st. john of the cross john of the cross parish 5005 south wolf road western springs,...

Post on 21-Jul-2020






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PARISH CENTER: 708-246-4404 SCHOOL: 708-246-4454 YOUTH CATECHESIS: 708-246-6760



Glenn Aldridge our “Elect”

Glenn with wife, Susan, and Glenn’s godmother, Joan Haugh

Bruce Harken our Candidate for Full Communion

Glenn and Bruce in the Cathedral

Bruce and his wife and sponsor, Diane

Signing the Book of the Elect Bruce, Glenn and Bishop Rassas

Last Sunday, February 26th our parish sent Glenn Aldridge and Bruce Harken off to Holy Name Cathedral to participate in the Rite of Election and the Rite of Continuing Conversion. The surrounding photos show Glenn with his wife, Susan, and his godparent, Joan Haugh; Bruce with his wife and sponsor Diane; and both of them with Auxiliary Bishop George Rassas. Glenn (now our “Elect”) signed the BOOK OF THE ELECT here at St. John of the Cross at the 10:45 a.m. Mass before heading down to the Cathedral. He will be initiated into the Catholic Church (receiving Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) at our Parish Easter Vigil mass on Holy Saturday night, April 7th. Bruce (our “Candidate for Full Communion”) will be received into the Catholic Church that same evening here at St. John of the Cross, which means he will make a Profession of the Catholic Faith (since he was baptized Presbyterian years ago), and then will be Confirmed and receive Eucharist for the first time. Last week’s celebration at the Cathedral was a milestone for them as the Church formally ratified Glenn’s readiness for the Sacraments of Initiation and Bruce’s readiness to be received into Full Communion. Please continue praying for them as they deepen their relationships with God and the Church community.

Glenn, Bruce, Susan, Joan and Diane

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Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults:

The Three Scrutinies During the season of Lent, the Elect (those who participate in the Rite of Election with the Bishop at the beginning of Lent are now referred to as the “Elect”) enter into the “Period of Purification and Enlightenment.” Our Elect – Glenn Aldridge – will participate in three Scrutinies, which are spiritual rites that will help him look deeper into his life, to see the sin that exists, to seek repentance, and to grow in his desire to follow Christ and love God. “The Scrutinies are meant to uncover, then heal, all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the Elect; to bring out, then strengthen, all that is upright, strong, and good” (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, 141). As a part of the Scrutinies, the rite of exorcism is also celebrated in order to free the Elect from the effects of sin and strengthen them as they continue their spiritual journey. These rites remind each of us that we, too, need to look into our own hearts, to see where sin is present, and to seek Christ’s loving forgiveness. Lent is a time in which we are all invited to strengthen our love of God and prepare our hearts for the great gift of Easter. Please join us for one or all of the Scrutinies that will be celebrated as a part of the Sunday liturgy. The First Scrutiny will take place today, Sunday, March 4th at the 9 a.m. Mass. The Second Scrutiny will be on Saturday, March 17th at the 5 p.m. Mass. The Third Scrutiny will be on Sunday, March 25th at the 5 p.m. Mass. Whether you are able to be present or not, please pray for our Elect – Glenn Aldridge – as he continues his journey to Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at our Easter Vigil.


Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the easiest person

in the world to be with. Even if you cannot pray very well,

or even if you do not say anything at all,

the mere fact that you come to HIM in the Blessed Sacrament

is, in itself, a prayer of faith that will greatly benefit your soul.

Adoration Chapel is open on

Mondays from 2:30 - 9:00 p.m.

Rosary is prayed at 8:45 p.m. This Lent--come and spend

some time with HIM.

Looking for individuals for regular adoration time slots on Mondays.

Time commitment is 15-30 minutes.

Any questions contact Dan King at

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Sunday, Second Week of Lent

Let the Path Teach You

Each week we are proud to share a Lenten Reflection from the book, Love that Beckons, by Paula D’Arcy in our bulletin. Paula D’Arcy is an internationally recognized author, retreat leader and speaker. Included among her many books are Gift of the Red Bird, Sacred Threshold, and When People Grieve. Paula will be speaking at The Well on March 31st. See page 8 in today’s bulletin. Also, you are invited to join our Spiritual Journaling group on Mondays at 2:30-4:00 p.m. and read Paula’s Waking Up to This Day to prepare for Paula’s visit. Call the Parish Center for more information.

Love beckons . . . How can I prepare myself to listen to the teachings of radical love—to hear the Spirit’s power in the words spoken by Jesus? If I were going to meet the Divine today, how might I prepare? What gift would I bring? Would I walk forward in deep surrender? What does a person do in preparation for hearing the greatest truths? A woman is sitting across the table from me at a hostel in Chartres, France. We have just arrived as part of a group of pilgrims who were following the well-traveled pilgrimage route from Paris on foot. She leans over and shares the single phrase that has filled her mind as she walked: Show up for the feast. Through the long miles she began measuring that phrase against her life. Am I showing up, she asked herself? Showing up to the people on my path, to life’s challenges, to a compassion for humankind and to the capacity of my heart? Am I growing, in spite of the pain of growth? Have I showed up to labor in the fields of life, carrying “neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes?” Or am I simply walking in a daze and a frenzy of activity moving from one event to another? “I’ve made a resolve,” she finally says. “I’m resolving to show up for the feast.” Today: I want to show up for the feast. I pray for the courage to move past my fears and into the heart of life. The Hem of His Garment Who touched me? (Luke 8:45) Scripture tells of a woman who came up behind Jesus, touched only the border of his garment and was immediately healed of an ailment she’d had for 12 years. The image of her pure reaching out has survived for millennia-the power of her touching that hem. As a child of 13 I remember touching a burn barrel at camp. The fire had only recently been put out and the barrel was pulsing hot. My first awareness was a white hot pain which burned my fingertips and could not be soothed. That reaching out was accidental, but the power of the woman in Scripture is that she reached out with intention. She was not hoping; she knew. What, if anything, do I know with similar clarity? The mathematician, Pythagoras, saw in the geometry of musical harmony a key to the order of the cosmos. This unnamed woman saw in the Divine Presence the key to life. Today: I pray to move with intention past my own sense of importance and control, past my ideas about life, into the Spirit’s presence.

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Kolbe House Online Lenten Retreat A Lenten retreat that fits perfectly with busy schedules. Each Monday in Lent, you will receive an email that contains a reflection prepared by a Kolbe House chaplain or volunteer who ministers to youth detained at the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center. The theme: Listening: Quieting ourselves to the presence of God, will be presented through the Lenten Sunday scriptures and questions for reflection. The response and commitment to the retreat is strictly up to each individual. A simple email to is all that is required to participate. No other obligation is asked.

Stations of the Cross Fridays at 6:00 p.m. in church throughout Lent. Led by parish families, praying the stations is appropriate for all ages. Taizé Prayer Friday, March 23 - following Stations in our church, join in Taizé Prayer, an ecumenical form of prayer consisting of song, scripture, light and meditation.

Evening or Morning of Meditation Watch The Pilgrimage: The Daily Practice a DVD by Laurence Freeman ~ Meditate ~ Share ~ Friday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m. or Saturday, March 10 at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Center. No experience necessary. No need to RSVP—Just come.

Pray the Labyrinth Walk the Labyrinth and find a deeper place as you journey within. Saturday, March 24 from 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. See our parish website for more information. Family Rosary Thursdays in Lent (except Holy Thursday) 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.

The Lenten Outreach Project for all SJC Parishioners and all SJC Youth Catechesis and Parish School students is Operation Rice Bowl. Operation Rice Bowl is the official Lenten Program of Catholic Relief Services. Participation in Operation Rice Bowl is a way to respect human dignity and foster solidarity with the poor around the world. Operation Rice Bowl begins now and continues until Palm Sunday, April 1st. Extra Rice Bowls are available in the Parish Center. Operation Rice Bowl is an extremely interactive approach to living the traditional Lenten disciplines of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. 75% of your gifts will help fund Catholic Relief Services’ development projects around the world, in countries such as Madagascar, Vietnam, El Salvador, Zambia and India. 25% of your gifts support hunger and poverty alleviation efforts in dioceses in the United States. Go to our parish website to download a Lenten calendar, Rice Bowl placemat, weekly Lenten Reflections, and a special video and recipe from each featured country. Families may also find special Rice Bowl activities planned just for them on our website.

This Week’s Featured Country: Vietnam Finding services and programs for disabled students was a challenge for Giap and his family living in Hanoi. But recently Giap started a web design business after enrolling in a residential school for students with disabilities. There he and his fellow students gained skills and confidence to work in the growing field of web design. With support from Catholic Relief Services, Giap’s school offers programs and accommodations for students who are blind or physically disabled so they can fulfill their potential and realize their dreams.

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Catholic Social Teaching: Rights and Responsibilities

In a world warped by materialism and declining respect for human life, the Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. Our belief in the sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of the human person is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching...We believe that every person is precious, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it threatens or enhances the life and dignity of the human person.

All are encouraged to add and share their own prayer on our parish website for those who are hungry and poor around the world. Journey with us this Lent.

Share Your Prayer

Programs at The Well… St. John of the Cross and St. Francis Xavier have a partnership with The Well in LaGrange to co-sponsor spiritual programs that will inspire and enable us to draw closer to God. Our parishioners may attend the following program free of charge. The Well is located at 1515 W. Ogden Avenue in LaGrange Park near Nazareth High School. Call the Parish Center to register.

Paula D’Arcy Healing our World from the Inside Out: A Day of Retreat March 31 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. What better way to enter Holy Week than to pause and take a deeper look at the way we are all living our lives? What happens when we stop believing that change will only happen “out there,” and begin to realize that we are the world, and healing begins from the inside out? The day promises to be reflective, informative and transformative. Paula D’Arcy is a well known writer, playwright, retreat leader and conference and seminar speaker.

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Our SJC Lenten Experience at a Glance… Stations of the Cross Friday, March 9, 6:00 p.m. Evening of Meditation Friday, March 9, 7:00 p.m. or Morning of Meditation Saturday, March 10, 9:00 a.m. Forgiveness Parish Mission Sunday, March 11 - Wednesday, March 14 Stations of the Cross Friday, March 16, 6:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross, Taizé Prayer follows Friday, March 23, 6:00 p.m Pray the Labyrinth Sunday, March 25, 2:00-8:00 p.m. Parish Reconciliation Service Tuesday, March 27, 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross Friday, March 30, 6:00 p.m. Paula D’Arcy at The Well: Healing our World from the Inside Out: A Day of Retreat Saturday, March 31, 9:00 a.m. Crossroads Easter Basket Project: Sunday, April 1 Return your Operation Rice Bowl Donations at any Mass Palm Sunday, April 1

Lenten Bridges to Contemplative Living: Living Your Deepest Desires This is a different program from last year by the same editors. If you joined us last year it will continue your spiritual journey. If you are new this is a perfect place to start. This program will gently lead participants on a journey toward spiritual transformation and a more contemplative peace-filled life. Contemplative living is a way of responding to our everyday experience by consciously attending to our relationships. It deepens our awareness of our connectedness to others and this becomes a meaningful direction in our lives. Bridges does not require an academic background in theology or spirituality. The program will involve weekly readings and time for reflection questions that will be discussed in small groups that will meet in homes or the Parish Center. The times are listed below. Register online or in the Parish Center. Open Our Hearts Open Our Hearts is a Lectionary-based, small-group faith-sharing program. The book includes daily scripture meditations and a weekly program for lively discussion. Sunday gospel texts are printed right in the booklet, and citations with brief commentaries on the first and second readings appear as sidebars. Group sessions link the scriptures with informative and practical commentary and reflection questions, space for written responses, prayers, and suggested activities help reinforce the week’s message. This is the perfect format for those looking for a first time Lenten experience or for those seasoned veterans. Join us this year in this new series here at St. John of the Cross. There is a separate group for seniors. Register online or in the Parish Center.

Open Our Hearts Starting date is Feb. 22 Please check your time preferences: Monday 1:30-2:30 p.m.___ Thursday, 9-10 a.m.___ Friday, 1-2 p.m.___ (Seniors Only)

Name________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________________________________________________ Email_________________________________________________________________________________________ (A one-time $6 free will offering is suggested.)

Bridges to Contemplative Living Starting date is Feb. 22 Please check your time preferences: Monday 9:30-11:00 a.m. ___ Wednesday 12:00- 1:30 p.m. ___ or 7:30-9:00 p.m. ___ Thursday 12:00-1:30 p.m. ___ or 7:00-8:30 p.m. ___ Friday 7:00-8:30 p.m. ___

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It is not too late to join a group.

Outreach Archdiocese of Chicago

Peace & Justice Catholic Campaign for Human Development

February 3, 2012 Dear Parishioners, The continuous generosity you extend to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development collection is deeply appreciated. To date, almost 90% of parishes contributed to this year’s collection. St. John of the Cross is part of this remarkable generosity having contributed $17,682. Through your donations you participate in projects working with issues of affordable housing, safer neighborhoods, economic development and the improvement of life for the elderly, immigrants and disabled in Cook and Lake Counties. Gratefully, Carol N. Smith, CCHD Director

St. Thomas of Canterbury Parish Dear Fr. David and Parishioners, A belated Thank You for once again filling our depleted stores with your November 2011 Harvest Saturday food collection. From all reports, this was the best organized delivery yet. I am so very grateful for your generosity to those whom we serve. As you may know from the news or personal experience, the need for food assistance is still rising. For the year, the food pantry served almost 500 household each month, an increase of 10% vs. 2010 and almost 40% vs. 2008. Your commitment and generosity makes it possible for us to serve everyone who comes to us for help with putting food on the table. We couldn't do what we do here without the support of the community of faith. Thank you for your generosity and your prayers. Sincerely, Fr. Dan Costello

Aging Care Connections invites you to participate in a Late Stage Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease Support Group. The group will cover a variety of topics including: a discussion of how each of these diagnoses progresses, building a network of safe support and self care, and when/how it is appropriate to select hospice or skilled nursing facilities. If you are a caregiver of a loved one with late stage Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, we warmly invite you to join us. There is no charge. Sessions are for five weeks.

Wednesdays, March 7-April 4 1:30—3:00 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church

200 N. Catherine Ave., La Grange

* * * * * * * * * * Early Stage Memory Loss Seminar

An eight-week seminar beginning Thursday, March 8 1:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. ending on Thursday, April 26, 1:30-3:00 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church. This program is designed for individuals diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia and their family members and friends. Learn how to cope with the changes, maximize strengths, enhance communication, and plan for the future. Participants will meet in two separate groups—those experiencing memory loss in one group and the family members and/or friends in another group. The groups provide education, emotional support, and social interaction in a safe and supportive environment. For information or enrollment on these programs contact Ruth Folkening at Aging Care Connections, 708-354-1323, x228. E-mail:

* * * * * * * * * *

Aging Care Connections is currently seeking volunteers for front desk reception responsibilities on Monday - Friday afternoons from 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Receptionists are responsible for receiving incoming calls and directing calls to the appropriate person or office. If you are interested, please contact Niki Chibucos, director of development and public relations, at 708-354-1323, extension 226.

Late Stage Dementia and Alzheimer’s Caregiver Group!

a support group for those caring for loved ones

Volunteer training for Adventist St. Thomas Hospice begins Tuesday, March 13 for 9 weeks, from 9 a.m. until noon at the hospice office, 119 E. Ogden, Hinsdale. Call Barb Zerby, Volunteer Coordinator, 630-856-6998 to register or for further information.

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The SJC Women's Club would like to send a big THANK YOU out to the women of the parish who attended this year’s retreat! Our theme, "Friendship with God," helped us explore the many ways to cultivate a loving, trusting relationship with God and the joys that this friendship can bring to our lives. It was a beautiful, inspiring weekend filled with many blessings! Here is what some people said about this year’s retreat... "It was exactly what I needed!" "The speaker was AWESOME! Loved her personal style and down-to-earth approach!" "The retreat was close to home, hotel was great, reasonably priced, great food, great content - I got a lot of insights into new ways of thinking of things!" "Loved the Christian Yoga!" We would also like to thank Dr. Mary Amore, our facilitator from Mayslake Ministries, for guiding us on this journey!

SJC Saintly Seniors Annual St. Patrick-St. Joseph Party Come be a part of the FUN!

Friday, March 16, 11:30 a.m. at the Parish Center

Delicious Corned Beef Luncheon & Entertainment

Members: $15 Guests: $20 RSVP to the Parish Center

by Monday, March 12 Name: Phone: ____ Members _____ Guests _____ Total Enclosed

SJC Saintly Seniors Annual St. Patrick-St. Joseph Party Go to www.stjohno to Learn About Lent at SJC 10

Job Assistance Leverage LinkedIn During Your Job Search Interfaith Career Network invites you to learn more about LinkedIn on Thursday, March 15 at 7:00 p.m. Our presenter, Aileen Gilpin, will speak to various social media topics including How to Use Social Media in Your Job Search. Additionally, Aileen will present an interactive demonstration on how to effectively use today’s most professional online tools. Watch step by step as she creates a solid LinkedIn profile with one of our job seekers, along with some nice extras you can add to yours. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for all job seekers and can help connect you to new key business contacts when you understand how to use it effectively. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an expert in the social media field. Join us in the Parish Center. This meeting is open to all and there is no charge to attend. P.S. If you have the time, consider building your own profile on LinkedIn prior this meeting. It’s good practice and may lead to many questions that Aileen can answer for you. Try it!

Special Collec on March 10-11

Could you live on only $50 a month? Most of us could not, but this is a reality for many elderly residents of the former Soviet region of Georgia, who awoke one morning to find their pensions and life savings gone. Former doctors, lawyers, and musicians now find themselves living on a stipend that doesn’t even cover the cost of one loaf of bread per day, leaving nothing to pay for transportation, clothing, or medicine. Through your donations, the Church is able to provide support for the Sisters of Charity and other Catholic organizations that help use the light of Christ to illuminate the region with faith. Please be generous in your parish Collection and continue this important work for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe.

Cookies Needed Off the Street Club, the oldest boys and girls club in Chicago, is a home away from home for more than 3,000 children from the city’s West Side. The Club offers kids ages 4 to 18 a safe haven from the gangs, drugs and violence that pervade the

neighborhood. More than 15 years ago, Western Springs and Off the Street Club formed a relationship that brings together WS families and OTSCC kids through a number of activities, including the annual Circle of Friendship Party. About 200 children are expected to attend this year’s party on March 10 at the Lyons Township High School Corral. As part of the festivities, we hope to provide cookies. Please drop off your baked cookies or bars at the Parish Center March 8 or March 9 on the designated table. It is helpful to the party’s organizers if cookies are grouped in a dozen per paper plate. Thank you for your help. Questions? Contact Debbie Pusinelli (708)246-6760 x251.

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All men of the parish are invited to Men’s Night Out

Thursday, March 22 6:00 p.m. Parish Center

NCAA Basketball

Cards Pizza

Beverages Fellowship

Just come. No RSVP needed. No cost.

SJC Men’s Club


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March 11 Advisory Meeting 10 a.m. Home Group meetings Junior & Senior groups at the Parish Center 6 p.m. March 15-18 Kairos Junior/Senior Retreat weekend April 1 Easter Basket Project Teens arrive 3 p.m. 2nd graders arrive 3:30 p.m., everyone finishes at 4:30 p.m. April 15 Home Group Meetings

SPACES ARE still AVAILABLE FOR Summer Work Tour Opportunities:

Check out Intergenerational LOCAL Trip, ND Vision & YLC conferences & trip to our Sharing Parish in Kentucky


Our 4 U 2 concert stories are being

shared on our Crossroads


Here’s the Light being shared by Louie Kaczmarek

“I was in prison and you visited me.” This verse from Matthew is

on the memorial for Fr. Larry Craig at Kolbe House Prison

Ministry and really says it all….”

Many Thanks to our Crossroads Fish Fry Leaders Team:

Kerri & Jim DiMonte, Michael Thomas, Matt O’Connor

& Adam Conrath AND the Men’s Club!

All Second Graders are invited to help us make Easter baskets!!! Sunday, April 1st in the Parish Center

Second Grade children and teens from Crossroads will work together to make Easter baskets for children in the Chicago area, including those involved with the Off the Street Boys & Girls Club.

Teens arrive at 3 p.m. Second graders arrive 3:30 p.m. Project is finished by 4:30 p.m.

Our goal is to make 200 baskets to help other children in the Chicago area have a joyful Easter. It is a lot of fun for the Second Graders to come together and enjoy some time with the teens. Plus, the children who receive these baskets really appreciate our hard work! Please bring small treats to fill the baskets such as little stuffed animals, small toys like cars and dolls, coloring books, crayons, small toiletries, stickers and anything else you can think of would be nice. We will provide the baskets and a teenager to help decorate and bring the gifts together. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions please call or email Dan Duquette at (708) 246-1582 or at Thank you!

We appreciate everyone who came out to enjoy a great meal &

support our work tour efforts!

Parish School Youth Catechesis

SJC students love to work in our dedicated

art room!

Our Spirit Day

Crosses decorate

the hallways!

Student Council members are continuing to organize the twice monthly Port Sandwich Making Ministry program. This week third grade students donated all of the lunch supplies and assembled the lunches.


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TONIGHT!! 7th grade Special Service Gathering

All 7th grade Home Groups will gather on Sunday, March 4th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. to share so many of the wonderful service experiences they have accomplished and learn how we can do more. This required meeting replaces their home group session, check in and sit with your home group in the Parish Center. Jesus calls us to social justice, this time together will open your eyes to a larger world and how we should react to it.

Sunday, March 4 6:30-8:00 p.m.

In the Parish Center for all 7th grade students and home group leaders

This gathering replaces your regular home group.

YC Schedule Classes K-610:15-11:30 a.m. Sunday, March 4, 11 , 18 6:15-7:30 p.m . Monday, March 5, 12, 19 FFC/Preschool Noon-1:30 p.m. Sunday, March 4 Home Groups See Home Group Leader Special Needs March 4 and 18

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Porous and Buffered Personalities A friend of mine tells this story: As a young boy in the 1950s he was struck down with pneumonia. His family lived in a small town that had neither a hospital nor a doctor. His father had a job that had taken him away from the family for that week. His mother was home alone with no phone and no car. Frightened and completely without resources, she came to his sickbed, knelt beside it, pinned a medal of St. Therese of Lisieux to his pajamas, and prayed to St. Therese in words to this effect: "I'm trusting you to make my child better. I'm going to remain kneeling here until his fever breaks." Both my friend and his mother eventually fell asleep, he in his sickbed and she kneeling beside it. When they woke, his fever had broken. My friend shares this story, not to claim some kind of miracle took place (though who is to judge?). He tells it to make different point, namely, how his mother, in a situation of fragility and helplessness, dropped to her knees and turned to God as if by natural instinct and how, today, that kind of a response is no longer our own natural instinct. Very few of us today, faced with this kind of situation, would do what his mother did. Why not? Because our personalities have changed. Charles Taylor, in an outstanding book, A Secular Age, traces out how, as our world has grown more secular, we have moved more and more from being porous personalities to becoming buffered personalities. We have a porous personality when our everyday consciousness stands in anxiety and fear before threats that can come to us from nature or elsewhere (illnesses, death, epidemics, storms, droughts, earthquakes, lightening strikes, wars, evil spirits from other worlds, curses from malevolent persons, ill chance, threats of all kinds) for which our main and often only defense is power from the other world (God, angels, saints, dead ancestors, benign spirits, fairies, genies). Our personalities are porous when they are made fragile by threats that only powers beyond us can ultimately appease. All human resources within us and around us are seen as inadequate and helpless in securing our lives. Part of that belief too is that the natural world itself is far from only natural. Instead it is an enchanted world within which, beneath the surface, lurk spirits of all kinds, good and bad; and thus coping with life means not just dealing with the physical things of our world but also with spirits, good and bad, who, hidden inside and behind things, interfere with life and can bless or curse us. I remember as a child sprinkling myself with holy water for safety during lightening storms. I had a porous personality. A buffered personality, on the other hand, is one within which everyday consciousness lives inside of what

Taylor calls "a self-sufficient humanism". Self-sufficient humanism believes that we are essentially adequate to handle the darkness and the threats within life and that there are no ghosts and spirits, good or bad, lurking beneath the surface of things. There is only what we see and that's all - and that's also enough. We don't need help from another world. In self-sufficient humanism you don't sprinkle yourself with holy water during lightening storms; you stand securely behind a safe window and enjoy the free fire-works. And that lack of fear is not necessarily a bad thing. It's an illusion of course, but, even so, God doesn't want us to live dominated by fear. The word "Gospel" after all means "good news", not threat. Jesus came into this world to rid us of false fear. But, with that being said, the belief that we are self-sufficient is still a dangerous illusion and a crippling immaturity. In the end, we are not safe from lightening and disease, no matter how safe our windows or good our doctors. To think of ourselves as self-sufficient is naïve, an illusion, a living under a pall-of-enchantment. We are not in control. Moreover, there is an immaturity in the belief that we are so much more advanced and freer than were our grandparents who were afraid of lightening and pinned religious medals on sick children. Their fear inspired an important virtue. That virtue may have been conscriptive, but it was real. What was that virtue? Robert Bellah once looked at how community and religion tend to thrive inside of immigrant communities and challenged us, post-immigrants, to become "inner-immigrants". That's also true here. We need to get in touch with our "inner porous self", namely, our deep down fragility, helplessness, insubstantiality, and lack of self-sufficiency. And the purpose of that is not to instill fear, but gratitude. It is only when we realize that we are not in control and that our lives and our safety are in the hands of a great and loving power beyond us that we will bend our knees in gratitude, both when we are joyous and when we are afraid. Rev. Ron Rolheiser Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website

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Monday, March 5 9:30 a.m. Senior Club Planning Meeting 9:30 a.m. Bridges Lenten Group 10:30 a.m. 11th Step Christian Meditation 1:00 p.m. Little Rock 1:30 p.m. Open Our Hearts Lenten Group 2:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration 2:30 p.m. Spiritual Journaling 3:30 p.m. Daisy Girl Scouts 6:30 p.m. Legacy Campaign Tuesday, March 6 1:30 p.m. Sr. Josephine’s Bible Study 3:00 p.m. Rosary 6:30 p.m. Rohr 2013 Event Planning 7:00 p.m. RCIA Wednesday, March 7 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 12:00 p.m. Bridges Lenten Group 1:00 p.m. Endow Group 2:00 p.m. Christian Meditation 3:30 p.m. Daisy Girl Scouts 7:00 p.m. Letters to Women 7:30 p.m. Bridges Lenten Group 7:30 p.m. Christian Meditation Thursday, March 8 9:30 a.m. Studying the Scriptures 10:00 a.m. Open Our Hearts Lenten Group 12:00 p.m. Bridges Lenten Group 7:00 p.m. School Parent Meeting Friday, March 9 9:00 a.m. Mom’s Club 1:00 a.m. Open Our Hearts Lenten Group 6:00 p.m. Stations 7:00 p.m. Evening of Meditation 7:00 p.m. Bridges Lenten Group Saturday, March 10 7:00 a.m. Christian Meditation 9:00 a.m. Morning of Meditation Sunday, March 11 9:30 a.m. YC Formation 10:00 a.m. Crossroads Advisory Team Meetings 4:00 p.m. BEDS 4:00 p.m. YC Formation

Set clocks forward one hour March 11.

This Week @ SJC Support SJC Market Day Pie Drive Market Day Dessert BONUS DAYS

The more desserts purchased, the more we earn! Up to 99 Deserts—Earn 15% profit 100-499 Desserts—Earn 30% profit 500+ Earn 45% profit Purchase delicious pies for Easter or as a gift and/or purchase pies for our local charities and we will deliver them. It’s EASY!! Forms are in church, school, Parish Center, on line ( or call Geri Reisch at 708-579-1990. Cut off date is 3/19, 11 p.m. Delivery date is 3/22 between 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Strawberry Rhubarb French Silk Triple Berry Supreme Key Lime Cherry Streusel Mint Brownie Blast Classic Apple Grandma’s Carrot Cake Turtle Cheesecake and Lemon Cake (new)

Your Help is Needed! Eagle Scout Project:

Battered Women’s Shelter Housekeeping Drive My name is Michael Clancy. My family and I have been active at St. John of the Cross Parish and school for close to 17 years now. I am now working on my Eagle Project for a battered women’s shelter in Chicago and need your help. I am asking for a donation of any of the items

listed, all of which would greatly improve living conditions for these women: Kleenex, hand soap, paper towels, laundry soap, toilet paper, bleach, diapers, baby powder, dish soap, window cleaner and all purpose cleaner. Items can be dropped in the box in the vestibule of the church, parish center or school between March 3 and March 17. If you have any questions please contact me at (708) 246 3854. Thank you!

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 9:4b-10; Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]; Ps 19; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25

William Bell, nephew of Joseph & Virginia Robin Lino Lupetini, husband of Filippa and

father of Mike and Maria William McMahon, husband of Anita and

father of William, Michael, Thomas and James

Eternal Rest Grant unto These, O Lord

Lord Hear Our Prayer Pray for our Sick

Mass Inten ons

Monday, March 5 6:30 Parishioners 7:45 Marcia McCormick; Ka e Courtemanche Tuesday, March 6 6:30 Mary Kirkwood; Bruce Yurman 7:45 Jonathan Rus; Leona Rompala Wednesday, March 7, Ss. Perpetua & Felicity 6:30 Theodore Koterba 7:45 Our Beloved Dead; Patrick McHugh Thursday, March 8, St. John of God 7:45 Bob Moore; Dorothy Carlini Friday, March 9, St. Frances of Rome 7:45 Gene Figliulo; Norbert Mann Saturday, March 10 8:00 Amedeo & Adina Misantoni; Archie Reimann 5:00 Arch Reimann; Fred Sandburg Sunday, March 11, Third Sunday of Lent 7:30 SJC Parishioners; St. Mark Parishioners 9:00 Henry Tymick; Lenny DiPompeo 10:45 Margy Hill; Michael J. Heinzel 12:15 Gora & Maier Families; Robert E. Miller 5:00 Dr. Lawrence Goslawski; Raymond Kalis

God of love, ever caring, ever strong,

stand by us in our time of need. Watch over who is sick,

Look after him/her in every danger, and grant him/her your healing and peace. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Garth Christie Mary Ann Gecan Mark Glassgow

Christopher Grant Karen Hult

Ruth Ilg Emily Johanns Gerri Kuzma Olga Matusik Nancy Olin

Greg Palaschak Matthew Pecis

Raymond Principe Margaret Prost Sylvester Qwit Arlene Rehak

Emerson Roessler Nick Saldana

Bob Sturenfeldt David Thomas

Go to www.stjohno to Learn About Lent at SJC 17


Sunday, March 4, 3:00 p.m. Divine Infant Church 1601 Newcastle, Westchester

So, you think you don’t like classical music? Is it too “high-brow” for you? Well, if you have never heard this masterpiece by Haydn, then you really should give classical music a try. Under the Direction of Maestro Patrick Godon, “The Creation” is the featured work for The Tower Chorale’s March Concert at Divine Infant Church. It took God ‘seven days’ to create the world. It took Haydn seven years to write about it! The Chorale will be joined by four professional soloists: Christine Robertson, Soprano, Janet Mensen-Reynolds, Mezzo-soprano, Javier E. Bernardo, Tenor and Jeffrey DeLay, Baritone. The International Chamber Artists (ICA) and Dennis Zimmer on harpsichord will accompany the work. Tickets: $18 Adults, $15 Seniors/Students, Children 10 & Under Free. Church members singing in this concert are: Kathy and Marty Daley, Tom Licar, and Betsy Spiering.

Pro-Life Bus Trip to Springfield to Lobby for Pro-Life Legislation Thursday, March 8

Gather at 5:45 a.m. for the bus at SJC parking lot. Cost for the bus and a light lunch is $15. Must call Illinois Family Institute by Monday, March 5 to reserve a seat, 708-781-9328. Bills being lobbied for: HB 4085—Ultrasound Opportunity Act would require that a woman have the opportunity to view her ultrasound before having an abortion, this allowing for informed consent. HB 4117—Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Act —Expands medical regulations that apply to abortion facilities where 50 or more abortions are performed annually.


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Sub Abuse - Medicare - EspañolOakbrook Terr. 630.691.1114 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170



FREE CONSULTATIONLifetime Parishioner 708.937.9400

323-4610Restoration & Collision Work515 Blackhawk Dr., Westmont

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Maloney & Company, Ltd.Certified Public Accountants & Consultants

Specializing in Personalized Accounting, Tax and Consulting ServicesFor Individuals and Family Owned Businesses

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708.246.15954365 Lawn Ave., Ste 7


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Featuring: Sr. Helen Prejean, Rev. Joseph Lowery, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Thich Nhat Hanh, Deepak Chopra, Rabbi Elliot Dorff, and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

The award winning documentary The Big Question tells stories of heroes who have overcome great hurts and become greater human beings. Watch the movie in church on Monday, March 12 at 7:00 p.m.

Everyone says let go, but nobody tells you how.

Now someone does.

The Film, Monday, March 12, 7:00 p.m. in church Astonishing acts of forgiveness set the stage, with insight from scientists and some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time.

The Event, March 13 and 14, 7:00 p.m. in church

Rev. Frank Desiderio, teacher and spiritual guide, provides the tools, guiding participants through the five steps to LET GO.

The Result

Healing through the spiritual path of forgiveness.

When it comes to forgiving a person who has wronged you, so many people say, “just let go,” but rarely do they tell you how. The Letting Go of a Grudge Parish Mission gives participants the basic tools and steps to find healing through forgiveness. This mission will benefit people who need to let go of old hurts and raging resentments, which will subsequently allow them to move forward in their life. Fr. Frank’s homily at all weekend Masses on the weekend of March 10-11 will focus on what forgiveness is and is not and why we don’t forgive: Anger, Justice and Revenge. On Monday evening, March 12 the award winning documentary, The Big Question, will be shown. This film tells stories of people who have overcome great hurts and become greater human beings. The film examines the scientific evidence of why forgiveness is good for you and talks with some of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time. Fr. Desiderio will use the film as a basis for Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, March 13 and 14, when he will lead parishioners through the five steps of letting go of hurt, anger, resentment and revenge and will present ways for them to become more forgiving in their own lives, community, nation and world. A Forgiveness Ritual will help parishioners have a transformational experience. All evening sessions on March 12-14 will be in church at 7:00 p.m.


March 11-14 in Church

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