[email protected] engr-10_lec-07_professional_sucess.pptx 1 bruce mayer, pe calpoly slo –...

[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210 Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer [email protected] Chabot Engineering Guidelines for Professional Success

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Page 1: BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210 Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical

[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx1

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Bruce Mayer, PELicensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer

[email protected]

Chabot Engineering

Guidelines forProfessional


Page 2: BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210 Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical

[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx2

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Review As HomeWork (on Exam)

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx3

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

World’s Most Famous Engineer Class Question:

What is the name of the currently Most Famous Engineer in the World???



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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx4

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

DilbertLand FACT or FICTION?

Answer:Some of Both Actually

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx5

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

DilbertLand Commentary

Dilbert is Largely Grounded in Reality• This is one reason for its success

Dilbert is Exaggerated to an Absurd Extreme• This is Another Reason for its success

Mayer’s Basic Axiom of WorkLife• My Supervisor/Colleague/Report Has

NO More/Less Clue about How to do His/Her Job than I do about Mine...

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx6

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-1: Be Responsible Engineering is a Profession; Engineers

are Expected to Assume Personal Responsibility for their Actions

Suit-Up & Show-Up• Do What is Asked of You• Go to Work Every Day and do your Best

– Don’t Call in Sick When You’re Not– Don’t Miss Important Meetings With

Customers or ClientsYour Supervisor’s Supervisor

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx7

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-2 Be Productive & Competent Contrary to Dilbert, Productivity and

Competency are, on Average, Rewarded Set Priorities

• Ask Your Supervisor What He/She Needs Done the Most

Complete your tasks ON-TIME• Use Project-Management Techniques (E11)

Take the Initiative – Accept Difficult Assignments

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx8

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-3: Appropriate Decorum Behave Collegially; Treat Everybody

With Dignity and Respect Never Lose Your Temper

• Do Not Let Frustration Get the Best of You

You can be Tough, but • Don’t Personalize it• Be Fair ALWAYS

Do NOT be a JERK – The Lines of Communication SHUT DOWN

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx10

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-4 Improve Your Skills Engineering and Technology Are

“Moving Targets” Take Every Opportunity to Maintain

Skills Currency; Some Techniques• Don’t Wait for your Company to Send you

to Training; make a Proposal– Take the Initiative

• Take an Assignment OutSide your Comfort-Zone

• Take Advantage of Your company’s Educational Assistance Program (EAP)

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx11

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-5 Learn to Communicate

Most Engineering-Intensive Products Are Complex and InterDisciplinary• Expect to Work Within the FrameWork of a

a Larger Task/Product TEAM– Teamwork Requires Communication

Hone Your Writing Skills• Important for Customer/Supplier Contact

Become Comfortable in Front of an Audience

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx12

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-6 Help Everyone, Be Grateful If someone Requests Your Advice &

Counsel; Accommodate them• Builds a Network of Grateful People• Shows your Competence

Be Grateful to Those Who Help You• Builds a Network of

Appreciative people– Personal Thanks– Written Notes– Written Commendations to Supervisors

Page 13: BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210 Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical

[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx13

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

CalPoly BSME 1983(Transfer From

Ventura College)

CAA Tiawan memo

WATKINS-JOHNSON COMPANY Semiconductor Equipment Group Correspondence

Control & Interface Systems Engineering

TO: Mark King Date: 3 August, 1994 FROM: Bruce Mayer, PE CC: Human Resources, LWGraves SUBJECT: Commendation for CHUCK ATTEMA: Request for $100 cash incentive I would like to recognize Charles A. Attema with a cash incentive in the amount of $100.00. Explanation for incentive Over 19Jul9431Jul94 Chuck and I made the long, hot, humid journey to Taichung, Taiwan to service the 16CVD-251 that shipped in Mar94. Epson had not signed-off on this unit (s/n 4955), and a subsequent $1.3M order for another system was in jeopardy of cancellation if Epson did not receive adequate service. Thanks, in part, to Chuck’s efforts on this trip Epson decided to proceed with the next system order. During the entire period of this trip, Chuck had only a half-day off on 24Jul94. The rest of the time Chuck kept a schedule that usually ran as:

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx14

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Table 1 C. Attema’s Typical Daily Schedule During Epson-Taiwan Service Call

Start Time Task or Activity

0730 Meet with B. Mayer over breakfast to review previous day’s results and list current day’s issues

0810 Sometimes “intense” taxi ride from hotel to Epson

0835 Meet with Epson engineer to finalize the day’s action plan

0910 Put on clean room bunny suit, and clear air shower

0915 Process/hardware work at 16CVD-251 in Epson clean room

1215 Lunch at “Chicken House” fast food restaurant

1300 Process/hardware work at 16CVD-251 in Epson clean room

2115 Take off bunny suit and depart Epson factory

2145 Dinner at “McDonalds” fast food restaurant with Epson Engineer

2215 Arrive at hotel for the evening

TaiChung Daily Schedule

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx15

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210



g, Taiw


As of Oct2012

Taiwan13 970 mi2

23.2 Mpeople

California163 700 mi2

36.7 Mpeople

1.6X people11.7X land

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx16

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-7 Learn the Art of Succinct Communication Almost Everyone in Private

Sector Engineering is VERY Busy Almost Everyone will NOT Have your

Level of Expertise in Technical Subjects In Long (>1 page) Reports Begin with


Sufficient Information to Proceed

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx17

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-7 cont.• If a Decision is Needed, or a


• ES Typical Content– What was learned– Recommended NEXT STEP(s); to Include


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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx18

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Typical ES – Code ComplianceMemo To: RNSavage (now a Professor at Cal Poly) From: B. Mayer CC: Date: 26-Feb-01

Re: MHL Large-FPD Inspection System S2 Review – GS3 Report 000000LT Analysis

1. Executive Summary - GS3 Report 000000LT Potential customers for the MHL535 FPD Inspection system require compliance to the SEMI S2 Safety-Standard. In Dec01 a SEMI S2 3rd party reviewer, GS3, traveled to the MHL FPD Inspection System Production Line in Tatsuno, Japan to perform a scaled-down S2 review. This pre-review constituted 10% of the effort required for a full review. The intent of this S2 inspection was to arrive at a preliminary assessment of the effort level needed to achieve full S2 certification. GS3 issued report 00000LT as result of the visit. An analysis of this report reveals: Number of Discrepancies found = 36 The estimated effort to achieve SEMI S2 Certification:

o Non-Recurring Engineering 46 worker-weeks o Non-Recurring Safety-Test Contractor Cost $53k o Additional Recurring Material-Cost $5k per MHL system

Who would Perform Certification Work: B. Mayer MHL Team in Tatsuno Next Step Recommendation

o Return on Investment (RoI) Analysis To determine if the Total Available Market (TAM) for S2-Certified MHL systems Justifies the $100k-$150k cost

When = TBD relative to customer schedule

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx19

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Typical ES – Code Compliance Automated Microscope

for Manufacturing Inspection of 500 x 500 x 1.1mm Laptop-Display Glass-Plates• Investigate Enhanced

Safety-Code Compliance

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx20

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Mission Accomplished

W. Awayan B. Mayer

PC030053a The S2 investigators pose in front of their subject at the conclusion of the inspection. Wilmer Awayan on Left. Bruce Mayer on right.

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx21

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Performance Reviews

Class Question: Has anyone here ever WRITTEN a Job-Performance Review?

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx22

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-8 Inform Supervisor

Keep Your Supervisor Informed About Your Accomplishments & Progress• Helps Him/Her Communicate up the

Chain of Command• Helps You Assess Your

Supervisor’s Priorities• Builds An “Accomplishment DataBase” for

your Performance Review

Suggest Bullet-Format Weekly-Report

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx23

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Weekly Report

Main Body = ONE page Maximum• Describe Activities & Progress for the

Current week– Include Urgent Items that Require

Management DecisionsALWAYS include a Recommendation

• List Plans For the Following Week• May Include More Detailed information in


Page 24: BMayer@ChabotCollege.edu ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210 Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical

[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx24

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Completed 1st cut at Marketing Presentation on Olympus-ITA ADC wafer alignment algorithm To finish-off need to include some performance data

o Worked with Software Team to conduct 30 pt BEFORE & AFTER Alignment Alorithm tests on Real-Case wafers

Started Writing Patent disclosure for Alignment method Title = Method for 2-Dimensional CoOrdinate-System Alignment Using: 5-Parameter or 6-Parameter Physical Models,

and Analytical-Geometry with Differential-Calculus Conducted Literature Search on ADC

o Found very good ref’s on ADC in general by Tobin of ONRL Targeting issue by AMAT Failure analysis lab

Attended OFC2002 conference Took Short Course SC-196 – Fibler Optical Cable Splicing & Testing Learned that AGILENT is Really good source for FiberOptic instrumentation Misc Forward the MEMS-Foundry contact from Lawrence Semiconductor Research Laboratory, Inc. Recruited Candidate for Raman Systems Engineer Position Ordered Special Handler Alignment Tools for SeMaTech FSE Received from Japan installation drawings for the 3210 Side-Loader Plans for Next Week Raman system’s engineer

o Complete interview with Top Candidate Make Offer if it looks like good fit to both sides

Advise Japan on venue to write CE Technical Construction File: USA or Japan Analyze Before & After Data from Wafer Alignment Tests

o Consider one more test, using a different wafer Complete Alignment method Patent disclosure Provide to Tech Writer Suggested improvements to installation manual

Typical Weekly Report – 25Mar02

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx25

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Rule-9 Make Mistakes

General Rule of Productivity• No-Mistakes ≡ No-Production

Fear of Mistakes Leads to• Indecision & Paralysis• Retreat to the Comfort Zone

→ Skills Atrophy

The BEST Learning Comes from Legitimate Mistakes• Do a Post-Mortem → What did I LEARN?

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx26

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Do It Right the 1st Time?

My Personal Favorite

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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx27

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

All Done for Today

But NotFor


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[email protected] • ENGR-10_Lec-07_Professional_Sucess.pptx28

Bruce Mayer, PE CalPoly SLO – MATE210

Executive Summary