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Built-In Refrigerators


Consumer Infi)rmafion

Bollom Freezer Re/}'ig'eralor

lntrvduction Your new Monogram refrigerator makes an eloquent statement of style, convenience and kitchen

planning flexibilitv. Whether volt chose it fin" its purity of design, practical storage arrangelnents

or assiduous attention to detail---_n" fin" all of these reasons--you'll find that your Monogram

refrigerator's superior blend of fln'm and flmction will delight you fin" vears to come.

The Monogram refl'igerator was designed to provide tile flexibility to blend in with wmr kitchen

cabinetry. Decorative door insert panels allow it to match w)ur kitchen cabinets or blend with

w)ur kitchen decor.

Since tile Monogram refrigerator is a built-in product, custom panels are required on tile

fl'ont of tile Monogram refl'igerator. Consult your kitchen designer or cabinetmaker fl)r wmr

customized look.

Tile inflwmation on tile fl_llowing pages will hel I) you operate and maintain your refl'igerator

I) roperly.

If wm have any other questions, visit our _Vebsite at: ge,com

Contents Consumer Services

Important Phone Numbe_ ............... 19Model and Serial Numbe_ ................ 3

Pe_kmnance Data Sheet ................. 17

Problem Solver . ..................... 15, 16

Product ]_egistra tion ...................... 3Satetv Instructions ..................... 4-7

State of Califi)rnia

Water Treatn/ent Device Certificate ........ ] 8

Warranty ....................... Back Cover

Care and Clem_hlg

Cleaning--Outside and Inside ............ 13Condenser . ............................ 13

i,ight Bulb Replacement ................. 14

Master I,ight Switch ...................... 14Vacation ............................... 14

Operating Instructions

Automatic lcemaker . .................... 10

Sabbath Mode Product Kit, ZSAB1 ......... 10

Shelves ................................ 12

Storage Pans ..............................

Temi)erature Controls .................... 8

Water Filter Cartridge ..................... 9




Read this manual careflfllv. It is intended to

hel I) you operate and maintain wmr new

refrigerator properly.

Kee I) it handy fin" answers to your questions.

If you don't understand something or need

more hell) , there is a list of toll-free consulnerservice numbers included in the back section

of this manual.


Visit our Website at: ge.com

Consumer Information

Bollom Freezer I_(/}'ig'eralor

Wd te

down the

model &serial)TlJ II_ID _s

You'll see them on a label inside the fl'esh fl_od

conq)artment under the storage drawers onthe right side.

These numbers are also on the (_onsumer

Product Ownership Registration Card includedwith this manual.

Before sending in this card, please write thesenmnbers here:

Model Number

Serial Number

Use these numbers in any correspondence or

set\ice calls concerning }our refrigerator.

If you received

a damaged


Immediately contact the dealer (or builder)

that sold )ou the refi_igerator.

Save time

& money

Before you request service, check the Problem It lists causes of minor oi)erating, problems that

Solver in the back of this manual, you can correct yourself.

If you needservice

To obtain service, see the Consumer Services

page in the back of this mmmal.

We're proud of our se_wice and want wm to be

pleased. If fin" some reason vou are not hai)py

with the service wm receive, here are steps to

fl)llow fin" fltrther hell).

For customers in the USA:

FIRST, contact the people who serviced xour

appliance. Explain wh) you are not pleased.

In most cases, this will solxe the problem.

NEXT, ifxou are still not pleased, write all thedetails--including, your, I)h°ne numbe_to:

Mana *er Customer Relations

(;E AppliancesAppliance Park

I,ouisxille, KY 40225

For customers in Canada:

FIRST, contact the people who serviced your

appliance. Explain why you are not pleased.

In most cases, this will solve the problem.

NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write all the

details--including your phone number to:

Manager, (_onsulner RelationsCamco Inc.

1 Factory i,ane, Suite 310

Moncton, N.B. E1 (: 9M3



&WARNING: henusing

this appliance, always exercise basic saietv

precautions, including tile fl_llowing:

• Use this applimlce only for its intended

purpose as described in this Owner'sManual.

• This refrigerator must be properly installedin accordance with the Installation

Instructions before it is used.

• Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang

on the shelves in the refrigerator. They could

dalnage tile refl'igerator and seriously ii_jui'e


• Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer

compm'tment when hm_ds are damp or wet.

Skill inav adhere to these extrelnelx cold

S/lI'_ ces.

• Do not store or use gasoline or other

flmnmable vapors and liquids in the vicinity

of this or may other applim_ce.

• In refrigerators with automatic icemakers,

avoid contact with moving parts of the

ejector nlechanisln, or with tile heating

elelnent located on the bottom of the

icemaker. Do not place fingers or hands on

tile automatic iceluaking n/echanism while

tile refrigerator is plugged ill.

Keep fingers out of the "pinch point" m'eas:

clearances between the doors and between

tile doors and cabinet are necessarily Slnall.

Be careflfl closing doors when children arein the area.

Unplug your refrigerator before cleaning

and making repairs,

NOTE: We strongly recommend that any

servicing be i_erfimned by a qualified


• Before replacing a burned-out light bulb,

set tile Master i,ight switch in tile OFF

position to turn off tile lights ill order toavoid contact with a live wire filalnent,

(A burned-out light bulb iuav break when

being replaced.)

NOTE: Setting the refl'igerator temi)eratm'e

controls to OFF does not relllOVe power to

tile light circuit,

• Do not refreeze frozen foods which have

thawed completely.

&DANGER: RISK OF CHILD ENTRAPMENTChild entrapment and suffocation are not

i)roblelns of tile past..]unked or abandoned

refi_igerators are still dangerous...even if they

will sit fi)i" "just a tew days." If you are getting

rid of your old refl'igerator, please fi)llow the

instructions below to help prevent accidents.

Before You Throw Away Your Old

Refrigerator or Freezer:

• Take off tile doors.

• I.eave tile shelves in place so that children

max not easilx climb inside.

t ?,FIUGI ?,7 NTS

All refl'igeration products contain refl'igerants,

which trader federal law must be removed

prior to product disposal. If you are getting

rid of an old refl'igeration product, check with

the company handling the disposal aboutwhat to do.



&AVERTISSEMENT :I,orsque vous utilisez le rg_ti'ig_rateur, observez

toqjours certaines prg_cautions de base,

notaII/II/ent :

• N'utilisez le r6frig6rateur que pour son usagepr6vu, colnlne d_crit dans le present inanuel.

• Installez le r6frig6rateur conform6ment aux

directives d'installafion avant de l'utiliser.

• Ne laissez pas les enfants grimper, s'asseoir,

se tenir debout ni se pendre aux clayettes du

r6frig6rateur. Ils pourraient endonllnager le

r_iiJg_rateur et se blesser gravelnent.

• Line fois le r6frig6rateur en maxche, ne

touchez pas les surfaces froides du

cong61ateur, surtout si vous avez les mains

humides ou mouill6es : la pea u risqued'adhg_rer _'lces suriaces tr_s froides.

• N'entreposez et n'utilisez pas d'essence ou

autres vapeurs et liquides inflammables h

proxhnit6 de cet appaJceil ou de tout autre

appareil 61ectrom6nager.

• Pour les r6frig6rateurs dot6s d'tme machine

h gla_ons automatique, (_vitez le contact avec

les pi_ces mobiles du in_canislne &jecteuI,

ou avec l'(dg_inent chauflant situ(_ _'l la partie

inii:rieure de la inachine 5 glaqons. Ne posez

pas les doigts ou les inains sur le nl6canislne

de la inachine fi glaqons pendant que le

r_frig_rateur est branch,.

• _3oignez les doits des parties du

r6frig6rateur off l'on peut facilement se

pincer : les espaces entre les portes et entre

les portes et les placards sont tot/joui_ 6troits.

Soyez prudent loisque vous temlez les portes

de l'appareil ell presence des enemts.

• D6branchez votre r6frig6rateur avant

de le nettoyer et de le r6parer.

REMARQUE : Nous vous reconunandons

vivelnent de confier route r_paration 5 till

technicien qualifi_.

• Avm_t de remplacer une mnpoule grill6e,inettez le colnlnutateur de huni&re

principale ell position OFF (arr&t) pour(_teindre la huni_re afin d'g_viter tout contact

avec un fil sous tension. (Une ampoule

grill_e peut se briser pendant l'op_ration).

REMARQUE : I,orsque vous placez les

colnlnandes de telnp_rature dr! r_flJg_rateur

stir OFF (arr_t), l'alilnentation (dectrique

de l'alnpoule n'est pas coup(_e.

• Ne faites PAS recongeler des aliments

surgel6s qui ont compl6tement d6gel&

&DANGER: RISQUES POUR LES ENFANTNi,es enfimts pris au pi_ge ou Inorts d'asphyxie

sont tot/jours d'actualit_, i,es appareils de

r_ffig_ration abandon_s sont totljours aussidangereux, nl&ine si on n'attend que "quelque

jours" pour s'en d_barasser. Si w>us ne gardez

pas votre ancien appareil, veuillez suivre lesdirectives ci-dessous afin de pr_venir lesaccidents.

Avant de vous d6barrasser de votre vieux

appareil de r6frig6ration :

• Dg_montez les portes.

• I,aissez les clavettes en place afin d'empg_cher

les enLmts de giJlnper _'_l'int_rieur.

REFPd(;EPu4N7 5

Tousles appareils de r_fl'ig&'ation contiennent

des r_frig_rants qui, confi_rm&nent aux lois

f_adg_rales, doivent _tre enlevg_s awmt toute

_lilnination de l'appareil. Si w)us w)us

dgd)arrassez de vieux appareils de rg_fl'ig_ration,

vg_rifiez, auprbs de la socig_t(_ qui s'occupe de

leur _lilnination, ce que wins devez taire,



Do not, under ally circmnstances, cut or

remove the third (ground) prong from the

power cord. For personal safety, this appliance

must be properly grounded.

The power cord of this appliance is equipped

with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which nlates

with a standard S-prong (gromlding) wall

outlet to minimize the possibility of electric

shock Mzard fl'om this appliance.

Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by

a qualified electrician to make sm'e the outlet

is properly gromlded.

Where a standard E-prong wall outlet is

encomltered, it is your personal responsibility

and obligation to have it replaced with a

properly gromlded 3-prong wall outlet.

Use oI a GFI (Gromld Fault lnterruptor) is not

recommended tin" the reffige_vm)r outlet.

The refl'igerator should always be plugged into

its own individual electrical outlet which has a

voltage rating that matches the rating plate.

This provides the best performance and also

prevents overloading house wiring drcuits

which could catlse a fire hazard fFOI//

ovefl_eated wires.






Never unplug yore" refl'igerator by pulling on

the power cord. Always grip plug firmly and

pull straight out from the outlet.

Repair or replace immediately all power cords

that have become fl'aved or otherwise

damaged, Do not use a cord that shows cracks

or abrasion damage along its length or at

either end.

When moving the refl'igerator away fl'om the

wall, be careflfl not to roll over or damage the

power cord.

Refer to the hlstallation hlstt uctions fin.

particular electrical system specifications

tin" this refl'igerator.



4 F" "7

RA CCORDE MEN T ETJ ;CT'RIQUENe coupez ni retirez en aucun cas la troisi_me

broche (raise it la terre) de la fiche du cordon

d'alimentation. Pour votre s_curit_, cet

appareil dolt _tre correctement mis fi la terre.

I,e cordon d'alimentation de cet appareil est

muni d'une fiche fi 3 broches (raise fi la terre)

qui se branche dans une prise mural ordinaire

5 3 alv_oles (raise 5 la terre) pore" r&luire au

minim mnles risques du chocs _lectriques.

Faites examiner la prise de courant et le circuit

par tm _lectricien qualifi_ pour wins assurer

que la prise est correctement raise 5 la terre.

Si la prise murale est du type standard 5

2 alv(_oles, il wins incombe de la fifire

remplacer par tree prise 5 3 alv&)les

correctement raise 5 la terre.

I,' utilisation d'tm inter_ uptem" de d_th ut 5 la

terre (GFI--Ground Fault Inter_upmr) n'est

pas recommand_ pore" la prise de com'ant

du r_flJg_ratem:

I,e r_ii'ig&'atem" (hilt toujours 6tre branch_dans sa propre prise de courant, dont la tension

nominale est identique 5 celle indiqu_e sin" la

plaque signal_tique.

Cette precaution est recommand_e pour

garantir tm rendement optimmn et _viter

tree sm'charge des circuits _lectriques de lar_sidence, ce qui pomTait crier un risque

d'incendie par sm'schaufli _ des ills.






Ne d_branchezjamais l'appareil en tirant le

cordon d'alimentation. Saisissez fem/ement

la fiche du cordon et tirez droit pore" la retirer

de la prise.

R_parez ou remplacez imm&liatement tout

cordon efliloch_ ou endommag_, N'utilisez

pas un cordon fendill_ ou pr_sentant des

signes d' tlStlre.

I,orsque vous d_placez l'appareil du ram; thites

attention de ne pas la thire fouler sur le cordon

d'alimentation afin de ne pas l'endommager.

Vovez les Inst_ uctions d'Installation pore"

les specifications particuliers du syst_me

d'_l_ctrique de cet appareil.


Operating Instructions

Bollom t_rcezer I_(/}'ig'¢ralor


__ __. =®® ,ram,l)®Preset Settings

Allow 24hours to reach these preset temperatures.

The temperature display shows the actual

temperature of the freezer and fresh food

compartments. Tile actual temperature willw_I'y ti'oln tile set temi)erature based on tactors

such as fl'equency of door opening, ainount of

tood, defl'ost cycling and rooln telnl)erature.

NOTE:Fi'equent door ol)enings or door leftopen tor periods of tilne InaV increase tile

interlaal telni)erature of tile fi'eezer and fresh

tood colni)artn/elks telni)orarilv.

To turn off the cooling system in both tile

ti'eezer and fresh tood colni)artlnents , press

either + pad until both displa):s show OFF.

To turn the cooling system on, press either

- pad. The preset telni)eratures of 0°F and

37°F will appear in the displa>

To check the current temperature setting for

the fresh food or freezer compartment, press

the + or - pad once. Atter 5 seconds, the

display will returi_ to the actual telni)erature.

To chmlge the temperature settings, press the

+ or - pads to desired tenq)erature set point

fi)r fl'esh tood and fl'eezer sel)arately. Allow

24 hours fi)r the refl'igerator to reach the

teml)erature you have set.

Temperature Rmlges

Low High

34°F 45°F

1° C 7° C

Fresh Food

Freezer _6°F +6°F

_21°C _14°C

NOTE:Setting tile controls to OFFstops cooling,

but does not shut ott electrical power to tile

refrige ra to r.

Changingdi l)taytemp#atures

from °F to °C

To chaw*e_ tile temi)erature display between

Fahretaheit and Celsius, press the Temp

Display °C/°F.

To turn the Door Alarm feature on, press

tile pad once. Tile ACT/I/Elight will COlne on.

To turi_ it off, press the pad again.


is actixe, the alarm will flash _t

and beep if you keep tile

door open for i//oi'e than2 nlinutes. ((t_

Automatic Icenlaker (on some models)

Bollom Freezer R_f)'ig'eralor

Wat filtercartric(¢e

The water filter cartridge is located behind the

grille panel at the top of the refligerato_: i,ifl up

the panel to access the cartridge.

When to Replace the Filter:

The filter cartridge is designed

to filter 300 gallons of water

(lasting approximately 12 months),

It should be replaced when the status

light turns red or if you notice the

ice cubes getting hollow or small.


Iustalling the Filter Cartridge:

1 Raise the grille panel at the top of therefl_igerator.

2 Remove the old cartridge by slowly turningit to the letL A small amotmt ofwamr may drip

down. Do not pull down on the cartridge.

3 Fill the new cartridge with water fl'om thetrip to allow tot better flow immediamlv alterinstallation.

4 I,ine up the arrow on the cartridoe_ with the

center of the holder: Do not push it up intothe holder:

5 SlowE turn it to the fight tmtil the cartridge,stops. It will rotnte about 1/4 turn. DO NOTOVERTIGHTEN.

To Reset the Filter Status Light:

Press and hold the RI_;SET pad fb_ 3 seconds.

Filter Bypass Plug:

x_u must use the filter bypass pltlg:

a) if you have a household reverse osmosis water

system and/or another titan of home water

filtration system

b) it a replacement filter is not available.

The icemaker will not operate without the filter

or filter b)]_ass plt/g instnlled.



Replacement filters:

To order additional filter cartridges in theUnited States, visit our Website at ge.com, or callGE Parts mid Accessories, 800.626.2002.


Suggested Retail $38.95-47.95

Customers in Canada should consult the yellow

pages for the nearest Camco Serxice Center:




Slowlyturnit totheright.Donotovertighten.

Autonlatic Icemaker (on some models) and Sabbath Mode Product Kit

Bollom Freezer R_fi'ig'eralor


A newly-h_staJled refrigerator may take

12-24 hours to begin making ice.

The icemaker will produce seven cubes per

cycle---approxinmtely 15 cycles in a 24-hour


If the reti_igerator is operated betore the water

cmmection is made to the icemake_; set the

power switch to O (off).

When the refl'igerator has been connected to

the water supply, set the power switch to [ (on).

Throw away the first fldl bucket of ice to allow

the water line to clea_;

Be sure nothing interteres with the sweep ofthe teeler amL

When the bin fills to the level of the teeler arm,

the icemaker will stop producing ice.

It is nomml tor several cubes to be joined togethei:

If ice is not used ti'equenfly, old ice cubes will

become cloudy, taste stale aim shfii_k.


If ice cubes get stuck in the icemake_; set thepower switch to O (off) and remove the cubes.

Set the power switch to I (on) to restart theicemake_:

Pdter the icemaker has been tin'ned on again,there will be a delay of about 45 minutes before

the icemaker resumes operations.

The ice bucket is conveniently located in theupper freezer basket. Occasionally ice cubes may

spill out of the bucket. Should the ice cubes tifllto the bottom of the fl'eeze_; they are of noconcern; they will sublimate away hamflesslv.

NOTE: In homes with low water pressm'e, youmay hear the icemaker water wflve cycle on

several times when making one batch ot ice.


ModeProduct Kit

(available at

extra cost)

The Sabbath Mode Product Kit was designed

lot use on the Jewish Sabbath and Holidays.

The Sabbath Mode feature makes it possible

lot observant Jews to refl'igerate and fl'eezer

tood during the duration of the holiday.

The Sabbath Mode feature can be set to

override typical reactions to actions in your

refrigerator. While in the Sabbath Mode

your refrigerator will still operate normally.

However the reli'igerator will not respond toVO/II" actions.

While in the Sabbath Mode vou may notice

the tim running when the door is opened;however, this is not a result of wmr actions.

The tim will operate at random times. Thedefl'ost heater will continue to defl'ost the

refl-igerator and fl'eezer and will be actiw_tedon a timer. The defl'ost heater will not defl'ost

as a result of door ol)enings or any cons/lli/eractions.

ON/OFF To activate, raise the top grill

panel, set the Sabbath Mode switch to the

ON position. A green I,ED light will be visible

below the Sabbath Mode 14fitswitch. The green

light may not be visible with the top grille

panel closed. If you are not sure if the unit is

in Sabbath Mode, raise the grille panel and

see if the green light is on.


temperature control, door alarms and lightswill be disabled.

ICEMAKER The icemaker will be disabled.

This Sabbath Mode Product Fdt can be

pro'chased fl'om yore" local appliance dealer.

The ZSAB1 Kit is designed tot use with

Monogram Built-In I),eli'igeratm_: 36" 42" and48" Side-by-Side models inanufilctured atter

February 2004 and 36" Bottom-Freezer models

manufi_ctm'ed alter April 2004. To locatew)ur nearest dealer visit our web site

ge.com or call ] .800.626.2000. In Canada, call1.888.880.3030. Order I¢dt # ZSAB1.

NOTE: The Sabbath Mode Product Kit must

be installed bv a qualified service technician.


Storage Pans

Bollom Freezer I_(/}'ig'eralor

Sealed snack


The sealed snack pans retain high hulniditvfl)r the c(mvenient storage of lunch meats and

cheese, hors d'oeuwes, spreads aim snacks.

Make sure the pans are closed completely tomaintain the correct hunfiditv level.

These pans must befully closed beforeclosingthe fresh food compartment door.

A djustabh?



These drawei5 have individual, a(!justable

humidity controls that let wm control the

amount of cold air entering the drawers.

Make sui'e the drawers aye closed COlnpletely

to inaii_tain the correct huiniditv level,

Slide the control all the way to the High setting

and the drawer provides higher humidity levels

recolnlnended for Inost leat_' vegetables.

Slide the control all the way to the Low setting

and the drawer provides lower humidity levelsi'ecoillinended _'OI" inost fl uits.

Excess water that may aCCUlnulate on the

bottom of the drawers should be emptied

and the drawei_ wiped drx.

These pans must befully closed beforeclosingthe fresh food compartment door.



To remove a pan, pull it ()tit and lift the fl'ont

up and out of the wire holder. I,itt the back

up and ()tit.

To replace a pan, place the back of the pan in

the wire holdeL making sure the indentations

at the back of the pan fit into the back of the

wire holder. Then lower the front of the pan

into the wire holder, Press fiHnly on the top of

the pan until it snaps into place.




.Storino. unwrapped foods in a high, humiditx

environment keeps foods fresh b) retaining

the natural moisture content of foods such as:

• Artichokes • (_herries *Parsle_

• Asparagus • Corn *Pe_/s,green• Beets, topped • Cucun_l)ei's • Radishes• Blueberries • (_tlFl'm]tS • Rhubarb

• Carrots • Greens,/ea_ • Spinach• Celery • I,ettuce *Tomatoes, ripe

As in any refrigerated storage area, it is

reconm_ended that foods with strolw odors' 0

be stored wrapped--foods such as:

• Broccoli • C'_l)b'_oe_,, _ • Parsnips

• Btussels sprouts • Caulitlower • Turnips• Green ol]iOl]S



I,ower humidit)storage should be used for

items such as:

• Apples • Pap_vas • Squash,• Apricots • Peaches summer

• Grapes • Peru's • Strmd)erries

• mtlshi'oollls • Pomegranates • T, illgeFilles

• Nectarines • Mangoes• Oranges • Raspberries


Shelves and Bins

Bottom t;*'_,eze*" I_/}'ig'_,*'ato*"

Ag{]ustableshelves in the


Tempered glass shelves in tile fl'esh fl)od

comi)artn_ent enable w)u to make efficientshelf arrangements to fit w)m" tamilv's food

storage needs.

To remove shelves: Tilt shelf up at fixmt,

then lilt it u I) and out of tracks on rear wall

of refl'igerator.

To replace shelves: Select desired shelf height.

X4]th shelf flxmt raised slightly, engage top lugsin tracks at rear of cabinet. Then lower fl'ont

of shelf until it locks into position.


wine rack

Tile wine rack is designed to hold a bottle on

its side and will fit on any shell

To relocate the wine rack: Pull tile wine rack

straight out, position its lip over tile right edge

of tile shelf w)u want to suspend it fl'om and

push it all the way in,


Some door bins are a(!justable and can be

Illoved tip alld dowll to Illeet yotlr storage needs.

NOTE:Tile deeper door bins m ust be placed at

tile bottom of tile door only:

To remove: I,ilt tile bin u I) and slide itiowa rd Vo/I.


drawer withbasket


Inside tile fl'eezer drawer is a wire slide-out

fl'eezer basket,

This basket can be l)ushed back so items on tile

bottom of tile fl'eezer drawer can be reached.

To remove the basket:

1 Open tile fl'eezer drawer,

2 I,ili u I) tile back of tile basket, then slide tilebasket back until it clears tile fl'ont hooks.

Ensure that the freezer drawer is fully closed

after each opening to maintain normal

operating performance,


re and (;leaning

Bottom Freezer H_¢}'igerator


The door handles and trim. Clean with a cloth

(laml)ened with soapy water. Dry with a sodcloth.

Keep the outside clem_. Wipe with a clean

cloth lightly dampened with mild liquid dish

detergent. Dry with a clean, sod cloth.

Do not wipe tile refl'igerator with a soiled dish

cloth or wet towel. These may leave a residue

that can erode tile paint. Do not use scouring

pads, powdered cleaners, bleach or cleaners

containing bleach because these products can

scratch and weaken the paint finish.

The staJnless steel panels and door hm_dles

(on some models) should be regularly cleanedwith a commercially available stainless steel

cleaner such as Stainle, ss Steel Mag'i:) _1

Stainh:,_s Steel Mag'i_ and tile Monogrampolishing cloth are available to preserve

and protect the fine finish, throughGE Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002,

or ge.com.

For Stainless Steel Mag'i:, order part nmnberWX 10X 15. For Monogram polishing cloth,

order part nmnber _3X72X 10001.

Do not use appliance wax or polish on thestainless steel.


To help prevent odors, leave an open box

of baking soda in tile refrigerator and fl'eezer

COllli) a i'tlll ents.

Turn off power at the circuit breaker or fuse

box before cleaning. If this is not practical,

wring excess inoisture out of sponge or cloth

when cleaning arotmd switches, lights or


Use warln water and baking soda solution--

about a tablespoon (l 5 ml) of baking soda

to a qua rt (l liter) of water. This both cleans

and neutralizes odors. Thoroughly rinse

and wipe dry.

Other parts of the refrigerator-including

door gaskets, meat and vegetable drawers,

ice storage bin and all plastic parts-can be

cleaned the same way. Alter cleaning the door

gaskets, apply a thin layer of petrolemn ,jelly to

the door gaskets at the hinge side. This helps

kee I) the gaskets fl'om sticking and bending

()tit of shape.

Avoid clemfing cold glass shelves with hot

water because the extreme temperature

difference may cause them to break. Handle

glass shelves carefully. Rough hmldlh_g of

tempered glass can cause it to shatter.

Do not wash any plastic refrigerator parts inthe dishwasher.

Conde72seY There is ISO need fi)r rotltine condenser

cleanings in normal home operating

envii'oninents. However, in environil/ents that

may be particularly dusty or greasy; tile

condenser should be cleaned annually

ti)r efficient refl'igerator operation.

To clean the condenser:

WARNING: Thecondenserfins have sharp edges. Wear a long-sleeved

shirt and gloves to safely clean the condenser.

&AVERTISSEMENT :Les ailerons du condensateur sont

extr&mement coupants. Portez une chemise

manches longues et des gants pour nettoyer le

condensateur en toute s6curit&

1 Turn off tile power at tile circuit breaker

or fllse box. _:\'ait about 30 minutes fl)r tile

condenser ai'ea to cool.

Cleanthe condenserperiodicallywith a brush.

2 Raise tile grille panel at tile top of tile


3 Use a sod bristle brash to loosen dust and

lint on the condenser fins. L,rse a vactltlln

hose to i'elllOVe soil.

4 I,ower the grille panel.

5 Reconnect power at the fllse box orcircuit breaker.


Ca_re and (;leaning

Bollom Fr_,ezer H_/}'ig'_,ralor

Preparingjbr vacation

For long vacations or absences, reillove tood

and shut ott power to the refl'igerator at thefl,se box or circuit breaker. Clean the interior

with a baking soda solution of one tablespoon

(15 ml) of baking soda to one quart (1 liter)

of water, i,eave the doors open.

For shorter vacations, remove perishable foods

and leave controls at regular settings. However,

if the room temperature is expected to dropbelow 60°F (16°C), tollow the same

instructions as for long wlcations.

Set the icemaker power switch to the O (off)

position and shut off the water supply to

the refrigerator.

Using theMasto Lightswitch

This teatm'e turns off the lights in the fresh

ti)od and h'eezer coillpartillents,

The switch is located behind the grille panel

at the top of the reti'igerator. I,ili up the panelto access the switch.

the grille panel.

Light bulbreplacementin the


hnportmat: Turning the temperatttre control to

OFF does not remove power to the light circuit.

There are timr light bulbs in the top of the

fl'esh tood compartment.

To replace the bulbs:

1 Set the Master Light switch in tile OFF

position to turn off the lights. See U,_ing"the

Master L_q'hl switch.

2 Remove the light shield by placing yore"

fingers in the openings at the back of the

shield. Then, pull the shield toward wm

and swing the back of the shield down.

3 Replace with the same size bulb (40 watt max.).

4 Reinstall the shield and reset the Master

I,ight switch to the ON position.

Replacement 40-watt bulbs can be pro'chased at

yore" local general retail store, through GEParts and Accessories, 800.626.2002, or at

ge.com. Order part # 40A15.

Light bulbreplacementin the freezer



To replace a bulb:

1 Set the Master i,ight switch in tile OFF

position to turn off' the lights. See U,_ing"the

Master L_'hl switch.

2 Remove the fl'eezer light shield by removing

the two screws with a Phillips screwdriver.

3 Replace with the same size bulb (40 watt max.).

4 Reinstall the shield and reset the Master

I,ight switch to the ON position.

Replacement 40-watt bulbs can be pro'chased at

yore" local general retail store, through GEParts and Accessories, 800.626.2002, or at

ge.com. Order part # 40A15.

The Problem Solver

Bottom t@¢ezer I_(/_'it{'¢ralor

Questions ?

Use this

problemsolver, t



• May be in defl'ost cycle when compressor does not operate fin" about30 minutes.

• TemI)eratm'e control in the OFF position.

• If interior light is not on, refrigerator ma) not be plugged in at wall outlet.

• The fltse is blown/circuit breaker is tripped. Replace fltse or resetthe breaker.



(Modern refrigerators

with more storage

space mad a larger

freezer require

more operating time.

They start mad stopoften to maintain

even temperatures.)


• Normal when refl'igerator is first i)lugged in. X._ait 24 horn's for therefl'igerator to completely cool down.

• The new w_riable speed compressor is designed to ttm fin" longerperiods of time to optimize efficiency and noise. You may notice thecompressor and/or tim speeds accelerate based upon door openingsand/or increased t0od loads.

• You may hear the rims spinning at high speeds. This hal)pens whenthe refrigerator is fit_t plugged in, when the doors are openedfl'equently or when a large amotmt offi)od is added to therefl'igerator or fl'eezer compartments. The rims are helping tomaintain the correct temperatures.

• Door leti open or package holding (loot" open.

• If either door is open fin" over 3 minutes, you may hear the rimscome on in order to cool the light.

• Hot weather or fl'equent door openings. This is normal.

• Temperature controls set at the coldest setting. See T(,m/Jeratu_, Contro[,_.

DOOR NOT CLOSING • Package holding door open.

PROPERLY • Check the door gasket; it may be out of position.

• Refl'igerator not level. See In,_lallalion In,_lructions.


• Refl'igera tot is so quiet, tha t most of the tim e you will h ear low or no

operating noise.

• Normal tim air flo_one tim blows cold air through the

fl'esh fl)od and fl'eezer compartments--another tim cools

the COII/I)I'eSSOf II/otoI',

• The rims change speeds in order to provide optimal cooling and

energy savings.• These NORMAl, sounds will also be heard fl'om time to time:

- You may hear a whooshing or gm'gling sound when the doors

close. This is due to pressure equalizing within the refi'igerator.

- A water dripping noise may occm" during the defl'ost cw'le as ice

melts fl'om the evaporator and flows into the drain pan.

- The flow of refl'igerant through the fl'eezer cooling coils may

make a gurgling noise like boiling water.

- _'ater dropping on the defl'ost heater can cause a sizzling,

i)oi)ping or buzzing sound dm'ing the deti'ost cycle.

- You may hear cracking or i)oi)ping sotmds when the refrigerator is

first plugged in or during/alter the defl'ost cvcle. This hal)pens as

the refl'igerator cools to the correct temperatm'e.

- Electronic dampers click open and closed to provide optimal

cooling and energy savings.

- The compressor may cause a clicking or chirping sound when

attempting to restart (this could take up to 5 minutes).

- The electronic control board may cause a clicking sound when

relays actiw_te to control refl'igerator components.

- Ice cubes dropping into the bin and water running in pipesas icemaker refills.

- The icemaker water wflve will buzz when the icemaker flls

with water.

The Problem Solver

Bollom Freezer H_/_'ig'eralor

Questions ?

Use this

problemsolven t




(Slight vibrationis normal.)



(Frost within packageis normal.)









• Refrigerator ma) not be proi)erl ) installed.

• Temperature controls not set cold enough. See 7_mtperaIure Conlml, s.

• Warm weather or fl'equent door openings.

• Door let1 open for hmg time or fi'eezer door lett ajar;

• Package may be holding door open,

• Door lett open or package holding door open.

• Frequent or long door openings.

• Freezer (loot" left ajar.

• Door may have been left open or fl'eezer door left ajai;

• Teillperattli'e of freezer coi//l)artilleil[ 1oo W_li'ill,

• Old cubes need to be discarded.

• Ice storage bin needs to be emptied and washed.

• Unsealed packages in freezer compartment may be transmittingodor/taste to ice cubes.

• Keep open box of baking soda in refrigerator; replace every 3 months.

• Interior of refrigerator needs cleaning. See C(m, and Cleaning"

• Pore=tasting incoming water. Replace water filter.

• Icemaker power switch is in the 0 (off) position.

• _ater supply turned off, restricted or not connected. Call vom"installer fi)r proper water sui)ply line connection.

• X_'ater filter clogged. Replace the filter or use the filter bypass plug.

• Freezer COilll)ai'tilleilt too W}li'ill,

• Piled 1lI) c/lbes in storage bin mav ca ilse icemaker to sh lit off toosoon. I,evel cubes in bin.

• Ice cubes stuck in icemaker. Turn off the icemaker, remove cubesand turn the icemaker back on.

• Not mmsual dm'ing periods of high hmnidity. _iI)e sm'iace dry.

• Door lett open or package holding door open.

• Controlling hmnidity and temperatm'e in the kitchen with airconditioning will eliminate this condition.

• In hmnid weather, air carries moistm'e into refl'igerator when dom_are opened.

• Controlling hmnidity and temperature in the kitchen with airconditioning will eliminate this condition.

• Foods with strong odors should be tightly covered.

• Check tot spoiled fl)od.

• Interior needs cleaning. See C(,'*vand Ch,aning"

• Kee I) open box of baking soda in retiJgerator; replace every 3 months.

• No power at outlet.

• I,ight 191111)needs replacing. See Care at_d (h, aning"

• Master I,ight switch is in the OFF position.

• X4"lter filter clogged. Replace the filter or use the filter bypass plug.• Check for a connection to a Reverse Osmosis water system.

If an RO is connected, remove the water filter and ii_'stall the

original bypass plug that came with the unit.

Performance Data SheetSmartWaterFiltration System

MWF Cartridge

Thissystemhas been testedaccordingto NSF/ANS142/53for reductionof the substanceslisted below.Theconcentrationof the indicatedsubstancesin water enteringthe systemwas reducedto a concentrationless thanorequal to thepermissiblelimit for water leavingthe system,asspecified in NSF/ANS142/53.*100%safety factors built in for unmetered usage)







CJlaHe_e ConcenWafion

2.0 mg/I _+10%

at least ] 0,IX)0particles/mI.

Standard No. 42: AeslJmtlc Effects

hlfluent Effluent

Average Average Maximtun

1.96 mg/L 0.06 rag/I, 0.l l rag/I,

6,400,1X)0#/mI, 58,833 #/mI, 150,000#/mE

S_mdard No. 53: Health Effects


Tm'bkli b


I .cad at pI t 6.?,

I.cad at pI t 8.5

MeTx:m7 at pit 6.5

Mercm 7 at pit 8.5Alachl,.w

I in(lane





!)9.95% Re(htction

!)9% Reductiol'_

0.0l 5 mg/L

0.0l 5 mg/L

0.1_)2 mg/L

0.1_)2 mg/L

0.1_)2 mg/L

0.01_)2 mg/L

0.070 mg/L

0.1_)3 mg/L

0.1_)1 mg/L

0.040 rag/I,

0.075 mg/L

0.003 mg/L


Clmlle_Ne Concentration

l I k ] NTL ***

\'[inimum -,O,(X)OL

1IF to 11}'s fib( e_!I; > l()tnn

0.15 rag/L± 10%

0.15 rag/L± 10%

0.1_)6 mg/L ± 10%

0.1_)6 mg/L ± 10%

0.04 mg/L ± 10%

0.002 mg/L ± 10%

0210 mg/L ± 10%

0.015 mg/L ± 10%

0.015 lng/I_ +_] 0%



10.5 NI'U

I18,75O #/L

57 MF/I,

0.1567 mg/I,

0.1433 rag/I,

0.0059 rag/I,

0.0057 rag/I,

0.0367 mg/I,

0.0020 rag/I,

02033 rag/I,

0.0160 rag/I,

0.0145 mg/I 0.000500 rag/I,

Carbothran 0.080 rag/L± 10% 0.0830 mg/I 0.00](X)0 rag/I,

1,4didflorobenzene 0.225 rag/L+ 10% 0.2283 mg/I 0.0(X)500 rag/I,

,\u'aAne 0.(X)9 mg/I_± 10% 0.(X)87 rag/I, < 0.(X)05 rag/I,


Average Maximmn

0.14 NTU 0.28 N'I1

< 1 #/I, 4#/L

0.9(,!6 MF/I, < l MF/L

< 0.001 mg/L < 0.001 mg/L

< 0.001 mg/L < 0.00l mg/L

0.000350 mg/L 0.0007 mg/L

0.000325 mg/L 0.0006 mg/L

0.00023 mg/I_ 0.0004 mg/L

< 0.(X)002rag/I, ,_0.00(X)2mg/L

0.(X)337 mg/I _ ).0110(X) rag/I,

0.00100 rag/I, ).001000 rag/I,

).000500 mg/I

).001000 mg/I

).000500 mg/I

< 0.0005 mg/L

% Reduction

Average Mitfimmn

{)6.77% 94.74%

99.14% 97.97%

% Reduction

Average Mitfimmn

!)8.54% 97.20%

> 99.(`)9% > 99.(`)9%

99.60% 99.39%

99.36% 9{).2{)%

99.30% %.2(`)%

94.70% 87.50%

93.20% 8!).2(.)%

!)9.34% 98.67%

99.00% !)8.(.)5%

!)8.32% 94.50%

1)3._% 91.67%

{)6.51% 95.83%

{)8.78% 98.65%

!)9.78% 9!).77%

!)4.22% 93.33%

Mill. RequiredReduction

> 50%

> 85%

Mill. Requ_edReduction



0.010 mg/I,0.010 mg/I,

0.002 rag/I,

0.002 rag/I,0.002 mg/I,

0.0002 mg/L0.070 rag/I,

0.003 rag/I,0.005 mg/I0.04 mg/L

0.075 mg/I0.003 rag/I,

* Testedusinga f/owrateofO.5Ogpm;pressureof6OpsigpHofZ5_+0.5; temp. of 68°_+5°FI20°_+3°C)* * Measurement in Particles/ml. Particles used were O.5-1 microns

*** NTU:Nephelometdc Turbidity units

Operating Specifications• Capacity: certified fi/r up to 300 galhms ( l 1 35 1); up to six n_onths fi)r inodels without a replacen_ent filter indicator light;

up to one year fi)r inodels with a replacemei_t filter indicator light

• Pressure requirenlent: 40-120 psi (2.8-8.2 bar), non-shock

• Temperature: 33-100°F (0.6-38°C)

• Flow rate: 0 5 _t"°m ( 1.9 lpm)

General Installation/Operation/Maintenance Requirements• Flush new cartridge at flfll flow h)r 3 milmtes to I_urge, out trapped air.

• Replace cartridge when flow becolnes too slow.

Special Notices• Ii_stallation insti uctioi_s, parts and serxice axailabilit), and standard warrantx are ii_cluded with the product when shipped.

• This drinking water systeln must be maintained according to nlanufacturer's instrucfioi_s, including replacemei_t of filter cartridges.

• Do not use with water that is microbioh)gically unsafe or (if unknown qualit) without adequate disilffection before or

after the system. Sxstems certified for cxst reductioi_ inav be used on disinfected water that inay ('OlKain filterable cysts.• The contanfilmi_ts or other substances relnoved or re(h{ced by this water treatmei_t svsteln are not necessarily in wmr water.

• Check for conq)liance with the state and local laws and regulations.

• Note that while the testing was perforlned trader standard laboratory conditions, actual performai_ce inav xarv. Sxstems must be

installed and operated in accordance with inalmfacturer's recolnn/ended procedures and guidelines.

System Tested and Certified hv NSF hlternational against ANSIiNSF Standard 42 & 53 for the reduction of:Stmldard No. 53: Heahh Effects

Chemical Reduction UnitAlachlor and Atrazine ReductionBenzene and Carbofiwan Reduction

1,4 dichlorobenzene and 2,4-D ReductionI.ead and Lindane Reduction

Mercury and Toxaphene ReductionMechanical Fihration Unit

Turbidity Reduction

Cyst and Asbestos Reduction

Standard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects

Chemical LnitChlorine 'Ihst_ and Odor

Mechanical Fihration Unit

Particulate Reduction, Class I

Mamdhctured fin-: (;eneral Electric Company, I ouisGlle, KY 4t)225 17

State of CaliforniaDepartment of Health Services

Water Treatment DeviceCertificate Number


Date Issued: February 2, 2005

Trademark/Model Designation


Replacement Elements


Manufacturer: General Electric Company

The water treatment device(s) listed on this certificate have met the testing requirements pursuant to Section116830 of the Health and Safety Code for the following health related contaminants:

Microbiological Contaminants and Turbidity



Organic Contaminants






._00 ga! Rated Serxice Flow: 0.5 gpmRated Service CapaciD_: "

Conditions of Certification:

Do not use where water is microbiologically unsafe or with water of unknown quality, except that systems certified forcyst reduction may be used on disinfected waters that may contain filterable cysts.


Consunler Services

Bollom Freezer R_/}'ig'eralor

With the purchase of your new Monogram appliance, receive theassurance that if you ever need information or assistance from GE,we'll be there. All you have to do is call-toll-free, t

GE Answer

Center ®

In the USA:


Whatever your question about any Monogran/major appliance, GE Answer Cente_ ¢')

inflwmation service is awfilable to hell). Your call--and wmr question--will be answered

i)romptly and courteouslv. And wm can call any time. (;E Answer Centei _': selwice is open

24 hours a day; 7 days a week.


Visit otu" _'_ebsite at: ge.com

In Canada, call 1.888.880.3030.

In-Home RepairService

In the USA:


In Canada:


AGE consmner service professional will provide expert repair service, scheduled at a tim e

that's convenient fl)r win. Manv GE Consmner Service company-operated locations otti_r

you service today or tomorro_, or at w)ur convenience (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays,

9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Satm'days). Ore" thctory-trained technicians know your appliance

inside and out--so most repairs can be handled in just one visit.

For Customers

With SpecialNeeds...

In the USA:



GE ottbt_ Braille controls fi)r a xariety of GE appliances, and

a brochm'e to assist in I)lanning, a barrie_free kitchen fi)r persons

with limited mobility.

()mstuners with impaired hearing or speech xsho haxe access to

a TDD or a conxentional teletypewriter mm call 800.TDD.(;EAC

(800.833.4322) to request infi_rmation or set\ice.

Service Contracts

In the USA:


In Canada:


You can have the secure feeling that GE Consmner Service will still be there after vour

warranty expires. Ptu'chase a GE contract while wmr warranty is still in effect and wm'll

receive a substantial discotmt. With a multiple-year contract, you're assm'ed of flltm'e

se_Mce at today's prices.

Parts and


In the USA:


In Canada:


Individuals qualified to service their own appfiances can have parts or accessories sent directly

to their home. The (;E parts system provides access to o_er 47,000 parts...and all (;E (;entfine

Renewal Parts are rifle warranted. VISA, MasterCard and Discoxer cards are accepted.

User maintenance instructions contained in this manual cover procedures intended to be

performed by m_y user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service

persomlel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation.



Bollom Freezer Refl'ig'eralor


Staple sales slip or cancelled check here. Proof of original purchase

date is needed to obtain service under warranty.



l }om the Date

of the OriginalPurchase

FULL TWO-YF_R WARRANTYFor two years from (late of original purchase, we will provide, flee of charge, parts and set\ice labor inyour home to repair or replace a*U part _!/'therq/r_wffttor that filils because of a man ufi|ctnring defect.

FULL FIVE-YFAR WARRANTYFor five years Ii'om (late of original purchase, we will provide, Ii'ee of charge, parts and service laborin your ilome to repair or replace any part tithe sealed r@'ig'erati_g'.system (the compressoh condense1,ev_porator and all connecting tubing) that Iifils because of a manufacturing defect.

LIMITED ADDITIONAL SEVEN-YFAR WARRANTY ON THE SFALED SYSTEMFor the sixth through twelfth year from the (late of the original purchase, we will provide, flee ofcharge, replacement parts fl)( any part r!/'the sealed r@'ig'emti_g'.system (the compressol, condenser,ex_porator and all connecting robing) that Iifils because of a manufi|cmring defect. You PW ff)rthe service trip to your home and ff)r service labor charges.

LIMITED THIRTY-DAY WARRANTY ON WATER FILTER CARTRIDGEFrom the (late of the original purchase we will provide, flee of charge, replacement parts ff)ra_t), part (fthe waterfi/ter cartrM W that fifils because of a ananuihcmring defect. During this limitedthirtDday warrant B we will also provide, flee of charge, a replacement water filter cartridge.o@@@@@@@@oooo@@@8@@@@@@@@oooo@@@8@@@@@@@@oooo@@@8@@@@@@@@oooo@@@8@@@@e

This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner ff)r productspro'chased fl)r ordinary home use in the 48 anainland states, Hawaii, Washington, D.C. or Canada.In Alaska the warranty'is the same except that it is I.IMITED because you must pay to shipthe prodtact to the service shop or lot the service technician's tra\ el costs m your home.

All warranty service will be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized CustomerCare:: servicers during normal working hours.

Shoukl \_)ur appliance need service, during warranty period or beyond, in the USA call800A4411845. In Canada: 888.880.3030.



• Service trips to your home to teach you howto use the product.

• Replacement of house fuses or resetting ofcircuit breakers.

• Damage to the product caused by accident,fire, floods or acts of God.

• Failure of the product if it is used for otherthan its intended purpose or used commercially.

• Damage caused after delivery.

• Improper installation, delivery or maintenance.

If you have an installation problem, contactyour dealer or installer. You are responsible

for providing adequate electrical, plumbing

and other connecting facilities.

• Replacement of the light bulbs or water filtercartridge other than as noted above.

• Replacement of the water filter cartridge dueto water pressure that is outside the specifiedoperating range or due to excessive sedimentin the water supply.

• Loss of food due to spoilage (in the USA only).

• Incidental or consequential damage caused bypossible defects with this appliance.



16007-01 o5-o5 JR

Printed in the United States

Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages, so the above limitation or exclusion ma> not apply to you. This warranty gives you specificlegal rights, and you may also ha\e other rights which vary fl'om state to state/province to province.To know what your legal rights are in >_)ur state/province, consult \_)m" local or state/provincialconsmner aflifirs office or vom" state's Attorney General.

Warrantor in USA: General Electric Company,

Louisville, KY 40225

Warrantor in Canada: Camco Inc.

Monogram:GE Consumer & Industrial


General Electric CompanyLouisville, KY 40225


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