an intranet web based program to work in conjunction with transfinder, our transportation database....

An intranet web based program to work in conjunction with Transfinder, our transportation database. updated August 1, 2013

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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 An intranet web based program to work in conjunction with Transfinder, our transportation database. updated August 1, 2013 Slide 3 Request a Field Trip- Automated Request View Field Trips- Can see field trips in various formats, such as calendar, building, etc Student Look Up- will show students personal information such as address, phone, contacts, bus, etc Trip Look Up- Can see where the field trip request is at in the approval process Log Out- As with other programs, please log out before closing the browser Slide 4 Home: Is the welcome page showing Messages and Quick Links Slide 5 By simply clicking on search a list of students in your building will show. Slide 6 By clicking on a students name, the system will open that students data. There you will find additional information. There are several tabs which will expand the information. Highlights of this area are: Disabilities: This area is actually for medical concerns a student would have listed in Websis. Please note, this area will show if the student has a medical concern. You would then need to click on the Notes tab to see the actual concern. Slide 7 Slide 8 Address tab: Shows both the Mailing Address and the Geo Address (Physical). Schedule Tab: Shows both an a.m. bus and p.m. bus. The stop times are approximate. Slide 9 Contact: A Guardian is listed along with the students home phone. Infofinder le doesnt allow for additional guardians to be listed in this area. Therefore we have listed the guardian once in the Guardian field and again in the Contact #1 field. Home Phone is the home phone listed (mobile or land) of the student. The Contact #1 Phone will be the other number (if more than one phone) of the guardian. This ensures both numbers will be listed. The Contact #2 is an Emergency contact person. This area also only allows one phone number. Slide 10 Notes: The guardian home/mobile and Emergency Contact home/mobile have been copied here to clarify available contact numbers. Slide 11 Reports- The reports tab has a number of reports that are accessible to principals and offices. Options: Log Out, change password etc Slide 12 Feel free to log in, using your first initial last name, your initial password is your first name. Once you are logged in, you can change your password, Options>Change Password. Check out the program, this is a read only program, any changes are made in Websis then imported. We hope this will be very helpful to all offices, coaches and teachers.