shabbat matters september 1 - parshat ki tavo · upon completing the tithing of the yearly produce,...

Post on 17-Aug-2020






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Friday August 31Friday August 31Friday August 31Friday August 31 7:00 pm Mincha 6:33 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 7:36 pm Candle Lighting Friday September 7Friday September 7Friday September 7Friday September 7 7:00 pm Mincha Followed by Pre-RH dinner (by RSVP) 6:22 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 7:22 pm Candle Lighting

TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:


Dr. Mordy Hoschander and family in honour of Rabbi Henry Hoschander z”l Memorial Shabbat

Isadore & Rosalie Sharp in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Rosalie’s father, Joseph Wise z”l

Cli.ord & Katy Korman in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Cli.ord’s brother, Neil Korman z”l

Alex Neuman & Naomi Roskies and Andrew Neuman & Marlee Newman in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Alex and Andrew’s father, Geza Neuman z”l

Barbara Corber in commemoration of the yahrzeit of her parents, Philip & Nettie Corberz”l


Chaim Eisenstat, David Eisenstat & Amanda Salem and family for the shloshim of their wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Esther Eisenstat z”l


Sunday September 2

Mark Usher in commemoration of the yahrzeit of his father, Robert Usher z”l (Reuven ben Chayim Yehuda)

Monday September 3

Gilbert & Grace Goodman in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Gilbert’s father, Max Goodman z”l

Thursday September 6, 2nd Minyan

Jerry & Sandra Genesove in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Sandra’s mother, Jennie Abrams z”l

Mazal Tov to Lorraine Hanser Lorraine Hanser Lorraine Hanser Lorraine Hanser on the birth of a great-grandson, born to Jesse & Shani Abrams. Proud grandparents are Kim & Jon Abrams and Ilana & Chaim Cohen of Israel.


Shabbat September 1Shabbat September 1Shabbat September 1Shabbat September 1 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan 8:15 am Chumash-Rashi Shiur with

Melech Halberstadt 9:00 am Shacharit: Sharp Sanctuary

& Downstairs Minyan 10:00 am Youth Programs 11:15 am Panel discussion in memory

of Rabbi Henry Hoschander

6:20 pm Pre-Mincha Shiur by Rabbi Jesse Shore 7:20 pm Mincha 7:40 pm Seudah Shlishit 8:34 pm Shabbat Ends 10:45 pm 10:45 pm 10:45 pm 10:45 pm Earlier SlichotEarlier SlichotEarlier SlichotEarlier Slichot 11:20 pm11:20 pm11:20 pm11:20 pm Dr. Chanan HoschanderDr. Chanan HoschanderDr. Chanan HoschanderDr. Chanan Hoschander 11:45 pm11:45 pm11:45 pm11:45 pm Slichot & ShiraSlichot & ShiraSlichot & ShiraSlichot & Shira 1:15 am1:15 am1:15 am1:15 am Later SlichotLater SlichotLater SlichotLater Slichot

This Motzei Shabbat, September 1, please join us for our special Slichot & Shira Slichot & Shira Slichot & Shira Slichot & Shira program. See flyer on page 3.

This Shabbat, we remember our beloved rabbi and teacher, Rabbi Henry HoschanderRabbi Henry HoschanderRabbi Henry HoschanderRabbi Henry Hoschanderz”l, who passed away on February 10 this year. Join us for a special Kiddush, and a panel discussion on the subject of Rabbinic Leadership in Rabbi Hoschander’s honour, with Dr. Mordy Hoschander, Rabbi Diamond and Rabbi Strauchler. On Motzei Shabbat, Dr. Chanan Hoschander Dr. Chanan Hoschander Dr. Chanan Hoschander Dr. Chanan Hoschander will be speaking after the earlier Slichot in memory of his grandfather, and about the intersection between medicine, law, Halacha, and Teshuva.


• Sunday, September 2, 10:00 am - YU Torah MiTzion Pre-Rosh Hashana Midreshet Yom Rishon: Midreshet Yom Rishon: Midreshet Yom Rishon: Midreshet Yom Rishon: Sunday morning Learning for WomenSunday morning Learning for WomenSunday morning Learning for WomenSunday morning Learning for Women at Shaarei Shomayim.

• Tuesday, September 4, 1:30 pm - From ChanahFrom ChanahFrom ChanahFrom Chanah’’’’s Demand for a Child to Our Rosh Hashana s Demand for a Child to Our Rosh Hashana s Demand for a Child to Our Rosh Hashana s Demand for a Child to Our Rosh Hashana Prayers: How Aggressive is Too Aggressive for God? Prayers: How Aggressive is Too Aggressive for God? Prayers: How Aggressive is Too Aggressive for God? Prayers: How Aggressive is Too Aggressive for God? Shiur with Rabbi Torczyner, at Shaarei Shomayim. Register at or 647-708-6724.

• SHOFAR BLOWING AT HOME: SHOFAR BLOWING AT HOME: SHOFAR BLOWING AT HOME: SHOFAR BLOWING AT HOME: Do you know of someone who will not be able to make it to shul on Rosh Hashana, but wants to hear shofar at home? Do you blow shofar? Please be in touch:

• GETTING TO SHUL: GETTING TO SHUL: GETTING TO SHUL: GETTING TO SHUL: Do you know of someone who will not be able to make it to shul on Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur and would appreciate being pushed in a wheelchair, or having a walking buddy? Are you able to accompany someone to/from shul or to push a wheelchair? Please be in touch:


Torah Reading:Torah Reading:Torah Reading:Torah Reading: Devarim 26:1 - 29:8 Hertz P. 859

Stone P. 1068

Haftorah:Haftorah:Haftorah:Haftorah: Yeshayahu 60:1 - 60:22 Hertz P. 874 Stone P. 1201

EXTENDED OFFICE HOURS: EXTENDED OFFICE HOURS: EXTENDED OFFICE HOURS: EXTENDED OFFICE HOURS: Rosh HashanaRosh HashanaRosh HashanaRosh Hashana is only 10 days away! You may renew your membership and pick-up your tickets during oIce hours: Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 am-5:00 pm; Friday 8:30 am-2:00 pm. The oIce will have extended hours The oIce will have extended hours The oIce will have extended hours The oIce will have extended hours on Monday, September 3, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm (during the BBQ); Wednesday, September 5 and Thursday, September 6 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Erev Rosh Hashana Erev Rosh Hashana Erev Rosh Hashana Erev Rosh Hashana ---- Sunday, September 9Sunday, September 9Sunday, September 9Sunday, September 9 Slichot & Shacharit 7:30 am Sisterhood Hall Hatarat Nedarim following Shacharit Mincha 7:00 pm Sharp Sanctuary Candle Lighting 7:19 pm (earliest 6:19 pm) First Day Rosh Hashana First Day Rosh Hashana First Day Rosh Hashana First Day Rosh Hashana ---- Monday, September 10Monday, September 10Monday, September 10Monday, September 10 Hashkama 7:00 am Beit Midrash Shacharit 8:00 am Sharp Sanctuary Shacharit 8:30 am Sisterhood Hall Youth Program 10:00 am-1:00 pm Classrooms Mincha 7:25 pm Sharp Sanctuary Candle Lighting after 8:16 pm

Second Day Rosh Hashana Second Day Rosh Hashana Second Day Rosh Hashana Second Day Rosh Hashana ---- Tuesday, September 11Tuesday, September 11Tuesday, September 11Tuesday, September 11 Hashkama 7:00 am Weinbaum Beit Midrash Shacharit 8:00 am Sharp Sanctuary Shacharit 8:30 am Sisterhood Hall Youth Program 10:00 am-1:00 pm Classrooms Mincha 7:25 pm Sharp Sanctuary Chag ends 8:14 pm



This past week, I accompanied a young man as he appeared before our Toronto Beit Din, and I witnessed the tears of joy on his face as he gained approval for his conversion.

In a 2012 roast to mark the retirement of his friend, Senator Joe Lieberman, Senator John McCain (may his memory inspire the good within America) wryly recounted all the Jewish practices he’d been dragged into by his Orthodox Jewish colleague. He aired his grievances about everything from salmon to Shabbat elevators. He reflected upon the frustrations of Orthodox Jewish life, and then announced that he would convert in order to also gain the benefits.

In life, we often hear complaints like those uttered by McCain. It is worth thinking about the benefits that would inspire someone to convert (whether in jest or in earnest).

Parshat Ki Tavo contains sentiments similar to those of McCain, if described in a diNerent context. Upon completing the tithing of the yearly produce, a Jewish farmer would recite a long list of the mitzvot that he observed to reach that point. In rabbinic literature, this is termed vidui maaserot – a “confession” of proper conduct in tithing. This “confession” need not be intoned with a kvetch – but someone who only sees the burdens of Jewish life – might read it that way.

The Torah turns this moment in a positive direction – by recounting benefits. The Torah celebrates the close connection between the Jewish farmer and his Creator. The farmer prays:

Look down from Your holy abode, from heaven, and bless Your people Israel and the soil You have given us (as You swore to our fathers), a land flowing with milk and honey.

We can always find things in life and in Judaism to complain about. As we approach Rosh Hashana, let us turn our prayers and our focus to the benefits of a Jewish life, well lived.


Sunday, September 2 22 Elul

7:30 am 10:00 am

Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler Midreshet Yom Rishon: Sunday Learning for Women

Monday, September 3 23 Elul Statutory Holiday Statutory Holiday Statutory Holiday Statutory Holiday ---- OIce ClosedOIce ClosedOIce ClosedOIce Closed

8:30 am 7:30 pm

Slichot & Shacharit Mincha

7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler

Tuesday, September 4 24 Elul

6:45 / 7:50 am 7:30 pm

Slichot & Shacharit Mincha

6:00 am 1:30 pm

Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler Pre-Rosh Hashana Shiur with Rabbi Torczyner

Wednesday, September 5 25 Elul

6:45 / 7:50 am 7:30 pm

Slichot & Shacharit Mincha

6:00 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

Thursday, September 6 26 Elul

6:45 / 7:50 am 7:30 pm

Slichot & Shacharit Mincha

6:00 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

Friday, September 7 27 Elul

6:45 / 7:50 am 7:00 pm 6:22 pm 7:22 pm

Slichot & Shacharit Mincha Earliest Candle Lighting Candle Lighting

6:00 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

1:15 am1:15 am1:15 am1:15 am 8:30 am 7:30 pm

Later SlichotLater SlichotLater SlichotLater Slichot Shacharit Mincha

MATTERS Youth ProgramsYouth ProgramsYouth ProgramsYouth Programs

11110000::::00000000 aaaammmm ttttoooo 11112222::::00000000 ppppmmmm

Stay and PlayStay and PlayStay and PlayStay and Play (Ages 0 - 3) Room 101

Shaar ChadashShaar ChadashShaar ChadashShaar Chadash (Ages 2 - 5) Room 102

Shaar YafoShaar YafoShaar YafoShaar Yafo (Grade 1 - 2) Room 103

Shaar AryehShaar AryehShaar AryehShaar Aryeh (Grade 3 - 5) Room 105

Kriyat ShemaKriyat ShemaKriyat ShemaKriyat Shema should be recited after 8:28 pm this week. should be recited after 8:28 pm this week. should be recited after 8:28 pm this week. should be recited after 8:28 pm this week.

PARSHA MATTERS - by Rabbi Chaim Strauchler

Rabbi Jesse ShoreRabbi Jesse ShoreRabbi Jesse ShoreRabbi Jesse Shore will give a PrePrePrePre----Mincha Shiur at 6:20 pm Mincha Shiur at 6:20 pm Mincha Shiur at 6:20 pm Mincha Shiur at 6:20 pm on the topic: “Our Private Lives: A Barometer for our Spiritual and Communal Wellbeing.”


• Monday, September 3, 4:00-8:00 pm - Annual Welcome BBQAnnual Welcome BBQAnnual Welcome BBQAnnual Welcome BBQ and CPR & Defibrillator DemonstrationCPR & Defibrillator DemonstrationCPR & Defibrillator DemonstrationCPR & Defibrillator Demonstration. See flyer on page 3. • Shabbat, September 8 - ScholarScholarScholarScholar----inininin----Residence Rabbi Ari LammResidence Rabbi Ari LammResidence Rabbi Ari LammResidence Rabbi Ari Lamm. See flyer on page 3. • Shabbat, September 8, 10:00 am - Teen Minyan Welcome Back ShabbatTeen Minyan Welcome Back ShabbatTeen Minyan Welcome Back ShabbatTeen Minyan Welcome Back Shabbat. • Shabbat, September 15, 5:00 pm - Bnei Akiva Opening PeulahBnei Akiva Opening PeulahBnei Akiva Opening PeulahBnei Akiva Opening Peulah. • TheTheTheThe Writing Group Writing Group Writing Group Writing Group with Florence Barik is on a High Holiday break, and will resume on Monday, October 15, at 12:30pm.

Please note that the centre mechitzacentre mechitzacentre mechitzacentre mechitza will be used on the following Shabbatot: September 15, October 27, November 17, and December 8.

Meet our new ShinshinimShinshinimShinshinimShinshinim, Oriyah Segman Oriyah Segman Oriyah Segman Oriyah Segman & Maor MenasseMaor MenasseMaor MenasseMaor Menasse. Last Monday, they were joined by children in grades 1-5 for activities and snacks at Rabbi Strauchler & Avital’s house. Please welcome them to the Shaarei Shomayim community at our BBQBBQBBQBBQ on Monday. To get to know OriyahOriyahOriyahOriyah and MaorMaorMaorMaor please visit

We would like to acknowledge your milestones! Please let us know when there is a birth, Bar/Bat mitzvah, graduation, engagement, aufruf, wedding, significant birthday/anniversary, community recognition, illness, bereavement, or unveiling. Call or email Miriam in the shul oIce at 416-789-3213 or or donate online at

Rabbi Chaim Strauchler Randall Craig, President Nicole Toledano, Executive Director 470 Glencairn Avenue | Toronto, ON M5N 1V8 | Tel 416-789-3213 | Fax 416-789-1728



Shabbat, September 1 21 Elul

Jeanne Closner, mother of Arnold Closner

Geza Neuman, father of Andrew Neuman and Alex Neuman

Sunday, September 2 22 Elul

Sarah Hollinger, mother of Allan Hollinger Hyman Reiss, brother of Irving Reiss

Karl Spiler, father of Frances Shoore

Monday, September 3 23 Elul

Philip Corber, father of Barbara Corber Max Goodman, father of Gilbert Goodman

Joseph Wise, father of Rosalie Sharp

Tuesday, September 4 24 Elul

Ida Berenbaum, mother of Shirley HoNman Ralph Cohen, father of Alan Cohen Sarolta Fenves, mother of Magda Reitman Mary Fink, mother of Larry Fink and Elaine Umansky

Irving Green, father of Bernard Green Neil Korman, brother of CliNord Korman Salomon Schildkraut, father of Hymie Schildkraut

Wednesday, September 5 25 Elul

Lawrence Etigson, brother of Barbara Cohen and son of Ralph Etigson

Lily Weisman, sister of Ignatz Fulop

Max Zeidenberg, brother of Sophie Fink

Thursday, September 6 26 Elul

Bracha Goldman, mother of Joseph Goldman Sarah Pollard, mother of Alan Pollard

George Volow, father of Lisa Golombek Benjamin Weisberg, father of Grace Goodman

Friday, September 7 27 Elul

REFUAH SHLEIMAHz Freidel bat Rivkah, Chaya Ariella Tziporah bat Naomi Sheina, Moshe Zvi ben Golda, Mina Tzerel bat Itta, Yehudit bat Mina Tzerel, Avraham Yosef ben Fruma, Shira Penina bat Blimah Leah, Simcha bat Habiba, Eliyahu ben Ruth, Chaya bat Tova, Raizal bat Liba Golda, Avraham Yoseph ben Sarah, Miryam bat Roza, Eliezer ben Leah, Chaim Zev ben Blima, Rephael Netah ben Necha Miryam, Michael Mordechai Avraham ben Hinda Rivka, Sarah bat Tziporah, Esther bat Farach, Leora bat Ahuva, Dov Ber Y’hoshua ben N’chama, Eliyahu Yom Tov ben Leah, Chaya bat Sarah, Yehuda Yosef ben Miriam Yocheved, Avraham Shlomo ben Miriam, Yehuda Reuven ben Sarah, Gittel Devorah bat Leah, Yisroel Dovid ben Zahava v’Boruch, Eliyahu ben Ryejah, Miriam bat Chaya, Mindel bat Rochel, Esther bat Lebaleh, Miriam bat Sarah, Tzila bat Rachel Leah, Shlomo Shraga ben Esther, Geula Liba Yehudit bat Gittel Tzipra, Chaya Sarah bat Shifra, Mordechai ben Sarah, Pinchas Tzvi ben Basya, Yita Hentcha bat Shoshana, Rachmiel ben Dvorah.


• Mondays-Thursdays, 10:00 am-12:00 pm – YU Torah MiTzion MenMenMenMen’’’’s Seder Boker s Seder Boker s Seder Boker s Seder Boker at Yeshivat Or Chaim. • Shabbat, September 1-Monday, September 3 - The Ashkenaz FestivalThe Ashkenaz FestivalThe Ashkenaz FestivalThe Ashkenaz Festival. At Harbourfront Centre and other venues around the GTA. For more information and tickets go to

• Wednesdays, September 5, 12, 26, 10:30 am - Four Psalms for Tishrei Four Psalms for Tishrei Four Psalms for Tishrei Four Psalms for Tishrei with Shayna Kravetz. In preparation for the High Holidays, join in for a look at four psalms associated with the Chagim. At Shaarei Shomayim. $15/class. Register with Shayna at or 647-203-7350.

• Wednesday, September 26, 8:00 pm - S. Y. Agnon: Sukkot Lecture by Rabbi Shlomo GemaraS. Y. Agnon: Sukkot Lecture by Rabbi Shlomo GemaraS. Y. Agnon: Sukkot Lecture by Rabbi Shlomo GemaraS. Y. Agnon: Sukkot Lecture by Rabbi Shlomo Gemara. At Shaarei Shomayim.

Our sincere condolences to Liddy Beck & Steve GottesmanLiddy Beck & Steve GottesmanLiddy Beck & Steve GottesmanLiddy Beck & Steve Gottesman, Cathy Beck & Laurence Rubin, Anthony & Laura Beck, Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Gottesman & JeNrey Pelchovitz Gottesman & JeNrey Pelchovitz Gottesman & JeNrey Pelchovitz Gottesman & JeNrey Pelchovitz and families, on the loss of their mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Marianne Beck z”l.


REFRESHING REFUAH SHLEIMAH LIST: REFRESHING REFUAH SHLEIMAH LIST: REFRESHING REFUAH SHLEIMAH LIST: REFRESHING REFUAH SHLEIMAH LIST: Please note that we will be refreshing our Refuah Shleimah list noted below. Let the oIce know if a name is to be retained or added on the list.

On Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot, September 29, join the women of Shaarei Shomayim for a reading of Kohelet. The Women's Megillah Reading Series is a new initiative to join together and read from all five Megillot. If you are interested in laining Kohelet, or any other megillah, contact Lauren Shore Lauren Shore Lauren Shore Lauren Shore at


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