teum bulletin 2nd issue

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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ISSN 2585-2620

με τον ίδιο ζήλο τη δρά-ση της Ένωσής σας, να είστε πάντα δημιουργι-κοί και αισιόδοξοι στα δύσκολα για την Παι-δεία χρόνια που διανύ-ουμε και τέλος, δε μου μένει παρά να ευχηθώ «Καλή κυκλοφορία και μακροβιότητα» στο πε-ριοδικό σας.


Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, Συγχαίρω την Ένωση των Καθηγητών Αγγλι-κής Γλώσσας για την πολύπλευρη συμμετο-

χή της στα εκπαι-

δευτικά δρώμενα, τόσο σε επίπεδο Διεύθυνσης Δ.Ε. Σερρών όσο και σε ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο, με πλούσια δράση και αξιόλογες διακρίσεις.

Θεωρώ τιμή μου να προλογίζω την παρού-σα έκδοση του εξαμη-νιαίου περιοδικού της Ένωσής σας, που απο-τελεί πηγή διάχυσης γνώσεων, ιδεών, θεμά-των επικαιρότητας αλ-λά και γενικότερου εν-διαφέροντος, επιστημο-νικών και ψυχαγωγικού περιεχομένου άρθρων, στηρίζει την εκμάθηση της Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και φέρνει τους ανα-γνώστες σε επαφή με τον πολιτισμό της συ-γκεκριμένης χώρας. Η Διεύθυνση θα βρί-σκεται στο πλευρό της Ένωσής σας στηρίζο-ντας οποιαδήποτε φι-λότιμη προσπάθεια προάγει την Παιδεία και τον Πολιτισμό. Εύχομαι να συνεχίσετε

I’d like to greet – warmly - this new e-bulletin for language

teachers in Serres - and language teachers eve-rywhere, who will, thanks to digital technol-ogy, be shar-ing this new open space for teacher development. The local and the global are

increasingly hard to

separate nowadays and this presents new op-portunities for continued and co-operative teach-er development with teachers in our own neighbourhood and all around the world. So, welcome Open Spaces: the choice of name for this new initia-tive in sharing insights into and suggestions for better teaching practice is an appropriate one: it signals the open space that will henceforth be occupied by motivated

teachers, keen to work together to con-tinue to become better teachers.

But what is a good teacher and what does it mean to con-tinue to be and be-come a better teach-er? The article that follows is a small con-tribution to this new adventure in teacher development. Dr Luke Prodromou

12/11/2017 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017

Open Spaces

technology? Fryni Mar-avelaki puts forward the design and plan-ning of webquests in two different topics, famous people in histo-ry and tribes around the world. (p. 18) More-over she adds her con-tribution in media en-hanced learning by sharing the short film created at Irakleia High School under the theme of bullying and human relations. (p. 20)

Two different Eras-mus+ key action 1 pro-jects on the topic of “Project management for cross-cultural ex-change” are described by our colleagues Su-zana Drampa and Christina Koutidou giv-

From the Editor I hope you will enjoy reading the second is-sue of Open Spaces which is rich in articles and activities produced by our members and friends. Elpida Tsa-kirdai writes (p. 7) about comics and their use as an educational tool, a TEUM workshop led by Mr Dalampiras English teacher and comic creator, who in-troduced us to the magical world of com-ics. Suzana Drampa gives us ideas about how to organize activities in-spired by “green” is-sues and aiming at pro-moting environmental awareness among our

students in her article “Give the Green Light to Save the Green Planet” (p.10).

A memorable event which gives promi-nence to the integration of poetry in English lan-guage teaching is shared by Ms Katerina Kloura. The competi-tion “Poetry in mo-tion” (p. 13-14) has been an innovative ef-fort successfully orga-nized by the 5th High School of Serres which featured teenage crea-tivity. The Happy Prince was the award winning project which brought out the best of the participating pupils.

How can we enrich our school books using

ing insights into the implementation of teachers’ professional development schemes.(p. 22 and 24)

The hotly debated is-sue of how extremism can be prevented through education is also discussed by Ms Koutidou who is show-casing her students’ work, with a focus to global citizenship edu-

cation. (p. 19)

Last but not least Dr. Luke Prodromou won-ders what a good teach-er is and what it mean to continue to be and become a better teach-er. Definitely a must read (p.25).

Theodora Gkeniou TEUM Chair Open Spaces Editor

12/11/2017 Issue 2/ January —June

Open Spaces

Περιεχόμενα Τεύχους

Page 7 Comics and their use as an educational tool

Page 10 “Give the Green Light to Save the Green Planet” TEUM goes “green”/environmental actions 2017

Page 13 “The Happy Prince” …turning a fairy tale into poetry in motion!

Page 14 “Poetry in motion…”

Page 18 The Web2Quest Way to Think Teen

Page 19 Η εκπαίδευση βασικό ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα και όπλο κατά των φαινομένων βίαιου εξτρεμισμού

Page 20 “Πάμε Σινεμά”….. o κινηματογράφος στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση

Page 22 “Project management for cross-cultural exchange” project in Tenerife, Spain

Page 24 “Project Management for cross-cultural exchange projects in Europe”

Αn Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Programme

Page 25 Good language teachers: What do they do? What do they know? What do they have?




ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΟΣ ΕΚΔΟΣΗΣ: Θεοδώρα Γκένιου ΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΕΙΑ ΕΚΔΟΣΗΣ: Σωφρονία Μαραβελάκη ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ: Κων. Καραμανλή 13-2ος όροφος -Σέρρες-TK

62125 ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ: englishteachersinserres@gmail.com

of all ages and to talk about activities aiming at the intro-duction of comics into the learning process. Through a series of tasks and using

On Saturday, March the 4th 2017, in the 6th Primary School of Serres, the State English Teachers’ Union of Serres invited Mr. Nikolaos Dalampiras, teacher of Eng-lish and artist, to talk about the art of comics. From 10:00 to 14:00, teachers of Primary and Secondary schools of Serres had the chance to acquaint them-selves with the magical world of comics. In the first part Mr. Dalam-piras presented the history of this medium from prehis-torical to modern times, showing its evolution and referred to the most famous comics creators around the world. Widely known terms, such as “Yellow Press”,“tabloids”,“Pulitzer”, “copy rights” and “merchandising” were ex-plained and connected to the history of comics. The definition of comics as “an intentional narration with picture sequence” derives

from the combination of sto-ryboard with photography, architecture (imaging of place and object) and draw-ing. Moreover, Mr. Dalam-piras talked about the kinds (comic strip, comic book and graphic novel) and schools (American, European and Japanese) of comics, and the changes that this art went through because of the two world wars. We learned that there were also stories which were not comic and just appeared in different kinds of picture and word combination (bande dessinée, fumetti and man-ga). In the end, there was a presentation of the tools used for the creation comics and the steps followed until the final product. Nowadays comics is considered to be the 9th art! In the second part Mr Da-lampiras moved on to practi-cal instruction and the teach-ers had the chance to see comics produced by pupils

Comics and their use as an educational tool by Elpida-Maria Tsakirdai

their imagination, they tried to match pictures with words, to draw and to write stories with a beginning, a middle and an end. Finally, there was a presen-tation of simple ways of depicting human expres-sions and feelings, as well as words, sounds and land-scapes based on specific rules. After this creative seminar it was clear that comics is a tool accessible to everyone, regardless of age or artistic predisposi-tion.

Thank you Mr. Dalampiras!

12/11/2017 Issue 2/ January —June

Photographs taken by Fryni Maravelaki

Under the thematic umbrella of environ-mental issues and the importance of pro-tecting the environment, TEUM organized two “GREEN” events during 2017 in collab-oration with the Central Public Library of Serres and the Municipality of Serres. “Give the Green Light to Save the Blue Planet” was the message used to urge young friends join us in both actions, with the hope to familiarize them with environ-mental issues and enhance their sensitivity, to help them create a universal “environmental” conscience and consider their individual responsibility in protecting our home, “The Blue Planet”.

“Give the Green Light to Save the Green Planet”, TEUM goes

“green”/environmental actions 2017, by Suzana Drampa


Action in the


Section of the

Public Library

of Serres

1. Environmental Action in the Children’s Section of the Public Library of Serres

self-esteem and social skills in order to participate and collaborate in a team-namely, express, share and accept opin-ions / find and play their role in the team / organizing their decision-making methods / work in a team spirit to achieve a certain goal and follow instructions to produce cer-tain material in certain time limits.

The first event took place on Saturday May 20, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. for children aged 11-13 (A2-B1) in the hospitable environment of the Children’s Section of the Library and lasted two hours. The concept of the Action was to simulate a Summit Conference of representatives coming from all over the world to discuss about common environ-mental issues, present the problems to the co-participants, suggest possible solutions and take decisions about the future of the Earth. In addition to the initial purpose of the Action, the secondary objectives were: supporting children to enrich English vocab-ulary on the topic, building self-confidence,

Page 10 Open Spaces

Page 10

1.1 “Language Input” In the first part of the Action children got acquainted with the relative vocabulary through videos, worksheets and word games, received a portfolio containing their country or area of origin they were going to repre-sent and the particular envi-ronmental issue-problem of that area. 1.2 “Greetings and intro-

ducing the problems” The Conference was about to begin with a welcoming reception! Children walked around the room greeting each other in English (other languages like French, Ger-man, Italian were heard too), telling their partners

their area of origin and their environmental issue until they found somebody with a similar problem (drought, air pollution etc.), talked a little about it and moved to the world map on the wall to-gether to find their areas. The reception ended when everybody had found a partner with a similar prob-lem. 1.3 “Motivation, Breaking the ice, Strengthening

Bonds” Representatives in Summit Conferences sit round a table to work. We didn’t !! Using the dynamics of the circle, our little representa-tives played games with funny names like “Who is the winner- fire, trees or

water?”, “Find the guilty who has …. lit a camp fire in the forest”, “Can you mime an Elephant-Tree-Parrot-Air Turbine??”. We wanted to motivate them participate and use the lan-guage, break the ice and strengthen the bonds be-tween them along with their self-confidence. Who says that we can’t have “play and fun” in a Summit Confer-ence?

from now on to save the planet (e.g. I’m going to recycle, I’m going to use my bike in town, I’m not going to throw rubbish on beach-es etc.). The Conference put an end to its works with a moving “World Hug” when the children gave hands and closed the circle in the shape of a snail until they became a small tight hug. All participants received a certificate of participation with the honourable title of the Defender of the Earth. Most of the activities were adapted from the works of an actual teachers’ seminar in Tenerife-March 2017 which was part of an ERAS-MUS + Project. It was a


After the group work, the final plenary session starts. The whole group meet again in a circle and the conclusions come out through 3 meaningful activi-ties. First, children took turns to say what they want to throw away from our planet (fires, rubbish, wild animal hunting etc.). Then, children learnt to collabo-rate and communicate, since this is the only way to save our planet, with the help of a ball of wool. They threw the wool ball to each other creating a net and every time someone caught the ball he/she said what he/she was going to do

unique experience for us to feel the enthusiasm of the children and fortunately this was not the end.

Σελίδα 11 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017

Page 11

On Wednesday May 24, 2017 at 18:00 p.m. the second environmental event took place in the central park of Serres, since it was our first participation in the annual Eco Fes-tival organized once a year by the Munici-pality of Serres. Schools, Associations, Bordering Municipalities, Environmental Educational Centres from many parts of Greece, Universities, local companies take place in this festival and our association was honoured and proud to be invited to participate. We organized fun, creative, educational, innovative activities and games under the guidance and monitoring of members of the association who are trained and educated in Official Environ-mental Educational Centres. For about

three hours, children, members of the board and volunteers-teachers of English played in the open nature, used only natu-ral objects found around on the ground for the games, learnt about the fauna and flora of the forest and participated in an exciting recycling relay. The message in both ac-tions was “loud and clear” and we hope it found its target: future responsible environ-mentally-friendly citizens of this planet!

“Give the Green Light to Save the Green Planet”, TEUM goes

“green”/environmental actions 2017, by Suzana Drampa


Action in the


Municipal Eco

Festival 2017

in Serres

2. Environmental Action in the Annual Municipal Eco Festival 2017 in Serres

Σελίδα 12 Open Spaces

Page 12

“The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde is an exceptionally tender, moving fairy tale about love, solidarity and the power of friendship. Although the story was written in the Victorian era, it continues to touch read-ers of all ages as the messages it conveys appeal to children, making it a classic story. The main objectives of the project were

educational and pedagogic: -Develop students’ creativity, imagination and cooperative skills. -Encourage teach teamwork. -Develop critical thinking skills and reflect on social issues. -Learn about different forms of art. -Make students aware of art as a means of expression. -Expand students’ vocabulary. -Improve writing and communicative skills.

-Help students express themselves in artis-tic ways. -Enrich lessons with the use of literature. -Integrate media in our lesson. The students who worked on the project,

from November 2016 to March 2017, were

1st grade students aged 12-13 years old.

bring back joy love and affection Love, warmth and friendship matter more of all the jewellery in the world bright hearts and smiles matter more than precious stones and silver coins I would sacrifice my ruby eyes to offer back the bright side of life If I were the Happy Prince I would stand high upon each country I would look after and protect, lending a helping hand…struggling. Hope will finally return to people’s hearts if

we all start sharing.

Giving a little piece of our hearts is enough

to bring back hope,

love and caring.

If I were the Happy Prince I would stand high upon your country I would be dressed in gold and gems I would see everything that’s happening. I would see homeless on the streets, chil-dren in tents and people starving I would see men with broken dreams, wom-en in need and lonesome elder Children without toys to play, refugees cry-ing for home and shelter. Their eyes would be empty of hope, their broken hearts filled with sorrow, darkness and pain in their souls would make me cry and feel the need to help them all. What charity would ever bring the smile back into their faces? I would share all my gold and gems to

“The Happy Prince”…turning a fairy tale into poetry in motion!

By Katerina Kloura


put in order to make up the poem”) 7th Step: Make a “Happy Prince” handicraft 8th Step: Make a video of the poem 9th Step: Present the poem in the “Poetry

in motion…” competition.

Benefits of the project: -Students became familiar with forms of art like poetry -They used language as a tool to express their feelings -It fostered student’s creativity and lan-guage acquisition -It enhanced student’s integration -It promoted collaboration and respect for their fellow-students

-Students HAD FUN!!!

Steps to turning the fairy tale into a po-

em: 1st Step: Read chapters from the book at the end of each lesson 2nd Step: Watch a 25min animated film of the fairy tale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Aank8bDtcE) 3rd Step: Group discussion based on the moral values of the story 4th Step: Analysis activities in class (brainstorming, word trees, role-playing, T/F questions, writing haiku poems) 5th Step: Worksheet (KEY question: ’’If you were the Happy Prince what would you do to help your country?” 6th Step: Writing the poem (children proposed “lines” which were then

Σελίδα 13 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017

The Happy

Prince poem won

the first prize in

the “Poetry in



USEFUL LINKS: http://5gym-serron.ser.sch.gr/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG0p3b42D087bfZMbMCDMIw https://www.facebook.com/5gymserron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Aank8bDtcE

The 5th Junior High School of Serres

is delighted to have launched the first

“Poetry in motion…” competition. The

idea of the competition was to en-

courage students express the feelings

poetry evokes, through different forms

of art. Children were invited to partici-

pate, presenting their original work

with the help of their school teachers.

The competition was open to all Jun-

ior High School students in the pre-

fecture of Serres, while full criteria,

terms and conditions were early an-

nounced to schools and English

teachers with the help of the State

English Teachers' Union of Serres.

The panel of judges had carefully

reviewed each entry before the day of

the presentation, as children came up

with wonderful ideas turning poetry

into painting, animation, videos, hand-

icraft and what’s more, expressing

themselves through creative writing,

producing original poems.

On Sunday, March 19th, students

work was presented at a special cere-

mony, held in the 5th Junior High

School of Serres. It was an amazing

day! Volunteer students of the host-

school were there to welcome the

guests, serve them in a student-made

buffet, provide assistance in the

presentations and quality artistic time

during the break. The contestants’

vivid imagination astounded the audi-

ence. There was talent, passion and

inspiration in all 14 entries. Every

student and teacher who participated

received a Certificate of Participation.

The judging panel was composed of:

1.Amanatidou Konstantina, School

Advisor of English Language Teach-


2.Eleftheria Panou, President of

ΕLΜΕ Serron, English Language


3. Konstantinos Laskaris , Headmas-

ter of ΕΕΕΕΚ Serron, Art Teacher

4. Suzana Drampa, Vice President of

the State English Teachers' Union of


5. Marianthi Tsepeli , Member of the

State English Teachers' Union of


Prizes and awards were given as


1st Prize: 5th Junior High School of Serres «The Happy Prince», original poem in-spired by Oscar Wilde’s fair-ytale

2nd Prize: Lefkonas Junior High School «A Dream deferred (Harlem)» by Langston Hugh

3rd Prize: 6th Junior High School «Why am I an orphan?» original poem

Award for exemplary presenta-tion: ΕΕΕΕΚ Serron

Award for Artistic Creation: 5th Junior High School of Serres «Still I Rise» by Maya Ange-lou

Award for Poster Creation: Irakleia Junior High School «Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare»

Animation Award : Alistrati Junior

High School «A Night in

June» by William Words-worth

Award for Original Composition: Koimisi Junior High School «I don’t know» original poem

Comic Award: Leukonas Junior High School «A Dream de-ferred (Harlem)» by Lang-ston Hugh

Recitation Award: Petritsi Junior

High School «If you forget

“Poetry in motion…” by Katerina Kloura

“We don’t read

and write poetry

because it’s cute.

We read and write

poetry because we

are members of

the human race…

no matter what

people tell you,

words and ideas

can change the


The Dead Poets


Page 14 Open Spaces

Many special thanks to the judging panel for our cooperation and to Mrs Efthimiadou Sofia, Head of the School Activity Office and the State English Teachers' Union of Serres for their support. I would like to warmly thank the colleagues who embraced the idea of the competition and honoured us with their participation. Especially, Alexandri Despina, Verrou Katerina, Kata-kalidou Maria, Maravelaki Fryni, Paligianni Katerina and Tassiou Eleni. May we continue to celebrate the power of poetry in such beautiful ways!

On behalf of the


Kloura Katerina

English Language


5th Junior High

School of Serres

Page 15 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017

Posted material of the competition can be found in the following links: http://5gym-serron.ser.sch.gr/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/

UCG0p3b42D087bfZMbMCDMIw https://


The teaching of English as a for-eign language (EFL) in the Greek second-ary education is exercised under the speci-fications of the Unified Curriculum for For-eign Languages (Government Gazette, 2871/09-09-16). This novel curriculum ad-vocates active and holistic learning through cross-thematic and cross-curricular tasks, promoted through the methodology of pro-ject-based learning. The curricular goals for the teaching of foreign languages are not only the development of the receptive and the productive skills but also the ability of "learning how to learn", of critical and crea-tive thinking, of collaboration, of communi-cation in a foreign language and of the ex-ploration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Moreover, it encour-ages alternative forms of assessment like self, peer or group evaluations through ru-brics and portfolios.

Since the Unified curriculum for foreign languages encourages technology integration and use, the textbook's demerit in this respect has provided the rationale for this project and the implementation of

Web2Quests based on the textbook's top-ics, grammar, vocabulary and skills. The textbook is Think Teen Junior High School 2nd Grade Beginners (McGavigan, 2014). Each Web2Quest was constructed around the topic of the textbook's units, integrating this way the WWW into the curriculum/syllabus. The Web2Quests' aims match the aims of the syllabus and provide a scaffold for the students to prepare for and com-plete the "Project Work" at the end of each chapter.

The first Web2Quest, "I'm only human", is based on the first unit of the textbook with the same title. In this unit, students are expected to acquire knowledge about geography, natural fea-tures, races and tribes around the world. The aim of the Web2Quest and of the unit is to introduce students to everyday scenes in different places and cultures from around the world with explicit focus on various styles of tribal life. Students have the op-portunity to practise the Present Simple and the Present Continuous tenses along with the State verbs and the vocabulary related

The Web2Quest Way to “Think Teen” by Maravelaki Fryni


Web2Quest 1:





Web2Quest 2:





Page 18 Open Spaces

Page 18

In the Evaluation pages students are asked to evaluate themselves, their team mates and the other teams. The eval-uation takes the form of rubrics and check-lists that evaluate the product and the group performance. The aim of the evaluation is to encourage reflection on how the task was performed, to identify best practices and to produce improvements in the future. As far as the Conclusion pages are concerned, their role is to bring a closure to the quest and to serve as a review guide, reminding the students what they have learnt, encour-aging them to extend and refine the experi-ence into other domains as well.

The second Web2Quest, "Making a difference", is based on the second unit of the textbook with the same title. In this unit students are expected to acquire knowledge about famous people in history and learn how these people contributed to society and culture. The aim of the Web2Quest and of the unit is to make stu-dents aware of the lives and works of peo-ple who made a difference with their work, actions and personality to the world's cultural heritage. Students also have the opportunity to practise the Past Simple tense together with the vocabulary related to personality adjectives.

The Web2Quests are structured in the following way: The Introduction pages introduce the topic, provide back-ground information and gain students' at-tention and interest. The Task pages ex-plain clearly what the students have to do in order to complete the task. In the Process pages, the teacher guides students through the tasks using a numbered step-by-step guide. In the Resources pages, information resources are listed to help students better understand and broaden their knowledge. Students are presented with hyperlinks preselected by the teacher that can be ac-cessed in order to find the relevant infor-mation.

Η εκπαίδευση αποτελεί βασικό ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα και όπλο κατά των φαινομένων βίαιου εξτρεμισμού που τα τελευταία χρόνια ταλανίζουν τις κοινωνίες μας. Πώς το φαινόμενο αυτό μπορεί να καταπολεμηθεί αν εκπαιδεύουμε τους νέους στην υιοθέτηση ορθών στάσεων και συμπε-ριφορών?

Οι μαθητές θα πρέπει αρχικά να συνειδητοποιήσουν την αξία της εκπαίδευ-σης που λαμβάνουν και πιο συγκεκριμένα της δημόσιας εκπαίδευσης, πρωτοβάθμιας και δευτεροβάθμιας, που στόχο έχει την ισορροπημένη και ολόπλευρη ανάπτυξη της προσωπικότητάς τους σε γνωστικό, συναισθηματικό και ψυχοκινητικό επίπεδο. Τα τελευταία χρόνια, δυστυχώς, ο χώρος της δημόσιας εκπαίδευσης προσφέρεται πολύ συχνά για άκοπη και αβάσιμη κριτική και βάλλεται από παντού και απαξιώνεται

στα μάτια των μαθητών μας, ενώ, στην πραγματικότητα, η δουλειά που γίνεται στα σχολεία μας είναι πολύ σημαντική.

Πέρα από την κατάκτηση γνωστι-κών στόχων με στόχο την εισαγωγή τους στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση, οι μαθητές μας στο σχολείο καλούνται να ανακαλύ-ψουν και να μάθουν για τη ζωή εξίσου ση-μαντικά πράγματα: να κατανοήσουν αξίες όπως η αλληλεγγύη, ο σεβασμός στη δια-φορετικότητα, αλλά και στην εθνική ταυτό-τητα, τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, που είναι πάνω και ανεξάρτητα από χώρα, χρώμα και θρησκεία, και παράλληλα να εκτιμήσουν αυτά τα οποία θεωρούν δεδομένα στη ζωή τους. Επιπρόσθετα, επιδιώκεται να καλλιερ-γήσουν θετικές στάσεις και συμπεριφορές και μέσα από εκπαιδευτικές δραστηριότητες είναι σημαντικό να δίνεται έμφαση σε αυτό το στόχο.

ρούμε να φέρνουμε τους μαθητές μας σε επαφή με συνομιλήκους τους ανά τον κό-σμο, ενθαρρύνοντάς τους σε ασφαλείς συ-νεργατικές εκπαιδευτικές δραστηριότητες. Επιπλέον, η διαθεματική προσέγγιση διδα-σκαλίας μπορεί να βοηθήσει αποτελεσματι-κά προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση.

Η παρουσίαση που ακολουθεί βασίζεται στην προσέγγιση του θέματος υπό το πρίσμα της εκπαίδευσης και αποτε-λεί εργασία τμήματος του 4ου Γενικού Λυ-κείου Σερρών στο μάθημα της Ξένης Γλώσ-σας.

Πηγές: Global Citizenship Educa-tion, Preventing violent extremism through education, Unesco

Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, είναι απαραίτη-το οι εκπαιδευτικοί να είμαστε ευαισθητο-ποιημένοι και να αφουγκραζόμαστε τις ραγδαίες κοινωνικές αλλαγές, ενώ παράλ-ληλα πρώτα εμείς πρέπει να φροντίζουμε να αυτοβελτιωνόμαστε διαρκώς στην εργα-σία μας, κινούμενοι σύμφωνα με τις αρχές της διά βίου μάθησης.

Σύμφωνα με την παραπάνω οπτι-κή, προτεραιότητα μπορούν να αποτελέ-σουν δράσεις που υπηρετούν τον διαπολιτι-σμικό διάλογο και τις συνεργασίες. Μέσα από διασχολικές επαφές, αδελφοποιήσεις σχολείων, ελληνικά και ευρωπαϊκά προ-γράμματα, διεθνείς - παγκόσμιες εκπαιδευ-τικές πλατφόρμες και περιβάλλοντα, μπο-

Η εκπαίδευση βασικό ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα και όπλο κατά των φαινομένων βίαιου εξτρεμισμού, από την Κουτίδου Χριστίνα

Η διαρκής ενημέρωση της νεολαί-ας μας σχετικά με έννοιες, όπως η διαφορε-τικότητα και ο βίαιος εξτρεμισμός μπορούν να προβληματίσουν τους νέους μας για τα παγκόσμια τεκταινόμενα, αλλά και να τους βοηθήσουν στην υιοθέτηση ορθών στάσε-ων και στην καταπολέμηση εξτρεμιστικών συμπεριφορών. Είναι σημαντικό να δίνεται στους μαθητές η δυνατότητα να εμπλέκο-νται σε σχετικές δράσεις και προγράμματα στη σχολική ζωή. Η μετάδοση της γνώσης θα πρέπει να καθίσταται διαδικασία κοινω-νική και συνεργατική, ενώ παράλληλα θα γίνεται προσέγγισή της μέσα από την έννοια της ιδιότητας του πολίτη του κόσμου. Οι μαθητές/-τριες θα πρέπει να ενθαρρύνο-νται στο να αντιλαμβάνονται και να στο να ερμηνεύουν τα κοινωνικά προβλήματα και να αναζητούν και να υποστηρίζουν λύσεις.

Η Διακήρυξη του Παρισιού στις 17 Μαρτίου 2015, ως επακόλουθο των τρομο-κρατικών επιθέσεων του Ιανουαρίου 2015, αποφάσισε για την προώθηση της ιδιότητας του ενεργού πολίτη και των κοινών αξιών της ελευθερίας, της ανεκτικότητας και των μη - διακρίσεων μέσα από την εκπαίδευση. Σύμφωνα με αυτή, προτεραιότητα στην εκπαίδευση αποτελεί η ενίσχυση της κριτι-κής σκέψης, του ψηφιακού γραμματισμού, ιδιαίτερα στη χρήση του Internet και των μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, ώστε να ανα-πτυχθεί αντοχή των νέων στις διακρίσεις και στην κατήχηση ιδεών. Εξίσου σημαντική είναι η πρόσβαση κοινωνικά ευάλωτων - μη προνομιούχων παιδιών σε μια εκπαίδευση που θα ανταποκρίνεται στις ανάγκες και τις ιδιαιτερότητές τους. Οι νέοι άνθρωποι μόνο μέσα από σωστή εκπαίδευση θα αποκτή-σουν τις κοινωνικές και διαπολιτισμικές δεξιότητες ανάλογες προς τις ανάγκες τους.

Οι μαθητές θα πρέπει να

συνειδητοποιήσουν την αξία της

δημόσιας εκπαίδευσης που λαμβάνουν που στόχο έχει την

ισορροπημένη και ολόπλευρη

ανάπτυξη της προσωπικότητάς τους σε γνωστικό, συναισθηματικό

και ψυχοκινητικό επίπεδο.

Page 19 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017





Page 19

Με αφορμή την εισαγωγή των Βιωματικών Δράσεων στη Β΄ Γυμνασίου το σχολικό έτος 2014-2015, στο διδακτικό αντικείμενο "Πολιτισμός και δραστηριότητες Τέχνης", αποφασίσαμε να ασχοληθούμε με τον κινηματογράφο και να μυήσουμε τους μαθητές της Β΄ Γυμνασίου στην τέχνη του. Η ανταπόκριση των μαθητών ήταν άμεση καθώς 50 από τους 80 μαθητές της Β΄ Γυ-μνασίου επέλεξαν το Project για τον κινημα-τογράφο. Έτσι λοιπόν δημιουργήθηκαν 2 τμήματα από 25 μαθητές το καθένα, με κριτήριο τις ταινίες και τους δημιουργούς που επιλέξαμε να αναλύσουμε.

Το πρώτο τμήμα ασχολήθηκε με τον άγγλο θεατρικό συγγραφέα William Shakespeare και το θεατρικό έργο "Romeo and Juliet" και το δεύτερο τμήμα με το γερ-μανό συγγραφέα Erich Kästner και το λογο-τεχνικό έργο "Das fliegende Klassenzim-mer". Μέσα από τα λογοτεχνικά κείμενα και την μεταφορά τους στη μεγάλη οθόνη, οι μαθητές γνώρισαν την τέχνη του κινηματο-γράφου και εμπνεύστηκαν ώστε να δημι-ουργήσουν τη δική τους ταινία. Το πρό-γραμμα χωρίστηκε σε ενότητες με τα αντί-στοιχα φύλλα εργασίας για κάθε μία και η πορεία του καταγράφηκε στην ιστοσελίδα

που δημιουργήθηκε για το σκοπό αυτό: www.pame-sinema.webnode.gr.

Βασιστήκαμε στο πρόγραμμα σπουδών για την οπτικοακουστική έκφραση του Υπουργείου Παιδείας το οποίο μας χρησίμευσε ως χάρτης πλοήγησης για το τι θα διδαχθούν τα παιδιά στο συγκεκριμένο διδακτικό αντικείμενο καθώς και στα βιβλία του προγράμματος "Πάμε σινεμά;". Επίσης συμβουλευτήκαμε βιβλία σχετικά με τον κινηματογράφο καθώς και υποστηρικτικό υλικό από το διαδίκτυο. Το μάθημα ήταν μονόωρο και ουσιαστικά διήρκησε 23 ώρες όλη χρονιά, λόγω απώλειας ωρών από αργίες, εκδρομές κ.α. Η περισσότερη δου-λειά έγινε εκτός σχολείου, απογεύματα και Σαββατοκύριακα, από τους μαθητές, όπως επίσης και τα γυρίσματα της ταινίας. Το project είχε ιδιαίτερη απήχηση στους μαθη-τές και ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία παρά τις αντιξοότητες που παρουσιάστηκαν. Θέλου-με να τονίσουμε ότι ο Διευθυντής, ο Σύλλο-γος των Εκπαιδευτικών του Γυμνασίου Η-ράκλειας, ο Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμό-νων του Σχολείου και η οικονομική ενίσχυ-ση από τη Σχολική Επιτροπή του Δήμου Ηράκλειας μας βοήθησαν στο έργο μας με τη στήριξη και ενθάρρυνσή τους.

«Πάμε Σινεμά. Ο κινηματογράφος στη δευτεροβάθμια


Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη, Γυμνάσιο

Ηράκλειας, Καθηγήτρια

Αγγλικών και Ισπανικών, MEd

in TESOL, frynimarvel@gma


Χατζηβασιλειάδου Δέσποινα,

Γυμνάσιο Ηράκλειας, Καθηγήτρια

Γερμανικών, MEd στη

Διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση,


(Ελληνική Ραδιοφωνία Τηλεόραση) και η Πρεσβεία της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας στην Ελλάδα – Μορφωτικό Γραφείο – Σπίτι της Κύπρου http://cinemadiavases.blogspot.gr/.

Βιβλιογραφία ΚΕΕ. (χ.χ.) Πρόγραμμα Τί ακούμε; Τί βλέ-πουμε; Ενότητα Φωτογραφία και Κινηματο-γράφος. Αθήνα: ΥΠΕΠΘ, ΓΓΝΓ, ΙΔΕΚΕ. Κιούκας, Α. (Επ. ) (2003). Η κινηματογραφι-κή αφήγηση. Πάμε σινεμά; Εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα γνωριμίας με την τέχνη του κινηματογράφου. Για την δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, ΥΠΕΠΘ, Φεστιβάλ Κιν/φου Θεσ/νίκης. Κιούκας, Α. (Επ.) (2002). Η κινηματογραφι-κή αφήγηση. Πάμε σινεμά; Εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα γνωριμίας με την τέχνη του κινηματογράφου. Για την πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, ΥΠΕΠΘ, Φεστιβάλ Κιν/φου Θεσ/νίκης. Οδηγός εκπαιδευτικού για την οπτικοακου-στική έκφραση. (2011). Στο πλαίσιο των δραστηριοτήτων αισθητικής αγωγής για όλες τις βαθμίδες της υποχρεωτικής εκπαί-δευσης. Αθήνα: Π. Ι., ΥΠΔΒΜ. Πρόγραμμα σπουδών για την οπτικοακου-στική έκφραση. (2011). Στο πλαίσιο των δραστηριοτήτων αισθητικής αγωγής για όλες τις βαθμίδες της υποχρεωτικής εκπαί-δευσης. Αθήνα: Π. Ι., ΥΠΔΒΜ.

Η ταινία διακρίθηκε στους Πανελ-λήνιους Μαθητικούς Καλλιτεχνικούς Αγώ-νες «Αγώνες Τέχνης» που διοργάνωσαν τα Εκπαιδευτήρια Μαντουλίδη το Φεβρουάριο του 2016 στην 3η θέση στην κατηγορία Video. Η διάκριση της ταινίας επιβράβευσε τις προσπάθειες των μαθητών και τους γέμισε περηφάνια για το έργο τους. (http://www.livemedia.gr/video/215740#moment58).

Επίσης, η ταινία διαγωνίστηκε στο 8ο Φεστιβάλ Μαθητικών ταινιών «Πάμε Σινεμά;» το Μάρτιο του 2016, στο 19ο Διε-θνές Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Ολυμπίας για παιδιά και νέους και στην 16η Ευρωπαϊ-κή Συνάντηση Νεανικής Οπτικοακουστικής Δημιουργίας Camera Zizanio. Μέσα από τους διαγωνισμούς αυτούς, αν και δεν υ-πήρξε διάκριση, μας έγινε πρόταση να συμ-μετάσχουμε στο 11ο Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Κι-νηματογράφου για παιδιά και νέους "ZOOM", που θα λάβει χώρα στη Λου-μπλιάνα της Σλοβενίας το Μάρτιο του 2017 (https://festhome.com/f/2577/1), και στον 3ο Μαθητικό Διαγωνισμό Ταινιών Μικρού Μή-κους που συνδιοργανώνουν η Διεύθυνση Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης Σερρών, το Φεστιβάλ Ταινιών Μικρού Μήκους της Δρά-μας, το Τμήμα Εκπαιδευτικής Ραδιοτηλεό-ρασης του Υπουργείου Παιδείας, Έρευνας και Θρησκευμάτων της Ελλάδας, η ΕΡΤ ΑΕ

Page 20 Open Spaces

Λεζάντα που περι-γράφει την εικόνα ή το γραφικό.

Η ταινία διακρίθηκε

στους Πανελλήνιους Μαθητικούς

Καλλιτεχνικούς Αγώνες

«Αγώνες Τέχνης», που

διοργάνωσαν τα Εκπαιδευτήρια Μαντουλίδη το

Φεβρουάριο του 2016, στην 3η

θέση, στην κατηγορία


Σελίδα 21 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017

ΒΟΥΒΑΛΙΣΙΟ ΓΑΛΑ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhLcTN3xlAQ

The 20th Primary School of Serres has implemented an ERASMUS + European Teachers’ Mobility and Education KA1 project in the school year 2016-2017. Two teachers, PE 70 (Primary School Teacher) and PE 06 (Teacher of English) participated in a training course entitled “Project management for cross-cultural exchange projects in Europe” in Tenerife, Spain, organised by the German Educational Institute Ifel (based in Hamburg) on March 5-10, 2017 and co-funded by the European Union. The thematic fields of the training were: Active citizenship, Education/School Project management, European citizenship & Europe-an dimension in Education, Intercultural Education and School Autonomy in managing European projects.

50 teachers of various specialties from 10 European countries ( Greece, Germany, Den-mark, France, Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Slovakia) teaching in 25 schools at all levels of education (pre-school up to vocational and adult education) were trained in the implementation and management of cross-cultural European projects, worked in groups, exchanged ideas, commented on study cases and collaborated in order to create the foundations of future school partnerships and job-shadowing possibilities. It was an intercultural experience of high standards that met the participants’ expectations and needs, due to the great and long know-how expertise and the perfect organisation skills of Ifel Institute trainers, all highly qualified and coming from different ethnical, cultural and educational background.

“Project management for cross-cultural exchange”

Σελίδα 22 Open Spaces

Objectives and Course Description Participants received basic information on project management and intercultural communi-cation, pre-course materials and bibliography of study materials before the course. Individ-ual counselling was provided before, during and after the course according to the participant’s needs. The objective of the course was to expand the participants’ under-standing for planning, developing, executing, and managing European projects and to in-troduce contemporary innovative methodology. The course consisted of 50 hours of theoretical sessions, as well as practical activities and group workshops. The methodology was based on the integration of theory and practice as well as sharing expertise and analysing case studies. The following methods were applied: a)warming up and brainstorming, b) plenary sessions, c) discussions in pairs and small groups, d) group workshops, e) role plays, f) innovative methods like interactive poster sessions, g) case studies, h) presentations of the workshop materials and possible future project schemes, i) intercultural events.

“Project management for

cross-cultural exchange” project in

Tenerife, Spain by Suzana Drampa,

Teacher of English,

member of

TEUM Board

The theoretic part included: 1) an overview of the relevant European funded programs, 2) sources of information and helpful indicators to analyse the information about project plan-ning, development and management, 3) partner search strategies, 4) partner roles in pro-ject management, 5) project financial management and tools, 6) monitoring of project, 7) evaluation, dissemination and valorisation strategies, 8) common problems and how to avoid them, 9) intercultural communication strategies and 10) practical implementation of the intercultural methodology for the teaching/learning needs, as well as for project man-agement and project implementation

Feedback and Evaluation Quoting from the participants’ evaluation of the whole experience: “We understood better the peculiarities of the various educational and cultural frameworks and standards in Eu-rope and the views and methods underlining the Educational Systems of other European countries. We also broadened our possibilities for European networking, that is, the ways and means of finding partners to build a collaboration for good practices exchange (job shadowing, KA2 projects, e-twinning). It’s worth mentioning that the training used interactive methods, which help the cooperation between the members of a group (elimination of tension, creation of safe atmosphere, ex-pression of emotions and development of positive attitude). The teachers /trainees wit-nessed innovative ideas for including cross-cultural activities in the school curriculum and experienced ways of reinforcing creativity, variety and originality. They gained the oppor-tunity of participating, life-long learning, increasing self-confidence, self-knowledge and perspective, while having excitement and fun at the same time.

Dissemination and Long-term Benefits As a follow-up activity the participants exchanged their project management experience on the course platform, as well as questions and ideas about future partnerships. Dissemina-tion of the experience and knowledge gained during the mobility in the schools of the par-ticipants and the exchange of the ways each school chose to achieve that, were the final steps of a successful , at all levels, in-service training course. Many of the activities and innovative methods were incorporated in daily classroom prac-tice. Students of the school communicated live on Skype with trainers and teachers/trainees during the course in Tenerife in order to be part of the experience, greeting, asking questions and presenting their school to the participants. Two months after the course the students of 20th Primary School of Serres and those of Grundschule Neerstedt, Neerstedt in Northern Germany, Bremen collaborated in the organisation of a an intercultural telecon-ference on May 24, 2017, greeting each other with a song in their own language. The two schools hope to continue collaboration next year through job shadowing as a first step and a school partnership project later on.

Internet resources http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/index.htmhttp://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/index_en.htm http://www.viaa.gov.lv/files/free/51/2851/comenius_school_partnerships_handbook.pdf http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/publ/graphics/identity_en.html http://www.viaa.gov.lv/files/free/53/2853/vadl_nijas_iesniedz_jam_projektu_veidi_ii_b.pdf http://www.nordplusonline.org/ http://www.europeans-for-peace.de/

Σελίδα 23 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017

Students of the school

communicated live on Skype with trainers and teachers/

trainees during the course in

Tenerife in order to be part of the

experience, greeting, asking

questions and presenting

their school to the


The European intercultural experience of the school was completed with an intercultural night on the final day of the school year, full of messages for unity and acceptance of diver-sity, disseminating the gains of the participation in the project to teachers of other schools, parents and the wider local community.

Περίληψη Σχεδίου

H ανάγκη βελτίωσης των δεξιοτήτων των καθηγητών στη διαχείριση διαπολιτισμικών προ-

γραμμάτων είναι επιτακτική, καθώς αυτή υπαγορεύεται από τις ραγδαίες αλλαγές στην

αγορά εργασίας, η οποία από τοπικό αποκτά ευρωπαϊκό χαρακτήρα. Αντίστοιχα και οι

προτεραιότητες των σχολείων έχουν αλλάξει: είναι καλό το σχολείο να προετοιμάζει τους

μαθητές του για την Ευρωπαϊκή αγορά εργασίας, ωθώντας τους να αναπτύξουν ανάλογες

ικανότητες. Οι διαπολιτισμικές ικανότητες, ως ένα ουσιαστικό μέρος του ευρωπαϊκού ανοι-

χτού σχολείου, είναι αυτές που αποκτήθηκαν στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus+

(Δράση ΚΑ1: κινητικότητα εκπαιδευτικών) με τίτλο “Project Management for cross-cultural

exchange projects in Europe”. Οι συμμετέχοντες παρακολούθησαν πρόγραμμα κατάρτισης

μαζί με καθηγητές από άλλες χώρες, σε ένα πραγματικό διαπολιτισμικό εκπαιδευτικό πλαί-

σιο εργασίας, το οποίο, πέρα από τα μαθήματα, επεκτάθηκε και σε όλη τη διάρκεια του

σεμιναρίου. Ως αποτέλεσμα, οι καθηγητές είχαν την ευκαιρία και τη δυνατότητα να συνα-

ντήσουν πιθανούς εταίρους για μελλοντικά προγράμματα και να σχεδιάσουν μαζί τους

σχολικές ανταλλαγές, προγράμματα etwinning και επιτόπιας παρακολούθησης εργασίας

(job shadowing).

Το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ είναι το πρόγραμμα της ΕΕ για τη στήριξη της εκπαίδευσης, της

κατάρτισης, της νεολαίας και του αθλητισμού στην Ευρώπη. Με προϋπολογισμό 14,7 δισ.

ευρώ, δίνει τη δυνατότητα σε πάνω από 4 εκατομμύρια Ευρωπαίους να σπουδάσουν, να

επιμορφωθούν, να αποκτήσουν εμπειρία και να προσφέρουν εθελοντική εργασία στο εξω-

τερικό (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/about_el).

Βασικές προτεραιότητες και στόχους των προγραμμάτων Erasmus+ για τη σχολική εκπαί-

δευση αποτελούν η βελτίωση της επιτυχούς απόκτησης βασικών δεξιοτήτων και ποιότη-

τας στην εκπαίδευση, η επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη του εκπαιδευτικού προσωπικού με ανα-

γνώριση των γνώσεων και δεξιοτήτων που αποκτώνται, η μείωση της πρόωρης σχολικής

εγκατάλειψης, ο εκσυγχρονισμός και η διεθνοποίηση των σχολείων και των συστημάτων

της σχολικής εκπαίδευσης, η ανταλλαγή ιδεών, πληροφοριών, εμπειριών, μεθοδολογίας

και εκπαιδευτικού υλικού, η κατανόηση και συνεργασία μεταξύ των χωρών με διαφορετική


Φορέας διαχείρισης των ευρωπαϊκών προγραμμάτων Erasmus+ για τη σχολική εκπαίδευ-

ση στη χώρα μας είναι το Ίδρυμα Κρατικών Υποτροφιών (ΙΚΥ), όπου μπορεί κάθε ενδια-

φερόμενος να αναζητήσει σχετικές πληροφορίες (https://www.iky.gr/el/erasmusplus).

“Project Management for cross-cultural exchange projects in

Europe” by Christina Koutidou

Page 24 Open Spaces

Αντικειμενικοί Στόχοι

Το εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα «Βελτίωση Δεξιοτήτων στη Διαχείριση Ευρωπαϊκών Διαπολι-

τισμικών Προγραμμάτων» είχε ως στόχο να διευρύνει την κατανόηση του σχεδιασμού, της

ανάπτυξης, διαχείρισης και εκπόνησης ευρωπαϊκών προγραμμάτων από την πλευρά των

συμμετεχόντων. Περιλάμβανε γενική αναφορά στα χρηματοδοτούμενα ευρωπαϊκά προ-

γράμματα, πηγές πληροφοριών και χρήσιμους δείκτες ανάλυσης πληροφοριών σχετικά με

τα προγράμματα, στρατηγικές εξεύρεσης εταίρων και ανάλυση του ρόλου των εταίρων στα

πλαίσια ενός προγράμματος, οικονομική διαχείριση, παρακολούθηση - έλεγχο των προ-

γραμμάτων, στρατηγικές εκτίμησης και διάχυσης των αποτελεσμάτων, συνηθισμένα προ-

βλήματα που ανακύπτουν και τρόπους αποφυγής τους, στρατηγικές διαπολιτισμικής επι-


Η εμπειρία του σεμιναρίου αποτέλεσε κίνητρο για τη διαπολιτισμική μάθηση και συνεργα-

σία. Η εκπαίδευση κατέστησε τους συμμετέχοντες ικανούς να εμπνεύσουν το εκπαιδευτικό

προσωπικό του σχολείου για τη συμμετοχή σε ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα, καθώς και να

χρησιμοποιήσουν τις εργασίες του προγράμματος ως μέσο για να διευρύνουν τις διαπολιτι-

σμικές, γλωσσικές και κοινωνικές δεξιότητες των μαθητών. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο οι μαθητές

μας θα είναι καλύτερα προετοιμασμένοι για τις απαιτήσεις του μέλλοντος στην ευρωπαϊκή

και διεθνή αγορά εργασίας.

“Project Management

for cross-cultural

exchange projects in


Αn Erasmus+ Key Action

1 Programme funded by

the European Commission

and organised by the 3rd

Junior High School of


by Christina Koutidou


Διάρκεια Σχεδίου: 24

μήνες (Σχ. Έτη 2013

-2014 & 2014-2015)

Για περισσότερες

πληροφορίες σχετικά

με τη συγκεκριμένη

δράση, βλ. τον









Good language teaching’ is a multi-dimensional process, shaped by both qualities and behaviours; effective teaching in-

volves knowledge, beliefs and attitudes which inform behaviour, decisions and choices. Good language teachers are com-

plex creatures. They are not only experienced practitioners, but they are aware of their experiences and practices and they

engage in reflection on them to enable them to make appropriate decisions in particular and concrete teaching contexts.

Teaching is situated practice. Good teaching involves a never ending process of ‘behave-reflect-decide’. An epigrammatic

statement of what I have learnt from observing teachers all my working life might go something like: ’good teachers are not

experts with answers; they are practitioners who ask questions’. Good language teachers do not stand still, do not reach a

point of rest, but are in a constant state of becoming. Successful classroom practitioners have not found a way of ‘being’

good at their job but a way of becoming better at their job.

Continued exploration of good language teaching is an inevitable consequence of the complexity of what it means to be a

good language teacher. So, just when we think we’ve mastered the qualities of teaching expertise (appropriate beliefs,

knowledge and attitudes) we are confronted with new challenges on the level of behaviour: which methods and techniques

will best meet the needs of new and unique combinations of students and their needs? The complexity is compounded by

the way these constituent levels of expertise interact with and inform each other.

Then there is the tip of the iceberg, that ‘baggy monster’ we refer to loosely as ‘classroom management’, We might have

achieved all the competence in the world in terms of formal teacher qualifications, qualities and practical methodological

skills only to discover, late in the autumn of our career, that we are not managing to get the students’ attention in the way to

which we have been accustomed. We need to revisit, redefine and even relearn the slippery, elusive, verbal and non-verbal

skills that will keep a group of students, adolescents or adults, paying attention and working together creatively towards a

common Second Language Acquisition (SLA) objective. This will involve an awareness of the importance of voice, body

language, eye contact and strategic use of classroom space. These skills involve levels of awareness and personal devel-

opment which are neglected on most teacher- training and even teacher development courses.

Our success or otherwise in making the most of group dynamics and our learners’ attention span will impact on the effec-

tiveness of our competence on the other levels that go into defining good language teaching: personal qualities, choice of

methods and techniques, approaches to teaching the four skills, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and pragmatics et al:

no skill is an island. Qualities, behaviours, methods and classroom management all interact in complex ways.

Just when veteran, expert teachers thought they had reached stasis, their reputation secure, respected by colleagues and

learners, the technological revolution came along to shake us from complacency,. Suddenly, all bets were off. Were the

traditional concepts of good language teaching still valid in the brave new world of digital devices, digital natives digital im-

migrants? A new generation of electronically-driven experts in education have asserted that effective teaching involves, of

necessity, the integration of digital learning into our classrooms; good teaching is blended teaching, successful classrooms

are flipped classrooms; indeed, the internet with its infinitive store of information and potential knowledge (if not wisdom)

has given student autonomy a new meaning, momentum and a dimension: how necessary are teachers, good or bad,

when students can find out and learn so much on their own at, the click of a button? How do we re-define the good lan-

guage teacher in the world of Google and Wikipedia, mass online courses and artificial intelligence? Is it back to the draw-

ing board for research into SLA and effective teaching in the wake of the technological revolution?

Other paradigm shifts which may shake us from our assumptions regarding the nature of good language teaching are the

rise of the English as a Lingua Franca movement: the ‘non-native speaker’ versus the ‘native-speaker’ – which is better? is

a debate which shows no signs of abating. Another old dichotomy which demands constant questioning and empirical re-

search is testing versus teaching: the washback effect ( the relationship between ways of testing and ways of teaching) is

more relevant than ever in a world of proliferating tests and exams. The complexity, gorgon-like, goes forth and multiplies.

One could add the focus in recent years on pragmatics, its importance in communicative competence and the development

of ways of reaching pragmatic competence to students – and testing it. How is the role of the prototypical ‘native-speaker’

changing in this ever-changing educational landscape? The voice of the non-native speaker is louder than in the past and

it is perhaps time to do away with the term altogether with its connotations of deficit and inferiority.

In sum, the task of becoming a good teacher is never done and has always been, by definition, a process of constant re-

search: as good language teachers we shall never tire or, as Tennyson might have put it, cease from exploration. ‘The

good language teacher’ is not singular but plural: this magazine for teachers will undoubtedly bring a variety of good lan-

guage teachers into focus, eager to share their experience and practical skills. May these open spaces be the site for dis-

covering new information, knowledge and wisdom and a site for rediscovering old information, knowledge and wisdom

Good luck.

Σελίδα 25 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017

Good language teachers:

What do they do? What do they know? What do they have? By Luke Prodromou

Η Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη είναι εκπαιδευτικός Δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαί-δευσης στο Γυμνάσιο Ηράκλειας. Σπούδασε Αγγλική Γλώσσα και Φιλολογία στο Α.Π.Θ. και Ισπανική Γλώσσα και Πολιτισμό στο Ε.Α.Π. Έχει αποκτήσει Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης Καθηγητών Αγ-γλικής από το Ε.Α.Π. (MEd in TESOL). Ασχολείται ενεργά με τη χρή-ση της εκπαιδευτικής τεχνολογίας για τη Διδασκαλία της Αγλικής Γλώσσας και την παραγωγή ψηφιακού υλικού, τον οπτικοακουστικό γραμματισμό, τα ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα, τη βιβλιοθηκονομία και την Ισπανική και Αγγλική λογοτεχνία. Είναι αξιολογήτρια προφορικού λόγου στο ΚΠγ για την Αγγλική και Ισπανική γλώσσα.

Μαραβελάκη Φρύνη

Δράμπα Σουζάνα

My name is Suzana Drampa. I was born in 1968 in Serres. I live in

Serres and I have 3 children. I am a graduate of the Department of

English Language and Literature of AUThessaloniki (1990) and I

have been teaching English for 28 years in various levels of Private

and State Education, the last 25 in Primary Education. I have been a

member of the board of the local Union of Teachers of English in

Serres (TEUM) since its foundation in 2000, President from 2011 to

2016, and Vice-President at the moment.

Page 26 Open Spaces

Katerina Kloura was born in the city of Edessa and lives in Serres,

Greece. She studied in the School of English Language and Litera-

ture in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has been a state

school teacher since 2002 and has worked in all levels of primary

and secondary education. She is interested in promoting literature

and culture through English language teaching and has initiated the

organization of the “Poetry in motion” competition for secondary

schools in Serres. She presently works in the 5th Junior High School

in Serres.

Κλούρα Κατερίνα

Σε αυτό το τεύχος έγραψαν...

Ms Elpida-Maria Tsakirdai was born in Serres, Greece. She studied in the School of English Language and Literature of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has got an MA degree in Translation, at the University of Portsmouth and speaks 3 languages. She has been a teacher of English in Primary Schools for 14 years. She is an active member of TEUM .

Τσακίρδαη Ελπίδα

Page 27 Issue 2/ January —June 20172017

Η Κουτίδου Χριστίνα είναι εκπαιδευτικός Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης στο 4ο Γε.Λ.

Σερρών. Σπούδασε Αγγλική Γλώσσα και Φιλολογία στο ΑΠΘ - Β΄ειδικότητα: Φυσι-

κής Αγωγής ΑΠΘ. Ασχολείται ενεργά με τα ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα Erasmus+

από την έναρξή τους και με τη χρήση εκπαιδευτικών ψηφιακών εργαλείων για τη

διδασκαλία της Αγγλικής Γλώσσας. Είναι εκπαιδεύτρια ενηλίκων στο ΕΚΔΔΑ σε

προγράμματα δια βίου μάθησης για την Αγγλική Γλώσσα και αξιολογήτρια προφορι-

κού λόγου στο Κρατικό Πιστοποιητικό Γλωσσομάθειας. Διδάσκει από το 1991.

Κουτίδου Χριστίνα

Dr Luke Prodromou

Luke Prodromou graduated from Bristol University in English with Greek and

has an MA in Shakespeare Studies from Birmingham University; a Diploma in

Teaching English as a Second Language (Leeds University, with distinction) and

a Ph.D (Nottingham University), published as English as a Lingua Franca: a Cor-

pus-based analysis (Continuum, 2010).

He is also the co-author of over 20 coursebooks (most recently: Smash, Flash

on), the award-winning Dealing with Difficulties (with Lindsay Clandfield) and

Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First (Longman).

Luke is a founder member of Disabled Access Friendly Campaign for which he

wrote - and performed, with D. Gibson - the ‘Wheelchair Sketch’; he now per-

forms as ‘Luke- and-friends’. He gives talks and performances on Shakespeare,

Austen, Dickens, the Modern English Novel for English language teachers.

He has been a plenary speaker at numerous international ELT conferences, in-

cluding IATEFL UK. He was for many years a teacher and teacher-trainer with

the British Council. He has also worked for ESADE, Barcelona, the University of

Edinburgh, the University of Thessaloniki, Pilgrims Canterbury, NILE, Bell

Schools et al. He currently teaches, part-time, ELT Methodology on the MA

TESOL University of Sheffield International Faculty, City College, Thessaloniki.


January – June2017

ISSN 2585-2620

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