wisp bosnia

Post on 20-Aug-2015



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  1. 1. WISP: Assignment 2BOSNIA
    Done By:
    Tan Kian Tuck (S10049760B)
    Koh Sui Xiong (S10047038K)
    Sum Zheng Wei Samuel (S10047737H)
  3. 3. Background information
    Bosnia and Herzegovina has historically been a multi-ethnic state.
    In 1990, the population of the country was approximately
    43% Bosniacs (Muslims)
    31% Serbians
    17% Croatians
    However since that time, the Bosniac population has declined and Serb has risen because of the ethnic cleansing by Serbian army
  4. 4. Background Information
    In November 1990, the first multi-party election took place and the three largest nationalist parties won
    Party of Democratic Action
    Serbian Democratic Party
    Croatian Democratic Union
    Power was divided along the ethnic lines
    President of Socialist Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina was a Bosiac
    President of the Parliament was a Serbian
    Prime minster was a Croatian
  5. 5. Conflicts Increasing Events
    A war does not takes place suddenly. It needed something to trigger and these were some events that indirectly led to the war.
    In 1955-1958: The Yugoslav state encouraged Bosniacs to move and immigrate to Turkey by banning Muslim religion and allowing an easy and quick procedure for releasing from Yugoslav citizenship.
    In 1991: Bosniacs actors set up Moslem Ethnic Council. However this body was never been recognized by Serbian authorities.
  6. 6. Main Factors
    Race and Religion
    Three main races
    Bosniacs, Serbs, Croats
    Bosnian Muslims & Croatian Christians
    Basic Division
    All protecting their own ethnic rights
    Real minorities practically non-existent, the Jews
  7. 7. Main Factors
    Social Inequalities
    Bosniacs no citizenship (1963)
    Only given if declared as Serbs
    Islam was not even recognized at one point of time (1963)
    Votes held by the Bosniacs not recognized (1991)
    Votes based on geographic residence
    Bosnian language not recognized (until year 2000)
  8. 8. Social Inequality
    Refers to a lack of social equality whereby individuals do not have equal social status.
    Before the Bosnian war started, Bosnian Muslims in Eastern Bosnia had already suffered from social inequality such as:
    Removed from their employment
    Be Ostracized
    Freedom to move was restricted
  9. 9. Main Factors
    Prejudices Leading To Discrimination
    Serbs thought of other races as lower people
    Ethnic Cleansing
    Controversial stereotypes of women as dedicated mothers or seductive models
    Presented either as mother/wife/housewife, old woman, or show business figure
  10. 10. Ethnic Cleansing
    The initial stages of the operation typically consists of systematic and brutal removal through:
    Killings of high profile political and business personalities in the area
    It was done with the aim of depriving the community targeted as a whole of political, social and economic leadership and support.
  11. 11. Treatment of Women
    General Treatment Of Women
    Women nearly invisible
    Only appear when one goes to the entertainment, fashion or TV section
    When analysts are asked to comment on social/political events, 90% of the time men
    Underrepresented at higher levels of decision-making in the media
    Rarely chief editors, general managers or decision makers
    Print media marginalize women in dominating areas
    Judged on looks, and not achievements
  12. 12. Treatment of Womem
    In Bosnia, studies found that there are controversial stereotypes of women as:
    Dedicated mothers
    Seductive models
    Items in print media about women are often presented incorrectly
    Often happens in reporting crimes committed by women as they were almost automatically declared guilty
  13. 13. Other Factors
    Largely Agricultural based
    Only industrialized nearing 1990s
    Serbians came into contact with most development
    Lead to securing of advanced military technology and equipment
    Largely the cause of Serbs sense of superiority
  14. 14. Other Factors
    Bosniacs boycott elections (1992, 1993)
    Declarations of independence, Sovereign states
    Bosnia-Hercegovina and Croatia (1993)
    Serbs opposed independence
    Immediate cause of destruction in the nation
  15. 15. Other Factors
    Allport's Scale of Prejudice
    Scale 1: Antilocution
    means a majority group freely make jokes about a minority group.
    Scale 2: Avoidance
    People in a minority group are actively avoided by members of the majority group.
    Scale 3: Discrimination
    Minority group is discriminated against by denying them opportunities and services and so putting prejudice into action.
    Scale 4: Physical Attack
    The majority group vandalize minority group things, they burn property and carry out violent attacks on individuals or groups.
    Scale 5: Extermination
    The majority group seeks extermination or removal of the minority group.
    the Rwandan Genocide and ethnic cleansing in Bosnia.
  17. 17. Discrimination
    There are similar discriminations between Bosnia and Today Singapore, however they are not obvious in reality.
    The main discrimination that is similar are the following:
    Gender discrimination
    Racial discrimination
    Different discrimination found in Singapore and not in Bosnia.
    Age discrimination
  18. 18. Gender Discrimination
    In present Singapore, gender discrimination still exist but not many people have seen it.
    The discriminated gender are the women.
    Most of them are limited to low-paying jobs.
    Happen in both periphery and core industry.
    Caused by statistical discrimination, pre-existing structural differences and sexism.
  19. 19. Racial Discrimination
    Singapore is a Chinese dominated , country, thus, other minority group such as Malays and Eurasians will experience some racism.
    Malays are often singled out as a socially and economically underachieving community in Singapore.
    Racial discrimination leads to the racial riots in 1964 which also known as Prophet Muhammad Birthday Riots, 1964 Racial Riots, and 1964 Sino-Malay Riots.
  20. 20. Continuation from racial discrimination
    The four official groups in Singapore coexisted peacefully since its independence in 1965
    Does not mean that racial discrimination and intolerance are non-existent.
    Due to everyday social tensions and discomforts arising from living with cultural difference are rarely officially acknowledged.
    The term racism is entirely absent from official discourse and public debate in Singapore.
  21. 21. Age Discrimination
    The discrimination did not happen in Bosnia but in Singapore.
    It occurs when a decision is made on the basis of a persons age.
    Due to The Age Discrimination Employment Act developed in 1967, employer are not allowed to have discrimination against according to their age when it comes to: term, condition or privilege of employment.
  22. 22. Prejudice
    The prejudices that are found in Singapore are as followed:
    Foreign Talent
    All the above prejudice are not similar to the one happen in Bosnia.
  23. 23. Foreign Talent
    Some will look down on Singaporeans thinking we do not have the capability or knowledge.
    Mostly occupying the highest paid position and the lowest paid position.
    Different treatment when comes to a foreigners and a locals.
  24. 24. PRC
    Also know as Peoples Republic of China
    Taking over Singaporean jobs as they can accept a lower pay.
    They way they speak.
    Their Chinese accent is different from Singapore Chinese.
    Some have bad attitude thinking that they are always right and forget they are in another country.
    Language Barrier.
    Mostly do not understand English, thus, unable to communicate.
  25. 25. Bangladesh
    Due to smell
    Some people dont like them as they do not smell good.
    Their skin color
    Having prejudice because they are black or brown in color.
    Mostly taking up construction jobs.
    Most people think of construction jobs as lowly jobs.
  26. 26. If unchecked by 2061
    The future of Singapore might change as the discrimination or prejudice become worse.
    Another racial riot between races or gender might happen.
    Thus will result in social fractures and divisions
  27. 27. PART CWhat can be done to prevent the imagined future from becoming a reality?
  28. 28. Brainstorming
    Creating public awareness of the issues through different means.
    Dramas / Plays / Acts
    Alerting Singaporeans about the low birth rate issues and methods to prevent families from having only one child.
    Adopting babies
    Baby Bonuses
  29. 29. Racial Inequality
    In the older days, there use to be racial riots. The Malays felt that they are not being treated equally. For example, Chinese are richer and they have a larger population in Singapore
    In present, Government try to promote racial equality. They provide the Malays with study incentives such as no school fee paid. Racial harmony day is also celebrated.
  30. 30. Racial Inequality Solutions
    Organized campaign to promote racial harmony.
    Organized more job fair prioritizefor women so that they are not being discriminated against.
    Promote gender equality in all races in Singapore.
    By having games of having both gender participating.
  31. 31. Racial Inequality Solutions
    Races equality measures
    HDB remain the percentages of different races
    Organizing events that require different races to be working together
    Talks and campaign on different races to let the people understand each other differences and culture
    Make it illegal to discriminate on different races
  32. 32. Gender Inequality
    Women in the past are being treated as salve. They have no right to reject what they are being told to do by males. For example, female can not doesnt choose their husband, its the husband that choose the wife.
    In modern world, women are treated more equally than the past. Some women are getting high position in company and have proven they can be better than male.
  33. 33. Gender Inequality Solution
    Talks on how capable women can be in modern world
    For female, focusing mainly on young girls
    Show them what women can achieve
    Start to build up their confidence from young, let them believe they can do it
    Show that women arent inferior as compare to guys, showing examples
  34. 34. Gender Inequality Solutions
    Women incentives
    Advantages in term of living condition, eg. Work incentives for women
    Giving them more incentives that wont make them feel inferior
    Protective measures against discrimination
  35. 35. Low Birth Rate
    Government are encouraging families into having more children. One method is giving baby bonus for first 4 children born in a family.
  36. 36. Low Birth Rate Solutions
    Promote high birth rate
    Give better child incentives
    Talks to non-children family, showing them the joy and advantages of having children
    Government provide more subsidies for children, will provide more for poor family
  37. 37. Lack of Water Source
    Securing water sources
    Singapore is a small country without much water resources, therefore we have to get water from neighboring countries. However, Singapore have now started on producing new water as another source of water
  38. 38. Lack of Water Source Solutions
    Securing water sources
    Build good relationship with more neighboring countries with water resource
    Trade agreement with other countries for water sources, act as a backup plan if Malaysia break off water contract talks
    Keeping good relationship with Malaysia
  39. 39. Genetic Engineering Solutions
    Available only if a family already have a child and want another children of different gender
    Impose a limit to the number of males and female born per year, balancing the ratio
    Increase the fees of using genetic engineering significantly to prevent large amount of people using it
  40. 40. Thank You
    Done By:
    Tan Kian Tuck (S10049760B)
    Koh Sui Xiong (S10047038K)
    Sum Zheng Wei Samuel (S10047737H)
  41. 41. References
    http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/174/Bosnia-Herzegovina-HISTORY-BACKGROUND.html **

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