student ministry manual

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Student Ministry Manual




  • 8/7/2019 Student Ministry Manual




    The purpose of student ministry is:(1) to lead the youth into a life changing, life

    transforming relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, their King

    and their God (Romans 12:1-2). (2) To equip them in the knowledge of the Word of God

    (II Timothy 3:16). (3) To have them experience evangelism, discipleship, fellowship,

    ministry and worship (Matthew 28:18-20). (4) To make them a light house that will shine

    in this darkened world by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others and living a

    transformed life backed up not only by what they say but by what they do (Matthew 5:16,

    Hebrews 12:1). ( 5) A necessity to form relationships with students parents and keeping

    in touch with them on regular basis. It is a privilege to lead young men and women into a

    life transforming relationship with the creator of heaven and earth; Jesus Christ. It is

    also a privilege watching young people falling in love with Jesus Christ.


    Students enrolled in grades 7-12 are encouraged to be a part of youth ministry.

    Both lost and saved teenagers are welcomed at all events that are prepared by youth

    ministry ( see the list of events ). I encourage participating students to bring friends to any

    of the events. Those who want to assume leadership roles in youth ministry must profess

    to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a transformed lifestyle as mentioned

    in the purpose above.

  • 8/7/2019 Student Ministry Manual




    All of the programs and events will be briefly described and will specify the

    intended aim in order to follow the purpose of student ministry. The list that will be given

    below is neither exhaustive nor unchangeable. All of the events will either aim to

    transform a lost youth into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ or equip a current

    believer in the five functions of the church (evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry

    and worship). At least two adults (volunteers, teachers, parents) will be present at each

    event. In addition, all youth involved in any of the student ministry events must have a

    medical release form on file at the church (see Appendix A).

    Sunday School

    The Sunday school classes will be divided by age and all youth are welcome. The

    main focus of this event is to use the Bible in order to learn life changing lessons and talk

    about issues that affect them as teenagers. The church functions promoted include

    discipleship, evangelism, fellowship, ministry and worship.

    Wednesday Night Youth Service

    The main focus of Wednesday night service is to meet together as a body of

    Christ for worship and teaching from the Word of God. Worship will be led by the

    students who profess a mature relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a student focused

    event. Youth from the outside is more than welcome to come. It is open to all.

    Evangelical Teams

    The purpose of this ministry is to give students an opportunity to share their faith

    with nonbelievers. Every Friday night from 7pm to 9pm we will go out as a team either

    on the street or house to house to share our faith by passing out tracks and sharing one on

  • 8/7/2019 Student Ministry Manual



    one the gospel. Students will be divided into teams, depending on how many students

    show up. Afterwards we will end with a fellowship meal at a restaurant picked by the

    coordinator (youth leader). This event is designed only for born again Christians.

    Unbelievers can be invited to the afterward fellowship meal at a restaurant.

    Boot Camp Classes

    Every Monday night from 7pm to 9pm youth will learn how to evangelize using

    the Bible. It will be required to memorize Bible verses. World religions will be covered

    in order to give students an overview what others believe. Main emphasis will be on

    Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. We will also have an overview of the existing cults whoblasphemy the name of Jesus Christ and what they believe (Mormons, Catholics, Jehovah

    Witnesses and Latter Day Saints). Guest speakers will be present at each class depending

    on the topic being covered. All youth are welcome.

    Prayer walks

    Every Tuesday night from 7pm-8pm we will have a prayer walk around the

    neighborhood. Students will be divided into teams depending on the number of the

    students present. It is designed only for born again Christians.

    Monthly Parent Conference

    First Saturday of the month from 11am-1pm will be a parent conference at which

    I will mention issues that need to be addressed and vice versa. It will also be a time of

    fellowship in order for parents to get to know each other.

  • 8/7/2019 Student Ministry Manual



    D-Day (Discipleship Day)

    Every month I will pick a day when students will bring as many non believing

    friends as possible to a time filled with games and food. This will be an opportunity to

    evangelize others as well as a time of fellowship. All youth are welcome.

    Summer Mission Trip

    Each summer one week will be designated to conduct a short-term mission

    project. These events will occur outside of the community but not outside of U.S., mostly

    because of cost. This event will allow students to be involved in the five functions of the

    church. This time will be primarily spend on street evangelism, door to door evangelism,vacation Bible school and service ministry(e.g. home repair, street cleaning). It will be an

    opportunity to fellowship with one another and grow closer as a body of Christ. Youth

    from the outside (non believers) are welcome to attend although they will not be allowed

    to participate in certain events (e.g. teaching vacation Bible school).

    Summer Youth Camp

    Summer camp is open to all youth. We will travel to our camp location for one

    week during the summer each year. This will be a time of intense discipleship, fellowship

    and worship. Major emphasis will be put on reading the Bible. It will be an opportunity to

    spend quite time with the Lord in intense prayer and fasting. This time is designed to

    deepen the relationship with Jesus Christ. Events such as bowling, basketball and

    swimming will be scheduled. Every night we will have a night of worship filled with

    worship music and Christian poetry. One day will be scheduled for a talent show at which

    the youth will do what they are best at.

  • 8/7/2019 Student Ministry Manual



    Ski Trip

    Each winter break we will schedule a three day ski trip. The destination will be

    picked based on the distance and the cost. The primary motive of this time will be for

    fellowship. All youth are welcomed.

    October Retreat

    It will be a two day retreat at which a guest speaker will be present. Its primary

    motive will be to learn more about Jesus Christ. Please bring your own sleeping bag. It is

    designed for born again Christians, but all youth are welcome.


    Each member of the youth group is to conduct himself/herself in Christ-like way

    (Ephesians 4:1-3, Philippians 2:4-8). Specific elements of conduct include:

    Students are expected to dress modestly (I Timothy 2:9-10).

    Students are expected to honor their elders (I Timothy 5:1-2).

    Students are not to engage in fighting or inappropriate touching, including sexual

    oriented activities (Philippians 4:8).

    Students must guard their speech (Ephesians 5:3-4)

    No drug, alcohol, or cigarette use on the premises


    Dating within the youth group is not allowed in any of the circumstances. When

    we come as the body of Christ our primary motive is to glorify God and be

    concentrated on Him and not on each other. P.S. Dating is only appropriate when you

  • 8/7/2019 Student Ministry Manual



    are intending to marry someone and not just dating because it is a cool thing to do

    because everyone else is doing it (Genesis 2:24).


    All church sponsored events begin and end at the church campus, regardless of

    whether the event is held there or not. Only designated adults will be allowed to

    transport youth to and from the off-campus events. A church bus or van will be used

    to transport the youth by a certified licensed adult. If an extra transportation is

    needed, designated adults will be informed in advance. Under no circumstances is a

    youth allowed to transport himself/herself to or from a church sponsored event.


    Sexual misconduct in any form will not be tolerated. This goes both for students

    as well as the teachers. Any such instances will be dealt with immediately and will

    involve other church staff members and parents if necessary. All reported cases or

    allegations will be subject to further investigation and necessary legal action if

    needed. When Abuse is suspected or reported, legal requirements will be fully taken

    in accordance with state laws, while striving to maintain the privacy and integrity of

    the abused party.

  • 8/7/2019 Student Ministry Manual




    All youth workers will be asked to undergo a thorough screening process before

    assisting with youth ministry activities. Those who refuse to be screened will not be

    allowed to work with the youth. The screening process will include:

    Being a member of a church for

    at least six months

    Criminal and background check

    Reference check Personal interview Drug Test

    Church staff holds the right to refuse any person the opportunity to work with the

    youth based upon information obtained during the screening process. Once accepted,a two week period will be designated for new youth workers as training among the

    experienced youth workers.


    Teachers and volunteers must meet the minimum qualifications for instructing

    youth. These include:

    Profession of faith in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior

    Believers baptism

    Demonstrate spiritual growth and maturity

    Member of a church for at least six months Must be willing to dedicate their lives to these young people

    Must sign a teachers covenant (see Appendix B).

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