blumenfeld education letter january 1996

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  • 8/7/2019 Blumenfeld Education Letter January 1996


    The BlumenfeldEducation LetterVo l. 1 1, N o . 1 ( Le tte r # 112)

    "My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge: HOSEA 4:6JanJary 1996DITOR: Samuel l.~Uumenfelo

    The purpose of this newsletter is to provide knowledge to r parents and educators who want to save the children of Americafrom the destructive forces that endanger them, Our chIldren In the public schools are at grave risk in 4 ways' academically,

    sptrltually, morally, and phYSically - and only a welt-informed public will be able 10 reduce these risks,"Without vision, the people perish,"

    (P ag e 5 : W ho K i l l e d V in ce F o ste r? a rev iew o f M ic ha el K e lle tt's b oo k)U nita ria ns La unch Fu ll-S ca le A tta ck on R ig htW ing C ritic s o fP ub lic E duc ationThe Unitarians, who, in the 1800s, were

    leaders in the pubJic-school movement andinstrumental in saddling America with agovernment education system, have becomeso alarmed at fundamentalist criticism ofpublic education, that they devoted theNovember/December 1995 issue of World,the official jou rna l of the Unitarian-Univer-salist Association, to a full-scale attack on thereligious right (a.k.a, the radical right, ron-servative Republicans, the far right, right-wing extremists, etc). What set off th e Uni-tarian alarm were the fundamentalists' re-cent successes in getting elected to schoolboards. An article entitled "Fighting theRight on Local School Boards," states:

    Like assuring a supply of safe drinking water,overseeing th e schools is a necessary, even a crucialfunction but hardly a thing to arouse strong emotions.

    That is, until the town wakes up one morningand discovers its schoo l board h a s been taken over byfolks who think that Halloween is a satanic holiday,Genesis is a sdence text, and school lunch and soc ia lservice programs threaten the survival of th e family.

    It 's a ter r i fy ing feeling. 'Confused , uncer ta in , r ror-ned, and f e a r f u l are words used by Round Rock, Texas,Unitarian-Universalist Jack Bryant to describe his

    emotions when a religious right majority took overhis dist rict in th e May 1 9 9 3 elections. "Two of thethree radical right candidates who won office . . .denied any connection with radical right organiza-tions:' says Bryant, a Round Ro c k school parent andcandidate for the Unitarian Universalist ministry whowent on to he lp lead the o ppo sition to the schoolboard theocrats. . . .

    Estimates of the number o f local school boardswith rel igious right majorities range from a high of2,200 (religious right l e ade r Robert SUronds ) down toseveral dozen (UUS Sk ipp Porteous of the Institute forF i r s t Arrendment Studies and Deanna Duby of Peoplefo r the American Way ) .

    There are over 15,0C() school districts inAmerica, and the Unitarians are alarmedbecause, according to thei r own monitors, afew dozen of them have b e e n "taken over"by the religious right! Obviously, the vezythought of even one school board beingcaptured by orthodox Christians is enoughto terrify UUs. But the lengthy, hystericalarticle ends on a note of optimism sincemany of the religious righters were unseatedby "moderates" in subsequent elections.Nevertheless, we are told:

    Unitarian Universalists in upwards of a dozenThe Blumenfeld Education Letter is published monthly. Original material is copyrighted by The Blumenfeld Education Letter.Permission to quote is grantal p r ov id ed p ro p e r credit is given. Readers are encouraged to order and distribute additional copies ofthose newsletters they be l i eve should be sent to legislators, columnists, talk shows, p as to rs , e tc . Subscription Rate: 1 year $36.00.

    Address: Box 45161, Boise, Idaho 83711. (~322-4440. WWW address:
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    Education Letter, Pg. 2, January 1996

    Southern California school districts were still work-ing to unseat. religious right board membe r s andidentify stealth candidates for other board seats, withthe he l p of Project Freedom of Religion (Project FOR) ,a UUSC - and Pacific Southwest Dis t r i c t -sporumednetw orldng g ro up that has local commi t t ees in 23 ofthe 41 Pacific Southwest District rongregations.

    We wonder how many UnitarianUniversalists are on school boards acrossAmerica. We also wonder how it is possiblefor the UU church to engage in such open p0-litical activity and maintain its tax-exemptstatus. Contributions to the Christian Coa l i -tion are not tax-exempt, but contributions tothe politically active UU church are.

    Unitarianism, by th e way, is the greatliberal heresy that arose in the late 18th cen-tury among the Harvard elite and emergedfull bloom in the early 19th centuty as arational, liberal religion that rejected thedivinity of Christ as well as the Calvinistview of man as totally depraved. (TheUniver-salists, who believe that everyone will besaved, joined the Unitarians in 1961.) TheUnitarians believed that man was not onlymorally perfectIble but that education wasthe only true way to salvation. Since t h eybelieved that evil was caused by ignorance,poverty, and soda! injustice, they were con-vinced that only a good liberal education,provided by the government at no charge,could get rid of al l o f those homble sodalcauses of ev i l . And so the Unitarians weredetennined to create their universal publicschools in order to prove that they were rightand the Calvinists were wrong.

    The Calv in is ts W e re R ig htBut 150 years later we know now that

    the Calvinists were right and the Unitarianswere w r o n g , that the utopian notion of moralperfecttbility is a fantasy spawned by a re -f u sa l to face the reality o f man's fallen na-ture But while th e vast majority of Unitarian

    Universalists still believe in public educa-tion almost as a public religion, some DUsare actually homeschooling! ill fact, there iseven a support network for UU homeschool-ers. (Homeschooling Unitarian Universal-ists and Humanists [HUUH], c/o Jack i Wil-lard, 3135 Lakeland Drive, Nashville, TN37214-3312). But many UU congregationsstrongly believe in getting involved withtheir public schools. For example, accordingto Wor ld :

    Many congregations have well-establishedpartnersh ips with l o ca l publ ic schoo ls . These usuallystart with church membe r s tutoring students, butcongregations have added p rog rams like manage-ment training for teachers (Atlanta, Georgia ) , "break-fast dub" tutoria1s to attract additional volunteers(All Souls Church, New York), day-care for studentswoo are a l so parents (port1and, Maine), and othervariations.

    NllIl"eI'OUSindividual Ws are innovators withinpublic education InNew Haven, Connecticut, MurielHamilton-Lee h a s set up a prog ram that gives HeadSta r t parents a 10-month t ra in ing course leading to anationally r e cogn ized certificate in child develop-ment. In rural New Hampshire, Warren Priest haspioneered th e introduction of "service learning" (don'tcall it "rommunity service") to elementary classes.

    Whatever happened to the separationof Church and State? Can you imagine thehue and cry if, instead of UUs, these werefundamentalist Christians involved in these"par tnerships" and programs? The articlecontinues:Of course, school s throughout th e United States

    have b e e n facing budget cuts for years, Back in 1988,tb e Rochest er , New York, school district, its budgets lashed, issued an wgent appeal for help-and thecity's First Unitarian Church responded by establish-ing a partnership with th e city's ailing School 22 thatcontinues to th i s day. And when some School 22teachers, including congregation member Miriam'I'O Om as , s tarte d a m o re innovative, "whole language"school cal led. Olildren's Schoo l (School 55) , the churchagreed to work with that school, too.In l~, the church's "22/W/55 Task Force"h i r ed a pnt-time coordinator, Sonia Meetze, to back

    The Blumenfeld Education Letter M Post Office Box 45161- Boise, Idaho 83711~----- -----~

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    Educatio n L e tte r , P g . 3 , Janua r y 1 9 9 6

    up the 40 members who tutor in the two schoo ls .Mee tze , a former teacher, works with faculty mem-b e r s to identify needs , make plans to address them,and iron out problems in the relationship. . . .

    The congregation also col lects and donates itemsrequested by th e teachers. Church volunteers haverun after-school clubs and led other specia l p rog ramsin the schools. . . .John Proctor, a fifth-generation UnitarianUniversalist and superintendent of the regional schoolsystem covering Chester, Deep River, and Essex,Connecticut, is unhappy that many UU parents a reopting out of th e public schools. "The s e are just thefamilies we n eed inside the sys tem," he says. "...Perhaps th e people who are coming into th e denomi-nation now are not as steeped in its commitment tosocial justice as its older members. . . ."Like many UU educators, Proctor talks elo-quently about the extent to which working in thepublic schools allows him to live out his firmly heldUU values. 'We are teaching openness , tolerance, arespect for differences-al1 those Emersonian val-ues," he says. "I would even say our goa1s in th epublic schoo ls are exactly th e same as the goals ofgood UU R E [Unitar ian Universalis t R elig ious Edu-cation] programs,"

    Is it any wonder that some Christianscall the public schools Unitarian paroch ia lschools? It's amazing to what lega11engthsUnitarians will go to prevent school prayeror Bible reading in the classroom, or a non-sectarian blessing at a high school gradu-ation, or the teaching of creationism alongwith evolution, or an abstinence-based sexeducation program on the grounds that all ofthese activities promote religion.T o m P a y z a n t a n d G o a ls 2 0 0 0

    Isn't it interesting that Tom Payzant, th enew superintendent of Boston's school s , isan active Unitarian Universalist who alsohappens to believe in whole language andoutcome-based education. In a glowingarticle about Payzant in World, we read:

    G o a 1 s 2 C X X J was not only the brainchild of Payz-ant and a few others but also the centerpiece of theOinton administration's public education program

    when it first took office. It was passed by the 1 9 9 4Congress with wide bipart isan support, on ly to beki l led by the new Republican Congress with its ap-propriations recision bil l a year later. But that bill, inturn was ve toed by the president, and th e compro-mise that replaced it restored Goa ls 200J with virtu-al ly full funding. As we ' i!P to press , its fate is oncemore hanging in th e balance: the House 1996 appro-priations bill again kills the p rog ram; the Senate hasnot yet acted; President Ointon has vowed to use hisveto once again if what reaches his desk resembles theHouse version. . . .

    A look at Goa ls 2

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    Education Let ter , Pg. 4, January 1996

    banned the Boy Scouts of America from usingschool buildings because of their d iscr im i -nation against homosexuals. But, as Wo r l dexplains:

    Despite such controversies, Payzant's accom-plishments won him a national reputation as aneducational i nnova tor , earning him the UU [Unitar-ian Universal ist ] of th e Year award from hi s homecongregation in San Diego in 1 9 93 , and, mo r e s igni f i -cantly, led to his appoinbnent as assistant se c r e t a r y o feducation.His accomplishments in that position go farbeyond the launch of Goals 2

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    Education Letter, Pg. 5, Janua ry 1996

    V ital ReadingWho K illed V ince F os ter?Did Vince Foster commit suicide or was

    he murdered? The more one delves into thematter, the more one smells a huge WhiteHouse roverup. Vince Foster, as we all know,was about as close to the Clintons as anyonecould be. illfact, Foster and BillClinton wereclassmates in primary schoo l in Hope , Ar-kansas, and Foster worked with Hillary atth e Rose Law Firm, He came to Washingtonat the behest of the Clintons to serve as thePresident's personal deputy counsel.

    On July 2 0, 1 9 93 , Vince Foster was founddead in an obscure park in Mclean, Virginia,with a gun in his hand. As deputy WhiteHouse counsel, he was the highest rankinggovernment official to die in office since JohnF. Kennedy.The one book that tries to answer thesixty-four-dollar question is Michael Kellett'spaperback, The M u r d e r o f V in ce F os te r, whichis indeed dedicated to Foster. Kellett writes:

    This book is about more than murder. It is aboutarrogance and th e abuse of power. It is about govern-ment officials ca r i ng more about their careers, money ,and their political philosophies than for truth.

    It will also become clear that one man stoodabove it all. When speaking to the graduating class ofthe University of A r k a n s a s law School, Vince Fosterspoke these words:

    "Sometimes doing the right thing will be veryunpopular ... . When the heat of controversy swarmsaround you, th e ronviction that you did th e rightthing will be the best salve and th e best s leep ingmedicine."

    When th e heat swarrred around him, be did th eright thing. He could not be bribed or threatened.

    Vince Foster's death. He writes:Ibe l i eve anyone who knows me would deny

    that I'm inclined to accuse anyone of murder withoutan overwhelming abundan c e of evidence .... I bel ievethat I would also score reasonably well in the area ofpoliteness. If some statements in th is book indicateo the rwise , Ican only say that we a re d ea lin g with anextraordinary situation, unique in American history,and I have dealt with it as fairly and as honest ly as Ican.

    illother words, since the politicians arereluctant to deal with this problem, a con-cerned private citizen h a s no choice but to dothe investigating h imse l f in order to eventu-ally force the politicians to t a ke notice anddetermine the truth. This is not easily donein today's conformist climate. Itwill requ i reenough people to read this book so that pre s -sure will build from below for an investiga-tion. That's what got Congress to investigatethe Waco and Weaver affai rs. But note howscantily the establishment media reportedthese hearings.And it will b e even more difficult to geta full-fledged, open investigation of the VinceFoster case since both Democrats and Re -publicans have accepted the flawed Fiskeverdict that Foster committed suicide Thatis why Kellett's book must be read by severalmillion people before the Congress wi l l eventhink of opening up this can of wonns. Thepoliticians are scared stiff, not so much of theOintonistas, but of what the establishmentmedia will do to them if they so much assuggest that Foster was murdered, becauseto do so is to implicate the President of theUnited States and his wife and their assoc i -ates in the crime of homicide No Presidentin American history has ever faced thatcha rge . R icha rd Nixon was the f irs t P re si-dent to resign, but Bill Clinton may be thefirst President to be accused of homicide.

    In fac t, on page 19 4 o f his book, I

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    Education Letter, Pg. 6, January 1996

    T I le evidence is overwhelming. 1here is nodoubt. I he reby acrose the roth o f you o f be ingresponsible fo r the ini t iat ion. and o rc b2 str atio n o f, themurder o f Vincent W. Foster , J r .T h is b oo kle t and accusation shall be distnbutednationally, maybe internationally. H you lowlifes feelthat I have writ ten, . prin ted, and distributed infonna-t ion that is untrue and ma li gn s y ou r character, t hen Ichallenge you to sue me in a court of law. You canpresent your case and submit to c ross -examinat ionand a n investigation. Let's mak e all witnesses anddocumentation available. Let's utilize lie-detectortests. Let 's ge t it out in th e open.

    To understand what happened to VinceFoster, one must understand the context inwhich these events took place. Foste r , asHillary's oo-partner at the Rose law Firm,and per sona l attorney to the Ointons in theWhite House, had accumulated over th e yearsenough roncrete evidence that could be usedby investigators to indict the Ointons andtheir Arkansas mafia for high crimes andmisdemeanors. It s e ems t ha t in July 1 9 9 3 ,federal investigators were about to gothrough Foster's files and the files at the Ros elaw Firm to find evidence o f wrongdoing inthe Whitewater af fa i r . In fact , on the veryday of Foster's death, the F.B.I . issued asubpoena and took records out of the officeo f little Rock municipal judge David L. Hale.(Subsequently, Hale pleaded guilty to de-frauding the government and has become ak e y witness in the Whitewater investigationby independent coun se l Ke nne t h W. Starr.)Kellett writes:

    O O t is clear t h a t Foster's office contained ron-crete evidence and ooncre t e doc tnnen t ed evidence isall that matters to Clinton. Gennifer flowers t aped aphone conversation with him in whidl . he adv i s ed heron how to deal with investigators prying into the al -le gatio n th at he manipu1ated state ph requirementsfo r her. As kmg as no one actual ly admits any th ing,he to ld her , it will be no p roblem . He indicated thatit didn't matter what many people tOOught It wasonly rorcrete evidenre that matters. To him, guil t ori n r o c en ce is all pol i t icaL He koows that liberals willrot allow theImelves to think of t he i r man as a crimi-nal. Nothing will convince t h em , in clu din g th is book.

    He thus knows that if he k eep s his pol i t ical base, heremains innocent-as long as concrete evidence thatwould convince even liberals is not allowed to sur-face.

    And so, in July 1 9 9 3 , Vince Foster wasfaced with a dilemma; open his files to thefederal investigators or destroy them. Kellettwrites:

    Ginton and R>s te r were on the phone the eve-ning o f July 19 discussing the impending federalinvestigation. It was ro fr iendly chat Fos te r toldOinton in no uncertain terms that he would notdes troy ev idence ; that he was no t going to ja i l toprotect th e Bill 'nHill gang .

    Kellett quotes Alan Dershowitz, theHarvard defense lawyer, who said:In my 30 years of experience as a criminal de-

    fense lawyer, Ihave roticed one genera l distinctionb e t w e e n the ac tions o f innocent and guilty cl ients :The innocent save ev e r y scrap o f pape r in th e hopeand expec ta t ion that s omewhe r e in th e boxe s of f i les ,bills, phone logs , and d ia r ies t hey will find someproof o f the i r innocence; th e guilty, on th e o the r hand,des troy as much as they can, in the fear that some-where th e prosecu to r wil l f in d s om e th in g incriminat-ing.

    And so, a showdown evidently tookplace between Foster and his Arkansas col-leagues over what to do to thwart the federalinvestigators. Foster would not do whatthey wanted. He was going to let the federalinvestigators into his office and go throughhis files. He had no choice. Several monthsbefore th is showdown, Foste r had addressedthe graduates at the University of Arkansaslaw School in which he said:

    T I le reputation you develop for intellectual andethical integri ty will be your greatest asset o r yourworst en emy . 1here is no victory, no advantage, nof ee , ro favor, which is worth even a blemish on yourrep utatio n fo r intel lect and integrity.

    Obviously, the Ointons had chosen their

    The Blumenfeld Education Letter - Post Office Box 45161- Boise, Idaho 83711~----- -----~

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    Education Letter, Pg. 7, Janua ry 1996

    old colleague to be their personal attorneybecause he was honest, reliable, and meticu-lous about his job . And while he knew aboutsome of their questionable practices, he kepthis mouth shut. But when it came to a federalinvestigation, Foster apparently decided thathe would not become an accompl i c e to hisclients' crimes by destroying evidence andobstructing justice.

    Since Foster could not be persuaded byOinton and his gang to do what t hey knewhad to be done to save their skins, they hadno choice but to get rid of him. Which is tosay that the situation had reached so criticala point that murder was considered th e onlyway to solve the problem. With Foster out ofthe way, t h ey could get into his office anddestroy the evidence that could bring downthe entire Clinton administration in disgraceand send them all to jail in a scandal thatwould rock the nation.

    How was it to be done. Foster's murderwas to be made to look like a suicide. But hisbody had to be found fast, so that they couldget into his office as so o n as possible. Butwhere was he to be done in? The night beforehis death, Foster was visited at his home byBruce lindsey and another unidentifiedWashington lawyer. Kellet writes:

    Lindsey was a stock broker in Arkansas , whosefirm received big contracts to se l l state bonds whenOinton was governor and also conbibuted heavi ly 10Ointon's campaigns. He is now Ointon's personalattorney and it was in his office that numerous White-water re1ated. fi les eventual ly showed up . Lindseysaid the two invited. Foster to see a movie, but hedeclined ....

    Surprisingly, one would think lindsey, whoknew Foster, would have known that Foster wasdefinitely not the type to want to go to a movie withtwo other middle-aged men on a Monday night. . . .Reader, when was the 1ast time you saw three middle-aged rren go to a rrovie?

    Incidentally, Ointon, as par t of his 2O-minutechat, also invited Foster to come over and see a movieat th e White House .. And who was with Ointon at thetime? None other than Webb Hubell, the formernumber two man in. the justice depa r tment who quit

    when his past activities as president of Hillary's Roselaw finn started be ing scrutinized.

    Had they planned to kill Foster thatnight, but Foster simply wouldn't coope r -ate? Or were they to use the occasion topersuade Foster to let them go through hisfiles? Th i s was the middle of July, and Fosterand his wife had spent th e weekend with theHubbells at a vacation resor t . What didHubbell and Foster talk about that week-end? Did Hubbell bring back to Ointon th ebad news that, tr y as he did, he could notronvince Foster to oooperate? illany ease ,Foster went to his White House office thatTuesday morning, was visited by WebHubbell, took phone cal ls which were allduly noted in his phone log, had lunch in hisoffice, read the newspaper, and left the officeat about 1 p.m. for an appointment some-where. He took his White House pager withhim. The last person who saw him alive wasSecret Service Secur i ty officer John Skyleswho was guarding the gate that Foster exi t edshortly after 1 p.m. When interviewed, Skylessaid that he asked Foster, "How are youdoing sir?" and that Foster repl i ed , "Hello-fine" and nodded h is head to Skyles withwhat Skyles remembers as a "half smile." Herecalled that Foster didn't look at all de-pressed or preoccupied as he went by , andthat he was quite surpr ised to hear that Fos t e rhad committed suicide a few hOW'S later.Whe r e did Falter go? His appointmentbook has never been found. All we know isthat at about 5:30 p.m. Foster's body wasdiscovered at Fort Marcy Park by a witnesswhose identity has never been made public.T h e Park Police got t h e re at about 6:10 p.m.Kel le t t estimates that Foster was killed nolater than 3:45 p.m. and that his body wast ranspor t ed to Ft. Marcy Park and laid out toappear as if it had been a suicide. Kellettwrites:


    '-- The Blumenfeld Education Letter -Post Office Box 45161- p,"':1e, Idaho 83111-----'

  • 8/7/2019 Blumenfeld Education Letter January 1996



    A good deal of the book is devoted to an~tion of the evidence. For example,neither the bullet nor skull fragments wereever found at the scene. Foster's clotheswere rovered with ca rpe t fibers, and therewas a relatively small quantity of blood,suggesting that the shooting had occurredelsewhere. Also, none of Foster's f inger-prints were on the gun held in his right hand,but a fingerprint belonging to someone elsewas on the gun. There was no dirt on hisshoes although he would have had to walk6(X) feet on a dirt path from his car to whereh is body was found. Also, the location of hiseyeglasses indicated that some other personmust have t ossed them there. How did theFiske report handle all of this evidence?Kellett writes:

    In th e course of analyzing th e Fiske repor t wehave seen th e boys ignore data from th e laboratoryand auto p sy. W e have seen them intentionally omiteye-witness statements and manipulate responsesand data to support their. po sition . W e have seenthem wi t :hOOld i n fonna ti on that would have g ivenmore signifiamce to th e data t hey obtained.

    The White House was informed o f the"suicide" at about 7:05 p.m., and less thantwo hours later the Clinton team-Kellettcalls them the four ghou l s- -- -g r i eving ove rthe sudden death of their beloved colleague,r u s h e d back to the White House, b r o k e intointo his office, stole documents out of hisfiles, which should have b e e n sea led pend -ing an investigation by the F.B.l into the thesuspicious death of a high-ranking WhiteHouse official.

    Normally, the F.Bl investigates mur-ders and suicides involving governmentofficials. But Clinton had fired F.Bl. ch ie f

    William Sessions the day before Foster'sdeath and placed the investigation in thehands of th e Park Pol i ce whose main func-tions are chasing litterbugs and issuing park-ing tickets! ' T h e Ointonistas knew that thePark Police could be intimidated by the powerof the White House to hand over Foster'swallet a nd pager a nd not question the ran-sack ing of Foster's office. S omeon e had al-

    . ready stolen Foster's briefcase from his car inthe park which six days later wound up inthe White House with a fo rged usuidde note"torn into 27 pieces . How did the briefcase getthere? Who stole it out of the ca r ? Whoforged the note and why weren't Foster'sfingerprints on it? The FISke rommissionnever bothered to find out Ke l l e t t writes:

    Th i s was not a marvelously weIl -pIanned fakesuic ide--- i f it were not for the pmident am poli t ics ,an average detective would have considered thethought o f su ic ide laughable.

    Are the Ointons and the Arkansas mafiacapable of murdering a dear friend? TheW a s h in g t o n T im e ; of July 19 , 19 94 rommented:

    It is true . . . that a pecu l ia r pattern of suicidesand violence sunuunds peop l e oollI1eded to Ire CJin-.tons and their associates, It may be ro more than acoirdderce, but it prompts quest ions.

    We urge you to g e t a copy of this bookand read it. Kellett h a s done what the Bem-ste ins and Woodwards have refused to do.They were willing to bring down N' lXOI l , butapparently t hey are not willing to bring downOinton. The book is $11 .95 plus $2.50 forshipping and handling. Send your chec k toCLS Publishing, 7188 Cradlerock Way, Suite162, Dept BEL, Columbia, MD 21045.

    There is a lso an excellent video on thesub jec t available from Citizens for HonestGovernment, P.O. Box 220, Wmdlester, CA925%, 1-800-828-2290.

    '-- __ The Blumenfeld Education Letter - Post Offire B ox 45161- Boi se , Idaho 83711._-_-1