business writing: resume writing, cover letters, memos, e-mails, letters

Business Writing: Resume Writing, Cover Letters, Memos, E-mails, Letters

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Business Writing: Resume Writing, Cover Letters, Memos, E-mails,


First Objective

To capture your skills and accomplishments for the creation of a high

quality resume and cover letter.

A resume is a summary of your employment

history, skills and accomplishments.

A resume is your marketing piece.

A resume is usually the first impression you will make, so make it a good one!

What is a resume?

Identification of Strengths





Self Assessment

Ask yourself:

What do I like to do? What motivates me? What are my interests? What skills and abilities do I

want to develop?

The 5 P’s of Resume Writing




Punch or Power


The 5 P’s of Resume Writing


•It’s in the details!PaperFontGraphicLayout

•“Stand out” by making a great first impression!

The 5 P’s of Resume Writing

Positioning of information

•Organize content to make key information available.

•Make it easy for the reader to grasp the most significant information about you.

The 5 P’s of Resume Writing


•Your resume is an extension of your personality.

•Choose words that express the best you!

•Accentuate your accomplishments.

•Capture their attention & impress them with your skills!

The 5 P’s of Resume Writing

Punch or Power information

•PUNCH is what your prospective employer will want to know about.

•POWER INFORMATION matches your skills, abilities and qualifications to the prospective employer’s needs.

•Demonstrate that you meet the hiring criteria.

The 5 P’s of Resume Writing


•Will you represent the hiring company in a professional manner?

•Make your resume & cover letter positive and professional.

•Leave a positive and lasting impression!

Components of a Resume


• Name, Address, contact telephone numbers• Objective /summary (optional)


• Name of organization

• City, State

• Dates of employment

• Titles/positions held

Components of a Resume

Education – College Names• Type Degree's

• GPA (optional)

• Internships / Research Projects

• Relevant Coursework

• Career-related Jobs / Activities

Components of a Resume

Miscellaneous• Accomplishments

• Military Service

• Community Service, Special Project, Volunteer Work

• Professional Affiliations

• Awards, Honors

• Licenses, Accreditations, Certifications

• Languages

Uploading Resume to Web

Use a Word or a PDF format.

Optimal font size is 9 to 12 points.

Use simple fonts. Some examples are:Times New Roman Arial

Book Antiqua Verdana

Tahoma Courier

Areas to Avoid

Job History > 10 years

Personal Information

Misleading Information

Unrelated Information

Components of a Cover Letter

• Date/Heading• Individual’s Name/Title• Company/Address• Salutation• 1st Paragraph – Power Opening• 2nd Paragraph – Purpose of Letter• 3rd Paragraph – Your Potential Contribution• 4th Paragraph – Wrap-up• Closing

Final Review of Resume & Cover Letter





Networking is getting out and meeting and talking with people for a purpose. Competency-based networking, either by telephone or in person, helps you find out information about the position you are interested in and the competencies required to be successful on the job.

1. Network with a purpose/position in mind

2. Be persistent – but don’t be too aggressive

3. Remember that your network of people is much larger than you think.

4. Don’t hesitate to discuss your job search

Business Communication: E-mail, IM, Complaint Letters, Memos, Business Letter

Business Writing

Three genres you will encounter most often in the workplace

Reflects image of you and your company

Often act as the “wrapper” to larger technical documents

Résumés Proposals Reports

When you encounter a new genre, remember the two most important elements to technical communication:

1. Audience

2. Purpose

E-mail Conventions

Least formal of the three genres

Replacing memos because of its technological advantages

Always professional and free of errors

Memo Conventions

Less formal and shorter than letters

Used most often for communication within one organization

Letter Conventions

Oldest, most formal of the three genres

Addressed to someone in another organization

Always concluded with a signature in ink

Types of Letters and Memos

Inquiry Response Transmittal Claim Adjustment Refusal

9writing strategies

1: Pay Attention to Tone

Always consider audience and purpose E-mail to an expert = respectful, friendly and

professional Complaint letter = firm, formal, demanding, but

not threatening

The word “YOU” really effects your tone.

Congratulate and thank with “you” “Your company always provides the best


Do NOT use “you” when giving bad or negative information “Your shoddy work produced a bad toaster.”

“My toaster no longer works.”Vs.

Not Good.

You must have dropped the engine. The housing is badly cracked.


The badly cracked housing suggests that your engine must have fallen onto a hard surface from some height.

2: Brief, purposeful Introduction

The first line should clarify topic & purpose

No more than four or five lines

Avoid diving into details too early or before the purpose of the communication is mentioned.

3: Review the context

We’re forgetful and busy people Your reader may not be familiar with the


Image from: http://,%20I'm%20Busy-705334.jpg

4: Follow a good-news first strategy

Image from:

5. Use a reader-centered strategy

Image from:

6: Organize your paragraphs logically

State the subject and purpose. Explain the problem in detail. Describe how the problem inconvenienced

you. State what you would like the reader to do. Thank the reader for his or her response. Provide contact information.

Claim Letters and Memos: from Johnson-Sheehan, Technical communication Today, 2nd ed., p. 482

7: Keep your paragraphs short!

No more information than necessary!

8: Use headings, lists, and tables

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec vel arcu. Sed urna. Nam ut leo at lorem sagittis porta. Quisque leo nisl, porttitor et, vulputate et, sodales a, risus. Vestibulum non sapien sodales nulla scelerisque suscipit.

Aenean vel turpis.

Etiam ultrices mollis eros.

Aliquam congue, metus ut semper faucibusCurabitur accumsan elit sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per

conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Pellentesque nibh. Curabitur dapibus bibendum orci. Fusce lacinia, massa eu volutpat feugiat, arcu purus semper diam, id rutrum urna ante id quam.

9: Have an active conclusion

Image from:

Tell your reader what you want

Give your contact information

Overview part I

Pay attention to tone Have a brief “state-your-purpose” introduction Review the context

If writing a response to some other communication, repeat the details of the context

Follow a good-news-first, bad-news-last strategy Use a reader-centered strategy

Reader and writer usually have a mutual goal – they both want something!! Both parties needs to feel they have gained something.

Organize paragraphs logically Intro, Narration, Petition and Justification

Overview part II

Keep your paragraphs short Fewer than 8 lines, and use11-point, readable font

Use headings, lists, and tables where appropriate Headings indicate sections, bulleted lists for key points,

numbered lists of sequential items, and tables to enable comparison information

Have an active conclusion Make clear what you expect the recipient to do, avoid weak

endings like “hoping to hear from you soon,” and give your contact information!

Image from:

Objective: EmailWhy is email etiquette important? We all interact with the printed word as

though it has a personality and that personality makes positive and negative impressions upon us.

Without immediate feedback your document can easily be misinterpreted by your reader, so it is crucial that you follow the basic rules of etiquette to construct an appropriate tone.


Minutes a day - average worker? 49 minutes Hours a day - top managers? 4 hours Formats are still evolving What % felt misunderstood (2000)? 51% (tone)


Be specific, concise, and catchy. 28 characters Will Attend 3 pm Meeting EOM Travel Plans for Sales Meeting Your Funding Request Approved ASAP, BTW, FYI, IMHO, TMOT


Mailing Lists

Your boss could be reading! Posts are archived. Avoid using company email address. Avoid conversations (one liners). Do not rush to lists.


Never flame. Use FULL CAPS only to emphasize a word or

two. Send messages on a need basis. Recipient’s work practice (one long or several

short messages) Quote briefly (B/A) while replying. Attachments

Smart E-Mail Practices

Reading and Replying to E-Mail Scan all messages before replying to any Print only when necessary Acknowledge receipt Don’t automatically return the sender’s message Revise the subject line if the topic changes Provide a clear, complete first sentence Never respond when you’re angry Check response before hitting “Send” Assume that all emails are monitored

The elements of email etiquette

General format Writing long messages Attachments The curse of surprises

Flaming Delivering information Delivering bad news Electronic Mailing Lists

Big Brother IS Watching!

25% have terminated employees for e-mail misuse

55% retain and review messages 86% let the employees know their email is

being monitored 84% have email policies 20% had email subpoenaed 13% had workplace lawsuits triggered by

employee emailAMA/ePolicy Institute Research

General Format: The Basics

Write a salutation for each new subject email.

Try to keep the email brief (one screen length).

Return emails within the same time you would a phone call.

Check for punctuation, spelling, and grammatical errors

Use caps when appropriate.

Format your email for plain text rather than HTML.

Use a font that has a professional or neutral look.

General Format: Character Spacing Try to keep your line length at 80 characters

or less. If your message is likely to be forwarded,

keep it to 60 characters or less. Set your email preferences to automatically

wrap outgoing plain text messages.

General Format: Lists and Bullets

When you are writing directions or want to emphasize important points, number your directions or bullet your main points.

For example,1) Place the paper in

drawer A.2) Click the green “start”

button.Another example, • Improve customer

satisfaction.• Empower employees.

General Format: Tone

• Write in a positive tone

“When you complete the report.” instead of “If you complete the report.”

• Avoid negative words that begin with “un, non, ex” or that end with “less” (useless, non-existent, ex-employee, undecided).

• Use smiles , winks ;), and other graphical symbols only when appropriate.

• Use contractions to add a friendly tone.

(don’t, won’t, can’t).

General Format: Addresses

Avoid sending emails to more than four addresses at once.

Instead, create a mailing list so that readers do not have to scroll too much before getting to the actual message.

To: [email protected]


When you are sending an attachment tell your respondent what the name of the file is, what program it is saved in, and the version of the program.

“This file is in MSWord 2000 under the name “LabFile.”

General Tips for Electronic Mailing Lists Avoid discussing private concerns and

issues. It is okay to address someone directly on the

list. Ex, “Hi Leslie, regarding your question” Change the subject heading to match the

content of your message. When conflict arises on the list speak in

person with the one with whom you are in conflict.

When your message is long

Create an “elevator” summary. Provide a table of contents on the first screen

of your email. If you require a response from the reader

then be sure to request that response in the first paragraph of your email.

Create headings for each major section.

Elevator Summary and Table of Contents

An elevator summary should have all the main components of the email.

“Our profit margin for the last quarter went down 5%. As a result I am proposing budget adjustment for the following areas…”

Table of contents

“This email contains

A. Budget projections for the last quarter

B. Actual performance for the last quarter

C. Adjustment proposal

D. Projected profitability”

Delivering Information About Meetings, Orientations, Processes

Include an elevator summary and table of contents with headings.

Provide as much information as possible.

Offer the reader an opportunity to receive the information via mail if the email is too confusing.

Do not take your reader by surprise or press them to the wall

• Do not wait until the end of the day to introduce a problem or concern via memo or email.

• Avoid writing a litany of concerns that you have been harboring for a long period of time.

Flaming in emails

• Flaming is a virtual term for venting or sending inflammatory messages in email.

• Avoid flaming because it tends to create a great deal of conflict that spirals out of control.

• Flame fights are the equivalent of food fights and tend to affect observers in a very negative way.

• What you say cannot be taken back; it is in black and white.

Keep flaming under control

• Before you send an email message, ask yourself, “would I say this to this person’s face?”

• Calm down before responding to a message that offends you. Once you send the message it is gone.

Read your message twice before you send it and assume that you may be misinterpreted when proofreading.

When you need to flame

There are times when you may need to blow off some steam.

Remember your audience and your situation before sending the email.

Here’s a way to flame:

Flame On

Your message

Flame Off

Responding to a flame

Empathize with the sender’s frustration and tell them they are right if that is true

If you feel you are right, thank them for bringing the matter to your attention

Explain what led to the problem in question

Avoid getting bogged down by details and minor arguments

If you are aware that the situation is in the process of being resolved let the reader know at the top of the response

Apologize if necessary

When Email Won’t Work

There are times when you need to take your discussion out of the virtual world and make a phone call.

If things become very heated, a lot of misunderstanding occurs, or when you are delivering very delicate news then the best way is still face-to face.

Objective: Complaint Letters




Save reader’s time

Build good will

Complaint Letters

Nursery – Plants worth $572 Dry and wilted. One came out by the roots

when I took it out of the box. Please send me a replacement shipment


Response 1

After ruling out problems in transit, I discovered that your order was packed by a new worker who didn’t understand the need to water plants thoroughly before they are shipped. We have fired the worker, so you can be assured that this will not happen again.

Although it will cost our company several hundred dollars, we will send you a replacement shipment.

Let me know if the new shipment arrives safely. We trust that you will not complain again.

Response 2

Sorry we screwed up that order. Sending plants across country is a risky business. Some of them just can’t take the strain. (Some days I can’t take the strain myself!) We’ll credit your account for $572.

Response 3

…it isn’t our fault. The box clearly says “Open and water immediately.” …If you pull by the leaves, you will pull the roots out. Always lift by the stem. Since you don’t know how to handle plants, I’m sending you a copy of our brochure, “How to Care for Your Plants.” Please read it carefully… …to avoid disappointments in the future.

We look forward to your future orders.

Response 4

Your letter of the 5th has come to the attention of the undersigned.

According to your letter, your invoice #47420 arrived in unsatisfactory condition. Please be advised that it is our policy to make adjustments as per the Terms and Conditions…

“…make an exception on your order receipt…furnish us detailed written information as to any damage.”

… you must comply with our terms and see that the necessary documents reach the undersigned by the close of the business day on the 20th of the month.

Response 5

You’ll get a replacement shipment of the perennials you ordered next week.

Your plants are watered carefully before shipment and packed in specially designed cardboard containers. But if the weather is unusually warm, or if the truck is delayed, small roots may dry out. Perhaps, this happened with your plants.

The violas, digitalis, aquilegias and hostas you ordered are long-blooming perennials that will get even prettier each year. Enjoy your garden.









Writer Initial audience Gatekeeper Primary audience Secondary audience Watchdog audience

Communicate across Cultures

Gender Race and ethnicity Regional and national origin Social class Religion Age Sexual orientation Physical ability

Objective: Meeting Agenda

Time and place Whether each item is presented for

information, for discussion, or for a decision

Minutes of the Meeting

Decisions Reached Action Items Open Issues

Objective: MemosCharacteristics of Successful Memos Headings: Date, To, From, Subject Single topic Conversational tone Conciseness Graphic highlighting

Organization of Memos

Subject line

Budget Meeting June 3, 10 a m


Indirect (ineffective)

Direct (effective)



This is to inform you that we must complete the annual operating budgets shortly. Over the past two months many supervisors have met to discuss their departmental needs.

All supervisors and coordinators will meet June 3 at 10 a.m. to work out the annual operating budgets for their departments.

Formatting Hard-Copy Memos

DATE: Current

TO: Rob Montaine

FROM: Heidi Chan


Welcome to Multimedia, Rob! I’m pleased to be able to answer your questions about stationery for memos in the organization

Please examine the enclosed samples and call me if you have additional questions



1 25” side 1 25” side marginsmargins

Jagged Jagged right edgeright edge

2 blank lines here2 blank lines here

Memo Example

DATE: Current

TO: Kim Johnson, Corporate Communications

FROM: Tim Rudolph, CEO

SUBJECT:DEVELOPING STAFF E-MAIL POLICY Please draft a policy outlining appropriate e-mail use for employees.

Our company needs such a policy because I have received reports of misuse including offensive statements, pornography downloads, and even gambling. Here are a few points that the policy should cover:

E-mail is for business only and E-mail messages may be monitored.

No pictures or other attachments should be sent without valid reason.

E-mail should not be used to discuss personnel matters.

Please submit a draft to me by October 1 so a policy can Please submit a draft to me by October 1 so a policy can be completed by November 1. Call me at 836-3155 if you be completed by November 1. Call me at 836-3155 if you have questions.have questions.

Objective: IM

Google blends instant messaging with e-mail

IM not just for teenagers and college students

Biggest benefit to project work teams

"Instant messaging could well be the dial tone of the future — albeit a silent one.",4621,324452,00.html

Instant Messaging in Business Pro: Saves time and effort

DO: Keep messages concise and simple

Pro: Improves customer service DO: Create separate work/social buddy lists DO: Use an identifiable username DO: Update your status throughout the day Pro: Enables persistent connection

Con: Security risks DO: Be aware of virus and related security risks DON’T: Share personal data or information via IM,4621,324452,00.html

IM in Business

Con: Creates new legal risks DO: Adopt a user policy for instant messaging DON'T: Use instant messaging to communicate confidential or

sensitive information. DO: Be aware that instant messages can be saved. DON'T: Compromise your company's liability, or your own


Con: Decreased productivity DON'T: Allow excessive personal messaging at work.

Con: Limited interoperability between IM systems

Objective: The Business Letter

Acceptable Format of the Business Letter

Types of Letters

Letters that Request Information Letters that Request Action Letters that Convey Information Good News Letters Bad News Letters Transmittal Letters Confirmation Letter

Kinds of Actions Continued Meet with sales representatives. Try a sample. Persuade a potential customer. Comply with a previous request. Comply with a contract. Terminate an arrangement.

In General It Should:

Show an Attractive Letterhead

Be Symmetrical and Balanced


Proper Grammar

Correct Spelling

Logically Correct Sentences

The Letterhead Should Contain Your:

Name Address Phone Number E-mail Fax Number

And Have a Bottom Border (which is no

more than 2 inches below the margin)

The LetterThe letter has six (6) parts:

1. The Dateline

2. The Inside Address

3. The Salutation4. The Message (body of the letter)

5. The Complimentary Close

6. The Signature Block

The Dateline

Month written out, e.g.,

August 12, 2002

2 to 6 lines below the border of the Letterhead (This allows the writer to adjust for balance)

The Date

The Inside Address The Inside Address should be basically what

will appear on the envelope (outside address)

3 to 8 lines below the Dateline (allows for balance adjustment)

It should include: Courtesy Title and Full Name Business Affiliation Full Geographical Location


Mrs. June Smith PresidentJune’s Bakery14 Egg RoadSweetness, NJ 15437

The Salutation Say Hello to the person:

Dear Mrs. Smith, Dear Mr. Jones,

(exactly) 2lines below the inside address

Message (body of the Letter)

2 lines below the Salutation

Single Spaced

Blank Line Between Paragraphs

Say what you have to say!

Complimentary Close (exactly) 2 lines below the last line of the


Yours Truly,

For Example: Sincerely,

Say Goodbye

The Signature BlockLeave at least 3 blank lines (for the actual signature)


Key Your Name (as you will sign it)

If You Like, Key Your Title Under Your Name

The End