optimization of isr injection and extraction systems...a hydraulic simulator integrates...

Post on 20-Oct-2020






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  • Optimization of ISR I j ti d E t ti S tInjection and Extraction Systems

    Presented by: Shawn Leppert

    Leppert Associates

    NRC/NMA UraniumNRC/NMA Uranium Recovery Workshop

    July 1-2, 2009 Denver, Colorado

  • A Uranium Mine Prospect

    Opportunity – Uranium Ore has been Delineated within a Fluvial DepositsFound within water-bearing geologic units 100+ feet below ground surfaceData indicate the uranium is potentially present in mineable quantitiesData indicate the uranium is potentially present in mineable quantities

    Challenge - Can the Uranium Ore be Extracted Cost Effectively Using Hydraulic Methods; if so How?

    Understand the subsurface setting Geology Hydrology & GeochemistryMaximize the Extraction of Uranium Ore Efficient Lixiviant Delivery/RecoveryMinimize Environmental Liability Placement of Monitoring Network

    Understand the subsurface setting Geology, Hydrology, & Geochemistry

    Minimize Required Restoration Tight Control of Lixiviant Distribution

    Contributing FactorsSubstantial Site Surface and Subsurface DataFluid Hydraulics are Predictable

    Minimize Required Restoration Tight Control of Lixiviant Distribution

    Fluid Hydraulics are PredictableUncertain Shallow Geology (even with a large number of geologic logs)

    Solution – Develop A Regimented Quantitative Decision Framework

    Site Specific Information has been Modified to Protect Its Propriety Nature

  • Quantitative Analysis as a Part of the Regimented Decision Framework

    A Hydraulic Simulator Integrates Hydrogeologic and Hydrogeochemical Data into a Dynamic Decision FrameworkData into a Dynamic Decision Framework

    The Decision Framework can Evolve as an Understanding of the Subsurface

    Quantitative Analysis Tools Have Advanced Since the Last ISR Mine Permitted W ll T t d A t d d P ti bl


    Accurate Extraction/Injection Well Simulation

    Finite-Element Surface Representation

    Dynamic Front Generation

    Explicit Water Table Emulation

    Wells Tested, Accepted and Practicable

    Accurate Extraction/Injection Well SimulationDynamic Front Generation

    Direct Simulation of Separate LiquidsTelescopic Mesh Refinement

    Faulting/Fracturing Coupling with Geochemical Model

  • FEFLOW Model Development

    Finite-Element Mesh

    54 Layers, 55 SurfacesTelescopic Mesh

    Total of 1,050,408 Elements

  • FEFLOW Model Development

    Aerial ViewFinite-Element Mesh

    54 Layers, 55 SurfacesTelescopic Mesh

    Cross-Section B-B’Cross-Section B-B’Cross-Section C-C’Cross-Section C-C’

    Porous Media Property Distribution

    Total of 1,050,408 Elements

    Geology Defined by LogsVery Fine Grained MediaFine Grained Media

    Uranium SymposiumUranium SymposiumUranium SymposiumUranium Symposium

  • FEFLOW Model Development

    Finite-Element Mesh

    54 Layers, 55 SurfacesTelescopic Mesh Lateral Inflow of

    GroundwaterRiver Influence on Aquifer

    Precipitation-Based Recharge

    Porous Media Property Distribution

    Total of 1,050,408 Elementso qu e

    H d li B d i

    Geology Defined by th LogsVery Fine Grained MediaFine Grained Media

    Hydraulic Boundaries

    Precipitation Recharge Local Creek

    Lateral Flow

  • FEFLOW Model Development

    Finite-Element Mesh

    54 Layers, 55 SurfacesTelescopic Mesh

    Generator PumpP i


    Porous Media Property Distribution

    Total of 1,050,408 ElementsGenerator Pump



    H d li B d i

    Geology Defined by th LogsVery Fine Grained MediaFine Grained Media

    Flow Control/Meter Apparatus

    Hydraulic Boundaries

    Precipitation Recharge Local Creek

    Lateral FlowWell 1Well 2 SimWell 3 SimWell 1 SimWell 3Well 2


    Hydraulic Stress Tests Parameter Estimation

    Target – Hydraulic Heads

    Parameter Estimation

  • Lixiviant Delivery/Recovery System Design

    Ore Body ScenarioModerate





  • Lixiviant Delivery/Recovery System Design

    Ore Body Scenario

    Examine the Injection

  • Lixiviant Delivery/Recovery System Design

    Ore Body Scenario

    Examine the Injection

    Mechanical Design

  • Lixiviant Delivery/Recovery System Design

    Ore Body Scenario

    Examine the Injection

    Mechanical Design

    Optimized DesignOptimized Design

  • Lixiviant Delivery/Recovery System Design

    Ore Body Scenario

    Examine the Injection

    Mechanical Design

    Optimized DesignOptimized Design

    Sweeping Design

  • Lixiviant Delivery/Recovery System Design

    Ore Body Scenario

    (1) Volume of Ore Zone having

    Comparison Criteria

    Examine the Injection(1) Volume of Ore Zone having

    a Lixiviant Saturation >50%• Maximize Delivery• Favorable if the Lixiviant is ControlledMechanical Design

    Optimized Design

    • Favorable if the Lixiviant is Controlled

    (2) Average Residence Time of LixiviantOptimized Design

    Sweeping Design

    • Maximize Recovery … Minimize Residence Time

    (3) Volume of Lixiviant Remaining after ½

    Scenario Comparison

    (3) Volume of Lixiviant Remaining after ½ Year of Clean-Water Injection/Extraction• Minimize Restoration Activities

  • Lixiviant Delivery/Recovery System Design

    Ore Body Scenario

    Examine the Injection

    2 da




    6 ft3

    Mechanical Design

    Optimized Design13








    ft3 ft3Optimized Design

    Sweeping Design

    79 d








    Scenario Comparison88






    Mechanical Optimize Sweeping

  • Quantitative Hydrogeologic Decision Framework


    Data Evaluation Decision

    Pilot Tests & Additional Characterization

    HydrologyQuantitative ModelElectronic

    Hydraulic Property Estimation


    GW Quality Tables (dynamic)

    Hydrostratigraphy Tables (static)

    Hydrologic Tables (dynamic)

    Event Tables (dynamic)



    0 . 5

    L e g e n d


    F r a c t i o n o fI n j e c t i o n M a t e r i a l

    Lixiviant Delivery & Recovery System Design

    Geochemistry Geochemical Table (Static)Well Construction Tables


    (dynamic)L S 5 0 1 1 M

    L S 5 0 1 2 M

    L S 5 0 1 3 M

    0 . 1

    0 . 0 5

    0 . 0 1

    0 . 0 0 5

    0 . 0 0 1

    0 . 0 0 0 5

    0 . 0 0 0 1

    L o s t S o l d i e rA r e a o f I n t e r e s t

    D r a w n b y : M A W0 2 / 2 3 / 0 7

    P o t S u r f l p k

    F i n a l L i n eS t e a d y S t a t e

    W e l l

    System Performance Monitoring


  • Conclusions

    Demonstrated how the Quantitative Decision Framework can be used to Assist in the Design of a Hydraulic Lixiviant Delivery and Recovery Systemg y y y y

    Optimize the design to maximize its efficiency

    Comparison of three design alternatives using three quantitative design criteria

    Design a system the will control the lixiviant so as to require only minor restoration efforts

    One can Infer How the Decision Framework can Assist in the other

    Place an effective subsurface monitoring network

    Develop a thorough understanding of the subsurface setting Challenges

  • End

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