the profile of a creative person

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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An excerpt from the bestseller

“ How to Completely Change Your Life in 30 Seconds ”

By Robert C. Worstell - edited from the talks of

Earl Nightingale

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The Profile of a Creative Person - 1


The creative person realizes that his mind is an

inexhaustible storehouse. It can provide anything he

earnestly wants in life. But in order to draw from this

storehouse, he must constantly augment its stock of

information, thoughts, and wisdom. He reaches out for

ideas. He respects the mind of others - gives credit to their

mental abilities. Everyone has ideas - they're free - and

many of them are excellent. By first listening to ideas and

then thinking them through before judging them, the

creative person avoids prejudice and close-mindedness.

This is the way he maintains a creative “climate” around


Ideas are like slippery fish. They seem to have a peculiar

knack of getting away from us. Because of this, the creative

person always has a pad and a pencil handy. When he gets

an idea, he writes it down. He knows that many people have

found their whole lives changed by a single great thought.

By capturing ideas immediately, he doesn't risk forgetting

them. [Note: a great way to save ideas easily is to

Text-Message them from your cell phone to your

main email account. You are rarely without your

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The Profile of a Creative Person - 2

cell phone, and this allows you to record your idea

for later review and action.]

Having a sincere interest in people, our creative person

listens carefully when someone else is talking. He's

intensely observant, absorbing everything he sees and

hears. He behaves as if everyone he meets wears a sign that

reads, “My ideas and interest may offer the hidden key to

your next success.” Thus, he makes it a point always to talk

with other people's interest in mind. And it pays off in a

flood of new ideas and information that would otherwise be

lost to him forever.

Widening his circle of friends and broadening his base of

knowledge are two more very effective techniques of the

creative person.


The creative person anticipates achievement. She expects to

win. And the above-average production engendered by this

kind of attitude affects those around her in a positive way.

She's a plus-factor for all who know her.

Report excerpted from How to Completely Change

Your Life in 30 Seconds

The Profile of a Creative Person - 3

Problems are challenges to creative minds. Without

problems, there would be little reason to think at all. She

knows it's a waste of time merely to worry about problems,

so she wisely invests the same time and energy in solving


When the creative person gets an idea, she puts it through a

series of steps designed to improve it. She thinks in new

directions. She builds big ideas from little ones and new

ideas from old ones: associating ideas, combining them,

adapting, substituting, magnifying, minifying, rearranging

and reversing ideas.


Creative and productive people are not creative and

productive for the benefit of others. It's because they're

driven by the need to be creative and productive. They'd be

creative and productive if they lived on a deserted island

with no one benefiting or even aware of what they were

doing. They experience the joy of producing something.

That others benefit from it is fine, but only secondary.

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The Profile of a Creative Person - 4

This is a story of the painters who were before their time.

Renoir was laughed at and rejected not only by the public

but by his own fellow artists, yet he went right on painting.

Even Manet said to Monet, “Renoir has no talent at all. You

who are his friend should tell him kindly to give up


A group of artists who were rejected by the establishment of

their time formed their own association in self-defense. Do

you know who was in that group? They were Degas, Pissaro,

Monet, Cezanne, and Renoir. Five of the greatest artists of

all time, all doing what they believed in, in the face of total


Renoir, in his later life, suffered terribly from rheumatism,

especially in his hands. He lived in constant pain. And when

Matisse visited the aging painter, he saw that every stroke

was causing renewed pain, and he asked, “Why do you still

have to work? Why continue to torture yourself?” And then

Renoir answered, “The pain passes, but the pleasure, the

creation of beauty, remains.” One day when he was 78,

finally quite famous and successful, he remarked, “I'm still

making progress.” The next day he died.

Report excerpted from How to Completely Change

Your Life in 30 Seconds

The Profile of a Creative Person - 5

This is the mark of the creative person ... still making

progress, still learning, still producing as long as he or she

lives, despite pain or problems of all kinds. Not producing

for the joy or satisfaction of others, but because he must.

Because it brings pleasure and satisfaction.

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The Profile of a Creative Person - 6


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Report excerpted from How to Completely Change

Your Life in 30 Seconds

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