back to the atelier

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Post on 01-Nov-2015




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Back to the AtelierBy Jennifer Baker - Sep, 19 2010 Atelier LifeIt's been a productive summer for the Aristides Atelier students: there have been workshops with Michael Grimaldi and Jordan Sokol, trips to Paris and tours in California, hikes in the Hoh Rainforest , assisting ceramic artists, and everything in-between. With renewed energy, we are delighted to return to our studies and welcome our new classmates into the fold.

Photo Credit: Ioulia Kouskova

Photo Credits: Andrei KozlovHistoria del Arte1. Introduccin a la historia del arte1. Rupestre1. Egipto1. India1. Mesopotamia1. Grecia I1. Grecia II1. Roma I1. Roma II1. Romnico1. Bizantino1. Gtico1. Renacimiento I1. Renacimiento II1. Barroco I1. Barroco II1. Rococ1. Neoclsico1. Romanticsmo1. Realismo1. Impresionsmo1. Expresionismo1. Cubismo1. Surrealismo1. Dadasmo1. Minimalismo1. Pop art1. Land Art1. Hiperrealismo1. Performance1. Contemporneo