april living well

6 | LIVING WELL A-Z | WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2011 Living Well a-z invites readers to submit questions to a panel of health- care experts. The short questions and answers will offer readers a little more information about hot topics in medi- cine and refer you to other resources where you can learn more. Responses will also arm you with information so you know what to ask your own health- care providers. EXPERT ADVICE Continued from page 1 diet can also have an effect. Limiting salt and taking diuretics helps some people control the dizziness, and some sufferers claim that caffeine, chocolate and alco- hol make their symptoms worse. If someone has the symptoms of Meniere’s disease, they should see a physician who specializes in the ear for an evaluation. ROBERT BABER IS A BOARDCERTIFIED HEARING INSTRUMENT SPECIALIST AND OWNER OF MIRACLEEAR CENTERS’21 VALLEY LOCATIONS QUESTION: What is Valley Fever? ANSWER: Valley Fever is the nickname for coc- cidioidomycosis, the infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides. This fungus lives in the desert soil in the southwestern United States. It is also seen in northern Mexico and parts of Central and South America. People acquire Valley Fever by breathing the fungal spores from the air; there is no person-to-person spread. Over half the people infected with Valley Fever don’t have any symptoms at all. The majority of people with symptoms have one or more of the following: fever, night sweats, headache, muscle and joint aching, fatigue, rash, cough (often dry, without being able to cough up sputum), shortness of breath, or chest pain. For persons with severe or prolonged infection, fluconazole and itraconazole are the most commonly prescribed medications, but others can be used when an infection is difficult to treat. Since the body can often conquer the infection without treatment, many people do not need to be treated. However, for those who do require treatment, the treatment sometimes needs to continue for weeks, months or even longer. In 2009, 8,078 Maricopa County residents had coccidioidomycosis, which is the highest rate not just in Arizona, but in the entire United States. Pinal and Pima counties were second- and third-highest. JANIS E. BLAIR, M.D. IS AN INFECTIOUS DISEASES SPECIALIST AT MAYO CLINIC IN ARIZONA. SHE IS A MEMBER OF THE INFECTIOUS DISEASES SOCIETY OF AMERICA, THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. BY ALISON STANTON T innitus, or ringing in the ears, is a condition that affects approxi- mately 50 million adults. Of this number, about 12 million suffer from con- stant ringing and buzzing severe enough to negatively impact their daily lives. Robert Baber, a board-certified hear- ing instrument specialist and owner of Miracle-Ear Centers’ 21 Valley locations, said that the most common causes of tinnitus are noise exposure or head injury. “It can also be a side effect of medications,” he explained. “Because tinnitus can be a symptom of a more serious disorder, it is important to have it evaluated by your physician.” Edward Maznio, President of PurTone Hearing Centers LLC, said that for most people who struggle with tinnitus, noise exposure during their lifetime is the main culprit. He adds that the ringing often coincides with hearing loss in the high frequency ranges. Varied effects Baber said that tinnitus often directly affects a person’s thoughts, emotions, hearing and sleep. “Some people with tinnitus are an- noyed, bothered, depressed, anxious or angry about it,” he said. Because tinnitus is so pervasive, he notes that people can become completely fo- cused on it, and many sufferers report that it interferes with them getting to sleep. Several therapies Baber and Maznio both said there is no cure for tinnitus. However, there are several therapies that can be tried to help reduce the ringing sounds that are a hallmark of tinnitus. “Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is a longer-term therapy for reducing the patient’s anxiety and awareness of the disturbances in their head,”Maznio said. “Another option is to use a hearing de- vice or ambient-sound-maker that emits masking sounds. For many individuals, a hearing aid that is capable of amplifying ambient noise in the high frequencies, which are sounds their brain is currently missing, is also helpful.” The bottom line is there is help for tinnitus “I suggest if a person is suffering from tinnitus that they check with a physi- cian who specializes in the ear,”said Baber. “Middle-ear tinnitus can be treated.” If you would like your question to be considered for the May 4 issue of Living Well a-z, please write to editor: Paula Hubbs Cohen [email protected] or, c/o The Arizona Republic 200 E.Van Buren St., CA22 Phoenix, AZ 85004 Tinnitus: Causes, symptoms and therapies Help is available for ringing in the ears can be treated with orthotics that have a very deep heel cup. Achilles tendinitis, caused by wearing shoes that are too short or by not stretching properly before a vigorous work- out, can also be treated with arch supports. An arthritic foot responds well to shoes that have been modified with extra cushioning. “We want to create little ‘nests’ for the bones of the foot so there’s less pressure on the joints,”Orischak said. Bunions, hammertoes and cold feet Several additional foot problems are well-known to podiatrists, including bunions, hammertoes and cold feet. “A bunion is a structural deviation of bone or tissue around the great toe joint near the base of the big toe, and is often treated with surgery. But first, a patient can try wearing a sandal, orthotics or a wider, deeper shoe to see if that helps with bunion pain,” Losi explained. “Hammertoes are caused by muscle imbalance and occur when the toes start to curl up and act like little hammers.”This condition may also require surgery for correction. “Cold feet can be caused by diabetes or poor circulation,” said Orischak. “A normal foot temperature is 86 degrees; a cold foot will present at about 73 degrees.”The treatment is a biochemically treated sock that can warm the foot an ad- ditional 13 degrees. According to Orischak, if the patient has a doctor’s prescription for this product, there is no sales tax. Both Losi and Orischak say patients with most foot prob- lems shouldn’t wait to see a professional. “Get evaluated as soon as you can, before the problem gets worse,” Losi said. Continued from page 3 Robert Baber, owner of Miracle-Ear Centers' 21 Valley locations FOOT-ASTIC Edward Maznio, President of PurTone Hearing Centers LLC Arizona’s emergency chest pain experts. We’re chest-pain certified. And our wait times are short. When you’re faced with any emergency, no matter what time of day, trust the experts. AbrazoHealth.com/er Arizona Heart Hospital Arrowhead Hospital Maryvale Hospital Paradise Valley Hospital Phoenix Baptist Hospital West Valley Hospital 50% 85% of women have vein disease don’t know where to turn MORRISON VEIN INSTITUTE MORRISON VEIN INSTITUTE Why should I consider setting up a screening consult with Morrison Vein Institute? If you have varicose or spider veins, swollen feet and ankles, leg heaviness or restless legs, you will find our physicians’ combined century of experience invaluable. Determine whether your veins require cosmetic or medical treatment and learn why you have veins in the first place. We will guide you through the steps necessary to produce positive, long-term outcomes in our comfortable, accommodating setting. Our expert staff will teach you about vein disease, the state-of-the-arttreatments we have available, and conservative treatment as well. With our information, you will make the right choice. 866 . GRT . LEGS | 480 . 860 . 6455 | www.morrisonvein.com NICK MORRISON, MD, FACPh Board Certified in Phlebology Immediate Past President, American College of Phlebology Fellow of the American College of Phlebology CHARLES ROGERS, MD Board Certified in Phlebology Member, American College of Phlebology Board Certified, American Board of Anesthesiology *New patient consults must be scheduled prior to 4/30/11. Must have this ad to receive discount. Limited Time Free Initial Consultation * JAMES McEOWN, MD, FACEP Board Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine Board Certified, American Board of Emergency Medicine Member, American College of Phlebology

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Page 1: April Living Well


Living Well a-z invites readers tosubmit questions to a panel of health-care experts. The short questions andanswers will offer readers a little moreinformation about hot topics in medi-cine and refer you to other resourceswhere you can learn more. Responseswill also arm you with information soyou know what to ask your own health-care providers.


Continued from page 1

diet can also have an effect. Limiting salt and takingdiuretics helps some people control the dizziness, andsome sufferers claim that caffeine, chocolate and alco-hol make their symptomsworse.If someone has the symptoms ofMeniere’s disease,

they should see a physicianwho specializes in the earfor an evaluation.


QUESTION:What is Valley Fever?

ANSWER: Valley Fever is the nickname for coc-cidioidomycosis, the infection caused by the fungusCoccidioides. This fungus lives in the desert soil in thesouthwestern United States. It is also seen in northernMexico and parts of Central and South America. Peopleacquire Valley Fever by breathing the fungal spores fromthe air; there is no person-to-person spread.Over half the people infectedwith Valley Fever don’t

have any symptoms at all. Themajority of peoplewithsymptoms have one ormore of the following: fever,night sweats, headache,muscle and joint aching,fatigue, rash, cough (often dry,without being able tocough up sputum), shortness of breath, or chest pain.For personswith severe or prolonged infection,

fluconazole and itraconazole are themost commonlyprescribedmedications, but others can be usedwhenan infection is difficult to treat. Since the body can oftenconquer the infectionwithout treatment,many peopledo not need to be treated. However, for thosewho dorequire treatment, the treatment sometimes needs tocontinue forweeks,months or even longer.In 2009, 8,078Maricopa County residents had

coccidioidomycosis,which is the highest rate not justin Arizona, but in the entire United States. Pinal andPima countieswere second- and third-highest.



Tinnitus,or ringing in the ears, isa condition that affects approxi-mately50million adults.Of this

number, about12million suffer from con-stant ringing andbuzzing severe enoughtonegatively impact theirdaily lives.

Robert Baber, a board-certified hear-ing instrument specialist and owner ofMiracle-Ear Centers’21Valley locations,said that themost common causes oftinnitus are noise exposure or headinjury. “It can also be a side effect ofmedications,”he explained. “Becausetinnitus can be a symptom of amoreserious disorder, it is important to haveit evaluated by your physician.”

EdwardMaznio, President of PurToneHearing Centers LLC, said that formostpeoplewho strugglewith tinnitus,noise exposure during their lifetimeis themain culprit.He adds that theringing often coincideswith hearingloss in the high frequency ranges.

Varied effectsBaber said that tinnitus often directlyaffects a person’s thoughts, emotions,hearing and sleep.

“Some people with tinnitus are an-noyed, bothered, depressed, anxiousor angry about it,”he said. Becausetinnitus is so pervasive, he notes thatpeople can become completely fo-cused on it, andmany sufferers reportthat it interferes with them gettingto sleep.

Several therapiesBaber andMaznio both said there isno cure for tinnitus. However, there areseveral therapies that can be tried tohelp reduce the ringing sounds thatare a hallmark of tinnitus.

“Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) isa longer-term therapy for reducing thepatient’s anxiety and awareness of thedisturbances in their head,”Maznio said.“Another option is to use a hearing de-vice or ambient-sound-maker that emitsmasking sounds. Formany individuals, ahearing aid that is capable of amplifyingambient noise in the high frequencies,which are sounds their brain is currentlymissing, is also helpful.”

The bottom line isthere is help for tinnitus“I suggest if a person is suffering fromtinnitus that they checkwith a physi-cianwho specializes in the ear,” saidBaber. “Middle-ear tinnitus can betreated.”

If you would like your questionto be considered for theMay 4 issue of Living Well a-z,please write to editor:

Paula Hubbs [email protected], c/o The Arizona Republic200 E. Van Buren St., CA22Phoenix, AZ 85004

Tinnitus:Causes, symptomsand therapiesHelp is available for ringing in the ears

can be treatedwith orthotics that have a very deep heel cup.Achilles tendinitis, caused by wearing shoes that are too

short or by not stretching properly before a vigorouswork-out, can also be treatedwith arch supports. An arthritic footrespondswell to shoes that have been modifiedwith extracushioning. “Wewant to create little ‘nests’ for the bones ofthe foot so there’s less pressure on the joints,”Orischak said.

Bunions, hammertoes and cold feetSeveral additional foot problems arewell-known topodiatrists, including bunions, hammertoes and cold feet.“A bunion is a structural deviation of bone or tissue aroundthe great toe joint near the base of the big toe, and is often

treatedwith surgery. But first, a patient can try wearing asandal, orthotics or awider, deeper shoe to see if that helpswith bunion pain,”Losi explained. “Hammertoes are causedbymuscle imbalance and occurwhen the toes start to curlup and act like little hammers.”This condition may alsorequire surgery for correction.

“Cold feet can be caused by diabetes or poor circulation,”said Orischak. “A normal foot temperature is 86 degrees; acold footwill present at about 73 degrees.”The treatment isa biochemically treated sock that canwarm the foot an ad-ditional 13 degrees. According to Orischak, if the patient hasa doctor’s prescription for this product, there is no sales tax.

Both Losi and Orischak say patientswithmost foot prob-lems shouldn’twait to see a professional. “Get evaluated assoon as you can, before the problem getsworse,”Losi said.

Continued from page 3

Robert Baber,owner ofMiracle-EarCenters' 21Valleylocations


EdwardMaznio,President ofPurToneHearingCenters LLC

Arizona’s emergencychest pain experts.

We’re chest-pain certified.

And our wait times are

short. When you’re faced

with any emergency, no

matter what time of day,

trust the experts.


Arizona Heart Hospital

Arrowhead Hospital

Maryvale Hospital

Paradise Valley Hospital

Phoenix Baptist Hospital

West Valley Hospital


of women havevein disease

don’t knowwhere to turn


Why should I consider settingup a screening consult withMorrison Vein Institute?

If you have varicose or spider veins, swollen feet and ankles, leg heaviness or restless legs, you willfind our physicians’ combined century of experience invaluable. Determine whether your veins requirecosmetic or medical treatment and learn why you have veins in the first place. We will guide you throughthe steps necessary to produce positive, long-term outcomes in our comfortable, accommodating setting.Our expert staff will teach you about vein disease, the state-of-the-art treatments we have available, andconservative treatment as well. With our information, you will make the right choice.

866 . GRT . LEGS | 480 . 860 . 6455 | www.morrisonvein.com

NICK MORRISON, MD, FACPhBoard Certified in Phlebology

Immediate Past President, American College of PhlebologyFellow of the American College of Phlebology

CHARLES ROGERS, MDBoard Certified in Phlebology

Member, American College of PhlebologyBoard Certified, American Board of Anesthesiology

*New patient consults must be scheduled prior to 4/30/11.Must have this ad to receive discount.

Limited TimeFree InitialConsultation*

JAMES McEOWN, MD, FACEPBoard Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine

Board Certified, American Board of Emergency MedicineMember, American College of Phlebology