biddenham upper school brochure

Biddenham Turn · Biddenham Bedford MK40 4AZ Telephone 01234 342521 Facsimile 01234 334530 Email: [email protected] Biddenham I N T E R N A T I O N A L S C H O O L & S P O R T S C O L L E G E

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School Prospectus 2007-2008


Page 1: Biddenham Upper School Brochure

Biddenham Turn · Biddenham

Bedford MK40 4AZ

Telephone 01234 342521

Facsimile 01234 334530

Email: [email protected]

BiddenhamI N T E R N A T I O N A L S C H O O L & S P O R T S C O L L E G E

Page 2: Biddenham Upper School Brochure

Welcomean expression of cordial greeting —. . . greet, hail, receive, embrace,

salute, entertain, cherish . . .

Biddenham has an amazing

atmosphere that encourages

individuality and a mature

approach to learning.

On behalf of the students, teachers and governors of Biddenham, I extend to you a warm and cordial welcome. A brochure can never do justice to the life and vitality of a school but I hope some of the ‘feel’ of Biddenham

comes through these pages. We are a friendly and purposeful school community with a ‘family’ feel. We are committed to the full personal, social and intellectual growth of each student in our care and with our Sports College status we have a particular focus on all aspects of physical development. Though I am one of the longest serving secondary leaders in the County my passion for Biddenham and for education in general grows each year.

We have a staff team that is second to none and together we have taken the school from the brink of closure to one of most successful, well respected and oversubscribed schools in the County. Each year we gain in strength and I am increasingly confident of our ability to transform the life chances of young people in powerful ways. Biddenham is unique in the County in its strong commitment to internationalism.

There is a passionate belief within the school that the new century will see this country become culturally rich and diverse. It will become a place where people are able to build strong, confident identities of what it means to be British and yet have social and cultural origins from all over the world.

Biddenham’s core mission then is to achieve two goals:

• to foster high levels of student achievement

• to take a lead in the development of a genuine multi-cultural society.

Beyond this we are animated by two core principles: personalisation – buliding learning programmes around the needs, interests and aspirations of individual students and inclusion – no one left out and no one left behind.

The first principle underpins one of the most flexible curriculum structures in the County, and the second underpins one of the best student support frameworks bar none.

We strongly believe that pursuing these goals will give our students a distinct advantage. As technology improves, the world is growing smaller and bringing people closer together. Those who have the skills and social sensitivities to work and be at ease in this new ‘global village’, will have an edge over those who have pursued a more mono-cultural education. Biddenham makes a unique contribution to education in Bedfordshire in that it provides, and will increasingly provide, its students with that ‘edge’.

We hope that you are inspired by our vision and that you are able to visit us, either at one of our open evenings or during the day, to see classes working and meet with students and teachers. In the meantime, we send you all our best wishes.

Mike BerrillPrincipal

“Pupils show respect for others understanding and valuing

the diversity of the school community.” OFsTEd InsPEcTIOn REPORT

Biddenham Upper School and Sports College is a 13–19 ‘International’ comprehensive school which welcomes young people and adults from all over the world. The school is a place where people come together as equals both to learn and to explore their common humanity.

Baha’i He should not wish for others that which he doth not wish for himself. (From the writings of Baha’u’llah)

Buddhism I will act towards others exactly as I would act towards myself. (From the Siglo-Vada Sutta)

Christianity Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. (From St Matthew’s Gospel)

Confucianism Do not do to others what you would not like for yourself. (From the Analects of Confucius)

Epictetus What you would avoid suffering yourself, seek not to impose on others. (The Greek Philosopher, Epictetus)

Hinduism This is the sum of duty: Do naught to others which, if done to thee, could cause pain. (From The Mahabharata)

Islam None of you ‘truly’ believe, until he wishes for his brothers what he wishes for himself. (A saying of Prophet Muhammad)

Judaism What is harmful to yourself, do not to your fellow men. (From Hillel: The Talmud)

Sikhism As thou deemest thyself, so deem others. (From Guru Granth Sahib)

Page 3: Biddenham Upper School Brochure

Students reach high levels of achievement when they:

• feel secure, valued and cared for

• are actively engaged in interesting and purposeful activities

• experience challenge and meet with success

• are treated fairly and consistently

• enjoy friendly and relaxed relationships within clear and firm boundaries.

We work very hard at Biddenham to create these conditions but highlevels of achievement do not come without effort and personal organisation.

We therefore expect our students to:

• Take full advantage of the opportunities we provide for learning and personal development

• actively contribute to the multi-cultural harmony of the school

• be polite, helpful and encouraging to others

• bring all the equipment needed each day

• attend regularly and be on time

• complete class and homework as well as they can

• wear correct uniform and maintain a tidy appearance

• work to maintain a clean and tidy school environment.

We are confident that all students who respond positively to the conditions we provide and rise to the challenge of our expectations will be successful at Biddenham.

Helping students to reach high levels of achievementBiddenham aims to ensure that all students, whatever their level of achievement on arrival, are provided with an equal opportunity to grow and progress. This is underpinned by a commitment to overcoming all barriers to learning in an inclusive school. Able and gifted students and those seeking alternative curriculum provision, are given the opportunity to engage in self-directed study through our Independent Learning Centre. We also believe that personalised learning is the future and ensure that our curriculum offer reflects this.

Biddenham endeavours:

• to make learning enjoyable, purposeful and fulfilling

• to create a secure, caring and disciplined learning environment with high levels of understanding and achievement

• to promote the rounded, personal, social, intellectual and physical growth of each student

• to provide high levels of encouragement to meet challenging targets and high expectations

• to provide a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum with opportunities for individualised study and varied extra-curricular activity

• to provide regular reports on progress, and opportunities to discuss issues that may arise

• to provide a courteous, welcoming approach to parents and carers as part of a commitment to home-school partnership

• to contact home promptly with both congratulations and concerns.

“Parents like the school

atmosphere where their

children are comfortable

and want to learn.

Leadership is inspiring;

personal support and

care is good.”


Achievementsomething accomplished by hard work —. . . successful completion, attainment,

effort, fulfilment, performance, qualification, success . . .

“Pupils from every culture

and every background are

welcomed at Biddenham.

Everyone has the

right to learn.”


Page 4: Biddenham Upper School Brochure

Organisationto form parts into a structured whole —

. . . system, institution, structure, routines, procedures, arrangements,

classification, order . . .

Year 9The Year 9 curriculum is broad, balanced and delivered in ways that develop students’ abilities to the full. From the outset the school establishes high expectations whatever a student’s prior attainment.

Years 10 & 11At Key Stage 4 of the National Curriculum (Years 10 and 11) the school’s aim is to promote high achievement at GCSE, to lay firm foundations for future study and training, and to make continuing full-time education, after the age of 16, a natural choice. The curriculum in Years 10 and 11 provides a core of English, Mathematics, Science, PE, RS, and Citizenship. This leaves space in the timetable for an individual programme of optional subjects.

FlexibilityThe core provides a broad and balanced education for all students. Biddenham’s uniquely flexible curriculum also allows students to study courses which cater for their individual strengths and aspirations. We offer optional courses in Geography, History, Art, Music, Drama, Dance, French, German, Spanish, Urdu, Bengali, Resistant Materials, Graphics, Food Technology, Textiles, Child Development, Maths into AS, Triple Science, ICT and Business Studies. We also work with Bedford College to offer a range of vocational courses, including Construction, Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Business, Hospitality and Catering, Hair and Beauty, Engineering, and Child Care. By using the facilities of our Independent Learning Centre we are also able to provide online courses tailored to meet individual student requirements; these have in the past included British Sign Language, Russian, and Psychology.

Work ExperienceIn Year 11, students take part in one week’s work experience. In Year 12 some students undertake vocational work experience relevant to their career aspirations and guidance.

Careers EducationCareers Education forms part of the core programme undertaken by all students. It is delivered by specialist teachers and supplemented by specialist input from the Connexions Service who provide guidance.

“The friendly demeanour

of teaching and

non-teaching staff

throughout the school is

much appreciated and

strengthens pupils’ good

relationships with adults.

As a result, pupils are

comfortable asking for

help from teachers or their

peers for academic or

personal problems, and are

confident of receiving it.

Pupils value being treated

as adults.”


AssembliesAssemblies are based on the Bedfordshire Agreed Syllabus. This encourages a multi-faith approach which examines how Christianity and other faiths influence behaviour, attitudes and lifestyles, and considers different responses to religious and moral issues. These issues are complimented through the themes chosen for Assemblies.

Sex and Relationship EducationThis aspect of our curriculum is delivered through Citizenship, Religious Studies and Science lessons studied by all students. The content of programmes of study is guided by school policy and complies with the current legal framework.

Homework and Coursework ClubsHomework is essential for the development of independent study skills and is a necessary part of academic achievement at all levels. Parents support the school in ensuring homework tasks are completed and handed in on time. Homework is recorded in the Student Planner which parents are encouraged to sign. Many curriculum areas run Homework and coursework catchup sessions during lunch time or after school. They provide a quiet work space, supervised by specialist teachers who offer advice and support.

Sixteen PlusBiddenham’s Sixth Form equips students with the skills, knowledge,experience and confidence required for higher education, and the successful transition into work and training. Students benefit from a wide range of courses, small class sizes and the continuity and support which we provide. The school works closely with parents and each student’s progress is carefully monitored. Last year over 90% of Sixth Form students went on to university after completing A Level courses. Our Sixth Form is currently at the top of the County’s value added tables.

Extra-curricular ActivitiesBiddenham is extremely rich in extra-curricular activities and is fortunate to have staff who are committed to the more informal aspect of work in schools.

Page 5: Biddenham Upper School Brochure

Disciplinetraining the powers of self control —

. . . ground rules, responsibility, regulation, authority, praise, recognition, good conduct . . .

Biddenham’s approach to discipline is to be firm and fair. The school insists on well-ordered routines of work and behaviour to ensure that the needs of the individual and the school community are kept in balance. Our whole

approach is positive and begins with encouragement and by raising self-esteem and achievement. Merits are awarded to students who demonstrate consistently high standards or improvement in work, behaviour, attendance, punctuality and attitude. A range of special certificates are awarded for inclusion in individual progress files.

We accept, however, that young people need clear boundaries and firm sanctions when those boundaries are crossed. We use a system of report cards to closely monitor the work and behaviour of those who experience problems and our Learning Support (Behaviour) Centre offers support and guidance to remove barriers to learning and progress. Whatever the difficulty, it is kept in proportion, learnt from and then put to one side.

“The curriculum is good

in quality and range. It is

enriched with vocational

and work-related subjects

and flexible in its ability to

cater for all individuals.

Extra-curricular provision

is very good, especially

in the steel bands, which

are outstanding. The wide

range of subjects offered in

the sixth Form encourages

academic and vocational



All staff – whether teaching or non-teaching – are part of the Biddenham’s caring framework but the pastoral team has particular responsibility for the care, welfare and broader development of each student.

The first line of care is the Form Tutor who has responsibility for monitoring daily progress, providing praise and encouragement, offering advice, coordinating reports from subject teachers and keeping a watchful eye for signs of difficulty. Each year group has a Head of Year whose role is to monitor the Year as a whole, coordinate the work of the tutors and, if necessary, liaise with parents. The pastoral and the academic are linked with a system of Academic Tutoring where tutors meet with students at regular intervals to review progress and set targets.

Careto be emotionally concerned —

. . . support, affection, concern, protection, encouragement,

attachment, help, comfort . . .

Partnership with ParentsSuccessful education involves a partnership between the student, parents, governors and the teaching staff — our Home-school Partnership Agreement emphasises our commitment. Biddenham maintains regular contact with parents and keeps them informed of their child’s progress through:

• detailed ‘Focus’ Reports which give details of effort, attitude and achievement

• regular Parents Evenings and Learning Focus Days which provide the opportunity for parents to talk to Subject Teachers, Form Tutors and Heads of Year

• the Student Planner which parents see regularly and in which they can write comments

• examinations yearly in all academic subjects

• the Merit System

• The Progress file which is presented to all students at the end of Year 11

• regular Newsletters to keep parents informed about events and activities.

Parents are always welcome to visit, but a telephone call first is always helpful.

“We learn interesting

things and get great

qualifications. It’s a fun

and friendly environment!”


“I can express my feelings

to any teachers at any

time. They always listen

and sort out problems

there and then.”


Page 6: Biddenham Upper School Brochure

A Specialist Sports Collegeskilled, having a particular purpose,

exceeding what is usual. . . dance, gymnastics, swimming,

badminton, cricket, basketball, rugby, rowing

“sport is for everyone at

Biddenham. We all get

involved at every level,

and we are all proud of our

outstanding achievements.”


“The curriculum is enriched

with high quality activities

provided after school and

at lunch times; they range

across a wide variety of

sport, drama and music.”

OFsTEd InsPEcTIOn REPORT We hope that the sports college dimension comes to infuse all we do at the school, and while it will not detract from the broad, balanced and flexible curriculum we offer, we hope it stimulates the tremendous vitality, energy and exuberance of our young people and channels it into worthwhile and life enhancing activity.

Music Drama and Physical Education (Akabusi Building)Dance Studio/Gym

Theatre and Drama Studio (both with lighting and audio systems)Music and Individual Practice Rooms

Art, Design, Food and Textiles (Davies Building) Art and Graphic Design Studios

Textiles StudioFood Technology RoomHealth Education Room

Sixth Form Art StudioMedia Studio

Science, Technology and Business Studies (Tendulkar Building)Physics, Chemistry and Biology Laboratories

Information Technology Network RoomsBusiness Studies RoomsTechnology WorkshopEngineering WorkshopWoodwork Workshop

Graphics Studio

Humanities, Independent Learning Centre & Careers Guidance (Radcliffe Building)Learning Support Centre

School Library and Independent Learning CentreCareers Library and Study RoomThe Sixth Form Common Room

Learning Support (Behaviour) CentreGeography, RE and Citizenship Rooms

EAL Support RoomNetworked Computer Room

Mathematics, History, Languages and English (Hurst Building)Mathematics Rooms

Languages RoomsEnglish and English Literature Rooms

Networked Computer RoomThe school Dining Hall

Sports Hall (Tanni Grey-Thompson Centre)Full size sports hall with climbing wall

Studio GymNetworked Computer Room

Since our designation as a Sports College in 2003, Biddenham has developed a reputation for sporting excellence and development. In 2004 we became the hub site for the Bedford and Kempston Sports partnership which links us

to 48 Lower, Middle, Upper and Specialist Schools in the local area.

Our main aim has always been to promote and support learning of physical skill development at all levels. We have achieved this goal. The uptake of students studying examination PE has increased dramatically in the last four years and progression into Sports/Dance based degrees is now commonplace.

All students at Biddenham follow a Sports Leadership course in Year 10 and a Higher Award in Year 12. The creation of young leaders has enabled the school to enhance its liaison work with Lower and Middle schools.

The PE department is also a model of good practice and has forged links with core subject areas to aid their progress. There is combined delivery of Science and Sport, active Citizenship at local sports festivals, sports based literature being taught in English and further links with IT and Art.

The sporting environment at Biddenham is such that everybody, whatever their interest/talent, can achieve their full potential. Students can be successful in their academic studies, participate in a full range of sports, be supported in their development as talented performers, and learn in an interesting and challenging environment.