the four functions of management, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, are very essential...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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The four functions of management, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, are very essential in

building strong organizations and even stronger more effective teams.

Application of the functions of management

PlanningThe planning stage is where all the other

parts of management begin from and it is important at all levels of management. The company's vision, mission, objective, and goals are taken into consideration in the planning stage and each one is worked through separately (Ervin, 1994).

OrganizingOrganizing is basically allocating and

configuring resources to accomplish the preferred goals and objectives established during the planning process.

LeadingLeading is very important function of

management. . Leading involves close day-to-day contact with people, helping to guide and inspire them toward team and organizational goals.

ControllingThe final function of management is

controlling. The controlling factor basically monitors progress and ensures everyone is still on the same track.

DelegationsDelegation is the assignment of authority

and responsibility to subordinate at a lower level so that managers can devote more time and energy to higher level activities.

Evaluation of effective delegation skillsThere are six skills necessary for effective

delegation from a manager /leader perspective they are:

1) The first and foremost step is to establish objectives and specify the task that need to be accomplished.

2)The second step in delegation is to choose right person for the job.

Evaluation of effective delegation skills3)Third would be to get the sub-ordinates

views about the suggested approaches.4)The sub-ordinates should be given the

authority, time and resources to perform the assignment.

5)The fifth step is to schedule checkpoints for reviewing progress.

Evaluation of effective delegation skills6) The final step is for the manager to

follow through by discussing progress at appropriate intervals.

Delegation is considered a key aspect of leadership. To quote Woodrow Wilson "I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow." (Blair, 1996) This quote effectively describes delegation.

Importance of mastering effective delegation techniquesThe positive aspects of delegation

techniques include1)Higher efficiency2) Increased motivation3) develops the skill of your team4) And lastly proper distribution of work

throughout the group


• Bateman, Thomas S., Snell, Scott. (2004). Managing. Management: The New Competitive Landscape. University of Phoenix Online Book: The McGraw-Hill Companies (2004).

• Ervin, Bernard L. (1994). Functions of Management. Retrieved October 14, 2005, from

ReferencesSmith, Gregory (1999). How to Delegate

Effectively. Retrieved May 3, 2006, Web site:

Bateman, T., & Snell, S. (2004). Management: the new competitive landscape. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin

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