your personality part 1

Post on 21-Aug-2015



Self Improvement



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Your personality Part 1Who are you?

What we’ll learn today:

• Positive and negative characteristics / personality traits

• What are your positive and negative traits

• Allergies (Which people don’t you like?)

Characteristics / Personality traits

• Independent: Not relying on another or others for aid or support.• Generous: Liberal in giving or sharing; unselfish.• Optimistic: Hopeful and confident about the future.• Enthusiastic: Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.• Courageous: Not deterred by danger or pain; brave.• Dependable: Capable of being depend on; worthy of trust; reliable.• Persistent: Persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement,

etc.; persevering.• Loyal: Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or

institution.• Patient: Able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without

becoming annoyed or anxious.• Energetic: Showing or involving great activity or vitality.• Clever: Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent.• Imaginative: Having or showing creativity or inventiveness. • Witty: Showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor. • Adaptable: Able to adjust to new conditions.• Caring: Displaying kindness and concern for others.• Responsible: Having an obligation to do something



• Confident: Feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one’s abilities or qualities.• Ambitious: Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.• Encouraging: Giving someone support or confidence; supportive.• Analytical: Relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning. • Observant: Quick to notice or perceive things.• Helpful: Giving or ready to give help.• Reliable: Consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.• Passionate: Strong feelings or beliefs.• Resourceful: Having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.• Dynamic:  Positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.• Humorous: Causing laughter and amusement; comic.• Inventive: Having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally.• Original: Not dependent on other people’s ideas; inventive or novel.• Compassionate: Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.• Accepting: Being open for suggestions.• Devoted: Very loving or loyal.



Characteristics / Personality traits

My 6 positive personality traits

• Optimistic

• Enthusiastic

• Adaptable

• Witty

• Clever

• Observant

• Helpful

• Humorous

• Compassionate

• Accepting

Optimistic Observant

Adaptable Helpful

Clever Humorous

Characteristics / Personality traits

• Lazy: Unwilling to work or use energy.• Possessive: Demanding someone’s total attention and love.• Materialistic: Excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented.• Self-indulgent: Allowing oneself to have or do the things that they enjoy very much. • Superficial: Having little understanding of anything serious or important.• Impulsive: Doing things suddenly without thinking about them carefully first.• Indecisive: Finding it difficult to make decisions.• Clingy: Holding on to a person very tightly.• Self-pitying:  easily feeling sorry for yourself and your problems.• Oversensitive: excessively responsive to or aware of feelings, reactions, etc.• Pretentious: Trying to seem more important and significant then you are.• Melodramatic: Being exaggerating and overemotional.• Stubborn: Being determined to do what you want and refuses to change your mind.• Skeptical: Always having doubts about things.• Inflexible:  Not willing to change or be altered, even if the situation changes.• Cold: Not effected by emotion.

• Lazy: Unwilling to work or use energy.• Possessive: Demanding someone’s total attention and love.• Materialistic: Excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented.• Self-indulgent: Allowing oneself to have or do the things that they enjoy very much. • Superficial: Having little understanding of anything serious or important.• Impulsive: Doing things suddenly without thinking about them carefully first.• Indecisive: Finding it difficult to make decisions.• Clingy: Holding on to a person very tightly.• Self-pitying:  easily feeling sorry for yourself and your problems.• Oversensitive: excessively responsive to or aware of feelings, reactions, etc.• Pretentious: Trying to seem more important and significant then you are.• Melodramatic: Being exaggerating and overemotional.• Stubborn: Being determined to do what you want and refuses to change your mind.• Skeptical: Always having doubts about things.• Inflexible:  Not willing to change or be altered, even if the situation changes.• Cold: Not effected by emotion.



• Jealous: Angry feeling because they think that another person is trying to take away someone or something that they love.

• Obsessive: Not being able to stop doing a particular thing or behaving in a particular way.

• Suspicious: Not being able to trust people. Feeling like others are up to no good. • Manipulative: Controlling or influencing people to produce a particular result.• Unemotional: Not capable of showing emotion.• Inhibited: Finding it hard to behave naturally or show feelings.• Conceited: Having an exaggerated opinion about oneself. • Distrusting: Not being able to trust people.• Unimaginative: Lacking in imagination or imaginative thought; dull.• Escapist: Providing or seeking distraction and relief from unpleasant realities,

especially in the form of entertainment or fantasy.• Moody: Easily depressed or angry without a warning.• Short-tempered: Easily moved to anger.• Self-involved: Wrapped-up in oneself or one’s own thoughts.• Impulsive: Acting or done without forethought.• Impatient: Easily annoyed when having to wait for something.



Characteristics / Personality traits

My 6 Negative personality traits

• Impulsive

• Lazy

• Escapist

• Indecisive

• Oversensitive

• Manipulative

• Self involved

Impulsive Lazy

Escapist Indecisive

Oversensitive Manipulative

Overview personality traits

Impulsive Lazy

Escapist Indecisive

Oversensitive Manipulative

Optimistic Observant

Adaptable Helpful

Clever Humorous

Allergy: Antonyms / opposites

Pessimistic Careless

Inflexible Unhelpful

Stupid Serious

Optimistic Observant

Adaptable Helpful

Clever Humorous

I hope to see you next time!

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