what’s the scoop?. * what is your favorite sweet treat?

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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What’s the scoop?

*Alternative Sweeteners

*Partner Interaction

*What is your favorite sweet treat?

*Added Sugars

*Manufactured foods/added during cooking

*Candy bars, soda, fruit drinks

*Sugar, sucrose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, maltose, dextrose, invert sugar, malt syrup, fruit juice concentrate, corn sweetener, brown sugar, lactose, honey, molasses, raw sugar, syrup

*Empty calories

*Added Sugars

*What are alternative sweeteners?

*Natural or man-made product that is used to sweeten food.

*Aspartame, saccharin, stevia, sucralose

*Partner Interaction

*Where have you seen alternative sweeteners?

*Some basic info

*200 - 8,000 times as sweet as white sugar

*Most can be used as a substitute to sugar in recipes

*In large amounts, may cause gastrointestinal distress

*Let’s Make a List!

*Common products with alternative


*Sodas, carbonated beverages, juice beverages, coffee syrups

*Cookies, crackers, bread, granola bars

*Gelatins and puddings


*Gum and candy


*Truvia, PureVia and SweetLeaf

*200x sweeter than sugar

*Made from an herb

*Can be used in cooking and baking

*Calorie free

*No Acceptable Daily Intake established yet


*Sweet ‘n’ Low, Equal Saccharin

*300-500x sweeter than sugar


*Can be used in cooking and baking

*Calorie free

*Acceptable Daily Intake is 5 mg/kg of body weight = 9-12 packets of sweetener a day


*Equal, NutraSweet, and NatraTaste Blue

*200x sweeter than sugar


*Not heat stable; cannot use in cooking and baking

*Most often used in diet soda

*Does have calories but very few

*Acceptable Daily Intake: 50 mg/kg body weight = 18 or 19 cans of diet soda a day


*Splenda, Nutrataste Gold, Equal Sucralose

*600x sweeter than sugar

*Made by converting sugar molecules so the body cannot digest

*Can be used in cooking and baking

*Calorie free

*Acceptable Daily Intake is 5 mg/kg of body weight = 6 cans of diet soda a day

*Let’s Taste It!

*Role Play!

*Take Away Message

*This information is to help you answer participant’s questions, not for you to start teaching in your classes.

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