question 4; technology

Post on 19-May-2015






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How did you use media technologies in the

construction, planning, research and evaluation


InternetThe benefits of the Internet for initial research and planning: video sites, websites for short film companies, magazines, posters to research each medium, film audience information, genre, narrative information.

The internet is used all over the world to watch short films and interact with other short film viewers. When conducting my research the internet played a big part. • I watched some examples of short films on youtube to learn what they are about.• I found short film reviews and comments online to inspire me when writing my own article. • When researching film audience information the internet was where I found all the information I needed.•All my video posts were embedded to my online blog using youtube and the internet.•A lot of the information I learnt about genre and narrative came from the internet.

Hi-Definition Cameras, HD storage and Final Cut Pro and Digital SLR cameras

•When filming our short film we used hi-definition cameras. This enabled us to film more detailed shots and have a better quality film. HD cameras are professional pieces of equipment as film industries use them, which makes our film quite professional. •We used HD storage to store our film footage, this enabled us to immediately upload our footage using log and transfer onto Final Cut Pro.• We used Final Cut Pro to put our film together and edit it. This software is used by the professional film industry, therefore we could make top quality films.

GaragebandWe used Garageband to create a soundtrack for our film. We chose 3 tracks that fit in with our film, they were all quite emotional and served their purpose by making the audience relate to the film. The soundtrack of a film is very important as it decides the mood of the audience. We wanted to move our audience therefore used emotive but dramatic music. We also used Garageband to record our voiceover and to change the volumes on the soundtrack. It proved to be a good software to use.

Adobe CS4Adobe CS4 was a useful software to use when designing my advertising products; poster and article. I used photoshop to create a professional style to my poster and article and to create the flat plans. I used tools such as photo filters and brightness and contrast on the poster, also the paint tool to create the mysterious effect on my poster. I used text to write my article and to create the title on my article. Without Adobe CS4 I would not have been able to produce good quality print products.

Blogger and played a big part in my project as this is where I presented all of my research, final work and evaluations. Using a blog is effective as it can be seen by many people and can be changed and edited whenever it needs to be. There are no limits on blogs therefore I have put as much information as possible about my project on it.Youtube is obviously a major part of the internet, and I used it to present all of my videos. I used the embed code off youtube to interlink my videos onto my blogger account, this has been useful as presenting ideas in videos is more appealing to the eye than just text. I also needed youtube to present my short film, and as it is on youtube it can be viewed by people all over the world, just like short films I researched, therefore we could receive audience feedback.

Email, Prezi, Slideshare

Email was the easiest way to keep contact with my group when making our short film, we emailed each other research ideas and used attatchments to send each other work.Prezi is a website used to create presentations in an interesting way. I used prezi to create a presentation about short films but I wasn’t too fond of how it was presented. I prefered to use Slideshare to present my work. I used Microsoft Powerpoint to create powerpoints then transferred them to slideshare where I could get the embed code to put onto my blog. This was a creative way of presenting my ideas.

Web 2.0Web 2.0 has enabled me to produce an interactive project successfully. It has let me link videos and let people interact with my products and give their own views on my work. Creating a film and putting it on youtube opens a lot of opportunities for our film, such as people rating it and commenting on it. This could not have happened without web 2.0.

Overall, technology has been the basis of my project and I believe my technical skills have developed in the process.

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