ashesi innovation experience 2014 logbook

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Updates in the 2014 Ashesi Innovation Experience.


  • AIX



  • The difference between you now and you in ten years is the books you read and the

    people you meet.



  • AIX

    PAGE 01

    The actual program started at

    2:00pm. However, some people

    came way earlier only to meet

    locked doors. Nonetheless, the

    program started with a scavenger

    hunt, where people were put in

    groups and tasked with the

    FKDOOHQJH RI QGLQJ RXW IRUthemselves some landmarks in

    the school. This was after our

    registration where we were shown

    RXUURRPVDQGJLYHQRXUWDJVOHVand water bottles. The hunt was

    exciting, marvelous, and

    action-packed it was like a whole

    reenactment of Total Drama

    Island. This game served as a

    little bonding time for everyone, as

    well as, an avenue to share toffees

    to our scavengers. Later on, we

    were taken to the lab to be

    ZHOFRPHG RIFLDOO\ DQG WR EULQJour minds to the task ahead. We

    were also enlightened on some of

    the values and aims cherished an d

    objectives upheld by the Ashesi


    We had our dinner sumptuous

    one indeed at the Akorno

    Cafeteria. It was a buffet this time

    around but we were told that in the

    subsequent days; wed buy our

    meals in the morning and evening

    using our meal cards. We were put

    into groups and sent to our

    respective classes. After some

    group activities, we converged in

    Room 201. So here we are; four

    anxious but excited girls: Ewura

    Adjwoa Ansah, Bashira Alhassan,

    Comfort Dawenyo and Rught

    Ewura-Ama Awadzi and this has

    EHHQRXUDFFRXQWRIWKHUVWGD\LQAshesi University. Fingers crossed

    for the next day!

    By: Ewura Adjwoa Ansah, Bashira

    Alhassan, Comfort Dawenyo and

    Rught Ewura-Ama Awadzi


    :RZ$VKHVL 7RGD\ZDVRXU UVWreal, full day on campus. If the rains

    didnt wake us up, the bitter cold

    did. Most of us decided to get up

    and marvel at the foggy dawn.

    Having to bath with many others

    really takes us out of our comfort

    zone but we grinned and bore it

    and trooped to class.

    Oh my goodness! Class! We

    basically had seminars and

    exercises from eight till nine and

    then some more! It was refreshingly

    exhausting and dealt with

    creativity, innovation and public

    speaking. We were exposed to

    assertive and outside the box

    views on topics.

    During the break, we were able to

    eat, socialize and make some

    acquaintances and a few friends.

    Lunch was a bit of a drag because

    of the long queue and the wait for

    WKHUHOOLQJRIWKHGLVKHVEXWLWZDVgenerally cool. It was worth the wait

    for such exquisitely prepared meals.

    We werent comfortable though

    with the reusable cutlery due to

    hygiene purposes. Many students

    shared the view that either

    disposable cutlery should have

    been used or a notice should have

    been given to inform students to

    come equipped with cutlery.

    The talk with Mr. Bernard Avle, a

    radio personality, and the speech

    competition were both engaging

    and interesting, though we were

    exhausted. Strange enough, we had

    enough energy to get ready for

    dinner afterwards. The menu all day

    ZDV OOHG ZLWK WHPSWLQJ DQGexquisite choices which caused us

    to snack periodically. This caused a

    lot of students their dinners as we

    had to learn to manage our twelve

    cedis the hard way. There was

    nothing more embarrassing to get

    to the till n be told our money was

    LQVXIFLHQW 0D\EH ZH QHHG Dsummary of our funds on our

    receipts to save time and the

    embarrassment. We were excited

    DQG DQ[LRXV WR QG RXW WKDW ZHwould be waking up early for

    aerobics the next day though.

    Overall, we enjoy the way the

    well-trained mentors relate to us as

    well as the co-ed atmosphere here.

    It really makes us overcome feelings

    of homesickness and helps us to feel

    at home.

    By: Thelma Adjidjonu, Gifty Affum

    & Claudia Dentu


  • PAGE 02


    todaythe acid river and the

    mashmellow challenge,wow those

    two really put people to thinking

    out of the box and quickly because

    the time given us was incredibly

    small,later during the day,we were

    entertained with a movie.

    We watched cool runnings which is

    an old movie which inspired us to be

    courageous,creative,have a good

    team spirit among others.During the

    movies we were given popcorn and

    also cool-aid to eat while the movie

    was going on and we are grateful to

    those who got it for us.We all came

    back after the movie to sleep.

    We want to use this opportunity to

    tell the world that AIX is a

    programme in which you would

    learn a lot about and this might

    change your life and they should

    endeavour to attend the program

    next year.

    %\$OEHUW(VVLOH'DQLHO0EDEdem Agbakpe, & Nii Nertey


    REPORT: DAY FOURCommunity, diversity and change?

    There are diverse people in any

    community. Whats most important

    is being able to respect everyone's

    opinion and get along with

    everyone. Diversity offers us the

    opportunity to work with and

    experience different kinds of

    attitudes and work ethics. We

    learnt, among other things, why

    and how to impact change in our

    communities and had the

    opportunity to meet some

    remarkable people.

    IDEATION: Today was a bit

    challenging, but I learnt a lot from

    it. In our normal lives, when a

    problem comes up, lots of ideas

    come to mind. Sadly, majority of

    them are discarded. Going through

    this session I learnt its really good

    to have many ideas. When they

    come up do not judge them, just

    keep them because a crazy idea can


    Again, try to put down so many

    ideas. Quantity is better than

    quality. When you have so many

    ideas instead of only one that you

    trust, you are given so many

    options to turn to in case the main

    idea does not go well as expected.

    We were taught about ideation, or

    brainstorming to be exact, and

    were introduced to the concept of

    pitching ideas. We were given a

    challenge to pitch an idea about a

    new form of urban transportation.

    People proposed underground

    travel, travel in the skies, travel

    through digital media and travel in

    which all roads were in motion. The

    UVW SODFH SRVLWLRQ ZHQW WR 7KHSpartans A, who proposed a vehicle

    made entirely of organic material,

    was completely biodegradable and

    will run by organic fuel.

    All in all, you could tell everyone

    really worked hard on their pitches

    and the experience alone was so

    rewarding. We were really inspired

    by our guest speakers stories and

    their passion for what do they do.

    This encouraged us to be more

    focused and determined to achieve

    our goals and our ambitions.

    By: Alfred Amezah, Hector Amoah,

    Samuel Abugri & Rudolph Dadey

    Today has really been tremendous.

    It began when we had to crawl out

    of bed for aerobics.Our

    mentor,Nana Yaw woke us up.The

    way we didnt biz him up

    koraa.Then we heard the music and

    decided to check it out.The place

    was really cold so we decided to

    get our cardigan,well,they were

    ineffective.That was a nice way to

    kick start the morning.

    After taking our baths and

    breakfast,we then headed to the

    labs for our daily sessions.Todays

    sessions were quite interesting.We

    studied critical thinking,lateral

    thinking and career choices which

    opened our minds to a whole lot of

    new things for example when you

    look at corn,you dont just see corn

    but we see money,oil,etc.And who

    can forget the challenges we had


  • PAGE 03


    We woke up around 5:30 AM, that

    cold morning, for aerobics. It was

    very tiresome but we had some fun.

    Then we prepared for the day. After

    breakfast, we had a mental chal-

    lenge session and watched a video

    on how e-waste is picked at

    Agbogbloshie, and how the envi-

    ronment is polluted in the process.

    Later in the day, we had two chal-

    lenges to deal with. One was to

    design a prototype capable of

    deploying a payload through the

    air. The other was to design a boat

    capable of moving on water with-

    out human interference.

    In the evening, we met as groups

    and prepared for tomorrows

    drama and this made us sleep very

    late. In all, the day was tiresome,

    but we had fun!


    By: Kristine Atease, Gloria Sekyere, Abena Asabea Adjei

    Ultimate Showdown: The Final

    Challenge: Samuele Hajar

    What a day! All we had learnt just a

    couple of days ago was put to the

    test today. The challenge was in

    fact, a challenge. Our main 10 teams

    were divided into sub groups thus

    resulting in 20 different teams all

    putting the sweat, tears and joy in

    one project. The challenge? Re-de-

    sign the school system in Ghana

    into one that the government will

    appreciate and continue to invest in

    throughout the country. Impact,

    creativity, and communication were

    the judging parameters used. Fortu-

    nately for our group, we won the

    FUHDWLYLW\ DZDUG QDOO\ ZH ZRQsomething! A huge congrats to the

    Go-getters, they were remarkable!

    Its been six days and I already feel a

    change in my thought patterns and

    the way I look at problems. The

    faculty has been outstanding, epic

    and a shout out to all the mentors

    for doing such a great job.AIX is

    really positively impacting lives. As

    we split again into groups to take on

    either robotics or entrepreneurship,

    Im really going to miss my old

    teammates, theyve thought me a

    lot, especially on how to be become

    an effective leader.

    Friday Night Live: Kessel Laryea

    Friday Night proved to be one of

    the most interesting night so

    far.Teams were divided into 10

    groups in which each team had a

    topic to act out. The topics ranged

    from politics to education and my

    personal favourite, religion. Each

    WHDP DFWHG ZLWK SDVVLRQ DQG UHwhich seriously moved the crowd,

    who had emotions ranging from

    sadness to laughter. The collabora-

    tion between the members of each

    team resulted in excellent plays

    being acted out, and in a true testi-

    mony to the power of teamwork.


  • PAGE 04


    After such a turbulent week, the

    party organised by the mentors was

    an excellent way to relax our minds

    and bodies. This party had a lot of

    patronage, food, drinks, good music

    and a whole lot more. People also

    got the chance to show their hidden

    talents whilst others engaged

    themselves in all sorts of

    networking. This relaxer took off

    with a few oldies, which brought

    about memories and some joy to all

    present, and winded down to a few

    RnB songs, which singled out the

    romantics around us. If we were to

    pick one word to describe today, it


    ROBOTICS REPORT: DAY ONEWe were introduced to the

    Robotics session yesterday and we

    were separated into different


    I was put into group 8. There were

    four members in my group

    including me and one mentor. She

    is Vanessa. Vanessa really gave us

    motivation and guidance when we


    Each group was given a set of parts

    to build the robot. The parts were

    actually Legos and we were given

    20 minutes to join those parts to

    create a robot called the EV3 robot.

    :H QLVKHG LQ WLPH WR WHVW LW RXWDQGLWZRUNHGDZOHVVO\Everybody in the group was very

    proud and enthusiastic about what

    we had accomplished.

    We then went into our coaching

    groups and discussed the whole



    By: Jessica Boafo Quansah, Paulina Mensah, Salamatu Dauda, and

    Krystal Adukuma Atapinkrah

    Kweku Baffoe-Bonnie


    Intro to Robotics

    Most people think that they know

    what a robot isand in their minds,

    they understand itthat is, until

    WKH\WU\WRGHQHLW7KDWUDLVHVDOOsorts of questions, like, What

    makes a robot different from an

    ordinary computer? or Does a

    machine need to have independent

    intelligence before it is considered

    a robot?

    In our class, we argued about this

    for a while and on our own, we

    could not come to a conclusion,

    ZKLFK ZDV QH EHFDXVH LQ WKHwords of Sebastian Thrun, The

    meaning of the term robot today

    differs substantially from the term

    just a decade ago. (Never mind

    that a decade is over half our lives

    so far.)

    A fascinating video about

    engineering by University of

    Newcastle showed us something

    we all know but never pay attention

    to: that everything we do is done

    with the help of engineeringfrom

    your alarm ringing when you wake

    up, down to the hot water you use

    to bathe in the night before bed.

    Once again, we know the power of

    dreaming, since robots started out

    DVLPDJLQHGWKLQJV7KHUVWWLPHLWwas mentioned was in a play in

    1921. Subsequently, it was in

    movies, cartoons and stories. But

    now? Theyre being translated into

    reality, and this is what we are

    experimenting with.

    Closed Shape Challenge

    :H KDG RXU UVW FKDOOHQJH ZKLFKwas to program our robots to move

    in a way such that it would form a

    closed shape. The criteria being

    that it would stop at exactly the

    point it started. The various groups

    came out with shapes; the usual

    triangles, squares and other

    quadrilaterals. Other robots just

    FRXOGQWQLVKIRUPLQJWKHVKDSHapparently the space was too

    small. Another group did

    something very innovative. They

    formed an eight (8) and their robot

    did an almost perfect forward and

    reverse. Very innovative, and what

    we would call lateral thinking.

    One-metre Dash

    We learnt how to program our

    robots to move for a distance of

    exactly one metre. Sounds simple

    right? But heres the catch, we were

    not allowed to test it and it was

    supposed to work perfectly on the

    ),567 75

  • PAGE 06


    I know you can imagine it. Real

    good, huh! We are geniuses, oh!

    Think of how fantastic it is to get an

    inanimate object to follow your

    instructions. Except that you might

    have to really think hard to get

    \RXU URERW WRQLVKDQGWKDWDLQWeasy though. But like we said,


    By: Abigail Lartey, Josephina

    Senam Foli, Gertrude Apaniahme



    Much more work to do today. It

    was fantastic though, especially

    when you see your robot following

    your orders. At the beginning of

    the day, we watched some cool

    videos of mobile robots and how

    they try to maintain their balance

    within their centre of gravity (see

    us for more details).

    We learnt more about loops and

    branches, and programmed our

    robot such that it acted like, let me

    put it a dog. When at a distance

    of 13 cm away or more from the

    object, it moved forward or toward

    the object but moved back when it

    was too close to the object.


    are loading and unloading docks in

    the port. Our tour guide also

    lectured us on the various functions

    of certain machines used at the

    harbor. The ride home was a rough

    one. The engine of the bus failed to

    start on the steep slope close to the

    main camp at Ashesi. Eventually,

    we got here safely.

    By: Kwasi Owusu & Kweku


    :DNLQJXS WRJR IRU WKHHOG WULSwas a real struggle. The organisers

    of the programme made us sleep

    early the day before so we could

    wake up earlier the next day. We

    were told to wake up at 5:00 am

    because the bus was to leave the

    camp at 6 am. We were all at the

    lobby at 6 am and even had

    breakfast, but the bus wasnt there.

    It actually came two hours later, the

    usual Ghanaian style. We got to

    Tema Harbor about an hour and


    Our tour guide joined us and gave

    us a tour of the harbor. We saw

    different types of ships importing

    and exporting various goods. There

    were quays in the harbor, and these

  • AIX

    PAGE 07

    sure that the program was right,

    but then again, the robot is simply a

    device that would work according

    to our programs. So what was


    On the whole though, its been a fun

    week! The down moments always

    make us laugh especially when we

    realize later on, that our frustrations

    have been caused by a few blocks

    of LEGO! Weve also learnt to

    always check codes properly or

    adjust the robot sensors correctly

    because trust me, the fault is not

    always ours! And when our program

    UXQVFRUUHFWO\DQGWKHURERWIXOOVits mission, it is joy all the way!!

    We just need more practice; a

    couple of years, or probably even

    less, and serious dedication and

    commitment, and programming will

    EH RXU HOG:HOO SURJUDP URERWVto do quite the impossible and wed

    be pleased because AIX 2014 was

    our best foundation!

    By: Otema Yirenkyi, Jennifer

    Horthman and Dorita Dickson

    REFLECTION: ROBOTICS DAY SIXthat I absolutely love to work with

    and an encouraging mentor


    The road trip from Berekuso to the

    Tema Harbour was quite interesting.

    The laughter and jokes we shared

    on the bus was good. I acquired a

    lot of knowledge at the harbour too.

    The career guidance we received

    also has made a great impact in my

    life. It got me thinking about where I

    want to head towards in the near


    After this robotics programme, Id

    love to leave Ashesi feeling

    accomplished. Feeling that Ive

    been able to build and program a

    robot and can do so on my own.

    Already, I believe Im on my way to

    achieving that goal.

    By: Otema Yirenkyi

    If we ever had to stop for a second

    and believe that robots were

    probably capable of taking over the

    world, then it will be this week!! It

    ZDVVRIXOOOLQJZKHQZHZHUHDEOHto put pieces together and build

    our own robot! Then, we were

    taught a few programming codes

    and asked to try our hands on it. As

    the robots started moving, elation


    But the mentors advised us not to

    get over-excited, they said:

    Sometimes, programming can get

    really stressful! But we sort of

    underestimated how stressful it

    could get. As the challenges

    became tougher and more

    complicated, we found ourselves

    nearly lashing out at the robots or

    allowing frustration to take over

    because our program was failing.

    We could never really tell what

    exactly the problem was, because

    most of the time, we were almost


    My approach to the Robotics class

    was rather slow. I had pretty much

    no idea how to build or program a

    robot. But I wasnt going to let that

    bring me down. I tried to look at the

    LSVLGHRILW,WZDVDQRSSRUWXQLW\to learn something new. Something

    I had not learnt before.One thing I

    learnt before the whole experience

    began was that programming

    requires patience and systematic

    procedures which come along with

    frustration. I took that into

    consideration and tried to have fun

    any time my team mates and I


    By applying lessons learnt from

    week one, Ive been able to work in a

    team, give everybody the chance to

    contribute and tolerate the views of

    others. Then again, this hasnt been


  • PAGE 08


    It was indeed sad seeing my friends

    stay behind in the lab while I walked

    LQWR OHFWXUH KDOO IRU P\ UVWsession in entrepreneurship. In fact,

    WHDUVRZHGWKURXJKP\WHDUGXFWVbut I just had to hold it. It was not

    an easy thing to be separated from

    the people you love. Hmm that

    was what I was thinking till a deep

    thought run through my mind; You

    JRWWDPDNH VDFULFHV WR JHW ZKDWyou want. Moreover, you have to

    bond with people to share the same

    dreams with, according to one Mr.


    :HOOWKHUVWVHVVLRQZDVQWEDGDWall, I should say. It was in fact, more

    than I expected. Making new

    friends, learning new things and

    sharing ideas was just fantastic! It

    was good to know what others

    were thinking, especially on

    subjects like if just owning a busi-

    ness could make you an entrepre-

    neur. I thought so till it was made

    quite clear that such an individual

    should be putting some measures in

    place. Owning a business doesnt

    necessarily mean you started it. If

    you buy a company and youre not

    making it better, oops, youre not


    and Thank You, but its just that

    ,PQRWXVHGWR LW7KHUVWVHVVLRQhowever was not as interactive as

    the second one because some

    people just refused to talk - I should

    say the beads reward did the trick

    in the second session. Even before a

    question was asked, you could see

    hands springing up in quest to

    answer a question that had not even

    been asked. Ah well, they might

    have turned prophets. Youll never

    know anyway.

    Hmmm. I guess the main aim is the

    beads and dinner with the

    Elikem that Im yet to know. Well

    who doesnt want good things?

    Seven people got the beads today

    but theres more to come.

    My favourite part was the part

    where I said Im MAD everyone

    looked confused till I said it meant

    Im Making a Difference. It is the

    name of a social enterprise.

    I did make a lot of progress today.

    Im looking up to more. Gotta live up

    to expectation in this innovative


    By: Dzidedi Senaya


    Yesterday was our second day of

    the entrepreneurship course here at

    AIX. We were completely

    exhausted after the various

    sessions we had had during the day.

    7KH UVW VHVVLRQ ZDV DERXW LGHDgeneration. In this session, we

    learnt about entrepreneurial

    session where we had to rack our

    brains to generate ideas on certain

    businesses. It was sort of putting in

    practice what we had learnt from the

    idea generation session. We also had

    an icebreaker, which helped us get the

    sleep out of our system with some

    paper-ball tossing and a cool game we

    call SPLAT. After lunch, we studied

    conceptualization, which involves

    putting your thoughts in a format that

    investors can visualize. We were then

    divided into groups and given mentors

    to help us in our practical sessions

    ZKHUH ZH KDG WR OO WZR EXVLQHVVmodel canvases. At night, we watched

    some Be Bold! videos, and later on had

    some coaching sessions. In all, it was a

    pretty tiring but awesome day.

    By: Jude Ansah & Tuatuo Ofori-Atta

    opportunities which enable the

    creation of goods and services for

    exchange. We also learnt about

    opportunity recognition, which we

    learnt was identifying desires in the

    market place and creating ideas to

    satisfy those said desires.

    There was also a brainstorming


  • AIX

    PAGE 09

    Today, we woke up all energized

    and fresh to an amazing day three

    of entrepreneurship. The day

    started with a talk from Mrs. Ruth

    Kwakwa (the Dean of Students

    Affairs). She gave this talk which

    made us realize that we are not

    only about education but also there

    is another side to us that most of us

    barely make good use ofour

    curiosityand a university like

    Ashesi helps young people bring

    out this other side.

    After that inspiring talk, we got

    back to our classrooms to setup for

    our informal peer evaluation. As we

    went round asking people to

    explain their project to us, we

    realized that many of us had come

    up with very great ideas, which

    when implemented would solve the

    problems most of us are facing.

    One of the ideas which we found

    interesting was the mobile hospital

    and the mobile game truck. Such an

    idea doesn't exist anyway in our

    society. At least they will reduce the

    distances people would have to

    walk to game centres and hospitals.

    And these facilities will easily be

    accessible to the people.

    Personally, we think this session

    was very helpful since our friends

    gave feedback which was very

    helpful for the improvement of our

    business plan.

    Next, was the ethical considerations

    in business with Mercy, our

    facilitator. We really enjoyed this

    session because of the arguments

    people brought up and their

    opinions about ethics. I vividly

    UHPHPEHU WKDW WKH UVW HWKLFDOdilemma we discussed in class,

    someone said they were going to

    shoot their close friend and take the

    money. I mean how can you do

    that? Your close friend?? Really??

    Then again, everyone is entitled to

    their own opinions and there is

    nothing like a wrong answer as AIX

    has taught us.

    Finally, we had our feasibility

    session with Victor, another

    facilitator. It basically talked about

    knowing whether the business idea

    will work taking into consideration

    the viability of the business idea, if it

    ZLOOWLQWKHEXVLQHVVEXGJHWDQGLIthe company won't run into losses.

    A lot goes into feasibility especially

    for the customer. There was active

    participation from us, the students.

    There were a lot of group

    discussions which run until 8:00 pm.

    Then, we all left for our coaching

    sessions. Our coaches, Ewurabena

    and Emmanuel, made our session

    very exciting which crowned the

    amazing day that we had. We

    discussed the rest of the ethical

    dilemmas. And we were dismissed

    to our rooms afterwards. What a

    splendid day.


    To begin the day, we had a lecture

    on revenue models and business

    negotiations after which we were

    told that we had a surprise outing

    which had been organized by the

    entrepreneurship faculty. We were

    going to Marina Park!!! We boarded

    the bus and went through the

    streets of Accra. I hadnt even heard

    of the place before, BUT AS THEY

    SAY, dont judge a book by its

    cover. FINALLY, we arrived and it

    was not exactly what I had

    expected, but it was COOL. There

    was a variety of games and fun

    activities. Ranging from water slides

    to horse rides, motor rides,

    volleyball and boat rides. We really

    had fun and took a lot of pictures. I

    got rid of my fear of water and I

    know most people did. After having

    our snacks, we headed back to the

    Ashesi campus and were very

    exhausted. But we really had GOOD

    FUN!!! We came back, ate dinner at

    the cafeteria and went back for our

    coaching sessions. We left very late

    and went to bed. WE REALLY HAD

    FUN GOOD FUN. That was how

    Day 4 ended.


  • PAGE 10


    sincere, my group was not ready for

    the presentation. My tension rose,

    but this was just the beginning, just

    D VDPSOH RI KRZ RXU QDO GD\challenge will look like. Each group

    KDG YH PLQXWHV WR SRUWUD\ WKHLUbusiness venture clearly to the rest

    of the class, however unrealistic it

    may seem. Yes, that was what we

    did. But immediately we put an end

    to our presentation, lots of

    questions were asked about our

    project, some of which we could not

    answer. All in all, this was a great

    experience that portrayed to us a

    SLFWXUH RI KRZ RXU QDO GD\challenge will be like.

    We hope that all groups consider

    the questions that they were asked

    and use them to improve on their

    business plans and pitch it in the

    best way as much as possible. We

    wish all the groups success in their

    QDOGD\FKDOOHQJHBy: Edward Ssebuliba, Tony Ryan Tetteh

    ENTREPRENEURSHIP REPORT: DAY SIXWe woke up quite ecstatic because

    we didn't have aerobics. Oh and

    about that, Thelma had really

    struggled to prepare for

    yesterday's aerobics but guess

    what she realised when she got

    there Not a single soul was there,

    and Thelma hon, we're honestly

    sorry because it was unintentional.

    As time elapsed, it dawned on us

    that our time at Ashesi was coming

    to an end. It was saddening, but

    what on earth could we do to curb

    this if not make ourselves happy.

    The day started with us meeting as

    a group before we were dispersed

    LQWR RXU WZR FRKRUWV 7KH UVWsession was on ICT usage in

    businesses led by Daniel Bonsu,

    and the second was business

    etiquette by Chelsea. It was

    interesting to see how everyone

    was eager to participate in the class

    sessions since the famous beads

    were on the line. * The sessions

    were something else. The many

    contributions and answering of

    questions paid off in the end as

    some students were selected to

    have dinner with Elikem Kuenyehia.

    As to whether their successes were

    predetermined or not, we should

    give them the credit.

    As anticipated, Sena was crowned

    the 'Gbaa' King Kong but the crown

    was transferred to Prince because

    he 'gbaaad' on the crown.

    I'm sure everyone could spot the

    fashionistas as they seemed to be

    having too much fun, I guess, while

    some of us were cracking our brains

    in search of ideas. Well, I guess

    they're just good at making

    themselves happy.

    I felt quite amazed when I realised

    how hungry folks were when we

    had to stay up late to complete our

    projects. We had the privilege of

    getting snacks as late as ten o'clock

    and you should have seen how

    people rushed for it like it was

    nobody's business. The Prince

    Charles' and Queen Elizabeth's also

    modelled majestically and

    pretended they really didn't care if

    WKHVQDFNVJRWQLVKHGAt the witching hour, Kuukua and

    Amanda's voices could be loudly

    heard in lecture hall 216. As part of

    their duty, they had been screaming

    so loud in their bid to get us out if

    the hall. We actually had delayed

    our stay, but who really wants to get

    away when they are at the climax of

    success. If we're to be honest here,

    no one will.

    So let's just say the long and short

    of it all was that our day ended, or

    should I say, started after midnight.

    Our experience yesterday was very

    hectic in the entrepreneurship

    class. Since the beginning of the

    entrepreneurship class, we always

    look forward to free time. But even

    with free time youre so busy it

    comes and goes very quickly.

    Our day started with a Raising

    Business Capital class for two

    periods. We learnt how to make

    money to start up a business or a

    project. We had our second class

    on Business Structure and Strategy

    and our last was on Marketing.

    It was all well, not until Sena, a

    faculty member, told us that we

    were to pitch our business ventures

    to the rest of the class. To be


    By: Stephanie Donkor, Dzidedi Senaya and Sophia Minkah-Premo

  • If anyone tells you you're a future leader, reject it. You're a leader now. Take the

    initiative to do things.



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