u. s. history the beginning. 1492, oct. 12 three worlds meet americas africa europe

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U. S. History

The Beginning



The Native American Worldpages 4-9

• Read pages 4-9.

• In your notebook, define the Key Terms on page 4 and write and answer the Reading Comprehension Questions on page 9.

Who “discovered” America?page 4

YEARS FROM TO40,000 BC- 12,000 BC North America

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC

5,000 BC

1,000 BC- 300 AD

1000- 1350


Who “discovered” America?YEARS FROM TO

40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait (page 3)

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC

5,000 BC

1,000 BC- 300 AD

1000- 1350


Who “discovered” America?YEARS FROM TO

40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC

5,000 BC

1,000 BC- 300 AD

1000- 1350

1492 Spain Caribbean Islands


Who “discovered” America?YEARS FROM TO

40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC

5,000 BC

1,000 BC- 300 AD

1000- 1350 Norway Canada

1492 Spain Caribbean Islands

Who “discovered” America?YEARS FROM TO

40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC Asia America

5,000 BC

1,000 BC- 300 AD

1000- 1350


Who “discovered” America?YEARS FROM TO

40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC Asia America

5,000 BC Japan


Ecuador and Peru in South


1,000 BC- 300 AD

1000- 1350


Who “discovered” America?page 23

YEARS FROM TO40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC Asia America

5,000 BC Japan Ecuador and Peru in South


1,000 BC- 300 AD Africa Central America

1000- 1350


Who “discovered” America?YEARS FROM TO

40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC Asia America

5,000 BC Japan


Ecuador and Peru in South


1,000 BC- 300 AD Africa Central America

1000- 1350 Norway Canada


The Vikings

The Vikings

Who “discovered” America?Page 22

YEARS FROM TO40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC Asia America

5,000 BC Japan Ecuador in South America

1,000 BC- 300 AD Africa Central America

1000- 1350 Norway Canada

1492 Spain Caribbean Islands

Summary: (What have you learned?)

In which century are we now in 2009?

A. 21st century,

B. 20th century,

C. 19th century,

D. 18th century.

16th century- 1500s

17th century- 1600s

Who was in the United States first?Page 3

Name some American Indian tribes in what is the United States today:

1. .

2. .

3. .

4. .

5. .

How did the first people arrive in the Americas?

Page 4

• Most people believe….

• Over time, the human population spread out from _______________ to ____________.

How did the first people arrive in the Americas?

Page 4

• Most people believe that Asians crossed the Bering Strait walking to North America.

• Over time, the human population spread out from _______________ to ____________.

How did the first people arrive in the Americas?

Page 4

• Most people believe that Asians crossed the Bering Strait walking to North America.

• Over time, the human population spread out from the Arctic Circle to the tip of South America.

Bering Strait

Who “discovered” America?Page 4

YEARS FROM TO40,000 BC- 12,000 BC

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC

5,000 BC

1,000 BC- 300 AD

1000- 1350


Who “discovered” America?Page 4

YEARS FROM TO40,000 BC- 12,000 BC Asia North America-

to Alaska across the Bering Strait

9,000 BC- 5,000 BC Asia America

5,000 BC Japan Ecuador in South America

1,000 BC- 300 AD Africa Central America

1000- 1350 Norway Canada (the Vikings)

1492 Spain Caribbean Islands (Columbus)

Native American Tribespages 4-9

Similarities Differences

Native American Tribespages 4-9


1. Structure is based on families and clans

2. Religious ceremonies recognize powerful spiritual forces

3. To keep customs alive, stories, songs and customs were passed down by oral history

4. Economic life depended on barter

5. Land could not be owned

Differences1. Each tribe adapts to

the environment2. Some farm, hunt or

fish; others are nomads

3. Many different cultural groups exist speaking different languages

“Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”

Chief Seattle, 1854

The European Worldpages 10-16

The Renaissance (1300-1500)-“rebirth”

a time of enormous creativity and rapid change• pursuit of learning• invention of the printing press• formation of new Protestant churches• development of ships and sailing• competition among the nations for power

(Most people were Christian and owning land was a sign of wealth)

Read page 16

The World of West Africanspages 17-21

• Africans adapt their culture to their environment• Societies are organized by families• Traditions, laws and religion are passed down by

oral history• Some Africans became Muslims

Kingdoms: Benin and Songhai

Labor is more valued than land; slavery provided the labor

The Portuguese were the first to enslave Africans

In 1492,Columbus sailedthe ocean blue.

Why did the Spanish finance expeditions?Page 23

1. Gold

2. Glory

3. God

Why did the Spanish finance Columbus’s expeditions?

Page 23

1. Gold- to get rich

2. Glory- to be famous and accomplished; to beat the competition

3. God- to convert Native Americans to Christianity

Why were the voyages of Columbus a turning point in history?

Page 26

1. knowledge of geography increased2. exchange of plants, animals, diseases and

ideas3. other countries became interested in

exploration and became wealthy4. the need for labor in the Americas led to

enslaving Africans5. spread of the Spanish language and

Catholic religion

Columbian Exchangepage 26

What originated in each place?

The Americas Europe, Africa and Asia

Columbian Exchangepage 26

What originated in each place?

The Americasmaize (corn)potatopeanutpumpkinpineappleavocadotomatochili peppertobacco

Europe, Africa and Asiawheatsugar bananaricehorsechickensmallpoxmeaslesguns

“The Mission”• The first priest

• The Guarani

(Native Americans)

• Father Gabriel

• Captain Mendoza

European Colonization of the Americas


Chapter 2

What is a colony?

A colony is an area settled by immigrants who continue to be ruled by their parent country.

Settlements in the New Worldpages 36-51

YEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s








Settlements in the New Worldpages 36-51

YEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s


1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes






Settlements in the New Worldpages 36-51

YEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s p.49

1564 France Florida-

Fort Carolineno

1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes

1585 p. 44

1587 p. 42

1607 p. 44

1608 p. 49

1620 p. 51

Settlements in the New Worldpages 36-51

YEAR FROM TO Did it survive?

1530s, 1540s p.49

1564 France Florida-

Fort Carolineno

1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes

1585 p. 44

1587 p. 42

1607 p. 44

1608 p.49

1620 p.51

Settlements in the New WorldYEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s France Canada- Quebec no

1564 France Florida-

Fort Carolineno

1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes






Settlements in the New WorldYEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s France Canada- Quebec no

1564 France Florida-

Fort Carolineno

1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes

1585 England North Carolina- Roanoke






Settlements in the New WorldYEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s France Canada- Quebec no

1564 France Florida-

Fort Carolineno

1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes

1585 England North Carolina- Roanoke


1587 England North Carolina- Roanoke


1607 p. 44

1608 p. 49

1620 p.51

Settlements in the New WorldYEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s France Canada- Quebec no

1564 France Florida-

Fort Carolineno

1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes

1585 England North Carolina- Roanoke


1587 England North Carolina- Roanoke


1607 England Virginia- Jamestown yes

1608 p. 49

1620 p. 51

Settlements in the New WorldYEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s France Canada- Quebec no

1564 France Florida-

Fort Carolineno

1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes

1585 England North Carolina- Roanoke


1587 England North Carolina- Roanoke


1607 England Virginia- Jamestown yes

1608 France Canada- Quebec yes

1620 p. 51

Settlements in the New WorldYEAR FROM TO Did they survive?

1530s, 1540s France Canada- Quebec no

1564 France Florida-

Fort Carolineno

1565 Spain Florida-

St. Augustineyes

1585 England North Carolina- Roanoke


1587 England North Carolina- Roanoke


1607 England Virginia- Jamestown yes

1608 France Canada- Quebec yes

1620 England Massachusetts- Plymouth


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