c a s :h · ilahis to nsot~rtoitt lhcir views illi ihn ~nh-j,’el}. ’i,~ true, holli¯ver, thal...

administer to herr 1 " forher, of advise oF-diiect her to ~ons mslieiohl~ly, and without ati0n~, means whatever with the like intent. ~hall on con’viction theleof bo adjudg misdemea~ .. woman or in eonsequene0 there- DO~ 7imprisou-_: than teq years; and in eass the"woman. ,--:--or-.¢hiid do not die in eonse.qqenee-th~/e ~ n ~eunilni.ii ~= fine nSt-eIeeed- ing fire hundred dollars al in]prison- 2.. And be.it ensmed, That any person provl 0t this act=shall be competent witness .... agai/i~ ao7 other :iiGfA6h and may be ¢ompol}ed to appear ~ vidc~ c .o_:.b ~Iom--any mare: grand n}an- her as other persons ; but tbe tes|in~0n eo givenshall not bo usedSu prosceutiol~ .--or-p roeeedtllgr civil-and .the handr¢.d and nlent, ....... sbml take eff,.et immediately. - " ’ Appl;oved ~troh 25, 1872 ( An act to Jaeilita roads. .... -_ ._ CItAI~-ER-CCXV, ...... |n the warrnntofthoeom _A;_suppltTmentLunan:-aei.-e,n fftl~dm LA~ tth~ t4,-elbo-a, meting:he.Orphans ~ourt aria e boy wider the ago n| sixt,.’en _ powers and autholity ot have been sentenced; after ~roved Ap preme Assembl$; of ths ¢otlrt on coral; -Ttia~-~trir" i~roh-~-o f ~.thW~il1~f-stiturea din|,n any person resident in thih State at ttm shall be sati,fie~i" that be is a -suitable time of his 6r her decca,e, which has subject for the .been_or_may- I,erea fter4ooMut prbvided. .- . , ¯ . 3. ’And be it enacted;That-this-act ~0fI AP3?EK CCI~XO[~v---: -’~ An Aet dntidcd " AuAct to:re .ct entitled" A supplemnn wills lrmn other¯ 6r forelgn yoeight h,~one thous - Be it chanted by the ; and provided further, that noth- stmtl~~ Jersey, That the act eetitled " A action or )raeeo,,in~ heretofnre-Com- ment to tbo aet entitled * Auact relative pending. - to the probate-o!*ills from other or 2. And be it onact¢~, That this act loreignstatos Mareh twenty- shall take effect immediatelv_._s, 872. sixt$’-six, bc and tho mimeis hereby~re: ¯ CftAPTER COXXI¥. ~eal~d. A further supplement to an. nrganlzatioa ol the shall take effect ioi entto ths,aet entitlecl to confer a lineal ~r bre~’et rahk tor gal- "]ant services in the field, upon acy ettl. ::-ed X~-tiifixteenth, thousand eil~ht hundred United ; pro- _mentbe , gliinn,’ " lippcovcd Mareb.sev,,nieeutii,, tiliO tho’usilTid eighl hundred and l~eVilii ty. , 1. ])o it enlleh~ by Ihc l~dnltlO II1111 ¯ (]ulierli] Asaenibl~,tll tho ~qtanro[’-~0w- , t ° Ji rs,.y, I h it I,ho ~|l’st 14el,ttllli o~ Ihit act Io wh:ni th S ih’ li [nrlhcr Sltlli’ihHllent! whidt irohibitl~ tho killing nl whhi’r htwl, t]llring 0ul’tain i~nlimin% whhlti ihe llttih~ et iho ttiwti~hip o[ lirioki in ihe ctlnutyot ft)thlan, bil s,i "iinlelilh.l its Ill; ielid, lie. twt’°q Ih° lirst ’lay °] S"ldend’er a"ll tl"° lir.t ti.v .t At,ril, y,,*lyalt,I every yonr, iliqu,itl" ll| ~ "tilitwuon tim ’fir,~t dayn| O,,u,her a,ld th,t llrst d,,~’ nt AI,rll ~’e,,rlv nlid tIVqry ,ynar," as din sliid aot now ]’c’ad~, ’, , 2. l~klld hll it tHlaoted, That~onltlt~h O[ Ih*i hahl uiJ£ a.t is COli,,i~lll’llt withlile pro- lishl,lt’tll~liis iiot bll, and tbo biini0 i,.t hui oh7 rell ~li dd. a ¯ 3 Ail,I lilt it t.nneTod,’rtiat this act Idiii,I iuko nile& inllll,.dia~lih’. ’ Appiovml i%lar.h 13. IS72. CIIAI’TI’~R CCXVII. Ausat to iuiprllvo tl,o 8isle Library. h Jio it enul~htd by tllu 81,11alO and (]euor¯l A-~enlbly~.! the 14tale el I~le~v ’Jerll~. Tli ttle-llddhi-n.l lalu iJ tdli ¯ ihousand du~hlrs be Spllroilriatod iuuua]ly o i’|ihnullds to pl,leu tlti~, illlllt~r hetura lbc, Uiiitlld ~/]lt~ (J01igross and urgo its lill~i.- ago, alid lhat,no ,niiiuie8 sliall bo all[ft. ~, priated" lilr-thi~ i,ayi/,.iiii 711Vtiu~li S~:r~ieos, Approved M$,rpll 15, 1872.. ........... CIIAPTER’L’UX-I~VIIIi --.~ A furtho’r i, upp]enmnt to tile" Act for the ilrganil~llliOlt ill lho Nathlnsi I.]usrd ,d tllo State’hi Now Jersey." 1: lht it eliaeht4 lly thn S.itato and ;,tlulici’al As~ulllbly’of Iho ~latn ol ~low .Jersey,’rha~ tlio Ill.st i~eoihinot" I]lo net tu which Ihia is a I~hl,llhtltienl,,sinlll bo and tlill salnois herelly anicilded a~ fill lows, Ihat Is In lay, |ly Mriking out Ihc wnrds " I,r,,vid~d, ,tl.at caon, 0oUlity "ui llio .i"to ~luiil bl~ eniiiled io tilie/ll said elnillialihl~i, ’l alltl illmlriing, "’ lirovidcd, ilia{ hi addhiliu ttl die Ioiel7 now ~lluthor. iaed,~lliure b~l allowed lop" addilhmal cuuipal,iiea ol eolorud hillniry, 2. Aild hu it cnaeledlTiiat ull aria and Imrlao[ lit~t~ in Ixnllliel whh this uot ,aro¯ hvrubyrelu’uled. . " 3.’Aad bo iteunctld.’That thi~ ael sh~ll luko dl’~m |utinetliatdy. Approved March 21, It’172. CllAlq’Elt CCOX01. All Act ]or the l~llapptlrt ill Ihu Stata]{¢- tor’ni Scll.o ! fol Boy~. L lie it uliaolcd by Ihu ~eaate sud s The count? c’~[’l|ud~ou shall cot,- stittttc and bo"o~lLocl the .’;Soeenth di~- trier," . " 2. ’ And he it enacted, That each el’ said di~lriets ~hllll eleo{ nan person to rt,preq,ut this state iatho Iwluso Ot tel,- rt, sentadves o[ the hold nu tho ’l’ut:~day next a[’t~!t!ho first ~[,lliday in ~ll~elilltt#r- iR-,,xt~iind nui]lo Tuesdliy,nl~ltalh, r tlio llrsl i~hnlday-in--Noveinber- ]Ift;~h-~,c= Altprl~ved March°7, ]S72 ’/’lie Cllie:Igo ]ntct:Occun nolesp rt’- ~tark el the groal ;’ ],iberallst," Scovel, whicll ha~ie~eaped ’our atteption,"and proceeds to c,nm~Ont thereof, wry p©rti- nentiy, Is tallows:. ’ Tlie ~ New ,|ersey ],iborlth do not sail ~ultder [alse eolnr,... |hill, Jllnies 31. Sce- -vel r al-a-llleeil ~ n-(-~li-II~ o[Jii.~ r~niarkssaid "¯ I. wiro.lhtlo.w het her¯ it is (h’all llfowa or Iloruen Greeloy-- (lharl.s ~lUlilller or ].l’n!ali. ’J’rnnibull. -1%’6 7ill¯iTh’liill0itossess lhohlnd," Mr. Seovel has " hit tho nail on tlic head," 21]ilo.--Lil~ltral-ntoventent-ts- organized "-[iy b.M, bad Ineli who havo I.rinked ihe coulld~iil’ettFI]le ]hqiubli¢llil party. Their eorropt prllllllOetl ]iavn been di~aoveretl, and they havo hi,oft drivon from I,Isee attd lillwl!r beeaut~n ’/hey proved unworlhy nl IrllSl. llciidert, d liillilioal 6uicattla lly Ili,,il eriliies llgUilii~t Ilieir pariy aud die pt,t,l~le, Iboy rulh tn~a a eoalitiun wilh s Dcinocraiio ort4auitation wiiono Icudcra ara now under itidiotnionL Ior critnes to iqOll01idoU~l al~ Itearly to lilvn bankrultted tllo, et.ict’ ntly ol I]ie iiali6n. (.Jl ct,ur,,e thoy eartl not whether it hi llrewn Trum- tlull. Grel~ley or ~UlUliCr, lht,y lint It, " go Ul) Ill iio~estl. }i ¯ t 0 land ’,’--io lilunga Ihei’r handa dcell IIIIU lho lrea~ury alld withdraw tbClll uilly whuu. ihe ~,ll’e,~ are ’lqdi’lty. ’1’lie Libtond conepinwy ia ahnilar to that ol Tauinlany~ lind ’had nn hiilller i, url,o~e. ’ . The Albany E¢¢nl, tg Jour, al euggolla Ihlt thu llro|eeled c~lalitiou party be chri~lou~d thus: Lih.ral l{e.uhlou i’r~ ll,cUnU D,mlueiatio R~form Ftee’l’rade Republish. .... ~ .. any, whodo nnt (eel that, mav I~ one, ol, (Jeneral (Iru.t, any means Lhk¢_.khid "th,t Cine present to the eouotry; that however desirable ~t~m~y be asia Agr.a,mte-of- the nd-~’-We--Have It,’"nr-s-at s dit- ,eount,anlt ltembold, the notorious gisG’has_gono out of busil ilitieent store 0, Broadwaywas so]d out at sue’liOn, realizihg $15,000. Hqmbold owed his adve IrLLalmLi~h~leighhnrlanod i i poudeu~v eays.: ........... :/ ...... ’.-: ilia skeich of the lira tlf llnrilee [ey-iu-v0u r -i~u ~-6f-t h~-4ili- the toilowin~’ 14oiiletieti : Impularwllh tim c.htred itl.o|~ rohel% and tho llrot~’etiOili~lS. ’ asattrtt yOU that ~o |,Jr as the cll!orl;d peoplent’ %~irgilthi, sru entielortied. Ihe sialeinelll ia llQt IrUO (iitid I havo liikt+n ilahis to nsot~rtoitt lhcir views illi Ihn ~nh- j,’el}. ’I,~ true, holli¯ver, thal they utterly relludiiilo Ititn, and have had n,, ennlldlmae In hhn shleolit, ai,i&i tilt, r,Hiol hs (Joverm,r on the ll,:,,tde nt thia .Aalr. Tho writer ~an’li,~Siil’l~ "~f~Girceh’y -(huf Ihneoliffvd ’lit Olile il|’, %~ll’gilihi hiive had eliOill~h of Jliborllt nlliVOS, llqd Iifiit Ulilh,,r iio cirnolm.tiiucl,swill Ilil,y lUlliliill+t hiul h)r ilnythinK, ’l’h0y do. hownvl~r,_re~ag--- I-iil/tll-I:ht/a,-abln tlewnlnillVr niall, lllid tar nilirn INiinpelenl Io edit,, Iho lrl’bu.e than iosb~urdly ilsllhe Ill Ihe l~resitletley. ’rho Mtirril4’own Jtwar.vlnau nays : ’.i lill New llrunswiok /"rrdmdan ltug- gems,’andtho Nm~urk Coart’e," elld.t~ea the names o]" Ihnl, Aloxandt.’ G. Uuttoll and (Jtlrthuldt"Parkur, Eml., a. two ui lllu llnlegalea at lurge Irolli tiii~ Slala to th~ ¯ Rupublie.u ~aihnial (Joliveiiiiun, We idiouhl ba ghd IO tq;e themchll.ea by a nlianiitious vulo. ~ewJor.~cy ]dis 11o Iruor ihqlubliimns, no Inoro abl,t alid up- i;ilht chililiis, Ihan iheev getillulnen, and nono that could tnord lully ro(irosVlll liiO f~nli.gS ul.eur pUol~lo i. Ihill ~OliVlaithln. ~Iklid n0i|iing could lii tl~o loldbly ~h,lw lile iloshhln ol ourSIiIO ou iho Preaidoatill queolitltl, sud ihlt intlunnt~ hera of Ihu ulauior ililillill~ l|io Adluinislraliult, Ihan Iho lirel~nco OI ]lIusei’i i, ~atlell and Put’- kor it lqlihldelphil as litll ilrediled iel I- retmntativca o] Iho lh.~Publieanll OI Naw Je.loy, in eoulllnt with Jim 8a~Vnl Ind ilia iril~l ol a~ll-~lcet~d ’Dnlcllatea Sl Ciid,,-.lk .... ’, .... I .Drugs a;nd. Medicines, ........ --~, I~-~loriinr Jtot|evilo unlJ ][AMMOSITON, N,J ...... .......... ... ~lPalnts of i‘ll e01ors iround la.nlh Ztnu and Whtlt Load, Vartihlhel~ llrushos; Wlndow. tlll,ll, ltuw and llullod l,luleod Oil Coal 0111 ,. Nl.atfl, ui tlib t’iuwiull Maohlne OII, Lard O11~ Paragnn[O|l. 8111rite Tnr,,tmtlno, ~hnzluel JI, u.i AO. AIM ~ A~ore and .ol ll|o,i e lel i De- nioltla ]Jle ,, i‘li,I .It iIc,~1 erllelcll msaro dlUall# kept In I -~,antry Drug-Store, DIIYSIel)tN8 P ItE’~ll l,’r~ON ’Allod nnd,ut un" w|lh 8 !’ --rrhe snhsnrthev|i¯tha "ohly ’a(i!lioill4d II~nt In t:dl towufar tho sale uf /Irandreth’s U, V,, . ~. ’"

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Page 1: C A S :H · ilahis to nsot~rtoitt lhcir views illi Ihn ~nh-j,’el}. ’I,~ true, holli¯ver, thal they utterly relludiiilo Ititn, and have had n,, ennlldlmae In hhn shleo lit, ai,i&i

.UI’ ’l’ttA]

Th(s maehiau will henli fetl,-!~sthor and sow eu .-

ted to meet th~ wilt, to of ovary motnhoe u[ thefamily.

.... Fur the.trifli’~ll ,eh~’o of $4 00

~.~struotiv= and entcrtainiag reading ;

I very f, fr bohlnd tl e spirit.of thv nut~.

...... .Swi~ Muslin to Hea, l / " .....AVER aT, aTe.


administer to herr 1" forher, of advise oF-diiect her to

~ons mslieiohl~ly, and withoutati0n~,

means whatever with the like intent.~hall on con’viction theleof bo adjudg

misdemea~.. woman or in eonsequene0 there-


than teq years; and in eass the"woman.,--:--or-.¢hiid do not die in eonse.qqenee-th~/e~

n ~eunilni.ii

~= fine nSt-eIeeed-ing fire hundred dollars al in]prison-

2.. And be.it ensmed, That any personprovl

0t this act=shall be competent witness.... agai/i~ ao7 other :iiGfA6h

and may be ¢ompol}ed to appear~ vidc~ c .o_:.b ~Iom--any mare: grand


her as other persons ; but tbe tes|in~0neo given shall not bo usedSu prosceutiol~

.--or-p roeeedtllgr civil-and.the

handr¢.d and


....... sbml take eff,.et immediately. -’ " ’ Appl;oved ~troh 25, 1872

(An act to Jaeilita


.... -_ ._ CItAI~-ER-CCXV, ’ ...... |n the warrnntofthoeom

_A;_suppltTmentLunan:-aei.-e,n fftl~dm LA~ tth~t4,-elbo-a,

meting:he.Orphans ~ourt aria e boy wider the ago n| sixt,.’en_ powers and autholity ot have been sentenced; after

~roved Appreme

Assembl$; of ths ¢otlrt on coral;-Ttia~-~trir" i~roh-~-o f ~.thW~il1~f -stiturea din|,n

any person resident in thih State at ttm shall be sati,fie~i" that be is a -suitabletime of his 6r her decca,e, which has subject for the

.been_or_may- I,erea fter4ooM utprbvided. .- . , ¯ .

3. ’And be it enacted;That-this-act

~0fI AP3?EK CCI~XO[~v---: -’~An Aet dntidcd " Au Act to:re

.ct entitled" A supplemnn

wills lrmn other¯ 6r forelgnyoeight h,~one thous-

Be it chanted by the; and provided further, that noth-

stmtl~~ Jersey, That the act eetitled " Aaction or )raeeo,,in~ heretofnre-Com- ment to tbo aet entitled * Au act relative

pending. - to the probate-o!*ills from other or2. And be it onact¢~, That this act loreignstatos Mareh twenty-

shall take effect immediatelv_._s,872. sixt$’-six, bc and tho mime is hereby~re:

¯ CftAPTER COXXI¥. ~eal~d.A further supplement to an.

nrganlzatioa ol the shall take effect ioi

ent to ths,aet entitlecl

to confer a lineal ~r bre~’et rahk tor gal-"]ant services in the field, upon acy ettl.

::-ed X~-tii fixteenth,thousand eil~ht hundred

United ; pro- _mentbe

Vinehind !~0.21)p iUl Brjdgeton IL00

¯ 345 p m, n riving at Rogeil~ (Hammoutma),T ~b p m, Atsion 5 40 p m.

P.m, Bridguton 9.00p m, Green-wi©h 9.15 p m. "

tired all day in New York lud

180 f6et deep. A finseestdeneo whh moduru improvementl

ItESIDEIqCE--In Fourth ward ettuated50_ feetfronh 100 doe

Port Office.¯ TEN AORig8 LA~D--Adjal~lng ¢orpurattonabout one wile from post ottlee, with house andhate, suitablo for vegetable or ,g put

LOTS,Manner of Distributing the a.d the only-dlre~t r,,uto betwceu:Nnw Yorkand Long ltranoh, Red Bal~k, Flrml.lgdale,

Brloksburg, Maaohcstert Tams ltll~sr. Barnegal,


Property.Them will he ̄ dupllelte nmnbor of Iheretit and’lellllitrid~ and:prlvlous to titl’dlstrl



111110 ’ " , gliinn,’ " lippcovcd Mareb.sev,,nieeutii,,I1 ’ tiliO tho’usilTid eighl hundred and l~eVilii-

., ty. ,". 1. ])o it enlleh~ by Ihc l~dnltlO II1111

I~ns aSlllortmsn| of FllRNI’/’llltl~--ilu(eeut,¯

(]ulierli] Asaenibl~,tll tho ~qtanro[’-~0w-, t °lirrort b Leungea, ~ablos, ]lt41teldi, Mat; Ji rs,.y, I h it I,ho ~|l’st 14el,ttllli o~ Ihit act Io

rillll I ¯e., Jko. We cannot he I’eateu In thUImarkqt, sad if uur friends consult their ball wh:n i th S ih’ li [nrlhcr Sltlli’ihHllent!hltarelil ’lhey will hoar in mind iile oASll whidt irohibitl~ tho killing nl whhi’r htwl,

8TORII nf M D. & J, W, DBPIIY~ lllnllon-t]llring 0ul’tain i~nlimin% whhlti ihe llttih~

tun~ N. ", , tll.l et iho ttiwti~hip o[ lirioki in ihe ctlnutyot._.._..___._.’ , ’ ft)thlan, bil s,i "iinlelilh.l its Ill; ielid, lie.

P p y!twt’°q Ih° lirst ’lay °] S"ldend’er a"ll tl"°

O Or lir.t ti.v .t At,ril, y,,*ly alt,I every yonr,iliqu,itl" ll| ~ "tilitwuon tim ’fir,~t day n|

The Foe of the Church ~" Rq~ubllc O,,u,her a,ld th,t llrst d,,~’ nt AI,rll ~’e,,rlv

WhetlLhasdooe, Whet llll dolngendwhltnlid tIVqry ,ynar," as din sliid aot now

Lt inesnl lo do--dtl powor--lts dotpolh, m--lit]’c’ad~, ’, ,

lulalllablllly--lls frouds---;IIs rlllel--hi nilrl 2. l~klld hll it tHlaoted, That ~o nltlt~h O[elss--ltihlelalry--ltl porleeullaas--ltshotrtd Ih*i hahl uiJ£ a.t is COli,,i~lll’llt with lile pro-ef our puhlle ionei|i lud ot Ilrll au’l rlllltuis lishl,lt’tll~liis iiot bll, and tbo biini0 i,.tIIhtrly. lti slartlln I i~llleS, lie h~rtld wlel- hui oh7 rell ~li dd. a ̄eduels’indtUl New lock Rltgll. 3 Ail,I lilt it t.nneTod, ’rtiat this act

A beok Ihlt Is wmnlod ovorywhoro, Idiii,I iuko nile& inllll,.dia~lih’. ’Porminont I~mploymvnt at/AberldPa} Oltbrodl

Appiovml i%lar.h 13. IS72.Youag ~eei L¯dleo, Toadlers aud Olargymcn, CIIAI’TI’~R CCXVII.iu o,e yaowu and eouoty. B.u4 for eirlalal Au sat to iuiprllvo tl,o 8isle Library.Io , Z}~ItILKh ¯ lt,~UURliY, h Jio it enul~htd by tllu 81,11alO and

llg &~h st., Pblladolpllt¯~ P¯,i II1| illllet~ (]euor¯l A-~enlbly~ .! the 14tale el I~le~vCtlela¯attl, Okloi bUS North ~lillk It., I#il.ttl~ ’Jerll~. Tli ttle-llddhi-n.l lalu iJ tdlill.t III Mlil’BIrtll, ltl~rialllsld i ill.ill, i. li¯ ihousand du~hlrs be Spllroilriatod iuuua]ly




i’|ihnullds to pl,leu tlti~, illlllt~r hetura lbc,Uiiitlld ~/]lt~ (J01igross and urgo its lill~i.-ago, alid lhat,no ,niiiuie8 sliall bo all[ft.~,priated" lilr-thi~ i,ayi/,.iiii 711Vtiu~li’ S~:r~ieos,

Approved M$,rpll 15, 1872.............CIIAPTER’L’UX-I~VIIIi --.~A furtho’r i, upp]enmnt to tile" Act for

the ilrganil~llliOlt ill lho Nathlnsi I.]usrd,d tllo State’hi Now Jersey."1: lht it eliaeht4 lly thn S.itato and

;,tlulici’al As~ulllbly’of Iho ~latn ol ~low.Jersey, ’rha~ tlio Ill.st i~eoihin ot" I]lo nettu which Ihia is a I~hl,llhtltienl,,sinlll boand tlill salno is herelly anicilded a~ filllows, Ihat Is In lay, |ly Mriking out Ihcwnrds " I,r,,vid~d, ,tl.at caon, 0oUlity "uillio .i"to ~luiil bl~ eniiiled io tilie/ll saidelnillialihl~i, ’l alltl illmlriing, "’ lirovidcd,ilia{ hi addhiliu ttl die Ioiel7 now ~lluthor.iaed,~lliure b~l allowed lop" addilhmalcuuipal,iiea ol eolorud hillniry,

2. Aild hu it cnaeledl Tiiat ull aria andImrla o[ lit~t~ in Ixnllliel whh this uot ,aro¯hvruby relu’uled. . ’ "

3. ’Aad bo it eunctld.’That thi~ aelsh~ll luko dl’~m |utinetliatdy.

Approved March 21, It’172.CllAlq’Elt CCOX01.

All Act ]or the l~llapptlrt ill Ihu Stata ]{¢-tor’ni Scll.o! fol Boy~.

L lie it uliaolcd by Ihu ~eaate sud


The count? c’~[’l|ud~ou shall cot,-stittttc and bo"o~lLocl the .’;Soeenth di~-trier," . " ’

2. ’ And he it enacted, That each el’said di~lriets ~hllll eleo{ nan person tort,preq,ut this state iatho Iwluso Ot tel,-rt, sentadves o[ the

hold nu tho ’l’ut:~daynext a[’t~!t!ho first ~[,lliday in ~ll~elilltt#r-iR-,,xt~iind nu i]lo Tuesdliy,nl~lt alh, r tliollrsl i~hnlday-in--Noveinber- ]Ift;~h-~,c=

Altprl~ved March °7, ]S72

’/’lie Cllie:Igo ]ntct:Occun nolesp rt’-~tark el the groal ;’ ],iberallst," Scovel,whicll ha~i e~eaped ’our atteption,"andproceeds to c,nm~Ont thereof, wry p©rti-nentiy, Is tallows: . ’

Tlie~ New ,|ersey ],iborlth do not sail~ultder [alse eolnr,... |hill, Jllnies 31. Sce--vel r al-a-llleeil ~ n-(-~li-II~o[Jii.~ r~niarkssaid "¯ I. wiro.lhtlo.w het her¯it is (h’all llfowa or Iloruen Greeloy--(lharl.s ~lUlilller or ].l’n!ali. ’J’rnnibull.-1%’6 7ill¯iTh’liill0itossess lhohlnd," Mr.Seovel has " hit tho nail on tlic head,"21]ilo.--Lil~ltral-ntoventent-ts- organized "-[iyb.M, bad Ineli who havo I.rinked ihecoulld~iil’ettFI]le ]hqiubli¢llil party. Theireorropt prllllllOetl ]iavn been di~aoveretl,and they havo hi,oft drivon from I,Isee attdlillwl!r beeaut~n ’/hey proved unworlhy nlIrllSl. llciidert, d liillilioal 6uicattla llyIli,,il eriliies llgUilii~t Ilieir pariy aud diept,t,l~le, Iboy rulh tn~a a eoalitiun wilh sDcinocraiio ort4auitation wiiono Icudcraara now under itidiotnionL Ior critnes toiqOll01idoU~l al~ Itearly to lilvn bankrulttedtllo, et.ict’ ntly ol I]ie iiali6n. (.Jl ct,ur,,ethoy eartl not whether it hi llrewn Trum-tlull. Grel~ley or ~UlUliCr, lht,y lint It," go Ul) Ill iio~estl. }i¯ t 0 land ’,’--io lilungaIhei’r handa dcell IIIIU lho lrea~ury alld

withdraw tbClll uilly whuu. ihe ~,ll’e,~ are’lqdi’lty. ’1’lie Libtond conepinwy ia ahnilarto that ol Tauinlany~ lind ’had nn hiillleri, url,o~e. ’ .

The Albany E¢¢nl, tg Jour, al euggollaIhlt thu llro|eeled c~lalitiou party bechri~lou~d thus: Lih.ral l{e.uhlou i’r~ll,cUnU D,mlueiatio R~form Ftee’l’radeRepublish. .... ~ ..

any, who do nnt (eel that,mav I~one, ol, (Jeneral (Iru.t,any means Lhk¢_.khid"th,t Cinepresent to the eouotry; thathowever desirable ~t~m~y be asiaAgr.a,mte-of- the

nd-~’-We--Have It,’"nr-s- at s dit-,eount,anlt ltembold, the notoriousgisG’has_gono out of busililitieent store 0, Broadway was so]d outat sue’liOn, realizihg $15,000. Hqmboldowed his adve IrLLalmLi~h~leighhnrlanod

i i poudeu~veays.: ........... :/ ......’.-:

ilia skeich of the lira tlf llnrilee[ey-iu-v0u r -i~u ~-6 f-t h~-4ili-the toilowin~’ 14oiiletieti :Impular wllh tim c.htred itl.o|~rohel% and tho llrot~’etiOili~lS. ’asattrtt yOU that ~o |,Jr as the cll!orl;dpeople nt’ %~irgilthi, sru entielortied. Ihesialeinelll ia llQt IrUO (iitid I havo liikt+nilahis to nsot~rtoitt lhcir views illi Ihn ~nh-j,’el}. ’I,~ true, holli¯ver, thal theyutterly relludiiilo Ititn, and have had n,,ennlldlmae In hhn shleo lit, ai,i&i tilt, r,Hiol

hs (Joverm,r on the ll,:,,tde nt thia .Aalr.Tho writer ~an’li,~Siil’l~ "~f~Girceh’y -(hufIhn eoliffvd ’lit Olile il|’, %~ll’gilihi hiive hadeliOill~h of Jliborllt nlliVOS, llqd Iifiit Ulilh,,riio cirnolm.tiiucl,s will Ilil,y lUlliliill+t hiulh)r ilnythinK, ’l’h0y do. hownvl~r,_re~ag---

I-iil/tll-I:ht/a,-abln tlewnlnillVr niall, lllidtar nilirn INiinpelenl Io edit,, Iho lrl’bu.ethan iosb~urdly ilsllhe Ill Ihe l~resitletley.

’rho Mtirril4’own Jtwar.vlnau nays : ’’.i lill New llrunswiok /"rrdmdan ltug-

gems,’and tho Nm~urk Coart’e," elld.t~eathe names o]" Ihnl, Aloxandt.’ G. Uuttolland (Jtlrthuldt"Parkur, Eml., a. two ui lllullnlegalea at lurge Irolli tiii~ Slala to th~¯ Rupublie.u ~aihnial (Joliveiiiiun, Weidiouhl ba ghd IO tq;e them chll.ea by anlianiitious vulo. ~ew Jor.~cy ]dis 11oIruor ihqlubliimns, no Inoro abl,t alid up-i;ilht chililiis, Ihan iheev getillulnen, andnono that could tnord lully ro(irosVlll liiOf~nli.gS ul.eur pUol~lo i. Ihill ~OliVlaithln.~Iklid n0i|iing could lii tl~o loldbly ~h,lw lileiloshhln ol ourSIiIO ou iho Preaidoatillqueolitltl, sud ihlt intlunnt~ hera of Ihuulauior ililillill~ l|io Adluinislraliult, IhanIho lirel~nco OI ]lIusei’i i, ~atlell and Put’-kor it lqlihldelphil as litll ilrediled ielI-

retmntativca o] Iho lh.~Publieanll OI NawJe.loy, in eoulllnt with Jim 8a~Vnl Indilia iril~l ol a~ll-~lcet~d ’Dnlcllatea SlCiid,,-.lk .... ’, ....


.Drugs a;nd. Medicines, ........--~, I~-~loriinr Jtot|evilo unlJ

][AMMOSITON, N,J ...... ’ .......... ...~lPalnts of i‘ll e01ors iround la.nlh Ztnu and

Whtlt Load, Vartihlhel~ llrushos; Wlndow.tlll,ll, ltuw and llullod l,luleod Oil Coal 0111 ,.Nl.atfl, ui tlib t’iuwiull Maohlne OII, Lard O11~Paragnn[O|l. 8111rite Tnr,,tmtlno, ~hnzluel JI, u.iAO. AIM ~ A~ore and .ol ll|o,i e lel i De-nioltla ]Jle ,, i‘li,I .It iIc,~1 erllelcll ms aro dlUall#kept In I -~,antry Drug-Store,

DIIYSIel)tN8 P ItE’~ll l,’r~ON ’Allod nnd ,ut un" w|lh

8 !’

--rrhe snhsnrthev|i¯tha "ohly ’a(i!lioill4d II~ntIn t:dl towu far tho sale uf /Irandreth’s U, V,, . ~. ’"

Page 2: C A S :H · ilahis to nsot~rtoitt lhcir views illi Ihn ~nh-j,’el}. ’I,~ true, holli¯ver, thal they utterly relludiiilo Ititn, and have had n,, ennlldlmae In hhn shleo lit, ai,i&i

......H.AI~g.]~O.~’~-O.z~ r, :: i_. aideration Of shelter should, danger°us ~ induCecoune. Thcany I llow to:C~mmbn~ Busfues "

heavy rain..... Jktlantle. Countr. New_Jersey¢... -, t-~,- lo~led ~rith

¯ There are mpny young men who arein the habit of excusing their idlenessand i,mflle.idnc ’ with.the plea

~ t6 seek the

;;. 9anger from Lightning. : iThe notion that lightning does not

penetra~ the earth to.any considerableciepth, wa~ in ancient times it wide-

one. is Still in

. ’ "cisteritvlabc~, q The water may be

_,- as an additional electri-


; in theoe6ffffod¢6 a

sons whost0od: ih the of a

should-have pea.sod away~-

der-st0rm isp~ro~:essiz}g and-non~r, theb~t ~ ~arseC~s tO place ov~’sself at a moderato .dhtance from some..~II ,tr~es....Fgr~nklin consk!e~cl ..a.. dis-.tahoe of about fifteeen or twenty feet

,: also~onsidered-five

~ ductor of electricity, that, under-cer~aiu But- ’ - j.-eirbumst~nc~’a si~eet~of ~¢ator-aff6i:dJ is-10fty~ a s greater distunc6 is

almes~t c~Inphte Pr°toqtl°]vtg~-- ¯ hateve2 preferable.

ventmay fishbe beloWtrom ;’beinbut: this .: does’ not. 1 , The,reader. need" hardly be reminded¯ for takin

= ~ nitz, and the fish-:/n it, so that

surface of the lake. ~a_at mere- . -


caused of

thirty.or fort~ and instancesheen known:.in which

: . "cloud, instead the reversecourse. From wha~ the ascend-


Female Repo~er. Where Doe’s the Gold. Come From .~

Middle ~Iorgan, of ~he Tbn~, - This qusstion;lms never beenwidely phot0graplied. The toriiy answered by geblogists.

a Cincinnati paper see as far into a-millstone ast : -Ufit-@ht, ro ~ the

yea~ sifice the :.from whencethe

to success except Irishcapital:" If they only had capital,’inaddition to their.other-~raa~yira~J ¢~r~e~ ho-st~ff-of.tho

o wbulddol sinthoworld; She. t~lked horses to

would ira-

s the way fl~ey think arid talk,, andthey roll the v~in~gtorious idea’ov~t.intheir.nSinds urRil they. oomo to im~

, can euumer-

r6pr .e~ia~atiyo of

¯ did the makers.9.f, those for~fines

of their youth, in

labor./ThatcQuntry wore once

ra close at ~and.- toll and

t~’een the ligh~aihg-flash and theder-~cal -.is s~zoh -asstorm is in-reality ma.ny miles

Capeal. " It mu be noticed.

aud the thunderis observed to

Should htonce be taken storm were

the w~r of material

’.to young men.


_ marke~

Page 3: C A S :H · ilahis to nsot~rtoitt lhcir views illi Ihn ~nh-j,’el}. ’I,~ true, holli¯ver, thal they utterly relludiiilo Ititn, and have had n,, ennlldlmae In hhn shleo lit, ai,i&i

_ . : . ..... ." e " "

.... ... ’] /

¯ . - . . ¯

" ...._

¢ -. -.l_.

. ¯ .. ¯ . - ’¯


8AT, URDkY, "M AY-18,. 1872.

Ead_of the French Armsl’uss,Our readers wi!l be-glad:to hear that

" }-:-±- the Frdneh ’arm’~.fia-*co has at last come

llothfng. _The Com. commenced their-.investig~tions on -the-8~.h-of_ ~larch, and

pro.yes to be one of the weakest of dieweak trickt, which certain anti-adetinb-.

ressmtm’ hii;’e h atchi~d ~ttp~torpurel~ t0r love of

-- -eountwi- m havetheir consiit-gard_to~tao_~ale~!

or+li the .Oovernnient el

ending June 20, J871, the a,tount, kifid,... .a.d descHptitfa~sold, Ihe lb/l~ellascrs-

the dates of deliver

¯ T~o W-i~ihington i Witticisms of the Campaign.0,_ thlebdny,~,Tn~il’/e,~id t iFor.- the "Liberal banners" Boraec

~o ttm’U. 8. ~efiate a-el~>l.bago,’..with ac- G’-reclcy and .protect!oat_ Gram Browneonipanyiug corr,,’vponth:fiCl,, relative to a~! tree trade! Y~lu pays-your ,money

’ choice.the gist of the athendmentis that-here- Tile Demociativ question ofalter when either ."Great Britain or the What are we going re dll about!t? -- -United States ara at war, the other= Pew’- The New -q2ork-E~lTin~--Post was oneer b.eieg neulral, tile neulral @alL6fil the staunchest advocates of-the Cir~dn--liabl~--!°-Lth---°~d-ircc-CJ~-In-~-g~’s-Jnfli

ti.G4,n ~ ntlon,--A~ -now-lbi G.,eel.open tli(belligerent:hy.-a-ny pr~valeer bittcres~ opponeng, geriiy, the~o isescaping from its waters," attd that "in-d~gi d e r ~~f] h e 7~Pr ~ ~t" i h~7

and ecnsent of the Senale’Ahereof, Con- no longer a political organ. Ia which" case it will not, ot- course, support GTee!!take no claim on tile -leytbr-Presideet.

.. ~"s as aforesaid bclore-ihc- -But asingle-newspaper we ha~b .yet

Tribunal of.T.Arbiira/ion-at Geneva.;’ seen has-flung.to the breezes banner_-this.is Whal looks to Us I/s a com- with’ tfli~ strange devi~.-" For’Preti-b’aekdo~’n wh~ieh no Amerieati who. dent, HoraceGreehy."

has an atom 01 pride as large .asagrabl . The firsl; act n[ ~lr. GreeleY, alter bc"ot~mustard-~-subalit"lo] graciously. The treat s~ords-inlo ploughshres, and

is not ot eel3 great valu~ to us Americanses deeper. ¯ ~ ¯except//,g a le~ br, Aerstvho have bought .In his speeeh tlY’lhe Civeinnat| O0n-

said he was in "’ ill

"~:-~-’.~-~’~howif*bY-~tti~exhibir-,by=which"iraP~ -Ti/~:-~flJ6 ’i~etgxKoVihgi/"wh0" t~igh(t/zkd pii~"i/i thi~ c~h~paign. -:We¯ _, psalms that the net-ba~gn~a’eceivcd was hlive n,,~ d~ backbone IS stand tip ~e- don’t believe he will.

$9,409,307.60, all st whiel~has beet] paid- fore the EngFsh lr, eoplc a~ld do theOn6 of the hardest hits at’the result_l’t

¯ .t~ ............ . the Cincinnati Convention is th{~:sfa~fo-tilo2Linitirect-~laim~;’ simply ment el th~ Chicago-.Post, that "to dose

=h’~Imge=l!,~lali-d-is p~,i~g--tlTfi bully? .tho~Deulocraey with abolitier~has~l,

’~ ..... -for t hiFb~t interests ~lqli~o ~ovcrumem ’, ~ revenue........ )t~v!9319n .... the Germans.with temperance, and then

that iherewaa :oo prelerenee given--to Were ju.~tifittd in .their positive refusal to ask them to embrace the physician, is aa.oy pareha~eri that thosales were.n-t~t~ obe~ th’e haughtb2eomtua|ad of Eugla,t’d comical.picture ,,

ease as.submit~d~io die:The Trenloa ~mporhon thinks Grant].lie the obligatibns of tim United States Gvticva Tribliaal." We,:anttot believe

tg-.t he-war lle--tween Fruoceand Germany; tlhat t~ady

7of War or fits .subo-rditlates EledervinKcensure, a8 they, no doubt, oroeeeded it,-the fulL belief lhat’they were acting instrict "conformity with I.he law.

--C~e _n, furl ler~ dutt there weren,,:vtolatid!is’Ot=mmtrttlily la.ws, ~httingt h c. follow-i n g p oin-t-~-- ............ :" ....

of FrnneA Q’.rjpg ..t!to__tims_ ~he~Jalesma~

ment at the’time the.... 3. If they hdd bee,* aueh agunt~, nnd’if_that

"fuct’h d been kn,.wn to:.ur Gugernn:ent. or Iftn~,tead of seut[ing agents, Louis ~al.oletYn-.r.~’redei’iek Wil tam hi.l persemdly appeared at

US’IO ~cll te-Oitlfero-~’~t/~ii. In pur~ueuco


" CoimtZrhing the moving cause of .!his

felloW’s :This Invostlgulion wss ln,,ved first, upm n

slatculont that a eertehl ,resohltiln had be n"adoptt:d iu FrallO i e~’eDI,(], U loll nitiqtppre~

1 hen.inn It4 til tile style uf a~e~.lallts [Jet,~eun’lwo’executive dep;, r’tnteut,.i ef cur governnleni; ¯and

¯ thir ’l ,t. a ti,tell). Ollhfl ndt.d I~U I k’ion" as t,,tll~ cofiduet’ ul ’ti~l¢ ’iVar llel,art,,’ent in Inakilig

t-’~u~h-~upp,s,d resolution tyas npver pl.!.ssed ; thatt tc other tWO I<r()lllllii4 [i,(d lilt vXlehillCO ie [’ltl’l

’/~OII tttt+ll Will, IliUYeii all supp.rted this rc ,,.hlthm el inquiry, lu yet i,tiier ,v.rd.% thi~ri.sDiutlon %.l..l~t ba.~cd U l~.t!n ~lne t’al~eho,,t, on(.

irdhellSilln and.l~lle ilnfollildell Sits’

..- el. ,i:r. Lqi’uatodllllce,.~,Yldell lultrkcd Iho ntJllrlltl .of li4ul|.itorPattersol,.

On ’]’Unit,lily tnortdng the S. ~i’. T’[bnlic eontahlcd tho |’l,lhlWiilg :


.’rtll~ ’|’lttlllllIK Iliill P(’II~’V.I til lie a pllrl%;¯(irga31,bill the uiies llceli.ii niilninalil.!!i 9f- t!~,libn:at

ChinhiliaLI.st~elne tu lnvulve it lu i ltiel~ nnihlir,rat.illlenl. All innalbo" itlYiil0"illllt Iho litlttlilUiloi a. .urliliil~t whll Is nl the ~lllne Ihno a eelnlidilto Is ,il-t,ost irtleulae, alld, dlfih’uli--lhllt hC II

lh’aelhlll lind liliql’eiiied in vrlltet~ttl- bv ille-Ril#lllleffgo-lhst i~lffllTi!t ~ lilit.Y flt,)’ 1,1"

d~l li~ closely i~n~liinl:d hy il.i,iii~iill~ t’lll~th" Illlind lu It whut Inuy lie Fli hitorpri, led lilt l~i uu.llOl, er liorpl~l those, who llrC Iqipperillig hliuae a ah0tllule~ knd Ill whtinl Ill. Shllt’h!oti olle.,dilieu will unt pt~tlull hhu ~.io lie s,~rl’ireab!t,.The unitl,rellu i1~ I t.’ef{ rtl I nllhilrnwl lthiulutely /ruin tile eondot.t ef Tlll~ ’J’llllllibl~. Ulil[IvlII l,ella0hirlli~ iinlll iurlh r ilollce, eXili’cilleiio rolilroi or’llUli~rvt~hlu livrr Its eilhnll ili%

ihlul rm It lil’gl, Sloo,tar ................................

Thi. i~ auother lhin-triek-oftth,~ (!hap-.paqua iartuer, wliieh tile most ilUlOCeli[reader ot ;llttCY,’7, ,n~ t’liltllOt thil Ill ilitotl ..... , -: " li I,,I I’~’.

tlou ~I. tlt,!~ ~ tiSillil, litHwltl|,llllh’,

-]ius---’~ t’ea~-,-d to hn a parry -I~t’~:tp’;"’’

Ji it,it:(’ xsiil kc6’ii’ bt, billd thn ll’tq. ~ lliid

lid ’’ .l, it’., whih, ~1 ’.I;LIItA’ i . i, ll,l

th Olllli eal.irdih.=t, s ih, nec i[.e. lil%,t,h,yJ,l~ and bhlw the Gielley limn.

Tlio "l.ihctala" aver thal Ill,,), loveaoldi,,:s i;nd niilor~, and ~l iliny havvnomiuated lioraec Or0cley fqr l’t’t’sidout,ili older to allow tllat Into, we i,resnl’ne." Men and brethren," says the h,]ly oldtar, I,lking a rel, I in hht lUinltlh,lln~, " lyelilu.~t¯l,iit our hat(,ls Io lho Idnugh ; theia

¯ arn hreakvr.l aheltd tittd we lUU~t iiol turn¯ ! ¯ . .back, --wh eli rcUil dt i i.i i,t ~lr lh,yle

¯ lhidia’a ellel.eh hi’l’urlialt oul. llli,, ~ai,I,"Mr. :q,.lleaker, | sinrll a tat ; I Poe hiinfloaiiug hi’ th~ air ; kt u. iiil I l,im Ill tileLud."

mled_by_tlie~P_h ,lad elphia-" --

What lie uxpres~ea in his message, lie (J°t!venFi°nl but that if the.opposition to

Fi.~h, who, if, his duitlgs past fourmonths are any criterion, ought to let

cy’v "SouND BntD" ia good--very

diplomat:y al6iib lilTd t_qrn-his at(co(ice good, bql; the iroubte is the bird is 011

)ur~uit~. 1,’t’e have faith " ’liens th~t-~e Sen--~t~ will not entertain IP anybody ts opi~ressed with thebc-the ~uoplenlen_taLtt-g_aty s-erJou~ly_t.oz_one_list-that Horaee-Greeley is un honest eel-moment..It is as mudl4Jf- a disgrace as

’s the Chic-ago-inter¯Ocean.him make a note of this fignifieant facl

we nothit,g.

Mr; Greeley ke<q~s himselt most atua--larnt--lto~ fieJdi’2 or, in other words~ he ~6tifies

inehc’etLto be-~overwhehnod-wi(It-0tl~e.- shat lic i8 read

maoagea to[state his.unaherablc determi-

r~boracy put-a straight ticket in the


lay. and weregrievoffsl~- Grant. Ita~ing thus obtatned a correctdi,-appoittted to lind liinl gone. T!le-ohl

lil~llii~ to carry, and is goit,g to mako h le.t thc seeker alter kaow]edge read.t]letollo3vi,,gopinlon of Deh]ocracy t?oifi timas]il:h t as possible. " "-candidate who is(low seeking its SUl:,porl:

The l’cntl,~ylvania L,lber ]l.eloruldi’sin eonvclition onthe 6th ailoptcd t eCohnnbus plattornl nnd .ntatle ~evcrnlalhliti(itls tlle,ett~: 3tl,’ul. 1’. ~clieii w,~

inglelt ior Auditor Gclteral, aud- tits

tiOlnllstln hit As,,oeiate,hid,~e. The l’hihidclllhia -/%:.s~eouinllmdlIho noulii~alions, slid thiuks thcrt~ is

that llTr7 JiJl-~ll ~ lhdlcoek

" Poiiit wherever-you pleas~to-an-elee.tilln district which’ you Will pronout,cemorally It,ltlU giVtt t’ ~ -- .....

h’ ~ !, ,l’ #- gtt’a~ part

¯ l,i d,. aut.hi.q’y arid %’it,6--1iii(~ that tii.~trietwill I,e hqiiid ai noa

,tonglVll uilijoirly lot tht, t whichii~ldl the I)t,nili,:i’alie

i~licry i ill h e.hilid, alitl yQu will lied nhil~-tenth,~ ol llil!h’

tiiuMel-.idi!ts, [lellVt! Imrtieiluinis ot thlilSll[llO |)t,lltil,~.rlll~v #t .~.~ ~il3’~{’l~’ lctit-"

n(l=died~in~ilut hing4t doblor.

the t’lli~i,:llt" at,d ililh!rati~ill,lt~ ~ct:ictat,l tlw ~llile’ I’]dillU’i,iI A~,-oui’uiloti.

HAltl’l"lts,--l~bo irrepressible N:isth!ave thi. ~¢c’ck Ior Niligitra alid ~lt, I ’ca ,

I|ith ~l t,’iew I,I ~cl,’eli~ig u ioUlO Itir the d~t,s ilOt ~l!1211i lO soal’e niileh ttt tliea~fhil

~Uilinler ex~tii’~i,,ii ui ilitJ A>+~ociatiun, S.iue ol (tliull ,ill’ilia. ill., t’lirll,iin,’4 illii~ho ~lll bo ab~.ei, t abuli leil daysI alld wi,l,- week slriko-hontwwiih tellint~ effect. Tile[i<i dliiilli, i~necued Ill Airriiligi,~g a liil i li,4.t bi dAthling llUqllt Io l.ltlury, er-A.!iy

which will hi el’fry ,wiiy bi~ Iqili.~liiCltil’lho liicinbers 01 tile A~,~tleiaii,-iu,=~/,:.li illiilT-~i,l--~ilikl ~ nttr-l~<tTpuhlioh31qk";l{Mi~

IOI1~4." (),lir|~e|,ilrz, jil~t, returni!d t’l’l,lii"’Po which ull thu rioh ellitor,~ will .~liy tho (~htel,initti (]enVeliliolir_is pr(!.’it, iiihig

’*]Jail)’ " lind Iho I]Olli " 0"llC.~, (lil{e ti~) ~lthnut.dlt wilh a.|’llol’s baubloi huviiig If,i.

" i|ali.’l.......... ’ ....... :-- ...........~ ils tnpthu-hcttdotH .!J-.~-rbrged-nut with

It Iraut-ili(es thartho ’/’r//,n,edisl;ateh Oll,~ utld !.ells. i, htrl Imhl~ hi~ I,andrehtti~o to eertai,t ’(~t,lll~l’t’aSlllt!ll tl:htl over his Inelllh IO ~ultpre,~s Ids ]iUlR]llt,i,Isigilod at,d, tho~u who rclii.~cd to l.ign n wldle Mist Colutllbhi lUrlls awiiy.whhdu0uninli{ iii fir¢llr id" iho I’l!iiOll i Ill i ill. ii| tli~gu~i. In Ihe baekgrllnnd iir,t ,h,ll.(fen. Gralil wu.i b(,gli,~--jli~l a~ we ex- lilivls wilh Ills baillltiud, ’l’wl:i,(i ~tw] igitigpno:ed, ~li’, l(altisdell, lht, Trl’bt(tle’s

hia hut,TilliOli and orb or i I.ihe~al,..," Thl,Wa.~hiughln cilrrei~llondent, (ieChull,~ upou lii~xt i’lirlor,II i~i frl,nl ~%’iii. Tull. lledl r

-llis h,,iioi’-thni ilO-imeh-tutegram-waqever(t]T~hLT~r)-lTliiTiTfe-~l-l~ n-~-i~forwardod Io New Y,,rk, ttiil] ¯triinkly ii(I; tfimlt,] eiiJilid ’rl~iiltii,lny Rit]~ aud n i herhilts Ihat tlin ihi,ibl Wli.’l *’eollked lip ’ hi

"l.ib tliili.i" nro yrt.lvelitig nA IliW lilflith’~i-’illfl 75 i/,m,i, lilY.t,. Allil Ilii,~ [-7 wli.’,i Ih,,’l i,h,, ~ hil. T,,il (I h’~utl) .-,,llrn[ully I’C!ll.es...... ,Lii -" ll. tiI

,, I{’h.h* ;..’ il,,,li.I .L, ’’.’’Ill t;,

I.. ’ i’ll,. 7’r,/,, ,,. ,,flh,~, i h, ~. ille~ tl. i

% ’; isled Ih,il.i i;,. ,,I;,~Villl,,ii~ii, Illllllllt’~’l’,’ li wiilii,.!ll, : ,. ~ -

Vlliit’l.* ttl Ill,lllrI.u tll,ll’lllll;llil lillt b’ll., kilt.itl’tqit lie t’IpTe.~FCs hilli~cll I hlls i ~’ W hen

Ilil,)’ lii~k il~l~ tvliil |lal’0 votod fhe lit’In

i.ralie iickel, nnd iulvo¢.lled Irelt lradn |or

iielrly lbrly y’cai~, to I~tva~luw lhlraeo

tlreute)’, ihlt lather tlf pr(tlcrli,!n , lur asliliuhlrd b~,llil,i’, w’ll. lul~ iidvl,c:lil, d till.ide. ,>1 nil ilUV~tioi s (ixccpl Iho lalifl}Ihltl. li(tvo eullie I,clore Iho .luierieali

I.U,il,l~l hlr ihu hisl ibir[y )’carpi w~ beII al’l,, ni, t~l rcsl. eifully I. |hJniit’~, nnd

11 n ii w:iii till ’ lil,!Lu’ci.k i Ill ~a) ao.

~OLIVel ,~aya Ihat " licilht~r N,’W Jersey

lri.ll’ti,u~ ul II,e ll,li rll Ilu, i,i,h.,’lii.ll t,.,

llr~ll,.,,, id illi l.ldl lltlll~ ’~lltl’(’OhlCLi,-

~,~t,’ 11 . ,.,’ili,,’,l "ll’,; . ,I,4’. I)a , "

liiill Ihtl., ,rit’llll ll;ltl, I:Uillli,l.wll,;,viih* l.nl [ii~ ~llii h ~/ii hi la’al’ll--|)tiWll’t~llli

P; I!ii, r&’r r£’O XT’S

C A S :H -:S T 0 R E!_ ....... ._. " __~__ ~- _ .: _- _


tt . Y =x oLomm c-. ....of the latest.stylell~ always on hand.


receives special street!on, and is at all time~ well Stocked with every a/’tiele for family use.

ghLor barrel. , ,

cn ,,:OCK uY’ .......................AND EARTHENWARE..

- Parsons can obtain everything In-this line front a complete-set to a iiugla article. =

Doing a STRICTLY CAdH BUSIMESS I am able to sell m~ goods.at asmall el’stir. All¯ . who wish to hay for cash and get the bottom flgure~, are invited to call at the

R ilr- d-Sgffon.±

1OOO: Acres A.O,: OJ L:O3LOE

CLARK; .....

Situate nonr

A. TIIION S22.ATIOII¢, 000K & PA’RLORSTOVE ’,........ -° : Tin and Sheet-Iron .War.e,_


stock this side of Philad, Ihia. An aseort-

TOW OF ttA 0 TON, m0otel.ys ..haod.¯ T/n Roofing do/is at_the sho~test~otice

and atljoiain~ the land6! the --- and ia the best " L "- llam~nton Crazibe] REPAIR[NO promptly attended.

1,re.among the

Best iu the Stal~e.

h ~v I trg-a I F fa~IIit r~sq’-o~

are cosily and cheaply cleared and

and-W-I.-N TER ̄ "

for COMIM~t" or TND[VIDUAI, PURPOSES-Lamls shown free of expense and all iulbrma

tion given by _-" ’ (~. F,-lli LLl~il.i

T~t--~rinty7]fATS ,nd OAPS in. varlous styles.

und Missc~’-llO01’S, SIIOES end GAITERS~- -lar~. st oc.k e/?,l~ !an I lJ~ on .b.n=tld.

0 C ESI E S,A htrge !rod earefillty ~elc, eled slrwk .f ’I’EA~I -

--llh,,.k. (;r.eu and ,Jup’i,i. COl,’Fl,]ES--]tio,.BI,,’r,I,I,]VUI~ AVE., IIAM,M.ONTON, N.J.f,lt (lueril illi,I .i’.ivi!.. ,~tlg,,rs ,it" vuriou~ grades

~" Rlehurds’ "Cr~,nher:y uu~l its i2ul{u~{d," $11h’e~. ;vlirranled ilnre, lte~ide~ S.i,lm, oJikrnh~~ont free eli receip~.’of i~tai,il,. ? Canllles, .Molu.~sel 5 lluney, &c.. &c.

¯ ...... : -/t,_ o.-0 L-A~RR’;

el llll .li:illldl-l-.

" El’cl’l.~l’e’tlis lilill ,.iilirlilis~

BEDDII~ ~LANTS, BULBS,,I C., ,t I’., ,l: t!.

u .........

- ~Jr.-ll t[r’r’ll’EliTON.-T,~ffoiili-li7Ihm,.l" I’I.ASTI~.II,q i. ii~ 17,il~i~tiil~k lif Ihti.lill,il.o I bi,ln ],!ave tli iilllliilllli Ihai,lwiiib~ hi li,u lilill Ilil,llrlitlli, ~ltllil#iiil ft,r .platiIb~rowtt,, lio cunihhintly bolivvv~ Ihtl ltl,i,.ll 1~ illlll~ fou;id fully elliiul ll,’ an~ilihlg tioro[u[lll’ll611’ored by-hla~. " ........ =7-" " .- -

l’7"lttlnlllll-ii l}~.li’l- Ei~l.s~oiq.

Adviee~ f~lila Lllnillin illforiii hhu Ili,:~e alae~ il be al’ ,!~lra fiu0 illililil)..

lJ, OHg ~AIL~,~’ ou" ltll,’~’lg _ ..AS,loll... "_l"rt,’k f,i/rl-.1,rtllt’ ’ I/arm

~llu,(tl~,i-li;,nilea l’rJdix~l.b~cr_dii .rt’li ti’l,’lilll~Jl ili’W I ll"~l~l* hlll.ll~t(t i~liMi, ,~it.~ I j, ~,l wllliIlie 1,1~.,,. lill in g~ilill er,hT, ,Adlh’e~s :li. ]IIA I .Ig~’, Athinlie Cil)’ or Jnqilii’o nf t!. PA,,1 l’:J(, lliilnnli IIlllli, 7-’10

~UII.DINO FE LV (t., l,rr,)fill’ lllilridc e’lil’l~, iin,I ilil, hh, hl>h’iid llf philter

I,’,,li , ,,,’i,,,ll,r-. ~!i*l~, ,(.i,,

i~hle, llli, [)11 II,o hi,.tt liligq la i~hl,wn

I,,ril,’e fralilieiilly ttli,ikiiig ti irllii bti ilI’/’,:,’/,.n,,) It,d bawling tlUl. D1Vhi,elerealls Ill¯aq~l ’*l..r,-,ail "l ia It liar, ,i viihunaild u l.c,nilidr,,i. ’’ The lUU’-i,i,lilit,al iliu--tlnll,ili~ al~’illaily hi ii(nnber and Yl!ry t,. ~ .r

,.clk, lit ii. ollt.,.lll.lllii..i . ’

(hie d,’h,cat,~ t,i Ihu.lti.lluhlieali StatoC,,h,r,’d ColiYeu,hlli ~ai,I ~M". Gr,,~ley

Al, t, K[’NIIS tl?hid d*ilic ~,Ulllelhiiu4 I, r thein, hut he i~ WilEEI.WltltIIIT ASII CARIIIAOI~ W011KIlkl, l illl I’qW t,*lll g’iV*’ n uooil Ih, al i,t Deno te’erde’r lint wllrrantcd tt gira sat-.,ilk ’lu,l lli,,li I,,cl, e,l ovor II O pail I|n:l lll.etion.

!!17 k, ;7 ;)) !i:!Ti i! i!Tii,!i,,,r ,,.,o. ,,<<,l ,,t !I: ’: ; .I, , .<:.l., i’,,,,,,,,,t1 i:l+’¯’ rl,i,, i. ii iirolJ~.iii~, wIco;i ad- t’ i I OUl ’ ’ tI tI

IIt.dJoi,,luli IIl~ck..lith bh,,p,I


<,,.it..i ~;~ .hed_~o~ d~u(,r...:- -: -_ : .i tl,e ll~,t,~,t~t,~ //A,I~/OA’ TON,:-.Ns~ ff J±’RSk. J.

GERRY VAL’RNTiNE: .... "’1~=:~ ee-I--~ive,"

N IIA .ll,llt)#i’ TO,V, .%’#..’ I1" Jh’R,v#: Y,

U D E’R T A "K E R 1’’ All hie,Is ot t?urrla’gt.s, lloavy Wagu,,ih .to.,¯ Illade ,ir rel,illrell, ~alia. a t:,,o,i ile~.,, aa,i will alte.d io ea’lls fur ll’( 1 FI I IIN~

i’ulit.¢als hi Ihl,elli. I.. i,r I,i Ihe nllah,efall kll,l% liroi,il~tly atte,rh.d t% at loweith,lring hiwni liili lillilKel,lilah ialol,

C,~]i’ll°/¢i’lr.ylltl¢.fur idct,,t,hor# ,o¢[re, al t’tHtNl’flllH~ ,)1" AI.I. KINDS REI’AIIIllD~ r liillll llil ~e ]~rl’l¯lil."..~L.’il ,.l¯ I r,elvud I¯,i t’ltVl’llltl,: FFA,%IKt~

l’%r i~ lit’ ,’i,lo,ll,. A liilllll,." ill d,,olrabl, build-iui l.q .... ; ,, I ~ .,,I,, I~iil, *,r wiil.,,,I Irull

] it11112 , f

lJ A. I IIEMPtlI.2~.tf .... I1 ill , l.l’01, "~lt~

THtE ITEM Tberm°meterhat st°°dlit66"°m# th, ehtdo-sev!ral days¯ "

" ’" I~" J. H. Wilsbn-has~heen_appoi0t_ed~r" Mm PL .J. ~..00LEY-hu the,ITE,H Towa-Clerk-of-~-atllva ’l’p.,,,~co Mur’:ouklzgh,

for sale at his’news ~tand. Persons wislllngt the reelgned. Another. aut for the Reformers to

sKma=prlea ae at our otUee,--singla.nepies.5 e’ts ........or!!’esPies for 211¢ts- ’ : . li~ The Directors went dq~n to. view.... __ .--- ~" " - the Ma~;’s Lahding rathroad yesterday. It’will¯

¯ BATURDAY_MAY 18, X$72; be ope~e’d’for travel next weak Or week aftir.-r ~ The May’s Landing p0ople fe~l


1~ Mr..J.M. Pueblos, from Boston-~rewaTon viztt--t zrhia-f amii ~-

¯ ---. -

- ~: ~’af ~~-i~r fiiiiai fig,o01d and epal’kling as au iceberg. TiT it.

- -. lli~?, E~erytl~ing now-isi~-D~lly=-Varden.

The editor of the-’A.mer[com 8plr-. ituali~l_,-leotured at Union Hall on Thursday

atoning. - . .L. " ’

" ’ " - |~ in full bloom..¯ "~ou can got anything~you

Fro, holders" voted $200 last week to build

I~t’=,Wha nck,gwlc_d_~Cinvi~..-to th%-Amiual DinlZer otri~he-~Hvllle1usuraneo "Co. A_s they treated .us well-last

to reset them again. -

’" Boots ") has beeu rll~ni,g ab-week on the trains o£~tho ~.- & K. R.. R, pre-p]lratery to taking-charge of trio ~rains on the.M’~,y’s L~’ading road. -

- ........ ;’S:;La/iding I~/~ilr6ad i~.... t "if .bur not unreasonable, etctl Throwul~our’hats;you hoes, but

Edward North 35. ])., has dgn’~ whisper ~word aS-out "moving the Coun-,ointell_0om_.’of ’Deeds for.the State of buildiugs. It v~h~(da;.

....... giria~in’N. J.’ " " - -l~ Jonea apbeared-il~ to~n yesterday....... "7~ ---]- ................... :

Clark has graded, the pavement with his Picture Gallery and anchored b.tweennur 6files and the eroquetgauund, whi,,h ehowl

0 to ns.

~- g-ooli for tl~e ~d ana ith ’~eke at’iho hasiuess.

i1~’" .Tbo ".Bee-Hive" crcwis tu-rning-’ ~’/__ =~.~_2_, out_tome__gay ............ eqiiippages for Atlautic City..

Wonder-howthe~Lman._age to rid_a in a Yankee~’ fix up ?"_.~. . ~,

-- be fouqd-in- this issue.~He has thu reputation¯ of.a good workman sud theses! our rcad~.rs_ wishing anythingdono in hi_lLH.n_9 will do well

- " to-giye-him e. trial.

~i.OO "lllglff’&RD I~fiST, on .the eveiz!g_o f F_r_id ay, 1010th-i’n st.,

at the" llaLI or on the waThome by MIS;::I-MINA-E.’GREGORY, partofa ¯ ~ -

dou’~ know how long Mr. Jones will tarry with

call at once .... _I~ lice. N.-MeConau :hy has left

Ei,vo~d To -tuke¯chhfgSore trills, 8om?rset Co~in the upper._pait of

The Chureli at. Elwood is now

.The finder w’ill please roturn to.W. SAMSON,or the Editorof the ITEM, and receive tLoabove xeward.

traln was changed ou .TSur~Ll~y.--It hgve~ 40minutes later¯ The.oth~r train rims on old

me--See nor raot,~d4ime- tahle_on_eJ ghth p age.

"Far"nl’ers -throughout tile_ Stateomolain- that they hal’e mevsr known, tlfu

-ground so dry as’at present and unless k be ~vyrain falls soon the o ops wilt be serio,,dy ia-

havev~ th e past ~womonfhs. the

an extensive a~s,,rtmeut el i Jell S, ~ t,U |l~i

kind, manufnetured in ~irs/-elas.-style,

d-e:dln-g, we ’~;otildour Iriel|ds to try the Gretit Clothing

-of-Be sro;1~-& L-’o. ’J’owl~tt tlaLI,.No. 51.q ~IAttl<Wr-:~Tnl.;r’,T, Imtt-wny bc-lweell Fi:th atid ~ixth ~;treets, Phi:ladcl-

~ot’,~l ~u~ttatmc6ts.Ei3"%li’Alill ~OItTlil. Nl. l).o


ItAMMONTON, NEW J ERSEY,¯ tre~are like tiuderaall.ti, u p.rehndrtmdition Willgivo ~pedalatfodtl,n to allwerkiuhlaof underbrosh and stubhlo renders thein ~us- I!n.~..’Plaes l’t:ri isb~d. I~i.l:,:.l,...~ gi’~’~,~, nud

-eopttbl~-to-fite.flom~ Contracts lnade fll: lhd]dings vfall doseripth,n;

station. The coming summer will probably bc amiuers ;/or Atlantic Cbuuty r~ill be held iu tilea very dry sac wliida will reuder the daily nan school-house at E~’ll~;tbor City. ou~aturchiy.of" the machine" a ncces/it~. Eae25th inst., fox the examination uf candi,lates

The,school-trustees invite propo,~, teachers’sort!flea.tea. The Toaeh-~rF ATso-eited 1o meet at the so!no tine

--OUl, of three of the smaller e0heol baildings.Speeifie-tiens,’ete., will be ,furnished by Gee.~’. Saxtou.

.ll~At-~-meetingthe Egg <H~ybor ConvgntionK to-day, held?at

Gee. Elvins, J. S. Cordery, E.D. Rodin:m,

in the COUItl IIUL~E.uL hl~Y ’-’I LA.ND].XG,on

Tnesdl~y,, 5~ay 7{h, 1872,

D-AY, May -eth.-~ - _ITI8

.- C. ’iV RIG’IIT, Co. Supt.

Thc~ties for" the Wiiliatn~lownRsi~o.ad’Company, have neal ly all beomdtliv-

ered alon_g the route, and l~ha kou will bu re-

ceived next week. A spleudid locomotive is

Bnldwia wqrks, and

ht ¯ears are beingll-v.lqt-~2-~lTb-

Middletown ear

handsome passgnger ~ial~s:;~ftlr thin railr,ad

und A’.h, ntio depet have beol found til he half

an int.]l too ziarrow, end sro.lo he ultered i,u-medialelyf

Atlantlo-City;.We take the lollo~hl~ h’t,n

will reeeivn immediltt.e attention.20.23 ¯ " _

Tiltoo, John-t~cullin. "~It~. EDtTOIt:--Will yOU or ~nmo o!

your readers ldeaso auswor through the ITl~l

the t’ollu~iq~g t~ueations? They ere plail, andsimple..-yet~omo-are-muddled~vi=hht hem : =

An" iguor.lmus engages to t~oeh a school, but.

C..M. O[T~.I,. C-ierlf.,

andis pfepa’r~-d- t~-CITf-Llah;; ~hal~,i.c% ~lt~lvc,&e.~ in the.best uln,trwr.

wooL :@"DEALER IN ............

¯ ¯7{

kin)wing:or " Icarnirtg hi~-inenl.seity, hires en

"’ ’ iildtvfilual tll do it for idm. .~ro tho’ Trul~tees

-----~ndm’~lry-l. egal~r morel 9bligatiurr-to-puy-th~-

persen ~o hired ?

Caa New dercoy (or suy other s’.uto in the71L;,ic,} divhhi herself into two stat~.~ uoli eroilto

th’o necessury oflicu,s ? Of eourio p.ormit thanitO- ,I u n,lur-tbt~publio-I re~aury..

.... W;,rl pays-him-? ~ - "j .... -- -- ~B r-- --

-l~__J" ’J’ho ]’htl ,~lasque at Union Ilall onFri.lay uveni|lg,’ last week, wns very l~et.-eesstlll, a .l~lneh larger lilillibflr Of liill..-qltt~t’lid01’s ltud i-t)ectal(irs being I,res6nt-

thau wus i!xpeott=qL "Tile rnu~ie.’by Prot.

.... Quit n.tls~i~letl tly Pr,l£ l!!!rre(t_3!! ti~e]’iii~hitid lhlnd, wus thh be.l~_ ~_vqr glV_!,n

.......... to-I¯iam~ont{gn dflnt~ors< ’]’hi3 proltr.innlopassdll off" to ~iio ’~aii.~faed0n ot’ all Ititll"the iiiilllnlert w0ro deligllted wilh tli~:aliiOUliUO| -imsh-lnkeu in;--’(;)winK to thew.irtiilh t|l’~ dtincers unmasked ttt [t~ll

O’C]flu’k, whell lhel’O Ilki4 lhe Clla|onll|ry

ntnolint ill l,ili~ Th0 hfhl~iog is ti pai’-tilil li-i. nl thu nri;tllieraders whh th,;

J,,rs,,~ ]’~ess, which will bc of._ inlerest to(fiat,y of off~-readort~:

’ri,~ ex6ursien 7~ll~’~ivl.-~l~tle-0a-iiT, hqland Alhintie ltailroud Ceblpilnv hi Ihe llir,.,.t

ors of tho iqulh, nul Hlil, le ]iiilik, I. "All,intte

Ciiv, was nlueh Jill, re niiilit@lln:l)", iltteuill~d tin

T.hiirsdi, y thun ever llefore hlVitnlhintt ,,;’crl~ 1~ ~-’

ended io lh,

"tb~-l!i, ila,q-tqlSlilTIhu~11)77,~6Wa~-~,,~lh~; ;,: ,~ i~

illent hankers hi llinl I’ll)’. T/ o goi!sts cl,n..i.t- ~ ~ Ied ia nil ill I,},eut twrl hendred onii tlfy per- ~ ~ ~141illS. A Iq)e,’i ] Ititin hll’.’in,, Ihll llarly lllllilirlt /

-Dft I’oepnrllt lloinl U fl~w ildlrillh TM II.flt’r (i]~ll(

o’elocl~ vn,], alier ,i hnh ~M Ihld,hniliehi lill"l’rcsi,h.lt Gill aild nlher gt+ulh,lnl~n, onll i ~

..)ll !i!q,],vJeLil!0_ lh,n._A. /~_. ]bLvl ill!, ¯ iT,i!

_l)r.ouedcd a’ilhent Ineidellr 0¯rid r,;nchl.d All:ill- - ¯

I1:"~1. -Tht~h.ed~i-l-l.ri61:~-i,flh~ex- 4 "i’--tto Ci]y ill ......

eur~hln were L,l.~elieulllor’~ lhdel, wl*ere ihl.~

hti~ldlalilina "t~F thu I:ily lrcro leudured hy f.~-

~lliyl,r ~llrltlnlr, . llllre wcro ,u,rriugos ill .-’i ~-,.i

Wliltillg hi e/,nvey thIj ~,li.etl i, ri)ncd Ihe i’lllI~r’

fioo of oxpenAoi lilid ,;’e ’,vi’ra I llllA eniltllt’d Ill I~ 2%liika hi ill li ghln,.o’tbl, sllll]io a,~ll cliilrii.hlr ot ~"

tl,e lilll,rll~,~elli*,’llt li.a hi lir,igrl,~l~., ni,,.~t ill~ ~whh’h huvo hiitlll i, iih.l’i~lt ilpiln ihiPo Ih. i,liivc ., /~

idesire#to infi,rm the p eolfle ef IIaminenleit thaifie Is ON IIIE TRAf~KAG’AIN wifl, hi’~wpgon,

hand a Ii of CI,]DAI~. SII.INGLHS ot;ax-

Ohl lh, mmeu’i, en." .........12-24 . _ tL S.;~J~ZIIEP~BI~E.

Open every duy. t)l, ~today h’uin T to 10 in. "the’morni.g. " "

IIammont~n, Apr I 10, ’72." .... 15 tf ’ttep~’drln~ of all l, ll, ds, hihis line, dene w th-nollllie,.lll und"dispoteh. 8atls~a, etlhn given and ̄

~.aSTcilSOlihl)16 as_llUltliy’kHh0r phde.,tt~,,tion re)~.iri., I a~.e

, dealer ills-

DOOKS & STA-T20.NERYof all kinds.

’~u~’~,. ,~0-TT0-~.~~~S~ . :llOSIERY, GLOVES, &n., at his,

__OLD I!ITAI~D .....outliea~t sii:le--oi..Bi~.~.aua~k~ -

: .,"- "5.-;"

~# 1 J . _ ....

~;~.W’a~ehes, Cloehs ~: Jewelry’. ’~"!

~t¯would hlvlte.spceiid nltenth,u 1o their Ili~e Istoek

:On the lutlSt lt.ell$Olllllb]~, IlCK:llta/s,l ~Jehe~L~md_II:a,rn--Mn~.lins~ -

- ~h’h-a-kf(tl f~r-past, tarots i,e¯rc~peclfuHy so. -l, udb.’e’. Gents’ und Children’~ ll,,~e. O~llhVsit t-~-cm~t-inaaneu-u f-the, au ~ -cu,%.-t;r.ves,-n

.fl’.~"GD,~: n# y" "~ ~l i d6.1 selgt’ted exl, rCS~ly fl,r thr. ".... ¯ .... . ¯*

-Oivfl, E.. =/ ?6hiteot

fcssio >~ viz : " " " -

RAT~,WAY EXt;fXEI,’IIING, -- .¯(V,¯itll E--O_IIANDA’I,b, JF.3X~EI-.I~IIT,) L’f-- Fin~-Gh.oe~ ........ : °

ti.il, h,(!hiilittg t~ a:l~ ,:t Bill Dtl )’ ’f lhe bei~t, iff thn niurk,;¯ I.’l,: V E h S IlikUll flit lJl’;l[llligtt of CRAN Cols ]]udh:s.~-Iiils Irotu l:le;,yllrt~ allti l.~llaruntorg els~llg (ii" ’Peas Cl,li’t’o, Sugars, Sf, ieel% ~,11111¢!ItEliltY l.AN[i.’q, with l°intl~lnd Prolites ef il~Plirllll { liis; lla% liNt~.li t:u,~.|’0:i,Ti:k of i’AT. ~i .,, , hrdigo, tc Tho Dluoo Ill bny ill ~t

tiit~w.rk, ui.dLAND ~UILVl0Yl~Ggeneridl.v; TI,:I(N.~ f,r~nh,~e,mq,fi.higidlilichll.st~t.~lcs

’ t’--F-14-l-t}-.ll-l;Ith" ~lllt.-~+~lilli {If- the .f illl~ilii~.. % Ov~.r~l i , i~, ."h.,,v,..-- ll,,l!y V.rden’#

lhlilr.;.~l¯ t)l[DtgJL’:, l,.!t ,villi .Mil. CAllO’IRDIlll .I’% A]~l’, i’:llqllllV ,’ll’""~’[ ~l’,ck ’if II}r(,~l.ll-- i~l~LLI..,~. ,v-e4

chllrai;ler llt’riqlliahnl.

Nullle M.rt III, Page ; 11 rt. (I I’ I,n trtek, Pa/~u;........... ~Ir~,~ W~oll~y,_Ltq.J:lo.~L,.ff. l.d_it~!Yi..!i’~t’.r’li!!’.

Morrill, lmllan Pihloe*a ; Anna Pr,,~,,,v, Wyll!,r(lhl: l’~luma Prvssey, C.hlnlhiill Mell~u llsll,

]Fh, wt.r Gh’l ; Dt:lhL 11111, 1 hJwer (ilrl; l~i,,lue O.IS.ned hitl,¢t~ by. lh~, " e,.b I r.,’,’~ " to I.,~1.

itend,ll.,, lllll Dull I OIIre l’llewarl, Uirl ,if lilt,ll,ili, h,~l~ i,,,lllql].uoil% whl]l+ lilrl!,~ srltl Illlitd-

I ,T ,,1- ¯ i .--,h~a’i’lrl"’l : ~. r.. ~r,.e tl ’tl,I ~li’(iwllll Ill (lil~’,hlu’i.t* ’,, ’l "

I’ ,:’ ’., , ,, \~.. ’ "" H ~, ~ tit"l ~,li~ hi rllllln-i I ,r, ,,riiy

I,iillli’ I , , III Ill" I.( I, It I I.lIt.ill hill. ’1 ,,llitlolill.I Girl I Mary c,. l’li j, ~0

¯ II r Illi II I ’ I I ’ ,ql (Jill *ll¯l , I’ /11’* ’ll I ...~]. J(.,thl.lt li,

I’lil’l~l* %’ " ~’ *1!17" I"ll,I, li lililt.~ ,llII Thry ei’o !lll~l,l’. illilltl iq,ii,.riilii ] <l? lilllr,i’,i-

~’111 ~i ~|l.i i ilhil I,ilidl "iliii~lllll Philt lll~tl’11 lid t ,r~ . .. Ii~lil ~

. ~l ,0 -,i.>il;l,ii’

llhil~ tl,iliilllii,,i I I;tl,t llllit’lt’iil Illiil’k [’lllllllll,t,I,~ill,lllt. I;,, I,,-i i,. , ...... il lil,’lilli,II .....

Pr~pri’:t,,r ol thollr6nll tly i, iiol,lh, d ill. " " ̄

]hiulul~+nl.,n. ~|,lrcti 9. IS72"-" "lalb~ly

A N’D’

’l’lli~ N.’t l’lt)NAt, I,II’H IS,~I’IL’.’¯’I’I,: t’t,,’,ipANY. lil,’ t’lllt’~lllti, ii ¯ ii,,~ l’,l~ iillil.ilil)ii il

Illi?.~o_.l.l,illi.rli dltlilii$ lh-iiri!l:e liit,lr lh’c,~ i, iil~ . . .

-I i ft ~]..~V’~’l.’[tl.~bl Of z ~.lW.l.i..i,0 rci,.x-t.0~l’rhwti as .l,t)W ,,s iJl,, h,w,.~t,o .<%11 n’,’lh.les...s"ld"

¯ " at o1’1: :~’l’01~l’: I¢ill be guaranteed u.~ lel,le-PI,.~N. ilhhdl ,.;itJt]i ’i:tl t,l,. p,,,,,.,t m,,. t,, sont,-,I.

pruvi.i,! lYr i’b !’!il,iily hl it,.,l ,,I ¯ .|lltll I. i wil h.ut,le] ri, i:l.’l:l.ni I~l till. ;iplt ~,lil’. , I’l,i,’. iullill171111iv llhli olid,iiil:.r.l._La’.’.-’_Lt:_ Li.=l| IH!’llliillll~

iltl ./l[ ttll, i,.iUluililC , w.,.li i’tuirffl2 I,,r As~i .~1."i~li 1~1~.4,’1’11 toli~l,.S’~% c,l’il ~ii~t.’l:ll t,uill’lt, ni,iltllen-u[tll.li-]/e¢lrT#.-[:lr,I/,,iff-fT,f fj./l¯iliHll{£illl, r¯l’..r,.,’~ tili Ihi~ ldiltl "~llli lill/~c I’,l lii,’ ~ ,¢1{/Il,s~t~ ,/clll,ll//I I..i-]ll.~/t:~¢,t.tl I ,101/t ,li# #l~l,i/ ,-,’l,G.’l’t/t i, .,a.I/ fi.,’td ,,it,,~ /],r , ,/¯,~ll~r,,. (’till llll II,oe~l,iit r,,r cir,’lllar ful!) i,~!,h, ll, i. K ihi,t r.;’,.[el..

~j,.-il. ll~. d~ J. C. AN DI’HIL!ION.’t#. asth0y ’~Ji~,.Intend to droll ¯

........... ! ........ ~,

Thl, I’uhl;~ nro lhvitcd i,, .[, c~ t]l,tl, n ,’nlt. <¯

tq’i;] t’t,dli’]i, t’it’,0 ’it ltrico~ - to ~aiit ihe t’ nes ;li;l:)’ |il,Ve ltl~,l " .... t¯

¯ - ....." i. ,:<~t. ~iiii| i.- (!i II t lft il

7[ ’iill I, itt’,llilili t~il:r.n tL.i ,2r:’

r i~.--~i+t~r~ ~~ ,t .c,,l~,ti, nlly till hand. "’7]’.’.


]k~l l,it, i~le¢l,liS, l~lllrilhl~ ."il;tr, lh.rli,i II.ll,II1,,~,, i|lrl,--d,l~eph Ecan~, I.anl It,,s~ I,f~lllii

lu:rl l"reqk ,Ir,,,il r, " Yti!ilil.. ~llill Irtllll il.~(hilulry"i Ai II, ll,,vl~, l".t ii.y i I"r~t~ k Wd-

I,,.. A:,’,I Man; J. t4~t’.r,l~ry~ Ilor~eo Itr*,,’lyll"r ,I, .ill dru.~, tl.ilih,ieqil IN .lkl~y i t~. t’r,,wull,lh,,, I ll’i ,i lei et (,’,lllliplnlld il.iol i A, Ill.’; P-I-’

Ilr, il,iill.l,liltllllihl.r,if tlll,i. Ih..,gi. tl’~liDl.~.I-i, i %l’ili. i’ dtl©ll, .%lr. ~l,,iillllllr I Jill N, ilh,

li’,i,,r,i III; ,hil. I’. 14hilil,Ul,~ ~iiili,lli I~l,il.ri

t’lx,¯ I’. Ihll. II.Mht~i t’ilie*l,’i Iioi, llivll,,

’l’hc ]i’rac~i<.:t: ~.er;t-qlt; I ’~ l[ E....... ....... ,,:,, ,,. .;^, .... Great Easternof h,~t ~en~,m.’ ’l’en.~ ,.,’,e I. Im ~,,,’lt .,, l~ITl~liT.l~itljD~ID[{’J~?.t" ~,’]7,I)., ha~ paid I. ,i,.lh I,,~,,,~;":,7,; I...ta c,,,I., il.,

ll|lliOl~t cvbrv [i’Vl:lllie ]tilldi,’d lilt I~ ~rlivel, ~,ir j~jitet!eiil~oil ill ll,~91.;lll hi ilftllll[litlil.. Uid I.hlo(.] I|11 li’lillll Iqiill]i] h’lvi, p,li,t .,,r I|ii, hnlllC lirll

]l I ’]D£I ntlh~le I tuIlls huilutlfill drives m,w.l,,dng brl,llgllt lq ih,I I’ll l’,qll]IAN AND IU.l{tiI]ON’~ iiil,iill.~ ,~1o2’21, IdD,,;lll.: ,, g,iiii I,J, ll, ;lllii0; illl,lglliTff-i(¯i~f~ f -rT&,l i(rrfi’ ,I]i., Dihil 1 i h.l" " .......... ll]~i ;;~7,TD-.-~’~-J.---~- "~ "- ; it]’,¯, N]q]G4 J37" ,if CC~r 77~;I llll.- ...............linil’nuihll,lltcd’ ll~li~,’~, wtltei,-tlnve uniil l.,w "~ .T~’~.. It*,stdl,nel- .I, t~ntrul - #lvenne. fnthe - - Tu,. t;,q,li.,l ,,l.i¢’ilwut;~tl-’~ l,l" .ihh Cui,iliatiy

A NO’~IIII ......ll’:[iiToelllCd del, lrahlo ~Olllli~’o elloG hiive tli.Oll ril- hlilll,, ’oiilillh, **rrtllliud b v Dr, lhlllll..~, ilri, iqlflll’l.,lll Ill i’.iiil i,Ii. i~ilh Ihu lll.nlillll’l.’

.’. I.,le’. iH’.aii)’ ~liili. i~ IhO U,~l.ll.

A’ lIll:N J] I,,ilnsetn. ]lrl, t¯ IJ. (i. ’r~i:n, See’)’.

., li ~ ~ ,,] ,

.!, a -%V ( ) !¢ I ~.i r~ ’,:llt~ i I,*~ *h~vllm~ ill Ii’,’llMli%"t IN. .’" .i.

11,,:,,.4’ , . *1.’:’:" . NI .IIl’i IIf~. ¯ ’"li;li’ll ’llJllln "ll’l !,o1’111 li II (’t’’~¯~,’I iT". ";" v, ll, - i.’l)" 1"]~,

.. ,I .!l,, will ,,,i I ill ll~clll ri,r Ilil, l~,l~i I’’. A’~li

Itl,;N I’l.,,li tip ,Al%llq eliil ll,I ill -, Ill.lhl ill’l’l. XI;tl. l’l,,lillq llh.,llhin li,,lli I.i t.’lli.l.~",l~

.P. t, ll’l .% ’1"(’ ~ l:,’i(t ’,,

.I.| cII

,.linlr~ II, ]i,,yi,,,~’,, Wllll’,l~l IN,flhl’~, I,,,ul~llllhd, Uli~l’i% I;, tt,lh d~*l I|linillhlii llltrl.li’i

lind llihe’p.’ 14ovalal llew I0.ardleg Imii.vl I~l,i i.

ili~o llelon er(l~ludt I.lill hotoll.havl b,mh ,h-]lllgl, dI und.~tli ~li.ll, iLerv il i, vei.v~ I,cfo Ill tltl’

I ~l*~li ililplOl’ClUi, h|l ill a t’l~lil.li,ll I rlih,iihili.il hi

i.lllllllll’O Ihv i’llllil’l,l’tl t,l" ii,Jollrllcrtl al th;sIhrlfiy ~ nd delqrilt,I. Ira lhle retll~l.

Thl, lii.i elll of. llll ¢llur ilili ~tlrill.llrcd i,f I

b,HI) ,*1 II on relil’,.ll~llllllb~ I ll~l il - ,~ ~.i,1, ini le’lllqli iw~i hllill|il,d llllll iil,i i01 d-II li, rllilhlit

h,, o.itlli,,rli I I. ii ,hly. liut It Im,~ iih.~ltll I.., ii

.~t.,,, ATL’, ;~’~ , .. ....

"l’l[’I : I’Ic~,,’it.(,]l’.

’i’l(iN:,. I , iI...................................

For a First-0]a~; Dinner!A 1’ )t .’,li,lJl’,ll A’rl ~, I’ItlCF,, If() T()

!?’~P A R T ,_,EA’flt~tG STAHD,

14’it(It stl’t,t’t -Nl¯:u’](t’{.P I! I l..I I)E I.i’11 I,ll.

i ii ,. ill : II. i’;t,li,,,,~, (’a,l,~ I A. |’ll,;r, .lilil

ti ..... I, I’ ~llll h, li,c.,~ l~l¯ l’l,i.LucA, ~ill ,i" i I lIDlihil liltt ill’ 1-,,,.I lr~l.ll., til~,..f ih,, ili,*,l~1 ilih 41rl’l:l i,,,I.w .M~Ik-i)

e.~lly c,,,I ~,,,.i ,,ii il,,, I.h,.d *.t,~ :a,+h ,~, ,l i,v. i t’v~,r.lihi.~; t-’ ;I i I.’ltE.~ll I’:V EIIV ?ll(iliN-

l!liii, u,, I’, t~ ~tI’ I. 3; I,,ll, 1’, .....

;,,I; A:’,,,I ¯lll:,;,,.lhll,,i. I t, .....

l.,,I-tt~ ..... ,’ iOpozl tit 311’ilil ’t’ryIt!V,’L;’~ :]71’. "¢,’1-..’. :l, ,l:,. ,, .:. l Tt,c c,, ,,; euy ,t,ncd al ,%’t0,1111ik, "s li.d that

And -- . . ..] J-.

Tew 8 0re, B011ovluo-Avo,, ........ ( tl p r I h-pt tl e,~n ~ lvq~rirmT~-

;IIIi.A.~I?I()Nrl?O1N, ~%r. ,T.

~’o ors Jt,~t r~eelvl.g, by tile

, ~ - ¯ r[

;i "ld*’li’lll~ ,lrltlll’{Inl el, ,ll

!t.’, V !.,;I ~ ’i’rFTJ J N( I.... , . 1 , .

iu ollr lhle,¯

N Vti’.l’| Oriklil~t’!N ~ l.l’lliOlit~ II:lillilull,<.



r ........ !

Page 4: C A S :H · ilahis to nsot~rtoitt lhcir views illi Ihn ~nh-j,’el}. ’I,~ true, holli¯ver, thal they utterly relludiiilo Ititn, and have had n,, ennlldlmae In hhn shleo lit, ai,i&i

........... " ¯- -" ................ =-= ....... _-’; :.7. .......... .| ¯~-

.~:: "l#ili ltei~tll, and soouappearedt~l)o asleep. ¯-

...., however, was .far from ’.his intern-Oh’ that can I over forget it ? " " .... .... . " ’- ’ " ’,---7-’------’ ’ ~" :.;.._L:’_ :" : .He: clo~: -his-eyes from - A CLERICAL JOKE]L---The late Elerd A:NEv~ ’U§E ~’o~ FLAX S~.ED.-=The ¯

¯ capital, into bite,.pla~e them in crucibles, cently at an advanced ~ge, woo one of the, all : , ,

~’ .’ Of w0rk/nen. has and thrtist the~omcibles into a furnaco~ sails surging m~t eccentric wits south of the Ohio~ .tlae tiest ~ River¯ He was familiar~ylhiow~lthrou~h,~

a.ie .hun di~l-years, a~o The .fire wl~ ii~.ged to its ext~me 1~w.er ~ was

until the steel was melted. Clothed in out Kentucky as "’’ Riicc!/dn Smitli. near use fbr~at may greatly ¯.- ...... enhance the’prlce). so. as to .mak~-.;~x; ..What a man ale- . wet rags to themselves Lrom the and ~ s had not While still re.the Baphst ministry, ~ profi’table. The neW-use, is ii~

_. m(~t .were their oat h,_’_m thenever ~to reveal

ation~ blinded theemit were

factory had ; nothing, recreate_ dispose._The secret o.~ making ca’stTsteel had bec-~n-

theof this v,dc~nidng ,

only eyes thal~were nbtedto follow the leaping and dazzlingSpiTes.’ " ’ " ....

~&ery momeiit we approached, lffowthe first waft of. smoke eamein our faces,

-.,.¯ . +..-

\;The British.Meat Supply.-

¯: " .... : -~’ ~per in the-" Joltriml of¯

’ ~_tR-riaulturalr Society of" - ¯ ¯ t~,t~ umss lands of the U~i¯ " "’ .... witl~ reference to their

__ prospectivo capability for meat"- " ~onlo inte~estin

Assochifion as acandldd~ " ° ..,-: .~try¯ He was not regarded as ~eingof rivalof caoutchouc, Or as is: ebmmofil~ .-’" ~ ’

entirely sound mind, and iabored under called, India laibbe’r.’ "The ne~di:t|blo i~: : ...... . ¯ .

the,, hallucination, that he was especially"- manufact!jred of lin~eii~oi~ by ~idiii/lg.

called to kept constantly untilit is solidified ~toaTesi~rolis~ab-. . , "to ¯ findit when it.

plicci by.home-bred Imim:ds, 81,:t~.8by ’:i/ll;~-o~d ,ali~mal~, and ’09,/2~~onsisted of provisions

an accbss ovelr 1870

s 7of


for los’ -.< .Eii/-ope excl~--

secrecy imposed uponhis "he Would n0t: abate his

Previous to 1853~-~ ̄ summer or winterweather.prevailed, India rubber fabricsStiffened o~ melted, This susceptibility

to their; use.on.this arid

Neitlierkifig-ii0~king’S dele:" his--little stove, in anwithin the tabooed ; house

this difficulty, for

chamber, of

with brim-stone, sho~ed no change


now weing, the creak and shiverliar roaring noise made by’ a~fire¯ -.;, ¯ " "’~’: -’" ¯

" A full-riggedship, ~’. i h’eard Brandhis wife; "" Eleven hund~dd

"Moreifulhcaven !" she

_Lthank°_the_I~rd we’xe.i~ter m command himself."

thd terror of the scene to sea her

broken spars

that of princes northe garrulity of olin’retires_ever revcaled first, tasteless, y~elding

c~cature in distress,

it. ¯ " and unaltered i~ oDnd rocked now a gooR deal in the water,........... fo~’~fy~-f61ffent-the~wlnd~ seemed to

There-is --still:- -standing, eloss by one of itsqualiti~g And" y~tit rise," bringing iip a long sweil With ft. -in London, an old cheniist’s Heat could ’ The moon w~nt down, .and- in a few

etanced t

terial.- It-was-no--longerY elasticity. All stiekine~was gone¯ I saw the tWO little d~-rk.boats nearing

grand discovery had, hei’, know,hat m3that required no that caoutchouc and shook with fear, and,cried

came. to sample .and assort and in awful silence our nev~entered Rials. with success, Goodyear, , the flames btir~in

in the United

mind, ; "in’%his:~the-possessor o~ as with resinous gums and other ingredi-

ents, whereupon it[assumes -the appear-ofanee and most Of thb~pr~operties-of Indig=ru~0ber. Like India ruhber, .if(can ’be.


over.to SiLnith, ~ithinstiaiCfionstomake uf~ctut’eof the rhkl~rial’fo~ wa~r". It can bTf-dSed’a8 vilritial~

,g-eonvex~fioil-:--~. of iron o¢ orBrother Itisas goo~

Smith--How do yo~ know you are

Meeks--Kuow it !of heart~ I wantmly_license~

Smith--Do ~_ou . believe - theBrother Meeks ?~ ~- ~. "

]~leeks ’--Ce~ainly I do--evqrj’_ word

--Smith~-If~I-can- prove by theZBibtethat you are.not called to preach, willy0ube satisfied to drop the matter, andnot further impo~unetho Association foro license ?

Brother ]tfeeks assented to this, andRaccoon Smith deliberately opened the

If’iS easil.y

as hard as the)t’ the finest

in this form will at oilee sug~" " _rdad~er. The man- ¯ " "

made to produce floor cloth, for which ... "

Oila stout l af-;~erward’watar proofed with oxidized oil¯The fabric is thenprinted by :means ofblocks iu the ordinary: way. The floorcloth thus produced is pliabl~ noiseless-to walk upon, washe~ well, preserves its

like an ordinary car-

Inenters upon rubber waeusual of ]hid secret, our chemist went Hancock. To hinlhomo to dinner. A .ehimne’y-sweep, or

disguised.an such, wide awake in our inventor. Securewas on the watch. Follow- his secret, instead of covering it

hc endeavored to

as to fearlessly.the sooty ceeded north, Scarcely

furnace and

saw all he work. The specimens

of the ifiventer was

article .was reduced The

afterward, ignorant of the trickhinder~l

lmad’originatedin a stolen.secret. Fewreader~ .need ba informed that tin-wareis simply thin iron platetl with tin

. dlpped fiito th0 ~oltcu

of iron, into a bath.oftin, end acre

cooling. In practice,...... tess is one of the sleet difficult ie_... ariz. L.It.. was .discovered in Holland,

and guaixte~:from publicity with theutmost vi for n~!trly half a con-

vain-to ,discover.,James. J:lhernmn

siiimlted hiuisclf surreptitiousl3 into atin-plato nlanufaetory, ’made hinlselfmaster of the secret, and brought it.hohle. ,

.........~.~hu hi’story of east-steel presents a"~urious instance of a ,llalmfacturingsecret ’stealthil ohhdned under the

The mainsteel, n~ everybodykhow~, is that thelatter.contalns-carhon. Tits one Is con-verfld_.intatho.for

harden under exposure tx~severest o~ittcial cold,

Foiledin his cliemical efforfs to holvpmystery, to l)ay

his secret,

Betweeu hint and his competitor therehad been "letters exchanged

to them bath .now con-sultedceases des~rlbed, collatedrived at, noted" the progress made fromtho~eginning, and arriving at the pointwhere both Goodyear a/ld hintself hadbeen-baflled~:-set--hieisel f-.t6 - rellcetion.

?orty-flfthArehinmdes and Stlcoiflo-gravity, orCornelius ~Dreb’ol and the red. dye ofOobelin tapt,stry. Hancock guess’ed titsulphur. ’~’he experiment wits tried.lhdling once and sgailt, he.~’tmsod hisfurnaces to he hrmlghtTto their highest

~ower, when, at the t~mperatltr~ of 4011~ahrcnheit~ lnd!a robber gum, sltbniit-.

t,:d to tlm failles of brimstone, becanloilz .............


box. Now ,lis0overy. It was for years it mlbjeot ofthus made is uneqnal. Thehliddhl lawsuits. Into the question.of 1)riority

of a bar in niorp, carbonized than’:the the English piitent laws did not enter¯ends, nnd the sltrheo more than the Goodyear t~lso ohtJdnod a patent, hut it

¯ ¯ ceutre¯ Otis, therefore, unr,diablo.: Uni- was ~racticaily uscleas,- For fourh~ou¯form work call not bo clinic out of it. ymtrs~renowed afterward for seven yearsFor ntany i)U~lmSm ~t will answor, but lucre, the exclusive hie of ’the discovery

,’ where ;a’ceura~y is required’it fails, of vulcanization’of India rhbber, on-¯ Nevertheless, before’ tlio invention of riehing its holder apd llis ’asqoetatos.l,e-

--east -~stecl-ttrero-w~-m~ t bhl~,~b~t t~rT---- ~l[-o~i-s--i’i f qi-gund s --s~r lin ,I~,T-~.. ~..... ?.---...In..l~Gl}.-t~iO~2LliVod-af.LAf,~rldiffe,nndnt~l-with-tho eoii/iu{lii-tum~o-Hmtklir.

near Sheffield,’ a watch-maker nanit~l It wtm rctdly it stolen seeh,t, but noitht,r][ulitlllnttn, He blmamc dlssatisflcd with craft nor frautl, but honollt, hraini% Itm’-the watch.springs hi’ use, lind m~t hint- vt~trtlt~d the theft--ll, irp,,r’s .tf,.,thl¢/.toll lie, the task of making them homo- - . ........... "

tl ,I *~nl~lul~ IL . thought he, I lion, fhoy h,Ii a’stor)" of a lllooiaing youngmelt a’pllme of s~el attd cast it Into an widow, wlto.~tu,,l .to livlf, next-direr toingot, its composition should

Page 5: C A S :H · ilahis to nsot~rtoitt lhcir views illi Ihn ~nh-j,’el}. ’I,~ true, holli¯ver, thal they utterly relludiiilo Ititn, and have had n,, ennlldlmae In hhn shleo lit, ai,i&i

- -- _-. ¯ -

.... £~ i ’ ¯ ̄ - " -" ’-

;.~-7~,,-~.Tr~.~-: .... ~ - - - .... . .... . ........ E - . -

the Oalaxy; alan’ ’1 " " " oilier ~ramiaent stetestnenp

’ ~hle_b_the pulJ ishers are not yet at ]ibazty tolulaounao.’. :

Ill the Jaeuary u umber i~om menees a i~eries of

..... uf,,lli’y-h’T~on the l’lglns."..fudging flout’the*tlrst.’~rtielb, on,l-front tile wfft" aud r maniac ~’,

experience w! ich General Cu~tcr -has II~d as a ..

cavalry ~llficer among’the" lw, ilills, these I/spar{I ¯ ’. ,

. "~¢anu’6~’fuil to be of vary great iuter~t. ~huy

~ill the year.

; ebaractere bv J ~ill bo.... ue&.. %~. Me Cltrthv_is eziO of the IilovI e~arm_

bron~lht out an entire]¯ IFR[.V~E/t wnicli they the



vet All Other Wringefii!!

Aia~ri~n-h-uql’~rhf.s.iliil begia,


..... L,>,....oomm.la.daiI’Tihe i, hlc~t ,it teni~i,,u.’. . theyeer 157~w111 bcby Wlitels ~lbO tlaYe~lOW

: .a.p0werfal hilhi co Ameri~aa leildcril. ’~elic’ O~ scriMS hnve been hy Silcli #fliers a~.... -i31]arles-’-R’~,oa~rE,’X’Ei, tl ~i~. l-is ~l~-

Cadhv, Mr*. Annie /’;dwards, and J. It/. De-- , i’ons~ ........ --" .--- --

.- " la~Y the atory rll her i.. Fife,Shukcrs"-~_auarraltro tilllt will throw mol2h

IN" i:llli ZES.

1,019 premiums¯ !

~ailro~ds.. ,

Camden & Atlnntio R..tl."’..;i .... ¯ o,q - ~lll n A r’rt~a .....


L6-1VSVine St. Wharf.... ..........

mr’s Point .......... ~ ....

_Ashland.....,..... ,.~.. ;2..~:

Attn.... .............. " ......... :._~ator for d..~ ...................¢ neora ....... ...... ,...~....’...Winalew ......... .. ....... :*’rHammonton ...................

Elwood ..........................Egg llgrbor ................Pemona;.~ ......... ........... .. 12 421Abaeeon .... .......... ’. ......... l, l: !

:ALIaatio arrive ...... :...~ .... 1/.18


Yrilht ,Mlll~ Acorn.t.i.7 e0i7 15:

9 23J9411

lOO;!10 241tO 421I [ 021

l14a12 I|J

.... ; .... _, -,-# ...... - :-.:_6- I

"i ...... ’ ....


¯ -- / ¯ . . . :., -



T~ r~t~-~ BilST, bein

unique, Simpl e and PractieabIO,

corn Aeem Frght° r,I

¯ Absceun....,.¢.." ......... ~ ..... iu ,va~-12 J;lt4 "#-4

Ngg llaiber...¢...: ............. &c. Will sew fro,~

Ilammonfon ............. ¯ ..... ~ 19i 11 21]5 25’iYinsh ; "{71 ’7411.5 35 H"

.. _ i ."Waterfnrd ..... .~ ........ ~.. .....

Berliu ....... ; ......... ,~ ........ -W" h i~"Horse~ .................


Aehtatid.~ ........ ~ ............. 7 04 t tit 4 27|0 27 They have stood the,test of twenty 2}ears’ uetlno ex perl m eu t~ur_ehaaeone.

K~aighn’s Siding~... ".. ~I~.L17" ON THE IN,~ TA ~M.~TY~ P~A.l~.

The "S~eeiiile ltllsecll~i!y" of the Galaxy" h’mr-~preved s~igegcrally’l,~l,ulor that the pub.

llehers aeek it, ,lake it slili e]oro deeervitlg o’tk~Itttie#fi’m of "~ntre~i,leri~, The :le-]mrtmee¯~ is prepare~| by a distitmui~hed ~tient st whole rclali,m~ with the loading, scientific

ii "men of Eagland~ anll Igar,lbc" guno."nlly, urolueh es to enable he Galaxy tr~ keep abre:tst of¯the hitest facts. ’ ’ "

. _ L~ Mr F.dwa~Crap=eU,-’leh"~n.P~l ~t’ls entitle4’tithe-Net h’-’r l~i.le of-Ne,v T.¢l~

favor will el~:lirillute tllrth~ri~lieles deserip.tire of criminal lind ’low lilt in the groat cities.~lr. t.Jrap~o~ wrilesfrom’i’erttn’ltxl ohaerviith,i-I.till[ with lt~t~10 Oi" ~iitgalar lt,liiplici:y and

Galaxy will 141ire the ea,~’staneo of sotnc~e~lrest aud hrtk.:at~.M-int,.>ll~t~ in the¯ q.l.’he Oal,lx~’,gi,c.~ grei!t nitro tO the seleetiou

its uniter, arid. ullikes ihciil o n/rticoable feature_ - of each auaiber of the mag;lzil~. :¯.... T’¢Lo Oa)axy la o,lite,I witl, the uicest

~d~ti-mc~t- the wanta-of-over-y-membor~,f-the-

O,I ;¢/3"G,~’ pr ,v tit al y wear i pen t in journals.[TEe wo,t,lcn joorlla[s in which the ir_t,m shrifts"ill itlllev lllAIdlitll-~Si lOll stien w~orl at,,d die ctfi-eivflev of the Vi’rini~er is thorctlv greatl’/rcduced]

this wren:or ;.ice the Utluolt 611so and steadirleahi Working’, wh fie ti~e doul,l~ step llreven ethemfrola h*l]tombtg nr beiug throwu t~ut of ~6gi.--We fnreish eilhar eiuglu -Or double geared P’r-6vldenco aa d .~irod. ¯ -~ "

--41h. Tile AD.~I;.~TA’BYJ~O.UR VED ULAMP

or lhil~klles~,dllllklnff a pt.rledt .fulltening, Nowol,dell pegs or~Uhlll~r ll-I’.l]l~l Oil this Olanip..5,h. S13<1 PI, IL*I-TY ~T’I~ENGTII sad bEAU-

ir¢l~.(,lilhine41 in rids liiqeh~ile, with all the

efa Ir~t ehi~s ~rii#ger.

Oo,,¯ .. )_

Pr,,~ldcltet:, ]~. I,.Agoncy-ll warronGtreot. N X" City-


ff otiees of-the~ Ib’~s.

’" - ’-15 " ............ 1.750Each-,t;Ihir~h-oldor will rei~elvc by

lircred al’rhu General Uflieo, eitber of the fol-lowing beaulifu] steel cngravillgs: U S

E L.a on receipt o] three tlollari#, in additionto a ShAre in ’lhe’dis ribntlon;",’-:¯ DIi]l:;CTOlt~.--.lud Siniihithclnie SherlffofChcinurl~ counly, ~ Yt L.rue: O ~eu(]’Jer,- Es,I,10huira, ¢;e,, liennel, E~o. llnrseheads, N t’,

C O,’ti M iS~ IO.N l~-R,~=o f-ileal .--ibutio~--|l,m J

~L[,o:l~./ll "~i;;,~ l’.t,:l.l:g, l~:t.h,l.

el ti.’.|:l,:tlii.;Nt: ~i.II.n Lueiu.~ l!.ol,i,son, lale eomprroller of the

lJoaldnlau 8ioi li,Mt2, IS!ln~ liege;litGee U’llllnlon. i)re~ent sheriff of 0henlutlg e,,.l[ S 8tovct~;-t:t~w.rt,’-tJou.~eTChleago~-l’ll-D-W-

-Gil]ett, 15_~ll.~saa st, N l’, altorney at law. 0

Wult st, N Y; E 1: 1~al,cuck Sccy of lax dcJ,’t,.~r2--Cli .ibera ~N. "f,iJ.s FiChu, 7-~’]*,rreu s-~¯,l T Atwill, Dep U S M,r*hall, ~[ V I3 Lta~.h-

.o]da,-altor nlty-a t- hlw~ Elmira,

Wharf 90,) a m, 200, -!-4ttnnd 11 1~ pli.iend tlad4oafiel4 6 00 and 11. 00 a m, and B fill

wIr.TB ~RGI~,R,S]ff’lavot’intl Exti-aeis

Arc-warranted equal to any made.-"lhey are~rel,ared-frgm tha fruGta, a~(l

#̄~° .4-/," ?f,,m- "Grocer or Dr.vyietd,,r Wilt-

’- L.BAt~L 0 IVS f.~rI)]GO BL~fE

Tl~, without (hlub.t~ !he be~t.artlcl¢ in the mnr-

watcs thnn l’our timeEthe same we ifTht of indlga.and’milch mare thao jt~. other wat, h blue io

tf~arkht. "The only genume ia that pu(RED

Seentld "~St.,,~Phlhldelllhia , Pa.¯ . The’labels have both V/iltbergt:r’galld llar.low’8 nalne o~n them, tdl othere are edunter

__ Sa49.1y

Pl]hEI~ OR IIl~PIOltltHOll)S ,ge’~pensaof$4001wryearone pletoiu alltbo dep,rtmcnt~ of an American

lnly obtaiu itr the Gal;ixy u vast anloatlt ill in: i’alfii]y Paper. I[.kl(t¯l~it’s WgEKhY has¯ .- etraetiv~ aed e’uterlainiug reading ; slit] were ]br itself a right to its title, A Janrnul of 6’ivil-

fa I vqry r~r be itnll t! e spirit .f the a~e. The! heai_lrahlieatioa of its class iu America

Ali Holdiei’s of tho war-of 1812 Who

#r nlgathl eommeueieg I"¢ibgtlliry-lilll~.T-.’--]li"2"lT]g eonliaue during lif~," ~ , ~ ....

Tile ]~ltlowlt ef s,,I,liere wlio died’in the"~’llr of’lSI2~ or at nl,$ .time sii~l~-h~he

¯ merri~d to the ~aldier beloru IUl@~~’llh+ I ill’|, aro cnILt%d to a FU],]’i PeasionofElttllT DOLI, ARS PElt MONTII,to e,m-1|hUh f,,r life. ’ILii.~o widows-rendering le~s

Many sahliere of the" late Rebellion, ere,atilt ~llffering from injuries nnd dl~eeses r/~.

eciv0d-hl the s~ivi~’a slid are hy law entitled toPe.~i.u, but hae,o never app’ied fur iti theirdltidlllitlea are ccuslanlly II ureiting nnd 1naylerlnhtale in thelr death. " They sbeal J- Ilpply[tunlc,liatcly whlloprool’of theirdleabllity canbe nhtnlnod.

tlnhliara dlseharged onueeeu’lt of lgSili|llroor Vll’illllf¢lq, who h,lva received no

100;"-’~. dil~sa

... ¯ - Atlorney at haw,.~9.Lf Trenton, Now ~lersey.

nnd liny q| lheir nunl|lor.finust ¢olheti~us’-f.rea’lin~/fiiR~r that are

#3 i Its" illustr,liions uro ninnoroua and

.~ J/lille b a - Trlilila~: r ..... . - ....._. ]!ARt~II’S It;EV.Kt, V i~ tbu be~t a~,d most in-,Lerittiiig_iJlu a t rile tLa mrs p ateal’uo dol)ond ou it~ illuMr,lti~+~s el,me. ~t.~reading matter is ofo’a high order cf literarym~rlt--vari,~d, hlstroetii’e’, etittrtainiug and un-exeoptiomlh[o.~N. 1". ,~,l.,

Hall, llan’ker, Elmira, E S YbunW. ]]alfim~e.--tY{l-J-John~on, art- IN’i’E-RNAL, EXTERNAL, BLTND; BLEi~D-

P Woo]vet.yah Ettee, ing aud Itching, Perfectly uud ]’crmanent-

p~A BGa/i!ian fine buairies%)__~_!thu/tt th’in

about three ycare rigorsituated onebluelifrom the l’n~t Ulliee~ l~lmira, N. 3.’, fronting on

with hotel known’-five teet

M’ttrkht ell rntmtng north 2U0 l’eutl ],ii’niing auraanlug west 260 feet, frontivg OIl Bahtwitl

50-f~el, with publld hall above;200all ultieo-hi the eoniro, with a tire

un4burglar IIrouf vahit. ~farket built add fit-ted ul~ [u the la6st ooffveuient acd improvclL

st yl~.~ -P-A:~-lqT~O-~-tt-O~FH~-- Situ a t’od -olr t hv-~or --nor cf ltal,lwhi.n,1 Market sis, about 75 leerfrunt on Bald;vm luld Ifib ua ~larket st.rect~,~~niiah,e baras llttached.

[,’AltM.--Situ,.ted ~ll ml[e~ from Ehfiira, Siteulitmi Oil the ’ hillk r,md, contai..ing 100 acres;grind larlu huildiligs, orchard, &c, all in li flatlttlile If e Iliv]ilillu.

ItESIDE~NCI~,.~FIfth Ward, nu Penua ave.,

eb~ll{ bO Ic~t Irolll aud ,10It. loot det, p. A finare~n|oueo with Intidcrli ilu|irlivclnunlll

..-~. I~ESI D E ,%’C1~7

Punt Oillco. ’ .TEN zCltES I.AND--Adj.lning earli~ration

ationt lille iiiilo froui ll~lsl efih’c, whh hiiuso alldbarnI sultat, lo for vegetable or buildhig purp~-sail.

400 CITYL0"I%Maunor of Distributing tho

I~a-6p-6rt;y.Thefts wit| hc a duldieilltl ilunib~r nf shares

hellt anlt regliTteroill lillll-]¯lrev|nlill Ill lhe d|l¢l~lluilIJUl the ilull ii~ilto kuliil)l’rs ef all idiiire.~ killbu ’lTli,’ed ill iiii e’nvelti la iilid .ealul, lll~li i,II th’ed.y o’* i~lr I, iii:~h ie lirv IhllnSl all lhe ~clih~lltluvtt l, ll:es eonia{llltl t Ihu dull|lcllto nilnl’]lers~till be I lliol: I ill ~¢ilecl I d lie thlir, glllylill.%oll~ Ihen I nilnil,h~r dlaWli llul alid ibc liaratilt h,ddtag lho corrl,’llliiindiilg nuulhur ivlll ru.eclvu thu lirai lit nibnn Inulil~l,lued ia ilia il* livell~t uf llrelaivlus, eild S(t tin Uutil lllo prvnliulustire dhlrihuted. Nlltl,’e will ’lie l,uhli hod lieiue,llalely slllar the dislribiillllli iakul place, Ill

for th roe¯~elrs by . ......


-- .][ohnGeullin,Travelini!] Agent,

¯ ttammontons ~t’. J.}0aS.lysw


..... .... : " , ;, " " - " .... " .... " .... " ..........:.. " - DEVOTi D TO THE INTERESTS 0F ’HA MON 0NIhND ......... IVIAKI_ -nG. iiiOi, IEY.... -

" t .... "" YEAR.-. ....... - ...-, .... .. -., .- o . PERVOL;m l:.: ;-Jz,- 5-, - =

¯ =

o.. o,

peseril)tiou.of PLR[N & FANCY Paint-

oxecated in the h.eet etyle. --

?AT~WO STOR~ BUILDING Purtieuliir att~tion given t, ?’ ~0"~37, . .. " . o#AI~IttO, olLDIz~’o, OLAZINO,’-=

.... AN:D Ia~ltT, ’ ~’~ ..... &-TT~P_ERi/A~.G/SO ;-"--,airedre n d-#~rlfitrhe~nd-mnd ¯ to

look like new. Give me ,i call.

A desirable situaLion far a Store or Manufa~- (0pposlto R. R. Dep.t.) .IIammenton N.J."tnriag,. -A-c’..~sb pu.’eh aser ean-obl.ain-very-tav ................. ---"~-:’ " ~.;" ~= "~: ...... ’: .........o’(~blo’tei’ms. Address ~ 0roers tor GRAhNINO irene aii perle

" to.

WHEELERg lea~ad~he’lLam mou ton .....~ =N--J.~ an d/’u rnis h c’,l-J t

" AN~iu the best order, is 11 rcpared t? give excellentaeeommodations" ]b"

at reasouable rate~.Good ~ltubJing for horses. ’.

No. 200-. Arch Etz eet. PhLladelphis

" is at theWe tlesire ta say to thueo afflicted, there is posi- "bf~i." D. Ilk J.W. ~ - ".tirol3, no’l[eccpti,lu iu th~ eura ot these Dis-’ 1)EPI~Y~-cur. EttLt ]IA]{BOR ROAD ~g

".eases, it m¯,ttcre not how long or haw scverc/y :; (seeoud dour from ~lation)y,,u.-havo-le-cen at We "arelofferiag

also cure Fistula, Fissure, Prohlpaus, Stri0.turns, and Uleeratlau of the’lower h.welHave ’tr ated these discasee as a apu~iality fortacnty yoara. 0 0m

T HlmMiles %Vasher !

kinds and ’.I’INIVAltA’. l)brl’t hellene


WORD ................ :

¯ ¯ , . .

PATE.NTEll I,’I~B 14, 11171. "

,i|T! I,’ICATEN.tdersT

by tho Milan. Wa*41cr, ur.twti hollers ftdL ofchllbcli in Ill nilnutcs thne .withnut ruhhing urchemicals, llltVO sew, rally .a~l| ,cateflilly e.~aui-iul, d each pl~es uiid ilronouuua tllem aa.c ca,as liy haiid iullhipg-¯ S. PhmulI, Mrs. S, Pha.uix) lt{rsl ~, W.M.raliouse,-MrlL C. ;%l’illlat.s, "Mrs." ,|lininG¯W,.odlng, Mrs. 8, It, l"awl~r l%Irs. C, Alvord..’llrs. 8. P, oltcn#< ;A. 4). (~.llt’ltill I ~|rd: J,I’M.Ilyde, O. It. llyde, E. C."Lyo~is; Mrs. S. D.Cr0se, Mla, M. S. C,ass, 8, l’:l,~Lgn.

----It NPOR’LLOF--T II I,VPJ It.M F, R~" CT/I]]I. .....’ ~t’l.qt:h&Sli, /~C,:IG, 18Tt, :". ’l’fie CemntlIiei~ alqlilhitoil hy the " Fermers’OIui%" lo,exuudae IIiT<~ " Mi~es W’aslIiug Ma-

idSae,’" rl, porl lllal they have wilncs~ed Itsi)ll*!(all0u oa suvcrlil ulR, ilitans i dil’illI Ihe paslh’uekI itiill Ihid ii I. be In every toa ieet aLl tLilrllS invenllir t, hiililS h,r It,"

Without rubhing I lir ]’ridllun of atiy kind,wll]icut o]ieulicsls I and wltii ahilnl half. ilialineal qnanlliy i,f snail I w|isbhigs of |’re "l thlr]y|ti, folly liivras, iu eillne Instatiol, S Yt~ll IOUelis’nllad, worn liCl, ll ,.t~il~liull In froni Ill’e hi ’hveh’euilnUlOS, The cl.,Ihes hi every t’sse were

ilieipa tqlall-ra -tn-t h OToun tryhll,’sil II t" I tl ’t~ le ivliiignuli .... 211.11nou ’handkcieilhlf, euiaarod.6,hh mhcel.-| ...... . +

i will he tl~llii~tl hy tnaii.-- grciiso,,und tar, was Inkon fr0nvlllo lttt|ilil"lil’

of ll’l’CliilUlliS lakes llhlt~e al I,;Iniira ltevon lahintos, wllhoiil Tot or siahi. " , "N Yp, ae stiotl aS eliarcn Itta sliJlt. A.C. (JltT’rllNi ’ )

~*,l-- All, ielillltlince~ may be ll, ill |ll Drafl~, ’it/. P. lleiliiL~li.4Y.¯ t 0~Tuiuli]ecPtt Orders i,r (troeli|llieki, ~.11 eomnluuica. ]t II, ltl,SltKI, Li’¯ ¯ { .t erie adlrcsaud to " (2. P. ALVultl,I j¯

T.S. PATTTN~i()-N.~ .... w~ t~ ,~,~.~i~ii.~d;",:ii~.~,s.f |I,,,,;,,,o,,,,,,,,N. J., docerllfy Ihat wa have seeh Ihe olmrall,m

I Ill Iba 1~1 ea 1 I I,r,lrcd Wsldi ihuh, r, null c allul, Minslrr mid Cur. 141,o’y, Ehnlrai N, Y, ! levi fy till we I~ leYe li i~ t e ull the lilveultir

lqhlirOs eiln he I)rueorell al Ihii tluliorai lillle., ehiiull for lti walihll I wlllilnil rablihig iirI{liiitra, N, Y,, lit Iha llrln¢~llial Ih’it, I, hi M, Y. vh¢lu’esls~ uiid lesi’ ~..p, ill Iloul 10 tti ’20’. liyl aud all the largo elllea in lho Uliiau"

IOliiul~ ii, ss oh.ou ill hy [iSlilt rltbhliil.o





.> Of x-Ia mmoxttonr

Ma.-Em~’incland headed !’ Tilt On~n~llUr

the total length" of t!ie ~ireams of Viheland iinln~guCs therefrom that."’ t6er6,is no x~ceessit

el,etehere to purellantit es c.n be hall lu

nmedlat~ nelglabtlrliood.The writer-of the" nhave is oqidel~[]y a~vnra

ei-ht "//pprovedM~lreh lhirty-firstei~ht- No. 2: Ivin,~ ~.Mount, loteen h’~lndred anti s~xty-niac, imtne’driatelv coaches t!lrnislf0d Ill, tubers-of

,-1 by such sale t~ tim treamrer ot

¯ aitd to make*/.bt{/rn (if’sMd w~af-a,,,t his vroceeding, thei’6under, to

the clerknf,’aid eil)h to be filed’-by-, aidclerk amongthe~fh~k.~pers ̄af said dry.

";’2. And-be it:en ~ tiic war:’aat

before the exeeu]ion’ thereof,e eik bf.~id clly i’a a .baokTr0-bo sta]ianoLv, lot hell 4b Of¯ a’:4~Clliblyl

tnr that~r] the~oof shalt iced ai c{chteen d,~llhrs, ""

¯ .N-e.=4=,D;-l~fit~or,-stand fin’-of-3. A-eel b~it enabled,’ "Tl!!i~, i/i ca~e ( fico ll2e IO ~eaate,q0rtl0 ’d tt

btrge quantities 0] re fLi~a},

’hotnas ll~0~ley, ninety- ~- 05.00T. ~.~

- . .,- 114:60 "’hoilia~ B~p~ley,.’th~ry~" : ’-

t611~i.~ - ....... 3° 00.’Ifiek,siz dollars, 6 00,


. . . :

18,00 .... ..

16 56 ~.

allcw t~.u impcrta~( f-act to escape ~’our mind~,thut the pltee to buy IIA.RDWAIII’], such as

-’ltAllLOIL & C001( STOVES of all ~;yles anl]~TAILS, BULTS. 111] 1LDFRS’ IIAltDWARE~tECIIAN1CG’TOOh~ and a thou~and~enl;cue thiuaa whiek you

¯ a lllU°tit~ulii r’llOll, in ivhich-ouly.~-1Hra

t,la IIi’ean t’~rieo.and---e profilaiAc;--’;l~hat]1under thO act and stippleswamp~ of V-tn~l~tnd’~*e nut fipcd for celtics- far taxes

? ti,m -of the Cla~b-:r~y is:0vit~cnt fleln--the_t~le~, to-when lIhat those of her. cilit’e,l& wlio have gouo iHtO itwful-for7the-conlmoa-ooune

ealriva*jou of the berry, go e|~cvih~reselect their Bog$~ where a.l

8P,ld. stld

Wo have ie theOll’e i" ~000. ael+’e, li natdral. Ciauherrj

TIIIIEI~Ualoiliul slrealos eonrsieg t~lrol’.’rh

two-salche|s Itlr-~secrblarioae ot:-L- --:-enate, eortili~d, lb 17#se0fclnry,~1 senate, ~lxteea dollars and " "

said ally, in ca~c ol ai.acutmy, to appoifit s No. 6. Jamesi~ Duuham,.for --. 7i::uillil the pnsurarld’llrtl.,tluu tvr-~u,latoi co - ---


ellniil hard Ihiics Ulil) hlgh prhlrs, ’l’|iero is aniwtdoin!O af it al oar i~liirtl. %%1e licoli n Iullvatil)ty tif~lltll,’,.Ttitll,:’4~ llltU,~llE~


THIS !. ,I

a llne ai~.rimeni’ of FIIIINITUIIF.--lh’re~nllMirrors, Laldlgcl, ’Tablcl, J.ledsnJad~, Mal.Irelllel I J£C.. lie. W il ¢.anDot bl | lltlll In ttliliolrkll i ee4 li nUr fr r!i li ellili.uIl Ihelr bl-iIllleresi~ ib~,l wtil h~ar iu nl i,I thl CASII14’lOl’.ii of M. D. ¯ JIW. DI/PUYI LIiulil,li491h ~, ~". ......... ~__ ig.t

I]V OIIliF;n oF Dinlclirllnlt+

¯ Ill~’ ^ijTlit~lti’Tl’,l

LAWS OF NEW JERSEY.’ (,I[AI ll’,lt L,t, ,(,1, I ,-: ’ ’" ’’l’’ V IA |;llrihl’r ~iilllih!llll!ti] IO liei a(:t I;liliilnd

’An Ael In revise luid iiliielid Ihe ehat-tt, r ~,l ’Egir [17irlmr L,~ity, ’’ lll)lqUVl.lt ¯ * ’

¯el~ehruary ihlrieeathl cightc,.’n hutitlr d

I/lid ~.ixly’efglll. ¯]~ l|tt it enueha| hy I|ie Senatc and

(ltlnl!rUl As~i,lnh!F nf lhn ~qiiilO ul ~l~wJer~.l’y, Tiiat ii siial] be Iho thll~ ill Ihni~l)li*tololl~, hi W|tllill a warriliit inay lie de-liverl’d, a~ I, IIn~¢llied ill the lir.t acoliOll ofa hirtlltW iltipphltnent [0 Ill ael enlith,d’Alluel Io I:evisnund aln,,nd ttmehorter

l~utl ill by i~ilrige.nt.lil-iirlns nfl~itliiilC, lille lilllidrel| litili IhirLy-

i~ix dltlhlr~ aild iiinoty i:OlltttlFor sial hniery for t~ellltll~l c~rti-

th.l to by ellgrlt,~,iil’( chlrk ofISUlialtll one hundred mid ui tlity-lille dollui~ and tiillii~, een]Hi l,’ttr Millillliery hir lioiil~e clirli-fled .In by d ~rk el hlitl~i% {hrcedullar, and ~ixt.i’ cunllt,

|~,lr i~|utionl,ry lilt hltU~ie o| u..vt.iatliy, t,ertlli~d ]o by .I)e’ilit:r,li;,¢cli dullar~ and ltevcnty-livc

For atntimlery for ]iou~e Cf ae.-~eui’,iy, cer]illl~d IO by at’rgeant-af-arliia, illiU hundr,,d and {nell-.leini dolhir~ lild Ihirly calilS,

For .tat hltit ry |lit |llttiilo tt[’ at- "

~l!mhly, ct:rlilh,t to I,v ltorgeant--lrtlls," nicely d_ol!at~ , an4!

t tllcnld/-lh’tF ~ui~ ,

lithi ill twenty I er eell]lllli ill)Ontheir ~illari0~ for the llrcttdat sort"

1.;I.6 90 ,’fillip,. ",. ,~o. 21), ~litiiliel Prior, for lak-

ili~ nli..ll:illtOlnellllt ot Now Jof-,l~y itlatc lirh~olil twenty-five dub

]HI 140 hil.lll O~ 00~qt|,’ 21," ’[’6 Ike ~cvural pages

01 the Sellillo and hetl~o tel al!~Clll-:l 60 lily nn.adthiii)ll el twenty per

el.,lllillll to the alliOllnt.o| coln-

~,!!i~alion Iirovidcd by Iho llt’t Ofl.lrch 29, 1871,-

15 75 Ne, 22. (J~atge K. Col0man,(m flec~tunt ol servicea aa read- ’er for lho as~ctnbly, OliO hulidrc4dolhr~, 100 00