many good breeders. At this timein her life, Mary was the church organist.

My mother graduated from Youngstown State University,where she was a member of Phi Mu Sorority. She became afourth grade teacher. Along with teaching, she was a 4-H clubadvisor. She married my father, A. Lee Liming, and they livedon Lou-Ida Farm. His farm had been sold for coal. Eventhough busy with this life, promoting Holsteins was alwayswhat Mary tried to do for others. She encouraged farmers toregister their cattle, would help draw the cattle of others, andhelped others complete registration applications. Shethought that it was sad not to register a calf. Lamar Youngpreached the value of registration to her and also the meritsof using good bulls. He taught her about pedigrees and theirvalue. Her father was a great student of the breed and lovedthe cattle. My mother and her father had their first excellentcow in the early 1950’s, and from then on, they tried toclassify each time it was offered. They thought thatclassification and production testing were important toolsto use in developing a good herd. This year marks 97 yearsof raising Registered Holsteins on Lou-Ida Farm.

Even though she was busy at home, she tried to be activein church and community. She has served on various boardsand committees as well as serving as chairperson of thechurch trustees. She also has been a member of theLordstown Garden Club and was chair of the summergarden club show. She belonged to the Lordstown CCL, PTA,Historical Society, District 1 & 2 Ohio Holstein DistrictClubs, Ohl Family Reunion committee, and in most of theseorganizations, she was the treasurer.

In summary, we all have continued to build our herdwith the help of A. Lee; myself, Lamar Liming; my wife,Estell; and our children, Louis and Marlena, who are theseventh generation to live on our family farm. Each isinterested in improving and promoting the Lou-Ida herdbecause of my mother Mary’s enthusiasm and encourage-ment. Lou-Ida is different from some other farms, as thelargest GM plant in the country is on our road. Because ofGM locating in Lordstown, city water was available, and ourcows now drink city water. Probably because of mygrandfather’s love of showing, which his daughter Marycontinued, we exhibit our cattle at the county fairs. Mary hasencouraged her grandchildren and their friends to join 4-Hand show our cattle. We also show at the Ohio State Fair.Mary usually is the one who gets the papers in order, andplans and executes the display. She does the accountingusing QuickBooks and keeps most of the cattle informationon the computer. Her computer work has helped the farm.

It has been my pleasure to write this introduction for mymother’s 2014 Woman of the Year Award.

Ohio Holstein Queen ContestPHOTO ON PAGE 14

The 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Contest on Fridayevening, March 7, brought youth and beauty to theconvention. The contestants were Megan Cornish, 18, ofNorth Fairfield, Ohio, District 8, the daughter of Dave and

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OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 13

Daphne Cornish; Hannah Dye, 17, of Beloit, Ohio, District2, daughter of Doug and Marty Dye; Allison Mangun, 19, ofBurbank, Ohio, District 7, daughter of Roy and Lisa Mangun;and Morgan McDonnell, 18, Wellington, Ohio, District 8,daughter of Kyle and Becky McDonnell.

Members of the Queen Committee were Katey Lora,Jacquelyn Sherry and Mikayla Conrad, all former OhioHolstein Queens. Helping to plan the event were SuzanneLora, Dianne Shoemaker, Pam Kiko and Jane Moff. Judgeswere Susan Crowell, editor of Farm and Dairy; Allison Ryan,Director of Communications, ADA Mideast; and Jane Hogan,Director of Academics at Mahoning County Career Center.

Allison Mangun was named as the 2014 Ohio HolsteinQueen with Morgan McDonnell named as runner-up. MC forthe evening was The Fish 95.5 radio announcer Josh Booth.

Special thanks go to Carla Inkrott, 2013 Ohio HolsteinQueen; to Ohio Holstein Women’s Association and OhioHolstein Association for continued financial support; tocontest sponsor Farm and Dairy; and to food sponsors CopeFarm Equipment, Hill’s Supply, Farm Credit Service Mid-America and Harold’s Equipment.

Junior Convention ReportPHOTO ON PAGE 15

The following are the directors of the Ohio JuniorHolstein Association: Anna Miley, Alli Mangun, AllisonJanes, Korey Oechsle, Morgan McDonnell, Matt Oechsle,Louis Liming and Keaton Topp.

Jacqueline Sherry will be a new Junior OHA advisoralong with Matt Lawson.

The results of the raffle to support the Ohio JuniorHolstein Association are as follows:

PRIZE DONOR WINNERSullivan Upright Show Box Topp Family Loren Hippely36” hanging fan Hills Supply Tim Miller$250 voucher Ohio Valley Show Supply Ben SimpsonPhoto session Cybil Fisher, Jenny Thomas Ken Janes$250 cash donation Beck’s Hybrids Matt LawsonThe Juniors will continue the raffle as a fund raiser. They

decided to invest $10,000 with Spreng Capital to set asidefor Junior activities in the near future when the NationalHolstein Convention will be hosted by Ohio.

This year’s National Holstein Convention will be inDubuque, Iowa, in June.

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14 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

AT LEFT:Senior Judging Contest WinnersFrom left: Curtis Bickel, 1st place;Don Bickel, 2nd place;Jason Miley (not pictured),3rd place

Woman of the YearFront: Mary Liming, son Lamar Liming

Back, from left: grandson Louis Liming, granddaughter MarlenaLiming, daughter-in-law Estell Liming

The Kiko family was thanked for hosting the 2014 Sale and Tour. Front, from left: Elizabeth, Pam holding Elaina, Jodi, Russell

Back, from left: Randall, Wyatt, Rusty, Ward, WaydenKikkos also received their first-year PBR award.

District 2 Special AwardFront: Bill and Pauline McKarns

Back, from left: granddaughter Sara Fraser, daughter Anne Marie Fraser

AT LEFT:Progressive Breeder Registry WinnersFront, from left: John Lora, Jim Sheffield Back, from left: Doug Dye, Paul Haskins, Dustin Campbell

All-Ohio WinnersFront, from left: Jenny Thomas, Ben Simpson, Brenda L’Amoreaux

Back, from left: Greg Conrad, Adam Whiteleather, Glenn Whiteleather, Lawrence Whiteleather, Lindsay and Lauren L’Amoreaux

AT RIGHT:Reserve All-Ohio Winner

Ava Budny, granddaughter of Tony andLaurie Menzie, accepted the ReserveAll-Ohio award for White Light GoldKolor-ET, owned by White Light and

Quietcove, Curran and Koster.

Ohio Holstein Queen and CourtFront, from left: 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, District 7;

Runner-up Morgan McDonnell, District 8Back, from left: 2013 Ohio Holstein Queen Cayla Inkrott, District 12;

Hannah Dye, District 2; Megan Cornish, District 8PHOTOS BYKAREN WELCH

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OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 15

Junior Judging Contest WinnersFrom left, Brice Walker, 3rd place; Allison Janes, 2nd ; David Miley, 1st

Ohio Junior Board of Directors at the ConventionBack, from left: Louis Liming, Matt Oechsle, Korey Oechsle

Front, from left: Anna Miley, Allison Mangun, Morgan McDonnell, Allison Janes

Junior All-Ohio AwardsBack, from left: David Miley for Adam Miley, Victoria Deam

Front, from left: Emma Matthews, Emily Deam

Junior Production AwardsLouis Liming

Reserve Junior All-Ohio AwardsBack, from left: Daniel Montgomery, Victoria Deam

Front, from left: David Miley for Adam Miley, Emily DeamMemorial Scholarship Recipient

Allison Mangun

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16 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Congratulations to the 14 Ohiorecipients of the 2013 PBR Award.

In order to qualify for theProgressive Breeders’ Registy (PBR)award, a herd must qualify under thefollowing criteria:

• Herd owner must be a memberof both their national and stateassociations, and enrolled in theDeluxe or Premier TriStar options andHerd Classification programs.

• Percent B.A.A. for HerdClassification must be in the top 25%of herds classified during the 18-month time period just prior to March1 of the current calendar year.

• Must have a minimum of twenty87% RHA and higher cows in themilking herd, of which at least 75%bear the herd owner’s prefix.

Automatic evaluation of all herdsis done annually. The PBR recognitionis given to approximately 10% ofherds enrolled in the Deluxe orPremier TriStar options. TriStar HerdMature Equivalent Lactation Averagesare adjusted by each state’s averageproduction. A milk component cutoffis based on combined fat and protein,which is calculated by multiplying themilk cutoff by 3.6% for fat and 3.1%for protein, and totaling the twocomponents.

2013 Progressive Breeders Registry Award RecipientsTHE FOLLOWING ARE OHIO RECIPIENTS OF THE AWARD.


BALMORAL FARMS,OH 4 84.6 108.2 25,643.0 939.0 765.0

CAMPBELL BROS., INC.,OH 27 85.5 107.8 29,679.0 1,241.0 890.0

DAVID L. KLINGENSMITH,OH 10 87.1 110.7 28,519.0 1,196.0 863.0

DOUGLAS S. DYE,OH 8 75.0 108.4 28,494.0 945.0 833.0

ERIC J. HAVENS LLC,OH 4 84.6 109.9 26,291.0 1,058.0 824.0

JALODA FARMS,OH 5 97.6 105.5 25,327.0 948.0 781.0

JOHN S. LORA,OH 18 95.6 110.5 27,554.0 961.0 824.0

KEITH A. BLAIR,OH 13 100.0 106.4 26,847.0 1,060.0 844.0

MILL-STONE ACRES,OH 12 100.0 106.4 25,961.0 960.0 779.0

R & P KIKO FAMILY FARMS, LTD.,OH 1 87.5 105.0 27,063.0 991.0 825.0

ROBERT W. HASKINS,OH 14 95.9 104.9 27,160.0 1,020.0 851.0

SPRINGHILL,OH 13 94.7 105.3 27,663.0 959.0 829.0

WARD SHOWALTER,OH 1 88.0 104.9 27,133.0 1,022.0 854.0

WILLIAM BURKHART, JR.,OH 17 92.8 105.6 27,725.0 1,156.0 842.0




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1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association

86161 p16 PBR.Garver 3/20/14 12:08 PM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 17

Miley Holstein Farms Ltd.The Miley Family • 7234 Bates Road, West Salem, OH 44287

Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 • E-mail: jdjamiley@aol.comPBR: 15 YEARS BAA 107.3 31 EX 92 VG 86 GP 5 G All Homebred

Jon and Amy MileyAdam and David


Joe and Diana MileyJason and Anna


Maternal Sister to Gloss and Gemini:Miley Advent B Gem-Red EX-93 EX-92 MammaryWinner of 2011 National Holstein Futurity

Miley Attitude Gloss-Red-ET Miley Advent B Gemini-Red-ET EX 90Born March 19, 2010

1-11 341d 19,913 3.8% 765F 2.9% 581P3-00 310d 25,342 3.5% 957F 2.8% 701P

Owned and shown by Adam

Born January 6, 2012Owned and shown by David

• 1st Winter Yearling R&W Jr Show, Spring Dairy Expo, 2013• Jr. Champion of R&W Jr. Show, Spring Dairy Expo, 2013• Honorable Mention Open Show, 2013• Due March 13 to APPLE

• 3rd National Holstein Futurity 2013 Ohio State Fair, 1st Jr.• 2nd Jr. Three-Year-Old 2013 Ohio State Fair R&W Show, 2nd Jr.• 1st Jr. Two-Year-Old 2012 Ohio State Fair R&W Show &

Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion• Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion Junior Show, 2012 OSF• Due March 23 to CONTENDER



86161 p17 Miley.CompMixx 3/20/14 2:05 PM Page 1

18 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

For advertisers mentioning Commodity Blenders and using the CBI logo, the News will offer the lowest contract rate

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Sponsor for the May-June 2014 Membership IssueSponsor for the May-June 2014 Membership Issue

Ohio Newsand

To the Spring Sale April 19 in Wooster, Ohio

A total of 17 Excellent dams behind these beautiful calves

Wil-O-Rae Holsteins 35 Burras Road • North Fairfi eld, OH 44855 • Scott Knoll, 419-685-3979

Lisa Kerr, cell 419-606-0527, email: wilorae@yahoo.com

Maternal sister to dam of Rain-Red5-09 2x 359d 29,660M 3.2% 944F 3.3% 981P

Silky black September calf, Wilcoxview Jasper X Longtime X VG Eraser X two more homebred Excellents

Domicole Chelios X Mr. Savage X EX Morty at 4-01 2x 365d 29,387M Lifetime Fat 3,763 X Titan with three more homebred Excellents

Three Fancy Show Age Calves

A fancy RED summer yearling for 2014:Crackholm Secure x G80 Debonair X EX-90 Marquis Ned,

with 10 more Excellent dams behind her back to Audrey Posch

Wil-O-Rae Secure Rain-Red 06/13

Wil-O-Knoll Jasper Pepper 09/13

Wil-O-Rae Chelios Tinsel 12/13

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 19


Esther’s Extras

20 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

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Congratulations and thank you toDistrict 2 and to everyone who helpedmake the sale and convention sosuccessful and enjoyable.

District 2 presented a special awardto a very surprised Bill McKarnsrecognizing him for all his service tothe District and to the State andNational Holstein Associations and forhis dedication to the Holstein breed.Bill was very instrumental inpromoting the registration upgradethat has expanded the registeredHolstein base. Bill was honored by Holstein USA with aDistinguished Service Award for his work in this area.

Esther WelchEditor

The Ohio Holstein Association SaleCommittee would like to thank everyone whoin any way contributed to the success of the2014 Ohio Holstein Convention Sale. A specialthank you to the District 2 Holstein Club andR & P Kiko Family Farm and all their familymembers for hosting the sale. Thank you toconsignors for sending outstanding consign-ments and to the buyers for making it a verysuccessful sale. Thanks to all those whodonated toward expenses. There are so manypeople who contributed in so many differentways that we can’t begin to name them all.There are probably people who helped thatwe don’t even know about! It is so great to seeeveryone in the Ohio Holstein Associationworking together to make things happen andbe successful. It was a great sale andconvention!

Ken Janes, Co-chairmanSteve Deam, Co-chairmanBarb Lumley, Co-chairman

Ohio NewsP.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691

Phone 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

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For FULL COLOR, add $175 for Breeder Ads,or add $225 for Commercial Ads.

Please contact the Ohio Holstein office with questions on color ad pricing.

There is a $5 additional charge per ad for Internet posting.


The information printed in the text and ads is as supplied to the News by the sources listed and by individual advertisers.

ISSUE DEADLINE PUBLISHEDJanuary-February December 15 January 25

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86161 p20 Extr.SaleComm.Mead 3/20/14 1:39 PM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 21



Reminder to Juniors: You must bea member of the Junior Ohio HolsteinAssociation by May 1 of the currentyear in order to be eligible for JuniorAll-Ohio awards.

•Phil and Shirley Kerr, D-8, Falling

Star Farms, Polk, Ohio, celebratedtheir 60th wedding anniversary onDecember 25, 2013.

•Clarification of All-Ohio Calendar:

Southern-Hills Dami Melrose wasowned solely by Kyle Andrews forboth All-Ohio and Junior All-Ohio 5-Year-Old.

•Bob Sommers wants the readers of

the News to know that the truck thathe drives at the Ohio State FairNational Holstein Futurity is a 1935Ford truck.

•The Ohio State University

participated in the Dairy Challenge,and traveled to northeasternWisconsin. Participating universitiesand technical schools included DordtCollege, Fox Valley Technical College,Iowa State University, Kansas StateUniversity, Lakeshore TechnicalCollege, University of Minnesota, TheOhio State University, PurdueUniversity, South Dakota StateUniversity, Southwest TechnicalCollege, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Platteville and University ofWisconsin-River Falls.

On Farm 2, judges selected teamRenaissance Nutrition for the topaward. Individuals includedKristopher Boucher of Kansas State;Veronica Hilton, Purdue; KristinLeiteritz, Lakeshore Technical College;Max Luchterhand, UW-Madison; andKara Uhlenhake, Ohio State.

•National Dairy Shrine Scholarship Applications Due April 15

The National Dairy Shrine is againlooking for applications for its annualscholarship program. Applications areaccepted from March 1 until thedeadline of April 15. Official scholars-hip application award forms areavailable on the NDS web site,www.dairyshrine.org, underScholarships.

The NDS offers a variety ofscholarships to students who are inhigh school, two- and four-yearcolleges and grad school.

If you would like to apply for anyof these scholarships, please visit the

NDS website at www.dairyshrine.orgto download the applications. If you

Grapevine – continued on page 33

86161 p21 Grape.LMAW.Impact 3/20/14 1:44 PM Page 1

22 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Hello, every-one; what awinter! As I write this, we have had 14days below zero and 40 inches ofsnow. I hope everyone has had a goodwinter, because I know all theproblems that go along with cold andsnow. I will be heading to the typeconference in Wisconsin next week,and then our board meeting is March20 and 21, and then to the judgesconference and the Ohio Spring Showthe last week of March.

On other Holstein news, atyearend there were 278,703 animalsin 1,831 herds enrolled in HolsteinComplete as compared to 2012. Thisis one percent decrease in animals anda one percent increase in herds. Therewere 360,180 animals registered,which is a decrease of one percent.Seventy-five percent of the animalsregistered were less than three monthsold. Transfers were up 84% with atotal of 120,698 animals beingtransferred due to the fact that we hadone herd doing a family transfer,which amounted to 46,583 animals.


National Director

Without this herd, we still transferred74,115 animals, which is an increaseof 13%. In the Basic ID program,219,505 animals were identified. Thisis a seven percent increase over lastyear. There were 701 new adultmembers and 936 new juniormembers, an increase of 11% foradults and a three percent decrease injunior members.

In the classification program, weevaluated 224,908 animals in 4,705herds. This is a two percent decreaseof animals and a three percent

decrease in herds. In the SET program,81,558 animals in 5,222 herds wereevaluated, which makes a decrease ofeight percent in animals

I hope to see many of you inColumbus; not only is this yourSpring Show, but Ohio will be hostingthe HAUSA judges conference thatcoincides with the show.

On a personal note, if I don’t seeyou in Columbus, I want to invite youto our dispersal on April 5.

Stay warm!Indiana Jones — Mike Jones


Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman

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OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 23

86161 p23 Ratta 4c 3/20/14 11:56 AM Page 1

Ten-Penny Holsteins The “Little Spike Farm”Peter & Jean Spike4380 Byers Road, Delaware, OH 43015Ph: 740-363-2184E-mail: spikeptr@aol.com

24 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Check out this pairwith SOLID PEDIGREES

for a SOLID FOUNDATION for the FUTURE!!April 19th at the

Ohio Holstein Spring Salein Wooster at 11 a.m.

TWO December calves fromour BEST FAMILIES!

Consignment #1Ten-Penny M-O-Shan Goldie, born 12/15/13

+1928G +1325M +68F +.07% +47P +.03%+2.06T +1.51UDC +1.48FLC (Feb/2014)

Daughter ofTen-Penny JS Golden-ET GP-83

4-06 3x 365d 30,744M 3.7% 1,149F 3.1% 944PLIFETIME 1,213d 89,189M 3.6% 3,177F 3.2% 2,814P

Granddaughter ofRi-Val-Re Abe Goldie-ET EX-92 2E

4-08 2x 365d 43,040M 3.9% 1,683F 2.9% 1,236PLIFETIME 1,444d 129,360M 3.8% 4,892F 3.0% 3,838P

10th generation EX or VG

Consignment #2Ten-Penny Shamrock Dare, born 12/1/13

+1966G +581M +56F +.13% +28P +.04%+2.30T +1.78UDC +1.46FLC (Feb/2014)

Daughter ofTen-Penny Pontiac Darta-ET VG-88

4-09 3x 358d 31,412M 3.7% 1,158F 3.0% 934PLIFETIME 1,254d 100,357M 3.8% 3,753F 3.1% 3,108P

Milking 138# on last test date

Granddaughter ofLadson O-Man O-Dart-ET VG-86 DOM

4-10 2x 365d 37,974M 3.7% 1,388F 3.3% 1,241PLIFETIME 2,313d 203,758M 4.2% 8,495F 3.3% 6,722P


Schultz Shottle Krisp EX-92She still looks great at 8 years!2-01 365d 28,600M 1,019F 831P3-09 365d 33,371M 1,309F 1,057P5-02 365d 30,933M 1,243F 962PLIFETIME: 153,221M 6,108F 4,804P

JALODA MOGUL KAYLABorn June 22, 2013

GTPI +2211PTA 1,833 Milk 62 Fat

PTAT 3.44 UdderCon 3.24F+L Com 2.65

Her Dam: JALODA DOMAIN KELLY GP-832-07 345d 19,185M 692F 553P Inc.


Dam is VG-85



Cell: 440-935-6378 • Fax: 440-775-7147Email: jalodafarm@yahoo.comJim, Dan and Daren Sheffield

45555 St. Rt. 303 Wellington, OH 44090

PGH 22 YearsPBR 5 Years

To the Spring SaleApril 19, Wooster

Krisp’s Mogul Granddaughterwith GTPI +2211

86161 p24 TenPen.Jaloda 3/20/14 11:40 AM Page 1

Cheers to the Sale Staff & Crew!Russell, Randall and Rudy Kiko, Nevin L’Amoreaux, Steve Jordan and crew, and all other Kiko auctioneers. You all made this sale a great success!

Best of Luck to the following buyers:• Rudy Kiko for purchasing Whiteleather Hero 2212-ET• Kiko Farms for purchasing Whiteleather Goldchip 2000-ET• Jay Hein for purchasing Whiteleather Jordan 1931-ET and Whiteleather Bradnick 2085-ET We wish them unlimited success with these purchases.

Congratulations to:Mary Liming, Ohio Holstein Women of the year;Tom Thorbahn, Sr. Buckeye Breed Builder Award;Adam Whiteleather, Jr. Buckeye Breed Builder Award; andBill McKarns for his help and dedication to the Holstein breed.

Special thanks to the following friends and

family who helped make this day possible:

Steve Jordan, Todd Unkefer, Mark Owen, Bryan Whinnery, Autumn Smith, Hannah Dye, Evan Dye, Levi Cooper, Wayne Zimmerman, Bill Altenhof, Josh Howell, Travis Johnson, Wes Johnson, Nikki Howell, Matt Borland, Rodney Borland, Deb Collen, Jill Whiteleather, Jessica Whiteleather, Gretl Whiteleather, Steve Hippley, David Abbadi, Ruth Whiteleather Orell, Alexa Bates, Shirley Whiteleather Fox, Margie Wilson, Betty Whiteleather, Tom Hagan, Evan Robb, Esther Whiteleather, Vikki Salter, Nate Steiner of Fulton Road Genetics, Kathy Whiteleather Johnson. Thank you to our tent sponsor, James Rhodes of First National Bank, Salem, Ohio, 330-277-1463 (Ag-Loans). Thank you to ABS and Select Sires for sponsoring the judging contest, and to Paul Colley, our Purina Nutritionist.


Betty, Glenn, Lawrence & Jason Whiteleather8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, OH 44657

Phone: 330-868-5250, Lawrence’s Cell: 330-904-1806Wesley Johnson’s Cell: 330-853-6446

Adam Whiteleather29468 Tower Road, Salem, OH 44460

Home Phone & Fax: 330-222-1642Cell: 330-205-1738, Email: ajw116@frontier.com

Service Age Bulls AvailableInquiries Welcome

Harvester Silo Parts and Unloaders For Sale

Visitors Always Welcome

Thank you to all that attended the Ohio Holstein Association Sale and tours.

You made the 94th Annual Holstein Convention a success!

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26 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 27

86161 p27 Shearer 4c 3/20/14 12:01 PM Page 1

28 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Ohio Spring Sale

Ri-Val-Re Abe Goldie-ET EX-92 2ESELLING 12/13 SHAN gr-dtr with

115# CFP. Potential project calf from10 gen VG-EX Dams.

– Ten-Penny –

Krull Encore Elsie-ET EX-94 2EVG-85 DESTRY daughter SELLS due to

REDLINER with 2nd calf 4/25.3rd Dam is Elegance.

– Spreng, Eberly, Welch –

Schultz Shottle Krisp EX-92 2E DOMSELLING 6/13 MOGUL gr-dtr

with +2211G. Backed by9 gen VG-EX Dams.

– Jaloda Fm –

Budjon Stormatic Allison-ET EX-94 2E12/13 Acme gr-dtr SELLS from EX-92

Jasper, making 5 gen EX dams.– Stein Creek Fms –

RC-LC Goldwyn ATM EX-92 DOMSELLING Pecos dtr fresh with

2nd calf. Also two 9/13 SHINE dtrswith over 2100G SELL.

– Steiner –

Ja-Bob LB Honalulu-Red-ET VG-87Polled dtr SELLS, due 5/17 to

CLIQUE-PP-Red. Two brothers beingtested for AI. 10 gen VG-EX dams.

– Yeazel –

Diamond-Oak Blitz Alison-ETVG-88 DOM

Braxton dtr SELLS due 5/15DOORMAN. Mat sister w/over

30,000# at 2 yr.– Idyl Brook –

Pine-Tree 1782 Toubi 4831 VG-85SELLING 3/13 heterozygousPOLLED dtr by EARNHART.

4th dam is Rudy Missy.– Gasser & Steiner –

Androscoggin-I Redlight-Red EX-923/13 REDBURST dtr SELLS. Mat sister

to Miss Redlights Raven- Red.– Van Exel & Triple-T –

Caline 1342 EX-91SELLING Embryo Lots by

ATWOOD or HILL.– Stein Creek Fms –

Ladson O-Man O-Dart-ET VG-8612/13 SHAMROCK gr-dtr SELLSfrom deep pedigree with test andproduction. Potential project calf.

– Ten-Penny –

Dreamstreet Renee EX-91 2ESELLING Red 6/13 SECUREheifer from 11 gen EX dams.

– Wil-O-Rae –

Elm-Park Intuit-Red EX-93 3E GMDADVENT dtr SELLS from this greatChampion R&W show veteran.

Will be fresh.– Steiner –

Carpsdale-J Gld Anniversary EX-91 2ESELLING Embryo Lots by


Ricecrest Terry Tory-ET EX-93 2ESELLING Red MR BURNS

gr-dtr, is fresh in Jan.– Leininger –

Indianhead Rub Rosa-Red-ET EX-90SELLING 7/13 red & polled

gr-dtr by COLT-P.– Stein Creek Fms –

86161 p00.00 SpringSale 3/20/14 11:53 AM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 29

Wayne Co. Fairgrounds, Wooster, OHApril 19, 2014 • 11 a.m.

Pine-Tree Shamrock Monet-ETAn early dtr of SHAMROCK SELLSfrom MOLLIE. Fresh in Feb at 1-11

after great flushes as a heifer.– Idyl Brook –

Topp-View Eland Electra EX-90 2E3/14 ATWOOD gr-dtr SELLS

from 3 gen of EX dams.– Bickel –

Pintail-Point R Goldie EX-91SELLING her daughter,

Pintail-Point B Rhonda EX-92,and her 7/15/13 GUTHRIE

grd-dtr. Very typy pair!!– W-W Associates –

MILKING and SPRINGING COWSConrad Fms . . . . . APPLE-RED – Fresh in Feb. Already milking 120#Beachy . . . . . . . . . TALENT – DUE 3/22 to SANCHEZ SILKY DAIRYGriffith . . . . . . . . . TALENT – FRESH ~93#Griffith . . . . . . . . . MILLION – FRESH 12/25/13 ~96# short bredMill-Stone . . . . . . . BAXTER Grd-dtr FRESH 2/1/14Golden Briar Fm . . ATWOOD – DUE 3/19/14 to BRAXTON – DEEP FAMILYSteiner . . . . . . . . . BIG TIME X VG-85 Armstead X VG-87 GoldwynFox . . . . . . . . . . . FRESH 1 Mo. 1st Lactation – 2-O0 337 22,779M 885M 700P Steiner . . . . . . . . . ATLANTIC X EX-90 DURHAM – 2ND LactationBesancon . . . . . . . LIGHTNING 3-yr-old – FRESH FebRaber . . . . . . . . . . BOXER – FRESH 2/16/14 – Super UdderDoughty Valley . . . DEUCE – DUE 4/7 to 7HO10233 MIZZOU Hershberger . . . . . JAVA – DUE 3/22 to 7HO10228Schlabach. . . . . . . BOLIVIA – DUE 3/29/14 3rd Dam EXAlden . . . . . . . . . . E STREET – FRESH 2/7/14Raber . . . . . . . . . . SHOT – FRESH 3/8Mill-Stone . . . . . . . JAMMER – FRESHPowelson . . . . . . . LAUTHORITY – FRESHRupp-Vue . . . . . . . FORK – FRESH 12/6, 112# in Jan & 94# 4.4% Fat in FebPowelson . . . . . . . FRESH SANCHEZGasser . . . . . . . . OSMOND – FRESH 1/16Gasser . . . . . . . . SHOT – FRESH 2/4/14Horning . . . . . . . . MORPHEUS – FRESH FEB

MORE SPRINGERS/YEARLINGS:Fox. . . . . . . . . . . . Due 4/30/14 to GABOR 7HO8477Gilbert . . . . . . . . . ALEXANDER – DUE 4/23/14 to DEMPSEYHorning . . . . . . . . SLEET-RED – DUE late MarchGilbert . . . . . . . . . WINDBROOK – DUE 6/3/24 to AFTERSHOCK

(ultrasound fem)Landers/Weber . . . SOCCER-RED – DUE 5/3 to Mr. Morningview Aladdin Shoemaker . . . . . . IOTA – DUE 5/28 to 11HO10661Brown. . . . . . . . . . ANIGMA – BRED 10/14/13 to 54HO553

Rainyridge BarnieShoemaker . . . . . . RAZOR – DUE 5/9 to 11HO10661Shoemaker . . . . . . MILLION – DUE 5/26 to 1HO10296Berg . . . . . . . . . . . LARGE BRED 3/7/14 to 7H12021 DE-SU LTM

PONDER 11345-ETWolboldt . . . . . . . . BOLTON – DUE 4/25 to 29HO12209-SHOTTLEWolboldt . . . . . . . . FREDDIE – DUE 4/25 to 29HO12209-SHOTTLESprunger . . . . . . . . Fancy DAMION Winter Yearling Sells

CALF/HEIFERSSteiner . . . . . . . RC ALCHEMY Jr YearlingBrown . . . . . . . TWIN Fall Calf by GUTHRIEBrown . . . . . . . TWIN Fall Calf by GUTHRIEGunkleman . . . . COLBY from 3 8th generations VG-EXHershberger . . . GLEN; Dam VG-87 GrDam EX DurhamKerr . . . . . . . . . JASPER; Silky Black Sept Calf 2 EX damsJaloda Fms . . . . HILL Fall Calf from VG-85 DamYeazel . . . . . . . Red SPECIAL EFFECT-PBerg . . . . . . . . . DREAMER Sept CalfVelvet-View . . . . SNAZZY FROM Multi-gen EX DAMSHunsberger . . . . POLLED COLT-P X 86pt Talent; 4 EX dams

to MandyLingle . . . . . . . . CHELIOS Dec 13 CalfSimpson . . . . . . HILL Dec CALFKerr . . . . . . . . . CHELIOS X 3 gen EX DamsSteiner . . . . . . . DALLAS Feb 2014 dtr of ATLANTIC 118


Catalogs will be available by calling the Ohio Holstein officeat 330-264-9088. Also available at www.ohioholstein.com

or at www.DairyAgendaToday.com.

AuctioneerSteve Andrews . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-465-8498

PedigreesTed Renner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-466-1196

Cattle PrepSteven Jordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-749-7089

Night CrewVaughn Rahl

Sale StaffSteve Deam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-477-6616Ken Janes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-739-2038Paul Haskins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-618-4028Randall Kiko. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-831-0174Russell Kiko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-853-0401

HA-USA Regional RepresentativeGlenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . 502-321-8670

86161 p28.29 SpringSale 3/21/14 9:43 AM Page 2

Genex is proud to introduce PregCheck+ fertility rankings on GenChoice

sires to help improve conception rates and get more calves on the

ground. Contact your Genex rep for PregCheck+ rankings today.

Toby Schaub, Uniontown, OH 330.715.0256

Ben Hickerson, Bradford, OH 937.726.7241

Terry Weiker, Republic, OH 419.618.0834

Michael Gable, Orrville, OH 330.466.3755

Eric Miller, Millersburg, OH 330.231.7732

Josh Keplar, Shreve, OH 330.464.2586

Your Fertility Leader Has Taken the Next Step.

Now It’s Time to Take Yours: Use high fertility sires from your fertility leader!


Released in April 2013!

PREGCHECK ™sire fertility ranking

Released in December 2013!


sire fertility ranking for sexed semen

The Next Step …

Released in August 2013!

SYNCHCHECK ™sire fertility ranking for use with

synchronization programs

©2014 CRI A-06904-14

30 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Fuel Up To Play 60Is Still Going Strong

in Ohio and west virginia:2,104 parents and teachers volunteered as FUTP 60 Program Advisors

representing 1,294 schools.

More than 3,800 schools are enrolled in FUTP 60.

There are 94 touchdown schools, which is an increase from 65 schools in 2012.

Since it’s inception in 2007, FUTP 60 has awarded $918,871 in grants to 297 schools, which impacted 196,771 students.


53,697STUDENTS97 47schools & districtsin

$252,698awarded in grants

2014 SNEAK PEEK:Two new Healthy Eating videos

featuring Cleveland Browns offensive tackle Joe Thomas and Cincinnati Bengals defensive end Michael Johnson (pictured left).



Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP 60), created by the dairy checkoff, in 2008, is the nation’s largest in-school wellness program with more than 73,000 schools enrolled. FUTP 60

partners, which include the National Dairy Council and National Football League, along

with the support of the USDA, renewed a five year partnership in 2013 to demonstrate

their shared commitment to children’s health and wellness in our nation’s schools.

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 31

32 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

DISTRICT 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .State Director Ryan WelchPresident Dave ConradVice-President Dave CornishSecretary Patrick TwiningTreasurer Lisa KerrShow Chairman Ray TwiningYouth Chairman Daren Sheffield

Activities Held in 2013 —Jan. 19 Annual Meeting, Huntington Twp.

House, 30 presentAug. 20 District 8 Show, Lorain Co. FairAug. 20 District 8 Showmanship, Lorain Co.

FairSept. 9 Barn Meeting and Tag Sale,

Conrad Farm, 50 presentActivities Planned for 2014 —Feb. 1 Annual Meeting, Wellington Metro

Parks Reservoir Community Room, 30 present

TBA Tag Sale, date to be announcedAug. 19 District 8 Show, Lorain Co. Fair Aug. 19 Showmanship, Lorain Co. Fair

President Dave Conrad welcomed everyoneto the District 8 Annual Meeting on February 1,2014. He thanked Jeneva Auble for reservingthe Community Room. The outstanding JuniorBreeder Award was presented to Justin Wolff ofMedina. Tom Packard of Lodi was named therecipient of the Senior Breeder Award, but wasunable to attend the meeting.

From the Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DISTRICT 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

State Director Marvin SteinkePresident Alan BrownVice-President Richard SteinkeSecretary Lou BrownTreasurer Lou BrownMembership Chairman Tom StrasburgNews Reporter Lou BrownSale Chairman Loren ElsassShow Chairman Lou BrownYouth Chairman Cheri OechsleYouth Rep Matt Oechsle

Activities Held in 2013 —Jan. 16 Membership, New Breman Pizza Hut,

12 presentJune 17 Homan Drive-Thru Barn Tour,

New Breman, 60 presentJuly 29 District 12 Show and Junior Show,

Auglaize Fairgrounds, 80 presentJuly 29 District 12 Jr. Showmanship,

Wapakoneta, 22 presentActivities Planned for 2014 —Jan. 15 Membership, New Breman Pizza Hut,

13 presentJune Frankenburg Robotic Dairy,

New KnoxvilleJuly 28 District 12 Show and Jr. Show,

Wapakoneta, 7:30 p.m.July 28 District 12 Jr. Showmanship,

Wapakoneta, 7:00 p.m.DISTRICT 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

State Director Jenny ThomasPresident Leslie MauriceVice-President Jenny ThomasSecretary Cindy HowmanTreasurer Chris LahmersMembership Chair Kim BroshesNews Reporter Tony BroshesSale Chairman Cindy HowmanYouth Chair Jeremy Adams

Activities Held in 2013 —Mar. 9 State Holstein Convention, SydneyMar. 13 Host Dairy Judging PracticesJune 22 District 13 Show, UrbanJune 22 District 13 Showmanship, Urbana

The 2014 Officers and Program Workreports are due in the office.

Here is the summary of reports receivedbefore the annual meeting. This is a way toshare information on district officers andactivities throughout the state and to encourageother districts to share their information.DISTRICT 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

State President Dallas RyndState Director Greg ConradPresident Adam GrossVice-President Alison GrossSecretary Judy WolfordTreasurer Dallas RyndShow Chairmen Dallas Rynd and Dick Lewis

Activities Held in 2013 —Feb. 15 Annual Meeting, CirclevilleJune 17 District Show, CirclevilleActivities Planned for 2014 —Feb. Annual Meeting, CirclevilleJune 23 District Show, Pickaway Co.

Fairgrounds DISTRICT 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

State Director Lisa MangunPresident Scott SprungerVice-President Buck OwenSecretary Chelsi LingleTreasurer Lisa MangunNews Reporter Chelsi LingleShow Chairman Jason Miley

Activities Held in 2013 —July 13 District 7 Show, Wayne Co.

Fairgrounds, 77 head shownJuly 13 Showmanship, Wayne Co.

Fairgrounds, 20 youthActivities Planned for 2014 —Jan. 20 Annual Meeting, Mrs. Yoder’s

Kitchen, Mt. Hope, 90 presentJuly 12 District 7 Show, Wayne Co.

FairgroundsJuly 12 Showmanship, Wayne Co. Fairgrounds

Justin Wolf, Medina, received the District 82014 Outstanding Junior Breeder Award.Justin is pictured with Dave Conrad, Presidentof District 8. Photo by Karen Welch

AT LEFT: District 8 officersFront, from left: Lisa Kerr, treasurer;Dave Cornish,vice-president; Dave Conrad,presidentBack, from left: Ryan Welch, state boardmember; PatrickTwining, secretary; Ray Twining, showchairman; Daren Sheffield,youth chairmanPhoto by Karen Welch

5107 S. Jefferson Road Wooster, OH 44691

330-262-9186330-465-8498 Steve330-466-5471 Seth


86161 p32.33 dist.And.TC.jp 3/20/14 1:38 PM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 33

Activities Planned for 2014 —Feb. 18 Annual Meeting, Mad River MarketMar. 14 Dairy Judging Clinic, various farmsJune 21 District 13 Show, SidneyDISTRICT 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

State Director Eric ToppPresident Matt AndrewsVice-President Eric ToppSecretary Diane AndrewsTreasurer Diane AndrewsShow Chairman Matt AndrewsYouth Rep Keaton Topp

Activities Held in 2013 —Feb. 16 District 14 Meeting, Bob Evans,

Sidney, 6 presentJuly 21 Pizza Party, Shelby Co. Fairgrounds,

15 presentActivities Planned for 2014 —Feb. 16 District 14 Meeting, Bob Evans,

SidneyJuly 20 Pizza Party, Shelby Co. Fairgrounds

Oxygen Barrier System

This easy to use patented “impermeable” plastic reduces lossof silage in bunker silos to less than 5% and virtually elimi-nates surface mold. In combination with protective tarps, thefilm is protected from bird, rodent, and UV damage.

To complete the system, Silostop sandbags are used on theoverlaps. It is not necessary to provide weight over the entiresurface so tires are effectively eliminated.


Sterling, Ohio at 1-800-331-2625 Ohio’s only authorized Silostop dealer

Silostop film being laid at US Dairy Forage Research Center

Grapevine – continued from page 21

have any questions, please contact theNDS office at info@dairyshrine.org.Winners of these awards will beannounced this summer, with thepresentation of awards to be held atthe annual NDS awards banquet inMadison, Wisconsin, on ThursdayOctober 2, 2014.

•For information on Holstein USA

youth programs, contact KelliDunklee at 800.952.5200, ext. 4124or kdunklee@holstein.com.

•Columbus, OH — The American

Guernsey Association is pleased toannounce that Lewis Jones has beenhired as Chief Business Administrator.He will be responsible for thefinancial management and staffoversight of the American GuernseyAssociation, (AGA) and PurebredPublishing, a division of the AGA. Hewas selected after an interview processof board members, industryrepresentatives and AGA members.Jones will assume these dutiesbeginning mid-April. David Trotter,AGA President and Interim ExecutiveSecretary, said, “We are excited aboutthe experiences that Lewis Jonesbrings to AGA and strongly believethat we are heading in the rightdirection for the future of theGuernsey breed and membershipwith the management expertise hebrings to the organization.”

A graduate of The Ohio StateUniversity, Jones currently overseesthe Spring Dairy Expo as show

manager. The Expo presents multiplebreed regional and national dairyshows and sales held annually inColumbus, Ohio. For 15 years he waswith the State of Ohio Department ofAgriculture, where his responsibilitiesincluded directing the OhioDepartment of Agriculture DairyDivision sanitation program,including the assurance of safe andwholesome milk and dairy productsfor the consumer. His most recent titlewas Department Deputy Director.Prior to that, he spent several years asan auditor of milk and productsreceipts and distributions with theFederal Milk Market Administrator,Federal Order 33, in Columbus, Ohio.

His list of experiences also includesInvestment Advisor, and he was anOperations Manager at The PillsburyCompany’s Grain Division.

Jones is a lifetime member of theNational Dairy Shrine, a member ofthe Ohio Agricultural Council, OhioFarm Bureau Federation, The OhioState University Alumni Association,Alumnus of Alpha Gamma SigmaFraternity, and has served as a pastpresident and vice president of theNational Association of DairyRegulatory Officials. He is also therecipient of the 2011 Ohio StateUniversity Dairy Science Hall ofService Award.

Grapevine – continued on page 34

86161 p32.33 dist.And.TC.jp 3/20/14 1:41 PM Page 2

Ben-Alli HolsteinsRoy, Lisa & Allison – Ben & Jenessa Mangun

13693 Friendsville Road, Burbank, OH 44214

34 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Congratulations to Allison Mangun(seated left) for beingchosen as the 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen, and congratu-lations to Morgan McDonnell(seated right), First Runner-up. We’re proud of you!

Also pictured, standing from left: Cayla Inkrott, D12, 2013 Queen; Hannah Dye, D2, and Megan Cornish, D8.

Quality Service Guaranteed!

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w/OEM Parts


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WE’VE MOVED!! NEW HOURS!Curvin Wenger Tues. – Fri. 9:00-5:001208 Dalton Fox Lake Rd. (sharpening drop-off only)Dalton, OH 44618 Evenings and Sat.Ph. 330-828-9002 (new) BY APPOINTMENT ONLYsharpwenger@yahoo.com www.newbedfordsharpening.com


Fencing, Lambing & Sheep Supplies

PROFESSIONAL SHARPENINGClipper Blades: Pet Grooming,

Barber, Horse, Cattle, Sheep

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Hoof Knives/Hoof Trimmers

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RETAIL STOREBlades, Clippers and Accessories

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•Laura Gordon has joined the ABS

Global, Inc. team as an ABSCornerstone® specialist for California.

A graduate of The Ohio StateUniversity, Gordon majored in animalscience and agricultural systemsmanagement and has strong workexperience in dairy calf management,farm marketing and advertising.

As an ABS Cornerstone specialist,Gordon will be responsible forassisting in the development of newherds, as well as working with staff toevaluate and maintain data in herdsalready participating in the ABSCornerstone program. She will beresponsible for on-farm evaluating,coordinating and picturing of ABS-sired progeny, as well as arranging andconducting ABS daughter and herdtours. Gordon will be based inCalifornia and will work with herdsthroughout that state.

Grapevine – continued from page 00

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OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 35

36 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Convention Thank Yous —District 2 would like to thank all the Convention Sale consignors and buyers.The Kiko Family was pleased to host the sale and thanks the following sponsors for their support: COBA/Select Sires,

Genex/CRI, DHI, Priority One, First National Bank, Kiko Auctioneers, Witmer’s Feed, Whiteleather Farms, Campbell Bros.Farm, Morris Milk Transport, Homeworth Feed, Mycogen Seed, Renaissance Feed, Dairy Farmers of America, ColumbianaCounty Dairy Boosters, and Doug and Evan Dye for transporting chairs and benches.

Thanks to all the Kiko Family members and Kiko Farm employees: Luke Hilton, Brian and Matthew Kolm, and DonBrown, who also helped. Thanks to the sale nightcrew for their hard work: Bryan Whinnery, ToddBricker, Austen Shoemaker, Brian Moff, Jon Dye,Ryan Kiko and Mark Miller. Also thanks to the fittingand sale crew.

Also very much appreciated are the sponsors forthe convention activities held at the hotel and mall:Cope Farm Equipment, Hills Farm Supply, FarmCredit Services, Harold’s Equipment, UnkeferEquipment, Farm & Dairy, Nova Vet Services, andDamascus Hardware & Water Conditioning.

Other convention sponsors listed on the programincluded ABS and COBA/Select Sires, sponsors ofFriday’s Judging Contest; W. G. Dairy Supply; GerberFeed Service; The Commercial & Savings Bank; D. C.Curry Lumber Company; Brewster Dairy; IBA ofOhio; Millersburg Tire; Habrun’s Insurance; SprengCapital Management; Robert J. Matthews/PBSAnimal Health; and ADM Alliance Nutrition, RogerSchrader.

Dairy Bar sponsors included ADA Mideast, SmithDairy, Guggisberg Cheese, Holmes Cheese, BunkerHill Cheese and Pearl Valley Cheese.

Zimmerview DairyPaul, Brent and Dean Zimmer

700 Zimmer Road, Marietta, OH 45750 • 740-374-7299 Ph. • 740-374-6288 Fax

2 Years PGH Award

Cookiecutter SS Hey 7043-ETVG-87 87-MS DOM2-00 365D 29,806M 1,197F 995PHey — Fresh again at 3-07 — First 2 tests 172M,120M

✦ USDA Elite List Cow, Locator List Cow,Top 10,000 Cow

✦ Contracted heavily asa heifer

✦ More contracts this lacta-tion

✦ Has 2 sons in Select Sireslineup and more coming

✦ Same cow family as thepopular Halogen bull

Look Her Over

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 37

Also Selling Are —➜ A Springing BRAXTON out of

Diamond-Oak Blitz Alison (at left), due 5/15 to DOORMAN

➜ A VG-85 DESTRY from Budjon Encore Elsie, due 4/25 to REDLINER!

Kevin & Kristy SprengPaul & JoAnn Weber

6860 Snoddy Road, Shreve, OH 44676C: 419­651­5198 E: kspreng11@gmail.com


Mollie’s Daughter SELLS 4/19/14 at the OHIO HOLSTEIN SPRING SALE in Wooster, Ohio.Fresh 2/21/14. Monet currently has a GTPI of 2019 and is 2.89 Type 2.02 FLC and 2.57 UDC.

Monet made 17 good embryos in two flushes as a virgin heifer and still calved in at 23 months.

Exciting Fresh Shamrock Selling!



86161 p37 IdylBrook 3/20/14 11:35 AM Page 1

Our fi rst group of daughters from Fairmore Red-Mark Loni Lois (EX-93)have arrived, with more due in June.

We also have Female-Sorted IVF Embryos for Sale from Lois by Advent, Atwood, Damion, Goldwyn and Redburst.

Red, White & You!

38 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014 | 39

Freestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator LanesFreestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator LanesCommodity Buildings • Bunk SilosCommodity Buildings • Bunk Silos

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40 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

Thanks to the buyers of Kiko cattle: Bruce McConnell of PA, Paradise Valley Farms of Louisville, and Alan Amstutz of Orrville. Thanks to ALL who attended and puchased at the sale.

We would like to give a very big thanks to all the sponsors thatpitched in to help. They include COBA Select Sires, CRI/Genex, DHI,Priority One, First National Bank, Kiko Auctioneers, Witmer’s Feed,Whiteleather Farms, Campbell Bros. Farm, Morris Milk Transport,Homeworth Feed, Mycogen Seed, Renaissance Feed, DairyFarmers of America, Columbiana Co. Dairy Boosters, and Doug andEvan Dye for bringing and picking up the chairs and benches.

ALL OUR FAMILY MEMBERS pitched in and helped,leading up to and during the week of Convention.We had a great time working with the fitting andsale crew, and a big thank you goes to our farmemployees: Luke Hilton, Brian and Mathew Kolm,and Don Brown for helping with all the extra work.

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Recently the decision was made atLumley Farms to purchase a piece ofequipment. The original idea was togo to a farm sale to check out andpossibly purchase a used one. It wasmy idea to check on the price of newones and consider that option before going to farm sales.Since I am the person with extra time on my hands, it wassuggested that I do that. So with Farm & Dairy in hand, Ibegan to look for dealers and phone numbers. I soondiscovered that some are hard to find, and some of thosedealers could use Esther’s help in preparing ads. I thendecided to go to the computer and search for dealers,which I found most helpful. However, they should learnthe importance of putting brand names in their ads, aswell as making it easy to find phone numbers andlocations.

Next step was calling and asking for a salesman. Onereceptionist or secretary who answered the phone was veryinteresting and blunt. Even though it was early in theafternoon, she informed me there was no salesmanavailable, but she could tell me what I wanted to know!She told me the price — period! No details, no would Ilike a salesman to call, no thanks for calling!

One salesman’s question was, “Is the governmentgoing to pay for it?” I am not sure how that was supposedto affect the price, but I assured him that they weren’tbecause if they did they would want to tell me how to useit! He explained that he thought I was calling for someoffice (maybe the County Highway Department orODOT). After all, this was a woman calling about a pieceof machinery who actually knew what she as talkingabout. Obviously some man had to have written it downfor her! Wrong!!

In the process of trying to deal for this piece ofmachinery, I found some very interesting salesmen. Onefellow I talked to on a Friday afternoon proceeded to tellme all about how his week had gone and how tired hewas, but he finally did come up with a price for me. Ireally thought he should have knocked a couple hundredoff for the therapy session. One dealer couldn’t help mebecause their salesman worked someplace else during theday and was only there after 4:00 p.m., and theircomputer was down, and all the information was in it. Somuch for the efficiency of computers! There were only acouple of salesmen that I knew personally; most werecomplete strangers. I will give the guys credit: most werevery pleasant and very helpful, but I found that some ofthem could use a course in public relations.

Later on we also visited several dealers. A friendly“Hello, how are you” and a handshake can be veryimportant. I realize that salesmen have bad days, just like

Barb Lumley

the rest of us, but when approached by someoneinterested in a deal, please smile and try to be pleasant.And if we just happen to get there 15 minutes beforeclosing time, please don’t act like you didn’t want to see uswalk in. After all, we may have driven a long way just tolook at your equipment.

I am a believer in the importance of public relations,whether selling machinery or registered Holsteins. Greetpeople pleasantly and be willing to give them some time,even though it might be quitting time or you might have30 acres of hay waiting to be baled. Selling them thecurrent item they are interested in and future sales maydepend on it. If you promise to call me right back with theinformation I need, please be prompt and don’t take allday to do so. I might have other things to do besides sit bythe phone. One salesman never did call me back. I guesshe had sold his quota for the month! Please listen to whatI want, and don’t try to sell me something else that I don’twant. Advertising is important; people can’t buy from youif they don’t know what you are selling and where you arelocated. I actually found some owners who do notadvertise because they feel they don’t need the business!Rest assured, if I don’t know they are out there, I won’t bebuying from them!


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Ohio Holstein Women’s AuctionDONATED BY ITEM PURCHASED BY & AMOUNTDistrict 2 Picnic Items Jim Kiko, $30.00District 2 Pitch Forks Dallas Rynd, $85.00Columbiana Co. Dairy Boosters Got Milk Items Nevin L’Amoreaux, $30.00Consumers Bank Feed Basket Jim Kiko, $30.00North East Ohio Vet Association Bucket, Halter & Supplies Steve Moff, $110.00Whiteleather Farms Hitch Pins Paul Haskins, $40.00Buckeye View Farm Cheese/Crackers Basket Zimmer, $60.00Jodi Kiko Garden Basket McKarns, $60.00District 3 Bull/Cow Picture Lamar Liming, $250.00District 7 Smucker’s Basket Cathy Berg, $60.00Columbiana Co. Dairy Boosters Mystery Milk Box Don Bickel, $60.00Farm & Dairy T-shirts, Hat & Subscription Judy Wolford, $60.00Whiteleather Holsteins Living Life Print Nevin L’Amoreaux, $275.00Columbiana Co. Dairy Boosters Got Milk Items Jen Bouton, $20.00Leftover Pie Leftover Pie Lisa Kerr, $20.00District 2 OSU Basket Lauren L’Amoreaux, $110.00Eastern Buckeye Vet Services Soaps/Candle Basket Ben-Alli Holsteins, $50.00District 5 Cheese/Crackers Lewis Jone,s $80.00District 7 Farmers Wife Plaque Adam Whiteleather, $500.00Whiteleather Farms Pitch Fork/Tie Strap Nevin L’Amoreaux, $60.00District 10 Gift Card/Shower Supplies Lisa Kerr, $200.00Whiteleather Farms Hitch Pins Nevin L’Anoreaux, $45.00Columbiana Co. Dairy Boosters Got Milk Items McKarns, $40.00Sebring Hardware Misc. Hardware White-Light Holsteins, $50.00District 12 Wine & Cheese Basket White-Light Holsteins, $80.00District 7 Bonnie Moore Prints White-Light Holsteins, $200.00Shoemaker Dairy Tea Basket Ted & Penny Renner, $50.00Bob & Linda Hippely Cow Items/Lotion Basket McKarns, $50.00Adam and Jessica Whiteleather Garden Basket Cathy Berg, $60.00Columbiana Co. Dairy Boosters Got Milk Items Russell Kiko, $30.00Whiteleather Grains Utility Knife/Tie Strap Marvin Steinke, $70.00Agland Coop Fun in the Sun Basket John and Becki Hartline, $60.00Whiteleather Grains Scoop/Shovel Steve Moff, $80.00District 7 Wine & Cheese Basket Triple-T Holsteins, $130.00

Elaina Zehentbauer, Columbiana Co. Dairy Boosters, Hanover Farms, Neil & Richard Zehentbauer Families $50.00

Total: $3,185.00Thank you to all who contributed to the Ohio Holstein Women’s Auction to make it a great Success.

AUCTION FOR OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION DONATED BY ITEM PURCHASED BY & AMOUNTJulie Renner Alliance Framed Sale Bill Rusty Kiko, $325Ted & Penny Renner “In Sunshine and Shadow” black & white quilt Ken and Kaye Janes, $650Brewster Cheese Block of cheese Dallas Rynd, $50.00Brewster Cheese Block of cheese Ben Simpson, $70.00

Total for Ohio Holstein Association $1,095.00

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I am Allison Mangun, the daughter ofRoy and Lisa Mangun. This year I amexcited to be serving as the 2014 OhioHolstein Queen. I grew up on a 200-cow Holstein and Jersey farm inBurbank, Ohio, with my parents andbrother Ben, who recently marriedJenessa. I am currently a freshman at TheOhio State University AgriculturalTechnical Institute with a major in DairyScience. Upon graduation with an Associate’s degree, I planto further my education and obtain a communicationsdegree, with the hopes of marketing milk and milk products.

I began showing Holsteins as a five-year-old girl.Through the years I have shown and exhibited animals atthe Wayne County Fair, district shows, Ohio State Fair,World Dairy Expo and North American InternationalLivestock Exposition. I have always loved meeting newpeople at the shows and exhibiting quality animals. Inaddition to showing, I have also been very involved in theOhio Junior Holstein Association. I have attendednumerous national conventions, where I participated inQuiz Bowl and public speaking.

As my year is beginning, I am looking forward to theopportunity of meeting new people and sharing mypassion, but most importantly representing the OhioHolstein Association. If you need to contact me, you canreach me on my cell phone at 330-749-9036 or by email atacmangun@gmail.com.

The Queen’s Cornerby Allison Mangun

Newly-crownedOhio HolsteinQueen AllisonMangun, is greetedby young admirers,from left, Nora, Ava(front) and LeahBudny, grand-daughters of Tonyand Laurie Menzie.


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JEFFREY C. HIGGINS, 49, of Mount Gilead, died January 15,2014. He was born in Columbus on December 24, 1964, to Jeroldand Marcia (Snyder) Higgins, who survive.

Jeff was a graduate of Mount Gilead High School in the class of1983. He was a lifelong farmer and loved raising cattle. Jeff ownedthe Mid-Ohio Fastener and Supply Company and did customhaymaking. He was a member of the Morrow County Cattleman’sAssociation. Jeff had been active in 4-H and was an FFA StateFarmer. Along with his parents, Jeff is survived by his two brothers,Joel (Jenny) Higgins of Claypool, Indiana, and their children, Abbyand Anna; and Jon (Ann) Higgins of Roann, Indiana, and theirchildren, Micah, Malachi and Millie Grace.

Those wishing to make a memorial contribution are asked toconsider the Jeff Higgins Memorial Agricultural Scholarship.

CHRIS PACKARD, 49, of Lodi, passed away January 27, 2014, atLodi Community Hospital following a sudden illness.

He was born in Lodi on March 10, 1964, to Thomas and Lenore(Gray) Packard.

Chris was a 1982 graduate of Cloverleaf High School and alifetime resident of Lodi where he and his family operated L & TFarms. He was a member of the Farm Bureau and Ohio HolsteinAssociation.

Surviving are his wife Kathy (nee Roder); children JaimePackard of Lodi, Justine (Philip) Mueller of Lodi, Jase Packard ofBurbank, and Jacob Packard of Lodi; parents Tom and LenorePackard of Lodi; sisters Wendy Packard of Cincinnati and Tracy(Eric) Deeks of Lodi; and brother Todd (Tiffany) Packard ofBurbank.

JOHN JUNIOR YODER, 74, of Orrville, went to be with the Lordon February 9, 2014, at his residence.

He was born February 20, 1939, in Meyersdale, Pennsylvania,the son of John D. and Lydia (Tice) Yoder. He was united inmarriage to Lois Yoder on April 22, 1962, in Salisbury,Pennsylvania. She survives.

John received Jesus as his personal Savior in his youth and wasa member of the Mennonite Church. He loved music and sang inThe Mountain Anthems Chorus for many years. He was a dairyfarmer all his life until his health prevented him from working.

He enjoyed watching children show cattle in 4-H. Cheering forhis grandchildren while they played sports was a highlight for him.His love of horses was well known. John’s sense of humor will bemissed.

In addition to his wife, Lois, he is survived by eight children,Linda (James) Nissley of Tucson, Arizona; Delbert (Heather) Yoderof West Salem; Daniel Yoder of Marysville; Glenda (Marvin)Zuercher of Wooster; Myron Yoder of Moraine; Anita (Ryan)Hostetler of Mechanicsburg; Marla Yoder of Columbus; and Martin(fiancée Sarah) Yoder of Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada;grandchildren Derrick (Viktoriia), Bradley (Alison), Jason andStephen Nissley; Austin, Evan, Adriane and Nathan Zuercher;Kiyomi and Shannon Hostetler; brothers Olen J. Yoder ofGrantsville, Maryland, Marvin (Cora Anna) Yoder of Salisbury,Pennsylvania, Monroe Yoder of Bronx, New York, and Daniel(Kathy) Yoder of Huntington, Maryland; sisters Lois Stutzman ofWooster and Dorothy Yoder of Grantsville, Maryland; and sisters-in-law Mary Yoder of Wooster and Virginia Yoder of Salisbury,Pennsylvania.

He was preceded in death by three brothers, Roy, Cloyd andRaymond J. Yoder; and two sisters, Iva Lantz and Verda Mast.

Memorial gifts may be made to Gideons International, P.O. Box140800, Nashville, TN 37214-0800, or to Wycliffe Bible Translators

(payable to Wycliffe Translators) P.O. Box 628211, Orlando, FL32862-8211, and should be given in memory of John Junior Yoderfor the ministry of James and Linda Nissley.

HARRY L. BARR, AGE 92, of Plain City, born in Bethesda, Ohio,passed away March 7, 2014. He was a WW-II veteran of theEuropean Theatre, 102 Infantry Division, and received a PurpleHeart, Bronze Star and Combat Infantry Badge. Harry received aBachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Ph.D. in Dairy Science fromThe Ohio State University. He joined the faculty at OSU in 1955and was a professor of Dairy Science, a student advisor and StateCooperative Extension Service Dairy Specialist. He also judgedmany dairy cattle shows at county fairs around Ohio. He receivednumerous dairy awards and was a member of the American DairyScience Association.

Preceded in death by wife Elizabeth Ann and parents John A.and Belle Barr, Harry is survived by four children, Sue Ann (Clair)Sanders of Kenton, James A. (Phyllis) Barr of Dublin, Katy (Jim)Denner of Plain City, and Ruth (Dan) Beam of Galena; brotherHarold A. (Lois) Barr of Morristown; grandchildren Eric Sanders,Emily (Phil) Boltz, Tammy Kerr, Michael (Rhonda) Burnside,Spring (Travis) Moore, Josh (Janine) Burnside, Christy (Eric)Dameron, Andrea (Nate) Garnett, Mark (Allison) Denner, GrantBeam and Tyler Beam; and 21 great-grandchildren.

KYLE M. GARRISON, 23, of Tiffin, passed away Mondaymorning, March 17, 2014, in McArthur, Ohio.

He was born on February 1, 1991, to Brian D. Garrison and AnnM. (Corcoran) Garrison.

He is survived by his parents, Brian D. Garrison of Dublin andAnn Garrison of Tiffin; sisters, Erin M. Garrison of Johnstown andKaitlyn M. Garrison of Tiffin; the love of his life, Lyndsie N.Woosely of Johnstown; grandparents, Mary Jo Garrison of WestSalem and Joanne Corcoran of Chillicothe; aunts and uncles, Dr.Brad and Jane Garrison of West Salem and Lisa Garrison ofWooster, Kevin and Del Corcoran, DVM, of Xenia, Pat and DianeCorcoran, Kendall and Maureen Rice and Tim and Karen Corcoran,all of Chillicothe, Tom and Mary Becker of Austin, Texas, Don andCelica Corcoran of West Lafayette, Indiana, Dr. Morris and TeresaRoss of Pensacola, Florida, Dan and Donna Corcoran of Piketon,Chris and Rachel Corcoran of Chillicothe, Brian and KayleneCorcoran of Circleville, Shawn Corcoran of Columbus, and Dennisand Laura Corcoran of Chillicothe; and many cousins.

He was preceded in death by his grandfathers, Harold D.Garrison and Donald W. Corcoran.

Kyle was baptized at St. Mary Catholic Church and was amember of St. Joseph Catholic Church. He graduated in 2009 fromTiffin Calvert High School, from Ohio State University ATI in 2011,and from The Ohio State University in 2013. In high school, he wasa member of the football, track, wrestling and basketball teams.Kyle worked at Lithko Contracting in Plain City as a workingforeman. He had completed two internships with American ElectricPower, one with S&S Construction and one with Lend LeaseConstruction, and he also worked at Fleet Farms, Genex andCampus Area Busing Service while in school. Kyle was a pastmember of 4-H and enjoyed trucks, hunting and the outdoors. Heloved his Golden Lab, Spike, and he enjoyed being with his friendsand family.

Memorial contributions may be made to the American CancerSociety, the American Heart Association or to a charity of thedonor’s choice.

Letters of condolence may be sent and the guest book signed atwww.hgmackfuneralhome.com.

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— In Memoriam —

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WOOSTER, OH 44691Phone 330-262-6111 • Fax 330-262-1822


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John, Suzanne & Katey Lora14094 Garfield Road, Salem, Ohio 44460 • 330-537-3797

RHA 23,991M 1,005F 854P45 Cows, BAA 110.5

PBR 18 years – NO BST

46 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014



Congratulations to:• Adam Whiteleather for the Junior Buckeye Breed Builder Award• Mary Liming for her Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Award

Three New Very Good Two-Year-Olds• Lorawae Sanchez Theedge VG-85• Lorawae HP Gldwyn Dreama- ETS VG-85• Budjon-JK-RS Atwood Eavie VG-86

Two New Excellents• Lorawae Sanchez Heather EX-90 at 4 years• Lorawae Fortune Aimee EX-90 at 5years

Thank you to Trent Neuenschwander of Dalton for his purchaseof Lorawae Sanchez Vera at the Ohio Convention Sale.



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CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paidadvertising unless its content may be construed as defama-tory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene orotherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser repre-sents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defama-tory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compli-ance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations.However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancelany advertising or submitted written material at any time.

This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions.

Index Coming EventsABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26ADA Mideast, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Ag Credit/Country Mortgages. . . . . . . 6Agri-King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Agri-Sales & Consulting. . . . . . . . . . . 39Andrews, Steve & Seth — Auctioneers . 32Ashland Implement, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 43Ben-Alli Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Bickel Family Farms (Ray-Jo). . . . . . . . 38Cargill Animal Nutrition. . . . . . . . . . . 50COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Commodity Blenders/Ohio News. . . . 18Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . 45ComputerMixx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co.’s . . . 6Davis, Kim. R — Nationwide Insurance . 9Embryo Transfer Services. . . . . . . . . . 13First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Genex Cooperative, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 30Gloryland Holsteins Tag Sale . . . . . . . 15Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. . . . . . 43Harold’s Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 10Idyl Brook Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37Impact Communications . . . . . . . . . . 21Jaloda Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24K & M Builders, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Keim Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43L-G Animal Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Lehman, Eileen — Livestock Hauling . . 22Lorawae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Lowe & Young, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Meaden & Moore — CPA’s. . . . . . . . . 20Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company. 34Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . 17New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . 46Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48OHA Sale Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Ohio Holstein Spring Sale . . . . . . 28-29Ohio State University-ATI . . . . . . . . . . 13Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 3Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC . . . . . . . 22Ratta Applied Construction. . . . . . . . . 23Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Richman Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Shearer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Spike, Pete & Jean — Vacation Rental . 41Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Taurus Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Ten-Penny Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Town & Country Co-op Feed . . . . . . . 33U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 36Wenger’s Sharpening Service . . . . . . 34Whiteleather Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . 25Wil-O-Rae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Zimmerview Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

MEETINGS and EVENTSJune 8 – Open House at Gloryland,Grottoes, VAJune 27-28 – National HolsteinConvention, Dubuque, IA

SALESMarch 27 – The Best of Triple-T and Heath,Columbus, OHApril 19 – Ohio Spring Sale, Wooster, OHJune 9-11 – Le Grande Finale, GlorylandTag Sale, Grottoes, VAJune 27 National Holstein ConventionSale, Dubuque, IA

SHOWSMarch 27-28 – Spring Dairy Expo,Columbus, OHJune 23 – D-5, Circleville, OHJuly 12 – D-7 Show, Wooster, OHJuly 28 – D-12 Show, Wapakoneta, OHAug 19 – D-8, Lorain County Fair,Wellington, OH

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Ryan Aberle: 330-464-1951

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50 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2014

86161 p50 Cargill 3/20/14 11:25 AM Page 1



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