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BattleTech Powerhits (Crescent Hawk's Revenge, Crescent Hawk's Inception, Mechwarrior) computer game manual, Activision


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@ H I T s

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BA TTLETECH - THE CRESCENT HA WK'S INCEPTION Michael Goldberg, Westwood Associates, I nfocom , Inc., and FASA Corporation Developed by Westwood Associates : Programming by Barry Green and Louis Castle Graphics by Maurine Starkey, Joseph B. Hewitt IV, and Michael Goldberg Sound by Paul Mudra Directed by Bret W. Sperry Produced by Christopher Erhardt

BA TTLETECH - THE CRESCENT HA WKS' REVENGE Developed by Westwood Associates Programming by Barry Green and David R. Dettmer Game Design by Tony Van Scenario and Map Design by Michael E. Moore Original BattleTech Board Game by Jordan K. Weisman and L. Ross Babcock III Art by Joseph B. Hewitt IV, Jenny Martin, Rick Parks, Scott Berfield, Aaron Powell, Chuck Austen, and Don Woo Sound and Music by Paul S. Mudra and Dwight Okahara OmniMusic™ and PC Audio™ sound drivers by Glyn Anderson 'Mech Recognition Chart by Steve Venters Produced by Tony Van and Scott Berfield Product Manager by Tom Dickson and Bill Swarts Testing by Jeff Glazier, Peter Winch, Frank Higgins, Chieh Chou, John Carlsen, Mike Norton, Glenn Sperry, and Mitzi S. McGilvray

MECHWARRIOR Designed by John A. S. Skeel , Paul Bowman, Terry Ishida, Damon Slye Programming by Paul Bowman, Pete Fokos Graphics by Peter Mitchel-Dayton, Caitlin Mitchel-Dayton, Cyrus Kanga, Mark Brenneman, Steve Snyder, Ron Winnick, Chuck Austen, and Kobi Miller Music and sound effects by Russell Lieblich, Bryce Morcello , and Michael Latham Produced by John A. S. Skeel , Steve Ackrich Product Management by Kelly Flock Play testing by Tom Bellamy, Stew Perkins, Larry Weissenborn, and John Van "Affidavit of Gideon Braver" and Mercenary's Handbook by Steve Peterson

THE CRESCENT HAWKS' REVENGPM is published by Infocom under exclusive license from FASA Corporation, the trademark owner. BattieTech: The Crescent Hawks' Inception and Battle Tech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge © 1988,1 989, 1990,1991, 1992lnfocom. MechWarrior© 1989, 1990, 1991 , 1992 by Dynamix, Inc. Packaging and documenation © Activision. All rights reserved. MechWarrior and BattleTech are registered trademarks and Mercenary's Handbook, BaUleMech and Mech are trademarks of FASA Corporation. MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. All other trademarks and brand names are the property of their respective holders.

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Table of Contents

BattleTech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception ........................................................ 1

Loading the Game .. ..... ..... ... ..... .... ........ .............. ................ .... .......... .. ..... ... .. ... 3 Communicating with the Game .... ......... ......... .. ......... .... .... .... .......................... 3 Saving and Loading Your Game ....... .. .......... .... ........................ .. .... ...... .... .. .... 5 The Screen Layout ... ...... ........ ......... ... .. ..... ..... .. .... ... .. .... ...... .... .. ..... .. .. .... ......... 6 The Main Menu ... ....... ......... ... .. ..... .... ........ ... ... .. .. ....... .. ....... .... ... .. ... ................ 6 Movement .. .... ....... .. .. .... .......... ...... ...... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... .......... ... ...... ...... .... ...... 8 Combat ..... .. ... ..... ... ... .... ....................... .. .... ... .. ... ...... .. .. ... ............. .......... .... ...... 8 Commonwealth Battlemech Corps Field Training Manual ........ .. ......... ........... 13 The MechWarrior .......... ... ... ... .. ...... .... ........ ........................ .............. ....... ........ 14 The BattieMech ... .... ... ...... .... ...... ....... .. ........ ........ ...... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... ............ 15 Away from the School .... .. ... .... .... ....... ....... ..... ........ ............ .... .... ... .................. 18 The WSP-1A WASP ... .. .. .. ........ ............ .. .... ........... .. ... .... .... ... ... .... ..... ... .. ..... .... 20 History .. ..... ... .. ... .... .. ... ... .. .. ........ ... ................... .. ... ........ .. .... .. ....... .. .. ....... ... .. .... 23 The Succession Wars ... .... .. ..... ... ............... .. ..... ... ... .. ..... ... .... .... ........ ..... .... ..... 23 The Successor Houses ...... ...... .. .. .. ... .. .... ...... ... .... ... ....... .... .. ..... ........ ........ ...... 24 The Youngblood Family ... .... ..... .... ... ... ... .. .......... .... .... .... ..... ..... .. .. ..... ...... .. ...... 25

BattleTech - The Crescent Hawks' R,evenge ......................................................... 29

Getting Started .... ........ ...................... ......... .... ............. ..... ... .. .. .. .......... ............ 31 Commands for Gameplay ... ..... ..... ..... ......... ......... .... .. ................ .......... ... ........ 32 Starting the Game ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ... ........ ... .......... ...... .. .... ... ..... .... .. .. ... ... ...... ... 34 Quick-Start Scenarios ........ .............. .. ...... ....... ........ .... ... .. .......... .... .. ....... ....... . 34 Choosing 'Mechs and MechWarriors ............ .. .. .... .... ..... ...... ... ... .. .... ... ..... ...... . 38 Game Navigation .... ...... ..... ....... ... ... ...... ........ .. ................. .. .... ... ........ .. ... ......... 40 Unit Commands ... ............. ... ...... ............................................... .. .... .......... ... ... 44 The Enemy .. .... .... ......... .... ........... .... .... ................. ... .... .... ......... ...... .. .... ..... ...... 47 Vehicles .. ......... ... .............. , ..... ........ ..... ... ......... ..... ...... .. .. ...... ... .. ...... , .... ....... .... 48 Elements of Command ................. .. .... ... ............ .. ......... ........... ....... .. ........ .. ..... 48 DropShip Commands ..... ... ........ ..... ... .............. ..... ... ..... .... ... ... ......... ........ .... .. .. 52 Game Mechanics ... ... .... ... .. .......... ....... .. .... ........ .. .. .. ..... .... .. .......... ....... ... ... .... .. 55

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Game Control .................... ......... .. ................................. ....... ............. .............. 59 Why We Fight .......... ...... ....... ..... .... ..... .......... ..... ..... ... .. .......... .. ...... ....... ..... ...... 61 History of The Inner Sphere ...... ... ........ ... ..... .. ............... ................ ..... ..... .. ...... 62 House Steiner ......... ............................. ..... .................... ............ .. .................... 63 House Davion ........ .. .... ..... ..................... .... .. ............ .................. .. .... .... ............ 63 House Marik ..... .. ..... ..... .... ........ ...... .. ..... .... .. ..... ......... ... ........ .... .. ..... ...... .... ...... 64 House Kurita ............. ................... ................. ....................... ... ..... ... ... ....... ...... 64 House Liao ............. ..................... .. .. ... ... ...... ...................... ..... ......................... 65 The Star League ... ................ ...... .............. ........ ......... ........... .......................... 65 BattleMechs .... .......... .. ............... .......... .. ..................... .... ....... ... .............. ........ 66 Vehicles .. .................. .... .......... ..... .... ....... ....................... .. .. .. ...... .. ..... ............... 115 Weapons and Equipment ...... .. .. .. ...... .... ...................... .... ...... .... .. ...... .......... .. .. 123 The Clans .. ......................... ... .................. .. ...... .. ........ .. ....................... ...... ....... 127 Clan 'Mechs .... ..... ... ......................... ............ .. .................................................. 128 Glossary ..... .. .. .. .... .. ................... .......... .. ............ ....... ............... .. ........ ...... .... .. .. 133 How to Use the Maps .. .... ............ .. ............ .. ...... .. ............ ...................... .. .. .. .... 138 House Infocom ..... .. .. ... ............................. .. ....................... ... ..... ...... .... ............ 150 House FASA .............. ..... ....................................... ... .. .... ... ..................... .. .. .. .. 151 Designer's Notes ............ ...... .. .. .. ......................... .... .. .. .. .. ....... .. ............ .. ... ...... 152

MechWarrior ............................................................................................................. 155

Affidavit of Gideon Braver Vandenburg .. .. ........ .. ...................... .. ...... ............ ... 157 The Years 2014-3024 A. D ............................................................................... 160 The Sucessor States ......................... .. .. ............................................ .. ............ 161 Getting Started .. ..................................... .. ................. .. ..... .. ............................. 164 Your Authorization Code ........ .. ...... .. ........................ .... .......... ......................... 164 The Mercenary's Life ............................... .. ................. .. ................. .. ................ 164 Mechs .... ... ... ..... .......... .......................................... ...... .......................... ...... ..... 173 Mech Controls ............................................................................................. .... 174 The Cockpit .. ... ........ .. ............ .. .... ... ............ ... .. .. ..... ............. .. .... .......... .......... .. 177 In Battle .............................. ...... ... .. ...... .. .. .... ..... .. .. ........................................... 182 BattleMech Descriptions ........................ ....... ... ........... ... ...................... .......... . 184 Glossary .. ................. ... ....... .... ........ .. ... ........... .. ...... ....... ........ .. ........................ 192 Appendix : Start-Up Options .................................... .. .. .. .......... .. .... .. .............. .. 196

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Loading the Game

To load BaNleTech: The Crescent Hawks'lnception refer to the Power Hits Reference Card included in the package. If you wish to load the game manually from DOS, follow the steps below.

1. Access the INCEPTIO directory by typing CD BATTLE\INCEPTIO and pressing <RETURN>.

2. Type BTECH and press<RETURN>.

In a few moments the game will begin.

Choosing a Graphics Adapter

First, you must choose a graphics adapter for the game to support. If unsure of which graphics adapter you have, consult your hardware documentation. (Tandy Graphics is a mode for Tandy 1000 computers. Users of other Tandy machines should consult their documentation to determine their type of graphics adapter.)

Starting a New Game or Restoring a Previous Save

A question will appear asking you if this is your first time playing BATTLETECH. If it is, or if you wish to begin a new game, select YES and a new game will start. If you select NO, you will be asked to choose the number of the save which you want to restore. Details on loading saved games is in the "Saving and Loading Your Game" section.

Communicating with the Game

All BATILETECH commands are entered through simple key presses:

When you encounter a menu, move the highlighted bar up and down in the menu using the up and down arrow keys (the 8 and 2 keys on a numeric keypad; or use W for up and X for down) . Choose the highlighted selection by pressing the space bar or the Return key. Note that the bar will initially highlight one selection ; this is not a hint or pre-selected choice, just a place to put the highlight bar.

Any Yes or No menus can be satisfied with the Y and N keys , or by highlighting the appropriate response using the left and right arrow keys (the 4 and 6 keys on a numeric keypad; or use A for left and D for right) and then pressing the space bar or Return key.

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As long as you are not in combat, and no other menu or window is on the screen, pressing the space bar will bring up the Main Menu.

When the computer shows you a descriptive passage or an informational display, it will wait for you to examine it. to continue gameplay, or to go on to the next screen, press any key.

Depending on your hardware, any or all of the following key instructions will let you control your party's movement (and similarly menu choices):

Standard Numeric Keypad

The 2,4,6,8 keys will move you South, West, East, North respectively. The 1 (End), 3 (Page Down) , 7 (Home), 9 (Page Up) keys will move you diagonally Southwest , Southeast, Northwest, Northeast, respectively.

IBM PS/2 (Unenhanced Keyboard)

The arrow keys move you in the four simple directions: North, West, South, East. The Home key will move you Northwest; the End key will move you Southwest; the Page Up key will move you Northeast; the Page Down key will move you Southeast.


The 2,4,6,8 keys will move you South, West, East, North, respectively. The arrow keys will also move you in these four simple directions. The 1 (End) , 3 ) Page Down). 7, 9 (Page Up) keys will move you diagonally Southwest, Southeast, Northwest, Northeast, respectively. The Home key will also move you Northwest.

All Configurations

If your system does not conform to any of the above-mentioned models, or if you simply prefer to use the left side of the keyboard, you may use the eight letter keys at the left edge of the keyboard :

The Q key moves you Northwest; the W key moves you North; the E key moves you Northeast; the D key moves you East; the C key moves you Southeast ; the X key moves you South; the Z key moves Southwest ; and the A key moves you West.

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Saving and Loading Your Game

Any time you can access the Main Menu (you must not be in combat and no extra menu or window may be visible), you may save your position in the game, or load a previously saved position. The game allows you to keep a maximum of six game saves, numbered one through six, at one time.

Saving your Position

1. Select Save Game from the Main Menu.

2. A menu will pop up, allowing you to choose a number from one to six (or to choose Cancel and return to gameplay). Each number is a position to which you may save your game. Select one of them.

3. If you are saving to floppy disk, follow any prompts to swap disks in and out of the drive.

4. The game will save. You may wish to note down the position number you are saving to and where you are in the game.

Restoring a Previously Saved Position

1. Select Load Game from the Main Menu.

2. Select the position number from which you wish to restore, or select Cancel if you wish to return to game-play.

3. If you have saved to floppy disk, follow any prompts to swap disks in and out of the drive.

4. The game will load, and you will return to the spot at which you made the save.

5. If you select a position at which you previously had not made a save, the game will respond with RESTORE FAILED. Try loading again from a position you had successfully saved to .

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The Screen Layout

The BattleTech environment is composed of three windows.

The Upper-Left Window serves several functions. As you move about in the game, it describes the direction in which you are moving. During combat, it prints descriptive reports of each action performed by the battling forces. (These descriptions may be shortened or stopped altogether by selecting Brief or None when the computer prompts you to select Combat Messages at the beginning of each battle.) Lastly, at any time, a brief, animated outtake might appear in this window. These brief segments pop up on their own to provide extra visual detail and flair to certain situations.

The Lower-Left Window lists the characters in your party, along with bar-graph representations of their three main attributes. (See the enclosed Field Training Manual for a explanation of each attribute.) During combat, this window becomes the command window. All options that you might need during combat will appear in this window, and you can maneuver through these commands just as you would in any other menu.

The Right Window displays an overhead view of your characters and the surrounding terrain. This window will occasionally be partially or completely obscured by text descriptions of events and other pop-up windows or menus.

The Main Menu

As long as you're not in combat and the Right Window is unobscured, you can always press the space bar to bring up the Main Menu. This menu includes several options:

Return to Game - This cancels the menu and lets you get back to what you were doing.

Change Game Settings - Selecting this command brings up another menu :

Change Movement Rate - Normally, you move one space per key-click. This command allows you to change this rate, from one space to two or four.

Set Combat Speed - Using this command, you can customize the speed at which combat progresses. Most people will want combat to breeze along at a quick speed, so the game begins with the combat speed set to fastest. Those who want to slow things down, allowing them to spend more time reading combat messages and

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viewing the animation, will want to choose a slower combat speed, or Keypress, which tells the computer to pause after each action and wait for you to press a key.

Sound On/Off - This lets you toggle the sound on and off.

Change Outtake Frequency - During combat, animated outtakes will occasionally appear to visually enhance the experience of combat. This command allows you to choose the frequency with which these outtakes will appear.

Quit Game - This command allow you to end your play session. Don't forget to Save Game (in the Main Menu) beforehand so that you'll be able to take up where you left off.

Cancel - This cancels the menu and lets you continue playing.

Allocate Men In 'Mechs - This allows you to redistribute your men among the 'Mechs you control. (This command won't appear until there is a 'Mech in your party .)

Inspect Character - This lets you see detailed information about the health, abilities, and inventory of any charac­ter in your party.

Heal Characters - This option lets your party rest and allows the party member who is most qualified as a medic to heal any injured players. (Even someone with no medical training has a chance to give minor first aid to the wounded.)

Load Game - You can at any point restore your game to a save you 've previously made. See your Reference Card for details.

Save Game - This lets you save your position in the game so that you can revert to that position later, using the Load Game command. See your Reference Card for details.

Show Overhead Map - Because the geography of BattleTech is so huge, the game comes complete with an expanded map that shows you more area in less detail than the normal terrain window. After accessing this map, you may scroll through it by pressing any arrow key. The map will then scroll in that direction, showing you any area that you have already visited.

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Depending upon your hardware , you may use the keyboard to move around the BattleTech geography (see your Reference Card for details). You may travel in any of the eight cardinal directions, as long as your path is not obstructed.

Normally, each time you indicate a direction with the keyboard, you will move one square in that direction. If you 're moving through open terrain , you may wish to change your movement rate (with the Change Game Settings command in the Main Menu) so that you can move around more quickly.


When you are attacked, you will be given several options. First is the option to fight , you always enter combat; but if you choose to flee , you will not always escape.

Second is the option to have the computer fight for you . Choosing No tells the computer that you'd like to conduct your battle manually. Bu choosing Yes, you allow the computer to conduct the battle for you . The computer is reasonably intelligent and can fight as well as a somewhat experienced player. If the computer seems to be losing the fight , pressing the space bar tells the computer that you'd like to take over at the beginning of the next round.

The third choice is among the three levels of combat messages - the blow-by-blow battle descriptions. Verbose messages explain each action in detail. Brief messages are shortened, providing only essential information. If you choose None, the computer will provide no messages at all.

Lastly, you can choose whether or not to see combat graphics. If you select Yes, you will see each aspect of the battle recreated in animated detail on your overhead map. If you select No, you won't see the graphic depiction.

(If you select no combat graphics and no combat messages, you won't see any displays until the battle is over,unless you hit the space bar and enter manual combat commands.)

Manual combat is quite straightforward and easy to master. Weapons need only be targeted; the preCise aiming and firing is done automatically. Using the scanning feature, you can quickly obtain information about any unit on the battlefield , such as what kind of weapons it's firing or how close it is to death.

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When you select one of the movement commands below (Move, Walk, Run, or Jump) , you are told how many movement points your unit has and are prompted to move the cursor with your keyboard , the computer located the shortest route to the cursor, and indicated it with a trail of arrows. The computer will automatically move the trail around buildings and other obstacles.

If you exceed the number of movement points your unit has left, the cursor will change color; any further moves you indicate will be put toward next round's movement.

When you've moved the cursor to your desired destination, hit the space bar to confirm your choice and return to the combat commands menu.

Movement in combat is not only a means of getting from one place to the next; it's also an effective means of dodging enemy fire . The more you move about , the less chance your enemies have of hitting your. (Of course, your targeting may suffer a bit as well .)

When moving, you may wish to proceed in a zig-zag motion, or back and forth from one spot to another. To do so, select a movement command and move the first leg of your zig-zag, confirming it with the space bar. Then select the same movement command and enter in the second leg of the zig-zag, and so on until you 've expended your movement points.

Assuming that you are conducting combat manually, you will be given a combat commands menu before each round of battle. Below is an explanation of each command at your disposal :


Move - This allows you to move your men up to their allotted number of movement points. (See the above descrip­tion of combat movement for details on how to move.) Once you Begin Fight, you will move toward the destination you have selected.

Clear Moves - This clears any previous orders to move, allowing you to enter a new movement destination, or just stay where you are.

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Walk - This commands you 'Mech to walk up to its allotted number of movement points. (See the above description of combat movement for details on how to move.) Once you Begin Fight, you will move toward the destination you have selected.

Run - This commands you 'Mech to run. You can go a bit further, but at the expense of some extra heat. Heat is the BaUleMech's enemy; it taxes the efficiency of the 'Mech and may ultimately cause a complete electrical shut­down.

Jump - 'Mechs equipped with jump jets may employ them as a means of movement. This may allow the 'Mech t travel farther than Walking or Running if it is in rough terrain. Jump jets are not very efficient, however, so they tend to generate a good deal of extra heat. Jump can, however, be used when Walking and Running are inhibited by heat.

Kick - When your 'Mech is alongside an enemy, you can Kick the enemy as a means of attack. Kicking is an effective means of attack, as it does considerable damage without generating as much heat as conventional weaponry.


Use Weapon - This command is used to target your weapons against enemy units. First, select the weapon you'd like to fire (humans won't have a choice-they can only carry one weapon at a time) . If this weapon is already targeted, you will be asked to confirm your decision to retarget it . Then, select its target with the Next Enemy and Target Here commands.

Computer - This tells the computer to enter the next round's movement and weapons commands for the current unit. You may instruct the computer to fight for any or all of your troops . Note that the computer will only enter commands for a unit; to execute the commands you must still select Begin Fight (see explanation below) .

Scan Unit - This initiates a sophisticated scan of any nearby units When you begin a scan, the computer will prompt you to choose between a scan of Friends or one of Enemies. Once you've chosen, the computer will scan all units of the side you've chosen (using the Next Unit command) until you select Done.

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When you scan a 'Mech, the computer will report what class of 'Mech it sees and its direction in reference to your position. You then have the option of seeing a Detail Scan, which includes the status of a 'Mech's armor, internal structure, heat level, and weaponry.

Scanning a human will show his physical well-being, his weapon, and his direction in reference to your position.

Next Unit - Using Next Unit allows you to issue orders to the next member of your group, if there is one.

Flee - If the odds weigh too heavily against you, Fleeing may prove the smartest option. You will not always man­age to escape, however.

Begin Fight - Once you've directed all movement, scanned any nearby units, and targeted all desired weapons , you must confirm your actions by telling the computer to Begin Fight. The battle round will then commence.

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Pacifica Training School Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces


Congratulations! Your achievements in the classroom have earned you a berth at the Pacifica Training School, one of the Lyran Commonwealth's premiere BattleMech training facilities. Here, you will undertake the final stage of your preparation for MechWarrior certification.

Over the next few weeks, you will perform a series of solo cockpit training missions, each one progressively harder than the last. You will be maneuvering a full-size, fully-operational BattleMech inside a specially deSigned arena, which simulates actual battlefield conditions. The firepower on board our 'Mechs consists of real, high-power weaponry - no toys or mockups.

Our program is very demanding, but most would consider membership in the elite ranks of the Commonwealth BattleMech Corps to be reward enough.

This manual will provide a quick introduction to the areas in which you will be taught. Best wishes for your success as a MechWarrior.

Kommandant Earl Truth, Ret. Headmaster

p.s . Your allowance or any other money sent from home will automatically be credited to your C-Bill account while you are enrolled in the school.

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The MechWarrior


As an aspirant to MechWarrior status, you will mature in three closely monitored personal attributes, namely Body, Dexterity, and Charisma.

Body is a measurement of your overall physical strength, as well as your stamina and physical constitution . As you tone this attribute, you will find combat less of a strain, and you will be able to withstand a good deal more physical abuse without faltering or buckling under.

Dexterity measures your coordination, reflexes, and agility. You must heighten these traits if you wish to outma­neuver your enemy in BattleMech maneuvers and in hand-to-hand combat.

Also, no MechWarrior can be without Charisma, the measurement of one's physical appearance, personal magne­tism, and strength of presence. While this less-tangible trait can't overpower a MechWarrior's enemies in combat, it can help attach him in talking his way out of a tight bind.

The great MechWarriors - those who are appointed to command positions - have honed themselves in all three attributes through training and battlefield experience.


In addition to the three main attributes, there are seven secondary skills in which you may train . While your MechWarrior training dwells mainly in the two areas employed in BatUeMech combat, Gunnery and Piloting , you may want to try to heighten your skills in one or two of the other areas as well. A crack rifleman will be of great aid to a Lance in infantry combat, just as no successful Lance should be without a good doctor or technician. Here is a list of the seven skill fields:

Combat Skills :

Bow/Blade - Combat proficiency with bows, blades, and thrown weapons.

Pistol - Ability with small, hand-held projectile weapons, from revolvers to dart guns to laser pistols.

Rifle - Combat skill with two-handed projectile weapons, including all rifles, submachine guns, and missile launchers.

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Mech-Related Skills:

Gunnery - A pilot's facility with 'Mech-mounted weaponry.

Piloting - Proficiency at the controls of a 'Mech.

Other Skills:

Medical - The administration of proper health care to the wounded.

Technician - The ability to service, repair, and salvage 'Mechs in the field .

While rudimentary competence in any skill can be built with field practice, it's well-accepted that systematic training in the classroom is more powerful tool for learning. Such training n the seven fields is usually accessible from wherever you are.

Combat classes are offered at any local Lyran seat of government. 'Mech training is offered at any LCAF-certified training arena. Medical training is offered at medical schools and hospitals. Technical training is offered through tech schools, and at hands-on programs in participating shops and garages.

Training generally costs a good deal of money, with courses ranging in price from 75 to 1000+ C-Bills, but a well­developed skill can prove to be priceless when you are in need of medical help on the battlefield or engaged in a ground skirmish.

Be well aware, however, that your primary concern during the next few weeks is your BattleMech combat schooling; your personal training in other skill areas must playa secondary role. The defense of the Commonwealth depends upon your role as a MechWarrior, not as a full-time student.

The BattleMech


A basic knowledge of the physical make-up of a 'Mech is necessary before the pilot can sagely and successfully lead a 'Mech into combat. What follows is a brief explanation of the general components of the BattleMech:

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Skeleton - At the heart of every BattleMech is a "skeleton" much like that of a human being. Several dozen "bones" -each fabricated to resist structural damage and combat stress while meeting exacting weight limits - make up the BattleMech's skeleton. This skeletal structure allows the 'Mech to absorb enormous levels of physical damage without compromising its performance in battle .

Muscles - Most of the larger actions of which a 'Mech is capable are driven by thick bundles of polyacetylene fiber which contract and expand under the influence of a controlled electrical current, in much the same way as the muscles of a human being. While these fibrous bundles seldom receive more than minor damage in battle , the smaller, more delicate actuators which control the highly precise motions of mounted weaponry and sensory attach­ments are all too susceptible to the effects of battle . Most 'Mech service areas are well-equipped to correct actuator problems.

Armor - To protect the 'Mech and pilot from today's high-energy battlefield , 'Mechs are outfitted with a rigid compos­ite of dense metals, designed to absorb laser blasts, particle beams and projectile attacks. While only inches think, the two-shell combination of treated steel and boron nitride is quite heavy, and so as protection is increased, mobility sharply declines. For this reason, 'Mech manufacturers typically build 'Mechs of several different weight classes . The light 'Mech has greater mobility and can dodge fire more effectively than a heavier model, but once hit, its internal structure is more likely to have been penetrated.

Power Plant - The immense power requirements of a multi-ton war machine are met buy an on-board fusion reactor. The fusion poser plant can generate plenty of energy for even gigantic 'Mechs, but in doing so, it also produces high levels of waster heat which threaten the efficiency of the 'Mech's inner functions, even to the point of crippling them. Thus special "heat sinks" were developed to dispose of waste heat. Unfortunately, these crucial devices are fash­ioned from a ceramic material which is very susceptible to stress and fracture, so the MechWarrior will probably find himseH replacing his heat sinks often and at great expense. (Thrifty pilots have been known to ignore damaged or destroyed heat sinks, preferring to cool their 'mech manually by travelling through water masses.)

Life Support System - The crew cabin of a 'Mech generally holds two humans, a pilot and a passenger. The cabin environment is carefully controlled, providing protection from combat damage, as well as from the high levels of heat and radiation generated by the poser plant. In case of a catastrophe, the cabin is equipped for speedy evacuation.

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Depending upon its weight and size, a BattleMech may reach walking or running speeds ranging from 40 to 100 kilometers per hour in open terrain , but virtually no obstacle will prove insurmountable to the 'Mech.

Some 'Mechs are outfitted with jump jets, which allow them to jump a limited distance. These may prove handy when a pilot encounters a small patch of obstructive terrain which, without jump jets, would prove to be an arduous obstacle .

While all BattleMechs can move through shallow masses of water, most are unable to operate efficiently when wading through deeper waters.


'Mech combat is an unrefined science. Every veteran 'Mech pilot has developed a unique style and strategy, and little agreement has been reached on "correct" battle techniques. If any strategic conventions have emerged, they are the predictable tactics employed by the unimaginative battle computers found in every 'Mech cockpit.

These combat computers, which can be activated and deactivated at the pilot's fancy, instruct the 'Mech to pick a target, move unerringly towards it, and destroy it with all available firepower. The computer will continue this pattern until all visible enemies have been dealt with. This battle algorithm is effective in combat where the odds stack up in your favor, but if the opposition is strong, you 'll want to keep manual control over your 'Mech's combat facilities . Remember: you are here to learn how to fight a battle , not how to watch one.

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind during combat:

• Use the terrain to your advantage. If you have to move quickly, travel across the wide-open ground. But when the firing commences, a 'Mech out in the open is like a soldier caught with his pants down. Forest provides good protection from your enemies, and the thicker the better. Water masses also provide some protection, and they can cool off a hot 'Mech as well.

• Use your scanning to locate the more dangerous enemies and open fire upon them first. The 'Mech that's put together like a weapons stockpile usually doesn't have room for much armor, so you can take them out with little work.

• Keep the enemy on its toes. The more you move about, the harder time your opponents will have of hitting you . Of course , your aim may suffer a bit as well.

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• Successful combat strategies don't spring from the teachings of some Eighth Century Far-Eastern battle philoso­pher. They come from Lance C.O.'s who get some half-baked notion about how to overcome insurmountable odds or succeed at the impossible. In short, never sell yourself short on the battlefield Your so-called insanity today could become textbook military procedure tomorrow.

• After your party has defeated its opponents, remember to regroup at the point where combat began. This will reduce the risk of being caught by stray remnants of the opposing forces .

• And if all else fails, fire off one last salvo and get out. Fleeing isn't honorable, but getting killed and losing a 'Mech is neither proper nor wise.

Away from the School

While training missions are typically quite brief, they are physically and emotionally demanding. Since we at the School realize this, we have not prepared any rigid timetable for your training. Rather, we allow you to advance at your own speed, undertaking the various training missions only when you feel you are ready. OFast learners may, however, find that we are unable to prepare our training facilities quickly enough to keep up with them - it takes around a day for us to clean up and reset our training course after each mission.)

In between missions, you will find much to do in the surrounding town. The Citadel - the planetary sea of govern­ment - hosts infantry combat courses which are quite valuable, despite their sizable tuition fees. Luckily, the ComStar station next door has full banking and stock-trading facilities.

You can rest up at your barracks, or pass time at the lounge. And for your shopping needs, local stores include a weapons shop, an armor shop (with full repair facilities), and a Mechit-Lube (that's a 'Mech service station, for you Flatlanders) .

Of course, we expect all students of the School to maintain mature behavior and a courteous attitude in class and free time. However, should the student become involuntarily drawn into a bad situation, remember the reputation of the school you're attending and wreak some havoc. After all, do you want to be a MechWarrior or a librarian? (You'll find that ground combat is much like 'Mech combat, not surprising when you consider that 'Mechs were designed according to specifications perfected over millennia in the human body.)

Occasionally the School allows students to travel the quiet countryside of Pacifica for a few days and visit the various towns to the north and west. You may inquire about taking vacation time after you 've completed your first twelve missions.

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The WSP-1 A Wasp was the first recon 'Mech to be mass-produced for the Terran military. Since its initial production in 2471 , the 'Mech has spread to all parts of human-occupied space. Old Star League records show that thousands of Wasps were constructed in the four centuries preceding the Succession Wars. Though many of these have worn out or been destroyed, estimates show that more than half this total is still in operation. Further, some Wasp designs are still being constructed in some areas of the Successor States. The large number of Wasps available for use should ensure that it remains among the main light recon 'Mechs of the Successor States for centuries to come.

The Wasp design has always been used for general scouting and reconnaissance duty. Far too lightly armed and armored for battle, its speed and maneuverability can generally keep it out of major confrontations.

20 BattleTech Pack

STATISTICS Mass : 20 tons Chassis : 1 A Type 3 Power Plant: GM 120 Cruising Speed : 66.5 kph Maximum Speed : 95.1 kph Jump Jets: Rawlings 52 Jump Capacity : 180 m Armor: Durallex Light Armament:

1 Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium Laser 1 Bical SRM Twin-Rack

Manufacturer: General MechaniCS, Inc. Communications System: Duoteck 65 Targeting and Tracking System: Radcom TXX

Type: WSP-1A Wasp IQm Tonnage: 20 Tons 20 Internal Structure: 2 Engine: 120 GM 4 Walking MPs: 6 Running MPs: 6 Jumping MPs: 6 Heat Sinks: 10 0 Gyro: 2 Cockpit : 3 Armor Factor: 48 3

Weapons and Ammo:

~ Location Medium Laser Right Arm SRM 2 Left Leg Ammo (SRM) 50 Left Torso Jump Jets Right Leg Jump Jets Left Leg Jump Jets Center Torso

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The Succession Wars

Over the past 1,000 years, man evolved a complex and burgeoning technology that paved the way for the coloniza­tion of space. Man made life possible on outer planets by solving such vital problems as universal distribution of pure water, effective government of far-flung worlds, and viable communications.

However, man has become the victim of his own invention. The seeds of his destruction are planted in his technol­ogy. In ceaseless waves of violent wars fought out of sheer lust for power, the Successor Houses have slaughtered untold millions and unravelled more than a thousand years of advancement. And still the ruthlessly fierce contest for supremacy continues.

The First Succession War (2787-2821) left cities decimated, vital industries destroyed, and hundreds of millions of civilians dead. All energies were turned to war - civilian technology, including water purification systems, deterio­rated drastically.

The Second Succession War (2830-2863) was just as deadly, destructive, and indecisive as the first. The blossom­ing military technology withered as the scientists who created and nurtured it died in war. It became increasingly difficult to build the computers, large fusion power plants, BattleMechs, and dropships desperately needed for the relentless combat. Production slowed dramatically, lagging dangerously far behind battlefield losses. The Warlords were reduced to cannibalizing existing equipment for spare parts to supplement the building of new weaponry. Salvage became vitally important to survival.

The Third Succession War (2866-present) continues the brutal contest. Resources are too scarce to destroy, too valuable not to fight for. War is now a way of life.

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The Successor Houses

The five houses locked in endless war over control of the Star League are:

The House of Davion The Federated Suns Ruled by Hanse Davion, this is the most powerful Succes­sor House. Now loosely allied with the House of Steiner against the Houses of Kurita, Liao, and Marik, Hanse plans to marry Melissa, Katrina Steiner's daughter and chosen successor.

The House of Steiner The Lyran Commonwealth This house derives its power from the strength of its industrial capacity, although its general are famous for their incompe­tence. Ruled by Katrina Steiner, the house's territory is constantly besieged for its valuable resources.

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The House of Marik The Free Worlds League Ruler Janos Marik has had little opportunity to lead his troops in battle against the other houses

The House of Kurita The Draconis Combine The House of Kurita holds several strategic star systems formerly controlled by the House of Steiner. Ruler Takashi Kurita has formed an alliance with Janos Marik and Maximilian Liao.

because frequent civil war - including rebellions led by his own brothers - has consumed his time and energies.

The House of Llao The Capel/an Confederation The weakest of the five houses, Liao is ruled by Maximilian Liao. Heavy territorial losses and constant defeat have left the house incapable of a prolonged offensive, prompting it to seek assistance.

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The Mercenary Companies These independent fighting companies supplement house-controlled troops. They vary in size and quality, and their loyalty goes to the highest bidder.

The Youngblood Family

An old and illustrious family, the Youngbloods can be traced back for more than 1,000 years. Below is a brief listing of notable family members.

Stuart Youngblood (2011-2097) Born during the civil war in ancient Soviet Union, Stuart graduated with a degree in physics from the then well­known Harvard University, where he carried on an early family tradition of playing a primitive field game known as football. He worked on fusion drives for the Alliance Parliament, which replaced the United Nations of his youth, stationed first on the newly discovered Tau Ceti and then on Epsilon Indi. He later formed the Youngblood Mining Corporation (YMC), which prospered in the asteroid belt. YMC was one of the first companies to transport entire asteroids to the Earth-Moon system. He invested much of his profit in early research to develop myomers (fiber bundles that contract like human muscle when exposed to electricity) . However, research at that time was unable to develop myomers short enough to be used as a human prosthetic, and Stuart's company underwent financially troubled times . His children, seeing an unprofitable future in the company, showed no interest in carrying on the business. Stuart left the YMC to his grandchildren, Emily and Frederick Youngblood.

Emily (2074-2166) and Frederick (2077-2160) Youngblood Emily Youngblood drifted away from the daily management of the YMC and became involved in the Deimos Project to develop Faster Than Light (FTL) vehicles. She was a consulting crew member on the first FTL flight in 218. Emily went on to become a representative to the Alliance Parliament, where she was instrumental in bringing all space colonies under Terran jurisdiction. Resentful that he was left to save a floundering company, Frederick championed the anti-FTL movement that protested the billions of dollars being spent on the Deimos Project while people went hungry and homeless. The rift between brother and sister was never repaired. Ironically, it was Frederick who profited from the Deimos Project when he joined others using FTL to exploit the stars. It was Frederick's son, Mike Youngblood, who helped supervise the first Alliance Grand Survey that showed more than 100 colonies.

Rob Youngblood (2159-2237) Mike's youngest son Rob ran the YMC into bankruptcy with his constant game playing, philandering, and gambling. He worked for Rudolph Ryan's ice ship business transporting icebergs to water-poor planets, a service that helped expand the Human Sphere to about 600 colonies. Rob worked up through the ranks and retired as a vice president

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of Ryan's company. At his retirement , he and his son Jack joined with others moving to one of the outer planets that had declared independence from the Terran Alliance. Both Youngbloods perished in the 18-month rebellion . At this point, the Youngblood family history is unclear: technology , along with family records, was ignored as survival in the newly independent colonies became increasingly difficult.

Marjorie Sperling Youngblood (2314-2399) Born the year the Terran Alliance collapsed, Marjorie became a well-known journalist, first writing about new technology and later acquiring fame as a war correspondent. While researching an article on the revival of myomer technology and the creation of the WorkMech for mining, she discovered her relation to Stuart Youngblood , who was involved in early asteroid mining as well as the preliminary myomer technology. When she could prove her relation (great-great-great-granddaughter of Rob Youngblood). she assumed the lost family name, persuading her siblings Christopher and Jordan Sperling to jo in her. Marjorie was the first reporter to travel to all ten separate states, where she covered the constant border wars and arms races.

Simon Youngblood (2381-2436) Simon, Christopher's grandson, was the first Youngblood in the military when he fought in the infantry for the Lyran Commonwealth. His outstanding conduct won him a place in the Lyran Honor Guard to witness the signing of the Ares Conventions, the chivalric code of war conduct. He continued on in the military- war being constant then as now - and was killed in action in 2436.

Pia Youngblood (2421-2483) In one of the few remaining personal documents left by a Youngblood, Pia attributes the death of her father, Simon, on her 15th birthday as the prime motivating force that propelled her into the military. The first Youngblood woman in combat, Pia received her commission in 2439, the year Terra developed the WorkMech into the BattieMech, changing the face of combat forever. Pia was decorated for bravery during the Lyran commando raids on Terran 'Mech production facilities that spread the new technology throughout the Human Sphere.

Carl Youngblood (2555-2632) Carl carried on the family tradition of excelling in the military. Pia Youngblood would have been proud to know that her successful commando raid more than 100 years earlier made it technologically possible for her great-great­grandnephew to become the family's first MechWarrior. Carl earned his high status for leading the most daring and successful unit of the Unification War. Carl was also know for his watercolors of space, which he painted to pass the time on his frequent adviSOry trips to the Star League.

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Samuel (2581-2653) and Floyd (2581-2659) Youngblood These highly gifted identical twin sons of Carl Youngblood let their older brother Thomas follow in their father's MechWarrior footsteps while they turned their sharp minds to research. Samuel led the research team that, after 15 years of dedication, developed the FTL transmitters that greatly improved interstellar communication, often cutting transmittal time in half. Floyd was a lead member of the Star League's engineering group that produced a low-cost water purification system, enabling the Human Sphere to expand even further. Known to violently disagree from time to time, Samuel and Floyd were , for the most part, a highly productive scientific team.

Dawn Youngblood (2760-2819) Initially in MechWarrior training - as generations of Youngbloods before her - Dawn became Protocol Officer for the Star League after a severe injury left her incapable of effective combat . She was present at the fateful meeting in 2781 when the Council, unable to come to a consensus as to the new leader, dissolved. Although she valiantly attempted to enforce diplomatic order, the meeting erupted in discord, never to meet again. Aware that war was inevitable, Dawn drew on her early 'Mech education to establish a 8attieMech repair depot that repeatedly received commendations for keeping untold numbers of 'Mechs battle ready. She personally developed new techniques for repairs even as resources became more scarce as the wars progressed. She died in a Kurita attack on her 'Mech plant.

Jeremiah Youngblood (b. 2981) Although many Youngbloods before him distinguished themselves as MechWarriors, Jeremiah has become a legend in his own time as unquestionably the best Phoenix Hawk pilot alive . He was a key member of the Kell Hounds from 3010 to 3016, he risked his life in a daring assault on a heavily armed assassin from Kurite, saving Katrina Steiner's life and leaving him near death. On his recovery, his loyalty was rewarded with a promotion to Captain of the Planetary Security Force for Pacifica (Chara IV), where he moved with his family in 3017.

Jason Youngblood (b. 3010) Jason is Jeremiah's son. He began his MechWarrior training at the age of nine. Now 18 years old, Jason is com­pleting his course at The Citadel.

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Getting Started


BattieTech@: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge™ requires an IBM PC, AT, XT, PS/1 , PS/2 or 100% Compatible, or Tandy 1000 Series, with a minimum of 640K RAM, DOS 3.0 or higher, and a hard drive. This program supports the following hardware devices-

Graphic Cards-VGA, MCGA, EGA, Tandy graphics

Music Boards-Roland LAPC-1 , Roland MT-32 , Sound Blaster, Adlib PC Music System, PS/1 AudioCard , PC Internal Speaker, Tandy 10003 Voice Sound

Sound Boards-Sound Blaster, Game Blaster/Creative Music System, Innovation Sound Standard, Covox PC Sound Master, Adlib PC Music System, PS/1 Audio Card, Tandy Advanced Digitizing Sound System (Tandy TL and SL Computers) , Tandy 10003 Voice Sound, PC Internal Speaker

Input Devices-Mouse, Keyboard

Starting BattieTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge

To load BattleTech refer to the Power Hits Reference Card included in the package.

To load BattleTech manually, switch into your REVENGE directory by typing CD BATTLE\REVENGE, then hit Enter. Now type REVENGE to load the game. Pressing any key after you see the title screen brings up three buttons. You can highlight them by using either your mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard, then Select one with either the left mouse button or the Enter key.

Your Story

The complete history of the Succession Wars begins on page 62. But this is where you are now .. .

The year is 3029, and you are 19-year-old Jason Youngblood of the Lyran Commonwealth (House Steiner) . Not long ago, the Draconis Combine (House Kurita) captured your father, Jeremiah Youngblood, the best Phoenix Hawk pilot alive (as detailed in BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception) . You are sworn to rescue him, relying on the extensive battle training you've received since the age of nine.

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You fought hard to build up your Lance of four BattleMechs, the most powerful fighting machines in the galaxy, and you recruited three true friends to join you as MechWarriors. You know that in the years ahead you 'll prove your military prowess to Katrina Steiner, your patroness, but all that matters now is finding your father.

The most likely place to get information about your father's whereabouts is on the planet Lyons, home base of the Kell Hounds. Your father was once a member of this famous mercenary 'Mech regiment, and you feel certain that they will help you .

But as your DropShip approaches Lyons, Kurita AeroSpace Fighters zero in to ambush you, and your transport is forced to crash land in a lake. The ship is sinking, your 'Mechs are trapped, and a Kurita light 'Mech, a Locust, is approaching at full speed to blow you out of the water. The only thing standing between you and certain destruction is a damaged Kell Hound Jenner, manned by a green recruit.

Do you have the ability to take command and win a hopeless battle? If so, then perhaps you have what it takes to face the fiercest land battles the Inner Sphere has ever seen ...

Commands for Gameplay


Up arrow· Down arrow· Left arrow· Right arrow· Any Diagonal Space Bar/Enter ESC

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7

32 BattleTech Pack


Up Down Left Right Any Diagonal Left Button Right Button


Scrolls up Scrolls down Scrolls left Scrolls right Scrolls diagonally Select UnSelect (If no 'Mech Selected, brings up Game Options Box) Scrolls to your 'Mech (Unit 1, Lance 1) Scrolls to Unit 2, Lance 1 Scrolls to Unit 3, Lance 1 Scrolls to Unit 4, Lance 1 Lance 1 Control Lance 2 Control Lance 3 Control

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F9 F10 +



Scrolls to visible Enemy(ies) DropShip Controls Jumps among units on screen Jumps among units on screen Game speed settings (1 slowest-8 fastest) Sound Control (On/Off) Music Control (On/Off) Digitized Voice Control (Verbose/Brief/Off)

Note: On some Tandy systems, you must use the numeric keypad rather than the Up/Down and LetvRight arrow keys.

The game consists of two parts, the Story and the Scenarios. The Story gives you guidance and direction. Occa­sionally, you'll be allowed to select new 'Mechs and MechWarriors as the story of Jason Youngblood progresses. The Scenarios are the arenas in which you actually play the game.

Select and UnSelect

You can use either a mouse or the keyboard to control play of the game. You can toggle between keyboard and mouse control using the Game Options Menu (see page 59 for more details) . Choose the method that works best for you.

You call up menus and pick game options by using an action we will call Select-

For the mouse: Press the Left Button. For the keyboard : Press the Space Bar, Enter, or Return.

Each also has UnSelect-

For the mouse: Press the Right Button. For the keyboard : Press Escape (ESC).

Press Select to advance the story one screen at a time. At any time while in the story, press UnSelect to advance directly to the next scenario.

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Starting the Game

When you boot up The Crescent Hawks' Revenge, the first thing you see is the credits . Press the Space Bar to reach the Title Screen. There you can Select one of three buttons-

New Game-begins a new game Load Game-loads a previously-saved game Game Options-takes you to a screen where you can adjust the way the game's presented. See the Game Options section later in this manual.

Quick-Start Scenarios

Getting into the First Scenario

1. When you see the Title Screen, you may wish to call up Game Options, to set the sound and music level and the type of game input (mouse or keyboard). We suggest you use the keyboard for the first couple of scenarios and then try using the mouse. When you're ready, Select the New Game option.

2. The game begins by showing a map of the Inner Sphere in the year 3028. You can read the background to the game, then Select once to go to the next screen.

3. Your first decisions are made when the 'Mech Selection Screen appears. Move the cursor arrow around the screen with the mouse or arrow keys ; the background behind a 'Mech brightens when it's eligible to be chosen. You need to Select four 'Mechs for the Crescent Hawks. We suggest you select these four in order: Griffin (for Youngblood), Phoenix Hawk (Pearce), Enforcer (Graham), and Commando (Stewart). Select Exit when you've finished.

Note that the 'Mechs you select do not appear in the first scenario , since they are trapped inside the sinking DropShip.

4. Let the rest of the background story play, pressing the Enter key to advance through the text screens. The last screen before entering the first scenario shows the damaged Kell Hound Jenner.

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Playing the First Scenario

Objective: You command a Kell Hound Jenner and must use it to prevent an Enemy Locust from firing at and sinking your DropShip.

1. The first scenario screen shows the Kell Hound Jenner in a lake near a bridge . Hit the "1 " key to run the game at its slowest speed.

2. Press the F1 Function key and then Select to bring up the Command/Status Box for the Jenner. Examine the current Commands for the 'Mech as well as its statistics. Note that its Close-Range (CLS) firepower is Heavy and it has no Long-Range fire capability, its speed is Fast , and it's equipped with Jump Jets (denoted by the "J" after its speed) . It's also suffered previous damage and is at 81 % of its normal armor.

3. Exit the Command/Status Box by Selecting Done or by simply UnSelecting .

4. Press the F9 key to scroll across the map to the Enemy Locust and Select to bring up its Command/Status Box. Note that the Enemy 'Mech is north of you and is heading south. Its speed is Very Fast (better than the Jenner's), but it has only Moderate firepower at Close-Range. UnSelect to exit the Command/Status Box.

5. Press the F1 key again to scroll back to your Jenner and Select to bring up its Command/Status Box . You're ready to give it orders. The first thing you want to do is move the Jenner to intercept the oncoming Enemy 'Mech. Use the arrow keys to highlight Move and Select it. The Command/Status Box disappears and the highlight square appears over the Jenner; at the bottom of the screen are the words "Jenner to move to : R46."

Use the arrow keys to move the highlight square around the map. Note that as you move the square, the coordinates at the bottom of the screen change. Stop the square on the bridge and Select to anchor one of the movement points. Move the square north to the end of the bridge and Select again for the second move­ment point. Move the square up seven or eight spaces (to coordinate N29) and Select again for the third movement point. Select one more time to scroll back to the Jenner and bring up the Command/Status Box.

The fire command is set to Fire Defensively, which means your 'Mech's priority is to move to the destina­tion you selected and fire only if an Enemy unit comes within range as it moves. At this pOint, you don't want to issue any more orders, so UnSelect to exit the box or Select Done.

Your 'Mech will follow the path you set until he reaches the final movement point you selected. He will then stay put until you give him new orders.

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6. You'll receive messages from the Jenner pilot, Anderson, as he moves to the positions you selected for him while the Enemy draws closer. Select Continue to exit the messages boxes.

7. Use the Function key F9 to scroll up to the Enemy as he advances and F1 to scroll back to the Jenner. When you receive the message that Anderson is in position, press F1 and Select to bring up his Com­mand/Status Box. Anderson will automatically begin firing at the Enemy when it comes within range . If you're lucky, a few good hits may stop the Locust. .

8. If the Locust begins to retreat, you can follow him, but be careful. If he isn't sufficiently damaged, he'll try to make an end run around your flank. You must prevent him from getting around you and attacking and sinking the DropShip. Remember that your 'Mech moves faster along the road and bridge than the Locust does through water.

If you don't succeed in your first attempt, page through the text screens until you reach the next menu, and keep Selecting Replay Scenario until you win.

9. You may wish to experiment with commands in this first scenario . Instead of leaving the Jenner set to Fire Defensively, Select the command Fire At Will. Your 'Mech will automatically move toward the Locust, which may be able to outmaneuver your unit .

Similarly, you may wish to test the Target command . Select it, and when the red highlight square appears over your Jenner, use the arrow keys (or mouse, if it's active) to scroll it up the map and directly atop the Locust. Select again. Now you've directed your 'Mech to fire only at this particular Enemy unit.

The Second Scenario

Objective: Two Kurita light 'Mechs are advancing from the north. You've rescued two of your 'Mechs (Jason's and Rex's) from the sinking DropShip, and you must prevent the Enemy from crossing the lake and exiting the south map edge to attack the Kell Hound base.

1. After completing the first scenario, read the next text screen and then Select Continue to go to the second scenario. Read through the next several text screens, until the overhead battle map appears on the screen.

2. Check the statistics of your units by pressing the F1 key for Jason's 'Mech, the Griffin (if that's what you selected earlier), and Selecting when the highlight square is over the 'Mech. Now use F2 to do the same

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for Rex's 'Mech, the Phoenix Hawk. Then try it with the F5 key. Notice that you've brought up Jason's Command/Status Box again, except that now it says "Lance Commands on the top of the Command Box. This means you can give commands to both units simultaneously, if you wish. The F1 and F2 keys allow you to give commands to your individual 'Mechs; the F5 key allows you to give the same order to all 'Mechs in your Lance. Select Done or UnSelect to exit a Command/Status Box.

3. Press the F9 key twice, Selecting after each press. This will bring up the Status Box of each Enemy 'Mech. The Enemy Ostscout is very fast, but more lightly armed. The Panther is slower, but has greater firepower at all ranges. The Enemy 'Mechs will split apart, trying to outflank you.

We suggest you send your stronger but slower 'Mech after the Panther and your faster but less powerful 'Mech after the Ostscout.

4. Let us assume you've selected the Griffin for Jason. Press F1 and Select to bring up the Command/Status Box. Select the Target command, and when the red highlight square appears over your 'Mech, use the arrow keys to scroll it up and over the Panther and Select, to order Jason to fire at the Griffin. Leave the fire command set at Fire Defensively.

Send Jason moving after the Enemy by Selecting Move. A highlight square appears over Jason. Use the arrow keys to scroll the square up to coordinate J03, just south of a patch of woods, and Select twice; the first Select marks the movement point on the road and the second Select takes you back to the Com­mand/Status Box. You'll be protected by the woods until the Enemy commits himself to a path of move­ment. Exit the square by Selecting Done or by simply UnSelecting.

5. Now send Rex after the Ostscout. Press F2 and Select to bring up his Command/Status Box. Use the Target command as described above to select the Ostscout as Rex's target. Now use the Move command to send Rex's 'Mech up the road to coordinate N10 and Select this movement point; move the square to the west to M40, south of the woods and Select twice to mark the second movement point and return to the Command/Status Box. Rex will be in position to attack the Ostscout when it emerges from the heavy woods. Select Done or UnSelect to exit the box.

6. Use the Function keys to scroll among the units on the map (F1 and F2 for your units and F9 for the Enemy). You may need to change commands as the situation changes. The Ostscout, for example, may decide not to advance through the heavy woods, so you 'll have to move Rex's 'Mech up to support Jason. You may wish to change the fire command to Fire At Will as soon as one of the Enemy 'Mechs is de-

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stroyed or immobilized. Use the F5 key to give this command to both units as a Lance. As soon as one Enemy is out of action, the other will attempt to flee north. Try to prevent it from exiting the map, or it will appear later as a reinforcement.

7. If the Enemy 'Mechs get past you, replay the scenario, trying different strategies until you successfully stop them from crossing the lake.

You're now ready to continue your mission to find and rescue your father. Best of luck.

Choosing 'Mechs and MechWarriors

At the beginning of the game and occasionally throughout its course, you'll be allowed to choose 'Mechs and MechWarriors for your command. At other times, you'll be assigned 'Mechs, ground vehicles , or MechWarriors for specific missions.

The 'Mech Selection Screen shows which 'Mechs are available. At the beginning of the game, six 'Mechs are available for your Lance, the Crescent Hawks. You can choose four of these 'Mechs.

Later in the game, you'll have the opportunity to select 'Mechs for all Lances you command. You may also be allowed to select new MechWarriors to replace personnel killed in action.


Long Range Damage Medium Range Damage ...............

Close Range Damage -­Speed ;::::;

38 BattleTech Pack

'Mech Selection Screen

Information Box

Pilot & selected 'Mech

" Selected Pilot

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Before you choose a 'Mech, it's wise to examine its capabilities. If you use a mouse, move the highlighted square around the screen as usual. If you use the keyboard, move between MechWarriors by using the Up and Down arrows, and between 'Mechs by using the Left and Right arrows.

The box containing the 'Mech brightens as you move onto it, meaning it can be Selected. Under each 'Mech appears its firepower and speed:

LNG Long-Range Firepower MED Medium-Range Firepower CLS Close-Range Firepower SPD Speed (if the 'Mech has Jump Jets, the speed is followed by "J")

In the upper right hand corner of the screen the following information appears for that 'Mech:

Weapons carried (see page 123 for a description of weapons)

Amount of Armor

Level of Heat the 'Mech produces in one round of maximum weapon usage (subsequent rounds produce greater heat)

The names of MechWarriors in the Lance appear in boxes on the right side of the screen. When you Select a 'Mech, it's assigned to the first Warrior, and the next Warrior is then ready to be assigned a 'Mech. The box behind a 'Mech darkens when the unit has been aSSigned. You may also be allowed to Select a MechWarrior's box before assigning a 'Mech to that pilot.

If you change your mind and wish to alter 'Mech aSSignments, Select the Warrior's box and the 'Mech again becomes available.

Later in the game, you 'll assign 'Mechs to several Lances. Buttons for the Lances-Command, Fire, and Scout­appear in the upper right-hand corner. Select a Lance and assign 'Mechs to its pilots as described above. You must assign 'Mechs to all Warriors before going on to another Lance. When you 've completed your 'Mech assign­ments, Select the Exit button or UnSelect to exit the screen.

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Late in the game, you'll be allowed to replace dead MechWarriors. The procedure is similar to assigning 'Mechs. When a Warrior's box is brightened, you can Select the person and his or her name will appear in one of the empty MechWarrior boxes to the right of the screen.

After picking your replacements, you then assign available 'Mechs to them as described above .

Game Navigation

Basics of Command

When you playa scenario, most of the screen shows the battlefield . To the left of the map, however, is a series of badges which represent the units engaged in battle . The top four badges represent the four units in your Lance. The fifth badge represents your Lance as a whole . The sixth and seventh badges identify the two other Lances that may be under your command. These badges (Lance and individual units) are controlled by the Function keys.

Keys F1 through F4 control individual units in your Lance, the F1 key being Jason's unit. Key F5 controls your entire Lance. Thus, your Lance can be controlled individually, unit by unit, or as a whole .

Other Lances available to you appear in the two spaces underneath your Lance badge and are controlled by keys F6 and Fl. These units are controlled only as Lances; you give orders to the Lance commanders who pass them on to their subordinates.

You'll notice at the beginning of the game that there are only two badges you control. The top badge (controlled by F1) represents the single Kell Hound Jenner, and the lower badge (F5) represents it as a Lance. You can give orders to the Jenner by using either F1 or F5.

Pressing the appropriate Function key takes you to the 'Mech on the battlefield. A flashing "highlight" square appears over the 'Mech and remains with it as it moves. In addition, the appropriate badge to the left is highlighted .

The badges also serve a secondary purpose, changing colors to reflect their current situation-

Green means the unit sees no Enemies.

Yellow means an Enemy has been spotted.

Red means the unit has 50% or less of its armor remaining.

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The badge beneath your second Lance commander represents your Enemy. In the early scenarios, it's a dragon, the Kurita symbol. Pressing F9 scrolls the highlight square to the first Enemy unit Sighted, or to the last one you looked at. Repeatedly pressing F9 scrolls among all the Enemies currently on the map that are within Line-Of-Sight of your units. If F9 does not scroll to a unit, it means all Enemy units are outside your Line-Of-Sight. Note that an Enemy unit may not be within sight of your units but may still be detected by Sensors, in which case its position is marked by an Enemy badge (see page 49 for more details).

The lowermost badge on the left edge of the screen represents a Friendly DropShip, which acts as a base of command. It can be accessed by the F10 key when it becomes available, which occurs after the year 3052. Note that the DropShip which crash lands in the first scenario has no badge, since it was made inoperative by the crash. DropShips are discussed in more detail on page 52.

Indicated Unit Badges (F1) ---

-­Your Lance Badge (F5)---- . Lance #2 Badge (F6) ---- . Lance #3 Badge (F7)---­

Enemy Badge (F9)---­DropShip Badge (F1 0)-- lliiI"

Information Bar~d Unit

Information Bar

Command Box (F2) (F3) (F4) Status Box


Time Scale

When you move the highlight square over a unit, information about it appears on the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen. This bar gives the unit name, its percentage of armor remaining, and its heat level. The letters "CU" appearing before the unit name indicate it's a command unit, denoting its ability to take commands from you.

When you assign a unit a path of movement or an order to fire at a specific target or terrain feature , the Information Bar shows the map coordinates while you move the highlight square across the map.

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The Information Bar also contains the Speed Bar and Game Clock. You can change the speed of the game by pressing a number key, from 1 (the slowest game speed) to 8 (the fastest) . The Game Clock keeps track of time during a scenario .

Command/Status Box

During the course of play, you need to give commands to your units and to check their current status. You do so by calling up the Command/Status Box . The Command Box appears only for units you can control ; the Status Box appears for all units. The Information Bar at the bottom shows the current vital statistics of the unit you Selected, whether you control it or not.

When you call up this box, game action freezes until you UnSelect or Select Done.

To call up the Command/Status Box , move the blinking highlight square over the unit you wish to check and then Select it. There are three ways to move the highlight square:

1. Use the Function keys. Pressing F1 through F4 moves the highlight square to one of the four units in the Lance you command directly. The F1 key is for Jason's 'Mech; F2, F3, and F4 are for the other 'Mechs in Jason's Lance. F5, F6, and F7 highlight Lance commanders' boxes (F5 is Jason's Lance, and F6 and F7 are his two subordinate Lances) .

Thus, you can call up Jason's Command/Status Box by pressing either F1 or F5. The F1 key allows you to give orders to Jason's 'Mech individually, while F5 allows you to give orders to Jason's Lance as a whole . F6 and F7 are available only when you command more than one Lance.

The F9 key allows you to move the highlight square to Enemy units. Select the unit to see its Status Box (there's no Command Box, since you can never control Enemy units) .

2. Use the mouse, the keyboard arrow keys , or the numeric keypad to move the highlight square directly adjacent to or over a unit and Select it. (Tandy computers must use the numeric keypad instead of the arrow keys.)

3. Use the plus (+) or minus (-) keys to cycle through the units currently on the screen, Friendly and Enemy, to Select one.

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The Status Box provides the most up-to-the-minute information about the unit and provides more data than the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen.


'Mech type

Pilot's name and experience

Pilot's Lance






Long-Range Firepower > Medium-Range Firepower Close-Range Firepower




None, Light, Moderate, Heavy, Brutal, Devastating, Incredible

Light, Medium, Heavy, Massive and percent remaining

None, Slow, Average, Fast, Very Fast (if the 'Mech has Jump Jets, the speed is followed by "J")

None, Warm, Moderate, Hot Dangerous, Extreme, Shutdown

Any special items carried by a unit are listed under its Status. Special items are explained in Weapons on page 123.

LNG, MED, CLS: If a unit runs out of ammunition-missiles, machine gun bullets, autocannon rounds-the appro­priate statistics change. When any weapons system in one of these categories takes internal damage , the listing for that category turns gray, even though other systems In that category may stili be operational.

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Spo: When this listing tums gray, the unit can no longer move.

Status Box

Unit Name PiloUExperience Lance Name Long Range Damage

,111111t:§~=?MI~;e~d~ium Range Damage W, Range Damage lliiiiiiit---Armor & % Remaining

Speed Current Heat Level

Unit Commands

You give orders to units via the Command/Status Box. After Selecting the box, issue whatever orders you wish. Note that there are differences between issuing commands to individual 'Mechs, Lances, and vehicles.

Individual 'Mech Commands

Move Selecting this command allows you to choose a path of movement for the individual unit or Lance. Use the mouse or the arrow keys to move the highlight square across the map. Note that this square remains connected by a line to the unit you wish to move. Whenever you reach a point where you want the unit to change directions, Select that point; a solid highlight square remains there, and you can continue moving the flashing highlight square to the next point. You can issue up to four move­ment points for a unit.

Note that as you move the blinking highlight square across the battlefield, the map coordinates are shown in the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen. See page 48 for more details on map coordinates.

In dense terrain, such as mountains or cities, you should keep movement points short (and forma­tions tight, as explained on page 55), or your pilots may get confused and head in the wrong direc-

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tion. In more open terrain, you can select more widely spaced movement pOints. UnSelect at any time to cancel a unit's movement orders. When you Select your fourth pOint, you automatically return to the Command/Status Box. If you wish to plot fewer than four movement pOints, Select the last point twice to return to the Command/Status Box.

Walking-This is a 'Mech's standard movement speed. The heat level builds more slowly when a 'Mech walks. A unit firing while moving has a lower probability of hitting its target. 'Mechs with Jump Jets cannot use them at this speed.

Running-The 'Mech moves at top speed, but its heat level increases more rapidly and the probabil­ityof hitting a target is further reduced. 'Mechs equipped with Jump Jets can use them at this speed to jump over difficult but not impassable terrain.

Stop-The 'Mech will not move when issued this order. Stopping is sometimes useful between movement points. Note that a stopped unit will not turn around to fire at an Enemy unit.

Each unit usually chooses its targets automatically. You use this command to have a unit concentrate fire on a specific Enemy or to set fire to or destroy a terrain feature. A red, flashing highlight square appears over the unit. Use the mouse or arrow keys to move the square to the Enemy unit or terrain feature that is to be attacked, and then Select it (the F9 key can also be used to toggle between Enemies) . Note that you cannot Select a Friendly unit to attack with this command. Once the target or terrain feature is destroyed, this option automatically turns off. You'll have to issue this command again to attack a new target.

This is a combination of movement and command.

Fire At No One-The unit will not fire at any Enemies when given this order. This order is often useful when the objective is to reach a location while conserving ammunition.

Fire At Will-This command emphasizes combat before movement. The unit is ordered to seek out and engage a target of opportunity, one to which it is equal or superior in firepower. Once that Enemy is destroyed, it will automatically seek out a new such target. The unit will try to maintain optimum fire range while moving around to keep from being a sitting target. If the unit has been issued movement orders, it will seek to engage the Enemy first and then, only if no other target is available, obey any movement commands.

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Fire Defensively-This command emphasizes movement before combat. The unit will attempt to obey any movement commands you give it. As it moves, it will fire at any opportune target that presents itself, or that you 've specifically targeted, but its first objective is to reach the location you selected.

Many 'Mech weapons generate heat when they fire (especially lasers and PPCs). When 'Mechs move and fire , especially at maximum speed, there's always a danger that a 'Mech will overheat and then shut down or blow up. The Overburn command tells the pilot to push the vehicle above safe levels. While such an order may help overcome fearsome odds, it also increases the chance that a 'Mech will self-destruct. Overburn can be toggled on and off .

When you're done issuing commands, Select this option to return to play. You can also UnSelect to exit the Command/Status Box, although if you were in the middle of issuing movement orders , doing so cancels any orders you issued.

Plotting a Move for the Enforcer 'Mech

Vehicle Commands







This command is the same as for 'Mechs.

For vehicles, Cruising is the same as Walking for a 'Mech, and Flank the same as Running .

Same as for 'Mechs.

Same as for 'Mechs.

Vehicles cannot be issued an Overburn command.

Same as for 'Mechs.

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Lance Commands

The Lance has all the same commands as the Individual 'Mechs, and one extra-

Formations This command can only be issued to Lance commanders. The various formations are listed as you Select through them (see page 55 for more details) . When the desired formation appears on the screen, leave it there . The Lance will assume that command when you Select the Done option (or UnSelect to leave the box).

The Enemy

Enemy units have Status Boxes similar to yours, although there are a few changes . They have no Command Boxes, because you cannot give them commands. The Enemy Status Boxes provide this information-

LNG Long-Range Firepower > None, Light, Moderate, Heavy, MED Medium-Range Firepower Brutal, Devastating, Incredible CLS Close-Range Firepower

ARM Armor-Type and approx- Light, Medium, Heavy, Massive imate percent remaining

SPD Speed Slow, Average, Fast, Very Fast

DMG Damage (Short, overview description)

More details on the most damaged system are provided at the bottom of the box.

Enemy weapon range descriptions don't change to reflect ammunition depletion. This is because your units cannot tell from looking at the Enemy how much ammo it still retains. However, if a weapon range is gray, it means your units have detected damage to some of the Enemy's weapons. Also, if SPD is gray, the 'Mech's legs have been knocked out or a vehicle has been immobilized.

You will sometimes encounter Enemy infantry units during the game. Infantry includes both foot units and Jump Jet­equipped units. Infantry units move very slowly compared to vehicles (Jump Jet units move slightly faster), and their firepower is limited.

Use the F9 key to cycle through the Enemies within Line-Of-Sight to check their Status Boxes. You cannot examine "phantom icons" (see page 49) .

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During the course of the game, you 'll have the opportunity to command ground vehicles-tanks, armor personnel carriers (APCs), trucks, and Hovercraft. You don't select vehicles from the 'Mech Selection Screen; they are simply assigned to you. Check the Command/Status Boxes for your vehicles to determine their speed and weapons systems.

There are three types of vehicles: tracked, wheeled , and hover. Each has its own movement capabilities. Wheeled vehicles are the norm. Tracked vehicles generally are slower and sturdier, but they become immobilized when their tracks are blown off. Hover vehicles can move over water at high speeds, but they cannot move through any woody terrain. Vehicles never have Jump Jets.

When a Command Unit (CU) is a vehicle, its Command/Status Box options change slightly. Cruising speed is equivalent to Walking speed for a 'Mech, and Flank speed is equivalent to Running . Vehicles do not have Overburn ability.

Elements of Command

Map Coordinates

Occasionally, you 'll receive orders to move to a specific coordinate on the map. You can check map coordinates using the Move or Target options on the Command/Status Box . Select either option; map coordinates appear in the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen as you move the highlight square across the map. Use UnSelect to cancel any movement orders you may aCCidentally issue.


Range defines the distance at which your weapon systems are effective. Some weapons, such as small lasers and machine guns, are effective only at Close-Range, while others are most efficient at Medium- or Long-Range. In this game, each map square is 30 meters (about 100 feet) from side to side. The weapons will have one of these ranges-

Close Medium Long

48 BattleTech Pack

o to 90 meters (1 to 3 squares) 91 to 300 meters (4-10 squares) 301 to 600 meters (11-20 squares)

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Llne-Of-Slght (LOS)

A unit's Line-Of-Sight is essentially infinite, so long as nothing interferes (such as a building, hill, or clump of trees). After you spot an Enemy unit, it's possible for that unit to break Line-Of-Sight with your units by moving behind blocking terrain. As long as it's still within Sensor range, however, a "phantom icon" of the Enemy appears on the screen (for example, the Kurita Dragon symbol). If the unit moves out of your Sensor range (600 meters) and remains out of your Line-Of-Sight, the icon disappears from the map altogether. You cannot fire at an unseen unit , even if your Sensors still record it, unless your unit has LRMs.


All units generate internal heat when moving and firing weapons. 'Mechs suffer problems from heat more than vehicles do. Damage to a unit may cause heat to build up quickly. If a unit overheats, it shuts down temporarily , being unable to move or fire heat-generating weapons until the heat dissipates. A disastrous heat build-up can cause a 'Mech to explode, especially if it's carrying ammo.

Heat levels include, from lowest to highest: None, Warm, Moderate, Hot, Dangerous, Extreme, and Shutdown. At higher heat levels, a unit moves more slowly and it misses its target more often when firing .

Light 'Mechs tend not to overheat. Heavier 'Mechs, while they have more heat sinks, also carry more weapons and are prone to shut down more often. Thus, it's possible for a light 'Mech to inflict considerable damage on a heavier 'Mech, because it can maneuver more quickly and dissipate its heat faster.

A pilot's experience level determines just how hot he or she will let a 'Mech become. Green pilots will often push their 'Mechs to the Dangerous level, while more experienced pilots will allow their 'Mechs to go only to High. The Overburn command allows pilots to go one heat level higher than they would normally go.

Another method of generating heat is to stand in a burning forest. You can start a forest fire by targeting a weapon onto a forested area. Any 'Mechs standing in a burning forest will begin to heat up.

Heat is dissipated over time via heat sinks. Water allows heat to dissipate at a faster-than-normal rate.

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You'll travel to five planets during the game. The terrain on each one differs significantly from the others. In general , a scenario will take place either in an urban or rural setting, although some scenarios combine both kinds. The terrain features on each map affect unit movement, Line-Of-Sight, and combat ability. The terrains used in the game include:

Open Plains/Roads Light Woods Heavy Forest Rocks/Boulders Mountains Water Buildings/Structures

Open Plains/Roads: All vehicles and 'Mechs move fastest through these types of terrain . Line-Ot-Sight is always clear, and there are no defensive bonuses when being attacked.

Light Woods/Heavy Forests: 'Mechs and vehicles move more slowly in wooded areas, and the heavier the forest , the slower the movement. Hover vehicles cannot move through wooded terrain at all. 'Mechs equipped with Jump Jets use them to move through heavy forests at regular movement speed.

Forests will block Line-Of-Sight at times. You can't see an Enemy unit if there are three or more light woods squares between the units, although you may see a "phantom icon" if the Enemy is still within Sensor range. For heavy forests, it takes only two squares to block Line-Of-Sight. Note that the squares your unit and the Enemy occupy are not taken into consideration ; it's the number of squares between you and the Enemy that counts.

Firing at a unit in a wooded area is less accurate, because the trees may affect your aiming or may absorb some of the explosive power. The more woods there are, the less accurate the fire .

You can start fires in wooded areas by using the Target command. Select it and move the flashing red highlight square to the wooded area you wish to fire on. Units will continue to fire at the target until it catches fire . The fire may spread or burn out, depending on the prevailing winds and dryness of the timber. Creating a fire path in a heavy forest allows you to move through the charred remains at normal speed. A unit 's heat level will rise quickly if it occupies burning woods.

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Rock/Boulders: You 'll occasionally find areas strewn with piles of rocks or large boulders. This terrain acts the same as Light Woods for slowing movement and affecting Line-Of-Sight and firing. You cannot set rocks and boulders on fire.

Mountains: Nothing can move through or over mountains, not even units equipped with Jump Jets. Mountains completely block Line-Of-Sight and non-missile fire . An Enemy unit that moves behind a mountain will become a "phantom icon" as long as it's w~hin Sensor range . You'll occasionally find mining pits in mountainous terrain ; you cannot enter the pits, but they don't affect Line-Of-Sight or the ability to fire across them. Only missiles can fire over mountains.

Water: 'Mechs suffer a reduction in speed when walking or running in water. A 'Mech running with Jump Jets flies over water at normal walking speed. Hover vehicles move over water quickly, but tracked and wheeled vehicles and infantry cannot enter water. Line-Of-Sight over water is unlim~ed, and there are no penalties for firing at targets in water. Water dissipates heat quickly.

Buildings/Structures: None of your units can move into buildings, nor can a 'Mech use Jump Jets to fly over them. It takes only one building square to block Line-Of-Sight, although an Enemy unit within Sensor range will appear as a "phantom icon." Buildings also interfere with firing. Buildings can be reduced to rubble by firing directly at them; Select the Target option and move the flashing red highlight square to the building you wish to attack. The building will be attacked until it's rubble, allowing unimpeded fire and Line-Of-Sight, but 'Mechs still can't move through the s~e.


Un~s under your command will contact you during battle to give you information about detecting Enemy un~s , their damage level, requests for assistance, and the like. A MSG light blinks at the bottom of the screen, the sender identifies himself via digital voice, and the sender's unit is highlighted with a blinking square. Red messages are more urgent than blue ones.

Pressing the M key brings the message up on the screen. After reading the message, Select the Continue button to get back in the game at your current position or the Go to Unit button to go the sending unit (if he's elsewhere on the map).

Each MechWarrior has his or her own personality and way of sending messages. A green pilot may send more reports than you need and may ask for assistance when he doesn't necessarily need it, while a more experienced pilot will send you more specific information about his status and that of the Enemy. You can set the digitized speech to Verbose, to Brief, or turn ~ off completely using the Game Options menu.

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Selecting Training World Scenarios

When the game jumps to the year 3052, the first set of scenarios takes place on the Arc-Royal training world, where you get to practice combat with a full company of three 'Mech Lances. All combat on the training world is simulated, and your 'Mechs do not take real damage from an exercise.

After selecting the 'Mechs to comprise your company via the 'Mech Selection Screen, you'll be shown a screen with a chart of the units you chose. If you wish to change your 'Mechs, Select the Re-select option at the bottom left corner of the screen. If you 're satisfied with your units, Select OK. You'll then be asked to choose an arena scenario. Move through the scenario options with the mouse or arrow keys and Select the one you wish.

When you successfully complete a scenario, a star appears in front of it. You must successfully complete all six scenarios before moving on in the story.

DropShip Commands

The DropShip badge appears on the left side of the screen, starting with scenarios after the year 3052. The badge indicates that one or more Friendly DropShips are in orbit over the planet, and may be able to lend you additional firepower and intelligence. Use the F10 key to call up the DropShip Command menu, and Select the available options as you wish.

I ntelli gence

52 BattleTech Pack

This option allows you to check the formations, locations, speed and headings of your Lances and, if they are within Line-Of-Sight, Enemy Lances. If an Enemy Lance hasn't been spotted, it's not listed, and if it's moved out of Line-Of-Sight, its status becomes Uknw (unknown) . Destroyed Lances are listed as Dead.

A typical intelligence report might read :

Kell Hounds Command Fire Recon

U25 U56 U82

-> ->

All three Lances in your command are in horizontal line formations, their map coordinates are given, and they are all heading east. U25 is walking, U56 is running, and U82 is stopped.

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Shell Coordinates

Rolling Barrage

Call Strafing

View Satellite Map

When artillery is available to you, you can have it shell a specific area on the map. After Selecting this option, move the highlight square using the mouse or arrow keys around the map to the area you want bombarded and then Select again. The bombardment will begin shortly thereafter and will oontinue until you turn it off. Explosions will occur around the area you selected as some fire scatters. All units in the area, including your own, can take damage. You'll be alerted if artillery isn't currently available to you , and you can attempt to call it in as often as you wish.

Note that artillery is sometimes made available to the Enemy side as well.

You can also order your artillery to lay down a sweeping barrage of fire across a swath of the map. After Selecting this option, Select the highlight square at the point where you want the artillery barrage to begin and then Select the square at the point you want it to end. Explosions will occur along the line you selected until you turn the barrage off. Dam­age occurs to Friendly units in the line of fire as well as Enemy.

If your side has air superiority, you'll be allowed to call in AeroSpace Fighters for a strafing run. Move the highlight square to the center point of the area you want the fighters to strafe. The AeroSpace Fighters, when they appear, cross the map in a straight line, firing at everything in their path (they are moving too fast to easily differentiate Friend from Enemy) . You can call off the strafing attack whenever you wish.

As with artillery, the Enemy may be able to call in strafing attacks if he has air superiority.

When an uplink to the DropShip is available, you can call up an overhead view of the entire battlefield. All units on the field , whether they can be seen directly or not, appear as dots on the screen (white dots for your units, red or blue dots for Enemy units). There 's a large highlight square on the satellite map which you can move around with the mouse or arrow keys. If you wish to zoom in for a close-up of that portion of the field, Select it. You can examine the Status Boxes of any units in view, but you cannot give commands to Friendly units. UnSelecting takes you back to the satellite map, where you can either do other zoom-ins or exit by UnSelecting again.

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DropShlp Command Screen

Toward the end of the game, the DropShip Command Screen appears before the beginning of the scenarios. The screen shows a cutaway view of a DropShip and is divided into four sections. Move between sections using the mouse or arrow keys, and then Select the section you wish.

The topmost section is the Briefing Room, where your commander issues you orders for the next scenario.

The next section down is Personnel, which brings up the MechWarrior Selection Screen. You can replace killed Warriors as described on page 38.

The next section is the 'Mech Bay, which brings up the 'Mech Selection Screen. You can assign 'Mechs to new pilots and exchange damaged 'Mechs for new ones, if any are available.

The bottom section is Exit, which brings you into the scenario .

DropShlp Command Box DropShip Selection



'Mech Bay


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Game Mechanics


When the Lance Command Box is active, you may choose the pattern in which your 'Mechs or vehicles will travel and fight. Select the Formation command to change the formation shape. When you're done issuing all Lance commands, the units in the Lance will attempt to maneuver into the formation you last chose .

There are several different formations to choose from. Formations are important in keeping units close together during combat (to provide supporting firepower on a single target), and to minimize the chance of units straying during extended marches across the map. By experimenting with these formations you can discover the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Line- and square-shaped formations are very dense and work best when you're moving across the map. By choos­ing the appropriate formation the Enemy's fire can be directed towards your strongest unit, while the other units stay in the best location to return fire. Choose your formation based on the location of the Enemy, the type of terrain through which you're moving, and the objective of the scenario.

Unfortunately, units will not always stay in the tight formation you've selected. The combat experience of your units, the intensity of combat, and the ruggedness of the terrain will affect formation integrity. Do not be surprised to see units break away from a formation; even with advanced technology communications will break down during combat or extended marches. Units can stray quite far from their Lance during even simple movement. You can usually bring a strayed unit back to the Lance by stopping and waiting for the stray to catch up, but this isn't guaranteed to work; you may have to send the entire Lance back to "rescue" the lost unit!


BatUeMechs have three basic ranges of firepower: short, medium and long. Not all 'Mechs have weapons to fire at all three ranges, however. Some of them are devastating at Close-Range, while having no weapons at all for Long­Range destruction. It's best to keep your 'Mechs at the distance where their weapons can be most effective. If you're forced to get in close to fire at an Enemy, keep the 'Mech moving. It's always harder to hit a moving target than one standing right in front of you . If you put a 'Mech on Fire At Will and order him to fire at a specific target, he'll move to his most effective range and fire at the Enemy. He'll also stay in motion to keep from being an easy target. As a basic guideline, Close-Range gives you the best chance to hit a target while Long-Range gives you the worst chance.

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Movement also lessens a 'Mech's probability of hitting its target. If the 'Mech and its target are both moving, your chances are even less, and faster movement by you or the Enemy, or both, cuts the odds again. But the Enemy has the same disadvantage as you, so its a good idea to keep moving. Be aware of the heat buildup while firing and moving a lot. Firing weapons through forest areas makes hitting your target more difficult than having a clear Line­Of-Sight. The greater the amount of forest between you and the Enemy, the greater the difficulty. On the flip side, putting your 'Mech inside forest areas will give you a defensive bonus.

Besides shooting at Enemy BattleMechs, other potential targets include forest areas and buildings. Shooting at forests can be advantageous, because they burn when hit. A 'Mech needs to target a forest square with the Fire At command in order to set it ablaze. Once burning, the fire will either spread or burn itself out over time. Two good things can come from burning down forests. One, it can clear a path for your 'Mechs to sight the Enemy, or travel without slowing down. Two, burning forests creates a lot of heat , which will add to the heat buildup of any 'Mechs within the forest. Keep your 'Mechs away and try to trap the Enemy inside.

Armor and Internal Damage

A BattleMech's armor is vital to its staying in action. Obviously, the more armor the 'Mech has, the more hits it can take. The armor percentage rating shown in the 'Mech Status Box is the total remaining armor on the 'Mech. Each section of a BattleMech has a certain amount of the total armor. The chest usually has more armor than the legs or arms. The 'Mech's head is the least armored. When a 'Mech gets hit in the front, the damage is to front armor, and getting hit from the rear affects the rear armor. Remember that all 'Mechs have weaker armor in the rear. If a 'Mech takes enough damage in the same location, the armor will be destroyed. Any hits to that unarmored spot now have a chance of causing internal damage. This is when the 'Mech is in real trouble. Internal damage can lessen the effectiveness of weapons, and even destroy them completely. Damage from combat can also destroy the 'Mech's legs, which makes it immobile. When excessive internal damage occurs, the 'Mech is destroyed and out of the battle (though 'Mechs with no legs can be repaired between some scenarios).

Jump Jets

Some 'Mechs are equipped with Jump Jets, which are located on the underside of the 'Mech's feet. They propel the 'Mech into the air, allowing it to travel above certain terrain instead of through it . The 'Mechs with Jump Jets can travel over forest areas and water without being slowed down. Note that Jump Jets cannot jump over mountains or buildings. The disadvantage of using Jump Jets is that they build up heat faster than walking or running.

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The ways your MechWarriors react to situations are greatly dependent on their combat experience. Extensive training is very useful to MechWarriors, but the experience gained from actual combat is what makes a good soldier. There are four stages of experience: green, regular, veteran, and elite. The troops and officers under your command have varying levels of experience. Basically, the more experience a MechWarrior has, the more capably he'll react.

If everything is equal in a certain situation, the more experienced MechWarrior can turn the battle . For example, if a veteran or elite MechWarrior sees the Enemy starting to flank him, he'll react and turn to a more advantageous position, while a green MechWarrior won't notice what's going on until it's too late and he's surrounded. Also, more experienced MechWarriors are usually better shots. They have a higher percentage chance of hitting the Enemy than new recruits. A green MechWarrior would probably have a hard time shooting accurately through forest squares.


In order to successfully complete all the scenarios and get the most enjoyment from the game, you should know a little about the basics of warfare and commanding troops in battle. You must know the strengths and weaknesses of your BattleMechs. You also need to know as much information as possible about the Enemy so you can quickly dispose of him while taking as little damage to your troops as possible . This strategy guide is intended to give you the edge you need in combat. What you learn here stands true for each and every scenario in the game. Learn it and live it.

There are basically two types of soldiers-MechWarriors and Officers. Both are equally important but serve differ­ent roles in combat.

BaUieMechs are only machines. They are useless without the human beings who act as the 'Mechs' brains. 'Mechs are grouped together into units of four, called Lances. Each Lance has three MechWarriors and one Officer. Officers are the decision makers for the Lance. They give the orders to the individual MechWarriors, who in turn carry out orders to the best of their ability. It's your job as Jason Youngblood to give orders to the officers, your own MechWarriors, and to other Lances to insure victory on the battlefield. Remember to keep your 'Mechs updated with new orders continuously. If a 'Mech completes his current movement orders, he'll stay where he is, awaiting a new command. If he completes his Fire At Will orders by destroying his target, he'll find a new target to pursue. Your Officers will make their best effort to do exactly as you say, but remember that there's a human inside each

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'Mech. If you give them inappropriate orders, such as sending them through a building, they will more than likely act on their own. Listen to the messages sent by your men; they will provide vital information as to what is happening on the battlefield.

You need to know all the capabilities and limits of your 'Mechs to make the right decisions under pressure. Notice which 'Mechs you 're commanding in each scenario, and study their statistics before engaging in combat. If you know what your 'Mechs can do, victory will come more easily. Also, be sure to check the status of the Enemy at the start of each of the scenarios. Try to find his toughest 'Mech and any weak spots right off. You need to weigh your strengths and weaknesses before moving out blindly and attacking.

When planning attacks, try to single out the most dangerous Enemy 'Mech and concentrate as much fire on him as you can. Try to attack the Enemy from opposite sides-thus forcing him to present his weaker rear armor to one of your units.

Missiles and machine guns can run out of ammunition, which can cause a 'Mech with great Medium- or Long-Range firepower to become nearly useless. Plan your Longer-Range attacks around this problem. If you need to conserve ammunition, give your 'Mech the Fire at No One command. Remember to change this order to another Fire com­mand when you 're ready to engage the Enemy.

An Enemy 'Mech does not have to be totally destroyed to be taken out of battle. Simply taking out an Enemy's legs can remove him from combat. In other cases, destroying his Long- or Medium-Range firepower will make an Enemy effectively useless. If you're successful in destroying part of the Enemy's weapons, move within the range where he cannot return fire.

You should also check the terrain layout in and around your 'Mechs before giving orders. Look for places to hide, flat areas to move through quickly, and even escape routes if need be. Try to prevent Enemy 'Mechs from getting good shots by placing forest or mountain terrain between you and any Enemies on the flanks . Force the Enemy to maneu­ver around mountains and forests to get good position on your 'Mechs. Keep moving at all times-a moving target is harder to hit. The increased accuracy of your own 'Mechs isn't worth the damage you 'll take if you stand still.

Pay close attention to the victory conditions for each scenario. Some scenarios require you just to get to a spot on the map. If you don't have to fight , don't go looking for trouble! Needless fights use up precious ammunition, build up heat, and get your 'Mechs beaten up. If you must fight , try to isolate a single Enemy 'Mech and destroy him quickly.

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Game Control

Game Speed

When the game is running, the green lines in the Information Bar at the bottom of the screen shows the speed at which the game is played out-1 is the slowest , 8 is the fastest . Type a number to set the speed.

To give orders to two or more 'Mechs "at the same time," type 1 to slow time to the minimum, give your orders to one, then the next, and so on. Then return the time to a faster speed. Speed 8 is useful when attempting to cover large areas of land quickly.


The clock next to the green lines shows the current time in the scenario .

Game Options

At the beginning of the game or while in combat, UnSelect brings up various game options-

Music-Turns music on or off Sounds-Turns sound effects on or off Volce-Chooses Verbose, Brief, or Off for the digitized voice Input-Chooses mouse or keyboard Quit Scenario-Exits scenario Exit to DOS-Exits to DOS Don~Returns to the game with changes made

Successfully Completing a Scenario

When you successfully complete a scenario, a box is displayed showing other options-

Contlnu~Sends the game to the next story and scenario Jump Story-Sends the game directly to the next scenario, bypassing the story Save & Contlnu~Saves the game (you may save up to six games) Load Gam~Loads a previously saved game

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Replay Scenario-Starts the scenario over again Replay Story-Replays the story, then starts the scenario over again Restart Game-Restarts the game from the beginning Game Options-Takes you to the Game Options screen Exit to DOS

Unsuccessfully Completing a Scenario

If Jason is killed, only the following options appear-

Load Game Replay Scenario Replay Story Restart Game Game Options Exit to DOS

Save Game and Load Game

If you choose to Save Game after successfully completing a scenario, the following menu appears-

Save Game 1 Save Game 2 Save Game 3 Save Game 4 Save GameS Save Game 6 Rename Save Game Exit to DOS Cancel

The six Save Game options are placeholders, to remind you that you can only have six Saved games. Whenever you Save a game, you can change the placeholder name to whatever name you choose. You can also change the name again at any time.

The same format is used when you want to Load a game.

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Why We Fight

The Inner Sphere

HOUSE KURITA (The Draconls Combine)

HOUSE STEINER (The Lyran Commonwealth)

HOUSE DA VION HOUSE MARIK (The Free Worlds League)

(The Federated Suns)

HOUSEL/AO (The Capellan Confederation)

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History of The Inner Sphere

In the year 3029, hundreds of populated star systems make up the known galaxy, named the Inner Sphere. Tech­nology had flourished before this time, allowing the building of starships capable of Faster-Than-Light travel, the development of terraformation and weather control, the increase in the average life span to 108 years, and the construction of huge war machines with incredible firepower, known as BattleMechs. The Star League governed the Inner Sphere with an iron hand in a velvet glove, keeping the peace and holding the secrets of their Technology.

However, there were five major sections of the Inner Sphere, each with a ruling family, and none could endure life as an equal to the other four. Each of the Lords of these noble Houses plotted to take all the power for himself . After years of subversion, deception and bloodshed, the Houses split, the Star League crumbled , and what re­mained of the League army deserted the Inner Sphere in a mass exodus to what is known only as the Periphery. Chaos ensued, for with the Star League gone, there was no one left to rebuild what was destroyed.

Soon Houses Steiner, Davion, Kurita , Liao, and Marik were continuously at war to take from each other what they could not rebuild. Each House had and has several hundred companies of Warriors in their employ willing to serve this cause. These MechWarriors pilot the BattieMechs.

A Brief Time Line of the Inner Sphere (2571-3028)

2571 2781 2784 2786

2787-2821 2825-2863

2866 3010 3022 3026


62 BattleTech Pack

The Star League is formed. A new age of prosperity is expected. The Star League is disbanded, and the five Lords return to their own realms. General Aleksandr Kerensky and most of the Star League Army flee the Inner Sphere. Minoru Kurita declares himself First Lord of the Star League, and then each of the other Lords lays claim to the title. The First Succession War spans 34 years and ends in peace talks. The Second Succession War spans 38 years and ends not because of peace, but because of lack of effort. The Third Succession War begins, with hostilities again by House Kurita against House Steiner. Morgan and Patrick Kell form their mercenary company, the Kell Hounds. Houses Davion and Steiner signed the Federated-Commonwealth Alliance Document. After 140 years, the Third Succession War comes to a close, with all five Houses exhausted from the warfare. Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner marry, and begin the Fourth Succession War during their wedding reception.

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HOUSE STEINER (The Lyran Commonwealth)

Title/Ruler: Archon Katrina Steiner Capital: Tharkad Formed in 2341 by a combination of three small leagues: the Tamar Pact, the Federation of Skye, and the Protectorate of Donegal. The Lyran capital is currently located at Tharkad. Since the early 2400s the Lyran Commonwealth has been ruled by the Steiners. While the Lyrans have been losing territory to the Draconis Combine, the Commonwealth remains a major power due to the extreme wealth of some of its planets . Most recently , their pact with the Federated Suns has resulted in the recapture of several planets held by Kurita.

The Lyran Commonwealth's Matriarch, the Archon Katrina Steiner, is the only female House leader. Her daughter Melissa has recently married Hanse Davion to ally Houses Steiner and Davion in a common bond.

House Steiner manufactures many different 'Mechs, the most common being the Commando, Enforcer, Hermes II, and Phoenix Hawk.

HOUSE DAVION (The Federated Suns)

Title/Ruler: Prince Hanse Davion

Capital: New Avalon ~ The Federated Suns was founded in 2317 by Lucien Davion, then Prime Minister of New Avalon, and a member of the Davion family has led the alliance for over 700 years. Much of . Davion's expansion in the last centuries has been at the expense of Liao's Capellan Confed-eration. Recently, Hanse Davion (Duke of New Avalon and ruler of the Federated Suns) has formed an alliance with the Lyran Commonwealth and is skirmishing heavily with Kurita's Draconis Combine. Hanse Davion's nickname is "The Fox," due to his uncanny ability to outguess, outthink, and outgun the opposition. The ambitious Michael Hasek-Davion, brother-in-law to Hanse, is Duke of New Syrtis and ruler of the region called the Capellan March .

House Davion is the leader of BaUleMech production, with 22 operating factories. These produce many types of 'Mechs, but the ones of most interest are the Hatchetman, Rifleman, Griffin, Marauder, and BattleMaster.

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HOUSE MARIK (The Free Worlds League)

Title/Ruler: Captain-General Janos Marik Capital: Atreus Created in 2271 by the Treaty of Marik, which unified the Grand Duchy of Oriente, the Principality of Regulus, and the Marik Commonwealth, The Free Worlds League is the oldest Successor State. The Captain-Generalship of the Free Worlds League has become a hereditary post held by House Marik. The League is oriented toward trade, excels in sci­ence, and nurtures democratic ideals, but its laissez-faire philosophy makes many of its citizens nervous in a universe facing war or the threat of war, and this has led to many internal upheavals. Janos Marik faces mounting difficulties as he tries to hold things together from his capital on Atreus.

The Steiner-Davion alignment has forced House Marik into alliances with the Draconis Combine and Marik's traditional Enemy, the Capellan Confederation. The situation is inherently unstable, but so is going it alone.

The Free Worlds League builds its 'Mech strategies around the Cicada, Catapult, and Enforcer.

HOUSE KURITA (The Draconis Combine)

Title/Ruler: Coordinator Takashi Kurita Capital: Luthien Founded in 2319 after a brutal military campaign led by Shiro Kurita, the vast reaches of the Draconis Combine are controlled by Kuritas to this day. Takashi Kurita is the current iron-fisted ruler. Luthien is now the capital world, but former capital New Samarkand still wields great power as the home base for the Intemal Security Force (ISF) .

Controlling the greatest number of planets and possessed of incredible cunning, the Draconis Combine has traditionally been the most fearsome of the Houses. Their MechWarriors are raised on the Samurai code of ethics, which makes them fierce opponents, bound by honor and glory. If that honor is broken, they may engage in a Vendetta, or revenge on those who disgraced them. But the recent alliance of Houses Steiner and Davion against House Kurita has begun to take its toll on Kurita's power and reputation.

House Kurita builds few 'Mechs-specifically Jenners, Panthers, Chargers, Quickdraws, and the Combine's trade­mark, the Dragon.

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HOUSE LlAO (The Capell an Confederation)

Title/Ruler: Chancellor Maximilian Liao Capital: Sian The Capellan Confederation was created in 2366 by treaty agreement among five smaller areas. The early days of the Confederation were marked by vicious internal debates and factionalism. Eventually, Franco Liao managed to pull things together as a compromise leader; his descendants have consolidated their power over the major worlds in their sphere.

The Capellans have always fought fiercely with the Free Worlds League, but have generally come out on the short end, losing many of its most valuable territories to House Davion and House Marik. Now generally regarded as the weakest of the houses, the Capellan Confederation still holds a strategic position in the center of the universe, and maintains strong fortifications in key locations. Unable to mount a major offensive itself, it would make a formidable ally for another House. Maximilian Liao currently rules the Capellan Confederation, spending much effort in shrewd diplomatic maneuvering designed to bring the lost glory back to Capella and especially to House Liao.

The upper levels of the Capellan government rule as a dictatorship, particularly in regard to the production of war material, but lower levels tend to interpret the laws in a more enlightened manner.

House Liao specializes in 'Mechs such as Thunderbolt , Orion, Centurion, Archer, Blackjack and Vindicator.


The Star League was best defined as the Camelot of the Inner Sphere. But just as Arthur discovered the futility of searching for the Holy Grail, General Kerensky found he could not curb the desires of others to rule the entire Inner Sphere. Bitter at man's folly, in 2748 he led hundreds of ships through The Draconis Combine and into the Periphery. They have not returned.

As the years went on, technology began to break down. With no one knowledgeable enough to repair it, civilization began to decay. Sophisticated targeting systems fell apart, and then the ranging mechanisms, severely cutting the effectiveness of lasers and PPCs. Soon, BattleMech factories and other important areas of technology were highly prized targets for military attacks. These

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attacks were carried out with the greatest of care , for fear of damaging the factory and losing the capability of producing 'Mechs altogether.

Sometimes Star League caches are found, contain ing brand new 'Mechs and scraps of long-lost information. It's hoped that one day enough information and knowledge will be gained to return the weapons to their maximum capabilities, or even modernize them.


BattieMechs, commonly known as 'Mechs, are machines of awesome combat capabilities. Weighing anywhere between 20 and 100 tons, 'Mechs are unique in maneuverability and firepower.

A BattleMech's internal structure holds its engine, Sensors, weapons, heat sinks and any other equipment. Its limbs are attached by myomer muscles, which contract when an electrical signal is sent through them. Everything is then covered by huge plates of armor. If any section of armor should become too damaged, internal damage begins.

The pilot, or MechWarrior, sits inside the head of the 'Mech, and wears a NeuroHelmet. It is through the helmet that the 'Mech remains balanced, and moves as the MechWarrior commands.

While most weapons are mounted facing the front of the 'Mech, all 'Mechs have the ability to twist their torsos, allowing them to fire all weapons in a 180 degree swath. Also, arm-mounted weapons can be aimed to fire behind the BattieMech, giving virtually a 360 degree firing arc.

Everything in a 'Mech generates heat, even walking, but nothing generates heat faster than weapon fire. In combat, most 'Mechs have so many weapons that if they were all fired at once, the 'Mech would either shut down (until he cools off enough to restart) or explode. Most MechWarriors learn fast to limit their firepower.

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ARC-2R Mass: 70 tons Chassis: Earthwerk Archer Power Plant: VOX 280 Cruising Speed: 44.1 kph Maximum Speed: 65.6 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Maximilian 100 Armament:

4 Diverse Optics Type 18 Medium Lasers 2 Doombud Long-Range Missile 20-Racks

Manufacturer: Earthwerks, Incorporated Communications System: Neil 9000 Targeting And Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mark XII

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Brutal Devastating Heavy Heavy Average

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ASN-21 Mass: 40 tons Chassis: Maltex 40 Power Plant: 280 VOX Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph Jump Jets: 1 OOAFVT A

Jump Capacity: 210m Armor: Lox lift series 1 Armament:

One Martell Medium Laser One Holly Long-Range Missile Rack One Holly Short-Range Missile Rack

Manufacturer: Maltex Corporation Communications System: Garret T15 B Targeting And Tracking System: Garret 500S

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

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Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium Fast J

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AS7-D Mass: 100 Tons Chassis: Foundation Type 10X Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph Maximum Speed: 54.0 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Durallex Special Heavy Armament:

1 Class 20 Autocannon 1 LRM-20 Missile System 4 Medium Lasers 1 SRM-6 Missile System

Manufacturer: Na'ir, Hesperus, Quentin Communications System: Army Comm. Class 5 Targeting And Tracking System: Army Compo Type 29K

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Moderate Devastating Incredible Massive Slow

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AWS-8Q Mass: 80 tons Chassis: Technicron Type G Power Plant: Pitban 240 Cruising Speed: 35.4 kph Maximum Speed: 51 .2 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump capacity: None Armor: Durallex Heavy Special Armament:

3 Kreuss Particle Projection Cannon 1 Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Laser

Manufacturer: Technicron Manufacturing Communications System: Garret T19-G Targeting And Tracking System: Dynatec 2780

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

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Brutal Brutal Brutal Massive Slow

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BLR-1G Mass: 85 tons Chassis: Hollis Mark X Power Plant: 340 VOX Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Star Guard IV Armament:

One Donal PPC Six Martell Medium Lasers Two SperryBrowning Machine Guns One Holly Short-Range Missile Pack (6)

Manufacturer: Hollis Industries Communications System: HartfordCo COM 4000 Targeting And Tracking System: HartfordCo XKZ 1

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Moderate Brutal Incredible Massive Average

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BJ-1 Mass: 45 tons Chassis: GM 8J-1 Power Plant: GM 180 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Whitworth Jetlift

Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: StarGuard II Armament:

2 Whirlwind-L Autocannon 4 Intek Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: General Motors Communications System: Dalban Micronics Targeting And Tracking System: Dalban AQ

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

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Light Moderate Heavy Medium Average J

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CPLT-C1 Mass: 65 tons Chassis: Hollis Mark II Power Plant: Magna 260 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Anderson Propulsion 21

Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Durallex Heavy Armament:

Two Holly Long-Range Missile Packs (15) Four Martell Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Hollis Incorporated Communications System: O/P COM-211 Targeting And Tracking System: O/P 1078

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Devastating Incredible Heavy Heavy Average J

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CN9-A Mass: 50 tons Chassis: Corean Model K7 Power Plant: 200 Nisson Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: StarGuard III Armament:

1 Luxor D-Series Autocannon 1 Luxor 3R LRM-10 2 Photech 806c Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises Communications System: Corean TransBand-J9 Targeting And Tracking System: Corean B-Tech

Long-Range Firepower Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

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Moderate Heavy Heavy Medium Average

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CGR-1A1 Mass: 80 tons Chassis: Wells 990 Power Plant: LTV 400 Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Durallex Heavy Armament: 5 Magna Mk I Light Lasers Manufacturer: Wells Technologies Communications System: Tek BattleCom Targeting And Tracking System: Dalban HiRez

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

None None Moderate Heavy Average

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CDA-2A Mass: 40 tons Chassis: Hartford 300 Power Plant: 320 Pitban Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: 3/Star Slab Armament:

Two Magna Medium Lasers One Magna 200 Small Laser

Manufacturer: HartfordCo Communications System: Hartford J15 B Targeting And Tracking System: Hartford S1000

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

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None Light Moderate Light Very Fast

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CLNT-2-3T Mass: 40 tons Chassis: Andoran Model III Power Plant: Pitban 240 Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph Jump Jets: Andoran Model JJII

Jump Capacity: 180 m Armor: Durallex Medium Armament:

1 Armstrong AutocannoniS 2 Martell Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Andoran Industries Ltd. Communications System: Raldon R1 Targeting And Tracking System: Sloane 220 Lockover System

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Light Moderate Moderate Medium Average

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COM-2D Mass: 25 tons Chassis: Coventry Metal Works Power Plant: Omni 150 Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Lexington Limited Armament:

1 Shannon Six-Shooter Missile Pack 1 Coventry 4-Tube Missile System 1 Hesperus-83M Medium Laser

Manufacturer: Coventry Defense Conglomerate Communication System: TharHes Crystal Flower RG-2 Targeting And Tracking System: TharHes Star Shark

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

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None Moderate Heavy Light Fast

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CRO-3R Mass: 6S tons Chassis: Crucis-B Power Plant: Magna 260 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Riese-SOO Armament:

2 Magna Longbow-1S LRM Launchers 2 Harpoon-6 SRM Launchers 1 Intek Medium Lasers 2 M1 00 Heavy Machine Guns

Manufacturer: Kallon Industries Communications System: Garret T11-B Targeting And tracking System: Garret A6

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Brutal Incredible Moderate Brutal Average J

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DV-SM Mass: 55 tons Chassis: Dorwinion Standard 55T Power Plant: Core Tek 275 Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: Swingline X-1000

Jump Capacity: 150 m Armor: Maximilian 105 Armament:

2 Federated 10-Shot LRM Missile Systems 2 ChisComp 39 Medium Lasers 2 Federated 2-Shot SRM Missile Systems

Manufacturer: Achemar BattleMechs Communication System: Achemar Electronics HIO-21 Targeting And Tracking System: Federated Hunter Mk II

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

80 BattleTech Pack

Moderate Heavy Moderate Medium Average J

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DRG-1N Mass: 60 Tons Chassis: Alahain Type 56-60H Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Starshield Armament:

1 Telos DecaCluster LRM Missile System 1 Imperator-A Autocannon 2 Victory 23R Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Luthien Armor Works Communications System: Sipher CommSys 3 Targeting And Tracking System: Eagle Eye SY1 0-1 0

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Moderate Moderate Moderate Heavy Average

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ENF-4R Mass: 50 tons Chassis: Dorwinion Standard Power Plant: Nissan 200 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: McCloud Specials

Jump Capacity: 123 m Armor: Starshield Armament:

1 Federated Autocannon 1 ChisComp 43 Special Large Laser 1 ChisComp 32 Small Laser

Manufacturer: Achemar BattleMechs Communication System: Achemar Electronics HICS-11 Targeting And Tracking System: Federated Hunter

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

82 BattleTech Pack

Moderate Heavy Heavy Heavy Average J

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GHR-5H Mass: 70 tons Chassis: Mingh z3317 Power Plant: 280 VOX Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Leviathan Lifters

Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Durallex Heavy Armament:

1 Diplan HD Heavy Laser 4 Diplan M3 Medium Lasers 1 ConanlS LRM-5

Manufacturer: Lantren Corporation Communications System: Allet-C308 Targeting And Tracking System: Allet-T11

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Light Heavy Brutal Heavy Average J

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GRF-1N Mass: 55 tons Chassis: Earthwerk GRF Power Plant: CoreTek 275 Cruising Speed: 57.1 kph Maximum Speed: 81.5 kph Jump Jets: Rawlings 55

Jump Capacity: 150 m Armor: Starshield A Armament:

1 Fusigon Particle Projection Cannon 1 Delta Dart Long-Range Missile Ten-Rack

Manufacturer: Earthwerks, Incorporated Communications System: Neil 6000 Targeting And Tracking System: Octagon Tartrac, System C

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

84 BattleTech Pack

Moderate Moderate Moderate Heavy Average J

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HCT-3F Mass: 45 Tons Chassis: Chariot Type II Power Plant: GM 180 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Luxor 2/0

Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Durallex Medium Armament:

1 Defiance Killer Autocannon 2 Defiance 83M Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Defiance Industries of Hesperus II Communications System: TharHes Thalia HM-22 Targeting And Tracking System: TharHes Ares-8a

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Light Moderate Heavy Medium Average J

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HER-2S Mass: 40 Tons Chassis: Irian Chassis Class 40 Power Plant: Hermes 240 Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Riese-456 Armament:

1 Oriente Autocannon 1 I.W.W. Medium Laser 1 Olympian Flamer

Manufacturer: Irian 8att/eMechs Unlimited Communications System: Irian EAR. Targeting And Tracking System: Wasat Aggressor

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

86 BattleTech Pack

Light Light Light Medium Fast

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HBK-4G Mass: 50 tons Chassis: Komiyaba Type VIII Power Plant: Nissan 200 Cruising Speed: 43.9 kph Maximum Speed: 63.5 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Starshield Armament:

1 Tomodzuru Auto cannon Mount Type 20 2 Ichiba 2000 Medium Lasers 1 Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Laser

Manufacturer: KomiyabaJNissan General Industries Communications System: Sony MST-15 Targeting And Tracking System: Tacticon Tracer 300

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

None Moderate Brutal Heavy Average

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JM6-S Mass: 65 tons Chassis: Kallon Type XII Power Plant: 260 Magna Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Kallon Royalstar Armament:

2 Mydron Model C Medium Autocannon 2 Mydron Model 0 Light Autocannon 2 Magna Mk. II Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Kallon Industries Communications System: Garret T11-A Targeting And Tracking System: Garret D2j

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

88 BattleTech Pack

Moderate Heavy Moderate Medium Average

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JVN-10N Mass: 30 tons Chassis: Duralyte 246 Power Plant: GM 180 Cruising Speed: 67.3 kph Maximum Speed: 95.9 kph Jump Jets: Rawlings 95

Jump Capacity: 180 m Armor: Star Guard I Armament: 2 Arrowlite SRM 6 Racks Manufacturer: Stormvanger Assemblies, Light Division Communications System: Garret T10B Targeting And Tracking System: Dynatec 128C

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level : Speed:

None Moderate Heavy Light Fast J

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JR7-0 Mass: 35 tons Chassis: Diplan Scout-A Power Plant: 245 Magna Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph Jump Jets: Smithson Lifters

Jump Capacity: 150 m Armor: Starshield Armament:

4 Argra 3L Medium Lasers 1 Thunderstroke SRM-4

Manufacturer: Diplan Mechyards Communications System: Dawson III Targeting And Tracking System: Bk-309

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

90 BattleTech Pack

None Moderate Heavy Light Fast J

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LCT-1V Mass: 20 tons Chassis: Bergan VII Power Plant: 160 LTV Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: 1/Star Slab Armament:

One Medium Martell Laser Two SperryBrowning Machine Guns

Manufacturer: Bergan Industries Communications System: Garret T10 B Targeting And Tracking System: OIP 911

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

None Light Moderate Light Very Fast

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MAO-3R Mass: 75 tons Chassis: GM Marauder Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valiant Lamellor Armament:

2 Magna Hellstar PPCs 2 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers 1 GM Whirlwind Autocannon

Manufacturer: General Motors Communications System: Dalban Micronics Targeting And Tracking System: Dalban HiRez

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

92 BattleTech Pack

Heavy Brutal Brutal Heavy Average

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ON1-K Mass: 75 Tons Chassis: KaliYama Chassis Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valiant Lamellor Armament:

1 KaliYama Class 10 Autocannon 1 KaliYama Death Bloom Missile System 2 I.W.W. Medium Lasers 1 I.W.W. Class 4 S.R. Missile System

Manufacturer: KaliYama Weapons Industries of Kalidasa Communications System: Irian Orator-5K Targeting And Tracking System: Wasat Aggressor Type 5

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Heavy Devastating Heavy Massive Average

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OSR-2C Mass: 60 tons Chassis: OsHI Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 54 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Riese-475 Armament:

1 Totschlagen SRM Launchers 2 Fuersturm-c Heavy Lasers 2 Fuersturm-b Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Ostmann Industrie Communications System: Ostmann-L Targeting And Tracking System: Ferdinand-a

Long-Range Firepower: Med_-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

94 BattleTech Pack

Light Heavy Brutal Heavy Average

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OTT-7J Mass: 35 tons Chassis: KelVS Power Plant: 280 VOX Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph Jump Jets: Ostmann Sct-A

Jump Capacity: 240 m Armor: Durallex Light Armament: 1 Tronelll Medium Laser Manufacturer: Kong Interstellar Corp. Communications System: Barret 4000 Targeting And Tracking System: TRSS.2L3

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

None Light Light Medium Average J

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OTL-4D Mass: 60 tons Chassis: KelVH Power Plant: 300 Vlar Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valiant Lamellor Armament:

2 Tronelill Heavy Lasers 4 Tronelll Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Kong Interstellar Corp. Communications System: Barret 509p Targeting And Tracking System: TRSS.2L3

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

96 BattleTech Pack

Light Heavy Devastating Heavy Fast J

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PNT-9R Mass: 35 Tons Chassis: Alahain 56-Carrier Power Plant: Hermes 140 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Lexington Lifters

Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Maximilian 42 Armament:

1 Telos Four-Shot SRM Missile System 1 Lord's Light Particle Beam Weapon

Manufacturer: Alshain Weapons Communications System: Sipher CommCon CSU-4 Targeting And Tracking System: Cat's Eyes 5

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium Average J

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PXH-l Mass: 45 tons Chassis: Orguss Stinger Power Plant: GM 270 Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph Jump Jets: Pitban 9000

Jump Capacity: 180 m Armor: Dura"ex Light Armament:

1 Harmon Heavy Laser 2 Harmon Medium Lasers 2 Ml 00 Machine Guns

Manufacturer: Orguss Industries Communications System: Tek BattleCom Targeting And Tracking System: Tek Tru-Trak

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

98 BattleTech Pack

Light Moderate Heavy Medium Fast J

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QKO-4G Mass: 60 tons Chassis: Technicron Type E Power Plant: VOX 280 Cruising Speed: 42.1 kph Maximum Speed: 66.7 kph Jump Jets: Chilton 460

Jump Capacity: 150 m Armor: Riese-475 Armament:

4 Omicron 4000 Medium Lasers 1 Delta Dart Long-Range Missile Ten-Rack 1 Hovertec Short-Range Missile Quad

Manufacturer: Technicron Manufacturing Communications System: Garret T12-E Targeting And Tracking System: Dynatec 2180

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Light Heavy Heavy Medium Average J

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RFL-3N Mass: 60 tons Chassis: Kallon Type IV Power Plant: Pitban 240 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Kallon Royalstar Armament:

2 Magna Mk III Heavy Lasers 2 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers 2 Imperator-A Autocannon

Manufacturer: Kallon Industries Communications System: Garret T11-A Targeting And Tracking System: Garret D2j

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

100 BattleTech Pack

Heavy Brutal Heavy Medium Average

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SHD-2H Mass: 55 tons Chassis: Lang T1 Power Plant: 275 CoreTek Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: Pitban LFT -50

Jump Capacity: 90 m Armor: Maximilian 43 Armament:

One Armstrong J11 Autocannon (20) One Holly Long-Range Missile Pack (5) One Holly Short-Range Missile Pack (2) One Martell Model 5 Medium Laser

Manufacturer: Lang Industries Inc. Communications System: OIP 300 COMSET Targeting And Tracking System: OI P 2000A

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Light Moderate Light Heavy Average J

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SDR-5V Mass: 30 tons Chassis: Newhart 1200 Power Plant: Pitban 240 Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph Maximum Speed: 130 kph Jump Jets: Pitban LFT-10

Jump Capacity: 240 m Armor: Durallex Light Armament: Two Aberdovey Mk III Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Newhart Interstellar Industries Ltd . Communications System: O/P SOOA Targeting And Tracking System: O/P TA1240

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

102 BattleTech Pack

None Light Moderate Light Very Fast J

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STK-3F Mass: 85 tons Chassis: Titan H1 Power Plant: 255 Strand Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph Maximum Speed: 54.0 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valiant Lamellor Armament:

2 Jackson B5c LRM-10 2 Magna Mk.1I1 Heavy Lasers 4 Magna Mk. II Medium Lasers 2 Thunderstroke SRM-6

Manufacturer: Triad Technologies Communications System: Cronol PR Targeting And Tracking System: Spar 3c Tight Band

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Heavy Incredible Incredible Massive Slow

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STG-3R Mass: 20 tons Chassis: Earthwerks STG Power Plant: GM 120 Cruising Speed: 63.4 kph Maximum Speed: 91.6 kph Jump Jets: Chilton 360

Jump Capacity: 180 m Armor: Riese-100 Armament:

1 Omicron 3000 Medium Laser 2 LFN Linblad Machine Guns

Manufacturer: Earthwerks, Incorporated Communications System: Datacom 26 Targeting And Tracking System: Dynatec 990

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

104 BattleTech Pack

None Light Moderate Light Fast J

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TOR-5S Mass: 65 tons Chassis: Earthwerk TDR Power Plant: Magna 260 Cruising Speed: 48.3 kph Maximum Speed: 62.4 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Ryerson 150 Armament:

1 Sunglow Type 2 Large Laser 1 Delta Dart Long-Range Missile 15-Rack 3 Diverse Optics Type 18 Medium Lasers 1 Bical Short-Range Missile Twin-Rack 2 Voelkers 200 Machine Guns

Manufacturer: Earthwerks, Incorporated Communications System: Neil 8000 Targeting And Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mark X

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Brutal Incredible Brutal Heavy Average

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TBT-SN Mass: 50 tons Chassis: Corean Model 9C Power Plant: 250 Magna Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Starshield Armament:

2 Zeus LRM-15 3 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises Communications System: Corean Trans8and-J9 Targeting And Tracking System: Corean 8-Tech

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

106 BattleT~ch Pack

Devastating Devastating Moderate Medium Average

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UM-R60 Mass: 30 tons Chassis: Republic-R Power Plant: Leenex 60 Cruising Speed: 21.6 kph Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph Jump Jets: Pitban 6000

Jump Capacity: 60 m Armor: Durallex Medium Armament:

1 Imperator-B Autocannon 1 Harmon Light Laser

Manufacturer: Orguss Industries Communications System: Dalban Interact Targeting And Tracking System: Dalban Urban

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Light Moderate Moderate Medium SlowJ

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VLK-QA Mass: 30 tons Chassis: Corean Model 1 AA Power Plant: 150 Omni Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: Norse Industries 3S

Jump Capacity: 150 m Armor: Riese-470 Armament:

1 SutellX Medium Laser 1 Devastator Series-07 LRM-1 0

Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises Communications System: Lynx-shur Targeting And Tracking System: Sync Tracker (39-42071)

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

108 BattleTech Pack

Light Moderate Light Moderate Average J

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VND-1R Mass: 45 tons Chassis: Ceresplex IV Power Plant: GM 180 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Anderson Propulsion 30

Jump Capacity: 121 m Armor: Starshield Armament:

1 CeresArms Smasher PPC 1 Sian/Ceres Jaguar LAM Missile System 1 CeresArms Medium Laser 1 Hessen Small Laser

Manufacturer: Ceres Metal Industries Communications System: CeresCom Model 21-As Targeting And Tracking System: C-Apple Churchill

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Moderate Heavy Heavy Heavy Average J

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WHM-SR Mass: 70 tons Chassis: StarCorp 100 Power Plant: VOX 280 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Leviathan Plus Armament:

Two Donal PPCs Two Martell Medium Lasers Two Magna Small Lasers One Holly Short-Range Missile Pack (6) Two SperryBrowning Machine Guns

Manufacturer: StarCorp Industries Communications System: O/P 3000 COMSET Targeting And Tracking System: O/P 1500 ARB

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Annor Level: Speed:

110 BattleTech Pack

Heavy Heavy Incredible Heavy Average

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WSP-1A Mass: 20 tons Chassis: 1A Type 3 Power Plant: GM 120 Cruising Speed: 66.5 kph Maximum Speed: 95.1 kph Jump Jets: Rawlings 52

Jump Capacity: 180 m Armor: Durallex Light Armament:

1 Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium Laser 1 Bical SRM Twin-Rack

Manufacturer: General Mechanics, Incorporated Communications System: Duoteck 65 Targeting And Tracking System: Radcom TXX

Long-Range Firepower: None Med.-Range Firepower: Light Close-Range Firepower: Light Armor Level: Light Speed: Fast J

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WTH-1 Mass: 40 tons Chassis: Whitworth Type I Power Plant: LTV 160 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Whitworth Jetlift

Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Durallex Light Armament:

2 Longbow-10 LRM Launchers 3 Intek Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Whitworth Company Communications System: Garret T14 Targeting And Tracking System: Garret D2j

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

112 BattleTech Pack

Moderate Heavy Moderate Medium Average J

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WVR-6R Mass: 55 tons Chassis: Crucis-A Power Plant: Core Tek 275 Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: Northrup 12000

Jump Capacity: 150 m Armor: Maximilian 60 Armament:

1 Whirlwind Autocannon 1 Harpoon-6 SRM Launcher 1 Magna Mk II Medium Laser

Manufacturer: Kallon Industries Communications System: Tek BattleCom Targeting And Tracking System: Garret T11 -B

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Light Moderate Moderate Heavy Average J

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ZEU-6S Mass: 80 tons Chassis: Chariot Type III Power Plant: Pitban 320 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valiant Lamellor Armament:

1 Thunderbolt A5M Large Laser 1 Coventry Star Fire LRM Missile System 1 Defiance Autocannon 2 Defiance B3M Medium Lasers

Manufacturer: Defiance Industries of Hesperus II Communications System: TharHes Calliope ZE-2 Targeting And Tracking System: TharHes Ares-7

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

114 BattleTech Pack

Brutal Devastating Heavy Heavy Average

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APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) Mass: 10 tons Movement Type: Wheeled Power Plant: I.C2.E. Type 40 Cruising Speed : 65 kph Flank Speed: 97 kph Armor: SimplePlate Manufacturers Armament: Various Machine Guns Manufacturer: Various Communications System: LongCom Targeting and Tracking System: OptiTrack Techniques

Long-Range Firepower: None Med.-Range Firepower: None Close-Range Firepower: Light Armor Level: Light Speed: Fast

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Drillson Heavy Hover Tank

Mass: 50 tons Movement Type: Hover Power Plant: MaxLift Hover Engine Cruising Speed : 65 kph Flank Speed: 97 kph Armor: ArcShield Heavy Armament :

Cyclops Eye Laser 2 HoverTech Short-Range Missile Racks Light Crossbow Long-Range Missile Rack 2 Kicker Machine Guns

Manufacturer: Cyclops Incorporated Communications System: Cyclops 1 Targeting and Tracking System: Evil Eye

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

116 BattleTech Pack

Moderate Heavy Heavy Medium Fast

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Galleon Light Tank

GAL-100 Mass: 30 tons Movement Type: Tracked Power Plant: 180 GTEM I.C2.E. Cruising Speed : 54 kph Flank Speed: 73 kph Armor: 3/Star Slab 6 Armament:

1 Jackson Medium 17 Laser 2 Small Jackson Lasers Model 12

Manufacturer: Brooks Incorporated Communications System: Maxell500 Targeting and Tracking System: Maxell TA50

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

None Light Moderate Light Fast

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Mass: 25 tons Movement Type: Wheeled Power Plant: Omni 150 Fusion Cruising Speed : 65 kph Flank Speed: 97 kph Armor: 4/Star Slab Armament: 1 Hesperus-83M Medium Laser Manufacturer: Star League Defense Industries Communications System: TharHes HQ CommSet

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

118 BattleTech Pack

None Light Light Medium Fast

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Ordinance Transport

J-27 Mass: 10 tons cab

25 tons trailer Movement Type: Tracked Power Plant: I.C2.E. Cruising Speed: 34 kph Flank Speed: 52 kph Armor: 1/Star Slab Armament: 1 SperryBrowning Machine Gun Manufacturer: Acme Widgets Communications System: Tandy A-100

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

None None Light Light Average

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Pegasus Scout Hover Tank

Mass: 35 tons Movement Type: Hover Power Plant: GM 105 I.C2.E. Cruising Speed: 86 kph Flank Speed: 130 kph Armor: ProtecTech 6 Armament: 2 StarStreak Heavy Missile Launcher Manufacturer: Exeter Organization Communications System : Exeter LongScan with ReconLook Targeting and Tracking System: Salamander Systems CommPhase Unit

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

120 BattleTech Pack

None Light Light Medium Very Fast

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Rommel/Patton Tank

Mass: 65 tons Movement Type: Tracked Power Plant: Magna 260 Fusion Cruising Speed : 43 kph Flank Speed: 65 kph Armament:

Rommel Tank 1 Defiance 'Mech Hunter Autocannon 1 Coventry Five-Tube Missile System 1 A5L Small Laser

Patton Tank 1 Defiance Killer Autocannon Type T 1 Coventry Five-Tube Missile System 1 Hotshot Flamer 1 A5L Small Laser

Manufacturer: Defiance Industries of Hesperus II Communications System: TharHes Muse 54-58K Targeting and Tracking System: TharHes Mars5

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

Light Moderate Heavy Massive Average

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Skulker Wheeled Scout Tank

Mass: 20 tons Movement Type: Wheeled Power Plant: GM Classic 120 Cruising Speed: 76 kph Flank Speed: 119 kph Armor: ProtecTech Light Armament: Standard Systems Medium Laser Manufacturer: Joint Equipment Systems Communications System: Communique Equipment Targeting and Tracking System: None

Long-Range Firepower: Med.-Range Firepower: Close-Range Firepower: Armor Level: Speed:

122 BattleTech Pack

None Light Light Medium Fast

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Weapons and Equipment

BattleMechs can support a large array of weaponry. From high-powered automatic guns to amplified laser weap­ons, there are many types of weapons that 'Mechs and vehicles can bring to bear on their Enemies. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each weapon can increase the life expectancy of any MechWarrior.

The type of weapon is important for many reasons. If a 'Mech has many ammo-based weapons, like LRMs or AutoCannons, that 'Mech could end up almost weaponless if the ammo runs out too soon. The rule is: the more powerful the weapon, the less it can be fired. Another problem with ammo is one good interior hit to an ammo pack in a 'Mech can cause it to explode immediately.

Energy weapons are the other side of the coin. They don't run out of ammo and they don't explode, but they create much more heat than ammo-based weapons. A hot 'Mech makes combat risky, so sometimes a MechWarrior can't fire all of his weapons due to heat constraints . Again , the rule is: the more powerful the weapon, the more heat it creates.

The number of weapons on a 'Mech can also affect how it performs on the field . A 'Mech with one powerful weapon like a PPC can do heavy damage with one hit, but if it misses there will be some dead time until it recharges again. A 'Mech with four Small Lasers may only do a small amount of damage with each weapon, but receives more chances to hit, and may fire more often. Remember though, each hit may damage different areas of armor. Internal damage can knock out weapons, so the more weapons a 'Mech has, the better.

Weapons circa 3030

Autocannon: A rapid-fire autoloading weapon firing high-speed streams of high-explosive, armor-piercing shells. Light vehicle autocannon bores range from 30 to 90 mm, while those of heavy 'Mech autocannon may be 80 to 120 mm or more. Autocannons are rarely effective beyond 600 meters.

Weapon Max.Range Damage Heat Ammo Rounds Autocannonl2 Long v. Light Minimal 45 Autocannonl5 Long Medium Minimal 20 Autocannonl10 Long V. Heavy Low 10 Autocannonl22 Long Devastating Hot 5

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Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation-an instrument that stimulates the natural shifts between energy levels of atoms or molecules to generate intense radiation in the ultraviolet , visible , or infrared regions.

Weapon Max.Range Damage Heat Ammo Rounds Sm Laser Close Light Minimal N/A Med Laser Medium Medium Low N/A Lg Laser Long Heavy V. Hot N/A

Listen-Kill Missile: Missile with a special computer and homing device the size of a small grenade that allows it to home in on the electronic noise emanating from a 'Mech or tank. Its statistics are the same as comparable LRMs.

LRM: Long-Range Missile-an indirect-fire missile with a high-explosive warhead. Inaccurate at close range .

Weapon Max.Range Damage Heat Ammo Rounds LRM-5 Long Light V. Low 22 LRM-10 Long Medium Warm 12 LRM-15 Long V. Heavy Hot 8 LRM-20 Long Devastating Hot 6

Machine Gun : A small-arms weapon which rapidly fires bursts of bullets, with excellent damage potential. The Portable Machine Gun is a main support weapon for infantry.

Weapon Mach. Gun

Max.Range Close

Damage V. Light

Heat None

Ammo Rounds 200

PPC: Particle Projection Cannon-a magnetic accelerator firing high-energy proton or ion bolts, causing damage both through impact and high temperature . PPCs are among the most effective weapons available to 'Mechs, even though they're inaccurate at close range.

Weapon PPC

124 BattleTech Pack

Max.Range Long

Damage V. Heavy

Heat Blazing

Ammo Rounds N/A

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SRM: Short-Range Missile-a direct-trajectory missile with high-explosive or armor-piercing warheads.

Weapon SRM-2 SRM-4 SRM-6

Weapons circa 3050

Max.Range Med Med Med

Damage v. Light Medium Heavy

Heat V. Low Low Warm

Ammo Rounds 50 25 15

Extended-Range Lasers : These weapons boast superior focus and targeting technology , which extends their range significantly (their damage is increased only slightly) . However, as always, heat is also increased, in this case by 50 percent.

Weapon ER Lg Laser

Max.Range Long

Damage V. Heavy

Heat Blazing

Ammo Rounds N/A

Extended-Range PPC: The Particle Projection Cannon was a significant weapon in its day, but the Clans have improved it immensely-not only by extending its range, but also making it lighter, smaller, and deadlier. On the other hand, it also generates more heat. Inaccurate at close range.

Weapon ER PPC

Max.Range Long

Damage Brutal

Heat Inferno

Ammo Rounds N/A

Gauss Rifle: Uses a series of magnets to accelerate projectiles along its barrel. While requiring a great deal of power, it generates almost no heat and creates muzzle velocities nearly twice those of standard rifles. Inaccurate at close range.

Weapon Gauss Rifle

Max.Range Long

Damage Brutal

Heat Minimal

Ammo Rounds 8

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LB-X Autocannon: All autocannons consist of short, smooth-bore barrels, rapid-feed reloaders, and high-explosive ammunition. The LB-X adds light, heat-dissipating alloys and sophisticated fire-control systems, which extend its range by 20 percent. Inaccurate at close range.

Weapon LB 10-X AC

Max.Range Long

Damage V. Heavy

Heat V. Low

Ammo Rounds 10

Pulse Lasers: Pulse Lasers use rapid-cycling pulses to create multiple laser beams, thereby increasing the number of hits per second (and consequently, the amount of damage), while increasing heat and somewhat decreasing range .

Weapon Sm Pulse Laser Med Pulse Laser Lg Pulse Laser

Max.Range Med Med Long

Equipment circa 3050

Damage Medium Heavy V. Heavy

Heat Low Warm Blazing

Ammo Rounds N/A N/A N/A

Artemis IV Fire-Control System (FCS) : This fire-control system improves the accuracy of standard missile launchers. It fires a spread of missiles and maintains constant communication with them in flight so it can correct any flaw in missile dynamics that would cause the missiles to miss their target.

Beagle Active Probe (BAP): Almost a requirement for reconnaissance, the Active Probe can detect and identify even shut-down or camouflaged units at great distances. It also gives the user exact information on the damage sustained by Enemy 'Mechs within its range.

Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE) : Damage-control technology that dissipates the effects of ammunition explosions inside a 'Mech by utilizing specially engineered section of armor to direct the force of the blast outward.

Double Heat Sink (Double HS): Cools a 'Mech twice as fast as a standard heat sink. All Clan 'Mechs have them.

Target Acquisition Gear (TAG): Guides the Arrow IV Missile Artillery System to its destination, allowing a more accurate placement of artillery on the battlefield .

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The Clans

In the final days of 3049, a new force entered the Succession Wars : the Clans. These strange groups, known as the Smoke Jaguars, Ghost Bears, Jade Falcons, and Wolves, appeared completely unexpectedly from beyond the Periphery and overwhelmed hundreds of worlds before they were (temporarily) stopped.

At first these attackers were thought to be aliens. They had technology far superior to that of the five Houses, their Warriors were motivated beyond those of even House Kurija, and their tactics and practices bore almost no relation to those practiced by the Inner Sphere. But time proved that they were human-and this had led to an even greater appreciation of their accomplishments.

They are called The Clans, rather than "The Clan Confederation" or some such, because each of the groups has its own ways and means of warfare. Some are bloodthirsty and others cease fighting as soon as their objective is reached; some inijiate trade wijh neighboring worlds and others despise external contact.

Though each Clan attacks a different Enemy (Smoke Jaguars/Draconis Combine ; Ghost Bears/Free Rasalhague Republic; Wolves/Lyran-Rasalhague border; Jade Falcons/Federated Commonweaijh) , they compete with each other for the most spectacular conquest. When two Clans contemplate the same world, they bidto see which one will attack. The winning bid is the one which promises to do the job with the fewest number of Warriors. Then, when the attacking Clan has been determined, the Warrior chieftains within the Clan bid the same way for the right to lead the assault. Clans generally commit about as many 'Mechs as they estimate they'll face in combat.

Unlike the traditional Successor State tactics of turning the fire of a number of 'Mechs on one target , each Clan Warrior chooses a single target and takes it himself, considering it dishonorable to ask for or offer help. This certainly has something to do with the superiorijy of Clan weaponry, and with the manner in which they use it, but mostly it involves their highly developed sense of right and wrong.

The Clans' most important weapon, the OmniMech, is modular, which allows it (1) to be configured exactly as neces­sary for a battle, and (2) to have its damaged weapons replaced while still in combat. Thus , the same 'Mech can do one job one day until it sustains too much damage, and still be back the next day, doing the same or a different job. That makes these 'Mechs very difficult to fight against.

The Clans also utilize foot soldiers, but true to their nontraditional approach to all phases of warfare, they've bred giant men and women called Elementals to be such soldiers, and they've outfitted them wijh advanced BattleArmor, which can withstand a direct hit from a medium laser and is also impervious to small arms. The Elementals, carrying a laser

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and a missile launcher, can jump vast distances, confounding the less-mobile 'Mechs of the Successor States. They can also rip 'Mechs apart with pure strength. All in all , Elementals can destroy 'Mechs with no outside aid.

The basic unit of the Clan military is the Point, which consists of one 'Mech, two AeroSpace Fighters, or five Elementals. Five such Points make up a Star, and a group of Stars is a Cluster.

Clearly, the future of the Succession Wars will not be the same as the past.


NOTE: Except for "Elemental, " the true names of Clan 'Mechs are unknown. These names are Inner Sphere designations.

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Black Hawk

Mass: 50 tons Chassis: Standard Power Plant: 250 XL Cruising Speed: 54 kph Maximum Speed: 86 kph Jump Jets: 5

Jump Capacity: 150 m Armor: Standard Armament: 16.25 tons of pod space available Manufacturer: Unknown Communications System: Unknown Targeting And Tracking System: Unknown

Long-Range Firepower: Unknown Med.-Range Firepower: Unknown Close-Range Firepower: Unknown Armor Level: Unknown Speed: Unknown

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Mass: Unknown Chassis: Unknown Power Plant: Unknown Cruising Speed: 32 kph Maximum Speed: 32 kph Jump Jets: 3

Jump Capacity: Unknown Armor: Ferro-Fibrous Armament:

5 Small Lasers 5SRM

Manufacturer: Unknown Communications System: Unknown Targeting And Tracking System: Unknown

Long-Range Firepower: Unknown Med.-Range Firepower: Unknown Close-Range Firepower: Unknown Armor Level: Unknown Speed: Unknown

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Mad Cat

Mass: 75 tons Chassis: Endo Steel Power Plant: 375 XL Cruising Speed: 54 kph Maximum Speed: 86 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Ferro-Fibrous Armament:

28 tons of pod space available Manufacturer: Unknown Communications System: Unknown Targeting And Tracking System: Unknown

Long-Range Firepower: Unknown Med.-Range Firepower: Unknown Close-Range Firepower: Unknown Armor Level: Unknown Speed: Unknown

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Mass: 35 tons Chassis: Endo Steel Power Plant: 210 XL Cruising Speed: 65 kph Maximum Speed: 97 kph Jump Jets: None

Jump Capacity: None Armor: Ferro-Fibrous Armament:

1 Flamer 16.25 tons of pod space available

Manufacturer: Unknown Communications System: Unknown Targeting And Tracking System: Unknown

Long-Range Firepower: Unknown Med.-Range Firepower: Unknown Close-Range Firepower: Unknown Armor Level: Unknown Speed: Unknown

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AFFS: Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.

Arc-Royal: System under Steiner rule, known for its MechWarrior schools and training grounds.

Arrow IV Missile Artillery System: A homing device which is locked on a spot designated by Target Acquisition Gear (TAG) . This allows a more accurate placement of artillery on the battlefield.

Artemis IV Fire-Control System (FCS): This fire-control system improves the accuracy of standard missile launch­ers. It fires a spread of missiles and maintains constant communication with them in flight so it can correct any flaw in missile dynamics that would cause the missiles to miss their target.

Autocannon: A rapid-fire autoloading weapon firing high-speed streams of high-explosive, armor-piercing shells. Light vehicle autocannon range from 30 to 90 mm, while heavy 'Mech autocannon may be 80 to 120 mm or more . Autocannons are rarely effective beyond 600 meters.

BattieMech: Large military vehicle using two or four legs for its main mode of ground movement, often in more or less humanoid appearance. BattleMechs have been in use for hundreds of years, and are the main instrument of ground forces throughout the Inner Sphere. Armament, size, and other capabilities can vary considerably.

Beagle Active Probe (BAP): Almost a requirement for reconnaissance, the Active Probe can detect and identify even shut-down or camouflaged units at great distances. It also gives the user exact information on the damage sustained by Enemy 'Mechs within its range .

Blazing Aces: Mercenary unit led by Gideon Vandenberg Braver. Their exploits were highlighted in Activision 's MechWarrior game.

Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE): Damage-control technology that dissipates the effects of ammunition explosions inside a 'Mech by utilizing specially engineered section of armor to direct the force of the blast outward.

Chlun : High-ranking family of the Draconis Combine.

Clans: Groups known as the Smoke Jaguars, Ghost Bears, Jade Falcons, and Wolves, which live beyond the Periphery, with technology far superior to that of the five Houses. Each has its own ways and means of warfare .

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Company: Tactical military unit consisting of three BaUieMech Lances or, for infantry, three platoons with a total of 50 to 100 men. Infantry companies are generally commanded by a captain.

Comstar: Interstellar communications network, founded by Jerome Blake in the late 2700s.

Crescent Hawks: Elite unit serving Katrina Steiner. Originally commanded by Jeremiah Youngblood.

Davion : Ruling House of the Federated Suns.

Hanse Davion: Ruler of the Federated Suns.

DCMS: Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery.

Double Heat Sink (Double HS) : Cools a 'Mech twice as fast as a standard heat sink. All Clan 'Mechs have them.

Dracs: slang for members of the Draconis Combine.

DropShip: Spaceship used for ground-to-orbit travel.

ECM: "Electronic Countermeasures"-module which blocks a 'Mech's electronic noise to mask it from Listen-Kill Missiles.

Elementals: Giant men and women who serve as foot-soldiers for the Clans, outfitted with advanced BattleArmor, a laser and a missile launcher. They can jump vast distances and rip 'Mechs apart with pure strength.

Extended-Range Lasers : These weapons boast superior focus and targeting technology, which extends their range significantly (their damage is increased only slightly). However, as always, heat is also increased, in this case by 50 percent.

Extended-Range PPC: The Particle Projection Cannon was a significant weapon in its day, but the Clans have improved it immensely-not only by extending its range, but also making it lighter, smaller, and deadlier. On the other hand, it also generates more heat.

Gauss Rifle: Uses a series of magnets to accelerate its projectiles along its barrel. While requiring a great deal of power, it generates almost no heat and creates muzzle velocities nearly twice those of standard rifles.

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Holovld : Holographic video , or three-dimensional television .

House: One of the five noble houses whose members control the Successor States.

ISF: House Kurita's Internal Security Force.

Jump Jets: Equipment on some 'Mechs allowing them to fly for short distances, at a cost of greatly increased heat.

JumpShip: Spaceship capable of interstellar travel.

Morgan Kell : Leader of the Kell Hounds. Colonel Kell has associations with Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner.

Kell Hounds: Widely known mercenary unit led by Morgan Kell.

Kurita: Ruling House of the Draconis Combine.

Takashl Kurita : Ruler of the Draconis Combine.

Theodore Kurita : Prince of Luthien and heir-designate of House Kurita.

Lance: Group of four BattieMechs and their MechWarriors, or four vehicles and their pilots.

Laser pistol : Small laser weapon with high power output.

Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation-an instrument that stimulates the natural shifts between energy levels of atoms or molecules to generate intense radiation in the ultraviolet, visible , or infrared regions. BattleMech lasers are deSignated as small , medium, and large .

LB-X Autocannon : All autocannons consist of short, smooth-bore barrels, rapid-feed reloaders, and high-explosive ammunition. The LB-X adds light, heat-dissipating alloys and sophisticated fire-control systems, which extend its range by 20 percent.

LCAF: Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces.

Llao: Ruling House of the Capellan Confederation.

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Listen-Kill Missile: Missile with a special computer and homing device the size of a small grenade that allows it to home in on the electronic noise emanating from a 'Mech or tank.

LosTech: Lost technology of the Star League.

LRM: Long-Range Missile-an indirect-fire missile with a high-explosive warhead. They are accurate only between about 150 and 700 meters.

Machine Gun: A small-arms weapon which rapidly fires bursts of bullets , with excellent damage potential. The Portable Machine Gun is a main support weapon for infantry.

Marik : Ruling House of the Free Worlds League.

'Mech: See BattleMech.

'Mech Complex : Industrial area where 'Mechs are repaired and serviced.

'Mech Drop : The departure from a DropShip still in space by 'Mechs. 'Mech Drops allow fast deployment of 'Mechs on the field but not accurate placement.

MechWarrior: Pilot of a BattleMech.

Merc: Short for Mercenary.

Mercenary: Free-lancer who hires out his military services to various organizations.

Mobile Headquarters: Nerve center of big-scale BattleMech operations. They gather information from various participants in a battle and then use sophisticated computers to present the data to the commander for analysis.

Rex Pearce: Veteran MechWarrior from the original Crescent Hawks. Jason Youngblood's mentor and Jeremiah Youngblood's best friend .

Periphery: Hundreds of worlds on the edge of the star systems of the Inner Sphere. Many have fallen into barbarism.

PPC: Particle Projection Cannon-a magnetic accelerator firing high-energy proton or ion bolts, causing damage both through impact and high temperature. PPCs are among the most effective weapons available to 'Mechs.

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Pulse Lasers: Pulse Lasers use rapid-cycling pulses to create multiple laser beams, thereby increasing the number of hits per second (and consequently , the amount of damage), while increasing heat and somewhat decreasing range.

Regiment: Three companies (36 'Mechs) .

Caitlin Shaw: Captain Shaw acts Morgan Kell's second-in-command,

Smithson's Chinese Bandits : Famous mercenary unit.

Snakes: Slang for members of the Draconis Combine.

SRM: Short-Range Missile-a direct-trajectory missile with high-explosive or armor-piercing warheads.

Star League Cache: Stockpile of unused 'Mechs and equipment left by the Star League when it departed the Inner Sphere.

Star League: Ruling interstellar government from 2571 to 2751 .

Steiner: Ruling House of the Lyran Commonwealth .

Successor States: The five main governments formed after the collapse of the Star League ; comprised of the Federated Suns, the Lyran Commonwealth, the Capellan Confederation, the Draconis Combine, and the Free Worlds League.

Target Acquisition Gear (TAG): Guides the Arrow IV Missile Artillery System to its destination, allowing a more accurate placement of artillery on the battlefield.

Vendetta: A concept of settling accounts, usually in a violent manner, that dates back to the dawn of human history. It differs from simple warfare in its insistence on the justice of the actions employed. House Kurita has used it more than any other state.

Wolf's Dragoons: Most widely renowned mercenary regiment in the Successor States.

Jeremiah Youngblood : Jason Youngblood's father, the best Phoenix Hawk pilot alive. Reported missing in action.

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How to Use the Maps The maps which follow show the terrain you'll find in the game. The maps are based on a coordinate system using one letter and two numbers. The letter tells the sector-each map has 25 sectors. The numbers specify the area inside the sector-each sector has 100 areas. The first number is found alsong the top of the sector, and the second along the side-these are called the X and Y coordinates. Many missions require knowlege of the letter and two numbers.

For example, find coordinate E57. First, find sector E-Next, within sector E, find area 57-






138 BattleTech Pack

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 789


J 57




Terrain Key







3 fj}j.l FLAT LANDI

4 : .':" BRUSH

5 I--:q GRASS LAND , .' 6 Q:9 COMMERCIAL 7

8 ~ HILL 9



f:; .. N:j SNOW " ,


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Lyons: Eastern Area

........ " .. '- . ....... ::.:'. -... .... -;:.-

"N BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge 139

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Lyons: Kell Hound Base


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Lyons: Northern Area


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Operation Liberty: Surrounding Area

t N

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Operation Liberty: The City

"N BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge 143

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The Training Grounds

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t N

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t N

<) ' . ... ........ .,

Q ~


. "" "

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t N

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t N

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t N

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t N

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House Infocom Tony Van was the producer and designer of The Crescent Hawks' Revenge-and that's about all you can say about his life for the last ten months. See, he was once intrigued by a game on a mainframe computer, decided to try his hand at translating it to a Commodore Pet, and that was the end of him. Oh, he claims to have the largest video tape library north of L.A., claims to play the BaUleTech board game for hours upon hours, but having also produced Shanghai™ 2.0 for the 'Macintosh and co-designed Ghostbusters™ II for 'MS-DOS over the past two years, where could he find the time?

'Michael E. 'Moore wrote the scenarios and designed the maps for our game. He had once thought he'd carve out a career for himself designing board games, which he did for ten years, but one day his friends sneered at him because he wasn't computer literate-and once he got literate he decided to write a new chapter in his life. He indulges in all the time-honored vices, with one exception-he doesn't play games. "That's not play , that's work'" he says, taking a long drag on a Benson & Hedges Light.

'Mitzi S. 'McGilvray was the Product Specialist-which means she did all the work nobody else could do. A self­described "blonde 'Mech-ette ," she came to Infocom as a Technical Support rep, and became so knowledgeable about games that she had to start creating them. While she was with Tech Support, she began the company's Interactive Newsletter, available by modem at 415 329-7684-but her home phone number's an Inner Sphere secret.

Jeff Glazier was the Lead Tester and all-around backstop for Tony, continuing a working relationship that dates back to their time together in the 7th grade. He was captivated by the same Commodore Pet back then , and says that the Apple II his dad bought him thereafter was where Tony learned everything he knows. Jeff obviously finds time for things besides computers, however, since he's a bowler, golfer, guitarist-and he and his wife Lisa have one son, Cassidy, with another child on the way.

House Westwood

Westwood Associates is a computer design organization based in Las Vegas, where they know how to have a good time.

Barry Green was the lead programmer on The Crescent Hawks' Revenge. He started his career when he talked his dad into buying him an Atari 800 in the early 80s, and that led to his joining Westwood in 1985. He loves really weird computer games-not to mention his wife, Linda, and their two daughters, Jennifer and Kimberly. He was also the ramrod on BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception.

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David R. Dettmer was the assistant programmer. He started out studying math in high school, but that led him to a course called Computer Math, and he stuck with the computer end. When he's not making BattieMechs move across the screen, he builds robots that march across his floors~r gets himself out on the desert near his Las Vegas home for his own hikes. He's the only one on this team who didn't work on Infocom's previous BaUleTech game, but he did work on Infocom's Mines of Titan™ .

Joseph B. Hewitt IV was Westwood's artist on the project. He heads for the desert to play paint ball , and comes back home to work as a semi-pro magician in his spare time. His grandfather was an artist, which is probably where he gained his facility with pixels, but he confesses that his favorite games were the old Infocom titles with nothing but text in them. He, too, worked on The Crescent Hawk's Inception.

Paul S. Mudra created the IBM speaker sounds and music for our game. Even though he lives in the desert, he's such a stone hockey fan that he's installed a satellite dish to pick up puck-battles wherever they may be. When he got his first computer he thought computers and music didn't mix, but he soon discovered he couldn 't keep them apart . In addition to The Crescent Hawk's Inception, he did the music and sounds for Infocom's Circuit's Edge.™

House FASA

For more information about BattieTech, 'Mechs, and weapons, please consult the following publications, which are available from FASA Corporation :

The BattleTech Compendium MechWarrior-The BattleTech Role Playing Game BattleTech Technical Readout 3025 BattleTech Technical Readout 3026 BattleTech Technical Readout 3050

FASA Corporation P.O. Box 6930 Chicago IL 60680

FASA's complete line of BattleTech products is available in finer hobby and gaming stores.

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Designer's Notes

BattieTech: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge was an exciting experience. Not often does a producer get the pleasure of designing his own product, and this one was a pleasure indeed.

In fact, the first thing observant players will notice is this is not the same combat system used in The Crescent Hawk's Inception. Just about the only part we kept was the story. For all of you who have waited all this time, you can finally go after your father, but you'll find a radically different game awaits you .

Revenge was conceived as a game to simulate command. The two previous BattleTech-based games (Infocom's Inception and Activision's MechWarrior) both stopped at Lance command, four 'Mechs. That wasn't good enough for us. We wanted to command three Lances on a huge and interesting map, with Enemy units that had motivations and desires. We wanted to have almost any type of 'Mech under our control with real people in command of those 'Mechs, who would alert you using digital voice, either to report battle conditions, or complain if you gave them stupid orders. But no matter what, they would fight to the best of their ability. We wanted a quick way to move between units, and a simple way to give them complex commands. And if this wasn't enough, we wanted it to be in real-time. Now, that's Command!

Barry Green, the lead programmer, has done an excellent job in simulating both the real-time combat and the 'Mechs in the game. Although we simplify the 'Mech's abilities for game play, each BattleMech is modeled exactly after its namesake in the FASA board game, down to the heat sink. This level of detail applies across the game, even in the fiction . Those of you who have read the novel Lethal Heritage from FASA know about the Clan's first attack. Those of you who read the forthcoming Blood Legacy will see the last part of our game simulates some crucial battles fought in that book.

But enough back-patting. You're probably reading this to find some clues on finishing the game faster. The first thing to understand is that most scenarios interrelate with each other. That Locust you let escape in the first sce­nario and the 'Mechs that retreat in the second will come back when the Whitworth attacks in the third. If you're lucky, you'll force the Whitworth pilot to eject, and you'll have a better 'Mech for later scenarios. This sort of thing happens many times in the game. This also means the damage you take will come back to haunt you later. If a scenario seems impossible, it's probably because you 're way too beat up from previous scenarios.

In fact, no scenario has a "precise" way to defeat it. Particularly canny players can defeat scenarios by pure strat­egy, while others may fail with the best armaments. Many scenarios will allow the use of different strategies, but be advised, there is always an optimum one .

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The game speed can make or break a battle, too. If you want, you can slow it down to a crawl, or kick it up to turbo­battle mode. This allows you to playas fast as you can think, which comes in quite handy when things get hairy.

Don't let Jason get too involved in battle if you can help it. Since the scenario ends if he dies, keep him back when you can. The disadvantage to this is you will have to rely of your underlings' biased reports instead of your own to know what's going on when you're not looking .

One final request-I respect your business, and I assume you will respect ours, and not allow anyone to make an illegal copy of this software for themselves. For this I thank you in advance.

We at Infocom hope you enjoy The Crescent Hawks' Revenge as much as we have enjoyed making it for you. Now go and make a name for yourself , Youngblood!

Tony Van September 1990

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Affidavit of Gideon Braver Vandenburg

Copies of this Affidavit shall be sent to the major news outlets on the capital planets of the five Houses in the event of my untimely death.

This testimony was sworn on March 3, 3024 A.D. on Ander's Moon, in the Draconis March of the Federated Suns. I hereby swear that all facts given in this statement are true, upon my honor as a Vandenburg.

I must set down these facts lest the truth remain forever hidden, should the McBrin family's plot succeed. I dictate this statement before I must leave Ander's Moon - before the McBrins find me and have me executed on some trumped-up charge.

The story really begins in 2137, when Clan Vandenburg and Clan McBrin jointly settled the world known as Ander's Moon. Ander's Moon sits on the border between Kurita space and Davion space, occupying a position of no great strategic importance in relation to a planet with no unusual natural resources. Due to the tremen­dous valour of Ander's Moon warriors in the Succession War, Prince Davion rewarded Ander's Moon with a Dukedom. This was, and always has been, a cause of bitter rivalry between Clans Vandenburg and McBrin. Since the Council of Representatives elects the new Duke upon the death of the old Duke, control of Dukedom has passed from Clan to Clan over the centuries. The investiture of a new Duke is an occasion of great ceremony, wherein the Duke is anointed with oil from the sacred Chalice of Herne, an ancient relic from old Terrra. The Chalice has come to symbolize the office of the Duke, and it is impossible to legitimize the rule of a new Duke without the Chalice of Herne.

But enough of ancient history. Two days ago, I left Castle Vandenbury to examine some of my father's hold­ings. While I was gone, a lance of bandit Mechs dropped on Castle Vandenburg and smashed it to rubble. My father, Duke Cameron Vandenburg, was slain in the assault, as were my mother and my sister. For some reason, the sensors gave no warning of the attack - I suspect a traitor among the technicians must have sabotaged the equipment. No one identified the bandit Mechs, and no one tracked them off-planet. They have vanished into the trackless reaches of interstellar space.

According to witnesses, Jarris McBrin appeared and drove off the bandits before they could wreak more havoc. His timely appearance was seen by the populace, since a video news team just happened to arrive at the same time as McBrin. He explained to the camera team that he was nearby "on maneuvers" when he picked up the raiders on his sensors, and naturally he raced to assist, but unfortunately he was too late to save the Duke. Lying son of a snake! He must have bribed the news crew to arrive at the right moment to witness a McBrin saving Vandenburgs from pirates, so that the world would think him a hero.

When I returned and dug through the rubble to retrieve the bodies of my family, I found that someone had taken the symbol of rule of Ander's Moon, the sacred Chalice of Herne, from its place of honor in the great

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hall. And emptied the Vandeburg vaults of all the Clan's treasure. As I questioned the servants who had survived the attack, they spoke with vivid terror of a strange and powerful image: a skull with bat wings, which they had seen emblazoned on the marauding bandit Mechs. Nothing more could they tell me.

The next day the Council of Representatives held an extraordinary meeting to discuss the events at Castle Vandenburg and elect a new Duke. To my astonishment, Jarris McBrin denounced my father, Cameron Vandenburg, as a traitor, claiming that the was in league with the pirates. According to Jarris, my father tried to double-cross the pirates and so they destroyed him. Worst of all, Jarris presented "proof" to back up his claims - documents allegedly signed by my father, holotapes showing my father dealing with the pirates, and other such material. I tried to stop his lies, but I was held back by the sergeant-at-arms. Jarris went on to denounce the Vandenburgs for losing the Chalice of Herne. At the peak of his tirade , he called for a freeze on the remaining Vandenburg assets, which was overwhelmingly approved. McBrin announced that he would use his own resources to track down the pirates and recover the Chalice.

McBrin's motion to elect a new Duke failed by a narrow margin. The Council voted to hold off the election until I reached legal adulthood on my 23rd birthday - April 8, 3029. At that time, the Council will decide whether Jarris McBrin or Gideon Braver Vandenburg becomes the new Duke of Ander's Moon.

As I left the council chambers, I was still in a state of shock over the whirlwind of events that had overturned my life. My family was dead, home destroyed, fortune stolen - everything I knew was lost. I must have been in a daze, for I had no inkling of being followed until a starry explosion burst into pain inside my head. As I remember them now, the next few minutes are a blur of repeated blows and pain. I know now that I was the object of an expert beating - though care was taken not to leave any permanent marks on my body . As I lay on the ground, gasping for breath, the leering face of Jarris McBrin rose before my eyes.

"You'll never be the Duke," he gloated. "I've made sure of that. The Chalice is hidden light-years from here, where you'll never find it, And if you don't have the Chalice, you can't become the Duke, no matter what the Council decides. But of course, I'll be there, having fortunately recovered the Chalice from the pirates. How graciously I'll accept the Dukdom that the cheering populace will demand I be given! Who would deny the Dukedom to Jarris McBrin, the valiant hero who tracked down the pirates and destroyed them, ending the Vandenburg's vicious conspiracy against Ander's Moon?"

"The Dukdom will never be yours, Jarris," I said, fighting for breath. "I'll ... stop you."

He laughed. "No, my dear Gideon, you'll die a pauper on some distant world. I'd rather dispose of your body right now - but I might have to answer some awkward questions. A pity you weren't at home when my friends 'dropped in' on your miserable family .. . but no matter." His eyes narrowed. "You have 24 hours to get off the planet. Pray that I never run across you again, or you too will wish that you died with your family." And with that he and his goons disappeared into the darkness while I struggled to get to my hands and knees.

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Somehow, I managed to stumble to combooth. I realized that there was nothing further I could do on Ander's Moon, and the only way I could defeat Jarris was t o lay low for awhile. I needed help, and there were precious few people that I could turn to in my hour of need. I called Jordan Rowe, leader of the Vandenburg faction in the Council. He took me to his home, where we talked late into the night as he nursed my wounds.

Jordan's belief is that Jarris couldn't be the brains behind this operation - it's t oo big, too well-funded for his brand of petty thievery. Jordan mentioned certain information he had come across, rumors of radioac­tive mineral deposits in the highlands, and of Kurita's need for such fuel f o r their insatiable war machine. He speculated that Kurita was behind the whole plot, and eventually their machinations would be exposed. But I remain unconvinced - there's no proof of Kurita involvement, though Jordan said he will try to find it.

Jordan has provided me with an old Jenner Mech and some C-bills, as well as passage off-planet. He suggest that I travel under the abbreviated name of Gideon Braver, to avoid any "complications" that might arise because of the Vandenburg name. I'm not even sure where this old space scow is taking me, but it doesn't matter. I'll find where Jarris has hidden the Chalice. But it must be guarded, and guarded well, so I'll need to recruit a lance of Mechs to help me in the battles ahead. But first I need money - and for that, I have to become a mercenary, selling my war skill to the highest bidder. Jordan has given me a copy of an old merc's manual, which should tell me all I need to know.

Jarris McBrin, I am coming back, and not all the Mechs in the Star League are enough to stop me.

Gideon Braver Vandenburg

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This handbook is entirely unofficial, and is under interdict in multiple systems. Do not reveal its contents, or even talk about its existence, to anyone whom you don't completely trust. A healthy dose of paranoia will add to your life expectancy in this universe.

This handbook has been distilled, like quanga nut liquer, from the experiences of many mercs over hundreds of years. Here you'll find all the essentials for being a successful mercenary - how to negotiate contracts , how to get and keep the best Mechs, and the basics of how to operate a Mech.

Of course, there's no substitute for experience. Once you've spent a few years on the mercenary trail , gunning your Mech through a rain of shrapnel and bolts of laser lightning, you 'll have a knowledge of what it's like that no book can give you . Maybe you can pick up a pOinter or two from these pages that will help you through some of the rough spots. No guarantees, though. In this universe, you're on your own.

The Years 2014 - 3024 A.D.

After the Western Alliance enforced a world peace in 2014, the unification of the world under its banner was inevi­table. By 2086, most of the world belonged to the Western Alliance. The development of faster-than-light travel in 2108 launched an era of interstellar colonization . As the cost of FTL travel dropped, colonization proceeded apace , so that by 2235 there were more than 600 inhabited worlds. In 2236 the colonies rebelled against the dominion of Terra, and by 2242 Alliance holdings had shrunk to a sphere less than 60 light years across. Over the next 50 years, the Exodus of Earth's population took place and more than 1500 new planets were settled.

With the collapse of the Terrran Alliance in 2314, hostilities broke out. The establishment of the Terran Hegemony as a replacement sparked years of war. In fact , the period until 2550 was marked by an almost continuous series of small battles under the peculiarities of the Ares Conventions. The BattleMechs became the standard instrument of the highly ritualized warfare during this time. The founding of the Star League in 2571 sparked the Unification War; when that war ended in 2597, a period of relative peace began. The Star League developed the first FTL transmit­ters, cutting the average communication time from Terra to the Periphery from 1 year to less than five months. The Star League went on for over 150 years in peace before it was torn apart by treachery and rebellion . In 2785 the First Succession War raged through known space, as the five lords of the High Council all declared themselves ruler of the Star League. The Ares Conventions were cast aside, and hundreds of millions perished in the brutal warfare that ensued. For the next several hundred years, a series of Succession Wars bought the technology to a

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level barely above that of the 21 st century. The Warlords of the Successor States, unable to manufacture the advanced computers, fusion plants, and starships that their civilization depended on, took to cannibalizing existing equipment to maintain their armies.

Now that the Third Succession War is over, the new alliance between the Federated Suns and the Lyran Common­wealth portends a new era of peace and trade among the Successor States.

-From: The Succession Wars : A History, by Dr. B. Banzai, New Avalon Institute of Science

Don't bet on it. The smart credits are betting on more employment for mercs than ever. It's just the calm before the storm, pal. Keep your batteries charged, and your eyes open.

The Successor States

While you may have learned some of this in school, it's good to have it repeated . Know your employer and your enemy. They may be one and the same.

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COMIIONAU~ House MarIk HOIIM Uao The Free Worlds League The Cappellan ConfederaUon

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The Federated Suns

Founded in 2317 by Lucien Davion, then Prime Minister of New Avalon. A member of the Davion family has led the Federated Suns for over 7000 years. Much of Davion's expan­sion in the last centuries has been at the expense of Liao's Capellan Confederation. Recently, Hanse Davion (Duke of New Avalon and ruler of the Federated Suns) has formed an alliance with Lyran Commonwealth and is skirmishing heavily with Kurita's Draconis Combine. The ambitious Michael Hasek-Davion, brother-in-law to Hanse, is Duke of New Syrtis and ruler of the Capellan March. House of Davion has earned a reputation among mercs for being very fair in contract negotiations and treating mercs quite well. However, Hanse Davion isn't known as "The Fox" for nothing. His tricky battle strategies

have put some lances in unexpected situations. Mercs should look for possible twists in the contract offered them before accepting a Davion mission.

The Lyran Commonwealth

Formed in 2341 by a combination of three small leagues: the Tamar Pact, the Federation of Skye , and the Protectorate of Donegal. The Lyran capital is currently located at Tharkad. Since the early 2400s the Lyran Commonwealth has been ruled by the Steiners. While the Lyrans have been losing territory to the Draconis Combine, the Commonwealth remains a major power due to the extreme wealth of some of its planets. Most recently, their pact with the Federated Suns has resulted in the recapture of several planets held by Kurita. The Lyran Commonwealth is ruled by the Archon Katrina Steiner: her daughter Melissa is rumored to be betrothed to Hanse Davion, promising the formation of a powerful alliance.

House Steiner offers generous contracts to mercenaries, using their great wealth to attract some of the best mercs around. However, the Lyran Commonwealth suffers from a great

deal of infighting, which reduces the Lyran's military effectiveness. Often forced to withdraw during combat, the Lyrans just as often yield little good plunder. The Archon is striving to improve the quality of their military leadership, but it remains to be seen how successful such efforts will be.

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The Capellan Confederation

The Capellan Confederation was created in 2366 by treaty agreement among five smaller area. The early days of the Confederation were marked by vicious internal debates and factionalism. Eventually, Franco Liao managed to pull things together as a compromise leader; his descendants have consolidated their power over the major worlds of the Capellan Confederation. The Capellans have always fought fiercely with the Free Worlds League. Over the centuries of bitter warfare , the Capellan Confederation has come out on the short end, losing many of its most valuable territories to House Davion and House Marik. However, the now much shrunken Capellan realm is heavily fortified , and they have been mostly peaceful

for the last fifty years. Maximilian Liao currently rules the Capellan Confederation, spending much effort in shrew diplomatic maneuvering designed to bring the lost glory back to Capella and especially to House Liao.

For mercs, it's enough to know that the Capellans are the weakest among the Successor States. While they tend to offer excellent terms when the contracts are available, there are many stories of Capellan contracts that looked good at the start but soon turned sour. When dealing with Capellans, more than one merc has found himself unable to collect on a technicality or two .

The Draconis Combine

Founded in 2319 after a brutal military campaign led by Shiro Kurita. The vast reaches of the Draconis Combine are controlled by Kuritas to this day; Takashi Kurita is the current iron­fisted ruler. Luthien is now the capital world , but New Samarkand still wields great power as the home base for the Internal Security Force (ISF) .

House Kurita issues many mercenary contracts, but they have a widespread reputation for being ruthless and arrogant. They don't like to dicker, and they drive a hard bargain. None­theless, they do have a way of winning, that keeps the mercs coming back for more con­tracts.

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The Free Worlds League

Created in 2271 by the Treaty of Marik, which unified the Grand Duchy of Oriente, the Principality of Regulus, and the Marik Commonwealth. Largely based on merchant organizations, the Free Worlds League has maintained a strong trade with the Successor States. The Captain-Generalship of the Free Worlds League has become a hereditary post held by House Marik. The Free Worlds League suffers from increasing balkanization, and Janos Marik (current Captain-General) faces mounting difficulties as he tries to hold things together from his capital on Atreus.

Contracts are common in the Free Worlds League, as the internal bickering constantly erupts into combat. There are often good contracts and rich plunder available, but the unstable political situation makes it a dangerous playground for the unwary merc.

Getting Started

To load MechWarrior refer to the Power Hits Reference Card included in the package.

Your Authorization Code

Each time you start MECHWARRIOR, you 'll be asked for an authorization code that matches the code check pattern for a particular Mech shown on the screen. The codes are included for each Mech in the section "BattleMech Descriptions" starting on page 184. Enter the correct code, then press Enter. Failure to enter the code 3 times in a row will result in your returning to DOS.

Once you've entered the correct code, you 'll be dirtside. Check out the following section for the options available to you .

The Mercenary's Life

There are many things you need to know to be a successful mercenary-more details than there's space for here. Besides, you 'll learn the details yourself through (sometimes bitter) experience . These pages cover only the essen­tials of what you can do dirtside.

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Whenever you're moving around dirtside, you use either a joystick, a mouse, or the arrow key on your console keyboard to move the pointer to one of the icons. Press the joystick fire button (button 1) , the mouse button, or the Enter key to enter the section represented by the selected icon.

The instructions that follow refer only to the keyboard commands, but the mouse or joystick can be used equally well anywhere dirtside.

Blazing Aces


This is your personal database. Of all your basic personal data, perhaps the most important item is your wealth. Like all mercs, you have a software agent who synthesizes data off the NewsNet and posts readings of how various families feel about you . These attitudes, based on previous contracts you've handled for them, will of course affect your contract negotiations. Play it smart, pal. Keep you eye on these readings and don't expect too much from the families that hate you.

This is your Lance command roster. When you highlight the word and press Enter, you 'll see you current crew roster along with their gunnery and pilot ratings, their wages, and the Mech they've been assigned by you . Of course, if you're the only one in your lance, then you 're the only one that show up. You can change the Mechs assigned to each crew member, or even dismiss a crew member if you 're not happy with his performance. When­ever you buy a new Mech, you 'll have to assign it to a crew member (including yourself) ; otherwise it won 't be utilized.

Changing Mech assignments is simple. Move to each pilOt's Mech and highlight it, then press Enter and use the up or down arrow keys to choose among the Mechs you have (one of the choices always available is to Dismiss the crew member) . Once you have the Mech you want to assign to that pilot, press Enter again . Note that if that Mech is already assigned to some other pilot, then the two pilots swap Mechs. Use the down arrow to highlight the Done button, then press Enter to leave the Crew roster.


This is your access to news items of interest selected by your Comstar news filter on the interplanetary telecommu ­nications network. Personal messages for you can also be found here. The information you find here can be crucial to getting the best contracts by finding out where the action is . If you have any other goals in mind , your news filter is also select ing news items that can help you achieve your goals.

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Use the arrow keys to highlight your choices, and press Enter to execute each choice. Previous shows you any messages you 've had before ; Next shows you the next message (if any) ; and Done takes you back to your per­sonal database .


Exit from your database and get back to wandering around dirtside.

Mech Complex

•1iI III This is where you go to view, repair, buy, sell, and re-arm your Mechs. Of course, things are different on every planet. Prices change depending on local availability of supplies. You won't be able to get Mechs on some worlds. The parts you need to repair your Mech might not be available . So make the most of what's available, because you might not be able to get it when you need it . Those C-bills in your bank account won't do you any good when you're staring down the muzzle if a PPC and wishing you 'd repaired that frontal armor.

Review Mechs

This shows a listing of the Mech you own, with the pilots assigned to them. Select a Mech and press Enter to take a closer look. A picture of the Mech appears with its basic armaments and speed listings. Here you can choose to do the following things:

Repair: This shows a complete listing of the Mech's systems and their current operational status. As you cycle through the systems, if a repair is required the cost is shown at the bottom of the screen. If you want to repair that system, press Enter. Otherwise, press the up or down arrow key to move to another system. Note that each time you repair a system it gets a little better, moving up one damage class (from Junk to Heavy Damage to Light Damage to Functional). So if a system is Junk, the cost shown is one-third of what it takes to make it fully opera­tional. Sometimes, the parts needed to repair a system won't be available , and you'll have to wait for some to come in or try another planet. Or take your chances and go into battle anyway. Sure, it's a risk, but so is life.

Repair All: You can use this option to automatically repair all damaged systems without having to select each one. Note that the repair cost displayed on this screen is only an estimate of the actual total repair cost and the final bill may be lower or higher than estimated . This function works like the regular Repair function: if you don't have enough money or the parts aren't available, you 're out of luck.

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Reload: If you're fully loaded, you'll be told that your ammo bay is full when you press Enter. If you need ammo, the cost of reloading is shown; you can choose to reload and pay the cost, or cancel without reloading .

Sell: If you want to sell your Mech, choose this item and press Enter. If there's an offer, it appears before you . You can accept or reject the offer. The price offered for your Mech depends on its condition and on the demand for Mech on that particular planet. Some mercs can make a tidy sum just by buying Mechs where they're cheap, maybe fixing them up a bit, and selling them where they're scarce. Of course, if you're not careful the transportation costs will eat you alive. Best to leave trading to the merchants and concentrate on the business of war.

Done: Gets you back to the Review Mechs choices.

Extra Ammo

While your Mechs can carry a full combat load of ammunition, when you 're going on a long campaign you'll need to stock extra ammo if you can afford it. On an extended campaign, you may go through several combats before you can get back to a civilized place to repair and reload . You'll feel more foolish if you use up all your ammo during you first combat, only to face another - you'll feel dead. So spend some C-bills on extra ammo before heading out on one of those extended campaign contracts.

Extra Ammo shows a display of the different kinds of ammo available for the different Mechs (if you own one of the Mechs listed, it will be highlighted). As you scroll down the list, the types of Mechs that can use that ammo are displayed. If you press Enter, the ammo is purchased and stored for future use. You can sell back any extra ammo by using the right arrow key to highlight the ammo stored in the hold ; prices change to show what you will get if you sell. Press Enter to sell the ammo. Select Done and press Enter to return to the Mech Complex choices .

Buy Mechs

When you select this item, a list of the Mechs currently offered for sale is displayed. (Of course , sometimes there just aren't any Mechs for sale at aiL) Select any Mech and press Enter to check out the price and condition. You 'll see a picture of the Mech and its operational ratings. Choose Damage Levels to see the condition of the Mech, and just how much repair it's going to take before you can haul it onto the battlefield. Select Buy to acquire the Mech for the price shown. Select Done to return to the Mechs For Sale listings. When you're finished shopping, choose Done to return to the Mech Complex choices. Don't be surprised if the choice of Mechs is limited or even nonexistent. After all , these things are scarce and valuable, and not every podunk planet has Mechs for sale. The bigger Mechs are even harder to find.

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The smart merc will notice that Mechs are cheaper on some worlds. When a world is small and there's a shortage of Mechs, the price is higher-it may be a great place to sell an extra Mech. Keep your eye on the prices, and don't let some backwater planet charge you too much. Buy your Mechs when they're cheap. Remember, every C-bill you save could save your life by enabling you to buy a little more ammo or some repairs.


Select this item to return to your other dirtside choices.


On many planets (but not all), you'll find merc contracts offered by the ruling House. Select Contracts to see the latest contract postings. Sometimes there's only one contract being offered; at other times or places, there may be more. Read each one carefully, and don't get in over your head. No matter how tough, experienced, and well-armed you are, there's always somebody better.

Request Mission

Here's where you get your contracts . Any current contracts available on the planet are displayed one at a time. Of course, contracts are not always available, so you can either wait around till one shows up, or haul mass to another planet with better opportunities. Check the NewsNet for some idea of where the action can be found.

If you've got a contract offer, don't leap at it right away - that's the mark of a real amateur. First, check out all the contracts being offered by selecting the Next button and pressing Enter. If you don't see anything you like, select Leave and press Enter to go back to your other dirtside activities. Look carefully at the odds. Balance your forces against the enemy forces. Sure, you know your crew is good, but take care not to bite off too big a job.

Once you 've found a contract you like, then it's time to get the best price. You can negotiate over the price, the percentage of the confiscated equipment you'll get (assuming you win, that is), and how much up front money you'll get for outfitting. Since all haggling over contract is conducted via computer, all you do is use the arrow keys to point to the item you want to negotiate and press Enter. The item turns yellow; use the up arrow key to increase the number. When you've got the number you want, press Enter again. When you've modified all figures to your satisfaction, highlight the Submit button and press Enter. The figures change to show with counter-offer. If the counter-offer is not to your liking, change the figures again and resubmit the contract.

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Some families don't have a lot of patience, and they may just withdraw the contract if you haggle too much. And of course the terms vary depending on the job and the reputation you have with the individual family. Experience can guide you on just how flexible each House will be, and what kind of terms you can expect.

Mission Types

There are several different types of missions that might be outlined in the typical mercenary contract. The payoff conditions (what NewsNet types like to call "victory") are different for each type, so pay careful attention when you negotiate each contract.

A few missions, like suppressing a rebellion or eliminating enemy forces, are simple, clean , and not too hard to figure-immobilize all enemy Mechs, and you win. That's all there is to it.

When an enemy base is involved, things get more difficult. You may be asked to capture an enemy base-in order to rescue a kidnap victim, say, or retrieve captured equipment. On such missions, you'll have to fight your way to the base and ram it with one of your Mechs; as soon as you breach the walls, surrender is immediate, and you should be able to collect on your contract. When your mission calls for you to destroy or disable an enemy base, you 'll have to fight your way through opposing Mechs and pound the hostile base with several rounds of high-powered ammo.

If a contract calls on you to defend a base against enemy forces, you must immobilize all enemy Mechs that don't permanently flee the scene. On missions that involve crossing territory, like a reconnaissance raid, you must move all the Mechs in your lance across the line indicated on the Mission Briefing screen, fighting off enemies as you go, in order to collect. Conversely, some types of contracts , such as the relief of engaged forces, require that you prevent enemy forces from crossing a dashed line indicated on the Mission Briefing screen (also shown on the Command Screen)-again, you 'll have to immobilize any hostile Mechs that don't flee.

Extended campaigns are the most difficult. Each one involves two or three separate encounters ; in between them, you 'll have a chance only to re-arm with any extra ammo you bought at the start of the campaign, and to make field repairs to your Mechs. There will be no chance to return to a civilized area for extensive repairs-unless and until the campaign is successfully concluded.

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Get back to your other dirtside business. Travel

For those farm boys out there who may not know the ins and outs of interstellar travel , someone should layout the basics for you. First, there are jumpships and dropships. Dropships are those metal beasts you see standing on every launch pad throughout known space. They take you off planet and

carry you out to the jump pOints where the jumpships sit. The distance from planet to its system's jump point varies depending on the size of the star, position of the planet in the system, and velocity of the dropship. That means it can take you anywhere from a few days to three weeks to get there.

Once the dropship gets to the jump point, it links up with a jumpship. Jumpships use the Kearney-Fuchida drive system to make near instantaneous jumps to another jump pOint. Jumpships are limited to single jumps of around 30 light years. So to travel to a system 60 light years away requires two jumps. The jumpship must recharge its engines in between jumps with a device called a jump sail. The recharge process takes about one week.

So, to travel to a system 60 light years away requires at least one week for the jump, plus the amount of time needed to travel to and from the jump point in the dropship.

Using the Star Map

You're shown a map of the major planetary systems throughout known space-its very helpful in making your travel decisions. Here you can make your travel arrangements, find out about the planets you 're traveling to, determine the cost of your journey, and go.

The name of the highlighted planet is shown in the upper left corner. The type of planet (for example , tropical or ice) is shown to the right of the name, and the populat ion is shown in the upper right-hand corner. Below this is a a brief description of the planet as found in Stoner's Galactic Travel Guide, 4th edition. The icon of the ruling House for the planet is shown on the right-hand side. Below th is icon appears the cost in C-bills to travel to a deSignated planet.

Note that travel costs are based on several factors: number of mechs, crew, extra ammo being transported, and distance traveled. You pay by the jump. A planet two jumps away doubles the cost (mechs, personnel, ammo). Your current wealth is shown below the cost.

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Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight either the name of the planet in the upper left corner, or the Travel, Planets, or Cancel button.

The left arrow key will move the cursor off the current planet selection and free it up so you can use all four arrow keys to move the cursor around on the map. Placing the cursor on a planet and pressing Enter causes that planet to be selected. All the data on the screen will change to reflect the new choice .


When you've chosen your destination, highlight this button and press Enter to travel there . Your wealth will be reduced by the amount displayed under cost.


Use this button to find a particular planet. Highlight this button and press Enter to get a list of the different Houses. Select the House you want using the arrow keys , then press Enter. A list of available planets in that House ap­pears. Select your destination using the arrow keys ; press Enter when the planet you want is highlighted.

You can also locate a planet directly. When Planet Name is highlighted, press Enter, and the box will clear. Type in the name of the planet you 're looking for and press Enter. If the name you typed in is not recognized, the currently selected planet will reappear in the box.


Return to dirtside activities.

The Bar

Here you can get some refreshment and maybe catch some useful rumors - the kind of things that don't appear on the NewsNet. And of course all the best merc pilots hang out here between jobs.

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Order Drink

Sometimes, the bartender will slip you a little information and maybe some answers to your questions. Go ahead, be friendly - it could save your life.

Recruit Crew

If there are any merc pilots looking for work, you can bet they'll be here at the bar. Check out their references, look over their skill ratings. Watch their pay rates, and remember that you 'll have to shell out that much every month. And when you're just a rookie , don't expect the best pilots to sign up with you . If you want to hire a particular merc, just say Yes. Saying No puts you back into circulation at the bar.


Go outside and look for other dirtside activities.

Game Options

Here's where you can take care of some housekeeping matters, like storing data or altering your personal data environment.

Save Game

If you want to check out of reality and enter a simulation of 20th-century Earth life , choose Save Game. You'll be asked to enter a named for your "saved game." This will effect the storing of all current data on your career, and you can use the same name as your "password" when you want to return to the reality of the 30th century, just the way you left it. You can save and resume up to 12 separate "games."

Restore Game

Brings you back to the real world of the 30th century . Choose the "game" that you want to "restore" and press Enter.

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Restart Game

Choose this to start your career as a merc all over again.

Turn Sound OfflOn

Controls the sound output to your cockpit when you're in a Mech, and any other incidental music.

Detail Level

Allows you to adjust the complexity of the combat simulation display to suit your particular computer console . Especially on slower computers, it's important to match the simulation level to the speed of your processing hard­ware for maximum control and maneuverability. Your choices are High, Low, and Med. A High detail level shows all landscape items such as mountains and ridges. Choosing Low will remove these items from the display, allow­ing for faster updates to the screen.

Exit to DOS

Leave the program and visit the mysterious dimension of MS-DOS. See "Getting Started" to get back to reality .


Return to normal dirtside activities.


Here are basics of owning and operating a Mech. And no, they don't teach you this stuff in school, so don 'tthink you know it all.

BattleMechs 101

First , a quick refresher course. 8atUeMechs, the most powerful war machines ever built, dominate the battlefields of the Succession Wars. These huge man-shaped vehicles are faster, more maneuverable, better armored, and carry heavier weaponry than any other combat unit. Equipped with particle projection cannon, lasers, rapid-fire autocanons, and missiles, these behemoths pack enough firepower to flatten everything but another Mech.

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Mechs break down into four basic categories: light , medium, heavy, and assault . Light mechs range in weight from 20 tons to almost 40 tons. They are the most inexpensive and common type found on the battlefield today. Light Mechs are used mostly in reconnaissance. Their speed and jump capability usually allow them to skirt heavy fighting to get a look at enemy formations or to perform deep penetration raids. Medium Mechs are the real workhorses of the armies of the Inner sphere. They range in weight from 40 tons to almost 60 tons. They provide a wide variety of design and usually end up doing the really dirty work.

Heavy Mechs range in weight from 60 tons up to 80 tons. They are usually piloted by commanders and the most experienced warriors and are the major force on the battlefield. With their capacity to give and take enormous amounts of damage, their deployment and use in combat is critical.

Assault Mechs are the lords of the battlefield. Although rare, and hence often kept out of battle altogether, one assault Mech is equal to a whole lance of other Mechs. They range in tonnage from 80 to 100 tons.

Mech Controls

When you're in the cockpit of your Mech, you'll be able to control your weapons , move your Mech, get status readouts on yourself and your opponents, and control the other Mechs in your lance.

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Page 183: BattleTech Powerhits

Joystick Controls

move forward

forward , lelt forward, right

reverse, left reverse , right


B ESC retreat or eject from Mach

1 ·10 select specific _apon (numbered from 1 at top of list)

D[][][][][]CJID~[]tDDCJlE3 EJJElElErJI!JI!JEl[JEJI!J[][][]

I I p pause o remo ..... attatch partiQJIar _apon to AWS

U ~t up (when your Mach I. knocked down)

T Topographical Screen, loggles between elevation map and radar

R changes the range 01 radar

E damage readings for tar~ted Mach (enemy or friend)

W Automatic Weapons System (A WS) turned on or olf

Q quilfrom Command Screen or Damage Screen 10 cockpit

T AS fire all weapons linked to AWS

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176 BattleTech Pack

En .... targets Meehs or bases in vt_

o damage readings for your Mach H changes color 01 Hud I J activate jump jets (not all Mechl have these)

Spaceb8r fire: also, exil Command Saeen and Damage Saeens

~ twists torso to the rig hI

• twists torso 10 the left cCommand I Screen M moves targeting cursor up

Z zoom level, changes main view (and Com­mand Saeen detail)

N moves targeting cursor down

AL T J centers joystick

8 mow forward

~ 9 forward, right

7 forward, left mlL!J[!]O -previous weapon

4 move left m 6 G + next weapon

1 reverse. left 3 reverse, right

5 stop 6 mow right

Page 185: BattleTech Powerhits

The Cockpit

The top area of the screen shows the battlefield as displayed through the external video sensors of your Mech. The image display can be sped up by selecting a lower Detail Level through the Options menu (see above); this removes the mountains and ridges from the screen, resulting in faster screen display.

The Direction Indicator or compass is shown in the display area, marked off in 5-degree increments for a full 360 degrees. The top arrow indicates the direction of your Mech's torso, while the bottom arrow shows the direction of your Mech. The Enter key on the combat keyboard controls your targeting rectangle. Each time you press Enter, a new target is acquired and displayed, showing current damage levels as detected by your sensor array. There are two targeting rectangles around a friendly Mech, one targeting rectangle around an enemy Mech. This is important enough to repeat: One rectangle, their Mechs-two rectangles, our Mechs. In a military organization, forgetting this kind of information is a court-martial offense.

The display may be magnified by a factor of 1 X, 2X, or 3X by pressing the Z key. When your view is magnified the targeting cursor will be satisfied.

The crosshairs may be moved by pressing M or N, to move the cursor up and down, or> and < to twist the Mechs torso left and right. Also, the left and right arrow keys may be used to pivot or steer your Mech in those directions. If you need to get straightened out in a hurry, the A key will auto-align the feet and torso of your Mech.

Weapon Status Board

Your weapon status board is shown next to the map display. On some Mechs the weapon status board is on the left, while other models place it on the right. Your weapons are listed here. The lights next to each weapon show whether the weapon is attached to the AWS (see below), and the one for currently selected weapon is lit. Pressing the trigger (spacebar or fire button) will fire this weapon

Ammo (if the weapon requires it) is listed with its current status next to the weapon name. The final letter indicates the range of the weapon-Short , Medium, or Long. When the target is out of range, these letters are black. When the target is at long range for the weapon, the letters change to red; at medium range, yellow; and at short range, blue.

Weapons that are reloading or recharging have their names shown in red, and cannot be fired during this time. A weapon shown in black is unusable, due either to damage or lack of ammo. To select a weapon, you may either press the corresponding number key (1 for the first weapon, 2 for the second weapon, and so forth), or press the -and + keys on the number keypad to cycle back and forth through the listed weapons .

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Pressing W will toggle the Automatic Weapons System on and off. AWS does two things: it automatically chooses the next available weapon after the current weapon has been fired, and it provides a second trigger.

When the system is on, the letters AWS appear in the display over the weapons list, and all weapons attached to the AWS are surrounded by a highlight box. These are the weapons the AWS will look at when choosing the next weapon to fire .

To remove specific weapons from AWS control, use the + and - keys to advance to the weapon to remove and press O. The highlight around the weapon will disappear and the AWS will skip over the weapon. To attach a weapon to the AWS, use the same process. The letter 0 works as a toggle for on and off.

The Tab key wc.:ks as a second trigger for the AWS weapons. Pressing TAB will cause all of the available weap­ons under A WS control to fire at once.

To override the AWS and select a specific weapon, press that weapon's corresponding number key. You may also use the + and - keys to advance, or back to to the next weapon regardless of whether it's AWS controlled or not.

Map Display

At the center of your cockpit is your map display. Toggle between a topographical map view and a radar view by pressing the T key. The topo map shows the terrain with elevations (the highest pOints in red), your Mech as a black dot (always in the center), other Mechs on your team as white, and enemy Mechs as red dots. The topo map orientation alway~ has North (0 degrees) at the top of the display, regardless of your Mech's orientation. The radar map shows you the Mechs in your front arc. Pressing the R key zooms the radar display.

Sensors and Damage Indicators

Just above the map display are a set of indicator lights which give you information about the status of your major systems. From left to right they are Sensors, Gyros, Engines, and Life Support . These lights change color for different levels of damage: green-functional, yellow-light damage, red-heavy damage, and black-destroyed. A warning tone is sounded when one of these systems becomes damaged.

Sensors are for targeting and detecting damage of other Mechs. When damaged, your sight will not always be visible and you will not always be able to target other Mechs. Also, the topo map will not be visible when your sensors are completely damaged.

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Gyros are for balance during movement. When they're damaged you move slower; when they're destroyed, you stop moving.

Engines drive everything. If they become damaged heat buildup is increased, and if they 're destroyed you shut­down. During shutdown your only option is the Command Screen to lead your lance or retreat (Esc).

Life Support keeps the heat level in the cockpit down, and lets you breathe. Although you can survive with this system damaged you'll die without it, no matter how long you can hold your breath.

Heat Indicator

Next to the map display is your heat indicator, which is of extreme importance in combat . If your heat build-up is too great (when you 've fired your weapons too fast or are under heavy fire, or when you've overused your jumpjets-see page 182), your fusion reactor will shut down to prevent a catastrophic meltdown. A shutdown means you can't move, fire, or do much of anything (except use the command and damage screens) until your heat has fallen to workable level. Experienced pilots soon learn to pace their weapon usage to avoid this condition . Of course, weapons like machine guns, missiles, and autocanon contribute little to heat build-up, while PPCs and lasers add vast amounts of waste heat.

Your heat disSipates based on the number of working heat sinks your Mech has. In arctic conditions your heat will dissipate twice as fast.

Command Screen

Pressing C displays the Command Screen, where you'll see a strategic overview of the entire area of engagement , showing terrain features and the disposition of known forces. From here you can command the other crew mem­bers of your lance (provided you have some) .

Your Mech is shown as a black or white square, depending on the type and color of the terrain ; your crew mem­bers' Mechs appear as small icons (matching the icons shown for each crew member to the right of their names on the crew screens). Enemy Mechs are red ; bases are blue. When a hostile Mech disappears around the side of a mountain and goes out of your radar's effective range , a blinking red square marks its last known location until it reappears.

(Note to CGA computer console operatives: Your Mech and your bases will usually appear as white squares, depending on the type and color of the terrain ; enemy Mechs will appear as black or contrast ing squares.)

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Mountains are multi-colored; ridges are one or two colors. It's important that you distinguish between the two, since Mechs can walk over ridges, but must go around-or jump over-mountains.

From the individual Crew Screens, you can review the members of your lance and issue them new instructions. The first three items (displayed in blue) provide general information: crew member, Mech, and current status (what he's doing.) The next two lines, displayed in white, show the last order given to the crew member and his current target. The last two lines, shown in green, are weapon and systems status for the crew member's Mech.

Use the arrow keys to move among the choices (right and left for different crew members, up and down for op­tions), and press the Enter key to activate a choice. The options available are described below.


Orders are activated by selecting the current order (such as Act on Own) and pressing Enter. A list of possible orders is then presented. Scroll through the list with the arrow key until the one you want is highlighted and press Enter. Every order except Act on Own requires you to specify a location or target. A line appears from the crew member's Mech to it's current target or destination, which is highlighted be a targeting box. Use the arrow keys to change the target. If it's a location (Ambush, Defend, Move) , the keys will move the targeting box anywhere on the battlefield. If it's a Mech or base, the arrow keys will cause the targeting box to jump between possible targets . When the targeting box is where you want the crew member to go, press Enter.

Remember that your crew members are human. If you give them a command that looks like suicide, they may back out, or they may not be able to get to a location because of superior firepower in the way . Know the limitations of your crew and their equipment.

Act on Own: Your crew members are automatically set to this order when they start a mission. When acting on this command, they'll do their best to achieve the goals of the mission. For example, if the mission is to destroy a base, that base will be their main target and they will only engage enemy Mechs if they get in the way . You may change their target under this command by highlighting the current target listed and pressing Enter. Use the arrow keys to switch targets and press Enter when done. This will cause them to immediately charge the enemy you select.

Ambush: Under this command the crew member will go to the specified location and wait until the enemy is near or until his Mech is spotted. He will then attack the nearest enemy. This works best, of course, in a situation where the Mech cannot be seen by the enemy (such as when it's behind a behind mountain.)

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Defend: A defend command directs the crew member to go to the indicated location and wait. The Mech may move in a small patrol circle while waiting. When an enemy approaches the location the crew member w ill attack.

Attack Enemy: Causes the crew member to move toward a specific Mech or base and attack when in range.

Move (attack): Under this command the crew member will move toward a specified location, attacking any enemy encountered along the way.

Move (avoid): This command is good for directing crew members to get behind the enemy lines to attack a base while other Mechs drew the enemy away, or perhaps to get across the territory as fast as possible with as little damage as possible. With this command the crew member will move toward the indicated location, avoiding any enemy engagements if possible.

Damage: This gives a status report on the crew member's Mech's damage levels, showing the internal and exter­nal condition and the condition of important subsystems like the engines, gyros, sensors , and life support. The words on the list change color to show different levels of damage: green for functional, yellow for light damage, red for heavy damage, and black for destroyed .

Weapons: This shows the current status of all weapons systems.

Press Q or space to return to the Main Battle Screen.

Damage Screen

Press D to display a screen showing the damage to your Mech. Damage levels are shown for all area, and the damage is shown visually to the right. You may press C to get to the Command Screen or Q or space to return to the cockpit display.

Pressing E when you're in the cockpit brings up a display of the targeted Mech's damage levels (whether friend or foe) as determined by your sensors and extrapolated by your onboard computer systems. The controls are the same as for your own Damage Screen.

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In Battle

Once again, there's no substitute for experience when it comes to learning the merc's trade. But you probably won't live long enough to gain any experience if you don't learn quickly how to use your jumpjets, and pick up at least a few basic techniques for surviving combat.


Jumpjets enable you to avoid enemy firestorms and to scale and traverse mountains. In other words, they can mean the difference between collecting on a contract and ending up a smoking ruin of mangled metal.

You control your jumpjets from the cockpit. Press J to activate jumpjets. The up and down arrow keys are your thrust controls. Press the up arrow key and hold it down to engage and maintain upward and forward thrust. Do the same v,i:th the down arrow key to thrust straight up into the air. While in the air, use the left and right arrow keys to turn. To land, simply release the active thrust key and use the down arrow key intermittently during your descent to . soften your landing.

Always keep an eye on the two gauges in the lower right corner of the screen. The vertical bar indicates how much power is available for using your jumpjets. The light above the gauge glows red when there's insufficient power available for activation jumpjets; when it glows green, you 're powered up to go flying. The hairline on the gauge indicates the amount of power you need to activate the jets.

Always take care to set your Mech down before your available power runs out, indicated by the bar inside the jump gauge-if you run out of thrust while you 're airborne, you'll crash-land and damage your Mech.

Remember, too, that using your jumpjets contributes to heat build-up in your Mech, which can lead to reactor shut­down; see "Heat Indicator" on page 179.

If you land on top of a mountain, you won't be able to walk around on top of it or to walk off it ; you 'll have to wait for the jets to recharge and then jump off. The same goes for landing on top of a base.

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Combat Tips

Here are a few tips to help you through your f irst few missions-

Aim for the head of enemy Mechs, or try shooting off their legs. Either way, you 'll have to aim carefully, but the results can be more gratifying-and waste less ammo-than simply hammering away at the heavily armored torso of a hostile Mech.

The rear armor on a Mech is weaker than that in the front. This is true of both friendly and hostile Mechs. So don't let enemy Mechs get behind you-and you can bet your next contract that they'll try to-and do get behind them (if you can) and blast away.

Walking in one direction while turning your torso in another direction makes it difficult for enemy mechs to draw a bead on you. If you charge straight on at a hostile Mech, you 're going to take a lot of firepower straight on, too . So try the zig-zag approach, laying down fire as you go.

Use your AWS to put missiles and lasers on separated triggers . If you fire a laser right behind a missile you might destroy it in mid-flight and so waste both shots.

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BattleMech Descriptions

A merc needs to know his equipment. If you want to survive, you 'll learn fast about the Mechs and their capabilities. The following technical readouts give you a good idea of each Mech's capabilities.

LCT-1V Locust

One of the most common of all BattleMechs, the Locust model is found almost everywhere. Originally designed as a light recon vehicle, it's been pressed into service for general warfare in many places. Lightly armed and very swift, its weakness is its small size, making it vulnerable to attacks and unable to carry heavier weapons. However, many a larger Mech has been taken down by a well-piloted Locust.

Mass: 20 tons Cruising speed: 86.4 kph Maximum Speed : 129.6 kph Jumpjets : none Jump Capacity : none Armor: 1/Star Slab Armament:

One medium Martell laser Two Sperry/Browning machine guns

Manufacturer: Bergan Industries

Code Check Whiskey Delta Tango Xray Zulu Charlie Foxtrot Echo Delta

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Authorization Code Night Stalker Future Guard Red Dawn

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JR7-D Jenner

This Mech is a fast, agile workhorse with enough firepower to m with the heavier Mechs. Its jump capability makes it extremely mobile and especially dangerous in fast hit-and-run actions. Without hands, Jenners rely on their SRM for short-range punch

Mass: 35 tons Cruising speed: 75.6 kph maximum Speed : 118.8 kph Jumpjets: 3 Smithson Lifters Jump Capacity: 150 meters Armor: Starshield Armament:

Four Argra 3L medium lasers One Thunderstroke SRM04

Manufacturer: Diplan Mechyards

Code Check Foxtrot Oscar Xray Sierra Echo Xray Juliet Alpha Sierrra

Authorization Code Duck soup Dragon Tail Yellow Bird

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PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk

The Phoenix Hawk is a common, versatile Mech that has become a staple to Star League recon forces. Its armor is heavy enough to withstand sustained combat, while its array of lasers makes it a formidable opponent.

Mass: 45 tons Cruising speed: 64.8 kph Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph Jumpjets: 2 Pitban 9000's Jump Capacity: 180 meters Armor: Durallex Light Armament:

One Harmon heavy laser Two Harmon medium lasers Two M100 machine guns

Manufacturer: Orguss Industries

Code Check Papa Foxtrot Echo Golf Alpha Victor Victor

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Authorization code Tin Man Black Witch Red Arrow

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SHO-2H Shadow Hawk

This medium-size Mech has diverse armament to make it useful in a wide variety of battle situations. The Shadow Hawk can handle both long- and short-range engagements with equal facility . While its jump capacity is limited, it's unusual to have any jump capability at all in a Mech this large.

Mass: 55 tons Cruising speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed : 86.4 kph Jumpjets: 3 Pitban LFT-50's Jump Capacity: 90 meters Armor: Maximillian 43 Armament:

One Armstrong J11 autocanon (20) One Holly Long Range missile pack (5) One Holly Short Range missile pack (2) One martel Model 5 medium laser

Manufacturer: Lang Industries, Inc.

Code Check Lima Golf Romeo Alpha Zu lu Foxtrot Alpha Delta

Authorization Code Slasher Glory Boy Bad Dream

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RFL-3N Rifleman

This Mech was designed as a medium fire-support vehicle with heavy armor and powerful long-range strike capabilities. Its comparatively low mass makes it less effective in close combat against large Mechs, and the pilot is well advised to avoid head-on confrontation with heavy Mechs like the Warhammer.

Mass: 60 tons Cruising speed : 43.2 kph Maximum Speed : 64.8 kph Jumpjets: none Armor: Kallon Royalstar Armament:

Two Magna MKIII heavy lasers Two Magna MKIII medium lasers Two Imperator-A autocannon

Manufacturer: Kallon Industries

Code Check Charlie Charlie Hotel Oscar Tango Foxtrot Alpha Romeo

188 BattleTech Pack

Authorization Code Black Jack Red Lance Sakhara •

: ... : ... : .. " , " .:. ':

. . .

::: .:

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WHM·6R Warhammer

This Mech is one of the most dangerous and powerful Mechs ever placed in the field. Its twin Donal PPCs give it superb firepower against heavy weaponry, and its lasers and machine guns make it a threat against infantry and light support vehicles.

Mass: 70 tons

Cruising speed: 43.2 kph Maximum speed: 64.8 kph Jumpjets: none Jump Capacity: none Armor: Leviathon Plus Armament:

Two Donal PPCs Two Martell medium lasers Two Martell small lasers One Holly short range missile pack (6) Two Sperry/Browning machine guns

Manufacturer: StarCorp Industries

Code Check Tango India November Papa Bravo Whiskey Alpha Romeo

Authorization Code Grave Walker Mad Dog Silver Hawk

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MAO-3R Marauder

This heavy attack Mech is one of the most effective fighting machines in existence. The Valiant Lamellor armor provides excellent protection; unfortunately, the secret of its manufacture has been lost, and replace­ment armor is not as effective . The Marauder is equally effective close in and at long range .

Mass: 75 tons Cruising speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed : 64.8 kph Jumpjets: none Jump Capacity : none Armor: Valiant Lamellor Armament:

Two Magna Hellstar PPCs Two Margna Mk II medium lasers One GM Whirlwind Autocannon

Manufacturer: General Motors

Code check Bravo Alpha Delta Mike Alpha Sierra Zulu Alpha Romeo

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Authorization Renegade Small Room Black Baron

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BLR-l G BattleMaster

This Mech is one of the largest and arguably the most powerful ever fielded . Its firepower is staggering, particularly at close range. While the BattieMaster is slow, it's virtually unstoppable by lightweight Mechs, and it poses a difficult problem even for heavy Mechs.

Mass: 85 tons Cruising speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed : 64.8 kph Jumpjets: none Jump Capacity: none Armor: Star Guard IV Armament:

One Donal PPC Six Martell medium lasers One Holly short range missile pack (6) Two Sperry/Browning machine guns

Manufacturer: Hollis Industries

Code Check Charlie Alpha Tango hotel Oscar Tango Bravo Alpha Bravo

Authorization Code Snow Fire Screaming Eagle Grim Jim

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AFFS: The Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.

Autocannon: Cannon with a high cyclical rate of fire of explosive projectiles.

Autopistol: Rapid-firing projectile weapon.

BattleMech: A large military vehicle using two"legs" for its main mode of ground movement, often in more or less humanoid appearance. BattleMechs have been in use for hundreds of years, and are the main instrument of ground forces throughout the Star League. Armament, size, and other capabilities can vary considerably.

Black Widows: Famous mercenary company of Wolf's Dragoons, led by Natasha Kerensky (also known as the Black Widow) .

Chalice of Herne: Symbol of rulership on Ander's moon. Said to be the actual chalice used by Herne the Hunter, an ancient forest god of old Terra. The chalice is used in the ceremony in anointing a new Duke on Ander's Moon.

Comstar: The interstellar communications network, founded by Jerome Blake in the late 2700s.

Davlon: Ruling House of Federated Suns.

DCMS: Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery.

Dropshlp: A spaceship used for ground-to-orbit travel.

Erldanl Light Horse: A mercenary group dedicated to preserving the ways, traditions, and honor of the Star League Armed Forces. They work only with those they admire and who also keep alive the old ways . They are currently in service to House Davion.

Gyroslugs: Self-propelled projectiles fired by gyrojet weapons. the gyrojet or "cone" rifle is a recoilless projectile weapon more closely related to a rocket launcher. It fires projectiles that do not drop off in velocity over distance and deliver explosive shells at their destination.

Hanse Davlon: Ruler of the Federated Suns.

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Hansen's Roughrlders: A mercenary unit seNing House Steiner for the last seven years.

Heat Sinks: Cooling devices that pass heat built up inside operating Mechs through the armor to the outside air, where it is usually cooler. Heat sinks may be located anywhere on the Mech, but usually occupy the torso or legs.

Holovld: Holographic video, or three-dimensional television .

House: Refers to one of the five noble houses whose members control the Successor States.

HUD: Heads-up display.

ISF: House Kurita's Internal Security Force.

Jumpshlp: A spaceship capable of interstellar travel.

Kurita: Ruling House of fighting Mechs and their pilots.

Lance: A group of fighting Mechs and their pilots.

Laser pistol: Small laser weapon with high power output weighing about 1000 grams.

LAW: Light Anti-vehicle Weapon. A development of the Portable Rocket Launcher and similar support weapons, LAW's and V(Very)-LAW's can fire only once, after which they are discarded.

LeAF: Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces.

Llao: ruling House of the Capellan Confederation.

Lostech: The lost technology of the Star League.

LRM: Long-Range Missiles.

Marik: Ruling House of the Free Worlds League.

Mech : See BattleMech.

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Mech complex: An industrial area where Mechs are repaired and serviced .

Merc: Short for Mercenary.

Mercenary: A free-lancer who hires out his military services to various organizations.

MilO: The Ministry of Intelligence, Investigations and Operations is the name given to various departments and secret agencies that the Davion government has created over the centuries to gather information and to act covertly against their enemies.

M16: The name given to teams of elite saboteurs and terrorists who conduct missions into enemy realms . These "hit teams" carry out missions ranging from abductions and assassinations to demolitions and random murders to terrorize civilian populations. Any use of the hit teams requires Prince Davion's approval. Because the Federated Suns' peace-loving propaganda is so successful, few outside the M16 or MilO realize to what extent Davion condones terrorist activities.

Natasha Kerensky: Leader of the Black Widows.

Needlegun: One of the most vicious weapons ever developed. Instead of firing a single bullet or burst of energy, it fires a spray of plastic flechettes. Needlegun ammunition consists of a small block of plastic that the gun shreds and fires out at high velocity.

Periphery: Hundreds of worlds on the edge of the star systems of the Inner Sphere ; many have fallen into barbarism.

PPC: Particle Projection Canon. A particularly powerful long-range weapon mounted on some Mechs.

Quintus Allard: Head of Davion counter-intelligence.

Smithson's Chinese Bandits: Famous mercenary unit currently working for House Marik.

Solarls VII: The gaming world, where Mechs compete for sport and profit.

SRM: Short-Range Missiles.

Star League: The ruling interstellar government from 2571 to 2751.

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Steiner: Ruling House of the Lyran Commonwealth .

Stun Lance: A full-size martial arts lance that delivers a powerful neural impulse on impact, designed to render the target unconscious.

Subhash Indrahar: Director of the ISF (Kurita internal security force).

Successor States: The five main governments formed after the collapse of the Star League : The Federated Suns, the Lyran Commonwealth, the Capellan Confederation, the Draconis Combine, and the Free Worlds League.

Takeshl Kurita: Ruler of the Draconis Combine.

Team Banzai: Mercenaries and expert techs under long-term contract to House Davion.

Theodore Kurita: Prince of Luthien and heir-designate of House Kurita.

Vibroblade: A bulky version of a standard sword or other blade. When activated, it vibrates at an extremely high frequency, making it a very effective cutting tool.

VTOL: Vertical take-off and landing aircraft.

Wolf's Dragoons: The most widely renowned mercenary regiment in the Successor States.

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Option at Start-Up

Depending on your system configuration, you may encounter problems loading MECHWARRIOR or, after loading the game, with its performance or appearance. Or you may want to set up the game to perform in a certain way on your system. Follow this procedure every time you load MECHWARRIOR.

To set up the game you will first need to access the MECHWAR directory by typing CD BATTLE\MECHWAR and then typing mw.

Graphic Mode Options: To select a different graphics mode, enter one of the options below after typing mw.

The game automatically selects the best graphics mode for you. If you like, however, you can manually select the mode by typing one of these options after mw:

1=EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adaptor, 16-color)

2=TGA (Tandy 1000 series, 16 color)

3=CGA (Composite Graphic Adaptor, 4-color)

Note: CGA will only work in certain areas of the program. The program must be run with an EGA compatible card .

For example, typing

mw (Space) 1

and pressing Enter will load the game with 16-color EGA graphics.

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Sound and music options: To force MECHWARRIOR to recognize a particular sound board, type the following after mw:

A=Adlib Board

T = Tandy MT-32


S=PC Speaker

Any of the above options can be combined when starting up MechWarrior. For example, typing

mw (space) 3 (space) A

and pressing Enter will load the game in CGA's 4-color mode and force the program to look for an Adlib board.

Centering the Joystick

If you find that your Mech is moving when the joystick is centered, simply push the joystick in the direction the Mech tends to move and press Alt and J simultaneously to correct the problem. For example, if the Mech is drifting to the left, push the joystick to the left and press Alt J.

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Activlslon Limited gO-Day Warranty Activision warrants to the original consumer purchaser of this computer software product that the recording medium on which the software program is recorded will be free from defects in material and workmanship for 90 days from the date of purchase. If the recording medium is found defective within 90 days of original purchase, Activision agrees to replace, free of charge , any product discovered to be defective with in such period upon receipt at its Factory Service Center of the product, postage paid, with proof of date of purchase, as long as the program is still being manufactured by Activision. In the event that the program is no longer available, Activision retains the right to substitute a similar product of equal or greater value.

This warranty is limited to the recording medium containing the software program originally provided by Activision and is not applicable to normal wear and tear. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment, or neglect. Any implied warranties applicable to this product are limited to the 90-day period described above.

To receive a replacement, you should enclose the original product disks only, in protective packaging accompanied by

• a brief statement describing the defect, • your name and return address , and • a photocopy of your dated sales receipt.

Please see the special "RETURNS" information for further instructions. If you have any questions, you may call Activision Consumer Services at the number shown in the front of this manual.



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RETURNS Certified mail is recommended for returns. For best service, please be sure to---

1. Send the original product disks only, in protective packaging. 2. Enclose a photocopy of your dated sales receipt. 3. Enclose your name and return address, typed or printed clearly, inside the package. 4. Enclose a brief note describing the problem(s) you have encountered with the software. 5. Write the name of the product and the brand and model name or model number of your computer on the front of the



ACTIVISION P.o . Box 67001

Los Angeles , CA 90067


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