biodiversity and conservation chapter 5. section 1 vocabulary (2) 1.extinction, 2.biodiversity

Biodiversity and Conservation Chapter 5

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Page 1: Biodiversity and Conservation Chapter 5. Section 1 vocabulary (2) 1.extinction, 2.biodiversity

Biodiversity and Conservation

Chapter 5

Page 2: Biodiversity and Conservation Chapter 5. Section 1 vocabulary (2) 1.extinction, 2.biodiversity

Section 1 vocabulary (2)

1. extinction,

2. biodiversity


Page 3: Biodiversity and Conservation Chapter 5. Section 1 vocabulary (2) 1.extinction, 2.biodiversity

Extinction (116)• Permanent loss of an entire species of

organism from the biosphere.

A relative of the smaller manatee, the gentle sea cows were over 25 feet long and may have weighed as much as 10 tons.

The Baiji white dolphin is one of the most recent species to fall victim to human

civilization. Native to the Yangtze River in China

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Biodiversity (116)

• The variety of life in an area that is determined by the number of different species in that area.

• Notes: increased biodiversity improves the stability of an ecosystem and contributes to the health of the biosphere!

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1. Why is biodiversity important? It maintains a healthy biosphere and provides both direct and indirect benefits to humans such as food, medicines, clothing and shelter!

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Threats to biodiversity

• Extinction happens gradually and is called background extinction due to natural events climate changes and natural disasters.

• Extinction can also happen more quickly, mass extinction, some scientists think we may be in the middle of a mass extinction.

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Humans!• Use of natural resources is altering the


• Fossil fuels, plants, soil, clean water, clean air, solar energy are all natural resources!

• Over exploitation of organisms by humans can lead to extinction.

• Destruction of habitat: removal of forest etc.

• Pollution!!!

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• 2. Things that cause organisms to lose their habitat, will they increase or decrease biodiversity? why?

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• If organisms lose their habitat then the number of organisms that can live in the habitat will decrease! This will lower the overall number of different species thus decrease biodiversity!

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Section 2 vocabulary (5)

1. mass extinction,

2. natural resource,

3. biological magnification,

4. introduced species,

5. invasive species.

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• Recognize the consequences of the losses of biodiversity due to catastrophic events, climate changes, human activity, and the introduction of invasive, non-native species.

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mass extinction (122)

• An event in which a large percentage of all living species become extinct.

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natural resource (123)

• All materials found in the biosphere, including minerals fossil fuels, nuclear fuels, plants, animals, soil, clean water, clean air, and solar energy.

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Biological Magnification (126)

• The increasing concentration of toxic substances in organisms as trophic levels increase in a food chain or food web.

• Notes:DDT a pesticide used to kill insects in the 1940’s -1970’s is thought to be the cause of the near extinction of the bald Eagle. Why are amounts increased as you move up the trophic levels?

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• Biological Magnification

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Introduced Species (128)

• Non native species that are either intentionally or unintentionally transported to a new habitat.

• Notes: not a threat to the native habitat.

• Often reproduce at high rates due to not predators or competition .

• They become invasive species!

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• 1. What types of things threaten biodiversity?

• Lack of natural resources, over exploitation of animals, loss of habitat, destruction, deforestation, disruption of the habitat, over fishing or hunting, habitat fragmentation, pollution, acid rain, eutrophication ( adding animal waste or sewage to water ) and introduced species becoming invasive!

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• 2. What are two things that can happen in aquatic environments that can harm the habitats and threaten biodiversity?

• Acid rain

• Eutrophication

• Over fishing

• Invasive species

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3. With biological magnification, what level organism is most affected? The apex or top predator! Because it has to eat or consume the most!

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• 4. Introduction of a non-native species into a habitat can do what? Threaten biodiversity!

• Cause problems with resources, competition, space

• 5. How will biodiversity be altered? It will be decreased!

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• 6. DDT is an example of a chemical that is biologically magnified. What affect did DDT have on birds?

• It caused the shells of the eggs to be weak.

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• 7. Describe how national parks protect biodiversity.

• Restrict the removal of items from the part.

• Limit the number of guests into the area.

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Section 3 vocabulary (3):

1. renewable resource,

2. nonrenewable resource,

3. sustainable use.

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• Evaluate the costs and benefits of renewable and non-renewable resources, such as water, energy, fossil fuels, wildlife, and forests.

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2 types of resources

• Renewable resources (130): those that are replaced faster than they are being used.

• Non-renewable resources (130): those resources that are found on Earth in limited amounts or are replace by natural processes over extremely long periods of time.

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• 1. What are some examples of renewable resources.

• Solar

• Plants, animals,

• Clean water ‘

• Clean air

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• 2. What are examples of non renewable resources?

• Fossil fuels

• Mineral deposits

• Radioactive uranium

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• 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fuels? Advantages: Not much waste and few CO2 emissions released, as well as, few other greenhouse gases

• disadvantages:High cost to build and close down power stations.

• Waste is radioactive. Problem with getting rid of waste safely

renewable or not? Not, uranium is not in limitless supplies

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• Predict the impact of individuals on environmental systems and examine how human lifestyles affect sustainability.

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Conserving Biodiversity

• Natural Resources.

• 6 billion humans use the biosphere's natural resources. Populations continue to grow!

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Sustainable use: (130)

• 1. What is sustainable use?

• using resources at a rate at which they can be replaced or recycled while preserving the long-term environmental health of the biosphere.

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• 2. What are some ways you can practice sustainable use?

• Recycle

• Conservation

• Preserving ecosystems

• Using the environment responsibly

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• 3. Why recycle plastic?

• It does not biodegrade! It will remain in the environment for a very long time causing harm

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• Discuss the need for adequate monitoring of environmental parameters when making policy decisions

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• 1. Policy regarding the environment must be related to how the environment is dealing with the processes. Explain what this means using an example of hunting policies.

• Hunting “season” only when there is an abundance of animals

• Limit the places and numbers of hunters by issuing licenses.

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• 2. Why can’t environmental laws be written quickly?

• It takes time to observe the impact on the environment.

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• 3. Complete the MiniLab on page 77 of the textbook

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