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日本セトロジー研究 (JapanCetology) (15) : 11-16 (2005)

Ovarian Histology of a Young Harbor Porpoiseラ Phocoenaphocoena,

Caught Off the Coast of Funka Bay, Southern Hokkaido

Yoshiharu Honma 1*1, Tatsuo Ushiki 11, Masaei Takeda 1 1, and Takashi Matsuishi "1

!)Division of Microscopic Anαtomy and Bio-imaging, Depαrtment of Ce/lulαr Function,

Ni注αtaUniversiかGraduateSchool of MedicαI and Dentαi Sciences, Niigatα,Niigata 9 51-8510

2)Depαrtment of Marine Biology, Graduate School of Fisheries Science,

Hokkαido University, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-8611, J,αpαn

{e-mail: vivanαt J@med. niig.αtα-u. ac.jp)

Key words : entrapped cetacean, harbor porpoise, histology

of ovary, Phocoena phocoena, infant porpoiseヲ Us吋iri

Abstract : The ovaries (each 25mm in l巴ngth) of a female

harbor poゅoise,Phocoena phocoena, accidently caught in a

set net on 26 April 2004, were examined histologically to

assess their degree of maturity. The 5巴ctioned cortical region

was occupied巴ntir巴lywith numerous primordial and primarγ

follicles, whereas in the medullarγregion a small number of

secondarγfollicles, thick-walled arteries and thin-walled veins

were apparent. A few atretic follicles were also encountered.

However, mor巴 developedfollicles, such as Graafian follicles,

W巴renot detected. No sec陀torysubstance could be d巴monstrated

in the mucous epithelia of the oviduct and underdeveloped

uterine glands. The specimen appeared to be an infant owing

to its v巴rγimmatureovarian architecture.


Material and Methods

The ovaries and associated org加 Sof a young female harbor

porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, (sample No. P0405, I 22cm

in body l巴ngth),were examined. The ovaries, attached to the

bicornate uteri and vagina, were r巴movedand their external

appearance noted. Subsequently, the ovari巴s,oviduct, uterus

and vagina wer巴 refix巴din Bouin’s solutionラ severalblocks

dissected仕omthose organs being d巴hydratedin an alcohol

series. Following embedding in paraffin, they were cut at 5μm

thickness, dyed chiefly with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) double

stain and Masson-Goldner trichrome associated with aldehyd巳

fuchsine (MG-AF) stain, and observed under a light microsco戸

(Leitz Orthoplan).


External Morphology

Each ovarγ,white in color, had the form of a thin bean-like

disc, without any protrusions, such as corpora lut巴aand c.

albicantia. Th巴 rightlobe measur巴d25 mm in length and

6 mm in width, and weighed 0.5 g, the le仇 being25mm,

8 mm and 0.3 g, respectively. However, the posterior portion

of the left lobe showed a reddish-brown congestion. Adjacent

to and attached to the ovaries, a loose connective tissue bursa

(ampulla) surrounded the fimbriae of the Fallopian tub巴

(oviduct), there being no cl巴arcutdistinction b巴tweenth巴latt巴r

and the uterus. The cervix of the uterus opened to the large,

broadly triangular vagina. These featur巴sare illustratd in Fig. I.

As mentioned previously, several harbor porpoises were

entangled in set nets installed near the coast of Us吋iri,

Hakodate寸1i (formerly Minamikayabe-cho) , facing Funka

Bay, southern Hokkaido, in April 2004 (Honma et al., 2004).

On 26 April, 2004, a harbor porpoise with a caudal wound

died during transpo目ingfrom a fishing boat to the Usujiri

Fisheries Research Station, Hokkaido University. Death seemed

to be from shock, accompanied by heavy bleeding.

Dissection was carried out the following day and the gonads,

preserved in formalin solution, forwarded to the Anatomy

Departm巴nt,Niigata University School of Medicine.

In Jin巴withprevious studies, the developmental stage and Histology

maturity of th巴gonadsof the specimen were determined and Both ovarian lobes showed similar microscopic features.

comparisons made with those of other cetaceans, including The ovary was surround巴dby a thin mesothelial capsule,

harbor po中oisesentrapped and stranded along the Japan巴se so-called germinal epithelium, consisting of a single layer of

coast (Honma et al.ぅ l999a, b; 2000, 2002, 2004) cuboidal cells with deeply stained nuclei.



Yoshiharu Honma, Tatsuo Ushiki, Masaei Takeda, and Takashi Matsuish1

The cortical portion was occupied entirely by primordial

and, successively, primarγfollicles. The primordial follicles

were characterized by their round to ovoid shape, and a foam-

like and/or finely stippled cytoplasm surround巴dby very

sporadically located follicular cells, the nuclei of which were

stained deeply by hematoxylin or phroxine, whereas the primary

follicles were enveloped in a few flattened c巴lls (Fig.2 A,


Fig. I. Diagrammatic illustration of the disposition of the genital

organs of a young female harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena ( l 22cm long), caught in a set n巴tinstalled off

Us吋iri,Funka Bay, southern Hokkaido, Japan. Ventral


c. cervix; f. fimbriae; Ft. Fallopian tube (oviduct); o.

ovary; u. uterus; v. vagina.

Near the stromal portion, larger follicl巴Ssurrounded by

multilayered cuboidal epithelial cells were apparent. Th巴

coarsely granular follicular cytoplasm also contained fine

stipples distributed throughout, a structural pa肘 m consistent

with that of secondary follicles (Fig.2C). The nucleus of

each primordial, primarγand secondary follicle included a

prominent nucleolus.

Verγfew atretic follicles, derived from secondary follicles

with variously disordered巴pithelia,were apparent. Within

those atr巴ticfollicles encountered, amorphous homogeneous

masses reacting positively to AF were detected (Fig.2D).

Fig.2, A~D. Section from the ovary.

A. Part of ovarian cortex showing primordial follicl巴ssurround巴dby sporadically located, flat epithelial cells ( aπows).

Hematoxylirト巴osin(HE) stain.

B. Part of cortex showing primary follicles surrounded by simple layered flat epith巴lium(aπows). HE.

C. Early phase of secondary follicles surrounded by doubl巴layered巴pitheliaconsisting of cuboidal cells (arrows) HE.

D. An atretic follicle surrounded by multilayered epithelia containing a deg巴nerateoocyte ( aπow head) and AF-positive

substance (mucopolysaccharide) in the follicular cavity (asterisk). MG-AF.

Scale bar 25μm



Ovarian histology of a young harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoen久 caughtoff the coast of Funka Bay、southernHokkaido

Fig.3. A~ D. Section through the oviduct to uterus.

A. Part of ovarian medulla near the fimbria巴 showinga large amount of・ interstitial tissue containing simple layered

mucosal glands (arrows). HE.

B. Part of Fallopian tube showing papillate mucosal glands consisting of simple lay巴r巴depithelium (arrows) HE.

C. Part of ampullary portion of oviduct showing highly intricate mucosal glands consisting of high columnar epithelium

(aηows). Note: absence of AF-positive secretory substance. MG・AF.

D. Part of uterus showing underd巴velopeduterine glands with no AF-positive secr巴torysubstance (arrows). MG-AF.

Scale bar 25μm

The main compon巴ntof the medulla was interstitial tissue,

which occurred in large amounts (Fig.3A).

Each Fallopian tube, comprising highly intricate (papillate)

mucosal glands, was constructed from a simple layer of columnar

epithelial cells (Fig.38,C). However, AF positive mucoidal

substance was demonstrated neither in this tissue, nor in the

und巴rdevelopeduterine glands, which were few in numb巴r

and scattered sparsely in the uterus (Fig.JD). Th巴 uterine

glands, consisting of columnar c巴lls,were short and合agmented.

The stromatous tissue of the uterus compris巴dmainly interstitial

tissue and smooth muscles, although the surface of the uterus

was covered with loose connectiv巴 tissue( = perimetrium) .

Sections of spiral arteries were also present in the stromatous

tissue. Significantly, a cornified layer of keratinized cells was

not observed.

百1巴ovaryand fimbriae of each Fallopian tub巴we陀 enveloped

by a loose connective tissue bursa (ampulla)


Harbor porpoises are widely distributed off Japan, and in

th巴NorthPacific and Atlantic (Gaskin et al., 1993; Trippel

et al., 1996). On account of th巴irslightly l巴SS巴ragility

compared with other oceanic dolphins and porpoises, the

Sp巴cieshas not been a target of spear fishing in northern

Japan. However, wounded individuals have been very rarely

found among those stranded Niigata District, Sea of Japan

(Honma et al., 1992, 2002) . On th巴 otherhand, in the Bay

of Fundus, Atlantic coast of North America, incidentally

caught of th巴harborpo巾oisesby the gill-net fishery chiefully

during summer was investigated and analyzed (Trippel et al.,


Not with stranding, records for the month of April (prior

to the May/June breeding season) over r巴centyears have

indicat巴dthat very few porpois巴shav巴beenentrapped by set

nets installed off th巴 coastof Hokkaido (Honma et al, 2004).

In th巴caseof s巴tnets installed near Usujiri Fisheries Station


Yoshiharu Honma, Tatsuo Ushiki, MぉaeiTakedaラ加 dT紘ashiMatsuish1

(Hokkaido University), memb巴rsof the Hokkaido University

Cetacean Research Group work to facilitate the recovery of

entrapped individuals, resulting in most being liberat巴dto the

open sea or transported to commercial aquaria in Hokkaido.

However, in spite of careful treatment, some individuals have

perished, as reported by Honma et al. (2004) and h巴rein.

In spite of the slightly small巴rbody size of the present

specimen compared with specimens entrapped similarly by

set nets at Us吋iri,the size of the ovaries was nearly the same

(Honma et al., 2004). However, developmental aspects, in

particular the number of secondary and atretic follicles, seemed

to be less mature.

Compared with a smaller individual stranded on the Niigata

coast, the ovaries of the present specimen were larger (Honma

et al., 2002). In addition, secondary follicles were absent in

the Niigata specimen. Although AF-positive granules were

infrequently encounter巴din the uterine glands of the Niigata

specimen, no such granules were apparent in Us吋irispecimens

examined. Accordingly, all female harbor porpoises examined

histologically by us have been diagnosed as infants owing to

their very immature ovarian and accessory organ conditions.

During the course of on-going histological studies on the

reproductive organs of stranded and captured marine mammals,

all of the individuals examined wer巴 eitherimmature or senile,

no mature animals with sexually active reproductive organs

having been obtained (Honma et al., 1992, 1995, I 999a, b;

2000, 2001, 2002, 2005) As discussed previously, the reason

why no mature animals have been encounter巴dis still unclear

(Honma et al., 2004).

Histological studies of cetacean ovaries加 dassociated organs

have been made by many investigators : Jacobson ( 1941)

on Balenoptera musculus, Dempsey and Wislocki ( 1941)

on Megaptera nodosa, Harrison-Matthews ( 1948) on

balaenopterids, Harrison ( 1949) on Globicephala melaena,

Chittleborough ( 1954) on Aよnodosa,Uys and Best ( 1966)

on whales, Best ( 1967) on Physeter catodon, Simpson and

Gardner (1972) on many species, Mossman and Duke ( 1973)

on both toothed-and baleen whales, Marsh and Kasuya

( 1984) on Globicephala macrorhynchus, lvashin (1984) on

dolphins and whales and Claver et al. ( 1992) on Lagenor砂防hus

australis. Among them, detailed ovarian histology wぉ provided

by Marsh and Kasuya (1984) for G. macrorhynchus. Recently,

Brook et al. (2002) examined ovarian histology in the lndo-

Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) during th巴

reproductive cycle, with emphasis on the appearance of the

corpora albicans.


On the other hand, Siebert et al. (200 I) and Jauniaux et

al. (2002) reported surveys of post-mo円巴m findings and causes

of death of 500 individual harbor porpois巴saccidentally caught

and/or stranded along the coast of north巴m France, Belgium

and Germany. Both reports pointed out that a high proportion

of th巴harborporpoises investigated compris巴dnewborn (neonate)

and immature individuals, a situation similar to that noted


In summation, so as to accumulate histological findings

clarifying the maturity and physiological conditions of stranded

and netted marin巴 mammals,further examinations should

continue to be mad巴.


We thank all th巴membersof Hokkaido University Cetacean

R俗図I℃hGroup, Mr. K. Nomw司 Dr.H. Munehara加 dmembers

of Usujiri Fisheri巴sStation, Hokkaido University, Mr. K.

Kagoshima, Mr. M. Aoyama and members of Otaru Aquarium,

Dr. K. Ito of Future University HakodateョS.Nishiwaki of

Institute of Cetacean Research, Japan, Us吋iriFishery Coope国 iv巴

Association, Mr. S. Nomura and all the fishermen ofトfomura

Fishing Company for helping the bycatch survey in Usujiri.

Funding for this work was provided by th巴 SouthHokkaido

Promotion Foundation and JSPS. KAKENHI (15310159,


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Yoshiharu Honma, Tatsuo Ushiki, Masaei Takeda, and Takashi Matsuish1



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