business in wrexham - nov 2012

An Essentiallyours publication. Delivered free to over 3,000 businesses in Wrexham County Borough. ISSUE FOUR NOVEMBER 2012

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Business in Wrexham - Issue Four


Page 1: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012

An Essentiallyours publication. Delivered free to over 3,000 businesses in Wrexham County Borough.


Page 2: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012

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CONTACT USEssentiallyours Limited Harwoods Lane, Rossett

Wrexham LL12 0EU


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Front cover image © Ian Williams Photography 2012

I was watching a repeat of Mock the Week at the weekend only to see a clip of Gordon Brown in the news, back in 2009, telling us we were coming out of recession. I wonder what he thinks about that now? I’m not saying he was wrong, we could well have com e out of recession for a couple of minutes which would have made him technically correct , before we fell straight back into it!

However, with unemployment reducing and the economy only shrinking by a small percentage over the last few quarters is it really that bad? And if we focus hard on our businesses, make sure we are working hard and delivering a great service, and keeping up to date with our industry modern developments so we are not left behind, surely we can keep smiling? Oh and seeing as it’s nearly Christmas looking after our customers wouldn’t go amiss either, if we don’t look after them and they don’t feel appreciated we could lose them. (see Peter from Clear Black wine on page 11 - no excuses now!)

Anyway I hope you are all doing okay, despite the tough economic climate. Richard Knew from Knew Productions certainly is, and celebrating 15 years in business too. Well done to him. Here at Essentiallyours we’re in our 8th year in business, and whereby I can’t believe that length of time has passed I can’t imagine what 15 years feels like either, he must be doing something right!

This month we have a strong focus on money from ‘payments on account’ that affects sole traders to invoice financing , and an article from the Inland Revenue explaining why they’re targeting the retail sector.

I’m still hearing from Wrexham retailers that the town centre is quiet and quite a concern for the local shops there. Not just down to the recession, but the way the Town Centre flows, with not all shops being a convenient walk between each other seems to be the general consensus of feedback.

Despite the focus on money I’m afraid no one’s telling us petrol prices or gas and electricity prices will be reducing I’m afraid!

If you have any local news or anything you’d like us to look into we’re happy to oblige and we’d love to hear from you, so feel free to drop us a line.

On that note have a lovely Christmas and we’ll see you in the New Year.

All the best, Jill

An Essentiallyours publication. Delivered free to over 3,000 businesses in

Wrexham County Borough.


We won’t reach every single business within Wrexham County Borough straight away but

bear with us and eventually we hope to.

Call us on 01244 571602 if you’d like to advertise your business in our next edition

Another year comes to an end

Carol Hartnell

Jill P



2 BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

i an w i l l i ams photography

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Events • Promotions • People


Page 3: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012





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Page 4: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012


Here at north Wales Crusaders we conducted a survey to see what ‘YOU’ the local business community thought about investing in local community projects. It’s all well and good us coming to see you and saying ‘This project is fantastic’ and ‘this project will definitely work for you’ but we know in this tough financial climate you want to see how and why it will work for you.72% of the 138 people questioned said they are impressed with companies who back community projects and local initiatives and are more likely to use their products and services than those who don’t.The results clearly show that businesses that support and invest in the local community will be paid off in spades by goodwill from their customers and the community. Investing in a local sports club, community initiative or school fun day can be just as beneficial in the long run as an expensive advertising campaign. What we’re trying to show is that investing locally behind a community project, a sports club or other initiative is just that, an investment – and it can reap rewards for you and your business with increase awareness and loyalty.

One such example of a success story was Wrexham based solicitors Allington Hughes who sponsored Crusaders player Andy Moulsdale and put an advertising hoarding up at the Glyndwr University Racecourse Stadium. The campaign led to an increase in their website traffic and links from the North Wales Crusaders website became the biggest referrer of web visitors to Allington Hughes’s website. The results led Allington Hughes to become the first sponsor to renew for the 2013 season.Partner in the firm, Ian Edwards said ‘Allington Hughes is delighted to be renewing our involvement with the North Wales Crusaders into the year 2013. The opportunity offers excellent value for money as there is a tremendous amount of support for the club and we feel privileged to be involved with the continued development and strive for success that is shared by both the club and its fans’.During 2012 some of our community partners have included Wrexham Fostering Service, Wrexham Carers Service, Wrexham County Council and HafanCymru to name a few. We have assisted these in promoting their services, raising awareness

of their cause and raising much needed funds.

We have a vibrant kid’s programme which sees rugby league delivered in schools and at skills camps across North Wales. Street Rugby delivers rugby league across the region in conjunction with our governing body Wales Rugby League. Street Rugby has had great results in the local community by drastically cutting anti-social behaviour in the areas it has been rolled out.

With many of our projects there are opportunities for you and your employees to get involved. Through volunteering you’re employees gain great motivation and a sense of achievement. They gain team work and leadership skills, organisation and time management skills and most of all its GREAT FUN.

The majority of people in our community readily engage with sport in some form or another on a weekly basis whether that is participating, watching it live or on TV. Getting involved with a NorthWales Crusaders Community project does not mean the programmes are purely rugby league orientated. We use the power of Rugby League to engage the individuals.

In a tough financial climate, playing the local card wins YOU business

For more detail about becoming a 2013 North Wales Crusaders Partner please contact the club.

08432 896 407or email commercial

BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

Page 5: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012


Assets and Economic Development


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County wide property search facilitiesInvestment advice and support

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Am ragor o wybodaeth:Pennaeth Asedau a Datblygu Economaidd

ffôn: 01978 [email protected]

Wrexham Power Tools is a family run business which has established itself over the last 26 years as one of the leading retailers and maintenance suppliers of Power Tools within North Wales and the North West.With the construction of the new Wrexham Industrial Estate Access Road, Wrexham Power Tools find themselves in a prime location at the Southern Gateway to the Estate, and although the last 12 months has been a challenging one with road works and many disruptions they can now look to the future.Peter Fletcher, Managing Director - ‘it has been interesting seeing the construction of the access road first hand, although sometimes a little challenging in terms of access to our site, however throughout the works we have been able to maintain excellent customer service and have been able to continue to operate with the co-operation of our customers and suppliers’‘As a forward thinking business we have been able to expand and improve our range of products under the brand name of “TOOLNFIX” which now includes a range of competitively priced fixtures and fittings including brass and stainless steel. The website has also been improved which has allowed customers to easily browse our product range’‘We can now look to the future and are looking forward to developing the business moving forward. We encourage anyone

to call in – we’re easy to find, you can’t miss us!!’Wrexham Power Tools are the official service agents for all the major power tool companies including Bosch, Makita, Metabo, Milwaukee and Stihl and are also a leading supplier of power tools from drills, cordless drills, batteries, DIY power tools from the worlds leading brands such as Bosch, Dewalt, Trend. With a friendly, well trained, experienced team offering both warranty repairs and standard servicing in a well equipped workshop, staff are always on hand to provide advice and support to customers of all sizes. Over the last few years the range of products has extended to cover all aspects of engineering supplies enabling Wrexham Power Tools to offer customers more choice and increased savings.

Wrexham Power Tools 01978 660011

Gateway to Future Successwith support of Wrexham Council

In the last edition of Business in Wrexham we mentioned Orchid. Corrected contact details as follows:Orchid 01978 664166 [email protected]

BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

Page 6: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012



PHIL JONES Deputy Managing Director UK Country Head - Brother

So, we’re back in recession, officially. Cue further talking down of the economy, headlines, general pessimism and politicians talking about the importance of manufacturing – yawn 2.0. Who cares? Most people I know in business are going about their business, not moping about but chasing the money that is out there. They are upping the work rates, refining the marketing and thinking how to keep creating. Looking back achieves a number of things: -1 It can show trends of the past.2 It can point you in the way of

previous failure and success.3 It can provide deep insight into

previous behaviour.I think Steve Jobs had it right though, he assumed people didn’t know what they want yet and set about designing things for their tomorrow, less than their now. 35,000 products sold an hour and last quarter revenues of $38bn can’t be wrong – but Apple is a special case right? Wrong.They capture the headlines yes, they’ve penetrated our lives – yes, their products are great – yes, but they are one tiny fraction of the amount of money that gets spent in the world, across technology, business and consumer, so there’s plenty to go at.Just because we are in recession it does not mean people are not spending. They may spend less on discretionary items, perhaps but people still spend. So, hold your head up high, breathe in a lungful of air, shoulders back and march on out into that economy and do something wonderful. You’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain. Stay positive, stay sharp and get recession busting.See you out there.

WATCH OUT FOR PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNTIf you are a self employed business person you are likely to be familiar with payments of tax ‘on account’. This article describes what they are and how they can be used in managing your cashflow.

Income tax due under the self assessment system for a sole trader is generally payable as follows:-

• A first ‘payment on account’ on 31 January in the tax year

• A second ‘payment on account’ on 31 July following the end of the tax year

• A balancing payment (or a refund) on 31 January following the end of the tax year

(Payments on account are only required to be paid once your tax liability is £1,000 or more.)

Each payment on account is usually 50% of the previous tax year’s self assessment tax liability.

The system can cause major cashflow problems when there is a significant increase in business profits. Effectively, 150% of the tax on the increase must be paid in the January following the end of the tax year in which the increased income arose. Six months later, another 50% of the tax becomes payable, meaning that tax amounting to two year’s worth is payable within a six month period.

What happens if I expect my profits to reduce?Due to the economic climate in recent years, a number of businesses have experienced lower profits. In this situation, payments on account can be reduced to reflect the reduced tax bill anticipated for the following year. Or if you are planning to invest in your business, your tax bill may also be reduced significantly. Either way, planning will be a critical part of managing cashflow.

If you require any further information on the above we can be contacted on 01978 310600 or email [email protected]

EXAMPLETax year 2010-11

Profit from self employment before tax £40,000Income tax and class 4 national insurance due £9,448Payment on account £4,724Total due 31 January 2012 £14,172 Payment due 31 July 2012 £4,724Total payable in 2012 £18,896

Tax year 2011-12

Profit from self employment before tax £25,000Income tax and class 4 national insurance due £5,105

If you have estimated your taxable profit to be £25,000 prior to 31 January 2012, the tax payments could have been reduced to:-

Income tax and class 4 national insurance due £9,448(Reduced) payment on account £2,552Total due 31 January 2012 £12,000(Reduced) payment on account due 31 July 2012 £ 2,552Total payable in 2012 £14,552

Leaving you with £4,344 more cash in your business

• Business Accounts and Taxa� on• Self Assessment Tax Returns• Bookkeeping, VAT and Payroll• Construc� on Industry Scheme• Business Start Ups• Fees Fixed in advance • Mee� ngs at home or your

business premises

01978 310 [email protected] •

Call Shona Hambleton for a freeinitial discussion without obligation on

Local business changes name to

SimplyTax&AccountsShona Hambleton set up in business in 2006 as TaxAssist Accountants off ering tax and accountancy services specifi cally for small businesses and private individuals in the Wrexham area. Now in its fi � h year of business, the business has changed its name to SimplyTax&Accounts, which coincides with it opera� ng independently of the TaxAssist Accountants network.

The SimplyTax&Accounts name was born out of the ‘Ronseal’ idea i.e. the business does what it says on the � n. It also refl ects that SimplyTax&Accounts take a simple, straigh� orward, no jargon approach to the way that they do business with their clients. Each member of the team (4 in total) has been carefully selected to fi t in with this.

Apart from the change in name, it is very much business as usual. There is always a watchful eye on reducing your tax bill where possible. Over the years they have built up a reputa� on for providing a personalised service, taking � me to get to know your business and tailoring the service accordingly and that is s� ll the case.

Catering for sole traders, partnership, limited companies and private individuals, the services that they provide include prepara� on of annual accounts, self assessment tax returns, payroll (PAYE), VAT returns, forming a limited company, cashfl ow projec� ons and bookkeeping services.

With tax revenues down HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have introduced a number of ini� a� ves to increase their income:-

• Plumbers Tax Safe Plan – launched on 1 March 2011 this off ers reduced HMRC penal� es to people working in the plumbing industry who need to get their tax aff airs in order and decide to do so by 31 May 2011.

• Poor records - a le� er is about to be sent by HMRC to 50,000 small businesses advising them that they may be subject to a check on their records which may well mean that small businesses will require even more help.


TIPS1. Planning for increases or decreases in tax is very important –

make sure you have your accounts and tax return completed as early as possible

2. Discuss with your adviser your plans for the next year

BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

Page 7: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012



Contributed by Warren Hadlow & Medwyn Edwards, Hadlow Edwards Wealth Management Ltd.

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Hadlow Edwards Wealth Management Ltd represents St. James’s Place Wealth Management Plc, which is authorised and regulated by the

Financial Services Authority.

Have you ever wondered why women tend to pay less for car insurance than men? It is all to do with the practice of gender-based pricing used by insurers to calculate the premiums we pay. But it is a practice that is about to be outlawed from the 21st December thanks to a landmark ruling – a ruling that will soon affect how much you pay for insurance or get from your pension fund.The European Court of Justice has ruled that using differences between men and women as a risk factor in setting premiums for car and medical insurance and pension schemes breaches EU rules on equality. How it will affect you will depend on your age, medical condition and gender, although it is anticipated that more men than women will be better off as a result.If you have a teenage son you will be all too aware of the sky-high cost of insurance. Younger female drivers pay significantly less than their male counterparts because they are less likely to be involved in accidents and therefore, less likely to make a claim. With life insurance and pension annuities, the difference in premiums or benefits can be explained by differences in the life expectancy of men and women. Owing to their lower mortality risk, women benefit from lower premiums on life insurance, but because they

will live longer they will get a lower annuity income from their pension.

Policies that are up and running before December 21 will not be affected by the ruling and so if you need cover it would be worthwhile applying now. Medicals will have to be arranged and processed before an application is approved – and this could take up to three months so policies taken out from September could be too late.

The savings could be considerable, particularly once you factor in the length of the policy. Experts suggest that the cost of life cover and critical illness rates for both men and women could rise by around 25 per cent (ABI News Release, 1 March 2011).

The inability for insurers to use gender will not necessarily make pricing fairer, but it will make insurance more expensive for many and reduce pension income for many too. It’s why you should act sooner rather than later.

At Hadlow Edwards we offer a distinctive approach to our clients and their financial affairs. You get all the benefits of personal attention and years of experience, from an approachable, friendly team of professionals. We take care of the details and take away the frustration of financial planning.

• Investments • Retirement Plans • Insurance • Tax

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Gender pricing: all’s fair in love, war and insurance premiums

..act sooner rather than


BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

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8 BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

AN AWARD-winning video producer who has helped a string of companies from the region bring their work to life is celebrating 15 years in business. Richard Knew founded Rossett-based Knew Productions in 1997 with the aim of helping businesses and organisations get their message across using cutting-edge filming and editing. Since then he has created a range of broadcast-quality videos and DVDs for the likes of Visit Wales, the British Army and the National Trust. Closer to home, he has produced promotional online videos for Sharp, Tetra Pak and several SMEs including Parkway Telecom, AGS Security and Innes Reid.

Wrexham MP Ian Lucas with Richard Knew, Margaret Knew

and Aaron O’Carroll of Knew Productions of Rossett

Video producer celebrates 15 years at the cutting edge

Richard, a former Yale College student who worked for BBC Wales and ITV Wales before founding Knew Productions, says demand for online video from the region’s businesses is growing all the time.He said: “The industry has changed so much in the past 15 years and I’m proud to say that we’ve moved with the times. “When I launched Knew Productions the biggest part of the business was probably DVDs, but now it’s all about online video that sits on an organisation’s website and helps to drive traffic.“Online video has so many benefits and uses, from social media to boosting Google rankings. The technology may have changed, but video production is still

all about storytelling and communication.”It’s a philosophy that impressed the owner of Cheshire Farm Ice Cream in Tattenhall, Jonathan Fell. He recently commissioned Knew Productions to create an educational video explaining to young visitors how ice cream is made. “We needed a fun, but informative, film that would explain the process of taking milk from our cows and turning it into the many flavours of ice cream we make here,” said Jonathan. “Richard’s experience in children’s television meant I had complete faith in him and the end result is fantastic – our visitors love it.” Knew Productions has experienced many high points since its launch in 1997, but the moment in 2010 when the company scooped an industry ‘Oscar’ for a recruitment DVD it produced for the Royal Signals stands out.The DVD, consisting of a series

of short films depicting modern life in the armed forces, was voted Best Corporate Video and Best Overall Production at the Institute of Videography (IOV) Awards.

“It was a director’s dream – there was so much sound and action to capture,” said Richard.

“We hadn’t imagined while we were filming out of helicopters and in ditches that we would win two such coveted awards.”

Wrexham MP Ian Lucas paid tribute to the team at Knew Productions, saying: “Knew Productions’ success across the region is a testament to the quality of their work.

“It is great news for Wrexham that we have an award-winning company based here, and I was delighted to come down to their 15th birthday bash and lend them my support.”

For more information, visit

Page 9: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012


Check out our Facebook page and Twitter profile. Online

editions of the magazine and up to date news.

E CUNNAH & SON LTDis your local family run authorised distributor delivering heating oils,fuels and lubricantsfor your homes, farms and industry.

For a prompt and reliable delivery service contact:Tel: Wrexham 01978 720115Web:

E CUNNAH & SON LTDSharp shootingShot, edited and delivered right here in North East Wales, Knew Productions produces a wide range of moving image material for all sorts of purposes.

If you’re considering using video to promote your products or services call Richard Knew for a free consultation on 01244 570222 or email [email protected]

Website videosPromotional videosTestimonialsCase studiesTraining videosCorporate event videos

Video production for businesses in Wrexham

Rossett Business VillageRossettWrexhamLL12 0AY

BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

see your business here?

advertise your business or service in the next issue of Business in Wrexham

Call 01244 571 602

Page 10: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012

Thousands of higher rate taxpayers who have failed to submit tax returns will receive letters from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) this month, reminding them that they have only one month left to take up a special opportunity being offered by the tax authority. The Tax Return Initiative is aimed at people liable to pay tax at rates of 40 per cent and above and who have been told to submit a Self Assessment tax return for 2009/10 or earlier, but have not done so. The campaign is also available to anyone who has tax returns to submit for these years. People have until 2 October to tell HMRC they want to take part, submit completed returns, and pay the tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) that they owe. By coming forward voluntarily through the campaign, launched on 3 July, people will receive better terms, and any penalty they pay will be lower than if HMRC comes to them first. After 2 October, if they have not submitted their tax returns and paid what they owe, HMRC will use its legal powers to pursue outstanding returns and any unpaid tax and NICs. Penalties of up to 100 per cent of the tax due, or even criminal investigation, could follow.Marian Wilson, head of HMRC Campaigns, said: “If HMRC has sent you a Self Assessment tax return or notice to complete a tax return for 2009/10 or earlier and you have not yet taken any action, this campaign offers you a quick and straightforward way to bring your tax affairs up to date. But time

is running out. You have until 2 October to submit your tax returns and pay the tax you owe.“If you cannot afford to pay what you owe all at once, don’t worry. If your circumstances warrant it, you will be able to spread the payments.”People can take part in the campaign by: • Going online and registering: h t t p : / / w w w. h m r c . g o v. u k /campaigns/tri.htm • Completing any outstanding tax returns and paying any tax and NICs owed by 2 October.Help is available from HMRC by calling the Tax Return Initiative helpline on 0845 601 8818.By coming forward voluntarily through the campaign, customers will receive better terms, and any penalty they pay will be lower than if HMRC comes to them first. HMRC campaigns have so far have collected nearly £510 million from people coming forward, and more than £120 million from HMRC follow-ups, including over 18,000 completed investigations. There are also 23 criminal cases under way. Two plumbers have been jailed and another received a suspended sentence.


New taskforces to tackle tax dodgers in the grocery and retail trade were launched by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) today.Expected to recover more than £7 million, the taskforces will target the grocery and retail trade in South Wales, North Wales, the North West and the South West.Taskforces are specialist teams that undertake intensive bursts of activity in specific high risk trade sectors and locations in the UK. The teams will visit traders to examine their records and carry out other investigations. David Gauke, the Exchequer Secretary, said:“We have made it clear that we will not tolerate tax evasion and we are determined to crack down on the minority who choose to break the rules. Everyone needs to pay the taxes they owe in full. It is not fair that at a time when most hard-working people are paying the right tax, others are trying to get out of paying what they should.”HMRC’s Mike Eland, Director General Enforcement and Compliance, said:

“These taskforces bring together specialists from across HMRC to find people who are not paying what they should. If you have paid all your taxes you have nothing to worry about. But for those deliberately evading tax, be warned that HMRC is coming after you.

“This is not an empty threat - HMRC can and will track you down if you choose to break the rules. We are on target to collect more than £50 million as a result of taskforces launched in 2011/12.”

HMRC has launched 30 taskforces since May 2011.

Taskforces are a result of the Government’s £917 million spending review investment to tackle tax evasion, avoidance and fraud from 2011/12, which aims to raise an additional £7 billion each year by 2014/15.

If you are aware of someone who is evading their taxes you can tell HMRC via the Tax Evasion Hotline by phone, on 0800 788 887, email or by post. Full details can be found at

BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

Grocery and retail trade in Wales targeted in tax cheat crackdown

Taxpayers in Wales warned they have one month to submit

late tax returns and pay up

HMRC can and will track you down if you choose to break the rules.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) was formed on the 18 April 2005, following the merger of Inland Revenue and HM Customs and Excise Departments. Work is still continuing on our office restructuring programme. We are here to ensure the correct tax is paid at the right time, whether this relates to payment of taxes received by the department or entitlement to benefits paid.

Page 11: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012


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BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

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12 BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

October marks the first anniversary of RSPB Cymru and Tesco customers making a difference for wildlife in Wales.Tesco’s decision to donate the money raised in its stores from the Welsh Government’s (WG) 5p single-use bag levy to the RSPB has helped fund projects to save threatened Welsh wildlife. This income has allowed RSPB Cymru to continue and extend its conservation work in Wales.RSPB Cymru Director Katie-jo Luxton explains: “The bag levy money has come at an incredibly welcome time for all charities, including RSPB Cymru. The current challenging economic conditions have had a very damaging effect on our ability to fundraise successfully, and whilst we are a big and robust charity, the breadth and scale of our work means that we are always short of resources.”Tesco customers have raised an incredible £770,000 through the bag levy for RSPB Cymru, however this money simply replaces other sources of income which have now disappeared. RSPB Cymru’s resources remain limited, and a far greater investment is needed from a wide range of sources to reverse the catastrophic decline of Welsh wildlife. Michael Kissman, Tesco Community Director said: “I know how important the single-use bag levy has been in reducing plastic bag use in Wales and our customers have told us that if

they have to pay for a single-use bag, they’d like the proceeds to go towards protecting the natural environment. The work RSPB Cymru is doing is having a really positive effect on natural habitats throughout Wales and is opening up areas of natural beauty that would otherwise be in jeopardy.” RSPB Cymru has spent this money on key conservation projects in Wales. Over the past year, with the support of local farmers, the RSPB has been working on the Hiraethog Moors in north Wales to create suitable habitat to help preserve the fragile populations of curlew, lapwing, red and black grouse and golden plover. Conservation management work has taken place at RSPB’s Carngafallt nature reserve in mid Wales, improving the habitat, providing interpretation and making this wonderful oak woodland reserve and its wildlife more accessible to visitors. In north Wales, RSPB Conwy nature reserve is transforming the landscape around the visitor centre to connect more families with nature, and encourage them to experience the wonderful wildlife on their doorstep (Conwy Connections is an initiative part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government and is a component element of the Countryside Council for Wales' Communities and Nature strategic project.

And at RSPB Lake Vyrnwy local contractors were used to cut heather to provide ideal conditions for our most important moorland breeding birds, species such as hen harrier, merlin, black grouse, meadow pipit and skylark.

Katie-jo says: “RSPB Cymru strongly supports the Welsh Government’s initiative on the plastic bag levy. These projects are a wonderful example of how Tesco customers and RSPB Cymru are working together for threatened wildlife here in Wales.”

“This levy not only provides money for conservation, it also encourages people to think about the environmental impact of their actions, and will result in fewer plastic bags littering our landscapes and causing problems for wildlife.”

She adds: “We would like to thank Tesco for its support over the past year and for nominating us as their chosen charity, and would encourage more retailers in Wales to nominate environmental organisations to receive their bag levy money.”

“We need to leave a lasting ‘green’ legacy for our children and future generations, and by investing money into conservation work Tesco and the Welsh public are stepping up for nature and making a massive difference in Wales.”

We need to leave a

lasting ‘green’

legacy for our children

and future generations

Plastic bag levy shows positive return

One year on and the single-use bag levy is good news for Welsh wildlife, says RSPB Cymru

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13BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

With the tough economic climate continuing and traditional sources of funding still a challenge to access, an increasing number of businesses have turned to invoice finance as a solution to helping with cashflow. For many this is now the only alternative to a bank overdraft but one which is seen by many as expensive.

However, once they have started factoring or using invoice discounting with a particular company many businesses either forget to review this or think that they are locked in and are unable to change.

With the increasing popularity of Invoice Finance and the increasing numbers of providers it is more important than ever that a business makes sure their provider is right for their business, and continues to give them the right deal, not just at the outset but annually.

How many business owners review their business insurance premiums annually? How many shop around for better car or home insurance? Many people sit down with their financial adviser once a year to review their investments and mortgages, but how many businesses which use Invoice Finance sit down to review their facility?

Here are just a few reasons why it is a good idea and might save a business money to do so:-

1. You may be paying a minimum base rate which may mean you are not being given the benefit of the current low base rate and paying more than you need to.

2. Has your business changed over the previous year? Has your turnover increased? If there have been changes like this your service fee may be too high as it was probably based on a lower turnover when you set up the facility.

3. Has your provider limited your funding level? If so structuring your facility properly may maximise the cash available to you business.

These are just a few reasons why you should review any factoring or invoice discounting facility, but also to see whether you are getting good value overall and that the service is helping not hindering your business.

Touchstone Commercial Finance, set up in 2008 in Wrexham has been helping commercial clients throughout North and Mid Wales since then. Building on over 25 years of commercial banking experience Ted Hewitt-Symonds has brought an insider’s knowledge of what lenders are looking for and how they look at commercial finance and uses this knowledge to approach a wide range of commercial finance providers on behalf of clients. Whether you are looking to borrow £50k or £10m Touchstone offers a totally independent solution for your commercial finance requirements and one which looks to get you the solution best suited to you and your business.

To find out more about invoice finance or to give your existing invoice finance facility an annual healthcheck call

Touchstone 07595 219921 email [email protected]

Why businesses should review their invoice finance deals annually

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Business 2 GoRosset Hall

WrexhamLL12 0DE

t: 08443 57 57 38e:[email protected]

New Standing Order Instruction

To Bank

Please set up the following standing order and debit my/our account accordingly

1: Account details

Account name: ___________________ Account No: ___________

Account holding branch: ___________ Sort code: ____________

2: Payee details

Name of person or organisation you are paying: BUSINESS 2 GO

Payment reference: ____________________(This will appear on the bank statement of the recipient account)

Sort code: 55-81-42(Of the person/organisation you are paying)

Account number: 90581695(Of the person/organisation you are paying)

3: About the payment

How often are payments to be made: Monthly

Amount details Date Amount

Date and amount of first payment: __________ £_______(Please allow 3 working days for receipt)

Date and amount of ongoing payments: ___________ £_______

Choose from one of the two following options

1: Date and amount of final payment ____________ £______

2: Until Further notice (tick)(Payments will be made until you cancel this instruction)

4: Confirmation

Customer signature(s): ______________________________________________

Date: _____________________

WEEKLY - THURSDAY 6.45am - 8.30amBusiness2Go is a friendly, growing business networking group. We meet for breakfast at Rossett Hall Hotel every Thursday to talk business, give each other referrals and provide advice and business support.Business networking is a great way to help grow your business. By meeting regularly with other local companies and generating leads from them, this is a great way of establishing your company in the area.For more info visit

FORTNIGHTLY - FRIDAY 7am - 8.30amMembership of your local group offers much more than just business opportunities. As well as the natural support that the regular meetings provide, every member has the opportunity to present to the group on a regular basis. This is excellent practise for those

all-important business pitches to potential clients.Meeting St David’s Hotel, Ewloe every other Friday.For more info visit

Describe you and your business concisely and impressively.

BUZZ TUESDAYThis is not just the usual networking event where people get together in a room to interact. buzz tuesday provides you with a speaker to talk on a topic that is interesting, educational and inspiring and more importantly relevant to help grow your business. And a bit of decent food never goes unnoticed!

If you don’t have a structured marketing plan and would like to push your business we’ll show you what to do

13TH NOVEMBER 2012 WITH PHIL JONES OF BROTHER UKemail [email protected] for more info. If you’d like to meet like-minded professionals from the Chester and Wrexham area in a relaxed setting, and also learn something new visit

BUSINESS IN WREXHAM November/December 2012

Effective business net-working is the linking together of individuals who, through trust and relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another.Here are 10 top tips to have in use when you attend networking events.

1] Keep in mind that networking is about being genuine and authentic, building trust and relationships, and seeing how you can help others.

2] Ask yourself what your goals are in participating in networking meetings so that you will pick groups that will help you get what you are looking for. Some meetings are based more on learning, making contacts, and/or volunteering rather than on strictly making business connections.

3] Visit as many groups as possible that spark your interest. Notice the tone and attitude of the group. Do the people sound supportive of one another? Does the leadership appear competent? Many groups will allow you to visit two times before joining.

4] Hold volunteer positions in organizations. This is a great way to stay visible and give back to groups that have helped you.

5] Ask open-ended questions in networking conversations. This means questions that ask who, what, where, when, and how as opposed to those that can be answered with a simple yes or no. This form of questioning opens up the

discussion and shows listeners that you are interested in them.

6] Become known as a powerful resource for others. When you are known as a strong resource, people remember to turn to you for suggestions, ideas, names of other people, etc. This keeps you visible to them.

7] Have a clear understanding of what you do and why, for whom, and what makes your doing it special or different from others doing the same thing. In order to get referrals, you must first have a clear understanding of what you do that you can easily articulate to others.

8] Be able to articulate what you are looking for and how others may help you. Too often people in conversations ask, "How may I help you?" and no immediate answer comes to mind.

9] Follow through quickly and efficiently on referrals you are given. When people give you referrals, your actions are a reflection on them. Respect and honor that and your referrals will grow.

10] Call those you meet who may benefit from what you do and vice versa. Express that you enjoyed meeting them, and ask if you could get together and share ideas.

Successful Business NETWORKING

Page 15: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012


Fed up with the doom and gloom surrounding your pension? Have you frozen your pension? Worried about your retirement?Do you know how much is in your pension or how to find out?

There is an alternative way?

For a free no obligation Pension review (through our FSA regulated partners)

Call0844 800 6661 and take action now!

Did you know that by moving your pension to a SIPP you can invest in:

• Hotel Rooms• Student accommodation • Car Parks • Commercial Property• And much more!

SIPPS, a real investment alternative for the 21st century!


This article is for those of you who want to take control of your pension, are disillusioned with the traditional markets and the so called “management” of your investments and looking for a positive alternative that can be managed by you personally. I am a local business man who, after reading my personal pension statement 10 years ago, simply realised it was not going to be anywhere near enough to take care of my retirement unless I took immediate action.By the time I had calculated my annual pension charges and also taken annual inflation into consideration, my pension was actually going backwards – there just had to be another way.As there were no real alternative options available 10 years ago, I turned to property, froze my pension and decided that tangible assets were safer than anything linked to the stock market. Neither was I going to be hit with additional hidden costs that I had absolutely no control over. It was the best decision I have ever made as I now have personal control of my future & retirement.Today the world is an even more uncertain place and we all feel let down by the financial institutions, politicians and the so called “respected establishment”.No longer do we assume they know better, nor can we take comfort in feeling our money is being invested wisely. Many of us have already taken action believing there is a better way to than the traditional pension schemes and many more will follow. Today we have a real alternative called a SIPP (a Self-Invested

Personal Pension) a Pension made for the 21st Century.This is a plan into which you can invest in an array of alternative approved products including farmland, hotel rooms, student accommodation green oil, overseas property, gold, car parks and much more. The benefit to you is that the majority of these products give fixed market beating returns.SIPPS were introduced in 1989 and since then we have seen over £75 Billion transferred from traditional pension funds by over 600,000 investors to this modern approach. A SIPP offers you many of the same benefits offered by a traditional pension and regulated in a similar way. However, additional benefits include: – • Freedom and flexibility to

take control personally • Improved cash flow – you can

contribute what you want when you want

• Inheritance – it is easier to pass your inheritance to your heirs

• Value – Reduced annual costs to traditional pension schemes

How many of us know exactly what is in our pension or where it is invested? How much will you have when you retire and can retirement actually be afforded?

Many of the schemes offered by IPS Ltd will give you a fixed return and all offer a simple way of tracking your pension’s performance.Do you really see any sense in having your retirement plans invested in funds linked to the stock markets or managed by a fund manager you do not even know?Today’s investment world is a very volatile place and, following the banking crisis of 2008, positive returns on your pension investments are becoming increasingly difficult to find. Massive changes are being made in Europe which will affect all of us in years to come. Who knows where we will be in 10 or 20 years time?Take action now and call Jon on 0844 800 6661 for an informal chat on how you could boost the performance of your pension. Alternatively register on our website & we shall contact you directly to discuss the options available to you.In addition, IPS Ltd can provide a FREE pension review which will enable you to see the performance of your pension over the past 5 years and how much this will mean to you upon retirement.

Jon AingeManaging Director • IPS Ltd

28 Bridgeway Centre, Wrexham Industrial Estate

Wrexham • LL13 9QS

0844 800 6661e: [email protected] • w: www.ipsbmv.vom

IPS have the solution!

Page 16: Business in Wrexham - Nov 2012

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