seaside jewish community news september 2013 elul 5773 – … · the book is “the lemon tree: an...

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Seaside Jewish Community News September 302.226.8977 Elul 5773 – Tishrei 577418970 Holland Glade Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach DE 19971

In This IssueBoard of Directors 2President’s Message 2HHD Help Needed 2Rosh Hashanah & Kol Nidre Meals with Others 2Committee Chairs 3SJC Resource Center 3 Board Nominations Due 3Talkfest Thursday 4Road Cleanup Sept 24 4 Religious School Happenings 5Birthdays 5In SJC Community 6Pastoral Support 6Chesed Committee Needs You 6Confidential Crisis Committee 6Thank You 7HHD & Sukkot Services 8Break the Fast Reservation Form 9Fun time in Atlantic City 10SJC Shabbat B Que 10Annual Meeting Agenda 10 Social Calendar 10Donation Form 11Sponsors 12

Schedule of ServicesFriday, Sept 6, 7:30 pmShabbat Shuva; Parashat HaAzinu (Deuteronomy 32:1 – 32:52)Saturday, Sept 7, 10 amShabbat Shuva; Chant, Meditation & Torah Study (HaAzinu)Saturday, Sept 21, 10 amShabbat & Sukkot Festival Service; Parashat for Sukkot III (Exodus 34:1 – 34:23)Pizza in the HutWednesday, Sept 25, 7:30 pmSimchat Torah Festival Service with Torah Rolling & YizkorParashat V’zot Habracha, (Deuteronomy 34:7 – 12) & Bereishit (Genesis 1:1 – 1:5)Saturday, Sept 28, 10 amParashat Bereishit (Genesis 1:1 – 6:8)Friday, Oct 4, 7:30 pmParashat Noach (Genesis 6:9 – 11:32)Saturday, Oct 19, 10 amParashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1 – 22:24)

Kugel & Desert Makers Wanted ASAPAs is SJC’s tradition, we make kugels and some desserts for our congregational Break-the-Fast meal and need volunteers to do so. To volunteer, please contact Anita Smulyan at 302-703-2900 or as soon as possible. Please do not bring any kugels or desserts without contacting Anita first.

Shabbat Shuva Sep 6 & 7The Sabbath between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is called Shabbat Shuva, the Sabbath of Return. We use this time for celebrating Shabbat and contemplating about the upcoming Yom Kippur holy day. This year, we will have worship services on both Friday evening and Saturday morning. Our Shabbat evening service will be led by Rabbi Simcha Daniel Burstyn. This is the fourth year that Simcha Daniel will be with us to co-lead the High Holy Day worship with our Religious Leader, Beth Cohen and we take this Shabbat each year to welcome him.On Saturday morning September 7, Beth will lead us in a more contemplative worship that will include chant, guided mediations, and Torah study. The morning will be followed by a pot luck dairy/pareve lunch. Bring your favorite salad, kugel, dessert, etc. If you plan to attend, please let Anita Smulyan know what you are bringing so we can have a well-rounded menu. Contact Anita Smulyan at 302-703-2900 or

Sukkot & Pizza in the Hut Sep 21Pizza in the Hut will be celebrated on Saturday, September 21, at approximately noon after the Shabbat and Sukkot Festival service. During services, new members who have joined Seaside since April will be welcomed. Members and friends are invited for a pizza and salad lunch in our Sukkah. The Membership Committee hopes to see you at the event. Let’s fill the Sukkah with joy and camaraderie.

School Consecration Sep 22On Sunday, September 22, at 11 a.m., we will celebrate our annual Religious School consecration where we will welcome our new student, Julia Udoff, daughter of new members, David Udoff and Jennifer Kappeller. Following the ceremony, there will be a dairy/Pareve lunch. Please bring a dish to share.

Simchat Torah Sep 25On Wednesday September 25, SJC will be celebrating the end of the holy day season with Simchat Torah. The evening begins with a pot luck dairy/pareve dinner at 6:15 p.m. followed by a festival service complete with reading the very end and very beginning of the Torah. We will be unrolling and then rerolling the entire scroll with all participants holding it, dancing and singing, and then Yizkor. Please bring a dairy/pareve dish to share for dinner. Please come celebrate with us.

Page 2 Seaside Jewish Community August 2013

Board of DirectorsPresidentJeff Hawtof302-329-9097jehawtof@comcast.netVice PresidentEd Simon302-424-8020edsimon51@hotmail.comSecretaryJoel Simon302-644-4034joel.d.simon@wilmu.eduTreasurerJennifer Rubenstein302-841-0143jprubenstein@comcast.netAt Large Board MembersJason Bradley302-644-1376Jb620@comcast.netHarvey Fruman302-226-2209rehohef@verizon.netMeyer Persow302-258-9554mpersow@aol.comSam Smulyan302-703-2900samsmulyan@comcast.netJoan Stern302-645-5507joanfstern@yahoo.comReligious LeaderBeth Cohen302-858-2374bethcohen@verizon.netReligious School DirectorAllison Colker301-515-3306sjcreligiousschool@yahoo.comPast PresidentsJason BradleyCindi SilverblattMiriam ZadekCheryl FruchtmanLynne Chichi

President’s Message- Jeffrey HawtofWhen the mail comes into my house and there is anything related to Seaside, it goes on my desk. So when I got the envelope with the return address of “High Holy Days Celebration,” I put it in the pile to open up later. When I finally got around to opening it, I realized how much stuff we do. Rosh Hashanah (with youth services and children’s activities), Tashlich, Shabbat Shuva, Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur (with youth services and children’s activities), Break-the-Fast, Sukkot with Pizza-in-the-Hut, and more Shabbat services. And all in September!Take a look at that list again. It still amazes me that our small congregation pulls off services that typically reach over 300 people during the High Holy Days. We have our congregation raise the Sukkah and allow your children and grandchildren to decorate. We all get a chance to go up on the Bimah and pray right in front of the Torah on Yom Kippur. Shake the lulav and hold the etrog. Throw our sins into the flowing water at Tashlich.Now, how many congregations charge you extra for this? Not Seaside. My wife Nancy and I had an experience when we were young that showed me that Seaside needed to work hard never to force people to pay to pray. We were new in a town and went to a synagogue for our first Rosh Hashanah. We were stopped at the door and were asked if we had tickets. I said we didn’t, that we were new in town, and that we would gladly sit in the back or even stand. The person would not let us in without us paying over $300 (I forget the exact amount). Nancy just happened to have her pocket book and her checkbook was in it, so we paid and then prayed.

At Seaside, we keep our dues low at $180/adult member of a family. Not many synagogues can claim that and do all that is above. In fact we cannot either! The only way we make it through each year’s High Holy Days is through the generous donations that we get in honor of the High Holy Days. Each year we are able to pay our bills and have this immense programming only due to the fact that our congregants and friends are generous enough to donate. So let me thank you all in advance for your generous donations to keep our High Holy Days a most wonderful experience for all!

Help Needed For High Holy Days & SukkotCan you help the SJC High Holy Day logistic mavens set up at Epworth for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services and clean up when High Holy Days are over? Are you able to lend a hand to put up and take down the Sukkah? Dave Kaplan is looking for several folks – men, women, young, a little older, who can help. Contact Dave at 302-644-8544 or

Rosh Hashanah & Kol Nidre Meals with OthersSJC Member Carol Ann Rudolph is coordinating our 2nd annual High Holy Day meals with others! We are asking members and friends to make room at their tables for one or two guests who would like to share the Jewish holidays with others who plan to attend SJC’s HHD services. If you would like to be invited to dinner or a pot luck effort or if you are interested in inviting a person or two to share your holiday meal, please contact Carol Ann at or at 301-897-8272 or 301-351-3653 cell. Let’s reach out and build community at this very special time in our Jewish life at Seaside!

August 2013 Seaside Jewish Community Page 3

CommitteesAdult EdIra & Karen Wexler 302-645-5603 iwexmd@hotmail.comkbwexler@hotmail.comCemetery Harvey Fruman 302-226-2209rehohef@verizon.netCommunicationsJennifer Rubenstein / Chair302-841-0143jprubenstein@comcast.netFran Sneider / Newsletter Editor302-644-4652 fsneider@verizon.netRobbin Myerberg / Designer302-396-1163 robbin2bs@hotmail.comCommunity Service & ChesedCheryl Fruchtman / Co-Chair302-227-1056 / 302-542-8094c.fruchtman@comcast.netAnita Smulyan / Beth Cohen / Chesed302-644-4652bethcohen@verizon.netHouseDavid Kaplan302-644-8544dtk607@comcast.netMembershipFran Sneider302-644-4652fsneider@verizon.netSocial OPEN(Any Interest?)WorshipBuddy Feldman301-343-0469DrIrwin@verizon.netYouth EdMarjorie

SJC Resource CenterContinuing the Adult Education Committee’s new initiative of providing a virtual SJC Reading and Resource Center (SRRC), here are this month’s recommended book and websites of Jewish interest. You can find also find this list on our website under the Study tab.The book is “The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew and the Heart of the Middle East” by Sandy Tolan, published by Black Swan in 2008. It is a true story of an Arab who returns to the home from which his family fled in 1947. Beautifully written, a friendship is forged between him and the current occupant of the home, a young woman whose family fled to Israel during the Holocaust. This town still exists are is 40% Arab and 60% Israeli. It is a story wrenching in its history. The book is available through the Delaware Library system.Recommended websites are: - Jewish Virtual Library, a treasure trove of information - Why Israel Will Attack Iran Why Israel is Losing the Internet War - Why Israel dominates global drone exports - Why do so many people hate Jews and /or Israel?Please note that each website typically offers many more (mostly scholarly) articles, with various, and thought-provoking points of view. We invite you to dig deeper!We welcome comments, suggestions, and contributions for future articles. For websites, contact Ed Kay at For books, contact Miriam Zadek at

Food, Clothing, Toiletries NeededPlease help us stock SJC’s storeroom with non-perishable food, gently used coats and clothing, or new toiletries for the needy. So many in our area are in need. Bring these items with you when you come to SJC and put them in the wicker basket at the top

of the stairs. The Community Service Committee will pick up your donated items and deliver them to local service

organizations. Thank you and please help!

Board Nominations 2014SJC’s annual membership meeting occurs on Sunday, November 17. At the meeting, we will elect 3 new members to our 9-person Board of Directors. Nominations close on September 18.The board members completing their three year term in 2013 are Joan Stern, Meyer Persow, and Joel Simon. None of these three are returning to the board.If you are interested or know of anyone who would be willing to serve, please contact Allyn Fruman at 302-226-2209. Nominees must be SJC members in good standing. Before making a nomination, please be sure the individual you are nominating is willing to serve. The election will be held at the annual meeting and the term begins in January 2014.Duties of Board members include attendance at monthly Board meetings, attendance at Shabbat services and open/close the building for services as often as possible, chair or serve on a committee, and in general, be

Board MeetingsMeetings are at 9 a.m. and are

open to members. 09/22 Home of Harvey Fruman

10/20 at location to be announced

Page 4 Seaside Jewish Community August 2013

Talkfest ThursdaysMeetings are at 7:30 pm at SJC. All are invited.These classes offer topics and issues to provoke and cause interesting discussion. Everyone is invited to attend.

First Thursday: Jewish HistoryNo class on September 5. For October through December, we will be discussing 3 giants of German-Jewish philosophy and some of the foundations of present day Judaism. Be a part of this momentous time in Jewish history. Join the Jewish History Class. On October 3, we will be viewing and discussing a DVD on “Leo Baeck’s Mystery and Commandment.” Rabbi Baeck lived from 1873 to 1956. What is the “Mystery and Commandment?” What was his understanding of Judaism and the concept of the Jewish People? Why was he so concerned with demonstrating Judaism’s superiority over Christianity? Then on November 5, we will be discussing Martin Buber. This class is open to anyone at any time. New attendees, please contact Burt Brenman, Moderator, at, and leave your name, address, telephone number, so that Burt can prepare sufficient handouts.

Second Thursday: Conversations About…On September 12, we continue our series of sharing thoughts, experiences, and ideas on a variety of topics related to Jewish life. Our topic is Conversation about and preparing ourselves for Yom Kippur. Some questions to think about as conversation starters – What does Yom Kippur mean to

me? Has its meaning changed over time? What preparations do I make leading up to Yom Kippur? Have I written a missed the mark card in past years? Did I think about where I missed the mark after Yom Kippur is over? Do I fast? If so, why and if not, why not? How do I spend my time in synagogue when I’m there on Yom Kippur? How do I feel when this day ends? Coming up on October 10, we will have a Conversation about “Our Legacies and Writing an Ethical Will.” These sessions are facilitated by our Religious Leader, Beth Cohen.

Third Thursday: Moveable FeastNo class on September 19. On October 17, we will view and discuss a DVD from the New York 92nd Street Y Live program presenting a panel discussion on “The Future of God; The Merging of Science and Religion.” Must science and religion be opposing and irreconcilable forces? Can science and religion be seen as complementary ways of understanding our world? The moderator is Dr. Reza Aslan, professor of creative writing, University of California, Riverside, whose most recent book is “Zealot, the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.” Panel members are Andrew Zolli, co-author of a new book “Resilience: The Science of WhyThings Bounce Back,” and David Ragleman, a neuroscientist and writer at the Baylor College of Medicine, where he directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action and the Initiative onNeuro- science and Law. How does this discussion impact on your thoughts of Judaism, and how you perceive God. Come and be part of the discussion that follows the DVD.

Fourth Thursday: Pirkei AvotOn September 26 and October 24, we continue our discussion of Pirkei Avot, translated loosely as Ethics of the Fathers. Pirkei Avot is unique in that it is the only tractate of the Talmud dealing solely with ethical and moral principles. It is a composite of Rabbinic discussions on what the Jewish people have taught the world about kindness, faith, sensitivities, and the values of civilization. The discussion is ageless and is appropriate to our present civilization. We will be discussing Chapter 4, which starts with “Who is wise? He who learns from every person. As it is said, ‘From all my teachers I grew wise.’” No previous study is necessary or required. If possible, but not required, bring a Pirkei Avot book.

Road Cleanup September 24The next Holland Glade Road Clean-up, in partnership with Epworth United Methodist Church will be Tuesday, September 24, at 5 p.m. The cleanup will begin at Epworth with a potluck dinner to follow there. This event has always been a delight for all. So come join the fun! The county provides the bags and safety vests. Remember to wear long pants and long sleeves, and bring gloves and bug spray. Bring one of your culinary delights to share. Children 15 and over are welcome to work if supervised by an adult, and everyone is invited to the dinner! If you can come help, please notify Suzanne ross at 410-486-2361.

August 2013 Seaside Jewish Community Page 5

Happy Birthday to Our MembersSeptember09/01 Jacob Adkins09/02 Jonathan Cohen09/03 Barbara-Ann Levin 09/04 Betsy Schmidt09/04 Gwen Aboutboul09/05 Florence Levy09/07 Barbara Freeman Warden09/08 Aaron Bradley09/08 Adeline Kaplan09/09 Michael Cohen09/11 Joe Green09/12 Tom Mandel09/13 Andrew Koch09/13 Michael Krausz09/14 Barry Gersten09/16 Kelly Gelof09/18 Jack Feldman09/18 Marjorie Kobrin09/19 Jerry Klavans09/19 Lynne Chichi09/19 Tina Rambo Faulkner09/22 Ryan Bradley09/23 Deena Newman09/24 Emily Freid09/25 Phyllis Cohen09/25 Tony Namrow09/26 Sharon Schreter09/27 Jeri Berc09/27 Harris Marx09/28 Iris Prager09/29 Beverly Peltz09/30 Matthew Ash09/30 Rachel Adkins

October10/03 David Hawtof10/04 Ed Kay10/05 Bernard Guyer10/05 David Kaplan10/05 Lynn Davis10/09 Morgan Kaplan10/10 Eric Doroshow10/10 Sandy Mintz10/10 Sophie Cohen10/13 Pamela Kaplan10/14 Nancy Gideon10/14 Rachel Namrow

Religious School HappeningsReligious School starts on Sunday, September 8. Every month during the school year, the newsletter will provide information about what is happening at the school. This month, we want to introduce our faculty.Religious School Director - Allison ColkerThis is Allison’s tenth year as Religious School Director and teacher in the school. She directs the religious school and co-teaches the B’nai Mitzvah class. Allison is a Special Expert at the U.S. Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration.Associate Religious School Director- Joel SimonThis is Joel’s first year as associate director and his fourth year teaching in our school. He will be working with Allison to direct the religious school and co-teach the B’nai Mitzvah class. He is a guidance counselor at Cape Henlopen High School (CHHS).Alef Class- Alyssa Simon, Stefine Pitzer, Emily Freid & Sarah HawtofThis year will be Alyssa’s sixth year teaching in our school. She is a special needs physics teacher at Sussex Technical High School. This is Stefine’s third year teaching in our school. She is a Spanish teacher at the Jefferson School. This is Sarah’s and Emily’s second year teaching in our school. They are ninth graders at CHHS.

Bet Class - Marjorie Kobrin, David Kobrin, Narda Namrow, Stefine Pitzer & Sara FreidThis is Marjorie’s and David’s second year teaching at our religious school. For several years before that, Marjorie ran a wonderful program at SJC teaching our youngest children about holidays. Marjorie recently retired as the director of a JCC preschool in New York. David is semi-retired and has many years of experience teaching at three congregations in New York. This is Narda’s fourth year teaching in our school. She is a mortgage loan officer at Eagle Bank in Montgomery County, Maryland. This is Stefine’s third year teaching in our school. She is a Spanish teacher at the Jefferson School. This is Sara’s fourth year teaching in our school. She is an eleventh grader at CHHS.Gimel Class - Allison Colker & Joel SimonAllison is our Religious School Director and Joel is our Associate Religious School Director.

Yes You CanHave you ever wanted to attend an SJC event but thought you

couldn’t afford it? SJC policy is to work with you if you

have a financial hardship. Please contact the treasurer to

confidentially discuss your situation.

Page 6 Seaside Jewish Community August 2013

Helping HandsSJC offers support to members who are ill, grieving, homebound, or just need a

helping hand. Available support includes sending cards, visiting people at home, preparing and delivering meals, picking

up groceries and prescriptions, small repairs around the house, and running

errands. New Helping Hand team members are welcome.

Contacts are: Anita Smulyan at 302-703-2900 or

Bonne Morrison at 302-684-3485

In The CommunityRefuah Shleimah – Get Well WishesWe send our prayers and healing energy to SJC members and loved ones of members who have been hospitalized or injured in recent weeks, or who are facing or have had health challenges.Jerry Kaplan

Please contact SJC Religious Leader, student Rabbi Beth Cohen, or 302-858-2374, if you’d like to add the name of someone you love to the Seaside healing prayer list or if there is a celebration in your life which you want to share with the Seaside family.

Pastoral Support – Just A Phone Call AwaySJC members visit patients at local hospitals, nursing homes, and rehab facilities. We can help families dealing with the death of a loved one. SJC’s Spiritual Leader is available to help families through the rituals and processes surrounding death, including funeral and burial, Shiva, and notifying the SJC community, while other SJC members take care of providing a Shiva tray or meal of comfort or a contribution in memory of the loved one. New team members are welcome. Contacts:• Beth Cohen, or 302-858-2374 (SJC Religious Leader)• Anita Smulyan, or 302-703-2900• Cheryl Fruchtman, or 302-227-1056

Chesed Committee Seeks VolunteersThe Chesed (Caring) Committee is seeking volunteers. We need a few more pastoral visitors for hospital visits and Helping Hand volunteers to help members in need. If you are interested, please contact Beth Cohen at and 302-858-2374 about being a pastoral visitor or Anita Smulyan at and 302-703-2900 about Helping Hands.

Confidential Crisis CommitteeExperiencing an adverse situation due to difficult current economic times? SJC Crisis Committee members will provide their expertise to SJC members for no charge or for a reduced fee depending on the circumstances. SJC takes no responsibility for the advice/service provided. Each situation is held in strictest confidence between the SJC member and the Crisis Committee member. Contacts are: • Jennifer Rubenstein for Financial and Budget Services at 302-841-0143 or • Eric Doroshow for Legal Services at 302-934-9400 or • Carol Ann Rudolph for Human Resources Assistance at 301-351-3653 or • Florence Levy for Food Pantry Resources at 302-226-3221

Yahrzeit CandlesCan’t find a Yahrzeit candle in

local stores?SJC has them. Contact Sam Smulyan

at 302-703-2900or

Yahrzeit PlaquesHonor your departed loved one

by having a plaque mounted on the wall in the sanctuary.

It takes 3 months to receive them.

SJC CemeteryReserve Your Plot(s) Today.Contact Harvey Fruman at

302-226-2209 or

Minutes of SJC BoardThe minutes are available to interested members after the

minutes are approved by the Board. Copies may be obtained by contacting our Secretary.

Wednesday Mornings at Seaside

Every Wednesday morning from 9 to 10:30, you will find the SJC

doors open for anyone interested in a contemplative, spiritual, peace-filled start to their day. Meditation, chant, and prayer are included. Everyone, including folks wanting to learn the practice of meditation, are welcome.

August 2013 Seaside Jewish Community Page 7

Sponsor Oneg-KiddushSincerest thanks to the many SJC

members who volunteer to sponsor a Kiddush or an Oneg. There are a few dates available for 2013. We are also preparing our 2014 calendar and if

you have a specific date or occasion that you might want to share with

your SJC family, call to reserve the date. It’s not too soon to plan. Call Myra Sachs at 302-644-0212 for

available dates and details.Celebrate your next birthday, anniversary, birth of a child or

grandchild or a graduation. Let us all enjoy this milestone with you. You can sponsor one of your own, with family or a group. There are many reasons to share an event with your

Seaside family.

Thank You Seaside Jewish Community gratefully acknowledges the following donations as of Aug 12.General FundHarvey & Allyn Fruman• in memory of Jerry Norris• in honor of the birthdays of Lucy Mehl & Shirley WeinerKathy Jackson in memory of her mother, Lillian Jean Stein, on the occasion of her YahrzeitMichael & Diane KaneJerry & Susan Klavans in memory of Jerry Norris, Marilyn Feldman’s father & Jennifer Block’s grandfatherGeorge & Carole Mason for the Worship Program• in memory of Jerry Norris, Marilyn Feldman’s father & Jennifer Block’s grandfather• for continued healing to Cindi Silverblatt, Anita Smulyan, Barry Morrison, Barbara White & Beth CohenBarry & Bonne Morrison thanking Seaside for Misheberach prayers and thoughtful get well wishes on Barry’s behalfTony & Narda Namrow for the Religious School and Worship Programs in memory of James Namrow’s July 30 YahrzeitDonald Lund & Edward Noyalis in memory of Elaine GlennTom & Lucy Mehl in honor of Lucy’s special birthdayAl & Myra Sachs• with get well wishes to Anita Smulyan & Barry Morrison• in honor of the special birthday of Robert Gamiel

• with congratulations to Beryl & Robert Gamiel on the birth of their first grandchild• in honor of their 59th wedding anniversary• to celebrate becoming great grandparentsMichael & Fran Saltzman in memory of Jerry Norris, Marilyn Feldman’s father & Jennifer Block’s grandfatherMyra Schein Congratulations to Joseph & Caren Andersen on their recent marriageClyde & Loretta Seibert in memory of Rebecca Simon & William HellerGeorge & Diane Sheahin in memory of Jerry Norris, Marilyn Feldman’s father & Jennifer Block’s grandfatherSam & Anita Smulyan for Community Services Programs and Chesed Committee• in honor of Stanley & Cindi Silverblatt’s 40th wedding anniversary• in honor of the birth of Al & Myra Sachs’ great granddaughter• in memory of Jerry Norris, Marilyn Feldman’s father & Jennifer Block’s grandfather• in honor of the birthdays of Lee Horn & Florence Levy• get well wishes to Barry MorrisonAlfred Gross Scholars FundGeorge & Naomi Platt in memory of Mollie Dornfeld, Louis Dornfeld, Henrietta Platt & Herman PlattYouth EducationTony & Narda Namrow in memory of James Namrow’s July 30 Yahrzeit

Oneg/Kiddush Sponsors9/06 – Ira & Karen Wexler9/07 – Pot Luck Lunch in honor of Rabbi Simcha Daniel Burstyn withkiddush sponsored by Myra Schein in memory of husband Robert’s yahrzeit.9/21 – Membership Committee’s Pizza In The Hut Lunch9/25 – Al & Myra Sachs9/28 – Jason & Melanie Bradley


Location and Everyone WelcomeThe majority of SJC’s High Holy Day services will take place at Epworth United Methodist Church (EUMC), 19285 Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach, DE – down the street from SJC’s building at 18970 Holland Glade Road. Services are open to all who want to participate with the SJC community. Tickets or advance reservations for services are not required.

Prayer Book (Machzor) and Service LeadersSJC is an independent, unaffiliated community of approximately 240 families consisting of approximately 350 individuals. Our services are egalitarian. For High Holy Days we use and provide the Hillel Machzor, On Wings of Awe which uses gender neutral language for God. Rabbi Simcha Daniel Burstyn will return this year from Kibbutz Lotan in the Arava Valley Israel to co lead with SJC’s Religious Leader, Student Rabbi Beth Cohen.

ScheduleWed Sep 4, 7:30 pm – Rosh Hashanah Service at Epworth United Methodist Church (EUMC)Thu Sep 5, 10 am – Rosh Hashanah Service and Activities & Services for young people at EUMCThu Sep 5, 5 pm – Tashlich Service at the North Shores MarinaFri Sep 6, 7:30 pm – Shabbat Shuva service at SJCSat Sep 7, 10 am – Shabbat Shuva Service, Torah Study, and lunch at SJCFri Sep 13, 7:30 pm – Kol Nidre Service at EUMCSat Sep 14, 10 am – Yom Kippur Service and Activities & Services for young people at EUMCSat Sep 14, 5 pm – Yom Kippur Study Session at EUMCSat Sep 14, 6 pm – Yom Kippur Mincha, N’ila & Havdalah Services at EUMCSat Sep 14, 7:30 pm (approximately) – Break-the-Fast meal at EUMC (Advanced reservations required – See Flyer)Sat Sep 21, 10 am – Shabbat & Sukkot Festival Service & Pizza In The Hut Lunch at SJCWed Sep 25, 6 pm – Pot Luck Dairy/Pareve Dinner in the Sukkah followed by Simchat Torah festival Service including Yizkor & rolling the Torah at SJCSat Sep 28, 10 am – Shabbat Service at SJC

Break-the-FastWe will have a traditional dairy meal to end the Yom Kippur day fast. It will follow the Havdalah Service at approximately 7:30 pm and will be at Epworth. Advance reservations are required. The cost is $27 per adult member and $15 per member child ages 3–12 (there is no charge for children under 3). For non-members the cost is $32 for adults and $20 for children. A separate Break-the-Fast reservation form is included in this newsletter.Advance reservations by check are required by Thurs Sep5.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDService Participation & Shofar BlowersSJC services are enriched by our congregants’ participation. We encourage members to read a prayer in English or lead a portion of the service. In the past members have read an English prayer, led the Service for Taking out the Torah, chanted/read a portion of the Torah, or given a drash.The cacophony of sounds generated when several shofarot are sounded at the same time during the Shofar services is awe-inspiring. We invite anyone who has a Shofar and knows how to blow the Tekiyah-Shevarim-Teruah calls to bring it and participate in the Shofar service on Rosh Hashanah and for the final blast at the end of Yom Kippur.Please send an email to Beth Cohen ( with your offers to volunteer for service participation and/or shofar blowing and indicate your service and/or date preference.

LogisticsIt takes a lot of work to ensure that SJC’s High Holy Day services run smoothly. We need volunteers to help set-up and breakdown at the following times:

Rosh Hashanah set up – Wed morning Sep 4 at SJC at 9 amRosh Hashanah break down – Thu Sep 5 immediately after service endsYom Kippur set up – Fri morning Sep 13 at 9 am at EUMCBreak-the-Fast set up – Sat afternoon Sep 14 at 3:30 pmBreak-the-Fast clean up – Sat evening Sep 14 at 8:30 pmYom Kippur break down – Sat evening Sep 14 immediately after service endsDavid Kaplan is managing the logistics and will need 10–12 volunteers for each set up and break down time slot. Please let him know in advance when you will be able to help by sending an email to or by calling him at 302-644-8544.

Seaside Jewish Community Annual Yom KippurBreak-the-Fast Dairy Meal

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Approximately 7:30 pmTime is approximate as the meal follows

the conclusion of the Yom Kippur Day services

Epworth United Methodist Church19285 Holland Glade RoadRehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Advance reservations required with check receivedno later than THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5

Please complete the form below and send it with your check to:Seaside Jewish Community, PO Box 1472, Rehoboth Beach DE 19971


Reservation Form – SJC Break-the-Fast – Sat Sept 14, 2013(check must be received by Thursday, Sep 5)

No. of Adult Members ________ at $27 each = $ _____________ No. of Adult Non-Members ________ at $32 each = $ _____________ No. of Child Members ________ at $15 each = $ _____________No. of Child Non-Members ________ at $20 each = $ _____________ Total ________ Grand Total = $ _____________Charge for Children Ages 3-12. No charge for children under 3.

Attendees Names____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________Telephone Number _________________________________________

RSVP by September 5 – Your check is your reservationQuestions? Contact Anita Smulyan, or 302-703-2900

Page 10 Seaside Jewish Community August 2013

Fun Time in Atlantic CityOn August 15, a small group of SJC members took a one-day trip to Atlantic City trip via the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. The trip was organized by our Social Committee. The boat ride was smooth and the bus ride most comfortable. The weather was perfect for walking on the boardwalk. The lunch buffet at Resorts was lovely and not crowded. Gambling at the casino was fun but not profitable. The day was lovely and all had a great time.

SJC Shabbat-B-QueOur annual Shabbat-B-Que was held on August 17. This event is sponsored by our Membership Committee in appreciation of and as a thank you to our members. It is you, our members, who make our synagogue into a community. We enjoyed a wonderful service led by Beth Cohen, followed by a delicious barbeque attended by approximately 35 people. Special thanks to Stanley Silverblatt, Joel and Alyssa Simon, Ed and Pat Simon, and Lucy Mehl for all of their work in making the event a success.

Social Calendar 201311/01 Shabbat Dinner

12/21 Movie Night

If you want to assist the Social Committee or be on the committee, please contact Barry Morrison at 302-684-3485 or

Dorothy Shor Memorial Mah Jongg

Every Tuesday, 1 p.m.Lunch at noon

At T.G.I. Friday’s19266 Coastal Hwy.

Near the SafewayWe teach Mah Jongg to anyone

wishing to learn.For more information please contact

Deborah Markow at:443-310-9462 or

Annual Meeting Agenda Items Due Oct 3Our annual membership meeting will be on Sunday, November 17. At the meeting, we receive committee reports, review the business of the Community, present next year’s budget, and elect new members to the Board.The final agenda of the meeting will be circulated to the membership by October 18. If there any items that you may want brought before the membership at the annual meeting, please send them to the president before October 3, so they may be included in the agenda.SJC’s management is through our volunteer Board of Directors. While no policy decisions will be made at the meeting, the Board hopes to get feedback from you on the things SJC does. Our annual meeting is a way of determining that Board members are focusing on those issues that most engage the membership. It also gives you a chance to hear about committee work and, we hope, become involved as a member of a committee that seems most attractive to you. We welcome questions and participation.The structure of the call for an annual meeting is set forth in our by-laws. The meeting cannot occur without a quorum of 15% of the membership, so it is vital to the continuance of SJC that members attend or send in absentee ballots. Only those members who are current in their dues or have made deferred payment arrangements with our Treasurer are considered part of the quorum.We urge those unable to attend the meeting to take advantage of the absentee ballot and submit it before the meeting occurs.

The ballots will be valid for the election but will not, obviously, cover any motions that are presented at the meeting.

Donation Form (Please print clearly)

Please Return to: Seaside Jewish Community

P.O. Box 1472 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

Shalom! It is only through the generosity of those who support us that we are able to maintain our program of services, education, and outreach to the community. Thank you for your donation!

Enclosed is a donation in the amount of: $ ___________ for:

□ General Fund (unrestricted) □ Restricted for: □AdultEducation □AlfredGrossScholarsFund □BuildingFund □CemeteryProgram □CommunityService □ReligiousSchoolPrograms □RitualObjectFund □WorshipPrograms □YouthEducationProgramsIn Memory/Honor of (optional)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Donor Info: Name:_______________________________________________Address:_____________________________________________City, State, Zip: _______________________________________Phone: ____________________ E-Mail: ____________________

Thank you again for your generosity. Seaside Jewish Comm. is a 501(c)(3) organization, and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Consult your tax advisor for details.

Support Our SponsorsIf you would like to advertise, contact Fran Sneider

Seaside Jewish CommunityP O Box 1472Rehoboth Beach, DE 19958

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