shaun of the dead

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Trailer begins with UNIVERSAL clip.

First shot – high angle shot of feet stumbling into room – puts into the viewers head that this is a zombie from the way the person is walking.

The camera tilts upwards to reveal character ‘Shaun’ yawning – showing he’s not a zombie but tired man – this is accompanied by the sound of a yawn. The next few quick shots are accompanied by fast pace music representing every day routine – toilet flushing and tooth brushing – all being extreme close ups.

Introduction to character – close up.

Over the shoulder shot – showing characters back and face in mirror with narration ‘Do you ever think modern life I not for you’ – reference to life, could be suggesting something to do with zombies.

Another series of quick cuts – extreme close ups of more routine activities – tea making + jam on toast with the diegetic sound that comes with making these things.

Continued narration ‘same dead end job’ still with perky, juxtaposing, non-diegetic music.

All cuts – simple/quick straight cuts – lots of short little shots.Humour in dialogue and action – he gives her flowers, she says ‘to mum’ and doesn’t look impressed.

Medium close up of Shaun looing upset after being kicked out.

Text – white font on black back ground – stands out.

Music changes – builds tension – narrative ‘You’re not alone’

Quick cuts between TV screen with no signal (noise accompanying), firs view of the zombies taking over and a news report which narrates these events.Extreme close up of news

readers’ mouth as he says ‘Judgement Day’ – builds a scary atmosphere.

Mid close up of zombie – first time Shaun sees one, typically covered in blood and in a vegetative state.

Close up of protagonists.

Normal lighting, not dark – showing that this film is not only horror but comedy too.

Acts of violence – typical conventions – weapons. Over the shoulder shot highlighting the weapons.

Continued dialogue throughout on ways of killing zombies and introducing the storyline.

Humour incorporated – rather then making the effort to kill the zombies – they have time to stop and take a photo.

Loud noises and screaming throughout – helping to enhance the atmosphere of chaos and panic.

Increase rate in music –shorter shots and quicker cuts for a sequence of ‘zombie killing’ to show a lot of action occurring.

Group shot – high angle looking down on swarm of zombies reaching out making it more intense. All quite dull and pale – contacts use to create zombie eyes.

Mid close up of eye-level group shot, end of gun pointed at camera – creating sense of danger.

‘Courage has a new name’ – white cracked and distressed font on a black background. After this you hear the shouting of ‘Shaun’ so this statement refers to him.

Film title continued in the style how all the previous text has been displayed – very consistent.

Nicely framed shot – mid close up – zombie in the background – characters sing whilst zombie groans behind them – very relaxed, reinforcing comedy.

Very dark setting, helping mix the horror and comedy.

Informs audience of the genre at the very end – texts zooms into the centre of the screen.

Companies, websites and logos.

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