bloemfontein (april) primary/high schools

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Page 2: Bloemfontein (April) Primary/High Schools


Team EditorTenille Swanepoel | 021 872 [email protected]

DesignersRowan Engledoe | [email protected] Bushby | [email protected]

Editorial co-ordinatorRyno Wolfaardt | 021 872 [email protected]

Schools insideAWSUM News is distributed to the following schools in FREE STATE: Primary schools: Oranje Primêre Skool, Laerskool Fichardpark, Laerskool Willem Postma. High Schools: Eunice High School, St Andrew’s School, St Joseph’s CBC, Hoërskool President Steyn, Hoërskool Fichardpark, Grey College, Hoërskool Sentraal.

Printed by Paarl Coldset

27 November: Johannesburg to Paris | 28 November: Paris 29 November: Paris | 30 November: Paris to Luzern | 1 December:

Luzern| 2 December: Luzern to Munich| 3 December: Munich to Prague | 4 December: Prague | 5 December: Prague to Berlin | 6 December: Berlin | 7 December: Berlin to Amsterdam |8 December: Amsterdam

|9 December: Amsterdam to Johannesburg

Come travel with AWSUM and discover Europe! Travel from city to city and experience all of Europe’s treasures, without having your parents stress about the what, where, when and

how. The AWSUM Matric Rage, takes place from 27 November to 9 December and promises to be an experience of a lifetime.

The perfect break before taking on 2016

All this for

only R20 950

For a detailed tour

itinerary visit

For more information contact ctheworld | 011 888 7910 | [email protected]


I sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed your Easter break, and that you’re fired up for 2015’s second term. These few months will certainly present us with many challenges, but also with big rewards. Let’s work hard now to set the bar for the months (and years) to come.

April is a busy but short month in the AWSUM office, as we’re rushing to get a new edition to you ASAP. It is with this in mind that we would like to thank all the teachers, marketers, and schools involved for their continued support and their role in making this publication possible.

April’s school of the month is St Joseph’s CBC. Well done, guys! We hope you’ll enjoy your special space up front. Thank you for your submissions every month; we love working with you.

To the rest, remember that your school could be next. Simply submit your news on time and encourage your school to promote AWSUM News via the school communicator, newsletter, website, and Facebook page. Tell us about your school events and how we could assist. Who knows, your school could be our next School of the Month, boasting a full page’s worth of bragging

rights.Remember to enter the

Natural Beauty competition on the Natural Beauty Facebook page. You could win amazing product hampers, and an extra R1 000! Your school also stands a chance of winning R10 000 in cash.

In other news, remember that sales are open for the AWSUM Matric Rage Euro trip, so book your spot now. Twelve days, six cities, five countries: Matrics of 2015, you cannot afford to miss out on this once in a lifetime experience.

Until next time, stay safe.Tenille and the AWSUM team

WELCOME BACK, EVERYONE!For more details on how and where to enter ...

see page 3

ST JOSEPH’S CBC(t) 051 436 6550 (e) [email protected]

The Inter CBC Tournament was held at St Joseph’s in Bloemfontein from the 12th to the 14th March 2015. Eleven CBC schools took part from all over South Africa as well as from Bulawayo in Zimbabwe and 350 learners, coaches and managers were involved in this enjoyable and memorable event.

The teams that took part were: 7 Boys’ Hockey Teams, 6 Girls’ Hockey Teams, 10 Chess Teams and 12 Debating Teams.




Page 3: Bloemfontein (April) Primary/High Schools


ST JOSEPH’S CBC(t) 051 436 6550 (e) [email protected]

St Joseph’s CBC in Bloemfontein celebrates their 75th anniversary this year. St Joseph’s CBC has a proud history of excellent Catholic education. They have an excellent record of 100% Matric pass rate for almost 30 years.

The school is planning some exciting events to mark this wonderful achievement.

They will be hosting the Inter CBC Chess, Debating and Hockey Tournaments this year, as well as the Inter CBC Soccer and Netball Tournaments. A special play about the founder of CBC, Edmund Rice, has been

written and will be performed by the learners in the school. The annual St Patrick’s Bingo Evening also promises to be extra special this year. There are also special reunions being planned for Old Boys and Girls.

We will keep you updated with the “AWSUM” details!




Mr Tyrone Borchard, Miss Melissa Smith, Miss Ilané van Wyk and Mr Handré van Biljon


Mrs Pam van Zijl leads the Grade 1’s under the bell.

Page 4: Bloemfontein (April) Primary/High Schools


27 November: Johannesburg to Paris28 November: Paris 29 November: Paris

30 November: Paris to Luzern1 December: Luzern

2 December: Luzern to Munich3 December: Munich to Prague

4 December: Prague 5 December: Prague to Berlin

6 December: Berlin7 December: Berlin to Amsterdam

8 December: Amsterdam9 December: Amsterdam to



Come travel with AWSUM and discover Europe! Travel from city to city and experience all of Europe’s treasures, without having your parents stress about the what, where, when and how. The AWSUM Matric Rage, takes place from

27 November to 9 December and promises to be an experience of a lifetime. The perfect break before taking on 2016

All this for

only R20 950

For a detailed tour

itinerary visit



For more information contact ctheworld | 011 888 7910 | [email protected] | [email protected]

HOËRSKOOL FICHARDTPARK(t) 051 522 6927 (e) [email protected]

FICHARDTPARK PRESTEER LANDWYDHoërskool Fichardtpark het gedurende die Suid-Afrikaanse Junior- en Jeugkampioenskappe uitstekend presteer. 9 van Hoërskool Fichardtpark se atlete het die Vrystaat gedurende hierdie byeenkoms verteenwoordig. Welmari Volschenk het `n goue medalje in die 3000 m behaal met `n tyd van 10 minute en 54 sekondes. James Havinga het `n silwer medalje in Hamergooi gewen met `n afstand van 59,45m. Angel Kivido is deel van die Vrystaat aflosspan en wen ̀ n brons medalje in die 4 x 100m aflos asook in die medley-aflos. Danika Windt wen `n bronsmedalje in hamergooi met `n afstand van 41,57m.

NETBAL- TOERNOOIAné Retief het gedurende die Aprilvakansie tydens die Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool in Pretoria se jaarlikse netbaltoernooi die trofee vir die beste 0/19 verdedigende speelster ontvang.

Ilané Strydom en Monique Bosh is in die SANSSU-span wat Suid-Afrika gedurende Augustus 2015 in Londen gaan verteenwoordig, ingesluit.

Danika Windt James HavingaWelmari Volschenk

Baie geluk!

Page 5: Bloemfontein (April) Primary/High Schools

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EUNICE GIRLS SCHOOL(t) 051 444 1765 (e) [email protected]


On 30 November 2014, 48 members of the Eunice Choir left for a two week tour to Eastern Europe. They performed in the St Stephen’s Basilica in Budapest, The Mirror Hall of the Primatial Palace in Bratislava and the Christmas Market in front of the

St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, to name only a few.

The choir took part in three categories in Bratislava on 6 December 2014. They won three Gold Bands and three categories, namely Musica Sacra a Capella (97, 75%); Folk Music with accompaniment (97,25%); and achieved the highest result ever by any performer in the nine years of the competition for Youth Choirs (99,25%). They also won the ‘Dramaturgy Performance’ for the Best Dramatic Performance in competition. On top of it all they won the Grand Prix trophy for the best choir in this competition.

The choir took part in one category in Prague on 13 Dec 2014 and waon Gold in the category ‘Youth Choirs’ (89,6%) and again ended as the winner of ‘Dramaturgy Performance’.

Eunice is particularly proud of the 11 Matrics who sang in the choir during 2014. Between them, they obtained 47 academic distinctions and 4 Board Medals (medals given to Eunice girls who obtain five or more distinctions in the Grade 12 finals). The Eunice staff members who accompanied the choir were: Mrs Mag Marais, Retha Visser, Elza Vosloo, Rozanne Botha, Pamela Mayiyane, Martinette van Jaarsveld, Leona Geldenhuys and a surprise visit by Mr Paul Cassar.

Eunice Vitae Cantamus Choir (Manager: Mrs Mag Marais, Conductress: Mrs Retha Visser, Accompanist: Mrs Elsa Vosloo)

Above: Eunice’ Vitae Cantamus Choir. Left : Mrs Retha Visser with the Grand Prix diploma

EUNICE’S NEW RISING TRIATHLON STAR Angelique Moller, a current grade 9 Eunice girl, has been chosen to represent the South African Junior Triathlon Team to the African Championships in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt on 10 May and Eunice and South Africa at the World School Triathlon Championships in Versailles, France on 29 to 31 May. Having come from a competitive biathlon and biathle background (swimming and running), Angelique progressed to the Olympic sport of triathlon and hasn’t looked back since. With a third place in the girls (14/15 years age group) at the South African Championships in East

London in March and a win at the World School Championships trials held in Bloemfontein three weeks later, Angelique is most certainly one of the rising stars of South African junior triathlon. Her mentor is Kate Roberts, who is a Eunice old girl. Kate will manage the junior team to both Egypt and France.

PANONO-WHAT?Think you’re great at taking selfies? Wait ‘til you get to take 360s!

Introducing the Panono – a throwable panoramic ball camera that captures everything in every direction for amazing 108 megapixel 360˚ x 360˚ fully spherical panoramic images. Thirty-six integrated cameras take shots in every direction at the same time – and you’re right in the centre of it all.

HOW DOES IT WORK?Simply throw the Panono up in the air, and by the time you catch it, it’ll have captured an impressive 360˚ photograph. The ball makes taking panoramic shots simpler than it’s ever been; just don’t let the dog at it.

WHAT’S THE COST?€549, or about R6 970.

SPECSDiameter 11cmWeight approx. 440gCameras 36 fixed-focus camerasResolution 108 MPPanono App iOS 7+ and Android 4+Charging via USB cableStorage capacity approx. 400 Panono shotsConnection WiFi, USB cable

If you’re always at the front of the pack taking the coolest shots, the Panono is for you!

If you’d like to see this little awsum gadget in action, go to this link:

Page 6: Bloemfontein (April) Primary/High Schools


HOËRSKOOL PRESIDENT STEYN(t) 051 445 2364 (e) [email protected]

HOËRSKOOL NETBALTOER NA SPORTWENIDie 1steNetbalspan het aan die Sportweni Toernooi gaan deelneem. President Steyn se dogters is gek-enmerk deur goeie gedrag en dissipline en haal tot die Port Shepstone koerant! Daar is nie net netbal gespeel nie, die “Guts Girls” het ook hope pret gehad op die strand en see.

Zandilee Beket en Christie-Lee Hammond

PERDRY PRESTASIESOns is weereens trots om te sê dat 5 Steyner-meisies die naweek van 18-19 April 2015 by Bloemfontein Equestrian Centre deelgeneem het aan SANESA se 2de Vrystaat kwalifiseerder. Eloise van Niekerk, Jessica Notywala, Marjoli Engelbrecht, Stephanie Oosthuizen en Tegan Shackell het uitstekend gevaar met onderandere die volgende prestasies:

• Eloise van Niekerk (foto) Working Riding 1ste plek. • Jessica Notywala (foto) Dressage – lead rein (Toets 3) 2de plek. • Marjoli Engelbrecht (foto) Performance Riding 1ste plek.• Stephanie Oosthuizen (foto) Performance Riding 1ste plek, • Tegan Shackell (foto), Dressage (Toets 2) 1ste plek, Equitation (50cm) 1ste plek, Prix Caprilli (Toets 3) 1ste plek, Show Jumping – Competition (50cm) 2de plek, Show Jumping – Ideal Time (50cm)1ste plek. Welgedaan meisies!!

VRYSTAAT REDENAARSOns vooruitstaande redenaar, Mari Coetzee, is deur na die volgende ronde. Ons wens haar geluk met haar prestasie en sterkte voorentoe.

LAERSKOOL NETBALTOER NA FICKSBURGTydens die April vakansie het die Laerskool Netbal na Ficksburg getoer. Die weer was nie so gunstig soos ons sou verkies nie, tog het ons dogters dit geniet en goed presteer

0/13 Netbal span saam met juf Marelize Schoeman.

IT’S TIME FOR BOOT CAMPFACT! Bootylicious booties are this season’s hottest trend. Fashion Editor Pepe Sofianos rounds up the best of the bunch, so you can hit the road in your rad new pair of ankle boots.Ankle boots aren’t going anywhere; they’ve just arrived. Yes, those sassy ankle-huggers made famous by the Beatles and biker boys of the 60s are

ready for their big comeback.These boots instantly update your wardrobe by giving it that to-die-for retro rock star style. They’re also the ultimate

trans-seasonal accessory.retro style musthave

@TheBestieThese are going to be your BFFs, the perfect partners to skinny or cuffed jeans, leggings, and jeggings. Minis and shorts are simply made for ankle boots, and this ensemble would look sizzling with over-the-knee socks.

Ankle boots are hot, happening, and very versatile. Everyone’s wearing them, and celebs have fallen in love with the anything-goes fashion-forward footwear.

Boots are the way to go if you want to up your street cred: You can wear them a.m. to p.m. with denims or dresses. They really are your go-to footwear staple this winter.

Slip on a sheath dress, a pair

of denims, or a leather jacket

combined with a killer pair of ankle boots and you’re

hot to trot.


The classic Chelsea boot started off as

a riding accessory in Victorian times and

eventually became a beloved staple of

the fashionable Chelsea set in 1950s

London. Their turbo-charged rise to fame

came about when the Beatles adopted

them as their “official” footwear.

Tan fold-over hiker, R199.95, Ackermans.

Black lazer lace shoot, R219.95, Ackermans.

Leopard print Chelsea boot, R139.99, Jet.

Brown Cuban heeled boot, R399, Woolworths.

Black patent biker, R189.99, Mr Price.

Black zipped peep-toe

shoot, R699, Woolworths.

Red strap rider,

R169.95, Ackermans.

Eloise van Niekerk

Jessica Notywala

Marijoli Engelbrecht

Stephanie Oosthuizen Tegan Shackell

Page 7: Bloemfontein (April) Primary/High Schools

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WILLEM POSTMA(t) 051 436 2730/1 (e) [email protected]

LAERSKOOL FICHARDTPARK(t) 051 522 8166 (e) [email protected]

NETBALOns nebaldogers (0/13A) het gaan toer in die Kaap en was onoorwonne. Hulle afrigter is Juffrou Clarize Bonthuys.

VCSV - GLOWOns VCSV - GLOW het ons jaarlikse Jesusnaweek gehad - Alyd ‘n baie groot geleentheid, daar was ongeveer 150 leerders betrokke.

Nielbert Mostert het deelgeneem aan die SA Spele vir Gestremdes en goud verwerf in die 500m, 1000m, 3000m, 8000m, 5,4km en die 10km in die 0/15 v3 kategorie (visually impaired) vir tandems. Sy mede fietsryer is Nicholas Jansen van Rensburg.(Hoërskool Sentraal)

Mia Janse van Rensburg verwerf drie 1ste plekke tydens die ligabyeenkoms vir SANESA op 18 en 19 April.

0/11 Tennistoernooi van Truida Kestell in Bethlehem wen die dogters die B-af-deling sonder om ‘n enkele wedstryd te verloor.

Op die foto: Carla Hechter, Celia Snellenburg, Nicole le Roux,Lizmarie Schoeman.



Page 8: Bloemfontein (April) Primary/High Schools

GREY COLLEGE SECONDARY(t) 051 444 1513 (e) [email protected]

beat Sagewood 4-1lost 0-1 to RedhamGrey u/17 drew 1-1 to Kings Westrand 1st teamlost 2-1 to Glen Vista 1st teamlost 7-0 to Norkem 1st teamlost 4-0 to Kings Robin Hills 1st team

MOUNTAIN BIKINGDie afgelope naweek het die Nasionale Marathon reeks in Clarens plaasgevind.Dit is die grootste reeks in Suid Afrika met meer as 2000 inskrywings.

DIE VOLGENDE GREY RYERS HET GOED PRESTEER:O 18: Rinus Maarsingh 10deJean Marais 11deO16: Wynand Brits 6deO 14: Evan Louw 2de

HOCKEYU14AOur u 14 A hockey team took part in the NOMADS tournament at KES in Johannesburg during the holidays.

THEIR RESULTS WERE AS FOLLOWS:Grey 6-0 AffiesGrey 1-1 JeppeGrey 0-2 Pretoria boys HighGrey 2-2 KESGrey 1-0 St Johns

U16CGrey College 2 vs 1 Sentraal 16A4th teamGrey College2 vs 0 Sand du Plessis

RUGBY1st team beat FHP U19A 52-0 (game stopped after 28mins)Cherries (U19B) beat JF u19A 33-12Grey College U19E beat FHP U19C 53-0 (game stopped at half-time)Grey College U16A beat FHP U16A 58 – 6Grey College U16B lost to JF U16 19 – 7Grey College U15B beat JF U15A 22-10Grey College U15A beat Fichardtpark U15A 57-3Grey College U14C beat FHP U14 51-0

RESULTSPOWERLIFTINGJohndre Victor, Grade 11, took part in the SA Powerlifting Championships this past holiday.Johndre received a gold medal in his division (120kg+, mens u19)He also took the records for all 4 categories:• 200kg squat• 225kg deadlift• 127.5kg bench• 525.5kg total

Johndre took an overall 2nd place in the u19 division and received his SA colours for Powerlifting. He also qualified for the International Championships in Finland, as well as the Commonwealth Games in Canada.

TENNISInter-pro Skole-week – gekies vir SA skole-span – toer na die VK:

U15 SA SKOLE-SPAN:1. Philip Henning2. Nyathi MotlojoaReserwe – Liam Coertzen

U18 SA SKOLE-SPAN:1. Kukutla MotlojoaReserwe – Hubert BadenhorstReserwe – George BothaTennis SA Junior Championships (semi’s or better):14&U:Philip Henning- Singles: SA-Title winner- Doubles: SA-Title winner (with Liam)- Mixed Doubles: FinalistLiam Coertzen- Singles: Semi-finalist- Doubles: SA-Title winner (with Philip)Joubert Klopper- Singles: Semi-finalist- Mixed Doubles: Semi-finalist16&U:George Botha – Mixed Doubles: Semi-finalist18&U:George Botha – Mixed Doubles: Semi-finalist

SOCCERWaterstone College Soccer FestivalGREY 1 beat Dominican 4-2beat Genl Smuts 1-0

8 HOËRSKOOL SENTRAAL(t) 051 410 1800 (e) [email protected]

Daniel van Niekerk wat tans ‘n graad 12 leerder is aan die Hoërskool Sentraal is aangewys as die algehele wenner van die Fichardtpark Musiekkompetisie wat jaarliks deur die Hoërskool Fichardtpark aangebied word.

Daniel is ‘n begaafde tjellis en het reeds in 2014 op UNISA se Ererol verskyn. Hy word deur Mnr. Arend Brink onderrig.

Tralies het besonder goed gevaar tydens hierdie kompetisie : Douwné Snyman (klavier) en Ashlin Grobbelaar (tjello) is ook aangewys as finaliste.

Die Hoërskool Sentraal se Musiekakademie (SMA) word erken as ‘n sentrum vir uitnemendheid. Meer as 200 leerders van alle skole is ingeskryf by die SMA en hulle ontvang spesialisonderrig

van 10 leerkragte wat almal gerekende professionele musici is. Dit maak die Sentraal Musiekakademie die grootste skoolgebaseerde musieksentrum in die Vrystaat, en een van die voorstes in Suid-Afrika.

Onlangs het die beroemde Amerikaanse pianis Mnr. Spencer Myer, wat ‘n vorige wenner is van die UNISA Internasionale

Klavierkompetisie, ‘n meesterklas aangebied vir die leerders van die SMA. Hierdie internasionale blootstelling is ‘n baie sterk aanmoediging vir die leerders.

Fotos: Daniel van Niekerk en Spencer Myer meesterklas