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  • 1NIS






    Spring Fun Day

    ASA Tiny Techies

    Contact InformationNanjing International School, Xue Heng Lu 8, Xian Lin College and University Town, Qi Xia District, Nanjing, P.R. China, 210023www.nanjing-school.comTel: +86 25 8589 9111 Email: [email protected]

    3 Way Conferences

    PTA Autumn Festival

    K2 AssemblyGrade 10 Business Trade

    ContentACAMIS Swim Success! ! ! ! 01NIS Board Update! ! ! ! ! 02Student Led Conferences 03-04Speech & Debate!! ! ! ! ! 05School Fee Information! ! ! ! 06!Leaving Notice 07BEIMUN 08Library News 09NIS Needs Hosts !! ! ! ! 10~11ACAMIS Badminton 12~132014 ACAMIS Swim Championship !14~16Centre Hours!! ! ! ! ! ! 17Action for Service Expo! ! ! 18~19ASA Cycle 3! ! ! ! ! ! ! 20Visual Arts Exhibition! ! ! ! ! 21Earth Hour! ! ! ! ! ! 22~23Toy&Book Exchange! ! ! ! ! 24Community Activities 25-26PTA Meeting Minutes & Notice! ! ! 27Weekly Menu!! ! ! ! ! ! 28NIC Track Night! ! ! ! ! ! 29Swing into Spring ! ! ! ! ! 30Spring Garden Party! ! ! ! ! 31!

    ! ! ! ! !

    ACAMIS Swimming Champions 2014

    ACAMIS Swim - what a carnival atmosphere

    Its not all about winning, although it was nice to win again. The atmosphere around campus last Friday and Saturday was fantastic. The hundreds of visitors felt so welcome at NIS with lots of comments about the campus design as well as the professional manner in which the swim tournament was run. The beautiful, sunny Spring weather made the campus look like we were having an outdoor carnival.

    The time some of our PTA members, volunteer parents and teachers put into NIS, beyond the school day, is important to highlight. It is the difference between being a community and talking about community. I hope to see many of you tomorrow for our first Earth Hour celebration. Raising awareness about the use of energy and preserving our natural resources is again a lesson much better learned through the experience of taking action rather than merely talking about it.

    Have a Monumental March

    Laurie [email protected]

  • 2Membership of the NIS Board

    The NIS Board experiences the same challenge to continuity that occurs throughout our community with families coming and going from NIS. The Board has an ad hoc committee made up of three members from the Governance Committee to seek out possible future Board members should openings occur. We are looking to add to the diverse group of parents who are ready to serve should the need arise.

    There are two very important points to consider based on our Articles of Association:1. Any person who is co-opted to fill an opening must stand at

    the next election.2. Any person nominated from the Governance Committee to fill

    an opening at the end of year must stand for election against any other nominated member.

    In other words the Board is involved in Succession Planning for membership, but the final decision is left to the members. Louise Liu was co-opted this year.

    Current Status of Members of NIS Board

    Of the current NIS Board:

    Andy Chang and Mirella Savegnago are at the end of their current two year term. Mirella Savegnago has advised that she will be standing again for election to the NIS Board for a further two year term. Andy Chang will not be standing for re-election. Louise Liu was co-opted this year and must stand for election.

    Julia Gusten (Board Chair), Bernhard Weber (Finance Committee Chair), Patrick Heckelmann (Board Vice Chair) and Monique Taylor (Governance Committee Chair) are at the end of their first year and have confirmed they will continue as Board Members.

    The school website link to Governance www.nanjing-school.com/about-3/governance/ has a brief bio for Board members.

    Annual Election of Members for the NIS Board

    The Governance ad hoc committee is presently meeting possible candidates. If you would like to be considered please contact Monique Taylor, Governance Committee ChairNanjing International School Board [email protected] Mobile - 18252016664

    Upcoming Events:The Upcoming Week Is W28

    Monday, 31st MarchASA Cycle 3 Starts

    Tuesday, 1st AprilDP IA & PG DP CoordinatorMYP Moderation Samples Due

    Wednesday, 2ed AprilNO SCHOOL: Student Led Conference

    Friday, 4th AprilPYP/MYP SC House Spirit DaySISAC Track & Field

    Saturday, 5th AprilDP ACT AIZSISAC Track & Field

    NIS Board Update

  • 3PYP Student Led Conferences.Dear Parents,

    Student Led Conferences are approaching. This is an opportunity for your child to share their learning with you. The conferences are always one of the highlights of the school year and take place on Wednesday, April 2. Please sign up for a time on Veracross.

    The Student Led Conference is compulsory. There are no classes on this day; however, it is a school day and your childs attendance with you is required for the length of their conference. Student Led Conferences are an important aspect of the Primary Years Programme and for developing your childs ability to reflect on and communicate about their work and progress.

    If you have any further questions, please contact me.

    Derek [email protected]

    MYP Student Led Conferences A NEW & IMPROVED FOCUS FOR 2014

    Dear Parents,

    This year will focus on students demonstrating new skills and understandings through application of knowledge, performance, and discussions. In each class students may be:

    Performing ... a dialogue / exercises / a techniqueSolving... problems and explaining their method and applications Describing...how learning has changed your opinion; how the learning can be applied to real lifeComparing... a first draft to a second attemptSetting ... specific and achievable goals for Semester 2Identifying ... two stars and a wish

    Remember that this is a compulsory regular attendance school day. Although there are no scheduled classes, students must attend either in the morning or the afternoon WITH THEIR PARENT(S) OR A SURROGATE PARENT. Please work around scheduled PYP conferences.

    Students MUST bring their laptop. Remember to SIGN IN when you arrive.

    If you have any questions, please contact Arden Tyoschin at: [email protected]


  • 4 PYP Student Led Conference Sign UpsAs mentioned in the item above parents can now sign up for the Student Led Conferences on Veracross.

    From the Parent page click on Parent/Teacher conference Signups at the top of the page (see screen shot below.

    This takes you to the sign up page where you can select one of the available times from the drop down menu. (see screen shot below)

    During the Student Led Conference your child will also take you to see the work they have been doing in specialist lessons. You do not need to make an appointment for seeing the specialist.

    Derek [email protected]

  • 5ACAMIS Speech & Debate in Beijing

    21st-23rd March 2014

    Above: The team and coaches: Back Row (L-R): Ms. Chadley, Catherine, Ms. Larson, Jaren , Suraj, Jayla, Luke, Maristella, Elannah, Serena, Hellen, Michael, Mr. Hammond; Front Row (L-R): Alicia, Michelle, Kirsty, Tiana, Marissa, Sanjana, Cosima (missing are Erika, Emma, KD & Maxi).

    Last weekend, a team from NIS went up to the Beijing City International School to compete against 8 other school and 200 students. We entered Middle School and High School sections of all competitions: Debate, Original Oratory, Impromptu Speaking, Oral Interpretation and Duet Acting.

    The students had spent several weeks preparing and performed superbly on the day. They also learned that a large part of a performers life is sitting around waiting to perform, and that the performance itself is over in a flash! As usual, we came back with trophies:

    1st Prize in High School Novice Debating (Jaren/Jayla)1st Prize in Impromptu Speaking (Suraj)2nd Prize in Middle School Duet Acting (Catherine/Luke)3rd Prize in High School Duet Acting (Michelle/Maristella )


    NIS will be hosting its own Speech & Debate contest in November 2014. Its not just speeches - its performance! Stand by for more information early next school year.

    John [email protected]

  • 6Dear Parents,

    NIS regards parents as the entity responsible for fee payment. Please find the invoice for your child(ren) for 1st Semester (Aug 2014 Jan 2015), Academic Year 2014/15 in Veracross( https://portals.veracross.com/nis ) -Parent Portal-My invoices. For school year 2014-15 we will stop issuing hard copy invoices.

    A deposit, or minimum payment, of RMB 25,000 per student is required to ensure the applicants place in the grade for 2014/15 school year, and it must be paid by 15th April 2014. The balance of RMB70,000 must be paid by the due date 31st May 2014.

    The deposit will be refunded in full if the Admissions Oce receives written notificationon or before the 16th June 2014 of your intention to leave NIS.The notice must be sent to the following email address : [email protected]

    After this date, the deposit will not be refunded.

    After the payment has been settled, PLEASE send the proof of payment to [email protected] or by fax at 86-25-8589 9222 Accounting Office,and quote the invoice number on it.

    If you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

    Yours sincerely,

    Arek Owczarek

    Operations & Finance Manager

    Email: [email protected]

    Important Information About School Fee Payment

  • 7Information for Leaving Families Dear Parents,

    This is a time of year when some families will be moving on from Nanjing, either returning to their home countries or embarking on their next overseas posting. To assist our planning for the coming year please read and follow the exit procedure below. This information may have a direct impact on new families wishing to enter the school. We understand that some parents are still unsure, but if you know kindly let us know as soon as possible.

    Exit Procedure1.As soon as you know you are leaving please email:

    [email protected] indicating your intention to leave and requesting any documentation that you may require.

    2.Collect a clearance form from Reception or the Admissions Office3.Clearance forms must to be completed by the parent and student; in the PYP the

    Homeroom teacher will assist with this, in the MYP and DP this is the students responsibility.

    4.On the last day of school the transcripts will only be released on receipt of a completed clearance form.

    Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any queries please let us know.

    Monica [email protected]

  • 8MARCH 12-15


    From March 12-15, twelve future diplomats practiced their skills at the largest MUN conference in China. The 21st annual BEIMUN conference kicked off with Ben Keesey

    from Invisible Children talking about his organizations efforts to end the Lords Resistance Armys enslavement of child soldiers. Students debated topics from

    to Human Rights, to disarmament. NIS was well represented by our intelligent, thoughtful and diplomatic students.

    Beijing MUN Conference, 2014



    Aaron Thompson [email protected]

  • 9736 new reasons to come to the NIS library

    Open a parent library account today!



    Michelle Rinker [email protected]

  • 10





    Sport & Activities Office Contact Details: (Room G213, on the second floor of the center) Robin Hutchison(Activities Coordinator) [email protected] extension:1037

    Danny Clarke (Athletic Director) [email protected] extension:3058


    We need lots of host families for the ACAMIS Soccer tournament on April 24th - 27th this year.

    120 students will be coming to NIS to take part in this tournament. We are very proud to be hosting this event and we very much hope that it will be a real showcase for our school and the fantastic community we have here.

    Hosting is a great experience for both the visiting students and the host families.

    All transportation is provided so all you need to do is provide them with a few meals and somewhere to sleep.

    If you have a spare bed or even just floor space with a mattress, please consider offering to be a host.

    You can sign up by completing the form attached on the next page, pick up a form in the Centre foyer or if you email Danny Clarke on [email protected] with your details, I can do the form for you.

    Danny Clarke, Athletics Director

  • 11

    #2''-(2#*$-*-.,,'('$-&!-*3'/0*16 .4-*#*$*01/*%1$-+*-()*-$


  • 12

    Athletics & Activities Office Contact Details: (Room D236, in the glass office at the top of the stairs in the main building) Robin Hutchison(Activities Coordinator) [email protected] extension:1037

    Danny Clarke (Athletics Director) [email protected] extension:3058Vicki Hong (Athletics & Activities Secretary [email protected] extension 1036

    ACAMIS BadmintonThe ACAMIS badminton team traveled to Shenzhen on March 19th for a three day badminton tournament. The host school Shekou International School rented out a large badminton hall to accommodate the twenty four teams from fourteen different schools.

    The tournament was divided into two divisions of twelve teams. NIS entered one team in the Division one and two teams in Division two. Each team consisted of a boys single, girls single, boys double, girls double and mixed doubles teams.

    At the end of three days, the NIS 1 team received a trophy for second place in Division 1 , the NIS 2 team received a trophy for a first place in Division 2 and the NIS 3 team finished 7th place in Division 2. All the players contributed to the success enjoyed by the first two teams.

  • 13

    Athletics & Activities Office Contact Details: (Room D236, in the glass office at the top of the stairs in the main building) Robin Hutchison(Activities Coordinator) [email protected] extension:1037

    Danny Clarke (Athletics Director) [email protected] extension:3058Vicki Hong (Athletics & Activities Secretary [email protected] extension 1036

    ACAMIS BadmintonThere were also some individual successes. Marla, Maike, Jason and Dol Hee won medals in Division 1. Derron, Alice, Alisa, Snow, Lena, Isinsu and Arianna won medals in Division 2.

    Overall, the tournament was a great badminton event and the sporting atmosphere was fantastic. Thanks to the host school for organizing and catering such a big tournament.

    The coaches,

    Mr. Charlie Mcbride Ms. Xue Qingmei

  • 14

    MARCH 21ST & 22ND, 2014


    On Friday and Saturday NIS hosted the ACAMIS Swim Championships and were victorious in their quest to win the team trophy for the second year running. This event is different to our normal competition format as this is the only meet all year in which we swim in preliminary heats and finals - if we can make them.

    The competition at this meet was very even on paper going into the event and after 2 days racing and 61 events and with only 4 relays left to conclude the meet the results were tied between NIS and SCIS. It was in this race where the NIS girls 13 -14 years relay team clinched victory with a nail biting finish as Sophie touched out the SCIS swimmer for the win, that combined with all the other fantastic individual and team performances helped put NIS in a winning position, securing victory by just 28 points.

    The meet was attended by 12 visiting international schools from China and Hong Kong; there were 240 swimmers in total with 30 coaches and over 150 parent spectators. There were 86 relays and 1160 individual event entries swum. NIS set 26 new school records some records were broken twice so there were actually 32 records broken over the 2 days. The quality of racing was nothing short of fantastic to watch.

    Events like this cannot work without the help and support of many people and I would like to thank them all including: Our Athletics Director Danny who co-organised the event, all the teams travel, accommodation, meals and any other needs, etc; the NIS Facilities Team who organised the set up and bus logistics and were here until 10pm changing set up from Friday to Saturday and making me look so organised; Annie and the Eurest staff who provided food over the two day event including a spectacular buffet banquet for the awards ceremony; the parents and teachers who volunteered their time to marshal, referee, give out ribbons, take photos, administrate the meet, support the swimmers, etc, etc, etc; the C&S students for giving up their time to help; the NIS video review team who have made a wonderful film of the event getting some incredible footage with their underwater camera equipment; all the NIS staff and sports coaches who have been sooo flexible and supportive helping make time so the swimmers can keep up with all their other commitments and finally all the aquatics team for their tireless work organising and running the meet, both in front and behind the scenes.

    Photos courtesy of Anne.

  • 15


    John [email protected]

    Finally, but most importantly, a huge congratulations to all the NIS Sea Lions Swim Team including those who were not selected for this meet, their hard work and dedication to training shone through with some amazing swims and personal best times. This was the culmination of 7 hard months of training and competing as a team leading into this event. Your coaches, Grace and all the community at NIS are extremely proud of you all. Well done. NIS Rocks!!!!!!!!!

    All race results can be seen posted outside my office in The Centre.

    NIS ACAMIS Swim Champions 2014 team members:Eli, Samual, Tirso, Yannik, Pierson, Gangbi, India, Poppy, Eva, Lily, Summer Rose, Seungmin, Ati, Ato, Lucas S, Maximillian, Cedric, Lena, Mariette, Meghna, Yeonsu, Maria, Marie-Sophie, Sasha, Toshi, Lucas Z, Alex, Willy, Julian, Angela, Lili-Anna, Sophie G, Sofia SA, Ella, Anselma, Laurence, Timo, Isaac, Pan, Aziz, Jin Ryoul, Hannah, Solange, Chloe, Rebecca, Sofia B.

  • 16


    There were 26 new school records.

    Ages 9 ~ 10GIRLSGIRLS NIS 9 ~ 10 BOYSBOYS

    / / 100 Free Yannik 1:39.83

    Poppy 3:11.94 200 Free Eli 3:16.94

    India 49.24 50 Breast / /

    India 42.40 50 Fly / /

    India 1:37.51 100 IM / /

    Ages 11 ~ 12GIRLSGIRLS NIS 11 ~


    Lena 1:36.84 100 Breast / /

    Mariette 38.47 50 Fly / /

    Mariette 1:30.52 100 Fly / /

    Ages 13 ~ 14GIRLSGIRLS NIS 13 ~


    / / 50 Free Sasha 27.99

    Sofia SA 1:06.27 100 Free Sasha 1:02.12

    Sofia SA 5:03.23 400 Free Alex C 5:26.14

    Sofia SA 42.83 50 Breast / /

    Sofia SA 1:30.87 100 Breast Sasha 1:20.23

    Sofia SA 1:19.79 100 Back / /

    Angela Y 35.31 50 Fly / /

    Angela Y 1:23.00 100 Fly Alex C 1:13.48

    Sofia SA 2:58.14 200 IM / /


    / / 50 Free Timo 26.47

    Solange 1:09.91 100 Free / /

    Solange 5:28.81 400 Free / /

    / / 100 Fly Timo 1:05.18

  • 17

    The Centre Nanjing International School

    John [email protected]


    Swimming Pool operation hours during Mid Semester Vacation will be:

    CLOSED Saturday, April 5th ~ Monday, April 7th 11am ~ 3pm Tuesday, April 8th ~ Friday, April 11th 9:30am ~ 3pm Saturday, April 12th

    The pool will be closed on Saturday, April 5th till Monday, April 7th due to the Tomb Sweep Day Holiday.

    The Fitness Room will be available for the entire break - hours of

    operation will not change.

  • 18

    Action for Service ExpoOn Friday March 21, Kostya, Cameron, Bea, Danique, Lynn, Nina, Cesar, Johanna, and Jemimah (G8), Bruce (G9), and Jonas and Jannik (G10) went to SSIS to participate in the inaugural Action For Service Expo. Students from six international schools showcased some of their Community and Service Activities. The Activities that NIS highlighted were Ting Ting Deaf School, Nanjing Zoo Enrichment and the Toy Drive for Nanjing Orphanage. Activities showcased by other schools included:Roots and Shoots, Water Conservation, Tree Planting, Tiger Hill Orphanage visits, Catnip (desexing of feral cats), Migrant School Tutoring, Yearbook, Metro station volunteerand MUN.

    All in all, the NIS C&S programme compared well with the other schools. Thank you to all the students who took part in this activity. We are looking forward to next year.

    Action For Service Expo@SSIS

    Were ready!

    Spreading the word about animal welfare

    Ready for the first questions!

    It must be break time!

  • 19

  • 20

    ASA Cycle 3

    Important Cycle 3 Dates

    Week 28: Mon. March 31st - Cycle 3 Starts

    Week 28: Wed. - No ASAs due to Student-Led Conference

    Week 30: Wed. 23 April - No ASAs due to 3-Way conferences

    Week 34: No ASAs for MYP / DP students due to exams

    Week 37: Fri. June 13th - Cycle 3 Finishes

    Cycle 3 Signup StatsThere are a total of 50 ASAs.274 students have signed up for one or more ASAs.

    Robin Hutchison (Activities Coordinator) [email protected]

    Vicki Hong (Secretary) [email protected]

  • 21

    EXHIBITION March 31, 2014 - April 7, 2014

    Upcoming Exhibition [email protected]

    Photography featuring Astrology

    Maybe you are interested in Astrology. !Or you love taking photos just like I do. !You are curious and just want to have a look at the photographs ? !Or you want to learn more about the PPP.

    For my PPP I combined Astrology with Photography which resulted in a set of 12 photographs. Each one represents one of the 12 Signs of the Western Zodiac. There will be an opening reception where food and refreshments will be offered on March 31 at 18:00 PM. Feel free to ask any questions. The photographs will be exhibited throughout the week until April 7, 2014.

    In the Caf 2nd floor in the Center


    Andrew [email protected]

  • 22

    Saturday 29th March at NIS

    From 6:00 p.m. Lights out at 8:30 p.m. for one hour

    LOOK WHATS HAPPENING!Fire-pit (BRING A BLANKET TO SIT ON!)Music, dance and drama performances by students, teachers and parentsSing-alongs (BRING YOUR INSTRUMENTS!)Book & toy exchange

    Story-tellingGames in the dark Arts and craftsSalesStar-gazingGardening: planting, potting for a vertical garden, tour of school gardenEnvironmental presentations

    I will if you will environmental pledgesSave Our Species art exhibition (animal/Earth-themed contributions welcome)Bring a nude food picnic (no waste) or buy from PTA (wraps, fruit kebabs, pizza)

    Why not arrive on foot, by bike, on skates, by bus or metro or car pool that evening.

    Dress to show you care for the Earth, e.g animal costumes, in green etc.

    See http://www.earthhour.org/index.php for more details

    Join us!


    your po

    wer to

    make a



    NB:In PAC/cafeteria if rainy

    Kath [email protected]

  • 23

    Kath Adams [email protected]

  • 24

    Toy and Book Exchange

    Bring your used toys and books to the Earth Hour Event on March 29th, 2014

    From 6:00PM with lights out at 8:30PMYou will be able to exchange the toys and books you no longer read or

    play with for like new toys and books

    Saturday, March 29th 2014

    (6:00 to 7:00 PM)Nanjing International

    SchoolPYP Student Council will host the exchange and invite all to participate!! Lets exchange

    and reuse rather than buy new books and


    Clean books and

    toys that are in good repair


    A great oppor-tunity

    to find some new books and toys!Note: Exchange is

    from 6-7pm

    Kath Adams [email protected]

  • 25

    Community Activities

    Saturday: Ballet lessons 9am- 1.20pm Hip Hop 1.30pm- 3.30pm

    Taekwondo / Wushu 9am- 12pm

    Gymnastics 9.30am- 11.50am NIFC Soccer 9- 10am preK- K2

    TOURNAMENT: NIS vs. NFLS 10am~ 1pm Gr 1 & above

    Nanjing Rockets Rugby Team 3.30- 6pm DP & Parents Crossfit Workout 3- 4.30pm MYP/DP & Parents

    Sunday: Rugby Club 9 - 10am Kids 10 - 11am MYP & Adults Volleyball 3- 6pm MYP/DP & Parents

    Monday: English: 8.15- 9.45am (Eva), 10- 11.30am (Daniel)

    Pilates: 8- 9am (adv), 9- 10am, 10- 11am Zumba: 2- 2.50pm

    Yoga (Neila): 4.30- 5.30pm

    Ladies Soccer 6- 8pm MYP/ DP & Parents Basketball 7 - 9.30pm Parents

    Sandra Fuchs [email protected] mobile 1381 5445 813

    March 29th - April 4th

    Cycle 2

  • 26

    Community Activities Cycle 2

    Tuesday: English (Daniel): 8.15- 9.45am

    Pilates: 8- 9am, 9- 10am, 10- 11am Zumba: 2.35- 3.25pm MYP/ DP & Parents

    Badminton 6 - 9pm Parents

    Wednesday: English (Eva) moved to June, 11th

    Yoga: (Shylaja) moved to June, 11th , 4.30- 5.30 (Neila)

    Kick Boxing moved to June, 11th

    Golden Ball Football Club 6 - 9pm Parents Pilates: 6.30- 7.30pm (Heidrun), 7.30- 8.30pm (Francesca)

    Thursday: English (Daniel): 8.15- 9.45am Pilates: 8- 9am (adv), 9- 10am, 4.30- 5.30pm

    Nanjing Singers Choir 7.30 - 8.45pm DP & Parents Volleyball 6.30 - 9pm MYP/ DP & Parents

    Friday: English (Eva): 8.15- 9.45am, 10- 11.30am

    Yoga (Shylaja): 8.30- 9.30am

    Sandra Fuchs [email protected] mobile 1381 5445 813

    March 29th - April 4th

  • 27

    1. Welcome by Connie Papas

    2. Richard Swart: Last week teachers from Chengdu International School were here at NIS, and they were astounded by how busy the campus is, especially with parents using the facilities, which is one of the great things about NIS. Richard Swart and Derek Pinchbeck will be hosting their farewell party on May 30th everyone is welcome.

    3. Treasurers Report: RMB 76.934

    4. International Day Expo Angela Zammit: A big Thank-you to everyone involved, for a great day. Wonderful to see the different booths, all the lovely food and costumes, and the performances. Great to work with all the Contact People who put in so much effort.

    5. Earth Hour Saturday March 29th: Come at 7 pm, enjoy some different performances and activities. PTA

    will be selling snacks on the evening. All proceeds go to the Green Team 6. Spring Fun Day will be moved to another day as many of our families will be out of town due to the bank

    Holiday the Thursday before. A new date will be posted.

    7. Charity Event Vibha Ancha: Saturday April 26th Hopeful Hearts, Ray of Light and Butterfly Hospice will be hosting a Buffet Dinner and Dance at the Masala/Thai Tasty. Contact Vibha for tickets

    8. PTA Structure: A change in the PTA Structure has been suggested and will be put forward at the next PTA meeting in April .

    9. DIPLOMA ART GRADUATION SHOW: Friday March 28th 6-8pm. It is held at Peter Huangs Gallery downtown. Free tickets can be picked up at the Admissions Office.

    10. ACAMIS Football Home stay: April 24-27th NIS is hosting the ACAMIS Football tournament, 130 students from other International Schools in China will be playing. If you can help out by hosting please see Danny Clarke.

    Next PTA Meeting is Tuesday 15/4 time to be decided

    Minutes: Stine Giversen

    PTA Meeting Tuesday 25th March 2014

    The PTA would like to remind everyone of the Earth Hour Event on Saturday 29th March. The PTA will be selling drinks, fruit kebabs, sweet wraps and pizza on the night. Any

    proceeds will go back to the school Green Team.

    PTA Merchandise will be available for sale every Tuesday from 2 until 3pm in the foyer at our new PTA merchandise store.

    Please note that classroom sales are delivered to your child every Friday, and are available by using the order forms located on the wall near the display cases in the corridor of the foyer

    leading to the Admissions Office. Orders must be paid at the cashier by 10:00am Thursday for delivery the next day.

    Please note that we have some school hoodies available in limited sizes. Price is 250RMB each. You can come to try out sizes on Tuesdays from 2:00-3:00pm

    PTA - [email protected]

  • 28

    WEEKLY MENU (Prek-Gr1)

    WEEKLY MENU (Gr2-Gr12)

    March 31st-April 4th

    March 31st

    April 1st

    April 2th

    April 3rd

    April 4th


    Carrot and Cucumber Sticks Cherry Tomato Corn Bean Sprouts

    Main Course A Pork Chop Chicken Breast Fish Fillet Chicken Nug-gets

    Main Course B Lasagna with Minced Beef Pork Meatballs Student Led Conference Chicken Fajitas Roasted Lamb

    Vegetable Creamy Spinach Roasted Eggplant Ratatouille Baked Beans

    Vegetarian Choice Vegetable Lasagna Tofu Balls Beans Taco

    Mushroom Quesadilla

    Carbohydrate Rice Mashed Potato Rice Rosemary Potato

    Rice Potato Bo-lognaise

    Rice French Fries

    Dessert Fresh Fruit or Apple Pie Fresh Fruit or Mini Cake

    Fresh Fruit or Fruit Jelly

    Fresh Fruit or Cookie

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    March 31st-April 4th

    March 31st

    April 1st

    April 2nd

    April 3rd

    April 4th

    Salad Selection

    Mixed Salad Cucumber Pumpkin

    Mixed Salad Corn Tomato

    Mixed Salad Mushroom Zucchini

    Mixed Salad Asparagus Coleslaw

    Soup Of the Day Minestrone Soup Onion Soup Kelp Soup Corn Soup

    Main Course A Pork Chop Chicken Breast Fish Fillet Chicken Nuggets

    Main Course B Lasagna with Minced Beef Pork Meatballs Student Led Conference Chicken Fajitas Roasted Lamb

    Vegetable Creamy Spinach Roasted Eggplant Ratatouille Baked Beans

    Vegetarian Choice Vegetable Lasa-gna Tofu Balls Beans Taco Mushroom Quesadilla

    Carbohydrate Rice Mashed Potato Rice Rosemary Potato

    Rice Potato Bolognaise

    Rice French Fries

    Dessert Fresh Fruit or Apple Pie Fresh Fruit or Mini Cake

    Fresh Fruit or Fruit Jelly

    Fresh Fruit or Cookie

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

    Daily Drink Selection: Fruit Juice, Yakult, Yogurt or MilkDaily Vegetarian Choice: Please Pre-order Before 10:00am

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    April 1st. 6pm-7pm @ Nanjing International School

    For NIC members Members of the NIS community

    Book your place by email: [email protected]

    Track night is a great opportunity to enjoy the lighter evenings, have fun and keep fit. You have the choice to run, scoot or bike around the track - on your own, with a training partner or with your family. Track Night is for everyone; serious athletes to those who just want to enjoy a bit of 'fresh' air with their family or friends. Lanes will be provided for serious trainers, those who want to take it easy, and a children's lane.

    Nick McBride [email protected]

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