tips on negotiating better in cross-cultural relationships--swsmc presentation

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  • 8/17/2019 Tips on Negotiating Better in Cross-Cultural Relationships--SWSMC Presentation



    Tips on Negotiating Better in

    Cross-Cultural RelationshipsTrack 3-World Class Negotiation Techniques

    The 63rd Annual Southwest

    Purchasing ConerenceByTho!as "# Tanel$ C#P#%#$ CT"$ CCA$ C&SC% $

    CATTAN Ser'ices (roup$ &nc#College Station$ T)


    Created by CATTAN Services Group, Inc. © 2009

  • 8/17/2019 Tips on Negotiating Better in Cross-Cultural Relationships--SWSMC Presentation



    Negotiating in the (lo+al Arena

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    The &!portance o Culture

    • Culture coes !ro t"e #atin $ord %co&ere%,eanin' to bui&d on, to cu&tivate, to !oster.

    • Culture is a set o! accepted be"avior patterns,

    va&ues, assuptions, and s"ared coone(periences.• Culture de!ines socia& structure, decision)

    a*in' practices, and counication sty&es.• Culture dictates be"avior, eti+uette, and

    protoco&.• Culture is soet"in' $e &earn.• Culture is counication.

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    Cultural Sensiti'it,

    • "en ne'otiatin' a*e it a point to *no$your counterparts.

    • Counicate in a !or t"at $i&& ost &i*e&ybe understood as it is intended.

    • T"is eans t"e ne'otiator ust-  Be a$are o! t"eir o$n cu&ture

      T"e recipient/s cu&ture

      T"e e(pectations surroundin' t"e situation

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    ow Culture &!pacts Negotiation 

    • By conditionin' one/s perception o!


    • By b&oc*in' out in!oration

    inconsistent or un!ai&iar $it"cu&tura&&y 'rounded assuptions

    • By proectin' eanin' onto t"e

    ot"er party/s $ords and actions

    • By pus"in' t"e et"nocentricne'otiator to an incorrect

    attribution o! otive

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    Cross-Cultural Negotiations


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    all.s Cultural /actors

    • Conte(t

    • Tie

    • Space

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    igh and "ow Conte0t

    • In a "i'")conte(t cu&ture, t"ere are any

    conte(tua& e&eents t"at "e&p peop&e to

    understand t"e ru&es.•  As a resu&t, uc" is ta*en !or 'ranted.

    • In a &o$)conte(t cu&ture, very &itt&e is ta*en

    !or 'ranted.• T"is eans t"at ore e(p&anation is


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    igh Conte0t and "ow Conte0t Cultures

    Source- unter, . 3Cross)cu&tura& Counications !or ana'ers3, Business Horions! ay45une 6997.

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    Overtness ofmessages

    Many covert and implicit

    messages, with use ofmetaphor and “readingbetween the lines”.

    Many overt and explicit

    messages that aresimple and clear.


    Locus of control

    and attributionfor failure

    Inner locus of controland personal acceptancefor failure.

    Outer locus of controland blame of others forfailure.

    Use of non-verbal


    Much nonverbalcommunication.

    More focus on verbalcommunication than

    body language.

    Contrasting the Two Conte0ts

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    Factor High-Context




    Expression of reactionReserved, inward reactions. isible, external, outward


    Cohesion and

    separation of groups

    !trong distinction betweenin"group and out"group.

    !trong sense of family.

    #lexible and open groupingpatterns, changing as


      People bonds!trong people bonds with

    affiliation to family and


    #ragile bonds between

    people with little

    sense of loyalty.

    Level of commitment

    to relationships

    $igh commitment to long"term relationships.

    Relationship more importantthan tas%.

    &ow commitment torelationship.

    'as% more important thanrelationships.

    Flexibilitof time


    'ime is open and flexible.(rocess is more important

    than product.

    'ime is highly organi)ed.(roduct is more important

    than process.

    Contrasting the Two Conte0ts

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    Cultural &!pact on %essages and

    Conte0t in Negotiations

    Source-   Adapted !ro 8d$ard 1a&&/s boo* Be"ond Culture, 69:.

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    Chrono!ics1 Ti!e 2rientation and

    Predicta+le Patterns • onoc"ronic or )Tie,as 1a&& ca&&ed it, eansdoin' one t"in' at a tie.

    • onoc"ronic peop&e tenda&so to be &o$ conte(t.

    • In ;o&yc"ronic cu&tures,"uan interaction isva&ued over tie andateria& t"in's, &eadin' to

    a &esser concern !or

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    Chrono!icsCountr, Co!parison with

    4iering Ti!e 2rientation S,ste!s 


    • (er!an,• Canada

    • Swit5erland

    • Australia• nited States

    • Scandina'ia 


    • Saudi Ara+ia• /rance

    • 7g,pt

    • (reece• %e0ico

    • Philippines 

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    Culture 8 Chrono!ics 4ecision %aking1

    9Process Ti!e: 'ersus 9&!ple!entation Ti!e:

    Process Implementation

    Process Implementation


    Process Implementation


    Process Implementation

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    all.s Cultural Space 2rientation

    • #pace a&so re&ates to co!ort $it"

    eye contact and attributions re&ated

    to eye contact or &ac* o! eye contact.

    • T"ere are large differences inspatial preferences accordin' to

    'ender, a'e, 'eneration,

    socioeconoic c&ass, and conte(t.

    • T"ese differences var" $" group,

    but s"ou&d be considered in any

    e(p&oration o! space as a variab&e in

    ne'otiations.#pace orientations

    di!!er across cu&tures,

    accordin' to all.

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    Space and Pro0e!ics

    • 1a&& $as concerned about space and our

    re&ations"ips $it"in it.

    • 1e ca&&ed t"e study o! suc" space);ro(eics.• Soe peop&e need ore space in a&& areas.

    • ;eop&e $"o encroac" into t"at space are seen

    as a t"reat.• Soe peop&e are ore territorial  t"an ot"ers

    $it" 'reater concern !or o$ners"ip.

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    7dward all;s 4einitions o Space

    • 1a&&

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    7dward all;s Theor, o  Pro0e!ics

    and Personal Space

    T"e nature o! t"e essa'e counicated a&so a!!ects interaction distances. Avera'e co!ortab&e distances among %orth &mericans are s"o$n be&o$-

      4istance Between /aces Tone o ery c&ose ?7):%@   So!t $"isper Top secret or Sensua&

      C&ose ?)62%@   Audib&e $"isper >ery con!identia&

      Neutra& ?20)7:%@  So!t voice

    #o$ vo&ue;ersona& subect atter 

      Neutra& ?.)

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    Pro0e!ics1 igh Territorialit,

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    Pro0e!ics1 igh Territorialit,

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    (eert ostede %odel o

    Cultural 4i!ension Anal,sis • 4r# (eert ostede conducted

    per"aps t"e ost copre"ensive

    study o! "o$ va&ues in t"e$or*p&ace are in!&uenced by


    • Dro 69: to 697, $"i&e $or*in'

    at IB as a psyc"o&o'ist, "e

    co&&ected and ana&yed data !ro

    over 600,000 individua&s !ro !orty


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    (eert ostede 4i!ension Anal,sis 

    “Culture is more often a source

    of conflict than of s"nerg".

    Cultural differences are anuisance at $est and often a


    --Er. Geert 1o!stede 

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    Proessor (eert ostede.s

    The /i'e 4i!ensions o Culture• ;o$er4Eistance ?;E@

    •Individua&is ?IE>@

    • ascu&inity ?AS@

    • Hncertainty Avoidance

    Inde( ?HAI@• #on' Ter Frientation


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    ostede.s %odel

    Power=4istance >P4?  Characteristics Tips

    High PD

    Centralized companies.

    Strong hierarchies.Large gaps in compensation,authority, and respect.

    Acknowledge a leader's

     power.Be aware that you may needto go to the top for answers

    Low PD

    Flatter organizations.Superisors and employeesare considered almost ase!uals.

    "se teamwork#nole as many people as possi$le in decision making.

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    Culture 4i!ension Score or @

    CountriesPower=4istance >P4?

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    ostede.s %odel

    &ndi'idualis! >&4

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    Culture 4i!ension Score or @

    Countries&ndi'idualis! >&4

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    ostede.s %odel

    %asculinit, >%AS? Characteristics Tips

    High MAS

    en are masculine and women arefeminine.

    -here is a well defined distinction $etween men's work and women'swork.

    Be aware that people may epectmale and female roles to $e distinct.

    Adise men to aoid discussingemotions or making emotionally

     $ased decisions or arguments.

    Low MAS

    A woman can do anything a mancan do.owerful and successful women areadmired and respected.

    Aoid an /old $oys' clu$/ mentality.*nsure &o$ design and practices arenot discriminatory to either gender.-reat men and women e!ually.

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    Culture 4i!ension Score or @

    Countries%asculinit, >%AS? 

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    ostede.s %odel

    ncertaint, A'oidance &nde0 >A&?  Characteristics Tips

    High UAI

    0ery formal $usiness conduct withlots of rules and policies.

     1eed and epect structure.Sense of nerousness spurns highleels of emotion and epression.)ifferences are aoided.

    Be clear and concise a$out yourepectations and parameters.

    lan and prepare, communicate oftenand early, proide detailed plans andfocus on the tactical aspects of a &o$or pro&ect.*press your emotions through handgestures and raised oices.

    Low UAI

    #nformal $usiness attitude.ore concern with long term strategythan what is happening on a daily

     $asis.Accepting of change and risk.

    )o not impose rules or structureunnecessarily.inimize your emotional response $y

     $eing calm and contemplatingsituations $efore speaking.*press curiosity when you discoerdifferences.

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    Culture 4i!ension Score or @ Countriesncertaint, A'oidance &nde0 >A&?

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    ostede.s %odel

    "ong Ter! 2rientation >"T2?  Characteristics Tips

    High LT

    Family is the $asis of society.arents and men hae more

    authority than young people andwomen.Strong work ethic.%igh alue placed on educationand training.

    Show respect for traditions.)o not display etraagance or

    act friolously.(eward perseerance, loyalty,and commitment.Aoid doing anything that wouldcause another to /lose face/.

    Low LT

    romotion of e!uality.%igh creatiity, indiidualism.-reat others as you would like to

     $e treated.Self2actualization is sought.

    *pect to lie $y the samestandards and rules you create.Be respectful of others.)o not hesitate to introducenecessary changes.

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    Culture 4i!ension Score or @

    Countries"ong Ter! 2rientation >"T2?

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    West 'ersus 7ast Cultural

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    Principles o Paralanguage

    • ;ara&an'ua'e re!ers to t"e voca&

    aspect o! counication.

    • >oca& e&eents o! &an'ua'e voca&

    e&eents invo&ve sound and its

    anipu&ation !or certain desired or

    undesired e!!ects.

    • >erba& e&eents are t"e particu&ar$ords $e c"oose $"en spea*in'.

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    &ngredients o Paralanguage1

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    %essages in the

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    Non'er+al Co!!unication1

    inesics and Pro0e!ics Acts• inesics1 The stud" of

    nonver$al gestures! facialexpressions! e"e contact!and $od" posture.

    • Pro0e!ics1 The stud" of theuse of space! touch! anddistance as features of  nonver$al communication.

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    2ther Non-erba&Counication

    . F&!actory Se&&s

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    Silence1 &s Also Part o

    Non'er+al Co!!unication• Sends nonverba& c&ues durin'


    • Cu&tura&&y deterined

    • &g+os Tribe o! Ni'eria ada'e-

      It/s not t"e sound you "ear t"at I $i&& "aveto dance to.

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    Silence As A Part o

    Cultural Co!!unication• T"e distribution o! spea*in' andsi&ence in conversations isin!&uenced by t"e speci!ic individua&

    participants.• But it is a&so soet"in' $"ic" is

    observed and interpreted verydi!!erent&y in di!!erent cu&tures.

    • #ilence can s"ape se+uences o!speec", carry eanin', andor'anie t"e socia& re&ations"ipsbet$een spea*ers.

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    Recent Cross-Cultural Negotiation

    "essons "earned

    • Greeks: e&ations"ips are t"e &inc"pin o! business dea&in's, sinceGree*s pre!er to do business $it" t"ose t"ey *no$ and trust. Gree*spre!er !ace)to)!ace eetin's rat"er t"an doin' business by te&ep"one orin $ritin'. Business is conducted s&o$&y. Gree*s are s*i&&ed ne'otiatorsand t"ey &ove to ar'ue and debate.

    • Malaysians:  Docus on t"e credibi&ity o! your or'aniation and its

    ana'eent and &eaders"ip. Ne'otiations $i&& be &en't"y and yous"ou&d "ave every detai& o! your proposa& $or*ed out be!ore presentin'it. Bui&din' &on')ter re&ations"ips $it" individua&s !ro a&aysia is a&on')ter process. eeber to reind t"e !re+uent&y o! youro!!er)))t"e repetition o! *ey points in your proposa&.

    •  Argentineans: Eecisions are ade at t"e top and you o!ten need

    severa& eetin's and e(tensive discussion to a*e dea&s. Ar'entinesare tou'" ne'otiators. Concessions $i&& not coe +uic*&y or easi&y.Good re&ations"ips $it" counterparts $i&& s"orten ne'otiations. Bepunctua& !or business appointents, but be prepared to $ait !or yourcounterpart. Spanis" is "eavi&y in!&uenced by Ita&ian and is un&i*eSpanis" spo*en any$"ere e&se.

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    Recent Cross-Cultural Negotiation

    "essons "earned

    • Indians:  T"e pace o! business eetin's in India is coparative&y !arore re&a(ed t"an in t"e Hnited States. Indians are soe$"at &a(about tie. T"e $ord JNo% "as "ars" ip&ications in India. eebert"at "ierarc"y, tit&es and de'rees are very iportant. ore open tounstructured ideas and situations but very &itera& in soe respects.

    • Chinese: Be a$are o! t"eir non)verba& essa'es and provide t"e

    $it" enou'" in!oration !or t"eir decision)a*in' process $"ic" iss&o$. A&&o$ t"e to Jsave !ace3. T"e ost iportant eber o! yourne'otiation tea s"ou&d &ead iportant eetin's. C"inese va&ue ran*and status as $e&& as a &on')ter approac".

    •  Arabs:  Counications occur at a s&o$ pace. %Kes% usua&&y eans%possib&y%. Arabs $i&& a&so ep&oy soe body contact to ep"asie a

    point or con!ir t"at t"ey "ave your attention. It is iportant not todra$ bac*, "o$ever. T"is ay be interpreted as a rebu!! or reection o!$"at is bein' said. espect is a va&ue t"at is "e&d very "i'"&y by t"e

     Arab peop&e. Be a$are t"at t"ey ay use deceptive price)ne'otiationstrate'iesdon

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    Cross-Cultural TipsNot

    7'er,one Negotiates "ike A!ericans• Cu&tura& di!!erences in!&uence ne'otiations

    • Intercu&tura& di!!erences ay cause

    isperception and isunderstandin's• Body &an'ua'e is iportant at t"e &oca&

    cu&tura& &eve&

    • Subcu&ture issues ay be present• oderate adaptation to a counterpart/s

    cu&ture is perceived positive&y

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    Cross-Cultural Negotiation 4egree

    o 4iicult, or A!ericans

    •  A!rica

    •idd&e 8ast• Dar 8ast

    • Sout" Aerica

    • 8astern 8urope4ussia

    • estern 8urope4Scandinavia

    •  Austra&ia4Ne$ Lea&and



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    Cross-Cultural TipsPerceptions

    8 Negotiations

    • Eiscoverin' t"e ot"er side/s interests is an

    e(ercise in discoverin' perceptions.

    •  Appreciatin' perceptions "e&ps us

    distin'uis" bet$een peop&e and prob&es.

    • Hnderstandin' perceptions can e(pand

    t"e ran'e o! possib&e so&utions to ac"ieve

    ne'otiations rapport $it" t"e ot"er side.

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