thermodynamics of water adsorption and desorption … 8/8-1-84.pdf · water phase by the use of the...

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ISAAC BARSHAD University of California, Berkeley


Methods are presented for determining partial and integral thermodynamic quantities for the change in state of water and clay during the course of their interaction. The quantities determined are: free energy, heat and entropy changes. The effect on the mag- nitude of these quantities of the nature and amount of the exchangeable cations is reported. I t is concluded that the magnitude of change in the thermodynamic quantities due to moving the exchangeable cations out of the hexagonal cavities in the oxygen shests is considerably greater than that due to the parting of the oxygen sheets during the interlayer expansion.


The thermodynamic quantities to be evaluated for the reaction between water and clay are the free energy, heat, and entropy. The precise nature of the reaction may be represented as follows :

n,, montmorillonite (dry a t P = 0) +n, Hz0 (at Po) + ( 1 ) , ,

n , montmorillonite n, HzO (at P )

where r~~ = grams or moles of montmorillonite; n, = grams or moles of water; Po and P = vapor pressure of water.

The reaction proceeding from left to right may be called the sorption reaction whereas the reaction proceeding from right to left is the desorption reaction.

In the reaction as written i t is also indicated that the thermodynamic quantities to be determined are for change in state of free water and dry &ontrnorillonite as the standard states to the combined state a t a given vapor pressure P. Furthermore in the present study the reaction between mont- morillonite and water will be treated as a solution reaction in which the mont- morillonite will be considered as the solvent and the water as the solute.

The thermodynamic quantities employed are those defined by Lewis and Randall (1923) in which a distinction is made between the integral quantities and the partial molal quantities. The latter quantities are also known as the dilifferenlial quantities. The relation between the integral and the partial


quantities was shown by Lewis and Randall (1923) to be as follows :

G = nlG1 +n2€2 + . . . (2) and

nldG1 +nzd€~ + . . . = 0 (3)

where G is the integral property, such as the free energy, heat, or entropy for the over-all reaction and GI, Q2 are the partial molal quantities for each of the constituents in the reaction. nl and n2 are the amounts (in moles or grams, etc.) of the constituents. These equations are known as the partial molal equatim.

The physical meanings of these quantities are as follows: the integral quantities represent the over-all change in free energy, heat content, and entropy, as in the present study, of a given amount of dry montmorillonite reacting with a given amount of liquid water, a t a known temperature and pressure and resulting in a montmorillonite-water system. The partial quanti- ties, on the other hand, represent the change in the thermodynamic quantity per unit weight of the reacting material during the change of its state from its standard form to its form in the solution a t a definite concentration. Theoretically this is accomplished by adding a unit amount of the constituent in its standard state to an inJinite amount of solution of the desired composi- tion. I n evaluating the thermodynamic quantities, it is important, therefore, to define the standard state chosen for a given constituent. In the present study the standard state for the water is chosen as pure water at temperature of 30°C with a vapor pressure of Po, and for the montmorillonite the abso- lutely dry day a t a temperature of 30°C and, therefore, with a vapor pressure of water equal to 0.

The relationship between the free energy change, heat of reaction and entropy for an isothermal process was shown by Lewis and Randall (1923) to be represented by the following equation

AF = AH-TAX (4)

where AP = free energy change; AH = heat of reaction, and AS = the change in entropy and T the absolute temperature. This relationship holds true for both the integral quantities, which are represented by AF, AH, and AS, and for the partial quantities which are represented by AB, AP, and A8.

From the two partial molal equations given previously i t is seen that for reactions involving only two constituents i t is possible to determine the integral quantities if the partial quantities are known or to determine the partial quantity of one of the constituents if the integral quantities are known and also the partial quantity of the other constituent. Also, if the partial quantity of one constituent is known the partial quantity for the other constituent can be determined.

For the reaction of water with clay the partial quantities are of greater interest than the integral quantities since they reflect the change in state of

each constituent and thereby enable the postulation of a kinetics picture of the reaction.

The present study deals with the effect of the exchangeable cations and the cation exchange capacity of montmoriUonite on the free energy, heat, and entropy changes during its interaction with water a t relatively low states of hydration.


Three montmorillonites were used which varied in their exchange capacity. The < 1 p fractions were extracted from the following bentonites : bentonite from Otay, California with an exchange capacity of 130meq per 100 g, bentonite from lMississippi with an exchange capacity of 120 meq per 100 g, and bentonite from Clay Spur, Wyoming, commonly called Volclay, with an exchange capacity of 107 meq per 100 g. The homoionic forms of Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+, Mg2+, Cazi-, and Bas+ saturated clays were prepared by the addi- tion of the bases of these ions to suspensions of the electrodialyzed form of the clays in the appropriate amounts f i r complete saturation.

To determine the thermodynamic properties of the reaction of the dry clay with water, all the forms were first dried over Pz05 under vacuum. Suitable amounts of the dry clays were then placed in a series of desiccators which ranged in water vapor pressure from 5 to 95 percent relative humidity at 30°C temperature. After equilibrium was established between the clay and the water vapor, the amount of water adsorbed by the clay was determined. Each sample at equilibrium was then subjected to quantitative differential thermal analysis (Barshad, 1952a). An x-ray analysis was also made of each sample to determine the interlayer expansion.

From the data thus obtained the following thermodynamic quantities were determined directly: the partial molal free energy change for the water phase, designated here as AE,, was determined from the adsorption isotherms by the well known relation of:

Thus for each corresponding clay-water concentration a AE, can be calcu- lated and plotted.

The integral net heats of desorption were obtained by D.T.A. as described by Barshad (1952) and are plotted against the water content. An example for such a plot is shown in Fig. 1 for the K+ and Cs+ saturated clays.

The concentration of water is expressed in terms of moles of water per mole of clay (which corresponds to half unit cell), since such expression indicates readily the relation between the degree of interlayer expansion and the water content of the clay (Barshad, 1949).

The partial molal free energy change for the dry montmorillonite, designated here as APm, can be determined from the partial molal free energy for the

water phase by the use of the Gibbs equation (Lewis and Randall, 1923, p. 207) which is also the fundamental partial molal eq. (3) shown above. Thus :


where [PO] is the water vapor pressure when the clay is in its standard state, that is, when nw is equal to zero and Po = 0.

Adsorbed wate r , rnolea/rnole o f clay

FIGURE I.-An illustration of the nature of the curves of total integral net heats of desorption for the K and Cs montmorillonite (Mississippi) obtainable by D.T.A.

This quantity can be determined by plotting RT In PIPo, that is, O W , against the water content nw/n, and determining the area under the curve from no to n, as shown in Figs. 2, 3,4, and 5.

In this plot when nw approaches 0, OW approaches infinity, making inte- gration somewhat difficult. Fortunately, however, for most of the plots as


Adsorbed wotar . m o l r s l m o l e of c lau

FIGURE 2.- aFW curves for water adsorption by a Mississippi montmorillonite saturated with various monovalent ions.

Adso , bed W o l e r , mclrs/rnole o f cloy

FIGURE 3.- aFw curvos for water adsorption by a Mississippi montmorillonite saturated with various divalent cations.

2 8 8 0 No- Otay n-

Adsorbed wotsr, molas of c l o y

FIGURE 4.-- A F ~ , curves for water adsorption by three Na-saturated montmorillonites of varying cation exchange capacity: Otay > Miss. > Volclay.

Adsorbed W a t e r . moler lrnole of clay

FIGURE .5.- AF~" curves for water adsorption by three Ca-saturated montmorillonites of varying cation exchange capacity: Otay > Miss. > Volclay.

n , approaches 0, AP, approaches the ordinate axis very closely, and consequently the percent error is greatly reduced. This error, however, can be eliminated completely by assuming that the standard state of the clay is not at n, = 0 but a t about n, = 0.25 mole per mole of clay. Thus one obtains a definite integral instead of an indefinite one. In the present study this assumption was found unnecessary.


For the desorption reaction the partial molal free energy changes will merely have algebraic signs opposite to those for the sorption reaction. Thus AP, will have positive values instead of negative values and AP, will have negative values instead of positive values.

To determine the partial molal heats of reaction for the water phase, AB,, it is necessary to determine a t any desired water content the slope of the curve representing the integral heat vs. water content as shown in Fig. 1.

The sartial molal heat of reaction for the rnontmorillonite @base, ABm, at A A ..-.

any given water content can be determined by subtracting from the integral net heat the product of AH, by the water content as indicated by the funda- mental molal eq. (2) -above. Since, in the present study, the water content is expressed as moles per niole of clay the AH, values thus obtained would be immediately molal values. Since the concept of a mole of mont- morillonite may be questioned, all the molal values for the montmorillonite were converted to partial gram values by dividing the molal quantities by the molecular weight of unit cell of the montmorillonite.

The partial molal entropy values for the reaction of desorption can be deter- mined readily by eq (4) above since both the partial molal free energies and heats of reaction are known, namely,



The results are reported in graphical form (Figs. 2-17), in a manner to demonstrate the effect on the thermodynamic quantity of the nature of exchangeable ions, that is, ion size, ion charge, and the total number of ions.

Only the partial molal or partial gram quantities are given and they are plotted against the water content of the clay expressed as moles of water per mole of clay. A mole of clay was taken as the weight of one structural formula having 12 0 , namely,

for a Na-saturated form.

For the water phase, the partial molal free energy changes, APw, are given in Figs. 2, 3,4, and 5; the partial molal heats of desorption, ARw, in Figs. 9, 10, 11, and 12 ; and the partial molal entropy change, AS,, for the K+ and the Baz+- saturated forms, as examples only, in Fig. 16.

Adsorbed Water. m o l e l l m o l a of cloy

FIGURE 6.- curves for water adsorption by a Mississippi montmorillonite saturated with variou~l monovalent or divalent cations demonstrating effect of ion size.

For the montmorillonite phase, the partial gram free energy change, AP,, are given in Figs. 6, 7, and 8, the partial gram heat of desorptim, AR,, in Figs. 13, 14, and 15, and the partial gram entropy change for the K+ and the Ba2+ forms as an example only in Fig. 17; because of the small values of the latter, it is expressed as TAfl, instead of Agm.

DISCUSSION For a proper interpretation of the thermodynamic values, i t is helpful

(Barshad, 1955) to view the interaction of water with montmorillonite during the adsorption process as consisting of the following separate steps : (1) Sepa- ration of the interlayer oxygen sheets to form interlayer spaces ; (2) removal of the interlayer cation from the hexagonal cavities to some distance from the oxygen surfaces (this may be visualized as a " limited " desorption reaction of the exchangeable ions) ; (3) adsorption of water molecules by the

oxygen surfaces; and (4) interaction of the exchangeable ions with the water molecules. In the process of desorption all these steps are simply reversed, namely, the oxygen surface came together, the exchangeable ion enter the hexagonal cavities, and the water molecules are removed from both the exchangeable ions and the oxygen atoms The extent to which any one step has occurred depends on the amount of water present on the clay and on the nature of the exchangeable ions.

Adsorbed Wotar, molsslmolo of cloy - TICURE '7.- AF, curves for water adsorption by a Mississippi montmorillonite saturated

with various cations demonstrating effect of ion charge.

Partial Mob1 Free Energy Change of the Water Phase-AP,- Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5

For all the exchangeable ionic forms of the three montmorillonites the change in the partial molal free energy decreases with increasing water content and it approaches zero when the water content is a t saturation,that is, when free water appears. The point a t which such a water content appears depends on the nature of the exchangeable ion, the kind of clay and, as is well

known, on the method of preparation of the homoionic form, and also on whether this water content is reached by the process of adsorption or desorption (Barshad, 1955).

The effect of the nature of the exchangeable ions on the magnitude of the partial molal free energy change a t any given water content is clearly demonstrated: i t increases with a decrease in ionic radius and with an increase in the ionic charge and with the total charge on the clay surface, that is, the cation exchange capacity.

FIGURE 8.- A& curves for water adsorption by three Na- or Ca-saturated montmoril- lonites demonstrating effect of a varying cation exchange capacity: Otay >Miss. > Volclay.

Partial Gram Free Energy Change of the Montmorillonite Phase -AFm-Figs. 6 , 7, and 8

The AP, value for the adsorption process may be interpreted to represent the work required to expand the crystal lattice from its standard dry state to the state a t the indicated water content and also to move the exchange- able ions from the hexagonal cavities to a given distance from the oxygen atoms; The relative magnitude of these two components is believed to depend on the extent of expansion as related to the water content. Thus a t low water contents, up to about 2 moles per mole of clay, the work due to expan- sion exceeds greatly the work due to the removal of the ions from the oxygen surface. However, with increasing water content this ratio is reversed, that is, the work due to the removal of the ions is severalfold greater than that due to expansion. An examination of the effects of the exchangeable ion on the

APm would appear to support this conclusion. It is seen that with increasing water content, the differences in AE, increase with a decrease in ionic radius, an increase in ionic charge, and with an increase in total charge. Such a relationship is to be expected on the basis of Coulomb's law.

A comparison of the AEm values of the K+ and Li+ forms and of the K+ and Ba2f forms is illuminating : it is seen that in the range of water content from 0 to 2 water moles per mole of clay AEm for the K+ form is higher than for the Li+ form but in the range greater than 2 water moles the AP, for the Lif form is greater than for the K+ form, and this difference increases with increasing water content. A similar difference also is present for the K+ and Ba2+ forms, namely, in the range between 0 and 3 water moles the AP, values are higher for the K+ than for the Ba2+ form but a t higher water

ndsorbsd w a t e r . rnoler/rnole of clay

FIGURE 9.- AR, curves for water desorption from a Mississippi montmorillonite saturated with various monovalent ions demonstrating effect of ion size.

contents the APm for the Ba2+ form is greater than for the K+ form. An ex- planation for such a change in the AP, values is believed to be related to the effect of the interlayer ion size and ion charge on the interlayer attractive forces as suggested by Barshad (1952). It was shown that for a given mont- morillonite in the standard dry state the interlayer attractive forces are directly proportional to the ion size and inversely proportional to ion charge. Since a t low water content APm represents mainly the work of separating the inter- layer oxygen, it would be expected that ATm would be greater the greater the interlayer force, but a t higher water contents since AE?, represents the work of desorbing the ions from the surfaces of the oxygens more than it does the expansion, AP, would be expected to be greater the smaller the ion and the larger the charge. From the magnitude of Apm i t would seem that the interlayer attractive forces for most of the ionic forms before expansion begins are nearly all equal in magnitude to about 2 cal per g or 210.02423 = 82.6 cc atm per g, or 82.6 x 101.33 = 8360 dyneslcmz per g, or 8.364 x 107 ergs per g.

Partial Molal Heats of Desorption of the Water Phse-ABw- Figs. 9, 10, 11, and 12

The most interesting feature of the AH, values for all the montmorillonite forms is the manner in which the values change with increasing water

Adsorbed water , moles/rnole o f clay FIGTJRE 10.- AH, curves for water desorption from a Mississippi montmorillonite

saturated with various divalent cations demonstrating effect of ion size.

A d s o r b e d wefer ,rnolel / rnole of clay

FIGURE 11 .- ARw curves for water desor-ption from two Na-saturated montmorillonites demonstrating effect of varying cation exchange capacity: Miss. > Volclay.

content. It is seen that the AH, values, in the range of water content between 1 and 2 moles per mole of clay, are a t a minimum. But they increase

with both an increase and a decrease in watcr content. For most of the forms, with increasing water content in the range greater than 2 moles per mole of clay, the AH, values reach a maximum which is followed by a decline. The values would tend to approach zero if the water content would have in- creased to a " concentration " in which " free " water were present.

The effect of the nature of the exchangeable cations on the A n , value is mostly in shifting the minimum and maximum values in relation to the water content and in affecting the magnitude of the values a t these points.

1 0 8 0 0 '

9 0 0 0 -

- * 7 2 0 0 - - - { 5 4 0 0 - -

12" 3 6 0 0 - Q

+ 1800 -


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Adsorbed Water.moles/mole af clay

FIGURE 12.- AHw curves for water desorption from two Ca-saturated montmorillonitss demonstrating effect of varying cation exchange capacity: Miss. > Volclay.

An explanation for this particular change of the AHw values is believed to be related to the manner with which the water reacts with montmorillonite (Barshad, 1955). At very low water contents and before interlayer expansion occurs, the first water molecules to reach the exterior surfaces of the mont- morillonite are believed to react with the exterior exchangeable cation and therefore to result in a lugh A n w . As additional water is adsorbed the water molecules react either with the oxygen atoms of the surface or with already existing adsorbed water molecules until a multi-layer of water molecules is formed on the exterior surfaces and a t which stage the minimum A R , values are obtained. Since interlayer expansion occurs a t this stage the increasing ARw values represent an increasing interaction of the water molecules with the interlayer cations until again this interaction is completed and as a result the A n , value is a t its maximum. Further water adsorption merely repre- sents water molecules interacting with other water molecules or with oxygen atoms of the surface and consequently with a decreasing AH, value. All this process may be summarized by stating that with increasing water content the relative proportion of the water molecules associated with the cations, the surface oxygens and with each other changes, and consequently the AH, values also change.

Partial Gram Heats of Desorption for the Montmo~illonite Phase- AH,--Figs. 13, 14, and 15

The partial heats of desorption curves for the montmorillonite phase, AH,, show the same kind of variations with increasing water content as the water itself, but with the exception that the minimum and the maximum in

Adsorbed Wa ld r ,mo le%/mole of cloy

FIGURE 13.- Anm curves for water desorption from a Mississippi montmorillonito saturated with Li or K cations demonstrating effect of ion size.

Adsorbed Wotei.rnoler/mole Qf c l o y

FINRE 14.- AR, curves for water desorption from a Mississippi montmorillonite saturated with various divalent cations demonstrating effect of ion size.

the AH, curve occur a t the maximum and minimum in the AB, curve respectively. There is also another difference, namely, the change from posi- tive AH, values to negative AH, values with increasing water content, whereas nearly all of the AH, values remain positive. These vari a t' ions are believed to result from the manner in which the interlayer expansion and contraction occur in conjunction with the movement of the exchangeable ions in and out of the hexagonal cavities in the oxygen surfaces as outlined

previously. The contraction of the interlayer space appears to yield positive Af?, values whereas the re-entry of the ions into the hexagonal cavities results in negative AH, values. An examination of the AH, curves (Figs. 13, 14, and 15) on which the magnitude of the interlayer spacings d(001) are given shows that with increasing water content the Af?, values decrease rapidly even though there is hardly a change in the d(001) spacings.-This decrease is believed to result from the movement of the exchangeable ions. In several of the curves, as in the Li, K, and Ba curves, the A B , values after reaching a minimum begin to increase again with increasing water content. This increase is believed to be associated with further interlayer expansion. Thus in the K-montmorillonite it occurs when a second monolayer of water begins to form, whereas in the Li+ and Ba2+ forms i t occurs when a third monolayer of water begins to form.

Adsorbed water, molest mole of d a y

FIGURE 15.- OR,,, curves for water desorption from two Na-saturated montmoril- lonites demonstrating effect of varying cation exchange capacity: Miss. > Volclay.

The effect of the nature of interlayer cations and the cation exchange capacity on the AH, values show complicated relationships due to the varia- tions among the different forms in the degree of interlayer expansion at any given water content. Since An, represents the net heat effect of both layer and ion movements, it is necessary to consider both to explain the variation in the AH, resulting from variation in the nature of the cation. As an example let us consider the difference for the Ba and Mg forms: it is seen that with an increase in water content beyond 2 moles per mole of clay, the A a , values for the Ba form decrease much more rapidly than for the Mg form, reaching a minimum at about 4.5 moles for the Ba form but a t about 7 moles for the Mg form. The more rapid decrease of the AH, for the Ba2+ than for the Mg2+ form can be explained by the near absence of interlayer expansion in the Ba form but some expansion in the Mg form. The change in the A n , for the Ba form reflects, therefore, mainly the heat in ion movement whereas in the Mg form it reflects the net of both expansion and ion move- ment.

Partial Molal Entropy Charge, AJW, for the Water Phase-Fig. 16 The partial molal entropy change curves, AAW, for the desorption reaction

completely verify the kinetic picture presented for the changes occurring during the interaction of water with montmorillonite. Since the ADw curves reflect the change of state of the water in going from the adsorbed state to the free water state, an increase in entropy reflects an increase in randomness

Adsorbed Water, moler lmole of cloy

FIGURE 16.- A& curves for water desorption from a Misshippi montmorillonite saturated with Ba or K cations demonstrating effect of ion charge.

whereas a decrease in entropy reflects a decrease in randomness in the organization of the water phase. Therefore the maximum increase in entropy during desorption indicates that the water molecules a t that state of hydra- tion are a t the maximum state of orderliness, that is, when grouped around the exchangeable cations and forming a complete monolayer on the silicate surfaces. On the other hand a t the maximum decrease in entropy the adsorbed water molecules are a t the lowest state of organization, that is, the mono- layer is incomplete, only a small portion of the water molecules are associated with the exchangeable cations, and they are free to move about on the silicate surfaces; in other words, the water molecules behave almost as two dimensional gas molecules.

Partial Gram Entropy Change, As,, for the Montmorillo~~ite Phase- Fig. 17

A comparison of the Afl, curves with the Afl, curves shows that where there is a maximum increase in the A s , values there is a maximum decrease in the A s , values and where there is a maximum decrease in the A s , values there is a maximum increase in the Afl, values. Such a relationship is not surprising since the A s , value reflects the changes in the solid phase in going from the expanded to the contracted state. Thus upon dehydration when the A s , value is a t a minimum, the solid phase becomes more highly organized, and when the A s , value is at a maximum the solid phase becomes

40 11-A.A 1 2 3 4 5 6 9

Adsorbad Water, m o k t /mole of eloy

FIGURE 17.- ASm curves for water desorption from a Mississippi montmorillonite saturated with Ba or K cations demonstrating effect of ion charge.

less organized. The A{, values indicate that the most highly organized state of the solid phase occurs not when it is completely dry but when the phase shows an expansion equivalent to a monolayer of water but before the exchangeable ions have left the hexagonal cavities.

CONCLUSIONS All the thermodynamic quantities for the reaction between water and

montmorillonite indicate that the magnitude of change in these values due to the interaction of the water molecules with the exchangeable ions is much greater than that due to the interaction of the water with the oxygen sur- faces. This conclusion may also be stated as follows: the magnitude of change in the thermodynamic values due to moving the exchangeable cations out of the hexagonal cavities is much greater than that due to the parting of the oxygen sheets during interlayer expansion.


Bmhad, Isaac (1949) The nature of lattice expansion and its relation to hydration in montmorillonite and vermiculite: Anaer. Min., v. 34, pp. 675-684.

Barehad, Isaac (1952) Factors affecting the interlayer expansion of vermiculite and montmorillonite with organic substances: Soil Sci. SOC. Amer., Proc., v. 16, pp. 170- 182.

Barehad, Isaac (1952a) Temperature and heat of reaction calibration of the differential thermal analysis a p p a r & t ~ ~ : AM. Min., v. 37, pp. 667-694.

Barshad, Isaac (1955) Adsorptive and swelling properties of clay-water system: in GZays and Clay Technology, California Div. of Mines, Bd. 169, pp. 70-77.

Lewis, G. H. and Randall, M. (1923) Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York.

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