translocation proposal form (doc)

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Printed on 10/04/2014 at15:39:53 Page 1 of 21 docDM-59825 - Translocation proposal form 2011 Part of DOC’s Translocation SOPs/Guide Version 1: Approved 12 April 2011 Last updated September 2012

Translocation Proposal Form Instructions

1. To help you complete this proposal form use the ‘Explanatory Notes for the Translocation Proposal Form’ DOCDM-774881 (plus website link)

2. The Explanatory Notes provide important information and help explain various sections in the proposal form. They also contain a glossary of terminology and definitions. The text under the section headings of this proposal form refers you to the relevant Section in the Explanatory Notes.

3. Make sure you answer all the questions or record ‘N/A’ when the question is not applicable. You may delete the instructions once you have completed the ‘Confirmation’ section below.

4. If you have not sought feedback from DOC on the likely practicability of the proposal, it is important to do so before you start.

5. You can see three worked examples of completed proposal forms on the website.

Useful links

Explanatory Notes for the Translocation Proposal Form (DOCDM-774881, plus website link)

Translocation Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)−planning through to reporting for DOC translocations (DOCDM-315121)

Translocation Guide for Community Groups−the translocation process: from the idea to reporting (DOCDM-363788, plus website link)

Processing translocation proposals SOP (DOCDM-315123, plus website link)

Worked example 1−shore plovers translocation proposal from captivity to wild (a Department of Conservation (DOC) proposal) (DOCDM-162939, plus website link)

Worked example 2−grand and Otago skinks from wild to captivity (a Department of Conservation (DOC) proposal) (DOCDM-176538, plus website link)

Worked example 3−North Island robins translocation proposal from wild to wild (a community group proposal) (DOCDM-399715, plus website link)

Translocations Spreadsheet (DOC spreadsheet of translocations approved since 2002) (DOCDM-33810 or contact your local DOC area office for information specific to your translocation)

Assessment and Feedback Form (for DOC staff use only, DOCDM-88583)

Reporting instructions for 2011 Translocation SOPs/Guide (DOCDM-166659, plus weblink)

1. Translocation summary

Translocation title Proposal for transfer of <what > from <where> to <where> on <when>.

1.2 Species to be State the species to be translocated, including:

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Common and scientific name

Threat status according to the NZ threat classification lists1

1.3 Type of translocation

Refer to Section 2

(Do not forget all Section references relate to Sections in the Explanatory Notes)

1. Delete options that are not applicable:

Wild to wild Wild to captive Captive to wild

2. If translocating into the wild, delete options that are not applicable, otherwise record N/A:

• Supplementation (where the species already exists at the release site)

• Re-introduction (where the species no longer exists at the release site but is still within its previous range2

• Introduction (where the release site outside the previous range of the species. i.e. release to a site the species has never been before)


3. If translocating animals to captivity, delete options that are not applicable, otherwise record N/A:

• The species is already being bred in captivity

• The species is held in captivity and is not breeding

• This translocation will establish a captive population of this species which will not be capable of breeding

• This translocation will establish a captive breeding population

1.4 Temporary translocation

Refer to Section 8, Section 8.2

If this is a translocation to a temporary holding area, state this. State the reasons why, and the term of the temporary holding.

Must be for less than 3 years.

Otherwise record N/A.

1.5 Translocation overview

(maximum 200 words)

Provide a summary of the proposed translocation, including a brief outline of what you propose to do and why, and how long it will take.

1.6 Project manager Name and organisation (or position in DOC) of project manager.

1.7 Proposal writer Name and organisation (or position in DOC) of proposal writer.

1.8 Project team List the team members, organisation (or position in DOC), their roles and their skills/experience relevant to this translocation. Include any volunteers involved. Ensure you include people involved in the capture, handling, marking, temporary holding and release of animals.

1.9 Lead conservancy and lead area

Name the conservancy responsible for processing the translocation proposal.

1 NZ threat classification lists 2005 (Hitchmough et al.) and 2008 revisions can be found on the DOC website: (Viewed 4 July


2 For definitions refer to ‘Explanatory notes for the Translocation Proposal Form’ Section 1 Terminology and Definitions.

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(DOC staff to complete)

Refer to Section 1 for definitions

Name the lead area office and indicate if they are associated with the source site or the release site)

1.10 Affected conservancy/ies and affected areas

(DOC staff to complete)

Refer to Section 1 for definitions

If this translocation involves more than one conservancy, list the affected conservancies.

List the affected area offices and indicate if they are associated with the source site or the release site)

Otherwise record N/A.

1.11 Translocation approver

(DOC processing staff to complete)

Record the conservancy decision maker’s name and position, unless the conservancy is requesting the deputy director-general operations to approve the proposal.

2. Reason for the translocation Refer to Sections 3 and 4

2.1 Reason Briefly explain why you want to do the translocation. If applicable explain the need for the translocation (e.g. the conservation problem you are trying to fix).

Explain what alternatives to translocation have been attempted or considered. If this is a threatened species explain why in-situ management is not feasible instead of translocation.

2.2 Appropriateness and priority

(DOC staff to complete)

Refer to Section 3

Also refer to table 1in ‘Cost recovery for translocation proposals’ DOCDM-321137

For DOC proposals:

Explain why this translocation is the right conservation outcome to invest in. I.e. with limited resources why should this work take priority over other conservation work?

For all proposals:

Is the species likely to be available for this translocation? What priority should this proposal have alongside all other translocation proposals for this species?

2.3 Context Briefly list additional relevant background information, including wider context, such as a restoration plan for the site, or connection to other transfers.

Where a number of releases of different species will take place, explain why the proposed species should be released next.

2.4 Conservation outcomes

What do you want to achieve−for the animal or plant you want to translocate, and/or for the site that you are moving them to?

What is the desired outcome in the short term (e.g. 3 years); medium term (e.g. 10 years); long term (e.g. 30 years)?

2.5 Operational targets

Refer to Section 4

State operational targets for the life of the project.

(for DOC proposals−DOC staff take from work plans)

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2.6 Research objectives

(Only applies to research projects; Refer to Section 1 for definitions)

If research is the primary reason for the translocation (e.g. developing translocation techniques using an analogue species), state the research objectives.

Otherwise, record N/A.

2.7 Advocacy

(If this is a primary reason for the translocation)

If applicable, explain how this translocation might garner support for other conservation activities.

Otherwise, record N/A.

3. Fit with legal requirements, strategies and plans Refer to Sections 5 and 6

DOC staff also refer to Appendix 2, Section A2.1 in ‘Translocation SOP’ DOCDM-315121

3.1 Legal requirements

(DOC staff to complete)

Refer to Translocation SOP Appendix 2, Section A2.1

Confirm that the various activities associated with the translocation:

• Are compatible with the legislation the land is held under

• Meet the requirements in the Conservation General Policy and General Policy for National Parks (if applicable)

Briefly summarise Treaty settlement legislation and protocols which affect the translocation.

3.2 Management plans and strategies

Refer to Translocation SOP Appendix 2, Section A2.1

List all the management strategies and plans that cover the source and release sites.

Confirm that the various activities associated with the translocation are compatible with the Conservation Management Strategies (CMSs) and Conservation Management Plans/Management Plans that apply to the areas affected by the translocation.

Briefly explain how this translocation supports specific statements in the Conservation Management Strategies and Plans if applicable.

If none, record N/A.

3.3 Species recovery plan and recovery group

Refer to Section 6, Section 6.1

Delete the option that is not applicable:

This species is covered by the <state name> Recovery Plan3

This species is not covered by a recovery plan

If there is a recovery plan, explain how the translocation is consistent with objectives listed in it (latest published version or current draft).

State if the recovery group:

i. Supports the translocation proposal;

ii. Does not fully support the translocation proposal but accept it may proceed;


iii. Does not support the translocation proposal.


3 See Science Publications on the DOC website (Viewed 4 July 2011).

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If they do not support the proposal, state what their concerns are.

Attach relevant letters or emails from the recovery group leader.

If the recovery group does not support the translocation, provide justification in section 9 for continuing with the translocation.

3.4 Captive management plan and captive coordinator

(captive to wild and wild to captive proposals for animals only)

Refer to Section 6, Section 6.2

State whether there is a captive management plan for the animal species, and who the captive coordinator is.

If none, record N/A.

Explain how this translocation is consistent with the plan, or attach evidence of advice and endorsement from the captive coordinator.

4. Source population Refer to Section 7

4.1 Likely sources

Refer to Section 7, Section 7.1

List likely source populations.

4.2 Preferred source

Refer to Section 7, Section 7.1

Specify which population has been selected and why this source is the most appropriate. State the origin of the source population, e.g. natural remnant, translocated from elsewhere, etc.

Any translocation that involves the mixing of historically divergent populations must have strong justification in section 9.

When a species is sourced from captivity/cultivation state the wild origin. State if wild origin is not known.

4.3 Effects of removal

(N/A when the source is captivity/cultivation)

Refer to Section 7, Section 7.2

Comment on the effect that removing the transfer group is expected to have on the source population.

If the source population will not remain viable after removal of the individuals being transferred, justification must be given in section 9 for continuing with the translocation.

5. Release site Indicate whether the translocation is:

Of animals from the wild to captivity Yes/No (if yes, complete section 5.1)

Of plants from the wild into cultivation Yes/No (if yes, complete section 5.2)

To establish or supplement a wild population Yes/No (if yes, complete section 5.3)

5.1 Establishment of captive animal populations

5.1.1 Wild to captive Does the facility receiving the species have authority (a permit) to hold

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the species4

DOC staff to complete:


State whether the proposal meets the requirements of the Department’s Captive Management Policy and the Captive Management SOP. Refer to the Translocation SOP (DOCDM-315121) Appendix 2, Section A2.2

5.1.2 Captive facilities

State the contact person, and the name, street and postal addresses and phone number of each facility the animals will be transferred to.

If not already mentioned in section 1.8, state any skills/experience they/their team has, relevant to this translocation.

5.1.3 Existing captive population

If there is an existing breeding population of this species in captivity, explain why more need to be brought into captivity, if not already covered in section 2.1.

5.2 Establishment of cultivated plant populations Refer to Section 8

5.2.1 Management of plants in cultivation

Refer to Section 8, Section 8.1

Explain how the population will be managed to maintain its conservation value.

5.2.2 Cultivation facilities

State the contact person, and the name, street and postal addresses and phone number of each facility the plants from the wild will be transferred to.

5.3 Release site is in the wild Refer to Sections 1, 8 and 9

5.3.1 History of the species at the release site

Refer to Section 1 for definitions.

For introductions, refer to Section 9, Section 9.1.

Delete options that are not applicable:

(a) This translocation is:

A supplementation

A re-introduction Go to (b)

An introduction Go to (c)

(b) If the translocation is considered to be a re-introduction:

State the evidence available that the release site is within the species’ previous range

State the likely factors that caused the species to die out at the site originally, and explain why the site is now thought to be suitable

4 All applications to transfer absolutely protected wildlife (Wildlife Act 1953) to captivity must have evidence to show that the facility has authority (is permitted) to hold the species; or has lodged an application for an authority to hold the species.

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for the species

(c) If the translocation is an introduction:

Provide justification in section 9 for continuing with the translocation

5.3.2 Description of release site

Provide a description of the release site, including:

Name of the release site in full or Conservation Unit name and number (DOC to complete if applicable)

Location, including grid reference (attach as an appendix a relevant topographical map with the planned release/planting sites marked on it)

Ownership or statutory land management purpose (i.e. private land, Reserve, Forest Park etc)

Approximate size of the suitable habitat and description of land surrounding it

Briefly describe the vegetation type, altitude and climate of the release site

5.3.3 Temporary holding area

Refer to Section 8, Section 8.2

If the release site is a temporary holding area:

Describe how the basic ecological requirements (e.g. food, shelter and security) will be met

Otherwise record N/A

5.3.4 Suitability of release site for the species

(N/A if release site is a temporary holding area)

Refer to Section 8, Section 8.3

Describe why the release site was chosen (i.e. why it is the preferred site), and how the release site meets the ecological requirements of the translocated species.

Carrying capacity−How many breeding pairs (animals), or individual plants can the site support?

If the release site cannot support 50 pairs (animals) or a self-sustaining population (plants):

• Provide justification in section 9 for continuing with the translocation

• If the population is isolated from others, what mechanism have you included to allow out-breeding; and are you able to sustain it long-term

Describe present and potential threats at the release site that could cause the translocation to fail.

State how these threats are being managed at the release site. If any threats cannot be managed, provide justification in section 9 for continuing with the translocation.

Describe uncertainties about the suitability of the release site that could cause the translocation to fail. Where significant uncertainties exist, there should be research (section 10.1) in place that addresses these issues.

State whether the release population is likely to require ongoing long-term management to persist, and if so, state the nature of this management.

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If ongoing management is likely to be required, provide justification in section 9 for continuing with the translocation, including evidence of a long-term commitment to the necessary management.

5.3.5 Current management at release site

Describe any site management currently occurring, e.g. predator control to benefit kiwi, or weed control.

Describe potential problems or benefits for the translocated species from current site management.

Refer to section 5.3.4 if already covered there.

If any problems are likely to be significant, justification must be given in section 9 for continuing with the translocation and research might be appropriate (section 10.1) to address these issues.

5.3.6 Security of habitat

Comment on whether the release site has appropriate security of habitat for the term the released population is to reside at the site (e.g. conservation area, covenanted, landowner permission/support for the project), and how access for management and monitoring will be provided if the land is privately owned.

6. Ecological impacts at release sites in the wild (N/A for translocations into captivity or cultivation)

Refer to Section 9

6.1 Between-species interactions

Refer to Section 9, Section 9.2

For introduction and re-introduction translocations only, otherwise record N/A.

Comment on the likely interactions and impacts, both beneficial and negative, of the translocated species and other indigenous species at the release site.

What is the risk of hybridisation or competition with closely related species?

section 9 Justification must provide good reasons for proceeding with the translocation if you think there could be significant negative impacts.

6.2 Within-species interactions

Refer to Section 9, Section 9.3

For supplementation translocations only, otherwise record N/A.

Comment on the likely impacts of translocating new individuals into the existing population.

It may be appropriate to put research (section 10.1) in place to assess the effect of the supplementation.

6.3 Impacts on ecosystem function

Refer to Section 9, Section 9.4

For introduction and re-introduction translocations only, otherwise record N/A.

Comment on the likely effect that the addition of the translocated species might have on the functioning of the ecosystem of the release site.

If the species is likely to have a significant impact on the ecosystem, it may be appropriate to put research (section 10.1) in place to assess the impact.

6.4 Additional Comment on whether the release of the species will require additional

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management requirements for other indigenous species

management for other indigenous species, and if so, what that management will be. If such additional management is needed and will be ongoing or have significant negative impacts on the other indigenous species, provide justification in section 9.

6.5 Additional site management and impacts

Refer to Section 9, Section 9.5

State what (if any) additional management will be required for the site as a result of this translocation.

What impacts will this management have on the site and on other species?

What will be done to minimise such impacts?

6.6 Restriction of future options

If this is one of a series of species re-introductions, in what order will you reintroduce the species? Will this translocation restrict options for reintroducing other species in the future?

State what options will be restricted. Provide justification in section 9 for continuing with the translocation if it limits future options for restoration.

6.7 Weeds and animal pests

Refer to Section 9, Section 9.6.

Will the translocation prevent or make difficult the control or eradication of problem weeds or animal pests at the site? If yes, what weeds or animal pests, and how?

Comment on what has been done to minimise the risk of introducing weeds and animal pests to the release site. If nothing, explain why not.

7. Disease management Refer to Section 10

7.1 Disease management requirements for plants

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.1.1

For translocations of plants, state what measures you will take to reduce the risk of introducing disease causing pathogens or parasites.

7.2 Animal disease management protocol

(Excludes invertebrates)

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.1.2

For translocations of animals, attach the worksheets from the Translocation Disease Management Workbook to this proposal as an appendix and refer to them here. State who you consulted with in development of this protocol.

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7.3 Other disease management requirements for animals

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.1.2

Complete the hygiene checklist from the Wildlife Health Management SOP and attach as an appendix.

Using the Wildlife Health Management SOP5

7.4 Disease management requirements for invertebrates

(Sections 1.1 to 1.7), comment on what other measures you will take to reduce disease risks.

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.1.3

For translocations of invertebrates, state what measures you will take to reduce disease risks.

8. Translocation design Refer to Section 10

8.1 Learning from past translocations

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.2

Comment on whether past translocations of the species have been successful6

If ‘YES’:


Briefly list references and describe the techniques used that made the translocation successful

Summarise what monitoring was done to confirm success

What were the key techniques used that you will copy to help ensure the success of this translocation

If ‘NO’:

Describe what went wrong in other translocation attempts (e.g. released birds eaten by predators) if known

What were the recommendations on things that could be improved for future translocations (i.e. what lessons were learnt)

Describe how this translocation proposal attempts to overcome the things that went wrong in past transfers

If translocation has not been attempted with this species before state this.

8.2 Composition

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.3

Describe the proposed composition of the plants or animals to be translocated including:


Sex ratio

5 Wildlife Health SOP http://intranet/procedures-and-guides/wildlife-health-management-sop/ (Viewed 25 July 2011, DOCDM-442078)(plus DOC website link)

6 Contact your local DOC area office to find out if a best practice for translocation is available for your species. DOC staff this information is listed on the Translocation page on DOC’s intranet.

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Total number of individuals

If more than one source, state how many from each

Explain the rationale for this proposed composition. Comment on how likely it is to produce a genetically diverse and viable population (if not viable, justify in section 9).

For transfers from captivity/cultivation, include:

Information on the wild origin of the population

Information on the genetic diversity of the original captive/cultivated population

Comment on whether the captive/cultivated population has been managed to achieve/maintain genetic diversity

Supplementary transfers−state any plans for supplementary transfers in out-years to reduce the risk of inbreeding depression or further loss of genetic diversity.

If there is to be more than one transfer, note the number and composition of individuals that will be moved on each occasion.

8.3 Timing Note the month(s) and year(s) the plants or animals will be translocated and the reasons why this timing is considered optimal.

You may wish to propose an alternative or additional time in case the translocation cannot go ahead at the proposed time, or if you do not find or catch the proposed number of animals.

8.4 Pre-transfer preparation of captive animals

(For captive to wild transfers only)

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.4

Describe how any behavioural training needs will be met in captivity, to prepare individuals for release into the wild.

8.5 Capture / collection and transport

(N/A to plant translocations)

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.5

Describe methods for capture and transport of the animals. Include how long the transportation will take, and provisions made to minimise stress and maximise the welfare of the transferred species.

State who will be doing it and what their skills are.

Also make reference to lessons learned from previous translocations (see section 8.1) and note any departures from procedures that have been successfully used in previous translocations.

Include any contingency plans or changes that might be implemented within this transfer in the event of possible problems.

8.6 Release / planting

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.6

Describe how the translocated plants will be planted or animals will be released, including time of day, distribution of individuals around the release site, and any temporary holding at the release site (i.e. delayed versus immediate planting/release).

State who will be doing the release/temporary holding and what their skills are.

Make reference to lessons learned from previous translocations (see

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section 8.1) and note any departures from procedures that have been successfully used in previous translocations.

8.7 Dispersal from the release site

(N/A for wild to captive translocations or plant translocations)

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.7

Comment on whether the species is likely to disperse from the release site and target area, and note implications for management. If there is risk of substantial dispersal:

Describe any measures you will put in place that may reduce dispersal or increase the likelihood of site fidelity (bonding to site). Cross reference other sections as appropriate.

Note any contingency plan for management of dispersed animals.

Justification should be given in section 9 for translocations where there is significant risk of dispersal outside the target area, and it may be appropriate to put in place research (section 10.1) aimed to improve methods for reducing dispersal.

8.8 Short-term post-release management

(N/A for wild to captive translocations)

Refer to Section 10, Section 10.8

Describe any short-term management needed specifically for the transferred species at the release site to facilitate its establishment. Do not repeat anything you have already mentioned in sections 5.3.4, 6.4 and 6.5.

Describe any other post-release management needed for the species that has not already been mentioned.

8.9 Contingency plans for unexpected results

(N/A for wild to captive or plant translocations)

Can the translocated species be removed from the site in the future if its effects become unacceptable?

For threatened species only:

Outline the contingency plan to be followed to salvage individuals if a threatened species is translocated to a new site but it is found that the species cannot persist there

9. Justification Refer to Section 11

9.1 Justification

Refer to Section 11

Justify why this translocation should go ahead if you have identified significant potential adverse issues in previous sections or other problems.

10. Research and monitoring Refer to Section 12

10.1 Research

Refer to Section 12, Section 12.1

If research is the primary reason for the translocation briefly describe the research programme and refer to the reason and objectives which are described in sections 2.1 and 2.6.

Outline any research questions that were identified in sections 5, 6 and 8, to address significant gaps or areas of concern relating to this translocation. Indicate which research questions you are going to tackle.

Outline any other research opportunities associated with this translocation, including both planned and potential research.

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10.2 Monitoring programme

Refer to Section 12, Section 12.2

Outline the monitoring programme for the source and release populations and sites.


What will be monitored

How/by who

When/how often

For how long

For proposals covering multiple transfers, state the process that will be used to review the results of each transfer before the next transfer is carried out.

If this proposal is for a ‘head starting programme’7

covering multiple transfers, state the process that will be used to review the results of all transfers covered by it, or refer to other documents that describe the process.

11. Consultation and community relations Refer to Sections 6 and 13

11.1 Specialist advice

Refer to Section 6

Specify whether specialist advice was sought on any aspects of the translocation (e.g. community relations staff, or a population ecologist).

List who (including their position and organisation) and when.

If ‘NO’, briefly explain why no advice was sought.

11.2 Iwi

Refer to Section 13, Sections 13.1, 13.2 and 13.4

Describe what consultation has been undertaken with the iwi of the source and release sites and the outcome.

State any concerns that were raised and describe how they were addressed.

If the release site is captivity, what agreements have been made with iwi of the source site about future consultation if/when the animals are released into the wild?

If the source is captivity, describe consultation undertaken with iwi of the animals' original source site in the wild, and reasons why if there was no consultation.

Comment on whether iwi are participating in the transfer and monitoring and/or management.

Attach as an appendix a record of consultation. Include contact details for the iwi, who was consulted, the date, the topics covered, and any decisions reached. Also include relevant letters/emails.

If animals are being transferred to or from captivity, give details of the iwi of the captive site that will need to be informed of the translocation before the transfers occur.

7 For definitions refer to ‘Explanatory notes for the Translocation Proposal Form’ Section 1 Terminology and definitions.

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11.3 Key stakeholders

Refer to Section 13, Sections 13.1 and 13.3

Briefly describe the communication process undertaken with key stakeholders (any party likely to be affected by or have a major interest in your proposal) and their response. State any concerns that were raised and how they were addressed.

Attach as an appendix a record of consultation. Include contact details for all key stakeholders, who was consulted, the date, the topics covered, and any decisions reached. Also include relevant letters/emails.

11.4 Communication and community involvement

Refer to Section 13, Section 13.4

Briefly describe plans for communicating about your project (e.g. media).

List opportunities for community involvement in this project, and describe plans for involving the wider community.

If community involvement is not appropriate state why.

11.5 Public interest issues management

Refer to Section 13, Section 13.4 and 13.5

List and comment on:

• The key issues (positive and negative) of public interest

• Possible risks (perceived and real)

• What can be done to lessen those risks

This is particularly relevant to translocations that might have high public interest or contentious issues.

Briefly state how the issues are going to be managed.

12. Budget Refer to Section 14

12.1 Business plan

(DOC proposals only)

State whether the translocation project outlined in this proposal is included in a work plan in the business plan or has been approved in principle by a level 2 line manager.

If it is not, explain why.

12.2 Resources required

Refer to Section 14

Using the table below, complete a list of the resources required to undertake this project, the costs and the sources of funding.

If volunteers are involved, include their time (at zero cost).

DOC proposals must include staff hours.

Item description

e.g. equipment, contract workers, freight, transport (animals and people), staff hours, predator control

Cost ($) Source of funding

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

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13. Permits and approvals Refer to Section 5

13.1 Permits and approvals

Refer to Section 5, Section 5.2

State what permits or other approvals are needed to undertake this translocation.

e.g. to:

Enter areas

Collect/capture/hold/release animals or plants

Mark species, etc.

For translocations of animals state whether Animal Ethics Committee approval is required.

State whether permits and other approvals not covered by this application/proposal have been granted or applied for and if so, give the person/organisation applied to.

State the person the permits are to be issued to, their postal and street addresses and phone number.

Permits from DOC will state that the methods outlined in the approved proposal must be adhered to.

13.2 Collection of samples

• Will any samples be collected from animals or plants for purposes other than disease screening? Yes/No

If ‘YES’

• Describe the samples that will be collected.

• What is the purpose of collecting the material? (may refer to other sections in the application)

• Will any of the material be used for genetic modification outside of gene sequencing for taxonomic purposes? Yes/No

If ‘YES’, please attach ERMA application.

• Will any of the material or its DNA be leaving New Zealand? Yes/No

If ‘YES’

Where will the samples be sent and stored?

Please list any Department facilities that will be used.

13.3 Effects of the translocation

Will your proposal have any direct or indirect effects on the following conservation values at the source and release sites in the wild:

Source site


Release site


Yes No N/A Yes No N/A

1. Natural waterways or bodies of water?

2. Any disturbance of native vegetation?

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13.3 Effects of the translocation

Will your proposal have any direct or indirect effects on the following conservation values at the source and release sites in the wild:

Source site


Release site


Yes No N/A Yes No N/A

3. Disturbance to soils, wetlands or any other natural feature?

4. Wildlife species (other than those being transferred) either within or near the area where you want to operate?

5. Historic or archaeological sites?

6. Other people using the site?

7. Will your activity affect the visual amenity of the site (i.e. will there be any aviaries etc. visible at the site or from areas adjoining the site)?

8. Is it possible that your activity will introduce weeds, including lake weeds, or seeds of weeds into the area?

9. Is there a risk of fire from your activity?

10. Will significant noise be caused by your activity?

11. Is there any aspect of your activity that will affect current or future public access to the area?

12. Will your activity affect plants, animals or sites of traditional importance to Mäori and who have you consulted over this matter?

13. Will your activity have any positive effects on natural or historic values?

14. Will your activity promote understanding of conservation?

13.4 Beneficial effects

If you have answered ‘YES’ to any of the above, and the effect is beneficial:

• Describe the direct or indirect effect; or

• Refer to the section of the translocation proposal form where you have described the effects.

13.5 Measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects of the translocation

Refer to Section 5, Section 5.3

If you have answered ‘YES’ to any of the above, and the effect is adverse:

• Briefly describe the direct or indirect effect; and

• Describe the actions you propose to take to avoid, remedy or mitigate those effects; or

• Refer to the section of the translocation proposal form where you have done this.

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Note: all permits and approvals must be obtained prior to the transfer occurring.

14. References List references cited in the text, such as scientific papers.

References are to be specific and traceable.

15. Applicant’s confirmation

The applicant

(Non−DOC proposals only)

Applicant (Chairperson / Chief Executive Officer / individual - in full) and organisation name

Legal status (strike out or specify Other)

Individual / Company / Trust / Incorporated Society / Other:

Contact person

Postal address and street address


Cell phone



(Applicant / DOC project manager)

‘I confirm that the person completing this application form has read the instructions in sections 1−15 of the proposal form and answered all of the questions before they deleted the instructions.’ (delete the last 5 words if you did not delete the instructions)

Signature of Applicant/DOC project manager


(Chairperson /Chief Executive Officer / Individual−non-DOC proposals only)

Thank you for your application. Please ensure that:

You have attached any maps and additional information relevant to your application

Your application processing fee deposit of $380.00 + GST is included with your application. Note you can apply for a reduction or waiver of fees

I certify that the information provided on this application form and attached additional information is to the best of my knowledge true and correct:

Signature of the Applicant:


Signature of Witness:

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Name and Address of Witness:

This application is made pursuant to Sections 17R and 17S of the Conservation Act 1987 [and (where applicable) Section 49 of the National Parks Act 1980/Section 59A of the Reserves Act 1977].

All costs relating to the consideration of the application are payable by the Applicant to the Department of Conservation (see Section 60A and 60B of the Conservation Act 1987).

Applicants should be aware that provisions of the Official Information Act may require that some or all information in this application be publicly released if so requested.

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DOC is responsible for completing sections 16 and 17 when assessing the proposal

16. Approval of translocation proposal Refer to Sections 6−8 and Appendix 1 in ‘Processing Translocation Proposals SOP’ (DOCDM-315123)

16.1 Recovery group State whether the recovery group has reviewed the completed proposal.

Briefly list any concerns they had and how they have been addressed.

‘N/A’ if no recovery group.

16.2 Introductions expert group

For translocations that are:

• Introductions; or

• Involve mixing subspecies or historically divergent populations; or

• Will cause significant ecological impact.

State whether an introductions expert group has reviewed the completed proposal.

State the make up of the group.

Briefly list any concerns they had on the possible implications of moving the species to a location out side its previous range, and the appropriateness of the translocation. The possible impacts on species of concern at the release site must be taken into account.

16.3 Legal State whether a Departmental solicitor has reviewed the completed proposal.

Briefly list any concerns the solicitor had and how they have been addressed.

16.4 Area manager(s) concurrence

State whether the area manager(s) (DOC) support the proposal being approved, briefly list any concerns they had and how they have been addressed.

For multi-conservancy proposals, state whether the area manager(s) in the affected conservancy(s) support the proposal being approved, briefly list any concerns and how they have been addressed.

16.5 Concurrence of affected conservator(s)

For multi-conservancy proposals, state whether the conservator(s) of affected conservancy(s) support the proposal being approved, briefly list any concerns they had and how they have been addressed.

Highlight any dissenting views that prevent affected conservancy concurrence, and require deputy director-general operations to approve/decline the translocation proposal.

16.6 Inform deputy director-general operations

If the deputy director-general operations needs to be informed about the translocation, state the reason for informing them. Otherwise record N/A.

The deputy director-general operations must be informed prior to the transfer if the translocation is:

A re-introduction

An introduction

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(refer to section 1.3 for definitions)

Deputy Director-General Operations name:


Date informed: __________________________

16.7 Lead conservancy / deputy director-general operations sign off

This translocation proposal is Approved / Not Approved

Lead Conservator’s name


Deputy Director-General Operations name


other by delegation (delete two):

Signature: ---------------------------------------

Date: / / .

17. Permissions database references and due dates for reports Refer to Section 9 in ‘Processing Translocation Proposals SOP’ (DOCDM-315123)

17.1 Permissions database references

Permissions number

Permissions type

Translocation proposal

Permit to …..(description)

Permit to ….(description)

17.2 Reports required Due dates

Transfer report(s)

Monitoring report(s)

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Appendices For example:

• Contact details for iwi and relevant letters/emails, record of consultation

• Contact details for affected and interested parties and relevant letters/emails, record of consultation

• Endorsement from recovery group and/or captive coordinators

• Worksheets from the Disease Management Workbook

• Copies of any amendments to translocation design section (for translocations involving multiple transfers).

Go to

Explanatory Notes for the Translocation Proposal Form (DOCDM-774881, plus website link)

Translocation Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)−planning through to reporting for DOC translocations (DOCDM-315121)

Translocation Guide for Community Groups−the translocation process: from the idea to reporting (DOCDM-363788, plus website link)

Processing translocation proposals SOP (DOCDM-315123, plus website link)

Assessment and Feedback Form (for DOC staff use only, DOCDM-88583)

Reporting instructions for 2011 Translocation SOPs/Guide (DOCDM-166659, plus weblink)

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