pax magazine vii

Post on 01-Mar-2016






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The seventh edition of PAX magazine, the student by and for LUC students





4 Illegals in the Netherlands By Bob Pierik

Table of Contents

6 The paradox of foreignness By Tuyet Anh Mandy Nguyen


8 Goodbye class of 2013! By Anonymous contributions (edited by Sofia Lotto Persio)


10 Dies Fatalis By Silke Mooldijk

12 Interview with the new dean By Sofia Lotto Persio and Ivaylo Todarov



PAX VOLUME VIII, YEAR III, ISSUE II Leiden University College The Hague Student Magazine


20 Grilled aubergine and chickpea salad By Aileen Corrieri

17 Are there benefits to light entertainment? By Nadine Froughi

15 Book reviews for summer reading By Sofia Lotto Persio

21 Famous last words By Anne Posthuma & Sofia Lotto Persio

19 B&S burgers By Bob Pierik & Sam Kogan






When forming a coalition, the Dutch parties

VVD (liberals/conservatives) and PvdA

(social-democrats) had agreed to

criminalize illegal residence in the

Netherlands. This would introduce

legislation that allows fining illegals up to

€3,900 or imprisoning them. However, the

PvdA leader Diederik Samsom encountered

a lot of resistance against this measure

among the members of his party. At the last

party Congress, almost 90% of the members

initially opposed the new measure.

The VVD wants to criminalize illegal

residence to reduce the amount of illegals

that enter the Netherlands, as well as

reducing the current amount of illegals. In

their policies, the VVD advises to prioritize

arresting and prosecuting especially

criminal illegals.

The argument against criminalization is that

criminal illegals would be prosecuted and

deported anyway, as their illegal activities

cause them to be targeted by the police

whether they are illegals or not.

Furthermore, it is argued that most illegals

have no criminal intentions, and should not

be prosecuted for trying to find a better life

in a country with more welfare. According

to most PvdA members, criminalizing illegal

residence would frame normal people as


Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) had

stated that he counted on the PvdA

keeping the promise of supporting

criminalizing illegal residence, as it is part

of the accord their coalition is based upon.

To find a balance between keeping

promises to his coalition partner and

pleasing his party followers, Samsom

promised his party to abolish the so-called

illegal quota instead of opposing the

criminalization of illegal residence.

The illegal quota is a quote established by

the last cabinet (backed up by Geert

Wilders’ the right-wing PVV) that police

departments through the Netherlands had

to live up to by arresting a certain amount

of illegals every year. Originally, illegals

were to be deported from the Netherlands

when found, but the quota actively

pressed police departments to specifically

search for illegals for them to be deported.

Back then, the PvdA was no part of the

government, but various members

criticized the quota, with mayors and other

government officials stating that they

would not comply with it.

After negotiating, promising abolishment

of this illegal quota and promising a more

humane policy on illegality, Samsom was

able to secure the support of the PvdA

members of parliament and the political

council of members for criminalizing

Illegals: criminals or not?



illegal residence. This ‘more humane

policy on illegality’ and abolishment of

the illegal quota is now topic of

discussion between the VVD and PvdA.

The social-democrats want the

criminalization to result in a fine instead

of imprisonment, and want to make it

easier to be eligible for a residence

permit when the reason for being illegal

is not the illegals fault. This would mean

that refugees and immigrants would

qualify for asylum more easily,

depending on the situation in their

home country or the conditions in which

they fled. The social-democrats further

want that illegal residence would still be

punishable, but not criminalized,

refraining from the rhetoric of calling

immigrants criminals.

The debate on immigration has been a

part of Dutch politics for quite some

time. The VVD as liberal-conservative

party is known for a ‘hard’ approach to

immigration policy, for example

introducing the illegal quota and letting

immigrants pay for their compulsory

integration courses themselves. The

PvdA on the other side is known for a

more soft approach from their social-

democrat approach to immigration.

This is not the first clash between the

two parties on a policy that was already

agreed upon, as merely a week after the

establishment of an accord, the VVD

members massively opposed reforms of

the health care system that would make

health insurance fee dependent on

income. The difference in this case is

that the PvdA members actually

approved the coalition accord in a

previous Congress, including the

criminalization of illegal residence, but

later opposed it as a specific measure.

Negotiations with the VVD will eventually

decide whether or not the Dutch

government will treat all illegals as criminals.







As a Vietnamese-Chinese descendant I have

been living in the Netherlands since I was 1

and a half years old. Even though I am very

happy I was raised in the Netherlands, I

never felt completely Dutch. I knew from a

young age that foreignness will never 100%

disappear. It’s not because I don’t want to

feel fully Dutch but it’s because how other

people act towards me. Of course, I am

aware that I was raised differently, have

some norms and values that are different

and I obviously look Asian. However, how

people act towards me makes me some-

times feel even more ‘non-Dutch’. People

have asked so many (cliché) questions in

my life such as: “ Nihao, are you Chinese?”

“Do you always eat with chopsticks?”

“Does your mom have a nail shop” and

“Can you do kung fu?” There is nothing

wrong with this because I realize that peo-

ple are curious, but there will always be

people that will try to put a label on you

and it does make me feel like a foreigner

at times. It depends on the situation

whether I feel bad about it or not.

An example when I feel more non-Dutch is

if I have to make an appointment with

Dutch people to eat together instead of

visiting them spontaneously and being in-

vited to join dinner right at the spot. At

home we cook a lot of food for the whole

family so a friend can always join dinner

with or without appointment. If we can’t

finish the food, we’ll eat it the day after.

Most Dutch people I know do not cook for

10 people when there are only 4 people

eating. This is something that I had a hard

time getting used to when growing up in

the Netherlands. If you can always join my

family dinner, why do I have to tell you

Experiencing cultural differences is part of Mandy’s

everyday life no matter where she is.



days in advance if I want to eat at your

place? Another example is when I am

invited to a party but I cannot go be-

cause I have to help my parents with

their business during the weekends and

all I get to hear is: “Can’t you cancel

your parents?” There are times that I

don’t even bother to explain the impor-

tance of family because they might think

my parents are very strict or mean in-

stead of really understanding it.

The times that I do feel very Dutch are,

for example, when cheering for the

Dutch soccer team during European and

world championships, when celebrating

Sinterklaas with friends, singing the

Dutch anthem and... when I go abroad.

Thus the paradox. Currently I am on ex-

change in Taiwan. When I first came

here in February I felt very much at

home, with Asian people that are my

height, have my hair colour, and have

somewhat the same norms and values.

However, I am halfway through my ex-

change now and I have never felt as

Dutch and Western as I do now. People

here like to have a white and pale skin

and I like to be very tanned. I only use

an umbrella when it’s raining but in Asia

there are also people who use it when

it’s sunny to prevent them from getting

a tan. I am also curvier and most of the

time it is the case that either I do not fit

any clothes or I have the biggest size.

Trust me, I have been to places where

XXXL is equivalent to European medium.

In my eyes Taiwanese people are very

nice, polite and helpful. I don’t think I

have ever generalized this for any other

country that I have been to. However,

their politeness also makes it quite hard

to grasp what they really think about

you. Sometimes this creates a bit of a

distance. During class discussions hardly any

own opinions are being given but rather

shallow arguments what they expect the

teacher and the rest of the class want to

hear. The first time I openly disagreed with

someone during a class discussion there was

a very awkward silence because the local

students were shocked and flabbergasted - I

guess they don’t appreciate the LUC style!

Questions people ask that make me feel

very Dutch are for example: “Do you live in

Amsterdam?” “Do you smoke weed?” “Do

you drink Heineken beer?” The questions are

the other way around now that I am in Asia.

I quite miss hugging friends and giving

three kisses like what I am used to in the

Netherlands. I miss the tolerance of most of

the people around me on gay marriage and

marijuana. I miss the honesty and openness

not only during class discussions but also in

daily life. I once went shopping with Taiwan-

ese girls and whenever I asked their opinion

on certain accessories or clothes or shoes

that I picked, they would ALWAYS say that

they think it’s pretty even though I’m pretty

sure that there were some things that they

found hideous. Why can’t you just tell me

honestly that you think that neon pink mini-

skirt with red dots and white lace is ugly

when it’s written all over your face?

I guess the moral of the story is that I will

never feel completely at home somewhere

or have a full sense of belonging. And yet,

there are more advantages than disadvan-

tages for me being a foreigner everywhere

and I wouldn’t have wanted it differently. I

just need to learn to go with the flow, but in

my own way.







Graduation is just around the corner, and

soon we will say ‘so long’ to the beautiful

people of class of 2013. What made these

bright young minds choose for LUC, back in

2010? What were they thinking? Here are

some extracts from their motivation letters

and application essays. Indeed, we’ve come

a long way!

Some were dreamers:

“My dream is to work for the UN, I want to

work to enforce human rights and eliminate

discrimination and racism”

"This leads me to my dream for the future. I

aspire to be a politician, national or

international and I have the drive to make a

change for the better."

“I need to study at LUCTH to grow, to make

my dreams come true and to make a

difference in the world.”

They had great expectations from LUC...

“LUC the Hague, with its focus on global

challenges, academic skills and developing

student minds, for me feels like the

opportunity of a lifetime to reach for the sky

and work hard for my dream.”

"As the Dean said in his opening speech,

University College teaches people to be

the fish which wonders what water actually

is. I am looking forward to learning how to

be able to do that."

They had a mission...

“From since I was a kid, I have always en-

joyed a sense of a special purpose. When I

was a naïve kid, I always told my mother

that I would, not only try, but also succeed

to make the world a better place. Al-

though I now see, with my broadened vi-

sion on the world, that this is a bit trickier

then it seemed at first, this is still my goal

in life.”

"Moreover, I believe that I could have a

positive impact within and on the new

student community"

What did they think about the world?

“My first thought of war is that it is bad

and should not exist.”

"Fundamentalist groups in the Middle-East

are often wealthy and one bomb is all it

takes. Because instead of wars with swords

and stones, we may now expect chemical

weapons or another oil crisis and the

differences between fundamentalists and

less radical believers or atheists is

Looking back




"To protect civilization, communication

with extremists, above violence, is the

key. Faith and reason will have to exist

next to each other, which would mean

sacrifices from both sides."

"The fact that in Islamic countries

women still do not have the same rights

as men, clashes with article one of The

Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

highly valued in most western countries.

Islamic fundamentalists' disregard of

these rights leaves many women in

precarious situations."

They were proud of their country...

“Because the Netherlands are not only

small, but also very developed, they can

also step out of the shadow with a well

thought over answer and make it hap-

pen. A greater example to look up to in

international business is almost impossi-

ble to find.”

And, they truly cared about


"Research has proved that this volcano

type erupts once in 600.000 years.

Yellowstone Park hasn’t erupted for over

633.000 years. So in this case, it is not

five to twelve, but half past."

"Human technology can only go so far.

Technology has now accomplished the

art of predicting what may come.

However, we will always stay the

predictor. We will never become the

builder or the bulldozer, because that is

the job of Planet Earth. What we are actually

trying to do, is not solving the problem, as

that is impossible, but delaying our

execution date. This we can only do if the

human world acts together as one, but also

acts together with Planet Earth itself. We

can’t do this alone. We are all in this

together, no matter how rich or poor one

country is."






The only thing the audience knew before

the Dies Fatalis started is that they did not

know what to expect. The organisers man-

aged to keep the content of the show se-

cret. Several short videos were published on

Facebook, but not much information about

the content of the evening was given, so the

whole LUC community was very curious and


The project started effectively last March,

when a small group of students had a din-

ner in an all too familiar house near the

Peace Palace and brainstormed about the

show that was going to end the first year of

LUC as a “full” college of three classes, and

start a new tradition. This small group of

people eventually involved more than 110

students, professors, and stuff in the making

of the show.

The Dies Fatalis took place on May 25th in

De Nieuwe Regentes, a theatre that used to

be a swimming pool - a very suitable loca-

tion for the LUC’s thinking fish. The doors

opened at 7pm, so everyone could enjoy a

few drinks as well as delicious fingerfood

prepared by the Culinary Committee be-

fore the show started.

As soon as the lights went off, a great ap-

plause was given. The two presenters of

the Dies Fatalis, Maddi McMurray and Jori

Nanninga, took a man on stage. During

the video that followed, it became clear

who the man was. As most students know,

the Dean is often heard, but hardly ever

seen at LUC. Several students were inter-

viewed about ‘the Ghost of Goto-Jones.’

The answers made the public laugh, espe-

cially when one student said: “Oh, he is the

dean, right?!” When Chris Goto-Jones was

finally found, he was captured so he could

watch a video that showed what LUC really

it about. These portrayed some of the

many different social groups of LUC, rang-

ing from the wannabe diplomats who par-

ticipate in MUN to the idealistic three-

huggers of the Act Aware Committee and

first-years whose territory is Facebook.

However, despite their differences, LUC

students are united by their passions and

idealism. But has it always been like this?

Haven’t there been tensions between the

Read this if you have missed the show, or simply want to remember how great it was



classy inhabitants of de Klok and the

sturdy people living in Stamkartstraat?

The two groups did not like each other,

but a lost LU Card led to a secret ro-

mance between Jules, a guy from Stam-

kart and Vivian, a girl from the Klok. Un-

fortunately, as we know, “for the star-

crossed lovers, secrets do not last long

in the LUC community.” Nor Vivian’s

friends, neither Jules’ mates were in fa-

vour of the two dating and both groups

decided to solve this problem by a fight.

However, Jules and Vivian’s story started

to look like the one of Romeo and Juliet.

Since plagiarism is strictly prohibited at

LUC there was no other option than to

make peace.

After these first three videos, the show

paid attention to the three chairs For-

tuna has had so far and to the director

of BA Studies. Dr. Cissie Fu, who will

leave LUC to work on developing a Mas-

ter programme for Campus The Hague.

Also, there were funny and touching

musical performances involving Imane

Maghrani, Limo Baroud, Jori Nanninga,

Anna-Liisa Springham, Emeline Dupuis,

Martijn Otten and Raila Abas.

In the weeks before the Dies Fatalis,

every student could vote for the Fishy

Awards that were presented after the

show. Catch of the Year, or the hottest

student at LUC, was Christine Everaars.

JD Mussel was chosen as Shark of the

Year. The award for Upstreamer of the

Year went to Georgina Kuipers. Goldfish,

or most pet-like student, of the Year was

Fabian Kemps Verhage. Ivo Todorov was

chosen as Magikarp of the Year because

he may seem a little slow, but has a lot

of potential. Arial of the Year, or the big-

gest diva at LUC, was Vivian Gankema.

The Award winners were each presented

with a different dead fish. Next to the Fishy

Awards, there was also an award for the

Committee of the Year. The Act Aware Com-

mittee won this prize.

Finally, a picture of every student of the

Class of 2013 was projected on the large

screen on the notes of “We are young” by

Fun. This was the final goodbye to class of

2013. Afterwards, Judith Neijzen, chair of the

Dies Fatalis Committee, held a short speech

to thank you the very many people involved

with the project, particularly her Board.

The Dies Fatalis brought about many memo-

ries of the year(s) spent at LUC. This led

some of the audience to shed a few emo-

tional tears, but in the end everyone was

smiling, glad to have experience an unfor-

gettable night and quite an amazing experi-

ence at LUC.







Since we don’t know much about him yet

What was your impression of LUC before

you applied for the position? And now, has

it changed?

My impression was nonexistent, actually. I

don’t think I should be blamed for it, since

even Leiden itself does not have a clear

image as to what is actually happening at

LUC, or Campus The Hague. Many people

think of it as a residential institution for rich


After several months of frequently talking to

a lot of people, students as well as members

of staff, I started seeing the positive ideas

behind LUC. First of all, the sophisticated

program is built on the three main pillars of

Global Challenges – peace, justice, and

sustainability. Another fascinating thing

behind LUC is the interplay between these

three themes in the offered majors. This

interdisciplinary interaction requires

knowledge in all of them. This eclectic

understanding then guarantees that LUC

students would be well-equipped problem


What motivated you to apply for the

Short introduction

Name: Jos Schaeken

Hobbies: Cooking, traveling, relaxation,

and web design

Favorite place: Novgorod (RU), Santa

Barbara (USA), Saint Simon (USA), and

Terschelling (NL)

Favorite movies: “Sophie’s Choice” and

“The Truman show”

Favorite writer: Nikolai Gogol

Song you sing in the shower: Mainly the

pop/rock songs that my 3 kids play

If LUC were a Hogwarts house, which one

would it be? “… Not the one with the bad

boy … It has to be the winner’s house,

therefore Gryffindor”



position of Dean?

Firstly, I was lured by the LUC web page.

After acquainting myself with the basics,

I tried to get as much information as

possible about LUC that is not on the

web page - by talking to students and

members of staff.

Once I found all the information I

needed, I discovered that LUC is the

place to be for me. In my view, LUC is a

small-scale institution that allows the

manager to get directly involved and

not simply sit behind a desk. The

program and the international aspects

of LUC are also something important to

look at. Both of them prepare students

for the globalized world we currently

live. I also believe that LUC’s vibrant

international community offers its

students the opportunity to acquaint

themselves with many of the

characteristics of the present-day global

world. This community facilitates

intercultural communication and makes

it possible for students to familiarize

themselves with cultural differences

unconsciously and automatically.

What do you see as your major

responsibility as new Dean?

There are several things that need to be

done at LUC. Amongst the short-term

tasks, my most pressing responsibility is

to make sure that everything goes

smoothly regarding the move to the

new building. Certain things such as finding

a housekeeper, a student life officer, and

managing the Akbar are to be taken into


The long-term tasks include responsibilities

such as the making sure that the official

bodies at LUC respect with their legal

obligations. It needs to be confirmed that

important bodies such as the Board of

Examiners are legal and act in accordance

with their function, as specified in the law.

What can students expect from you?

I will be around, A LOT! I will try to

communicate with both students and

members of staff as much as possible. [Jos

also happens to be a smoker, therefore you

should not be afraid to ask him: “Can I bum

one, bro?”]

Guidance rather than command: I regard

communication and the finding of common

ground one of the most important features

of effective leadership.

I am also interested in the work outside the

office. I find it interesting to look at how all

of LUC’s ideas are put into practice and will

therefore be delighted to simply sit in

classes and learn together with the students.

After having familiarized myself with what it

means to be a teacher and a student at LUC,

I would like to teach somewhere in the

second semester of the next academic year.

If problems arise …



I believe in the effectiveness of the current

tutorial system and the availability of a

director of studies to tackle any problems

that might occur. However, I am also

convinced that these bodies may not

always be able to address a certain

problem or find a solution. For that

reason, I will also be able to talk to

students, who are having a bad time, after

they have passed through all the relevant

bodies beforehand.






Suddenly, after months of hard work, you

have all this time in your hands. What to

do? Try a book! If you are the non-fictional

person, move along. You probably already

know what you want to read this summer

anyway. Probably something light like

Heidegger, right? But, instead, if you look

for intriguing novels to keep you

intellectually entertained and alive, here are

a few suggestions (I usually read American/

British author, so I am sorry the list is not

very exotic. Feel free to send your own

book review to!)

Freedom by Jonathan Franzen

Freedom is the second book of this great

American writer, otherwise known for the

Correction, another great book. Both novels

actually run along the same theme: a family

epic. Nothing really epic happens, actually,



Tips for summer reading

but the focus of the story is about the

family members, their relationships to

each other, and their development as

people. I cannot tell much more about it

really, as all the characters’ story are

different and not particularly connected

to one another, besides from being

family to each other. But each character

undergoes his/her own challenges and

difficulties while they struggle to make

use of their freedom to make life choices

in relation to their expectations, their

ambitions, and their regrets. You won’t

be able to put this book down, I assure


To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee

A great classic. If you have not read it,

read it. If you have read it, read it again.



This is the story of how a lawyer with a

great sense of justice defends a Black man

on trial for having raped a White woman in

1930s Alabama. But there’s more. It’s also a

story of childhood play and innocence, and

fear of the unknown. The narrator, in fact, is

the lawyer’s young daughter. It’s a story

illustrating the darkness of human

mischievousness and the greatest human

kindness. There is also a film about it, really

good one, but watch it after reading the


The perks of being a wallflower by

Stephen Chbosky

I have not finished the book yet, but I will

include it in the list for all the coming-of-

age novels fan. Rarely has a reader met a

sweeter and more sensitive boy than fifteen

years old Charlie, who talks about his life in

letters to an anonymous friend. He is going

through a difficult time in his life, dealing

with puberty, the death of people dear to

him, his weird temperament, and he needs

to tell someone about it so he can make

sense of it all. The books also in a very

delicate and subtle way with themes such as

bullyism, homosexuality, domestic violence

and abuse, but they are touched upon so

lightly that it is not intrusive and moralist,

but merely invites for a post-reading

reflection. I cannot express a final

judgment on the book yet, but I will

recommend it anyway.

Scoop by Evelyn Waugh

This is the greatest satire about war and

journalism ever written. This should suffice

to make most of you quiver with

enthusiasm at the thought of finding this

gem of British literature. If you need more

to be convinced, the story is about a war

in a remote African country that the British

press has to cover. Due to a

misunderstanding, a London newspaper

sends the most unlikely and

unadventurous of his contributors to cover

the war, with unexpected result. Despite

the satire, I think the message of this book

is also not to take oneself too seriously

and stay humble, a precious lesson for

pretty much anyone. But most

importantly, it’s funny. If you get British

humour. Which is hilarious.




Disdain. That’s it. The attitude of many

students towards ‘light entertainment’ is

often one dripping with disdain. People

who engage in such trivial pursuits as

watching reality shows (ew) on

television or go see a hollywood (ew)

movie in a Pathé (ew ew ew) cinema, are

often looked down upon, judged as

unintelligent and uncultured. Many of us

take pleasure in asserting our own

superiority over these people and the

mass media they consume. But why?

Why has this attidude developed?

We know it is not specific to reality

television, series like Pretty Little Liars

and 90210 are dismissed as ‘nothing’

television, and God forbid you attend a

movie produced by a non-independent

studio. A quick look at comments on

sites like YouTube and imgur will reveal

these superior attitudes. Comments like

‘Kill it with fire!’ and ‘This is what is

wrong with the world’ appear very

frequently, and most of the negative

reactions are nowhere near as mild.

These reactions are not confined to the

internet either, here at LUC if one dares

to admit a reality TV habit, they can kiss

their hipster credentials goodbye.

We all know that hipster credentials are not

that important, but there is a lot of truth in

saying that there is an air of superiority

around many, many students. This could be

something to do with the self importance of

your average bachelor student. We view

ourselves as an important academic, rather

than what everyone else sees, a young

person merely beginning their journey in

life, a life that we all would hope, would

have a realm outside of intellect.

But what if watching a silly rom-com or

indulging in a few episodes of Jackass from

time to time could actually be of benefit to

you? We all know that the best thing to do

when you’re not studying is to go socialise,

go for a jog, cook yourself some healthy

food or listen to some loud music. But if you

need a break, some comic relief might just

do you good. People have always looked to

stories, whether spoken or read, for

generations – what else is the Iliad if not a

more fancy and poetic version of Games of

Thrones? We, our generation, have more

options to get lost in another world, whether

it is Hogwarts or Westeros or the Jersey

Shore, to take time out from our often

mundane and hectic daily lives to engage

our minds in something outside of




Reality TV and the prevalence of the pretentious student.



ourselves. This can be of great benefit to

our overall wellbeing and happiness.

In the same way as me being a jerk about

people who are too good for reality tv and

pop music will not change their ways, being

a jerk towards people who watch crappy TV

and like to read Twilight will not make them

stop either, and why should it? If you are a

healthy happy person, working towards

your goals, light entertainment is not what

is going to hold you back. From time to

time, we all just need to relax.






The story behind LUC’s B&S Burgers.


In an exclusive interview with B&S

founders Bob Pierik and Samuel Kogan,

PAX journalists Sam Kogan and Bob

Pierik got to ask all the questions to

which you had always wanted to know

the answers! B&S Burgers is LUC’s first

on-campus hamburger delivery service.

Hey guys! Thank you a lot for this

exclusive interview, could you tell us

how you came across the initial idea to

start a burger company?

Bob: It started when we just decided to

have burgers for lunch, and figured that

they were really good relative to the

cost of making them. Then we thought

of delivering them across campus to

make some money.

Sam: We also thought we could use the

brand as a platform for further projects

such as losing Fortuna elections.

Bob: Shut up Sam.

What will the future bring for B&S


B: Well, we may expand to the new

building next year, but we are not really

sure about that yet. We could do

something like pre-Fortunight burgers.

S: Future? I am sorry; could you use that

word in a sentence?

Fuck off Sam. Are you guys thinking of

selling other products than simply


S: Yes, we are also thinking of becoming a

political think tank. B&S Creative Rightful

Alternative Policy Solutions will be a new

ultraconservative Christian right-wing think

tank that can fit in the huge gap in the

market of current right-wing think tanks that

also sell burgers.

B: Yes we already registered

and simply need to start finding customers.

Critics say your company uses illegal

methods to sell fast food to poor college

students, do you guys have any comments

on that?

S: Yeah, we are pretty illegal, we are not

even an actual burger company. Not even a

normal company actually. Most of the time

we’re not even selling burgers; however this

is not reflected in our aggressive marketing


B: Yeah basically that’s true, but you should

realize that we all have Western standards.

Compared to Nigerian standards, we are

doing really well actually. We have never

ever had complaint from the Nigerian Food









Ingredients (for 2 people)

1 aubergine

1/3 cup olive oil + 3 tbsp

1 garlic clove, crushed

1 tsp honey

1tsp cumin

1 tsp coriander

¼ tsp cinnamon

small onion, cut in half and then thinly


small can of chickpeas

small dried chili

A Middle-Eastern inspired salad

This simple yet flavoursome dish is cheap and

easy to make. Great as a summer lunch.

1 lemon wedge

salt and pepper

half a cucumber


small tub of yogurt






Slice the aubergine into thin rings. In a

bowl mix 1/3 cup of oil with the garlic,

honey, cumin, coriander and cinnamon.

Brush the marinade on each side of the

aubergine slices. Grill on a high heat un-

til aubergine slices are soft and charred

on both sides. Put on a plate to cool and

then cut the slices in half. Heat the rest

of the oil a pan. When hot add the on-

ion slices and cook until golden. Add

the onions to a medium-size bowl with

all the oil. Add the aubergine to the

bowl. Rinse the chickpeas and add to

the bowl. Crumble the dried chili,

squeeze the lemon wedge, add salt and

pepper and mix.


Cut the cucumber into small pieces and

add to a bowl with plenty of salt. Let it

stand for 15 minutes. Drain the cucum-

ber and get rid of the excess water. Pat

dry. Put it back into the bowl, add the

yogurt, some pepper and mix.


Serve the salad with the tzatziki on the side

and some warm pitta bread.




Change is an integral part of the LUC

experience. Every year at LUC is a year of

change. The new students, the new

housing building, the

Schouwburgstraat... In the past three

years there has always been some new

developments to get used to.

The most massive change still has to

occur, of course. The Anna van

Buerenplein building. The new Dean.

New grade assessment (if you missed it,

we are changing to the American system

of letters rather than the 1-10 scale). The

vast majority of class of 2013, and also

some key figures between the Academic

staff, like our beloved Cissie Fu, are

leaving. Some of us will still be able to

stick around, at least for the beginning –

we sure do not want to miss occasions

to drink and eat on LUC’s expenses! –

but eventually, all birds have to leave

the nest and take their flight. It’s scary,

but exciting.

Even the Hague is changing. Biblos, at

Plein, where we had our first night out

of introduction week back on a warm

August Monday evening of 2010, no

longer exists. A new bar has taken its

place. The AH of the corner of Spui,

meeting point of many LUCers grocery

shopping after class, disappeared early

this year, and almost no one uses the

tram stop in Korte Voorhout since the tram

tracks changed. The Lange Voorhout

building itself may end up being used by

International Studies (the horror, the

horror!), and even Stamkartstraat will

eventually be dismantled. Who will save the

cute little ducklings falling from the edge of

the lake? What will be left to stand as a

memory of our times at LUC, besides

Cremer’s? The only thing that stands behind

is a legacy. And I don’t mean it as a legacy

like the rich Dutch families engraving a

golden ring with the family stem. I mean

traditions. Fortuna. Our committees,

activities, shows, plays, fundraising events.

And this, in a sense, means you, those who

remain. It is up to you now to make sure

that the inputs in creating the LUC

community won’t be forgotten or go to


It’s in your hands now, take good care of it.

200 new faces will be walking the hallways

and riding the lifts in the new building.

People who never heard of why the

Christmas Committee is called like this, they

don’t know where the story of the two fish

comes from, they never tried the taste of a

vagina cupcake (delicious, by the way). They

still have not heard Aernout’s war stories

about Bihać, they will never get the chance

to win a leather jacket, and they will hardly

ever notice the beauty of Lange Voorhout




A word from the editors


changing through the season, or have the

chance to go on a ride at the Kermis during

a break from a class. It’s up to you to tell

these stories, to keep alive the legend of the

first generation of LUC, a bit like we do with

the original Pokémon group, really. And, in

the meantime, make your own legacy and

keep alive and vibrant the LUC community.

Come together, get involved. Dearest future

graduands – the class of 2013 wishes you

the best of luck and fun with the remaining

time at LUC.















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