auxiliary someone second in command is an auxiliary to the person in charge

auxiliary Someone second in command is an auxiliary to the person in charge.

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Post on 27-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Auxiliary Someone second in command is an auxiliary to the person in charge


Someone second in command is an auxiliary to the person in


Page 2: Auxiliary Someone second in command is an auxiliary to the person in charge

Adj – giving assistance or support

N – a helperSyn – additional, back up, reserve

Ant – main, primary, principal

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It is safe to be candid about our faults with friends and loved ones.

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Adj – frank, sincere, impartial

Syn – forthright, plainspoken, unbiased

Ant – insincere, evasive, misleading

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The tiniest cubicle is usually assigned to the newest employee.

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N – a small room or compartment

Syn – enclosure, hole=in-the=wall

Ant – vast hall, auditorium

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Trade unions lobby to relieve the endless drudgery of factory


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N – work that is hard and tiresome

Syn – toil, labor, grind

Ant – play, frolic, amusement, recreation, fun

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On more than one occasion, a former President has been asked to act as a special envoy to the United Nations.

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N – a representative or messenger

Syn == agent, ambassador, minister, emissary

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A small dispute can escalate into a major conflict unless the opposing

parties sit down and talk.

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V – to elevate; to increase in intensity

Syn – climb, raise, ascend, mount

Ant – decrease, lessen, descend, defuse

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As an expedient, we chose to use a rock as a makeshift hammer.

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N – a means to an endadj – advantageous, useful

Syn – contrivance, device; serviceable

Ant – inconvenient, untimely, disadvantageous

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Children sometimes feign illness to avoid going to school.

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V – to pretend

Syn – fake, sham, affect, simulate

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An opera singer needs a flair for the dramatic as well as a good


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N – a natural quality, talent, or skill; a distinctive style

Syn – aptitude, bent, knack, gift, style, panache

Ant – inability, incapacity

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Reporters should take careful notes when interviewing to avoid making grievous errors in print.

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Adj – causing sorrow or pain;p serious

Syn – painful, heartrending, onerous, flagrant

Ant – joyful, uplifting, cheery, upbeat, comforting

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Most college admissions officers actively seek a student body that is both talented and heterogeneous.

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Adj – composed of different kinds, diverse

Syn – miscellaneous, mixed, variegated

Ant – uniform, homogeneous, of a piece

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When the doors opened, a horde of shoppers headed towards the

sales racks.

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N – a vast number; a throng

Syn – crowd, mass, multitude, host, swarm

Ant – few, handful

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Hunger often impels people to leave their homes in search of


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V – to force, drive forward

Syn – urge, push, spur, propel, incite

Ant – discourage, check, restrain, curb

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When the testimony of a witness contradicts the evidence, you can

expect incredulous stares from the jury.

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Adj – disbelieving, skeptical

Syn – dubious, mistrustful, doubting

Ant – believing, trustful, gullible

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The young man asked the jeweler to inscribe the lockets with his

fiancee’s name.

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V – to write or engrave; to enter a name on a list

Syn – imprint, enroll, enlist

Ant – erase, rub out, delete, efface, obliterate

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By means of a monologue, a playwright shares a character’s private

thoughts with the audience.

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N – a speech by one actor; a long talk by one person

Syn – soliloquy, recitation

Ant – dialogue, conversation, colloquy

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Doctors are particularly happy to deeliver a prognosis of a speedy


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N – a forecast of the probably course and outcome of a disease

or situationSyn – prediction, projection

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The rasping of metal scraping against metal sets my teeth on


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Adj – with a harsh, grating soundn – a harsh sound

Syn – scratchy, scraping, abrasive

Ant – sonorous, smooth, satiny, silky, mellow

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Despite their repugnant lack of cleanliness, pigs are endearing to

many people.

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Adj – offensive, disagreeable, distateful

Syn – hateful, odious, revolting, repulsive

Ant – pleasing, attractive, tempting, wholesome

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Pirates would not wish to scuttle a captured galleon before looting

its cargo.

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V – to sink a ship by cutting holes in it; to get rid of something in a

decisive way; to run hastilyn – a pail

Syn – abandon, discard, scrap, dump

Ant – keep afloat, salvage, preserve