
Hello! I’m Catherine.

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Catherine Lu application


Page 1: Application

Hello!  I’m  Catherine.  

Page 2: Application

Hello!  I’m  Catherine.  Class  of  2014  

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Hello!  I’m  Catherine.  Class  of  2014  

With  a  personal  interest  in  medicine.  

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Hello!  I’m  Catherine.  Class  of  2014  

With  a  personal  interest  in  medicine.  

Entered  Stanford  as  a  premed…  

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Hello!  I’m  Catherine.  Class  of  2014  

With  a  personal  interest  in  medicine.  

Entered  Stanford  as  a  premed…  But  became  unsure  aBer  CS106A  

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Hello!  I’m  Catherine.  Class  of  2014  

With  a  personal  interest  in  medicine.  

Entered  Stanford  as  a  premed…  But  became  unsure  aBer  CS106A  

(to  the  slight  dismay  of  my  parents).  

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Thought  at  end  of  sophomore  year:  

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Thought  at  end  of  sophomore  year:  “I  really  enjoy  building  a  product  and  the  problem  solving  in  coding.  But  I  also  feel  fulfillment  volunteering  at  the  free  clinic.”  

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Thought  at  end  of  sophomore  year:  “I  really  enjoy  building  a  product  and  the  problem  solving  in  coding.  But  I  also  feel  fulfillment  volunteering  at  the  free  clinic.”  

“Maybe  I  can  combine  my  interests.  I  should  look  into  how  technology  can  help  

improve  people’s  health.”  

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This  summer…  

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This  summer…  Interned  as  a  soBware  engineer  at  Google  

and  had  an  incredible  experience  –  company  culture  and  work  were  amazing.  

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This  summer…  Interned  as  a  soBware  engineer  at  Google  

and  had  an  incredible  experience  –  company  culture  and  work  were  amazing.  

No  longer  premed.  

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Current  goal*  aBer  Stanford:  

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Current  goal*  aBer  Stanford:  

*Warning:  Subject  to  frequent  change!  

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Current  goal*  aBer  Stanford:  Have  large  role  in  creaZng  a  company  like  Google  –  fast  iteraZon,  high  integrity  of  

products,  focus  on  engineers  –  for  improving  health.  

*Warning:  Subject  to  frequent  change!  

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Why  I’m  interested  in  your  class  

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Why  I’m  interested  in  your  class  Would  learn  a  different  set  of  skills  from  an  open-­‐ended,  project-­‐focused  class  such  as  CS377T  from  other  classes  I’ve  taken.  

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Why  I’m  interested  in  your  class  Would  learn  a  different  set  of  skills  from  an  open-­‐ended,  project-­‐focused  class  such  as  CS377T  from  other  classes  I’ve  taken.  

Would  get  to  work  with  other  students  with  aligned  interests  

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Why  I’m  interested  in  your  class  Would  learn  a  different  set  of  skills  from  an  open-­‐ended,  project-­‐focused  class  such  as  CS377T  from  other  classes  I’ve  taken.  

Would  get  to  work  with  other  students  with  aligned  interests  

and  learn  from  an  experienced  prof.  

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Social  media  

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Social  media  LinkedIn:  Keep  in  contact  with  professional  

acquaintances.  See  people’s  career  trajectory.  

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Social  media  LinkedIn:  Keep  in  contact  with  professional  

acquaintances.  See  people’s  career  trajectory.  

Facebook:  Keep  in  touch  with  friends.  Find  informaZon  (e.g.  heard  about  this  class  from  Facebook  status).  Give  informaZon  

(status,  events,  etc).  

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Social  media  cont.  

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Social  media  cont.  Yelp:  Find  good  restaurants,  generally.  Other  recent  uses:  found  good  haircut  

place,  veterinary  hospital.  

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Social  media  cont.  Yelp:  Find  good  restaurants,  generally.  Other  recent  uses:  found  good  haircut  

place,  veterinary  hospital.  

Quora:  Hear  about  unique  life  experiences,  learn  from  expert  view-­‐points,  waste  

Zme.  :)  

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Social  media  cont.  Also  use:  Pinterest,  Instagram,  YouTube,  


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More  about  me  

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More  about  me  Technical  skills:  

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More  about  me  Technical  skills:  

Proficient  in  C++,  Java  

Familiar  with  C,  HTML,  CSS,  JavaScript,  Perl,  Ruby,  R  

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More  about  me  

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More  about  me  Background  in  psychology:  

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More  about  me  Background  in  psychology:  

AP  Psychology  in  high  school  

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More  about  me  Background  in  psychology:  

AP  Psychology  in  high  school  

Behavior  change?  EssenZally  none.  Akending  Medicine  X  conference,  and  hope  to  learn  more  about  changing  

behavior  in  years  to  come.  

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More  about  me  

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More  about  me  Design  ability:  

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More  about  me  Design  ability:  

Took  formal  art  classes  for  4  years.  

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More  about  me  Design  ability:  

Took  formal  art  classes  for  4  years.  

Have  intuiZon  about  what  looks  good  and  what  doesn’t.  

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More  about  me  Design  ability:  

Took  formal  art  classes  for  4  years.  

Have  intuiZon  about  what  looks  good  and  what  doesn’t.  

Made  my  share  of  Photoshop  flyers  and  iMovie  presentaZons  for  orgs.  

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More  about  me  

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More  about  me  Musical  instruments:  

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More  about  me  Musical  instruments:  

French  horn  and  piano.  

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More  about  me  Musical  instruments:  

French  horn  and  piano.  

Yes  I  could  play  them  for  the  class  if  the  instruments  were  provided.  

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More  about  me  

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More  about  me  Siblings:  

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More  about  me  Siblings:  

One  younger  brother,  16.  Current  junior  in  high  school.  

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More  about  me  Siblings:  

One  younger  brother,  16.  Current  junior  in  high  school.  

I  like  being  the  oldest.  :)  

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More  about  me  

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More  about  me  Team  sports:  

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More  about  me  Team  sports:  

2  years  soccer  in  jr.  high.  

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More  about  me  Team  sports:  

2  years  soccer  in  jr.  high.  

Varsity  tennis  player  for  high  school  team.  On  an  intramural  tennis  team  at  Stanford.  

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More  about  me  

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More  about  me  Quirkiness:  

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More  about  me  Quirkiness:  

I  tend  to  sneeze  mulZple  Zmes  in  a  row.  Recently,  I  counted  13  Zmes  (yes,  I  count  

my  sneezes).  

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Quick  challenge:  Sequence  alumni  behaviors  

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Quick  challenge:  Sequence  alumni  behaviors  

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Alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

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Alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

Alumni  does  well  in  career,  at  least  partly  due  to  

Stanford  degree  and  learning.  

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Alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

Alumni  does  well  in  career,  at  least  partly  due  to  

Stanford  degree  and  learning.  

Alumni  gets  updates  from  Stanford:  

awards,  new  developments,  


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Alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

Alumni  does  well  in  career,  at  least  partly  due  to  

Stanford  degree  and  learning.  

Alumni  gets  updates  from  Stanford:  

awards,  new  developments,  


Alumni  gets  personalized  leker  from  Stanford,  asking  for  donaZon.  

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Alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

Alumni  does  well  in  career,  at  least  partly  due  to  

Stanford  degree  and  learning.  

Alumni  gets  updates  from  Stanford:  

awards,  new  developments,  


Alumni  gets  personalized  leker  from  Stanford,  asking  for  donaZon.  

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Alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

Alumni  does  well  in  career,  at  least  partly  due  to  

Stanford  degree  and  learning.  

Alumni  gets  updates  from  Stanford:  

awards,  new  developments,  


Alumni  gets  personalized  leker  from  Stanford,  asking  for  donaZon.  

(this  cycle  may  happen  mulZple  Zmes)  

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Alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

Alumni  does  well  in  career,  at  least  partly  due  to  

Stanford  degree  and  learning.  

Alumni  gets  updates  from  Stanford:  

awards,  new  developments,  


Alumni  gets  personalized  leker  from  Stanford,  asking  for  donaZon.  

(this  cycle  may  happen  mulZple  Zmes)  

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Alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

Alumni  donates  

Alumni  does  well  in  career,  at  least  partly  due  to  

Stanford  degree  and  learning.  

Alumni  gets  updates  from  Stanford:  

awards,  new  developments,  


Alumni  gets  personalized  leker  from  Stanford,  asking  for  donaZon.  

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Future  alumni  has  great  Stanford  experience  

Alumni  donates  

Alumni  does  well  in  career,  at  least  partly  due  to  

Stanford  degree  and  learning.  

Alumni  gets  updates  from  Stanford:  

awards,  new  developments,  


Alumni  gets  personalized  leker  from  Stanford,  asking  for  donaZon.  

(and  so  on)  

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The  end!  

Thanks  for  your  consideraZon!  :)