the ten commandments of blogger outreach

Post on 19-May-2015






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the 10 commandments of blogger outreach


FINN Public Relations

Kristien vermoesenmanaging Partner

www.finn.bekristien.vermoesen@finn.beTwitter: @kris10vermoesenFB:

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach


finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

finn survey among bloggers: what do you think about pr professionals efforts when they contact you?

these are the rules the bloggers specified for pr professionals

all quotes are comments from the bloggers

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

some fun facts about bloggers:

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

it’s generally oKay to pitch bloggers

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

in fact, most of them get a lot of pitches (remember that)

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

Now, about those commaNdmeNts

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#1you will allow hands on time with the product

“letting me test the product you want me to write about is the least you can do, i think.”

“i couldn’t resist the offer to go on a roadtrip with a new car for four days. seemed like fun.”

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#2you will not try to control the blogger’s opinion on the product

“i will write about the product you give me. but if i don’t like it, i will write just that”

“i don’t mind writing about stuff i get. but it’s always my opinion and no one else’s.”

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#3you will get their name and title right

because it’s the least you can do

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

another fun fact

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

a 60% success rate isn’t very impressive, is it? wonder why that is?

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#4you will read their blog before reaching out

because you wouldn’t pitch a journalist if you didn’t know his work or field either

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#5you will make sure your pitch is targeted to their specialty or subject

“we have a car blog - strictly about cars - but we constantly receive pitches about liquor, watches and other “men” stuff. we don’t write about that, and yet the same agencies Keep sending those pitches to us.”

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#6you will dial down the commercial tone of your pitch

“don’t treat me like a pr tool. i am human.”

note: this is a complaint that bloggers share with journalists, incidentally (as research by jordi xifra shows)

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#7you will not underestimate the bloggers

“even though we do this blogging stuff in our own time, we often Know stuff before you do.”

hint: bloggers also know that hi-res pictures are not a real payment!! (*gasp*)

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#8you will not give them the feeling that they should feel honoured to be contacted

they know you need them. yet 23 percent of them complain about getting treated liKe second class journalists.

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#9you will respect the “no”

(or be willing to pay)

“if i like the subject and we can use it, i will accept. if i don’t like the pitch but the agency insists i write about it, i expect compensation.”

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

#10you will give bloggers the option to unsubscribe

(do this for journalists too. seriously.)

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

full results & analysis:

finn10 commandments of blogger outreach

FINNpr | social | branding | corp comm


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