using digital performance analytic to optimize digital user experience id av5

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Using Digital Performance Analytic to optimize Digital User Experience



The New Digital CustomerEmpowered60% rate performance/response time as #1 mobile app expectation ahead of features and functionality(Forrester, Nov 2014)Demanding Multi-device2+ BILLIONPeople have some form of a social media account.44% will air their frustration on social media when poor experience(Dynatrace Survey, Dec 2014)95%digital shoppers who started on a smartphone continued on a PC (Forrester, Q4 2014)

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceWhat's the thing you touch the first thing you wake up?- Your handphone?What is the last thing you do at night?- Maybe a tablet, streaming video or shoppingWhat happens when the steaming hang of the shopping site hang?- You get frustrated and you post your frustration on the social media

And businesses are adapting to attract these new digital customers


No Business is Immune to Digital Disruption

Do you think your business will be disrupted by digital technologies in the next 12 months?Forrester, March 2014

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceWith the current digital trends, all almost all industries thinks that their industry will be impacted by the digital disruption

In Insurance 22 day to 22 minsEgov initiative, Paying of Tax, Checking of CPF and even registering of new companies are done onlineIn Banking, Citibank CEO Micheal Corbat even say that Citibank is a Technology company with a banking licence. (In the case of Visa, during a failed transaction over credit card. The cashier will ask you Do you have another card. She will not ask if you have another Visa card. You are lucky if you tries to swipe the card more than 2 timesLast but not least, Even in F&B, you see your waitress, keying in your order using ipads


Digital Disruption

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceWhats even more interesting, Product differentiation may not even be important any more. The new fledging companies are all platform companies that do not have physical products.

And what happens when the basic product and services get commoditizes. Access and performance becomes critical.

Let me show you a video from a Forester Analyst on the impact of ignoring this Digital Disruption.


#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceSo what does the digital disruption got to do for business5

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceSo we now know or agree that digital is becoming more important. But just in 2014 There are15.8 outage per hour. What are organisation doing to address this?

And So what if your website is up? Is it enough? 6

3 seconds of tolerance

46% will shop elsewhere if a site takes longer than this60% rate performance/response time as #1 mobile app expectation ahead of features and functionality

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceForrester 2014In our study we found 46% of shoppers will shop elsewhere if it takes longer than 3 seconds for a retail site to load. And yet only 40% of the fortune 500 load within 3 seconds. Which is a problem in considering average time to just load the home page of the Singapore Financial Industry is already 4.017 seconds. 7

New Reality, New QuestionsWhat is a typical customer journey across touch-points?What is driving abandonment at given pages/steps? Why is my app getting 2 stars ratings?How do visitors perceive my site vs. my competitors?

Why is my conversion rate low with this customer segment?How is conversion affected by performance?Why is A/B Testing not improving conversions?What is the impact of adding another ad block to my site?

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceSO in order to be Digital Predator, we need to ask ourselves new questions And this shift in the digital users expectation prompts business to ask new questions

Questions like8

Whats Preventing Better User Experience Insights?What is a typical customer journey across touch-points?What is driving abandonment at given pages/steps? Why is my app getting 2 stars ratings?How do visitors perceive my site vs. my competitors?

Why is my conversion rate low with this customer segment?How is conversion affected by performance?Why is A/B Testing not improving conversions?What is the impact of adding another ad block to my site?Siloed analytics per channelRising complexity 50 external services behind a site on average (social, ads, analytics, etc.)Device type proliferation 600+ devices to cover 80% of the market

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceAnd the data to digital performance is key to answering these question. However, it is not simple

Some of these data can be fragmented and Siloes For example,

The traditional IT way of monitoring application will just tell you that the Network and Infra is up and availableThe Google Analytic data give insights to web performance, but cannot co-relates to the IT architectures

Coupled with rising complexity when a average website can host up to 50 external service (including, social, ads and analytics on top of the rising no of devices and OS out there

Digesting this data is not easy. After all what we want is answer, not data


We want Answers not Data

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceLet me give you 1 example where data is used to derive Answers


Getting Answer from DataIn WWII, Allied bombers were key to strategic attacks

constantly shot down over enemy territory. The planes needed more armour

Abraham Wald started with a simple diagramthe outline of a plane

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceHe marked bullet holes corresponding to where each returning bomber had been shot.

The wings, nose, and tail were blackened with bullet holes, so these were the spots that needed more Armor. Or so we thought.

But a more analytical way is to understand what happen to the planes that did not come back?

That are actually hit in the AREA where there are no bullet holes in Abrahams diagram.

So similarly in Digital Performance, we need to interprete the data from various sources to deliver a Optimise digital user experience


Optimised Digital User Experience

User BehaviorUser Environment

User Action Response Time


#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceMetrics like User Action Response Time, Errors, User Behaviour and User environment are all like the bullet holes in the previous example where data are analysed together to get an answers the Optimise Digital User Experience


5 Key Performance Metrics to optimise digital user experience

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceAnd At Dynatrace we recommend 5 performance metric that business should look out for to optimise the user experience



#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#Dynatracefundamental that for all you website or application is responsive and available in your intended geographies across the different devices and platforms14

ResponsivenessIs your application accessible in different country or region?Are the users of your application Satisfied, Tolerating or Frustrated

Is your application optimized for the platform its being viewed on?Are your users able to easily view and navigate through the application?

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceAs you collect the user data, all users, all transaction, you can map out the no. of Satisfied, Tolerating or Frustrated user across region and geographies

You should also understand the impact of different devices and OS on your applications.


#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceIs your application accessible in different country or region?


#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceIs your application optimized for the platform its being viewed on?


#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceWhy is all this important?

Eg. The recent launch of iphone 6S and iOS or window 10 updates. It is important to note if the majority of your users has done the upgrades and what impact is that having on your applications? If a big percentage of user is impacted, and conversion is dropping, you may need to update your application quickly

The ability to drill down on the frustrated or affected users helps you to prioritise and drill down to the root cause faster.


Responsiveness: The whole visit matters

Last steps issues ruins the whole visit

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceThe entire user experience of the user is crucial, it is no good that your application is performing working 80% of the time only for it to fail during the last steps.


Responsiveness: The whole visit matters50% transactions abandoned

Visit 26% steps with issues

Visit 3

Visit 4

Visit 5

Visit 6

Visit 1visit also needed to compute conversion and bounce rates

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceYou may have encountered experiences like travel booking or booking of movie tickets but only to have the transaction failed in the last step. In fact, it could even be more frustrating.

We at Dynatrace have note that in the case where 6% of the step that have issues; there could be more then 50% abandonment.

However, with digital performance analytics if the booking site can call you back and say that, Hi Mr Jerry, we noticed your transactions have failed. How can I help you complete your transactions?

What business impact it can have, if this is done for:Failed Check in to airlines for gold or platinum membersFailed ecommerce transaction worth more than $200


Service Recovery/ Personalised call toFailed Check in for Gold Frequent Flyer membersFailed ecommerce transaction of more than $200

There is an opportunity in this

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceYou may have encountered experiences like travel booking or booking of movie tickets but only to have the transaction failed in the last step. In fact, it could even be more frustrating.

We at Dynatrace have note that in the case where 6% of the step that have issues; there could be more then 50% abandonment.

However, with digital performance analytics if the booking site can call you back and say that, Hi Mr Jerry, we noticed your transactions have failed. How can I help you complete your transactions?

What business impact it can have, if this is done for:Failed Check in to airlines for gold or platinum membersFailed ecommerce transaction worth more than $200



#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#Dynatrace latency is the amount of time it takes for the host server to receive and process a request for a page object. 22




Latency: Optimising every componentThe average attention span of todays consumer is 3 - 8 seconds.Lag times between requests and page loads run the risk of losing customers.1 Sec delay = 7% reduction in conversion

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceAnd as mentioned earlier in the slides, attention span of the consumers today is 3 to 8 secs and with the average website having more than 50 external content, it is crucial to optimise every component.

So a waterfall chart like this will help identify when components are causing the bottleneck


Latency: Optimise your images

According to the HTTP Archive, the average top 1,000 web page is 1491 KB in size

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceWebsite are getting more and more heavy and one of the most common culprit is images.

This is an example of a very poorly design website, with too many pages to load and too confusing.25

Latency: Improving your LatencyAllow more requests to happen concurrently.Shorten the server round trips by bringing content closer to users.Reduce the number of round trips.Improve the browser cache, so that it can:store files and serve them where relevant on subsequent pages in a visit andstore and serve files for repeat visits.



3rd Party Impact


DoubleClick is a subsidiary of Google which develops and provides Internet ad serving services.27

3rd Party Impact


DoubleClick is a subsidiary of Google which develops and provides Internet ad serving services.28

YouThird Parties


Social Media

Ad Provider

3rd Party Impact: Trust but Verify

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceMeasuring third-party content can accurately determine whose domain is responsible for poor performance.

While we trust that most of the 3rd party provider does adhere to their SLA most of the time, but we need to manage them.

After all it is your website or business at stake, not the 3rd party providers

The proactive monitoring of these 3rd party providers will save your site as most outages started with performance degration over a period of time




Load Testing MetricChina Railway Corporation2.97 Billion Page Visits per day280M Million tickets per day

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceHave a big launch coming up? Make sure youre ready. Ensure that your website or application can handle the spike in traffic that is likely to happen on launch day


Load Testing Metric

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceThat might have been a pretty extreme case. But without data on Web load,

Your business may be impacted when it matters most to you.

IRAS last weeks of tax filingEducation accessing results and applying for new courseAnd when you just spend 30k on a advertising campaign to promote your services


Load Testing: Why you Load Test

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceLaunch Readiness. Many businesses always test their feature and function but ignore performance. But note that Performance is usu the factor that given your app the ratings no point having a poor rated app and having to redesign the app again


Load Testing MetricWeb Server (Busy and Idle Threads/ Throughput/ Bandwidth)App Server (CPU Hotspot/ Worker Threads/ Memory issues)Host Health (CPU, Memory, Disk I/O/ Key Processes)Application (Time Spent in logical Tier or Layer / No. of calls into a logical tier)Database ActivitiesAverage # SQL per user/ Total # SQL statements/ slowest SQL)Connection Pool (Utilisation / Acquisition time)Error Detection (# of exceptions/ # of log entries)

Download the Key Performance Metrics For Load Tests Beyond Response Time whitepaper



Benchmarking: Context is key

4.59 sec

2.04 sec



Benchmarking: Features vs Performance

#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceOver time, new features gets added into you website and application.

Need to balance the features vs performance. Do house keeping and manage your most critical feature that give you 80% of your business36

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#COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE#DynatraceBenchmarking: Context is key



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