promoting more appropriate pharmaceutical utilization with paras

Post on 24-Apr-2015






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Promoting more appropriate pharmaceutical utilization with PARAS

It is necessary that every hospital should have their own pharmacy to enhance their patient’s care. Pharmacy is one of the most important departments in hospitals. The hospital that lack pharmacy, often causes inconvenience to their patients. Hence it is the duty of every hospital to establish a pharmacy department and integrate it with the hospital’s operations.

Integrating pharmacy departments with hospital operations play a major role in stopping revenue leakages. With the advanced integrated system in place hospitals can not only track the assets and drugs of the pharmacy but can also monitor the status and conditions of the assets and drugs. Hence in order to maximize the efficiency and fuel the revenue growth it is necessary to adopt a right system.

PARAS pharmacy module can manage the entire pharmacy operations within the hospital. It has enabled the linking of store and billing system and also maintains complete drug formulary with all contra indications, interactions, dosage details and supports various drug classifications and indexes. As and when the patients collect medicines from pharmacy shop their charges are automatically transferred to their bills, stopping the manipulation and revenue leakages. With this, The IP pharmacy cashier module receives the request from different departments, does the billing and dispenses the medicine. The OP pharmacy cashier takes care of the pharmacy needs of out patients.

Besides this, PARAS also helps in review of medication issues whenever and wherever necessary. The drug inventory is also maintained with all the details required for the drug. Hence PARAS takes care of end to end solution while integrating hospitals and pharmacies.

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