parent handbook - mount vernon city school district · 2017. 6. 23. · to decrease the number of...

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Rebecca Turner Elementary


625 South 4th Ave Mount Vernon, New York 10550

2016- 2017

Parent Handbook

“One Team, One Goal, Soaring to New Heights”

Jamal Doggett, Principal


Table of Contents

School Vision and Mission……………………………………..3 Goals for the 2016- 2017 school year………………………4-5 Organizational Chart……………………………………….…6-7 Code of Conduct…………………………………………..……8 Safety Procedures……………………………………………..9 Contacting Staff………………………………………………..10 Cellular Phones………………………………………………..10 Student Absences……………………………………………..10 Lunch Payment………………………………………………...10 Lunch Schedule………………………………………………..11 Report Cards and Progress Reports/ Honor Roll…………..11 PTA……………………..……………………………………….12 School Calendar…………………………………………...13-17


Rebecca Turner Elementary

School Vision

“One Team, One Goal, Soaring to New Heights.”

Rebecca Turner Elementary

School Mission

Our mission at Rebecca Turner Elementary School is to work collaboratively as a caring community to

provide every opportunity for our children to achieve at high levels. These opportunities will enhance

student learning and maximize the social, physical, and emotional development of our children.


What are Rebecca Turner’s Strategic Goals for the

2016-2017 school year?

District Goal # 1 Academic Achievement & Student Success - All students will have access to a challenging, rigorous instructional program based on Common Core Standards that embed high levels of skill in critical thinking.

• Implementing research-based strategies to improve student achievement

• Expanding our Arts program (Band and Gifted & Talented)

• Expanding our Response to Intervention (small group and differentiated instruction.

ELA and Math scores on state assessments must increase by no less than 15% points per grade level.

To decrease the number of level 1 students (state exam performance) by 50%.

District Goal # 2 Quality Workforce - Create a highly skilled positive teaching environment by developing, recruiting, and retaining the most talented staff while supporting a culture of professional growth and innovation.

Targeted professional development for research-based instructional strategies

Continued professional development to strengthen our professional learning communities

Continued professional development for data-driven decision making

On site professional development and support provided by Carbone Clinic to our Autism Cohort classes

Expansion of our Autism Cohort (two additional classes)

District Goal # 3 Parent & Community Support - Engender trust with the community and parents through frequent, clear, transparent communication on all school related issues and opportunities.

Increasing parent engagement activities offered

Expanding the Parent Academy

Expanding the Diversity Team activities to include parental involvement

Social Emotional counseling opportunities outside of school

New School Uniform Policy (maroon tops, khaki bottoms)


Creating a new school website

District Goal # 4 Safe & Secure Learning Environment - Providing a positive school environment essential to academic success and higher rates of retention so teachers, staff, and students may feel safe, secure, and connected to school.

Expanding Tier II of our PBIS program

Reducing the number of out-of-school student suspensions by 5%

Reducing the amount of student accidents during lunchtime by 20%

Each month the progress toward achieving these goals will be communicated in the Eagle News Newsletter for the parents and community members.





Principal Classroom Teachers Class Room Jamal Doggett Pre-Kindergarten Landa Hunter Pre-KH 5 Assistant Principal Leida Plaza Pre-KP 6 Lucille Martir Kindergarten Secretary Marielena Ciccimarra KC 4 Clarissa Keith Nicole Giustino KG 1 Kelly Whelan ungraded 103 Kadeen Jarrett ungraded 106 Scott Perlman ICT 4 Security Lawanda Goodyear Grade 1 Shaquana Washington Jeffrey Knott Melissa Gleason 1G 203 Linda Murray 1M 206 Ester Ehrman ungraded 103 Custodial Department Katie Galvin ungraded 101 Lou Hebner, Custodian Jeanine Bicknese, Head Custodian Larry Swain, Cleaner Andrea Roberts, Cleaner Grade 2 Melissa Sansotta ungraded 108 Creative Arts Lisa Pizzolla 2P 209 TBD Media Nicole White-Lee 2W 102 Laura Colletti-Rodriguez, Art Stephen Coyne, Music Hayden Morris Gym Grade 3 Torian Kendall ungraded 101

Tonia Edmonds 3E 202 Susan Thornton-Smith 3TS 201 Related Services and Clinical Staff Pamela Orlivitz ungraded 107 Josephine Kirkland-Hudson, Social Worker Fernanda Carvalho, Psychologist Grade 4 Gabrielle Gilpin, Speech Therapist Robyn Cash 4CA 204 Kimberly Mosca Special Ed Supervisor David Brooks 4B 205 Lisa Rossi, Attendance Teacher Pamela Tumminello ungraded 105 Laura Pemberton, Nurse Jennifer Giore Counselor Ronnie Myer, Speech Therapist Grade 5 Pre-K Clinical Staff Miguel Lugo 5L 208 Deidre Davis, Speech Therapist Tashina Haywood 5HA 207 Monica Mandell, Social Worker


Anjali Duni, Pre-K Psychologist Frances Tarrant, Secretary Michelle Fret, Pre-K Special Ed Supervisor Specialists Susan Santore, Reading Specialist 5101 Lisa Lipedusi, Resource Teacher/ ICT 1 5091 Luisa Marin, ESL Tinaca Johnson, Reading Specialist Maria Falco, Reading Specialist Jeanne Casino, Math Specialist Teaching Assistants Yvonne Blount Hazel Bush Claudette McKenzie Robin Johnson Sharell McKennie Charrisaa Ayala Matieh Concepcion, Pre-K Lila Wilson, Pre-K Lauren Wynn Ainy Betancourt Tiffanee Greaves Nazarene Duncan Genelle Thomas Donna Colace Keleisha Bell Terri Shipman Magdalene Hilton Raul McKenzie Pearlie Ferguson Sharon Peterson Kristel Mims Melvin Campbell Jennifer Lapriore Andrea Lee Rochelle Brown Dwayne Miller Adrienne Stanley Silvana Marques Patrice Francis Cafeteria Ms. Ivy Reid 714650 Lunch Monitors Ms. Velma Greene Ms. Fanny Kelsey Ms. Juanita Chambers Ms. LaGrand McQueen Ms. Cynthia Smallwood Ms. Shantale Hughes Ms. Barbara Scott Ms. Kimito Harris



All students must be respectful, cooperative, and helpful towards each other and all staff members and the administration. All students are expected to conduct themselves in a considerate and respectful manner at all times. Students are expected to be in class prepared (textbooks, notebooks, pens and/or pencils) and on time. Violations of the following Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action:

Students must remain on school premises during school hours, unless they have been officially signed out by an authorized adult.


Harassment of any kind, including ridicule, bullying, intimidation, extortion, threats, racist, sexist, or ethnic comments, gestures of hazing, hostility, and/or any threatening actions will not be tolerated.


Sexual misconduct or harassment including abusive, demeaning, or offensive acts, visually, verbally, or physically (inappropriate touching) will not be tolerated.


Acts of violence, including fighting, inciting riots, and damaging, defacing or destroying property is not allowed.


Possession of weapons, firearms, illegal drugs, alcohol, matches, lighters, and cigarettes are not allowed. Selling, using, distributing, or offering to others any illegal drugs or controlled substances is not permitted.


Cell phones are not to be used in school. Students needing to make telephone calls must do so in the main office.


Hats, du-rags, scarves, bandanas, or other head coverings are not permitted in school. Jewelry deemed inappropriate by the administration is not allowed on school premises. Pajamas, slippers, flip-flops, halter tops, short skirts, sagging pants, open toe shoes, uncovered leggings, belly shirts, plunging necklines or any other inappropriate attire will not be permitted.


Use of profanity, disrespectful, offensive comments or jokes, or any clothing displaying profanity, sexual connotations, gang activity, or other offensive phases or symbols will not be permitted.


IPods, CD players, MP3 players, or any other electronic devices or games will not be allowed in school. The school district is not responsible for these items if they are lost, stolen, or confiscated.



Safety Procedures

As we move into the 2016-2017 school year, I would like to inform you of several

procedures that impact student entry and dismissal from school, and visitors entering

and exiting the building. Your cooperation is needed with the following procedures


The main entrance door will be locked at all times.

Parents and/or visitors will not be allowed to enter the building during morning

entry or afternoon dismissal.

Students should not arrive to school before 8:20am. There is no

supervision for students prior to 8:20am.

When students arrive to school at 8:20am, they should report directly to the auditorium. It is imperative that your child arrives to school on time.

An appointment must be made to meet with your child/children’s teacher(s) during the school day.

Classroom visits by parents must be previously scheduled and/or determined by the classroom teacher.

All parents and visitors must show ID when signing in at the front desk. All parents and visitors must report to the main office after signing in. Parents and visitors are not to visit other classrooms or areas in the building. After conducting school business, parents or visitors must exit through the main entrance.

Only the person(s) identified on student emergency cards is (are) authorized to pick up your child/children from school if necessary. ID will be required. Please update phone numbers and student emergency card information as needed.

School is dismissed at 3:00pm. It is imperative that students are picked up on time. There is no student supervision after 3:10pm.

To avoid the disruption of classroom instruction, please refrain from picking your child/children up from school prior to 3:00pm. For parents who pick up their child/children by automobile, please do not double- park in front of the school as it hinders the flow of traffic. There is ample parking on 7th & 8th Streets.

We must work together as a school community to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Thank you for your patience as we continue to provide a safe and secure environment for our staff and students.


Contacting Staff Parents/ guardians will be able to call the main office number and leave a message for a staff member. Do not expect to be able to speak with staff members right away, as they will likely be working with children. You may also contact staff via e-mail or by sending a note with your child. To contact a staff member via e-mail, please note that the staff member’s e-mail address contains the staff member’s first initial and last followed by All Staff can be contacted via e-mail. Meetings with staff are by appointment only. Please call 665-5100 to schedule an appointment to discuss your child’s progress. All staff can be contacted via e-mail.

Cellular Phones

The use of cellular phones by students is prohibited. Cell phones that are on and/ or being used will be confiscated. Students that bring cell phones to school should ensure they are off while in the building and given to their teacher to be stored in the classroom. No cell phone calls can be made or received by students during the school day. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cellular phones.

Student Absences If students are absent, the student must bring a note from home when the student returns to school. The note not must be signed by a parent/ guardian with the date and reason for absence.

Lunch Payment Please return lunch applications to the school as soon as possible. Students who consume school lunches and do not qualify for free lunch will have to pay the required amount. If the lunch bill is not paid, a bill will be sent to you indicating the amount of payment due to the school. It is expected that the payment be received in a prompt manner. Payment can be made in advance weekly, monthly or even for the whole year.


Lunch Schedule

Grade Time

K, 1st, 2nd, KW, KJ, 1E, 2S, 3O, 4T, 3K, 1K

11:18 AM- 12: 18PM

3rd, 4th, and 5th

12:32 PM- 1:32 PM

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Report card and five week reports are issued four times a year. Individual Parent/ Teacher Conferences can be scheduled by parents or teachers.

Marking Period Period ENDS

5-Week Report October 7, 2016

1st Report Card November 11, 2016

5-Week Report December 16, 2016

2nd Report Card January 27, 2017

5-Week Report March 10, 2017

3rd Report Card April 21, 2017

5-Week Report May 19, 2017

Retention Letters 2 weeks prior to end of MP 4

4th Report Card--LAST Week of June 19, 2017


Principal’s Honor Roll—A student must receive a 4 in all of the major subjects: English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies with no grades less than satisfactory in conduct and effort. To achieve this certificate a student may not receive a grade lower than 4 in any subject. Academic Achievement Honor Roll—A student must attain no less than all 3’s in all major subject: English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, with no grades less than satisfactory in conduct and effort. To achieve this certificate a student may not receive a grade lower than a 3 in any subject.


Parent Teacher Association


If you are interested in becoming a parent volunteer, please contact any of the PTA executive members below:

President – Sherita Bowen, Vice-President – Myrle Mulcare, Secretary – Josephine Kirkland-Hudson, Treasurer – Tashina Haywood, Membership Chairperson – Nicole White-Lee, PTA Meeting Schedule - All monthly meetings are held on Wednesdays (unless indicated) in the auditorium at 5:30 PM.

9/15/16 10/19/16 11/16/16 12/21/16 1/25/17 2/15/17 3/22/17 4/26/17 5/16/17 6/14/17

Parent Academy

O To promote parent involvement, we will offer a series of free classes, workshops and events aimed at helping families learn to engage with the school system, and positively contribute to your child’s academic, and social/emotional success

O Every family will receive a “passport booklet.” Each time a family member attends an approved school event, the passport booklet will be stamped. Names will be entered into a drawing quarterly for a chance to win a prize!


Rebecca Turner Elementary School


*Some dates are subject to change*


DATE DAY EVENT 9/1- 9/2 Thursday-Friday

Superintendent’s Conference Days

9/6 Tuesday First Day of School 9/7 Wednesday Faculty Conference 9/8 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting 9/12 Monday Code of conduct Assembly Grade 3-5 9/13 Tuesday Code of Conduct Assembly grades K- 2 9/15 Thursday Back to School Night-Meet and Greet

PTA Meeting 9/19 Monday School Based Leadership Team Meeting

9/20 Tuesday Dad’s Bring your Child to School Day

9/21 Wednesday Curriculum Meeting

9/22 Thursday PTA Welcome Back Breakfast


DATE DAY EVENT 10/3-10/4 Monday-

Tuesday Rosh Hashanah

10/5 Wednesday Bully Prevention Day 10/6 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting

Some passport sponsored events are: - Curriculum parent trainings - PBIS parent workshops - Informative meetings - Parent teacher conferences - Spring and winter concerts


10/5 Wednesday Faculty Meeting 10/11 Tuesday Early Dismissal-PD 10/12 Wednesday Yom Kippur 10/19 Wednesday Curriculum Meeting 10/19 Wednesday PTA Meeting 10/24 Monday School Based Leadership Team



DATE DAY EVENT 11/3 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting

11/8 Tuesday Superintendents Conference Day

11/5 Thursday LES School Government Election 11/11 Friday Veteran’s Day – No School 11/16 Wednesday Faculty Conference 11/16 Wednesday PTA Meeting

11/21 Monday School Based Leadership Team Meeting

11/23 Wednesday Early Dismissal

11/ 24-25 Thursday – Friday

Thanksgiving Recess

MONTH: DECEMBER — 2016 DATE DAY EVENT 12/1 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting

12/7 Wednesday Faculty Meeting

12/19 Monday School Based Leadership Team Meeting

12/21 Wednesday Curriculum Meeting

12/21 Wednesday Winter Concert 2015


12/21 Wednesday PTA Meeting

12/23 Wednesday Early dismissal for students and staff 12/26-1/2 Winter Recess

MONTH: JANUARY — 2017 DATE DAY EVENT 1/3 Tuesday Schools Reopen

1/5 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting

1/11 Wednesday Faculty Meeting

1/16 Monday Schools Closed-Dr. King Day

1/23 Monday School Based Leadership Team Meeting

1/25 Wednesday Curriculum Meeting

1/25 Wednesday PTA Meeting

MONTH: FEBRUARY — 2017 DATE DAY EVENT 2/1 Wednesday Half Day-PD Day 2/2 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting 2/8 Wednesday Faculty Meeting

2/15 Wednesday Curriculum Meeting

2/15 Wednesday PTA Meeting

2/20-2/24 Monday-Friday Mid-Winter Recess

2/27 Monday School Based Leadership Team Meeting

MONTH: MARCH — 2017 DATE DAY EVENT 3/2 Thursday Dr. Seuss Day 3/2 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting 3/15 Wednesday Superintendents Conf. Day 3/20 Monday School Based Leadership Team Meeting


3/22 Wednesday Faculty Meeting

3/22 Wednesday PTA Meeting

3/28-3/30 Tuesday-Thursday

NYS ELA EXAM, Grades 3-5

MONTH: APRIL — 2017 DATE DAY EVENT 4/5 Wednesday Curriculum Meeting 4/6 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting 4/10-17 Monday-Monday Spring Recess 4/24 Monday School Based Leadership Team

Meeting 4/26 Wednesday Faculty Meeting 4/26 Wednesday PTA Meeting 4/26 Wednesday Administrative Professionals Day

MONTH: MAY — 2017 DATE DAY EVENT 5/1-5/5 Mon.– Fri. Staff Appreciation Week 5/2 Tuesday Teacher Appreciation Day 5/2-5/4 Tuesday-

Thursday NYS MATH EXAM, Grades 3-5

5/4 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting 5/5 Friday Nurse’s Appreciation Day 5/10 Wednesday Early Dismissal/ PD 5/11 Wednesday Curriculum Meeting 5/15 Monday School Based Leadership Team

Meeting 5/16 Tuesday School Budget Vote 5/16 Tuesday Spring Concert 2016 5/16 Tuesday PTA Meeting


5/16 Wednesday Faculty Meeting 5/26 & 5/29 Friday-Monday Memorial Day – School Closed

MONTH: JUNE — 2017 DATE DAY EVENT 6/1 Thursday Health and Safety Meeting 6/7 Wednesday Faculty Meeting 6/14 Wednesday Curriculum Meeting

6/14 Wednesday PTA Meeting 6/16 Friday Graduation – Pre K, K, Grade 5 6/19 Monday School Based Leadership Team

Meeting 6/23 Friday Last Day of School for Students –

9:30 a.m. Dismissal

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