quality narrative reporting

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  • 7/30/2019 Quality Narrative Reporting


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    Explaining the factors that determine demand and supply of houses in the UK

    during the above period

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  • 7/30/2019 Quality Narrative Reporting


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    Table of Contents1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 22. Quality of Narrative Reporting ................................................................................................... 2

    2.1 Theoretical Aspects of Quality Narrative Reporting .......................................................... 33. Scottish and Sothern Energy (SSE) Plc ...................................................................................... 4

    3.1 SSE Business Model and Strategy ...................................................................................... 43.2 Scottish and Sothern Plc Quality of Narrative Reporting ................................................... 53.3 Quality of Narrative Disclosure from Top Management .................................................... 63.4 Future Strategic Planning of SSE ....................................................................................... 63.5 Capital Investment .............................................................................................................. 93.6 Governance Strategy ......................................................................................................... 10

    4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 12References ..................................................................................................................................... 13

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    1. Introduction

    The main objective of narrative reporting is to provide a mechanism, which helps a firm to create

    a more attractive commercialize picture of the business, which is in line with the better

    understanding of stakeholders. It generates good governance, effective and better understanding

    (Pricewaterhousecoopers, 2007). For many organizations it is considered mandatory to report as

    it is the legal requirements impose on the company. Companies should provide voluntary

    information and should consider it as the source of communication between company and

    stakeholders (Adelopo, 2011).

    Using Scottish and Sothern Energy (SSE) Plc, a company listed in the FTSE 350, this report with

    the help of the previous academic literature and SSE annual report provides the brief evidence

    about the business model of SSE. It highlights the value creation for its employees, customers,

    and investors.

    One aspect which is considered important in this assignment is the level of voluntary disclosure

    of corporate finance and corporate governance. SSE provides the greatest level of information to

    its stakeholders all the activities of the company can be accessed from their corporate website

    and annual report. The assignment also illustrates that the stakeholders have easy access to the

    information regarding performance of the corporation. Third the report provides that how firm

    communicate financial performance to its stakeholder. At the end this assignment evaluates how

    the SSE annual report is in line with IIRC agenda for integrated reporting.

    2. Quality of Narrative Reporting

    The quality reporting to shareholders and stakeholders i.e. Employees, Bankers, Regulators, and

    society are important activity on the part of the management of the company. User friendly

    narrative reporting and financial disclosure were first introduced in the form of operating and

    financial review (Yeoh, 2010). A quality reporting contains the transparency of information on

    the part of the organisation. In the global economy the awareness of the reader has increased and

    the expectations of the annual reports have also increased so more you disclose more the comfort

    to the reader. But quality of reporting is more important than quantity (Sarkar, 2011).

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    International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) has introduced the integrated reporting

    system where the business provided the brief explanation for the firm value. The following

    figure shows that the business report should create short, medium and long term value with the

    help of reporting of better and integrated information about strategy and model of the business,

    operating context of the business, current and past performance highlights and how these reflect

    the aim of the organisation.

    Figure 1. Ingredients of Integrated Reporting

    Source: KPMG (2012)

    2.1 Theoretical Aspects of Quality Narrative Reporting

    Most of the previous study elaborates that the disclosures theories play an important role in

    explaining the narrative quality. The signaling theory specifies the reduction in information

    asymmetry with the help of information disclosure. The managers convey more information to

    their current and potential customers (Haniffa and Cooke, 2002). On the other hand, agency

    theory plays an important role in narrative disclosure (Healy and Palepu, 2001). Firm

    management discloses quality narrative information to avoid the agency problem of management

    with the shareholders and with the debt holders. The quality narrative disclosure also helps to

    reduce the conflicts between shareholders and debt holders.

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    3. Scottish and Sothern Energy (SSE) Plc

    Scottish and Sothern Energys core purpose is to deliver energy resources to people in pure,

    sustainable, and reliable way. The core value which SSE contains is security, safety, efficiency,

    teamwork and excellence. SSE main objective is to preserve the rights of the shareholders while

    providing them with the sustainable dividends and also to ensure efficient operations and

    investment in energy production and services (SSE, 2012).

    3.1 SSE Business Model and Strategy

    SSE business model revolves around two main operational activities. First its business model

    involves in generation, distribution, transformation and supply of electricity. SSE uses turbines

    to generate electricity from oil, coal, water and gas. It uses line with high voltage to transmitelectricity to different networks and use line with low voltage to transmit electricity to homes,

    workplace and different premises. It also involves in retailing the electricity to its commercial

    users, business and industrial concerns and households.

    Figure 2. SSE Business Model for Electricity

    Source: SSE (2011)

    Second SSE involves in gas retailing. It involves in gas production while extracting natural gas

    from North Sea fields to use off shores. Also its store gas in underground caverns for the future

    use. SSE is involved in gas transformation operations using gas pipelines to deliver gas to

    different premises and SSE involves in retailing gas to small industrial and business concerns

    and also households.

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    Figure 3. SSE Business Model for Gas

    Source: SSE (2011)

    3.2 Scottish and Sothern Plc Quality of Narrative Reporting

    For the narrative reporting the author has used 2011 annual report and some website information.

    The narrative reporting of the SSE is quite clear its technological knowhow is unique. It has

    communicated most of its activities on its corporate website. Figure 4 shows the regulatory news

    page in the investor centre on the website. The figure shows the full disclosure of information

    and user friendly interface, where users can easily access the current and previous prospects of

    the company using the check boxes and also the information given in the list.

    Figure 4. Investor Section at SSE.com

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    Source: SSE (2013)

    3.3 Quality of Narrative Disclosure from Top Management

    The quality of disclosure of the report is quite significant. The questions answer part from

    chairman, Lord Smith of Kelvin, and Chief executive, Ian Merchant, is intriguing. In the report

    there are same asked questions from both of them which confirm the similarities and differences

    in their opinions. The questions and answers give the brief narrative analysis about the

    performance of the firm.

    3.4 Future Strategic Planning of SSE

    Figure 5 is the brief representation of the future planning of SSE from 2012 to 2023. This gives a

    good understanding to the reader about the future prospects regarding strategic point of view

    about the company.

    Figure 5. Key Developments

    Source: SSE (2011)

    SSE main focus is to preserve the rights of its shareholders. The report has significant amount of

    focus on dividend growth.

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    Figure 6. Dividend Growth Prospects

    Source: SSE (2011)

    According to the report, the strength of the company is its shareholders and it ensures that there

    will be persistent growth in the inflation above dividend to attract more investment from

    shareholders. It also clears the clientele effect by sending the signal to the investors who are

    more into stable income on their investment and who are risk averse. SSE develops all its

    financial operations and statement to satisfy the needs of its shareholders.

    Figure 7 shows the key Performance indicators of SSE with comparison to four years before. It is

    clear to the mind of reader how clear and interesting the performance of the company in these

    five years is. This ensures the quality of reporting on the part of the company. This data is

    important to the financial and accounting professional to analyse the output of the organisation.

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    Figure 7. Key Financial indicators

    Source: SSE (2011)

    The report also provides a narrative explanation of the financial performance of the company

    which is in line with the IIRC (2013) framework.

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    3.5 Capital Investment

    One more thing which attracts the investors how much capital assets the firm have and how they

    use these assets for the development and success of the business they are dealing with.

    Figure 8. Performance of Capital Assets

    Source: (SSE, 2011)

    SSE has distributed electricity around 3.5 million businesses, homes and offices 130,000km

    underground cable and overhead lines and also it has distributed gas to 5.7 million offices,

    homes and businesses vie gas mains of 75,000 km. It is estimated that the regulatory asset value

    (RAV) of SSEs economically natural business is over5.36 billion. This shows that SSE is able

    to take out the maximum output from its operating and capital expenditure which may attract

    new investors into it (SSE, 2012).

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    Figure 9. Networks Regulated Asset Value for 2011

    Source: SSE (2011)

    3.6 Governance Strategy

    A significant important part of the report is the information about the composition and the

    hierarchy of the organisation. SSE has 11 boards of directors and 7 management board members.

    The hiring and leaving of board is communicated regularly on the website. Important

    information is the number of non-executive directors on the board. SSE has four non-executive

    directors. SSE report clearly mentions the rights and duties of the directors and the management

    board. Also their independence and responsibility which is a good sign for the quality narrative


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    Figure 2. Board Structure

    Source: SSE (2011)

    Figure 11 provides the structure of the board which is mentioned in the report. It gives the

    elaborated picture of the governance structure of SSE.

    Figure 3. Remuneration Policy

    Source: SSE (2011)

    The report gives the brief description about the remuneration policy of the firm and also it

    ensures the reliability of this information by providing further information about the

    remuneration of the board. The readers of the report have significant information regarding the

    remuneration policy and get well aware about the remunerations of directors. This narrative

    disclosure provides a great deal of authenticity with reference to IIRC agenda.

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    4. Conclusion

    The quality narrative disclosure of the firm has an ability to communicate the strong foundations

    on which the organisation is based on.

    Figure 4. Foundation for the Integrated Report

    Source: IIRC (2013)

    According to the report of SSE Strategic, their objectives look strong. The report provides all the

    information, which is considered important for the stakeholders. The SSE business model is

    quite clear and understandable to the readers. It also creates connectivity and signals better future

    prospects for the company. Assessment and identification of risk factors and the provision of a

    mitigation plan are also strong points of the report. Future prospects of SSE are clear and provide

    long term interest to stakeholders. The report also identifies the barriers in the way but strong

    foundations for growth are also elaborated in the report. Furthermore, the report provides the

    proof of inclusiveness of shareholders with answers to their question from the CEO of the

    company. It also significantly documents the performance and remuneration of its governingbody. Overall, information provided by the SSE ensures reliability and its value.

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    Abraham, S., & Cox, P. (2007). Analysing the determinants of narrative risk information in UK

    FTSE 100 annual reports. The British Accounting Review, 39(3), 227248.


    Adelopo, I. (2011). Voluntary disclosure practices amongst listed companies in Nigeria.

    Advances in Accounting, 27(2), 338345. doi:10.1016/j.adiac.2011.08.009

    Haniffa, R., & Cooke, T. (2002). Culture, corporate governance and disclosure in Malaysian

    corporations.Abacus, 38(3), 317349.

    Healy, P., & Palepu, K. (2001). Information asymmetry, corporate disclosure, and the capital

    markets: a review of the empirical disclosure literature.Journal of Accounting and

    Economics, 31(1), 405440.

    IIRC. (2013). The International < IR > Framework, 151. Retrieved from www.theiirc.org

    KPMG. (2012).Integrated Reporting: Performance Insight Through Better Business Reporting.

    Retrieved from kpmg.com/integratedreporting

    Pricewaterhousecoopers. (2007).Narrative Reporting: Give yourself a head start. Retrievedfrom www.corporatereporting.com

    Sarkar, P. (2011). Disclosures in Corporate Annual ReportsA Case Study of Some Selected

    Public Limited Companies in India, (October), 572578.

    SSE. (2011). Scottish and Southern Energy plc Annual Report 2011. Retrieved from


    SSE. (2012). SSE Corporate Profile 2012. Retrieved from


    SSE. (2013). Scottish and Sothern Energy. Retrieved from www.sse.com

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    Yeoh, P. (2010). Narrative reporting: the UK experience.International Journal of Law and

    Management, 52(3), 211231. doi:10.1108/17542431011044652.

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