simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines

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Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies

ISSN 1583-1078

Issue 33, July-December 2018

p. 289-302


Engineering, Environment

Simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines using Promax

Nnamdi Emmanuel EZENDIOKWERE *, Victor Joseph AIMIKHE and Boma KINOGOMA

Petroleum and Gas Engineering Department, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt,



*Corresponding author, phone: +2347032747175

Received: April 26, 2018 / Accepted: December 25, 2018 / Published: December 30, 2018


In this study, natural gas transmission lines were simulated using Bryan Research

and Engineering (BRE) ProMax 2.0 chemical process simulating software. A natural

gas composition of methane composition of 90%, was modelled, for which, pipeline

length, throughput, suction pressure, line diameter and line temperature were varied.

Pipeline lengths of 50,100, 200 miles, throughputs of 200, 250, and 300 MMscfd,

suction pressures from 500-10000 psia, line diameters of 20 and 30 inches and gas

temperatures of 68- 104⁰F were used. After the simulations, special emphasis was laid

on the relationship between total compressor power requirements and pipeline

parameters like pipeline pressure drop, length, throughput, and compression station

suction pressure in order to evaluate their effects on total compressor horsepower.

From more than 1000 data points recorded, it was deduced that there exists, generally,

positive correlation between total compressor power and the other pipeline parameters

considered. Also, there was a critical pressure drop for each combination of

throughput, length and line diameter of a pipeline below which total compressor

power significantly varies with pressure drop and above which total compressor power

does not change considerably.


Simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines using Promax

Nnamdi Emmanuel EZENDIOKWERE, Victor Joseph AIMIKHE, Boma KINOGOMA


Pipelines; Compressors; Pressure drop; Promax; Throughput


The reliable transportation of processed natural gas from producing areas to where

they are needed involves the use of a specialized system of transportation. This is because the

natural gas that consumers receive, sometimes, travel long distances before getting to

customers. Basically, the transportation system for natural gas consists of specialized network

of interconnected pipes, dedicated to bringing natural gas to the doorsteps of gas users [1].

Pipelines in gas transport systems can be grouped into three: gathering, transmission

and distribution systems. The gathering lines consists of low pressure, small diameter pipes

that carry unprocessed natural gas from well heads to gas processing plants. After processing

the gas, natural gas then goes to the transmission system. In gas transmissions lines, gas is

carried in high pressure larger diameter pipes over long distances to where the customers

reside. While distribution systems consist of another set of low-pressure, small-diameter

pipelines whose task is to ultimately take gas to end users like households, factories and

power plants [1].

Natural gas transportation requires a lot of energy, usually in the form of pressure

energy. And a lot of this energy is spent running compressors in compression stations.

Normally, the operating cost of running the compressor stations represents between 25% and

50% of a pipeline company’s operating budget [2].

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to undertake a simulation analysis of gas

transmission lines, particularly their total compressor power requirements. This is because the

ability to fully understand pipeline parameters and their effects on the total compressor power

requirements of gas transmission lines will help in reducing compressor power burdens of

natural gas transmission lines. Ultimately, research outcomes developed here will become

useful insights, especially, in the hands of pipeline design engineers.

Material and method

A simplified working algorithm used for the simulations done in this study using a

flow chart (Figure 1). The following procedure was used for the ProMax simulations:

Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies

ISSN 1583-1078

Issue 33, July-December 2018

p. 289-302

(a) Open the ProMax simulation software by either double clicking on BRE ProMax

shortcut on desktop or the ProMax icon initially pinned to taskbar.

(b) The ProMax software will open revealing a small dialogue window at the center of the


(c) Click on the blank project radio button to start a new project, causing a blank flow

sheet to open simultaneously opening a shapes window on the left side of the screen.

(d) Since a gas transmission line is being simulated, click and drag the following blocks

from the shapes window to the center of the blank flowsheet.

a compressor from fluid drivers group of blocks.

a heat exchanger (after cooler) from heat exchangers.

a pipe section from miscellaneous.

a two-phase vertical separator from separators.

(e) In the case of 100 and 200 miles pipeline sections, also click and drag a cross

flowsheet connector to flowsheet. The blocks will turn red until they are properly


(f) Assign an environment to the flowsheet by clicking on the environment icon in

ProMax menu, choose the Soave Redlich Kwong (SRK) property package and install

the following components: Nitrogen, carbon (iv) oxide, methane, ethane, propane, iso-

butane, butane, iso-pentane, pentane, and hexane.

(g) Click on the pointer icon in ProMax tools bar to change the cursor to connector mode.

(h) Connect the process streams first by connecting appropriate process stream connection

point on each block.

(i) Next click on the energy streams icon at the bottom of the shapes window to change

the cursor to energy stream connection mode.

(j) Connect the appropriate energy streams from the compressor to the gas pipeline.

(k) If the connections are right, the blocks will change from red to blue.

(l) Double click on each on each stream and block to set the relevant specifications. The

streams and blocks will all turn green if the right number of correct specifications are


(m) Run the simulation by clicking on the solve button with a capital letter p on top of an

inverted chevron character in the project viewer window.

Simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines using Promax

Nnamdi Emmanuel EZENDIOKWERE, Victor Joseph AIMIKHE, Boma KINOGOMA


(n) Warnings displayed in different colors in a small window under the flowsheet in the

main window should serve as hints in cases of unsuccessful simulations.

(o) To generate a report at the end of a successful simulation, click on the report icon on

the ProMax menu in the main window, and choose items to include in the report after

indicating the report file format.

Figure 1. ProMax simulation flow chart

Figure 2 shows a schematic diagram of a simple 50-mile gas transmission line model

used for the simulation.

Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies

ISSN 1583-1078

Issue 33, July-December 2018

p. 289-302

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of a simple gas transmission line model

The procedure represented above was used to simulate 50-mile, 100-mile and 200-

mile long natural gas transmission lines. Using the different combinations of pipeline length,

pipeline diameter, gas flow rate, and compositions, over a thousand simulations were done. In

other to ensure that the simulated gas transmission lines were as close to their real life

counterparts as possible, the whole length of the lines was divided into 50 mile sections by

compression stations, with each section containing at least three (3) valve stations. The valve

stations were positioned after every 20 miles, except when the valve station occurs very close

to a compression station.

Table 1 shows the natural gas composition used for the simulation.

Table 1. Composition of natural gas used for simulation

Composition Mole percent


C1 90.0

C2 4.20

C3 2.68

i-C4 1.08

n-C4 0.17

i-C5 0.02

n-C5 0.01

n-C6 0.02

CO2 0.55

N2 1.27

A processed sweet natural gas with composition similar to TransCanada transmission

line gas was used. The processed sweet natural gas has a methane composition of 90%. But,

Simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines using Promax

Nnamdi Emmanuel EZENDIOKWERE, Victor Joseph AIMIKHE, Boma KINOGOMA


the sweet gas composition had carbon (iv) oxide and nitrogen compositions of 0.55 and 1.27

mole percent respectively.

Also, to maintain accuracy of the simulation, different flow sheets were used for each

50-mile gas transmission line section. The different flow sheets were then joined using

Promax cross-flow sheet connector to ensure proper exchange of both process and energy

streams between flow sheets. For the choice of equation of state, the Soave Redlich Kwong

(SRK) equation of state was used. Although, Peng Robinson could have been used, but SRK

gives better results when compared with Peng Robinson for natural gas applications.

Begs and Brill multiphase correlation was used because of its wide acceptance in the

oil and gas industry. For the pipe, a buried standard steel pipe of overall heat transfer

coefficient of 0.25 W/m2-oK was used. This allows some heat to escape through the pipe wall

into the surrounding. An after cooler was also added after each compressor to ensure that the

temperature of the sweet gas after compression does not exceed 1000F. A polytropic

efficiency of 80% and a compression ratio of 2 was chosen to avoid unnecessarily overheating

of the gas in transit. This was done because compressor stations at gas transmission lines

normally have compression ratios of 2 [3].

Considering the effect of flow rate on gas transportation in general, three (3) different

flow rates were considered while simulating the gas transmission lines, they include: 200,250,

and 300 MMSCFD. Due to the fact that Promax gives accurate results only for pipeline

simulations with pressure drop less than 10%, any simulation result with pressure drop above

10% of the pipeline inlet pressure in any pipe section was discarded. This was done to

preserve the integrity of the generated Promax data. Steps between data points were

deliberately made small in other to preserve accuracy.

Results and discussion

Figure 3 shows an example of the graphical plot of compressor power requirement

against total line pressure drop for different combinations of transmission pipeline length, line

diameter, and gas flow rate. Plots for other pipe lengths were predominantly of this shape.

Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies

ISSN 1583-1078

Issue 33, July-December 2018

p. 289-302

Figure 3. Graph of compressor power requirements against pressure drop for 100 mi, 20”,

200MMSCFD, 68⁰F

From the graphs by Figure 3, generally, as total line pressure drop increases, total

compressor requirements decreases. But, a closer look at the graphs as represented by Figure

3 will reveal three prominent behaviors between compressor requirement and the

accompanying pressure loss. For the first part of the plot (low pressure drop range),

corresponding to very high line pressures, small changes in total line pressure drop lead to

significantly large changes in compressor power.

After that almost linear relationship, each curve then experiences a change in

direction, before finally levelling out. For this last part of each curve, corresponding to lower

pipeline pressures, the compressor power does not significantly change, even as total line

pressure drop increases. This behavior can be attributed to the fact that at higher pipeline

pressures, slight changes in conditions normally create big pressure waves that are easily

transmitted throughout the whole pipeline system. But, changes at low pressures are hardly

felt, since pipeline transportation is primarily facilitated by changes in pressure energy.

Table 2. Summary of results from ProMax simulations


Length (mi)

Gas flow rate



Diameter (in)

Critical pressure

drop (psia)


Power (hp)

50 200

20 55.3552 8235.77

30 6.39278 8235.77

250 20 86.9493 9183.53

Simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines using Promax

Nnamdi Emmanuel EZENDIOKWERE, Victor Joseph AIMIKHE, Boma KINOGOMA


30 9.97234 9183.53

300 20 107.282 12434.2

30 12.3460 12434.2


200 20 103.5659 26962.96

30 11.97024 26847.32

250 20 170.3547 32813.45

30 21.46403 32845.85

300 20 278.5072 39301.3

30 30.91819 39600.8


200 20 205.9134 36206.43

30 22.75965 37276.36

250 20 313.6289 45767.02

30 35.23813 46773.51

From the aforementioned simulations, a summary of the relationship among various

parameters was obtained, as captured in Table 2 above. Specifically, total compressor power

increases as the pipeline length increases, as can be seen from Table 2.

Also, in Table 2, it can be deduced that the total compressor power increases as

throughput increases. Hence, from the table, it can be deduced that the relationship between

total compressor power requirement and the pipeline parameters considered can be generally

described as positive correlation.

Especially, there was positive correlation between total compressor power and critical

pressure drop. Where the critical pressure drop is taken as the total line pressure drop value

corresponding to the point on the total compressor power-total pressure drop graph at which

the curve begins to flatten out. And this general trend between total compressor requirements

and other pipeline parameters is basically true. This is because, increased flow rate means

more gas is being transported, and the larger the quantity of gas, the longer the lines, the

bigger the diameter and the bigger the compression power that will naturally be needed.

Ultimately, leading to higher pressure drop due friction in the pipelines.

Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies

ISSN 1583-1078

Issue 33, July-December 2018

p. 289-302

Figure 4. A plot showing the relationship between compressor power and suction pressure

The relationship between suction pressures and compressor power was shown

graphically in Figure 4 above. While, for suction pressures, the compressor power generally,

increases as line pressure increases. But, a closer look will reveal that there was an initial dip

or decrease in compressor power requirement as suction pressure increased. And then,

continuous increase in compressor power as suction pressure increased. The dip in the curve

can be attributed to the effect of the value of compressibility factor (z). This is because, as

pressure increases, z-factor first decreases in value until it reaches a minimum, before it starts

increasing as the pressure increases [3].


From the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

(a) Gas transmission line total compressor power requirement increases as the

transmission line length increases.

(b) Gas transmission line total compressor power requirement increases as the

transmission line throughput increases.

(c) Gas transmission line total compressor power requirement increases as the

transmission compressor station suction pressures increases.

Simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines using Promax

Nnamdi Emmanuel EZENDIOKWERE, Victor Joseph AIMIKHE, Boma KINOGOMA


(d) There was a critical pressure drop for each combination of throughput, length and line

diameter of a pipeline below which compressor power significantly varies with

pressure drop and above which compressor power does not change considerably.


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Issue 33, July-December 2018

p. 289-302

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Table A1. Promax results for a 100 mi, 20 and 30 in pipelines with gas flowrate of 200


100mi 20" 200MMSCFD


P(Feed)(psia) Comp1(hp) Comp2(hp) P2(Psia) T2 (˚F) ∆P1(Psia) ∆P2(psia) ∑∆P(psia) ∑Comp(hp)

500 8004.85 17535.4 3117.53 73.3753 200.456 55.6459 256.1019 25540.25

550 7953.78 17567.3 3621.18 73.4149 175.927 50.1091 226.0361 25521.08

600 7904.42 17620.3 4101.08 73.3388 156.888 46.3658 203.2538 25524.72

650 7856.82 17692 4564.81 73.2231 141.638 43.6416 185.2796 25548.82

700 7811.12 17781.2 5016.88 73.0983 129.142 41.5539 170.6959 25592.32

750 7767.21 17886.8 5460.19 72.8607 118.728 39.8927 158.6207 25654.01

800 7725.2 18008.5 5896.74 72.7537 109.933 38.5323 148.4653 25733.7

850 7685.13 18245.7 6327.91 72.6552 102.424 37.393 139.817 25930.83

900 7647.06 18298.2 6754.75 72.5646 95.9566 36.4218 132.3784 25945.26

950 7611.03 18465.3 7178.04 72.4814 90.3442 35.5815 125.9257 26076.33

1000 7577.08 18646.6 7598.39 72.2081 85.442 34.8457 120.2877 26223.68

1200 7463.02 19499.9 9258.59 72.0046 70.9477 32.6182 103.5659 26962.92

1400 7385.67 20250.2 10897.2 71.8475 61.6704 31.0965 92.7669 27635.87

1600 7346.83 21658.6 12533.6 71.7224 55.3552 29.9786 85.3338 29005.43

1800 7347.13 22576.5 14142.6 71.6203 50.8287 29.1168 79.9455 29923.63

2000 7385 24146.8 15756.8 71.5355 47.4415 28.429 75.8705 31531.8

2200 7457.25 25451.1 17367.9 71.4637 44.8153 27.8658 72.6811 32908.35

2400 7559.34 26777.3 18976.7 71.4022 42.77189 27.3952 70.16709 34336.64

2600 7687.13 28227.9 20584 71.3489 41.0048 26.9956 68.0004 35915.03

2800 7835.52 29467.4 22190 71.3023 39.5752 26.6515 66.2267 37302.92

3000 8000.71 30822.2 23795.2 71.2611 38.363 26.3522 64.7152 38822.91

3200 8179.34 32179.9 25399.6 71.2244 37.3207 26.0891 63.4098 40359.24

3400 8368.68 33579 27003.5 71.1916 36.4137 25.856 62.2697 41947.68

Simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines using Promax

Nnamdi Emmanuel EZENDIOKWERE, Victor Joseph AIMIKHE, Boma KINOGOMA


3600 8566.66 34898.1 28606.9 71.1621 35.6163 25.6479 61.2642 43464.76

3800 8771.37 36256.5 30209.9 71.1353 34.9092 25.461 60.3702 45027.87

4000 8981.52 36613.7 31812.6 71.111 34.2771 25.2922 59.5693 45595.22

4200 9196 38969.2 33415 71.0887 33.7083 25.1389 58.8472 48165.2

4400 9413.97 40322.9 35017.2 71.0683 33.1934 24.9991 58.1925 49736.87

4600 9634.71 41674.6 36619.2 71.0495 32.7246 24.8711 57.5957 51309.31

4800 9857.69 43024.3 38221.1 71.0321 32.296 24.7534 57.0494 52881.99

5000 10082.5 44371.4 39822.7 71.016 31.9022 24.6448 56.547 54453.9

5200 10308.6 45716.5 41424.3 71.0011 31.5391 24.4553 55.9944 56025.1

5400 10536 45059.4 43025.7 71.9871 31.203 24.451 55.654 55595.4

5600 10764.2 48400.2 44627.1 70.9871 30.891 24.3643 55.2553 59164.4

5800 10993.1 49738.8 46228.3 70.9741 30.6 24.2833 54.8833 60731.9

6000 11222.6 51075.3 47829.5 70.9619 30.329 24.2075 54.5365 62297.9

6200 11452.4 52409.7 49430.6 70.9505 30.0749 24.1366 54.2115 63862.1

6400 11682.6 53742.2 51031.6 70.9398 29.8365 24.0699 53.9064 65424.8

6600 11912.9 55072.7 52632.5 70.9297 29.6123 24.0072 53.6195 66985.6

6800 12143.4 56401.2 54233.4 70.9201 29.4009 23.9481 53.349 68544.6

7000 12373.9 57728.1 53834.3 70.9111 29.2014 23.8924 53.0938 70102

7200 12604.5 59033.1 57435.1 70.9026 29.0127 23.8395 52.8522 71637.6

7400 12835 60376.4 59035.9 70.8945 28.8339 23.7895 52.6234 73211.4

7600 13065.3 61698 60636.6 70.8868 28.6642 23.7421 52.4063 74763.3

7800 13295.6 63098 62237.3 70.8795 28.5029 23.0697 51.5726 76393.6

8000 13525.8 64336.5 63958.3 65.3139 28.3495 23.6542 52.0037 77862.3

8200 13755.9 65653.5 65558.3 65.3087 28.2032 23.6134 51.8166 79409.4

8400 13985.8 66969 67158.4 65.3037 28.0637 23.5745 51.6382 80954.8

8600 14215.4 68283.1 68758.5 65.2989 27.9305 23.5374 51.4679 82498.5

8800 14444.9 69595.8 70358.5 65.2944 27.803 23.502 51.305 84040.7

9000 14674.2 70907.2 71958.5 65.29 27.6811 23.502 51.1831 85581.4

9200 14903.3 72217.4 73558.6 65.2859 27.5642 23.4681 51.0323 87120.7

9400 15132.1 73526.3 75158.6 65.2819 27.452 23.4045 50.8565 88658.4

9600 15360.7 74834 76758.7 65.278 27.3444 23.3747 50.7191 90194.7

9800 15589.1 76140.6 78358.7 65.27443 27.241 23.3461 50.5871 91729.7

10000 15817.2 77446 79958.8 65.2708 27.1415 23.3186 50.4601 93263.2


500 8004.85 17534.9 3885.96 67.7792 20.8581 5.61079 26.46889 25539.75

550 7953.78 17559.1 4294.9 67.626 18.7005 5.29775 23.99825 25512.88

600 7904.42 17600.7 4702.23 67.4767 16.9299 5.05164 21.98154 25505.12

650 7856.82 17660.3 5108.32 67.3371 15.4563 4.85279 20.30909 25517.12

700 7811.12 17737.2 5513.45 67.2091 14.2143 4.68854 18.90284 25548.32

750 7767.21 17831 5917.82 67.0928 13.1571 4.55038 17.70748 25598.21

800 7725.2 17941.8 6321.57 66.9873 12.2497 4.43238 16.68208 25667

850 7685.13 18069.2 6724.81 66.8916 11.4653 4.33029 15.79559 25754.33

900 7647.06 18212.9 7127.63 66.8046 10.7831 4.24099 15.02409 25859.96

Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies

ISSN 1583-1078

Issue 33, July-December 2018

p. 289-302

950 7611.03 18372.5 7530.09 66.7254 10.1864 4.16217 14.34857 25983.53

1000 7577.08 18547.5 7932.26 66.6531 9.66201 4.092 13.75401 26124.58

1200 7463.02 19384.3 9538.74 66.418 8.09635 3.87389 11.97024 26847.32

1400 7385.67 20398.5 11142.9 66.2446 7.08454 3.72101 10.80555 27784.17

1600 7346.83 21535.2 12745.8 66.1117 6.39278 3.60733 10.00011 28882.03

1800 7347.13 22753.4 14347.9 66.0235 5.89596 3.47568 9.37164 30100.53

2000 7385 24024.5 15949.5 65.9213 5.5239 3.44878 8.97268 31409.5

2200 7457.25 25329.9 17550.7 65.8507 5.23541 3.39112 8.62653 32787.15

2400 7559.34 26657.2 19151.6 65.7913 5.00522 3.34301 8.34823 34216.54

2600 7687.13 27998.6 20752.4 65.7406 4.81716 3.30223 8.11939 35685.73

2800 7835.52 29348.8 22353.1 65.6968 4.66049 3.26721 7.9277 37184.32

3000 8000.71 30704.1 23953.7 65.6586 4.52781 3.23681 7.76462 38704.81

3200 8179.34 32062.3 25554.1 65.6249 4.41388 3.21017 7.62405 40241.64

3400 8368.68 33421.6 27154.6 65.595 4.31489 3.18662 7.50151 41790.28

3600 8566.66 34781 28754.9 65.5683 4.22799 3.16566 7.39365 43347.66

3800 8771.37 36139.6 30355.2 65.5443 4.15106 3.14689 7.29795 44910.97

4000 8981.52 37496.9 31955.5 65.5226 4.0824 3.12997 7.21237 46478.42

4200 9196 38852.5 33555.8 65.5029 4.02073 3.11465 7.13538 48048.5

4400 9413.97 40206.2 35156 65.4849 3.96498 3.10071 7.06569 49620.17

4600 9634.71 41557.9 36756.3 65.4684 3.91433 3.08798 7.00231 51192.61

4800 9857.69 42907.4 38356.5 65.4533 3.86806 3.07631 6.94437 52765.09

5000 10082.5 44254.7 39956.8 65.4393 3.82566 3.06556 6.89122 54337.2

5200 10308.6 45599.7 41556.8 65.4264 3.78662 3.05564 6.84226 55908.3

5400 10536 46942.6 43157 65.4144 3.75054 3.04645 6.79699 57478.6

5600 10764.2 48283.2 44757.1 65.4032 3.7171 3.03791 6.75501 59047.4

5800 10993.1 49621.7 46357.2 65.3927 3.68601 3.02997 6.71598 60614.8

6000 11222.6 50958 47957.3 65.383 3.65701 3.02255 6.67956 62180.6

6200 11452.4 52292.4 49557.5 65.3738 3.62991 3.01562 6.64553 63744.8

6400 11682.6 53624.7 51157.6 65.3653 3.60452 3.00911 6.61363 65307.3

6600 11912.9 54955.1 52757.7 65.3572 3.58067 3.00301 6.58368 66868

6800 12143.4 56284.8 54357.9 65.3495 3.52055 2.99726 6.51781 68428.2

7000 12373.9 57611.2 55958 65.3423 3.49635 2.99185 6.4882 69985.1

7200 12604.5 58935.8 57558.1 65.3376 3.47321 2.98674 6.45995 71540.3

7400 12835 60258.7 59158.2 65.3313 3.45106 2.98191 6.43297 73093.7

7600 13065.3 61580 60758.3 65.3252 3.4298 2.97733 6.40713 74645.3

7800 13295.6 62899.6 62358.2 65.3194 3.46328 2.97299 6.43627 76195.2

8000 13525.8 64218 63958.2 65.3139 3.44712 2.96888 6.416 77743.8

8200 13755.9 65534.8 65558.3 65.3087 3.43175 2.96496 6.39671 79290.7

8400 13985.8 66850.2 67158.4 65.3037 3.4171 2.96123 6.37833 80836

8600 14215.4 68164.2 68758.4 65.2989 3.40313 2.95768 6.36081 82379.6

8800 14444.9 69476.8 70358.5 65.2944 3.38979 2.95429 6.34408 83921.7

9000 14674.2 70788.1 71958.5 65.29 3.37703 2.95105 6.32808 85462.3

Simulation analysis of natural gas transmission lines using Promax

Nnamdi Emmanuel EZENDIOKWERE, Victor Joseph AIMIKHE, Boma KINOGOMA


9200 14903.3 72098.1 73558.6 65.2859 3.36482 2.94795 6.31277 87001.4

9400 15132.1 73406.9 75158.6 65.2819 3.35312 2.94499 6.29811 88539

9600 15360.7 74714.5 76758.7 65.278 3.34191 2.94216 6.28407 90075.2

9800 15589.1 76020.9 78358.7 65.2744 3.33115 2.93944 6.27059 91610

10000 15817.2 77326.2 79958.8 65.2708 3.32081 2.93683 6.25764 93143.4

Figure A1. Graph of compressor power requirements against pressure drop for 100 mi, 20”,


Figure A2. Graph of compressor power requirements against pressure drop for 100mi, 30”,


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