september 27 comics

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Tuesday Evening September 27, 20118:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30

WPTA/ABC Dancing With Stars Dancing With Stars Body of Proof Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live

WHIO/CBS NC IS NCIS: Los Angeles Unforgettable Local Late S how Letterman Late

WLIO/NBC The Biggest Loser Parenthood Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late

WOHL/FOX Glee New Girl Raising L ocalION W it ho ut a T ra ce Cri mi na l M in ds Cri mi na l M in ds Cri mi na l M in ds W it ho ut a T ra ce

Cable ChannelsA & E Sto ra ge Sto ra ge Sto ra ge Sto ra ge Sto ra ge Sto ra ge Sto ra ge Sto ra ge Sto ra ge Sto ra ge

AMC The Mummy The Mummy

ANIM River Monsters Madagascar River Monsters Madagascar

BET Preacher's Kid The Perfect Man Wendy Williams Show

BRAVO Rachel Zoe Project Rachel Zoe Project Rachel Zoe Project Rachel Zoe Project Most Eligible Dallas

CMT Grumpier Old Men Angels Among Us Angels Among Us Truck

CNN Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 John King, USA Piers Morgan Tonight

COMEDY Work. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Work. Daily C olbert Tosh.0 Work.

DISC Auction Auction Auction Auction Carfellas Carfellas Auction Auction Carfellas Carfellas

DISN PrankStar Enchanted Fish Hook ANT Farm Wizards Wizards WizardsE! Sex-C ity Sex-City Sex-City S ex-City Dirty Soap Chelsea E! News Chelsea

ESPN Catching Hell World, Poker World, Poker SportsCenterESPN2 WNBA Basketball Baseball Tonight SportsCenter Baseball Tonight

FAM Step Up 2 St. 50 First Dates The 700 Club Whose? Whose?FOOD Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped Champions Chopped Chopped

FX Wanted Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Sons of AnarchyHGTV H ou se F or Ren t P ro pe rt y P ro pe rt y H ou se H un te rs H ou se H un te rs P ro pe rt y P ro pe rt y

HIST Am er ica n P ic ker s Ame ri can Pi cke rs To p S ho t To p S hot Am er ica n P ic ker s

LIFE American Pickers American Pickers Picker Sisters Picker Picker American Pickers

MTV Awkward. Teen Mom Teen Mom Awkward. Teen Mom

NICK F am il y M y W if e Geo rg e Geo rg e F ri en ds F ri en ds ' 70 s Sho w ' 70 s Sho w Geo rg e Geo rg eSCI P2 The Devil's Advocate The Messengers

SPIKE Au cti on Au ct ion Au ct ion A uc tio n Au cti on Au ct ion R ep o R ep o Au cti on Au ct ion

TBS Bi g Ba ng Bi g B an g Bi g B an g B ig Ba ng Bi g Ba ng Bi g B an g C on an Of fi ce Of fic e

TCM Spartacus Seven Days in May

TLC 1 9 Ki ds 19 Ki ds 19 K ids 1 9 K id s C oup le C oup le 19 K ids 1 9 K id s 1 9 Ki ds 19 Ki ds

TNT Law & Order Rush Hour 3 CSI: NY CSI: NY

TOON Looney Gumball King/Hill King/Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Chicken Aqua Teen

TRAV Jaw-Dropping Rentals Alaska Unleashed Vegas Insiders Plane Sexy Alaska Unleashed

TV LAND M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Everybody-Raymond Roseanne

USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Law & Order: SVU

VH1 La La T.O. Show New Jack City Basketball Wives LA La La T.O. Show

WGN 30 Rock 30 Rock How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Sunny

Premium ChannelsHBO Little Fockers Machete Boardwalk Empire Bored

MAX Inception Independence Day Skin-Max

SHOW The Other Woman Weeds The Big C Weeds The Big C Six Wives-Hen

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011 The Herald


HoroscopeBy Bernice Bede Osol

Writer’s marriageon the rocks

Dear Annie: I discoveredthat my 55-year-old husbandof 35 years was texting,calling and receiving callsfrom a 27-year-old womanfor a period of nine weeks.Sometimes there were 200

texts in a day. I’m prettysure she was sexting him,but I can’t prove it.

When I confronted him,I discovered he was alsohaving breakfast, lunch anddinner with her and some-times going to her apart-ment for coffee. Even if there was no sexinvolved, it waswrong. I was sad,angry and devas-tated. We talkedabout it, and hementioned somethings he neededme to change, andI agreed. He says

he never touchedher and promisedto stop contactingher altogether.

Six monthslater, I found out she was stillcalling him. They also wentshopping together, and shewas seen in his car. He stillsays he didn’t do anythingwrong because there was nosex. I am beside myself. I amliving with a liar.

I love my husband andwant to stay married. Hesays the same, but how canwe stay together when hewon’t take responsibility forwhat he has done? My hus-

band has always been themost honest person I know,so this is completely out of character for him. He’s alsogrossly overweight and bald.But he’s financially suc-cessful, and this woman hasmoney problems.

Please tell me how to getthrough to him. -- Want HerOut of Our Lives

Dear Want: You assumethat this woman is onlyinterested in your bald, over-weight husband because of his money. You could beright. But he is interested inher for other reasons, andthat is what you need toaddress. He is besotted andhas no intention of leavingher alone. Even a temporarymidlife crisis can damageyour marriage permanently.Get some counseling -- withor without him -- and figureout your next step.

Dear Annie: My friendsand family believe I amwealthy and at times haveasked for loans that arenever repaid. I am generouswith people and have givenmoney when it matters --once to get a family memberinto a treatment facility andanother time to help some-one who needed to sell theirhome.

My husband and I havesaved and invested duringour entire marriage, and I amcontinuing to do so in retire-ment. Now I have moneychallenges myself and reallydon’t want to loan money,nor do I enjoy talking about

someone else’s financialproblems. How can I tellpeople I don’t want to dis-cuss their bills and wouldrather have a different con-versation? -- Not Mrs.Gotrocks

Dear Mrs.: By saying soand then changing the sub-  ject. It’s OK to tell them, “Iwish I could help you, but Iam no longer in a position todo so. How are the kids?”

Dear Annie: Like “NoSignature, Please,” I alsogrew up with an abusive

father and a motherwho allowed it tohappen.

I was in counsel-ing for many years,and one counselorput things into per-spective for me. Hesaid I should thinkof my father as

mentally ill. Thisattitude allowed usto remain in touchfor the remainderof his life and per-

mitted my children to have agreat relationship with him-- one of the best gifts Icould have given them.

Dad passed away 20 yearsago. I can now look back andsay that I am glad I was ableto forgive him. Now I amresponsible for my elderlymother’s care. I sometimeshave to remind myself that Iam a better person because Iam doing my best to protecther, although she never pro-

tected me. --Another No

Signature, PleaseDear Another: Bless you

for choosing to take the highroad. You have obviouslybecome a stronger personbecause of it.

Annie’s Mailbox is writ-ten by Kathy Mitchell andMarcy Sugar, longtime edi-tors of the Ann Landerscolumn. Please e-mail yourquestions to, or writeto: Annie’s Mailbox, c/oCreators Syndicate, 5777 W.Century Blvd., Ste. 700, LosAngeles, CA 90045.

Annie’s Mailbox

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 2011If from time to time in the year

ahead you get some very stronghunches regarding business or otherserious matters, do not treat them withindifference. They will definitely beworthy of further investigation.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Notonly will companions appreciate yourcharisma, they will equally welcomeyour leadership qualities as well. Noone will challenge the example youset or mess with your directives.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) --Friends know that when you are toldsomething in confidence no one willpry it from you. Someone who needsto vent will share private informationwith you that others won’t hear untilmuch later.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec.21) -- When involved in a groupactivity, be sure to make the roundsinstead of singling out one person forspecial attention. Converse equallywith one and all, and everything willgo smoothly.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) -- Capricorns can sometimesbe extremely single-minded andstandoffish or extremely outgoingwhen necessity demands. This couldbe one of those days when you’ll haveto make a choice.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19)-- If at all possible, seek endeavors

that will enable you to utilize yourimagination and creativity. It willencourage you to come up with someideas that you’ll be proud of.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)-- It might look to others that you’relikely to take things at face value, butactually you won’t be easily deceived.Slick salespersons or con artists won’tfind you to be an easy mark at all.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)-- There is no excuse for ducking animportant decision just because youthink it’s overly tricky. If you don’thave the courage to render a judgmentcall now, you never will.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- It’s important to realize that detailscan be just as important as majorfactors when rendering a decision.Remember that each small part isessential to the making of the whole.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) --You’ll get far more out of being withcompanions who are young in spirit

than you will spending time withsomber fellows. It’ll be the youthfulin mind who will help you feel youngat heart.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Itis so wonderful of you to be protectiveand cherishing of those you love, butbe careful not to carry this too far. Youmust take care to leave your dear onessome breathing space.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Yournatural ability to read the character of others is exceptionally pronounced.However, a word of caution: Keepyour critical evaluations to yourself.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)-- One of your better virtues is yourwillingness to teach and share yourknowledge with others. You couldhave some real gems of informationthat’ll save people money. Don’t holdback.COPYRIGHT 2011 UNITED FEATURESYNDICATE, INC.

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