unicorns booklet cards

Post on 22-Oct-2015






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What are Unicorns? • How Unicorns can helpyou • Descriptions and Affirmations • What theUnicorns Cards can do • How to use the cards •Requesting guidance • The Single Card • Layoutfor Your World Service • The Three Card Spread• Understanding your guidance

Text © Diana Cooper 2008Illustrations © Damian Keenan 2008

isbn 978-1-84409-144-7Edited by Michael Hawkins • Designed by Damian Keenan

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproducedwithout written permisson from the publisher

Published by Findhorn PressPrinted in China

What are unicorns?Some years ago I was sitting quietly on the lawnof my beautiful garden, relaxing in a chair andthinking about a book I was in the process ofwriting. Gradually I became aware of a Beingnear me and a wonderful sense of stillness en-veloped me. It did not feel like an angelic pres-ence. All at once I knew it was a unicorn. How Iknew this I do not know. I just did. I could notsee it fully; it was like a hazy white light hover-ing near me.

It told me it wanted me to write about uni-corns in my book! I gulped, not sure how theywould fit in.

I knew nothing about unicorns other thanthey were mythical horses but the unicorn tele-pathically imparted information into my con-sciousness.

He told me that they were etheric beings, sev-enth dimensional ascended horses, fully of theangelic realms. They are aspects of the divine, inthe same way that angels are.

He said they had been present in Atlantis dur-ing the Golden Times, when everyone was able

to connect to them, just as they did to theirGuardian Angel. Unfortunately as Atlantis de-volved into a low frequency, the beautiful uni-corns could not bring their energy down to sucha low level, so they withdrew.

Years ago when the angels asked me to writeand talk about them, they said that angels wereflocking to the planet under directive fromSource to help raise the consciousness of every-one and help Earth to ascend. It is now the samewith unicorns.

Dutifully and I have to say, joyfully, I startedto weave them into my book and they have sincecome into my life in wonderful ways.

They are white horses, which have ascendedinto the higher dimensions. Just like humans,horses reincarnate until they become perfectedbeings. In their case, they return to Earth againand again to learn their lessons, until they be-come white horses and can ascend in a blaze oflight. Then they work with us in their spiritualbodies as unicorns.

The unicorns have taught me such a lot andI feel overwhelming love, respect and awe forthese shy, mythical magnificent creatures and

hope that you too will feel touched by their en-ergy and their love, through these cards, and thebook I subsequently wrote on them, The Won-der of Unicorns (Findhorn Press 2008).

How unicorns can help youUnicorns remind us of who we truly are. Whileangels work through the heart, unicorns workwith the soul.

Their horn can be likened to a magic wand,pouring out divine energy. Wherever they directthis light, healing takes place. This is not justphysical and emotional healing but also soulhealing. They dissolve and heal the deepest,most profound wounds of the soul, which mayhave plagued you for many lifetimes. If you areready the unicorns can help you clear all karma,whether personal, family or country related. Youmust call on them to help.

The great ascended horses look for thosewho radiate a light and have a vision beyondtheir little selves. They seek people who aspireto help others and to change the world for thebetter, even if it is just their small corner of it.

They help you hold your vision and give youcourage and faith to continue in the face of chal-lenges and opposition. They strengthen andsteady you so that you have the dignity andcharisma to fight for what you believe is right.Unicorns grant wishes.

One of the greatest gifts you can have in thislife is to connect with your magnificent unicorn.Unicorns express and always speak of divinelove.

Cards: Description and AffirmationsThere are 44 Unicorns Cards, each of which rep-resents a different divine quality or person fromMystery to Magic, Mother Mary to ArchangelMichael so approach them with reverence. Youmay wish to meditate or pray, before and after,you receive the guidance and blessing the cardshold for you.

1. AspirationUnicorns help you aspire to great spiritualheights. So raise your visions and know thatyour potential is limitless for they are supportingyour dreams.Affirmation: The unicorns support

my aspirations.

2. BirthThis is a card of promise for the unicorns arewaiting to help you bring in the new. Expectgood things to happen and remain open to giftsfrom these wondrous beings.Affirmation: I expect new and wondrous things

to arrive in my life.

3. BlessingsWhen you ask the unicorns to use you as a chan-nel for their blessings, miracles can takeplace. This card reminds you to radiate unicornblessings and notice what comes into your life.Affirmation: I send unicorn blessings to

everything and everyone today.

4. ChoicesYou are being offered choices and the unicornsare nudging you in the right direction for yourhighest good. Be receptive to their promptingsand happiness lies ahead.Affirmation: I listen to the unicorns

and make wise choices today.

5. ClosenessThis card tells you that your unicorn is close toyou. Allow yourself to relax into its love andtrust that your wise and beautiful spiritual com-panion is helping you.Affirmation: I know my unicorn is close to me.

6. DignityThe unicorns confer dignity on those who havea vision to help others. Tell them of your dreamsand they will give you qualities of strength, calmand leadership, so that others will follow yourexample.Affirmation: I am calm, strong and dignified

for my unicorn is with me.

7. Divine sightBecause unicorns see with divine vision, theyonly see the good in people. This card asks youto look for the God in others and they will re-spond differently to you.Affirmation: I see the divine in everyone.

8. FeatherWhen you choose this card it is a sign from theunicorns that they have a message for you. Solook for a sign from them and know that theyare assisting you.Affirmation: I look for a message

from the unicorns today.

9. FlightUse your imagination to build castles in theair. Then ask the unicorns to help you groundyour visions. With their help you can achievemuch more than you believe possible.Affirmation: I use my imagination

to expand my visions.

10. FreedomOnly your thoughts and emotions can imprisonyou, so you are reminded to watch themtoday. Then ask your unicorn to touch yourthird eye with its horn to help you release all thatbinds you.Affirmation: My unicorn is setting me free.

11. FutureWhen you choose this card the unicorns remindyou that they will help you to create the futureyou desire. First let go of your past limitations,then move forward with confidence.Affirmation: With unicorn help I have the

power to create a wonderful fu-ture.

12. HelpThe unicorns are just a thought away. Ask themfor the help you need and trust that they willbring it to you.Affirmation: The unicorns are helping me.

13. HonestyThis card is a reminder to maintain your hon-our no matter what temptation or challengesface you. The unicorns will respond to your in-tegrity with rewards beyond your dreams.Affirmation: I act with honour and integrity

in all things.

14. HopeThe unicorns are offering you hope and inspi-ration. They are waiting to touch you withpromise and joy, so expect happy changes tocome into your life.Affirmation: I look for rainbows ahead.

15. IntuitionYour unicorn guidance is to spend quiet timetoday so that you can tune into your inner wis-dom. The answers you need are within you andthe unicorns will help you to access them.Affirmation: It is safe to act on my intuition.

16. InvisibilityThis card is guiding you to share your wisdomand light today. This is the time to speak yourtruth and your unicorn will help you to do so.Affirmation: It is safe to let people recognise

me for who I truly am.

17. LaughterUnicorns love laughter and happiness, so makelight of things today. Do something that fills youwith joy or meet friends who are bright andcheerful. This card reminds you that laughterraises the frequency around you and attractsunicorns to you.Affirmation: I make light of my challenges.

18. MagicMagic is the natural outcome of spiritual ener-gies in motion. The unicorns activate them allthe time so ask them to work with you to createmagic in your life today.Affirmation: I expect magic today.

19. ManifestationWhen you have a dream to help people or situ-ations the unicorns will give you the strength,courage and dignity to bring your vision tofruition.Affirmation: I will do something to help

others today.

20. MovingThis card suggests that change, internal or ex-ternal, is imminent. Prepare yourself to moveforward and know that the unicorns will helpyou to make something wonderful happen.Affirmation: My unicorn is helping me to

move forward.

21. MysteryWe live in a world full of wonder and mysteryfor much is hidden from our understand-ing. The unicorns are asking you to look underthe surface and you will be pleasantly surprisedat what you find.Affirmation: I am looking for the unexpected.

22. OpeningsThe unicorns are offering you the key to a newopportunity. Your guidance is to be aware of whatis being made available. If you cannot see it, takethe key and create your own opportunities.Affirmation: I seize all available opportunities

and make my own.

23. PerspectiveUnicorns are seventh dimensional beings oflight, so they see all things from a divine per-spective. Their guidance is to examine the situ-ations in your life through unicorn eyes thentake spiritually pure decisions.Affirmation: I look through unicorn eyes.

24. PromptingThis card is reminding you to make contact withsomeone today. You have an opportunity toreach out with an open heart and your unicornwill be whispering in your ear.Affirmation: I reach out with an open heart


25. ProsperityUnicorns are bringing you prosperity today. Youare asked to accept what comes to you with joyand gratitude, so that they can enhance the flowof abundance in your life.Affirmation: I accept all prosperity with joy

and gratitude.

26. RainbowThis card signifies the end of one period and thebeginning of something joyous and financiallyrewarding. Notice the signs of prosperity com-ing to you and more will follow.Affirmation: I expect beneficial outcomes.

27. Seeking goodThe unicorns remind you that there is a hiddenbonus or significant learning concealed in yourcurrent situation. It may be hard to see but whenyou find it, it will benefit your life.Affirmation: I am looking for the positive

in my life.

28. ServiceThe unicorns advise you to do that which satis-fies your soul. The key is to let go of your owndesires and serve others. Then you will find truehappiness.Affirmation: I seek that which satisfies my soul.

29. Soul PurposeUnicorns can help you to find your soul pur-pose. This card reminds you that only this willbring you a sense of satisfaction. So ask them toshow you the way, then listen to their prompt-ings.Affirmation: I act from my heart today.

30. The SilenceWhen you find time and space to be still andquiet, your unicorns can communicate withyou. They suggest you give yourself that oppor-tunity today and create some unicorn time.Affirmation: I am finding time to be still

and quiet today.

31. SurpriseSurprises keep life fresh and interesting. Choos-ing this card suggests that the unicorns are or-chestrating something unexpected for youtoday. So enjoy it.Affirmation: I look for a surprise today.

32. WisdomYou are called on to access your innate wisdomand act with honour in an aspect of yourlife. Ask the unicorns to help you and they willsupport and guide you.Affirmation: I act with wisdom today.

33. ListeningQuieten the chatter of your mind and listen tothe guidance of your unicorn today. They arewaiting to reveal answers to your dilemmas.Affirmation: I quieten my mind and listen to

my unicorn today.

34. Soul satisfactionUnicorns remind you that doing that whichmakes your soul rejoice is the only thing thatbrings true and lasting happiness as well as spir-itual growth. It is time now to aim for this idealand they will help you if you ask.Affirmation: I do that which satisfies my soul.

35. WishesUnicorns grant wishes to the pure in heart.Make a wish today for the highest good andknow that the magical unicorns will help tobring it to fruition.Affirmation: I focus onmy unicorn wish today.

36. Mother MaryMother Mary, the divine mother, is often seenwith her unicorn. Together they offer you ablessing. Accept this and let it bring joy to an as-pect of your life.Affirmation: I am open to divine blessings.

37. Archangel MichaelChoosing this card guides you to carry ArchangelMichael’s Sword of Truth to help someoneweakerthan yourself. Your unicorn is beaming integrity,courage and decisiveness at you.Affirmation: I stand in my power and help

others with integrity.

38. Archangel UrielArchangel Uriel is in charge of the Angels ofPeace and he works with the unicorns to spreadharmlessness and confidence. Picking this cardguides you to attune to them to bring peace toyour world.Affirmation: I spread peace today.

39. Archangel GabrielArchangel Gabriel brings purity to situationsand helps people find clarity. The unicorns en-hance this light. Ask them to help you purifysomething in your life so that you become clearabout your way forward.Affirmation: I am clear about my next step.

40. Archangel RaphaelArchangel Raphael is the angel of healing andabundance. Unicorns offer you these qualitiestoo. Choosing this card suggests you open your-self up to healing and abundance.Affirmation: I am open to receiving healing

and abundance.

41. PegasusA Pegasus is an ascended horse whose openheart radiates light, which is depicted aswings. This card indicates it is time for you toopen your heart.Affirmation: I open my heart today.

42. King of the UnicornsThe King of the Unicorns has an open heart,third eye and crown. He is a mighty being andthis is a special card, calling on you to stand inyour power with dignity and majesty.Affirmation: I act regally.

43. Queen of the UnicornsThe Queen of Unicorns has an open heart, thirdeye and crown. She represents the divine femi-nine and calls on you to act with true wisdomand compassion.Affirmation: I act with wisdom

and compassion.

44. The ChristThe Christ and unicorns both love uncondi-tionally. This card invites you to radiate purelove without judgement to everyone youmeet. This will open the doors of Heaven to you.Affirmation: I love everyone unconditionally.

What the Unicorns Cards can do. . .When you use the Unicorns Cards you will re-ceive guidance and insights. The cards will helpyou attune to the higher frequency of the uni-corns. The cards, however, cannot predict thefuture because you are responsible for your ownthoughts and decisions.

If you follow the soul guidance of the uni-corns you will raise your consciousness. Thismeans that you will attract to you situations andpeople of a higher vibratory level.

If you meditate on the guidance you receiveyou will start to open up to your psychic andspiritual gifts.

I believe that using the The Wonder of Uni-corns Cards will help you become more wholeboth personally and from a planetary perspec-tive.

How to use the cards

Requesting guidanceUnicorns will not give predictions, as your lifeis not written in stone. You have the powerwithin you to create your future. Your thoughts,emotions, decisions and actions all contribute towhat happens in your future.

So do not ask for specific answers to yourquestions, rather request the unicorns’ help andthey will offer guidance, hope and inspiration.

Be open minded and trust that the responsefrom the unicorns is encapsulated in the card orcards you are prompted to choose.

Your guidance lies in the card, which will in-dicate the qualities whichqualities, which youneed to focus on to achieve an outcome to yourquestion for the highest good. By looking at thesymbols in each card you have picked, intuitiveanswers will jump out at you.

The Single CardAsk your question silently or aloud as you shuf-fle the pack. Either pick one card from the packwith your left hand or fan the cards out and runyour left hand over it until you intuitively feelyou have chosen the right card. Using the lefthand, which is connected to the heart centre andto the intuitive right brain, makes it easier forthe divine forces to guide you to the perfect card.

Layout for World ServiceShut your eyes and hold your vision for peace,love, co-operation and community everywhere.Ask the unicorns for guidance about how youcan best serve this outcome. Then quietly med-itate on the highest good of your soul and theplanet.

Place your left hand on your heart and askyour unicorn to touch it with its horn. After amoment pick two cards for guidance. If the uni-corns prompt you to do so, you may choosemore cards.

This layout is named after the FindhornCommunity, who are dedicated to world service.

The Three Card SpreadWhen you have asked your question, with yourleft hand pick from the pack or from your fan ofcards the three that you feel inspired to choose.

Card 1 represents the immediate past. This isthe preparation time, which has brought you tothe point of asking this question.

Card 2 represents the present. This is the cur-rent situation and from here the idea or vision isbrought into reality.

Card 3 represents the future, the possible re-sult or outcome.

Understanding your guidanceIf you are not sure of the meaning look deeperand ask the unicorns to help. Contemplate thesymbols on each card, their rich imagery canclarify and reveal what you need to know.

Remember to thank the unicorns for grati-tude is the gateway to universal abundance.

The Wonder of Unicorns: the book

Diana Cooper shares her personal connectionwith these elusive spirit guides, similar in pres-ence and power to angels. She explains ancientmyths and legends and shares meditations, ritu-als and ceremonies for all enlightenment seek-ers.

208-page paperback, ISBN 978-1-84409-143-0published by Findhorn Press


Also by Diana Cooper

Angels of Light CardsWisdom Cards (with Greg Suart)

Angel Cards for ChildrenTeen-Angel Cards

Atlantis Cards

The Wonder of UnicornsAscension through OrbsA Little Light on Angels

A New Light on AscensionA Little Light on the Spiritual Laws

Angel AnswersAngel InspirationDiscover AtlantisLight Up Your Life

Angel Colouring BookAngels of Light Double CD

For information on Diana Cooper’s work,please visit www.dianacooper.com

life-changing books

For a complete catalogue,please contact:

Findhorn Press Ltd305a The Park, Findhorn

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You are unlimited,so aim for the stars.



Let go of the past and move forward.


Fu t ur e

Look with new eyes and create the change that awaits you.



Laughter attracts unicorns.


L augh t er

Change is happening, so be prepared to move physically or spiritually.


Mov ing

A new door is opening for you.

Open ings


Act with wisdom and people will respect you.


W isdom

Healing and abundance are coming to you.


A rch a ngel R a ph a el

You are blessed with love, compassion and wisdom.

Queen of t he U n icor ns


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