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AUTO LOANS NO TURN DOWNS Loans Available for: First Time Buyers, Bankrupt Credit, Credit Problems & No Credit At All! Alton Blakley Auto Finance Center 2490 South Highway 27, Somerset, KY Call Tracy for details 606-677-0132 for FREE Credit Approval «SlfB Free Breakfast!! Th» Mt. Vernon Signal Thursday, July 20,199S P-B3 ryday experiences to help your child Submitted by the Rockcastle learn association skills. Family ResourceCcnterai256-2156 * been reading: "Daddy book!" shecries questions like "Which one goes in a excitedly, pointing to the magazine.- bedroom?" and "Which one can you ! H pi " Baby book!" she says happily, hold- siton?" Help the child make associa- j H ing out her book to him. tion between objects and their usual i 111 The child is beginning to general- location and function. jBH j^l ize—to learn that one word, like At mealtime, help your child de- *7 ' "book," can stand for different things scribc and categorize foods with you. BO}, i''. that have something in common. After Say, "Mmmmmm, I likecorn! Isita ' IS children have learned to name ob- meat or a vegetable?" "Show me the | jHL M jects and actions that are important to •p • 1 S Ihem. 0>cy begin to make associa- food we're eating that is crunchy g| lions. They make connections be- (green, sally, soft etc.)" You can ask, • ' ~r, tween two things. Association skills "Which food cannot be eaten with a include between tw6 things. Asso- spoon?" and "Which food do we not cleaning it. Ann was the beautiful ciation skills include matching, sort- have to chew?" lady in our family that was loved by in 8. describing, and organizing. 4. Help your child learn to associ- everyone of us. Mat especially loved Use these lips during daily rou- ate problems with practical solutions, and appreciated her calm way of tines: Whenlookingatpicturesofclothing. handling any situation with dignity. '• Help your child match things ask your child, "What do you wear They could sit for hours simply en- that arc the same. To leam matching, when you're cold? "Can you show me joying the presence of the other one let your child "help" you when put- what you wear on your feet when it's for they both enjoyed much of the ting away silverware or sorting raining?"Thishclpsthcchildlearnto same things, the mountains and cul- clothes. Ask the child to "Give me make associations between "prob- tureof Appalachia. another one like this" (sock, shirt, lem" situations or events and their For years Herb's trips to the farm spoon, fork). Or, you can say. "Put all "solutions." had been for pleasure, now it was for ihe (pants, knives, etc.) together." If 5. Help yourchild organizeacti vi- service to those he loved. And Ann your child makes a mistake (like ties. Ask simple questions or call never faltercrd in her response to him putting a fork with the spoons) ask, your child's attention to everyday when he would call andfindout Mat "Is this a spoon?" Then show your activities that need to be organized, was taking a downward turn, but child and say, "This is a fork. It goes This need not be a daily scheduled would have a suitcase packed in with the forks, not the spoons. These event that could turn into an "effort." minutes and they would be on their are all spoons here." Just be aware that you can use many way to the farm. 2. Help your child learn to de- everyday situations as teaching op- Time passed and they were there scribe and sort by attributes. Aurib- portunities. You can also phrase your the day Mat went to his reward, utcs are qualities or characteristics remarks in a way that helps your Duringtheconfusionofgcttingthings like size, color, texture, and shape child organize words and thoughts, in order. Herb said, "Well run on which we use to describe things. Perhaps you arc preparing to go gro.- backtothefarmwhilcyougctscttlcd When your child is older, ask the eery shopping with your three-yew! here and have things comfortable child to give you all the red shirts or Old: when the kids get there." (He knew I little forks. When you play, help the Parent: "Let's get ready. It's cold would be slaying with Polly that child sort blocks or toys by color, and it's snowing! Whatdowcnecdto night.)Andsohldid.WhcnJudyand shape, or size. When you shop for puton?" Rodamvcdanhourorsolatcrhehad groceries, ask your child to help you Child: "Boots? Gloves?" thchousewarm.thclightson.apotof find "big, red apples like this one." Parents: "Thai'sright!What else coffee brewing and everything as Or, tell the child, "We want the soup will keep our feet warm?" natural as hecould make it. Judy was inthc white cans, not the red." Child: "Another pair of socks!" telling me just a few days ago about 3. Help your child leam to sort Children love to talk with their how much it meant to them when into catcrgorics. Take the time to parents. You can "set up" talks to they entered that house where so lookatcatalogswithyourchild.When help your child organize thoughts recently their dad had been the man looking at pictures of furniture, ask and makecorrcctresponscs.Usccvc- of the house and now uncle Herb was there ready to greet themand comfort them in their time of grief. Four short weeks ago, on June 18, Herb laid his beautiful wife Ann to rest in the Union Cemetery at Love- land, Ohio. I couldn't do for them what they had done for me for she had been in a nursing home for several years but I could at least open my home to him and share in the grief that follows giving tip one's mate. Last Sunday, when the loneliness closed inonhim.hconccagainhcadcd for Rockcastle County and my home where he knew there was someone who could and would share his lone- liness. So, this past week has been one of reminiscing for both of us. Since many of our most precious memories have to do with the time they spent at the farm, Mat's name was spoken almost as often as Ann's and the belated eulogy they each received in the privacy of my home, was worthy of both of them. And so the game of "Spin the Bottle" goes on and we never know whose tum to be "it" is next. Class of 1980 We need addresses on the following people: Jerry Alcorn, Delbert Allen, Jeffrey CampboU, Diane Frederick, Carolyn Evans Rowe, Vanessa Cromer, Leann Putnam Mitchell, Robert Schaffer, Johnny Lakes, Roger Carrera, Sharon Miller, Pattle Towery Isaacs, Diane Renner Boggs, Lavada Gadd Roland, and Kelly Owens. If anyone hasn't received their Invitation or knows addresses for the above please call Becky Cash at 256-9639. Pre-registration Is encouraged. All who are plan- ning to attend please mall your questionnaire and checks to Becky by July 31,1995. The planning committee will be meeting, Monday, July 24,1995 at Kastle Inn Restaurant at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in helping with final preparations please attend this meeting: Spin The Bottle Spin the bottle has been a favorite game of young people at parties for as long as 1 canrememberand I am sure most of you have at some lime in ypur life played it. It goes something like this. All the players or guests at the partysi t on the floor and form a circle. In the middle of the circle a bottle is placed, the old soft drink bottles were perfect for this, and the hostess stepped inside the circle and gave the botde a twirl that sent it spinning. When it slowed to a stop the person it was pointing toward was "IT" and had to do the bidding of the person who had spun the bottle. The act was usually, "kiss your best girl, or make a face at your worst enemy, or anything else the person spinning the bottle could think of that would get a laugh out of the other guests. After this was done that person got to spin the bottle and so the game went on till everyone had a chance to make someone perform the funniest thing or most pleasant thing he could think of. (Kissing your best girl or boyfriend was the most pleas- ant and popular.) The game of life is a lot like this game of spinning the bottle for our time to do an unexpected deed whether good or bad comes when an unseen hand spins the bottle of fate and we are "iL" And it is now our tum to perform before the audience of those in our circle of friends and family. The recent death of my sister-in- law, Ann, my brother Herb's wife, triggered the bottle of fate into a spin and it stopped on me. And the mes- sage of command was, "now it is your tum to return some of the kind- ness that was shown to you when you lost Mat, your mate." It was Herb and Ann that came to myrescuewhen Mat was bo ill and I needed someone to help out, not only at the farm but in my personal life. I needed someone who could sit with Mat while I did my chores, or took a break, or could get my mind off the problem of Mat's terminal illness by playing a game of canasta with me while he slept. They did all this and more. The coffee pot was never empty, nor the dishes set back for a later time. Once when Herb was tidy- ing up the kitchen he noticed the oven hadn't been cleaned for weeks, and without a word took on the task of When you need Emergency Medical Treatment The Caring Connection An Early Childhood Information Team Association Skill storybook approaches her father. He A toddler carrying her favorite looks up from the magazine he has 1565 Richmond St., Mt. Vernon (606) 25^4389 Located Inside Curry Express Mart, Ren fro Valley Millie Eaton, ER Rockcastle Hospital More often than not, if you or someone in your family requires emergency medical care, it is a serious situation. In such a situation, you don't need a lot of unnecessary hassle, a lot of problems at a time when you need medical treatment. At Rockcastle Hospital, we make every effort to provide medical care first. We get the necessary information we need to administer the proper treatment without asking a lot of unnecessary questions because we don't want to add to the stress for family members of an already difficult situation. We are proud to provide quality emergency healthcare to our friends and neighbors in Rockcastle County. Free Breakfast Sandwich to the First 100 Customers on Thursday,July 27th between Ta.m. and 9 a.m. (4" Round Sandwiches ONLYI) BREAKFAST Sandwiches Include: Cheese & Egg 'Western Egg • Ham & Egg Bacon & Egg • Sausage & Egg ...also fresh Muffins —M i l k " jfefe ...Juice | m r Rockcastle Hospital We Deliver to Businesses Open Mon. - Sat. 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. 24 Hours Eyery-Frlday Newcomb Ave. Mt. Vernon • (606) 256-2195

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Loans Available for: First Time Buyers, Bankrupt Credit, Credit Problems & No Credit At All!

Alton Blakley Auto Finance Center 2490 South Highway 27, Somerset, KY

Call Tracy for details

606-677-0132 for FREE Credit Approval


Free Breakfast!!

Th» Mt. Vernon Signal Thursday, July 20,199S P-B3 ryday experiences to help your child Submitted by the Rockcastle learn association skills. Family ResourceCcnterai256-2156

* been reading: "Daddy book!" shecries questions like "Which one goes in a excitedly, pointing to the magazine.- bedroom?" and "Which one can you

! H p i " Baby book!" she says happily, hold- siton?" Help the child make associa-j H ing out her book to him. tion between objects and their usual i 111 The child is beginning to general- location and function.

j B H j ^ l ize—to learn that one word, like At mealtime, help your child de-*7 ' "book," can stand for different things scribc and categorize foods with you.

B O } , i''. that have something in common. After Say, "Mmmmmm, I likecorn! Isita ' I S children have learned to name ob- meat or a vegetable?" "Show me the

| jHL M jects and actions that are important to •p • 1 S Ihem. 0>cy begin to make associa- food we're eating that is crunchy

• g | lions. They make connections be- (green, sally, soft etc.)" You can ask, • ' ~r, tween two things. Association skills "Which food cannot be eaten with a

include between tw6 things. Asso- spoon?" and "Which food do we not cleaning it. Ann was the beautiful ciation skills include matching, sort- have to chew?" lady in our family that was loved by in8. describing, and organizing. 4. Help your child learn to associ-everyone of us. Mat especially loved Use these lips during daily rou- ate problems with practical solutions, and appreciated her calm way of tines: Whenlookingatpicturesofclothing. handling any situation with dignity. '• Help your child match things ask your child, "What do you wear They could sit for hours simply en- that arc the same. To leam matching, when you're cold? "Can you show me joying the presence of the other one let your child "help" you when put- what you wear on your feet when it's for they both enjoyed much of the ting away silverware or sorting raining?"Thishclpsthcchildlearnto same things, the mountains and cul- clothes. Ask the child to "Give me make associations between "prob-tureof Appalachia. another one like this" (sock, shirt, lem" situations or events and their

For years Herb's trips to the farm spoon, fork). Or, you can say. "Put all "solutions." had been for pleasure, now it was for ihe (pants, knives, etc.) together." If 5. Help yourchild organizeacti vi-service to those he loved. And Ann your child makes a mistake (like ties. Ask simple questions or call never faltercrd in her response to him putting a fork with the spoons) ask, your child's attention to everyday when he would call and find out Mat "Is this a spoon?" Then show your activities that need to be organized, was taking a downward turn, but child and say, "This is a fork. It goes This need not be a daily scheduled would have a suitcase packed in with the forks, not the spoons. These event that could turn into an "effort." minutes and they would be on their are all spoons here." Just be aware that you can use many way to the farm. 2. Help your child learn to de- everyday situations as teaching op-

Time passed and they were there scribe and sort by attributes. Aurib- portunities. You can also phrase your the day Mat went to his reward, utcs are qualities or characteristics remarks in a way that helps your Duringtheconfusionofgcttingthings like size, color, texture, and shape child organize words and thoughts, in order. Herb said, "Well run on which we use to describe things. Perhaps you arc preparing to go gro.-backtothefarmwhilcyougctscttlcd When your child is older, ask the eery shopping with your three-yew! here and have things comfortable child to give you all the red shirts or Old: when the kids get there." (He knew I little forks. When you play, help the Parent: "Let's get ready. It's cold would be slaying with Polly that child sort blocks or toys by color, and it's snowing! Whatdowcnecdto night.)Andsohldid.WhcnJudyand shape, or size. When you shop for puton?" Rodamvcdanhourorsolatcrhehad groceries, ask your child to help you Child: "Boots? Gloves?" thchousewarm.thclightson.apotof find "big, red apples like this one." Parents: "Thai's right! What else coffee brewing and everything as Or, tell the child, "We want the soup will keep our feet warm?" natural as hecould make it. Judy was inthc white cans, not the red." Child: "Another pair of socks!" telling me just a few days ago about 3. Help your child leam to sort Children love to talk with their how much it meant to them when into catcrgorics. Take the time to parents. You can "set up" talks to they entered that house where so lookatcatalogswithyourchild.When help your child organize thoughts recently their dad had been the man looking at pictures of furniture, ask and makecorrcctresponscs.Usccvc-of the house and now uncle Herb was there ready to greet them and comfort them in their time of grief.

Four short weeks ago, on June 18, Herb laid his beautiful wife Ann to rest in the Union Cemetery at Love-land, Ohio. I couldn't do for them what they had done for me for she had been in a nursing home for several years but I could at least open my home to him and share in the grief that follows giving tip one's mate. Last Sunday, when the loneliness closed inonhim.hconccagainhcadcd for Rockcastle County and my home where he knew there was someone who could and would share his lone-liness. So, this past week has been one of reminiscing for both of us. Since many of our most precious memories have to do with the time they spent at the farm, Mat's name was spoken almost as often as Ann's and the belated eulogy they each received in the privacy of my home, was worthy of both of them.

And so the game of "Spin the Bottle" goes on and we never know whose tum to be "it" is next.

Class of 1980 We need addresses on the following people: Jerry Alcorn, Delbert Allen, Jeffrey CampboU, Diane Frederick, Carolyn

Evans Rowe, Vanessa Cromer, Leann Putnam Mitchell, Robert Schaffer, Johnny Lakes, Roger Carrera, Sharon Miller, Pattle Towery Isaacs, Diane Renner Boggs, Lavada Gadd Roland,

and Kelly Owens. If anyone hasn't received their Invitation or knows addresses for the above please call Becky Cash at

256-9639. Pre-registration Is encouraged. All who are plan-ning to attend please mall your questionnaire and checks to

Becky by July 31,1995. The planning committee will be meeting, Monday, July 24,1995 at Kastle Inn Restaurant at 7

p.m. Anyone interested in helping with final preparations please attend this meeting:

Spin The Bottle Spin the bottle has been a favorite

game of young people at parties for as long as 1 can remember and I am sure most of you have at some lime in ypur life played it.

It goes something like this. All the players or guests at the partysi t on the floor and form a circle. In the middle of the circle a bottle is placed, the old soft drink bottles were perfect for this, and the hostess stepped inside the circle and gave the botde a twirl that sent it spinning. When it slowed to a stop the person it was pointing toward was "IT" and had to do the bidding of the person who had spun the bottle. The act was usually, "kiss your best girl, or make a face at your worst enemy, or anything else the person spinning the bottle could think of that would get a laugh out of the other guests. After this was done that person got to spin the bottle and so the game went on till everyone had a chance to make someone perform the funniest thing or most pleasant thing he could think of. (Kissing your best girl or boyfriend was the most pleas-ant and popular.)

The game of life is a lot like this game of spinning the bottle for our time to do an unexpected deed whether good or bad comes when an unseen hand spins the bottle of fate and we are "iL" And it is now our tum to perform before the audience of those in our circle of friends and family.

The recent death of my sister-in-law, Ann, my brother Herb's wife, triggered the bottle of fate into a spin and it stopped on me. And the mes-sage of command was, "now it is your tum to return some of the kind-ness that was shown to you when you lost Mat, your mate."

It was Herb and Ann that came to my rescue when Mat was bo ill and I needed someone to help out, not only at the farm but in my personal life. I needed someone who could sit with Mat while I did my chores, or took a break, or could get my mind off the problem of Mat's terminal illness by playing a game of canasta with me while he slept. They did all this and more. The coffee pot was never empty, nor the dishes set back for a later time. Once when Herb was tidy-ing up the kitchen he noticed the oven hadn't been cleaned for weeks, and without a word took on the task of

When you need Emergency Medical Treatment

The Caring Connection An Early Childhood Information Team

A s s o c i a t i o n Skil l storybook approaches her father. He A toddler carrying her favorite looks up from the magazine he has

1565 Richmond St., Mt. Vernon (606) 25^4389 Located Inside Curry Express Mart, Ren fro Valley

Millie Eaton, ER Rockcastle Hospital

More often than not, if you or someone in your family requires emergency medical care, it is a serious situation. In such a situation, you don't need a lot of unnecessary hassle, a lot of problems at a time when you need medical treatment.

At Rockcastle Hospital, we make every effort to provide medical care first. We get the necessary information we need to administer the proper treatment without asking a lot of unnecessary questions because we don't want to add to the stress for family members of an already difficult situation.

We are proud to provide quality emergency healthcare to our friends and neighbors in Rockcastle County.

Free Breakfast Sandwich to the First 100 Customers on Thursday,July 27th between Ta.m. and 9 a.m.

(4" Round Sandwiches ONLYI)

BREAKFAST Sandwiches Include:

Cheese & Egg 'Western Egg • Ham & Egg Bacon & Egg • Sausage & Egg

...also fresh Muffins —Milk " jfefe ...Juice | m r

Rockcastle Hospital We Deliver to Businesses Open Mon. - Sat. 7 a.m. to 2 a.m.

Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. 24 Hours Eyery-Frlday

Newcomb Ave. • Mt. Vernon • (606) 256-2195