campobasso, m.s. and zanon, a. and minisci, e. and ·...

Campobasso, M.S. and Zanon, A. and Minisci, E. and Bonfiglioli, A. (2009) Wake-tracking and turbulence modelling in computational aerodynamics of wind turbine aerofoils. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 223 (8). pp. 939-951. ISSN 0957-6509 Deposited on: 28 January 2010 Enlighten – Research publications by members of the University of Glasgow

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Campobasso, M.S. and Zanon, A. and Minisci, E. and Bonfiglioli, A. (2009) Wake-tracking and turbulence modelling in computational aerodynamics of wind turbine aerofoils. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 223 (8). pp. 939-951. ISSN 0957-6509 Deposited on: 28 January 2010

Enlighten – Research publications by members of the University of Glasgow


Wake-tracking and turbulence modelling incomputational aerodynamics of wind turbine aerofoilsM S Campobasso1, A Zanon2, E Minisci1, and A Bonfiglioli3∗1Department of Aerospace Engineering, James Watt Building South, Glasgow University, Glasgow, UK2Dipartimento di Energetica e Macchine, Universita’ di Udine, Udine, Italy3Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Fisica dell’Ambiente, Universita’ della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

The manuscript was received on 19 March 2009 and was accepted after revision for publication on 28 May 2009.

DOI: 10.1243/09576509JPE778

Abstract: This article addresses two modelling aspects of wind turbine aerofoil aerodynamicsbased on the solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. One of theseis the effect of an a priori method for structured grid adaptation aimed at improving thewake resolution. The presented results emphasize that the proposed adaptation strategy greatlyimproves the wake resolution in the far field, whereas the wake is completely diffused by the non-adapted grid with the same number and spacing patterns of grid nodes. The proposed adaptationapproach can be easily included in the structured generation process of both commercial andin-house-structured mesh generators.

The other numerical aspect examined herein is the impact of particular choices for turbu-lence modelling on the predicted solution. This includes the comparative analysis of numericalsolutions obtained by using different turbulence models, and also aims at quantifying the solu-tion inaccuracy arising from not modelling the laminar-to-turbulent transition. It is found thatthe drag forces obtained by considering the flow as transitional or fully turbulent may differ by50 per cent.

All these issues are investigated using a special-purpose hyperbolic grid generator and twomulti block structured finite volume RANS codes. The numerical experiments consider the flowfield past a wind turbine aerofoil for which an exhaustive campaign of steady and unsteadyexperimental measurements was conducted. The predictive capabilities of the CFD solvers arevalidated by comparing experimental data and numerical predictions for selected flow regimes.The incompressible analysis and design code XFOIL is also used to support the findings of thecomparative analysis of numerical RANS-based results and experimental data.

Keywords: wake-tracking, turbulence modelling, grid generation, wind turbine aerodynamics,Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes, computational fluid dynamics


Improving the steady and unsteady aerodynamic per-formance of existing wind turbines (WTs) and design-ing the next generation of more powerful and morereliable machines will increasingly require the useof high-fidelity aerodynamic models such as those

∗Corresponding author: Environmental Engineering and Physics,

University of Basilicata, Viale Ateneo Lucano 10, Potenza 85100,


email: [email protected]

of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and also asubstantial enhancement of the level of confidence inthe potential of this technology.

Outstanding studies on the current capabilities ofCFD to predict the steady and unsteady aerodyna-mics of WT aerofoil have appeared in the past fewyears [1–3], but the level of public domain knowl-edge and experience in this area is still signifi-cantly lower than that in related fields, such as air-craft wing or turbomachinery blade computationalaerodynamics.

One of the crucial phases in the classical designof new WT blades is the accurate prediction of the

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aerodynamic force coefficients of their aerofoils. Theseaerodynamic coefficients can then be used to calculatethe force acting on the blades at each radius, and theradial integral of such forces determines both the over-all torque (and thus the power) available at the shaftof the alternator and the axial thrust acting on the tur-bine, which is needed to size the tower and its support.

The use of CFD codes solving the Reynolds-averagedNavier–Stokes (RANS) equations is emerging as aviable option to accomplish these objectives. However,their employment in WT aerodynamics presents sev-eral important challenges. Some of these arise becausethe flow field past the blade is transitional over asignificant portion of the blade height. Indeed, theReynolds number decreases dramatically from tip tohub, and the highest value occurring at the tip isoften close to the upper end of the transitional region.The Mach number also varies substantially along theblade, being always in the low subsonic range andachieving extremely low levels at the hub.

These features point to the necessity of suitablyaccounting for laminar-to-turbulent transition, andalso for incompressibility effects when existing, well-validated, efficient and reliable compressible RANSsolvers are to be used for these analyses. One ofthe first reported studies highlighting the importanceof correctly modelling the transition as a prerequi-site for obtaining accurate steady-state predictionsis reported in reference [4] dealing with the predic-tion of the steady performance of a WT aerofoil. Inreference [5], it is shown how the use of a transition-modelling algorithm yields remarkable improvementsin the prediction of the flow field past the blade of aWT rotor with respect to the case in which the flow isassumed turbulent from the blade leading edge.

As for the effects of incompressibility, a strikingexample of the low Mach number effects on the predic-tion of separated aerofoil flows by means of an existingcompressible RANS code is reported in reference [3].This article shows that the measured incidence associ-ated with the stall inception of a WT aerofoil can onlybe reproduced numerically by using a low-speed pre-conditioner to take into account the incompressibilityeffects.

An additional factor that may affect the CFD predic-tion of aerofoil forces is the choice of the turbulencemodel.The results of Le Pape and Lecanu [3], for exam-ple, show that the prediction of the flow field past a WTaerofoil with an incidence of 12◦ does not reveal anyflow separation when using the K –ω turbulence modelreported in reference [6], whereas a heavily stalled flowfield (much closer to the experimental observations) isobtained when using the shear stress transport (SST)K –ω model described in reference [7].

The aforementioned turbulence model-relatedissues are crucial if the forces acting on the bladeaerofoils are to be determined by means of the so-called near-field method, whereby such forces are

determined by means of surface integration of localstatic pressure and viscous stress. This approach isstraightforward, but the accuracy of its outcome isheavily affected by the level of numerical dissipationand the truncation error of the numerical discretiza-tion (note that both parameters decrease as the grid isrefined). Prompted by these issues, particularly that ofdetermining the aerodynamic drag with an approachmuch less sensitive to the refinement of the grid athand, however, a mid-field approach for the calcula-tion of the aerofoil forces has recently received someattention [8]. Starting from a given RANS solution, thismethod determines the aerofoil forces by performinga volume integral of an entropy-, static pressure- andtotal enthalpy-dependent function in the boundarylayers and the wake regions. The boundary of thedomain of integration typically extends two or threechords away from the body. Reported results showthat the drag computed with the mid-field approachis much less sensitive to grid refinement than thenear-field integration method. The former technique,however, assumes a degree of boundary layers andwake resolution above a minimum threshold.

A high level of wake and shed vorticity resolutionis also important in the study of wake–body inter-action, such as that leading to the reduction of thepower output of a turbine operating in the wake pro-duced by an upstream turbine in a wind farm [9]. Inthe framework of the RANS approach, the technologiesone may adopt to enhance the wake resolution keep-ing the overall size of the computational mesh withinacceptable bounds are (a) grid-adaptation [10] and(b) high-order methods [11].

Given the highlighted necessity of suitably resolv-ing blade wakes, the primary objective of this article isto quantify the accuracy enhancements achievable byusing wake-adapted grids (i.e. computational meshesthat maximize the resolution of the wake shed bythe blade aerofoils), rather than standard meshes thattake no account of the flow patterns. The compara-tive assessment is performed by analysing the flowfield past a wind turbine aerofoil computed by meansof two structured multi-block RANS codes with bothstandard and wake-tailored computational grids.

The second thread of this article is the compara-tive analysis of the effects of turbulence and transitionmodelling on the predicted flow field and aerofoilcharacteristics. To this aim, we compare the flow fieldpast the selected aerofoil computed (a) by using thetwo RANS solvers both with and without transitionmodelling and (b) by using one RANS solver employingfour different turbulence models.

All presented investigations are based on two-dimensional (2D) simulations and measurements ofthe flow field past the FFA-W3-241 WT aerofoil [12],which is depicted in Fig. 1. The numerical simulationshave been carried out by means of two differentstructured finite volume RANS codes: the public

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Fig. 1 Profile of FFA-W3-241 aerofoil

domain code ISAAC [13] and the commercial codeFINETM/Turbo ( The predic-tive capabilities of these RANS codes are assessed bycomparing their predictions to the experimental dataand the results obtained using XFOIL [14], an incom-pressible 2D analysis and design code that uses acoupled potential flow and integral boundary layermodel and a very accurate transition model. Morespecifically, XFOIL uses an eN method for transitionprediction, and is widely regarded as one of the besttools available for predicting transition on 2D aero-foils. A thorough description of the implementationof the transition model in XFOIL can be found inreference [15].

The procedure adopted for the generation of thewake-tailored grid is reported in section 2, whereas asummary of the main features of the two RANS solversemployed in this study is given in section 3. Section 4presents the comparative analysis of the computedflow past the FFA aerofoil using the standard- andwake-tailored grids, and also highlights the impact oftransition modelling on the computed aerodynamicforce. The parametric study on the dependence of thecomputed solution on the turbulence model is sum-marized in section 5, whereas the main conclusions ofthese investigations are provided in section 6.


The geometry of many families of WT aerofoils con-sists of an asymmetric profile with a fairly thin andcambered trailing edge (TE), and these features resultin a locally concave shape of the lower side. Whenusing a structured RANS solver for the analysis of theflow field past these aerofoils, a C-type grid is typicallyused for the numerical simulation. In this circum-stance, however, the use of a standard C-grid with astraight cut aligned with the aerofoil chord may yieldunacceptably poor resolution of the wake. This occursbecause in most regions behind the aerofoil, the wakeis not aligned with the grid cut, in the neighbourhoodof which a very high spatial resolution is available dueto the grid line clustering past the aerofoil surface.The wake does not travel in the highly refined strippast the C-cut of a standard grid; conversely, it rapidly

departs from it soon after the TE, and it travels in aregion of increasingly low refinement. This leads toa premature and unphysical dissipation of the wake,and this occurrence may seriously hinder the use ofmid-field methods to calculate the forces acting on theaerofoil. This mechanism also poses serious problemsto the use of RANS-based methods for the study ofwake–body interactions. For a given order of accuracyof the adopted CFD algorithm, this problem can besolved (a) by increasing the refinement in the wakeregion, (b) by adapting the geometry of the grid in thewake region to the wake, or (c) by a combination ofboth actions.

The aim of this section is to present an a priori meshadaptation method aimed at improving the wake res-olution of a given C-mesh used for the CFD analysis ofWT aerofoils. The technique only varies the local meshtopology, and does not alter the overall number of gridnodes.

The grids adopted in this study have been generatedby the structured grid generator WINGRID describedin reference [16]. The code builds a C-grid past theaerofoil by solving a system of two hyperbolic partialdifferential equations with an implicit discretization.The grids are orthogonal, and the generation processallows a high degree of control of node stretching andlocal distance from all boundaries. One of the originalfeatures of WINGRID is the possibility of actively con-trolling the input geometry of the C-cut. Three optionsare available: (a) straight horizontal cut (aligned withthe aerofoil chord), (b) straight cut rotated with respectto the chord direction by a user-given angle, and(c) coordinates of grid-cut geometry provided by theuser. As shown in the result section, the grid con-structed using the third option yields the best res-olution of the flow field past aerofoils with sharpand cambered TE, provided that the user-given cutgeometry is a reasonable approximation to the waketrajectory. This occurs because the wake shed by theseaerofoils describes a compound trajectory: soon afterthe TE, the flow is aligned with the aerofoil cam-ber line, and then it takes the free-stream directionwithin less than one chord length from the TE. The firstpatch of this pattern is highlighted in Fig. 2, the threesketches of which depict the C-cut obtained by usingthe three aforementioned options and the TE stream-line computed by a RANS calculation for a free-streamdirection α = 4◦. As expected, the straight horizontalcut of option 1 is intersected by the wake, directeddownwards at the TE and upwards from about 40 percent chord lengths to the exit of the computationaldomain; the straight cut of option 2 rotated by α com-pletely misses the wake because the direction of theC-cut and the wake close to the TE are initially oppo-site. The user-given cut geometry of option 3 is thatwhich best tracks the wake. The importance of aligningthe C-cut and the wake lies in that the maximum gridrefinement in the normal direction is concentrated

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Fig. 2 Geometry option for C-cut construction

around the cut, and therefore the wake–cut alignmentguarantees the best wake resolution.

The misalignment of C-cut and wake has negativeconsequences also further downstream, as illustratedin Figs 3 and 4. The plots report the far-field gridobtained by using options 1 and 3, respectively, andthese grids are generated for the CFD analysis of theflow field with a free-stream direction of 10.2◦. Thecomputed streamline that emanates from the aerofoilTE is also reported in both figures. One sees (Fig. 3)how the wake rapidly moves to a region with scarcegrid refinement in the case of the straight horizon-tal cut. Conversely, Fig. 4 shows that the computedwake remains in a high-refinement area even in thefar-field region, though not exactly in the middleof the maximum refinement band about the C-cut.The wake in Fig. 4 also appears not to be perfectlyaligned with the C-cut. These minor mismatches inthe near-field region depend on the particular choice

Fig. 3 Enlarged view of C-grid behind aerofoil: straighthorizontal C-cut

Fig. 4 Enlarged view of C-grid behind aerofoil: adaptedC-cut

Fig. 5 Wake trajectory and C-cut of wake-adapted grids

of the user-given cut geometry. Further downstream,the computed wake and the C-cut become parallel asshown in Fig. 5.

In the analyses reported herein, the user-given cutprofile is generated as follows: for the first chord lengthbehind the TE, one uses the streamline predicted byXFOIL for the given free-stream direction α; a straightline rotated by α is instead used from the end of theXFOIL streamline to the downstream far-field bound-ary of the C-grid. Since this construction of the C-cut isbased on a forecast of the wake trajectory, we call thisprocess an a priori grid-adaptation method. Note thatthe CPU time of a single XFOIL analysis amounts tofractions of a second, making this cost negligible withrespect to that required for the grid generation.

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The CFD results presented in this article will high-light the substantial differences of flow resolution andconvergence property of the CFD solvers achieved byusing the adaptive geometry of the cut. It should benoted that the importance of aligning the wake gridwith the mid- and far-field wakes had been alreadyrecognized, as shown by the multi-block grids used inreference [17]. The importance of the following results,however, is to emphasize the necessity of adapting thewake grid also in the TE proximity.


To highlight the generality of the conclusions pro-vided in this article with regard to the accuracyimprovements achieved by using the wake resolutionapproach, we have conducted a large portion of theanalyses reported in this article by means of two differ-ent 3D structured multi-block RANS solvers, namelythe open source code ISAAC and the commercial codeFINETM/Turbo developed by NUMECA International.Both solvers use a finite volume cell-centred scheme todiscretize the conservation law form of the compress-ible flow equations.The conservative flow variables areused as dependent variables by both solvers.

The ISAAC code [13] uses a second-order upwindspace discretization. Advection terms in the meanflow equations are solved using Roe’s approximate Rie-mann solver coupled with MUSCL extrapolations; anupwind-biased discretization is also used for the con-vective terms in the turbulence equations, while theviscous terms are calculated with a central differenceapproximation. Mean flow and turbulence equationsare solved in a coupled fashion using an implicitspatially split diagonalized approximate factorization.The multigrid algorithm is also made use of to speedup convergence. The interested reader is referred toreference [13] for further details on the algorithmicaspects of ISAAC. As for turbulence modelling, theISAAC solver features several turbulence closure mod-els, including the K –ω model [6], the variant of theK –ε model described in reference [18], and an alge-braic stress model (ASM) version of both the K –ω andthe K –ε models [19]. The turbulence models reportedin references [18] and [6] use a linear relationshipbetween the Reynolds stress and the strain rate tensors(Boussinesq approximation), whereas the ASM coun-terpart of both models features a non-linear algebraicrelationship between the components of the Reynoldsstress tensor and those of the velocity gradient. Thevariations of the computed flow field past the FFA-W3-241 aerofoil arising by using these four models areassessed in section 5. Note that all four models arelow Reynolds number models, and they can thus beintegrated all the way down to viscous walls withoutrequiring wall functions. A feature of the implementa-tion of these models in ISAAC that has been extensively

used in this study is the possibility of prescribing theposition along the aerofoil sides where transition fromlaminar to turbulent boundary layer occurs.

The FINETM/Turbo code features several differenttypes of space discretizations. All the FINETM/Turboresults presented in the remainder of this article havebeen computed by selecting the same spatial dis-cretization of the convective terms used by the ISAACcode. The time-integration strategy of FINETM/Turbois explicit and is based on Runge–Kutta integrationaccelerated by a full multigrid algorithm and implicitresidual smoothing. As for turbulence modelling,FINETM/Turbo also features a large set of algebraic,one- and two-equation linear and non-linear differ-ential turbulence models. However, at the time thismanuscript is being prepared, transition from lam-inar to turbulent boundary layer can be prescribedonly when using the one-equation Spalart–Allmaras(SA) turbulence model [20], which also allows integra-tion all the way down to the wall without using wallfunctions. For this reason, all FINETM/Turbo resultspresented in this article have been determined byusing this turbulent closure model. The FINETM/Turbosolver also features low-speed preconditioning to dealwith low-speed flows. This option, however, was notused in the present study for reasons provided in thenext section.


In this section, we assess the improvement of thewake resolution achieved by using the wake track-ing approach discussed in the section 2, and wealso highlight the importance of taking into accountthe laminar-to-turbulent transition by comparing theaerofoil frictional parameters obtained by using eitherfully turbulent or transitional turbulence modelling.

To highlight the generality of the following find-ings, we have conducted all the analyses presentedin this section using both ISAAC and FINETM/Turbowith the same computational grids. Unfortunately, atthe time this manuscript is being prepared, ISAAC andFINETM/Turbo do not feature a common turbulencemodel that allows enforcing the position where tran-sition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs. For thisreason, all ISAAC results reported in this section usethe low Reynolds number K –ε ASM model, whereasall FINETM/Turbo results have been obtained using theSA turbulence closure.

The test case we consider is the flow field ofthe FFA-W3-241 WT aerofoil. Experimental measure-ments of the flow field past this aerofoil have been per-formed for a free-stream Mach number of 0.11 and aReynolds number of 1.6 × 106, and for several values offree-stream incidences. Steady and unsteady flowregimes have been analysed. The wind tunnel is of the

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closed return type, and features an open test sectionwith a cross-section of 7.5 × 7.5 m and a length of10.5 m. The aerofoil model is lodged in a stand placedin the tunnel test section. The aerofoil model has aspan of 1.9 m and a chord of 0.6 m giving an aspectratio of 3.17, and is mounted 1.7 m from the tunnelfloor and 3.2 m from the nozzle outlet. Endplates arefixed to the stand at the ends of the aerofoil modelto limit 3D effects. The interested reader is referredto reference [12] for additional information on theexperimental set-up and the wind tunnel correctionsadopted in the postprocessing of the measured data.

This section considers the steady regime associatedwith an incidence of 4.02◦. Note that no low-speed pre-conditioning has been used in any of the numericalsimulations reported in this article. This has been donebecause initial numerical investigations have shownthat the differences between the results obtainedwith low-speed preconditioning and those obtainedwithout it are negligible for this fully attached flowregime.

Preliminary mesh sensitivity and refinement analy-ses have led to the choice of a C-grid with the followingfeatures: number of nodes past the aerofoil Ibb = 301,minimum distance from the aerofoil surface in chordunits dn = 5 × 10−7, number of nodes in the normaldirection jmax = 129, and number of nodes in C-cutIbc = 81. The overall number of points on the C-linesis thus Imax = 461 so that this grid has an overall num-ber of points of Nnode = 59 469. The far-field boundaryis located about 20 chords away from the aerofoil inall directions. This grid has been generated in twoversions: one featuring a straight horizontal C-cut(option 1), and the other featuring a user-given cutgeometry (option 3) based on the near-field wakepattern obtained with an XFOIL analysis. These twomeshes have the same number of nodes. The topolog-ical difference between these grids is the same as thatbetween those of Figs 3 and 4.

The ISAAC flow analysis based on the K –ε ASMmodel for an incidence α = 4.02◦ has led to a max-imum y+ of 1.7 using either grid topology. TheFINETM/Turbo flow analysis based on the SA modelfor the same incidence has led to a maximum y+ of1.4 using either grid topology. This highlights that theselected wall distance is adequate for resolving theaerofoil boundary layers. The contours of total pres-sure obtained by using the standard and adapted gridsare reported in Figs 6 and 7, which refer to the ISAACand FINETM/Turbo results, respectively. The definitionof the total pressure coefficient is

Cp0 = p0,∞ − p0


where p0,∞ and p0 denote the free-stream and localtotal pressure, respectively, and q∞ is the free-streamdynamic head. The results of Figs 6 and 7 show thatthe wake resolution of both simulations with adapted

Fig. 6 Contours of total pressure coefficient computedusing the ISAAC code with standard grid (option1) and wake adapted grid (option 3) for α = 4.02◦

Fig. 7 Contours of total pressure coefficient computedusing the FINETM/Turbo code with standard grid(option 1) and wake-adapted grid (option 3) forα = 4.02◦

grid (option 3) has substantially improved with respectto that achieved by using the standard grid (option 1).In the former case, in fact, the wake is significantlysharper and less diffused than in the latter. As for thecomparison between the two codes with the adaptedgrid, it appears that for this incidence, ISAAC withthe K –ε ASM model yields slower wake decay thanFINETM/Turbo with the SA model. These observationsare quantified in Figs 8 and 9, which report the totalpressure coefficient at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 chord lengthsafter the TE, computed with both codes. The sequencedisplayed in Fig. 8, which refers to the ISAAC/K –ε ASM solution, shows that the solution of the gridwith straight horizontal cut has already a very diffused(shallow) trace of the wake at 7 chords from the TE,whereas the solution of the adapted grid still featuresa physically much more likely sharp wake at 11 chordlengths behind the TE. A similar trend is displayed bythe FINETM/Turbo/SA solution (see Fig. 9). Despite thewake tracking feature, however, this solution predicts

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Fig. 8 Comparative analysis of wake evolution com-puted with standard (option 1) and wake-adapted(option 3) grid for α = 4.02◦, ISAAC/k–ε ASMsolution

Fig. 9 Comparative analysis of wake evolution com-puted with standard (option 1) and wake-adapted(option 3) grid for α = 4.02◦; FINETM/Turbo/SAsolution

a less pronounced total pressure loss and diffuses thewake more quickly than the ISAAC/K –ε ASM solution.

The alignment of the wake and the C-cut also hasan impact on the convergence rate of the CFD run.This effect is particularly pronounced in the case ofthe ISAAC solver. The four subplots of Fig. 10 presentthe convergence history of the continuity, x- andy-components of the momentum, and energy equa-tions obtained by using the grid with straight horizon-tal cut (option 1), that with straight rotated cut (option2) and that with wake-adapted cut (option 3). One seesthat the worst convergence rate is obtained with theoption 1 grid. In this case, the maximum flow residu-als occur in the wake shortly after the TE in the areawhere the wake leaves the high-refinement area pastthe C-cut. A better convergence rate is obtained withthe rotated cut (option 2), but the best rate is achievedwith the wake-adapted grid.

The corresponding plots referring to the FINETM/Turbo analyses are displayed in Fig. 11. With this

Fig. 10 Convergence histories of the ISAAC CFD solverwith option 1, option 2, and option 3 grids forα = 4.02◦

Fig. 11 Convergence histories of the FINETM/TurboCFD solver with option 1, option 2, and option 3grids for α = 4.02◦

solver the effect of the wake-grid alignment on theconvergence rate is far less pronounced, convergencebeing only marginally faster on the wake-adaptedgrid. Note, however, that the two solvers adopt radi-cally different integration procedures and differentmultigrid settings. This explains why FINETM/Turboachieves convergence using two orders of magnitudefewer multigrid cycles than the ISAAC solver. It shouldalso be observed that the ISAAC simulation featuresa two-equation turbulence model, whereas that ofFINETM/Turbo uses a one-equation turbulence model.This is one additional reason why the cost of an ISAACmultigrid iteration cannot be compared with that ofa FINETM/Turbo multigrid iteration. A code-to-codecomparison in terms of computational efficiency is,however, beyond the scope of the present analysis.

These observations highlight that this adaptationstrategy not only improves the resolution of the flowfield, but it may also improve the convergence proper-ties of the CFD solver, depending on the robustness ofthe integration process and presumably also on spe-cific mathematical features of the turbulence model athand.

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Both codes allow enforcing of the chordwise posi-tion where the laminar-to-turbulent transition occurs.This feature has been exploited in the present anal-yses. The chordwise position of the transition onboth aerofoil sides has been determined by the sameXFOIL analysis used to determine the cut geometryfor WINGRID. These transition positions have beenused as input for both the ISAAC and FINETM/Turboanalyses, and all results presented thus far have beencomputed with such a transitional set-up. Figure 12provides the skin-friction coefficient on the aero-foil surface predicted respectively by the transitionalISAAC analysis (curves labelled ‘trns’) with the stan-dard (option 1) and wake-adapted (option 3) grids.Figure 13 provides instead the corresponding dataobtained by means of the FINETM/Turbo analysis.The XFOIL result is also shown in both figures forcomparison. First, note that the transitional RANS pro-files computed by using either codes with the standardand wake-adapted grids present negligible differences.This seems to indicate that, for this flow regime, the

Fig. 12 ISAAC computed profiles of skin-friction coeffi-cient for α = 4.02◦

Fig. 13 FINETM/Turbo computed profiles of skin-fric-tion coefficient for α = 4.02◦

extent to which we resolve the wake has negligibleimpact on the prediction of the drag computed bysurface integration of the viscous stress. It should benoted, however, that this conclusion will most likelynot hold for flow fields, which, unlike that consid-ered here, have a significant level of flow unsteadiness.Figure 12 also shows that both ISAAC/K –ε ASM tran-sitional profiles and the XFOIL profile show a suddenrise of Cf at about 35 per cent chord on the upper sideand about 45 per cent on the lower side. These are thepositions at which transition occurs. The sharp incre-ment of viscous stress is caused by the fact that the wallviscous stress in the turbulent boundary layer is higherthan that in the laminar boundary layer preceding thetransition. The FINETM/Turbo transitional SA resultsdisplayed in Fig. 13 show a smoother rise in Cf at bothtransition locations along with less pronounced maxi-mum and minimum values in their immediate neigh-bourhood. Within the fully turbulent boundary layerthat develops downstream of both transition locations,the skin-friction levels predicted by FINETM/Turbo/SAare in good agreement with the XFOIL prediction,whereas the ISAAC/K –ε ASM analysis overestimatesCf with respect to the XFOIL prediction. Since noexperimental data are available for the skin-frictioncoefficient, it is hard to establish which of the threecomputational results is more reliable.

Figures 12 and 13 also report the Cf profiles obtainedwith a fully turbulent RANS analysis (curve labelled‘turb’). With both codes, the fully turbulent RANS anal-ysis yields significantly higher drag levels than thetransitional analysis, due to the substantially higherlevel of Cf that it attributes to the front part of the aero-foil boundary layers. As shown later in this section, thedrag coefficient computed by the transitional analysisis closer to the measured value. There is also evidencethat the boundary layers past this type of aerofoilare indeed transitional. For example, the experimen-tal data of the flow field past the S809 aerofoil, a21 per cent thick WT aerofoil with geometry veryclose to that of the FFA-W3-241 aerofoil and testedfor Reynolds and Mach number very close to thoseof the present study, show that the boundary layeris transitional on both aerofoil sides for an angleof attack varying between −2◦ and 10◦. These datahave been first published in reference [21], whichreports that the experimental transition locations wereobtained using a stethoscope. In reference [5], theseexperimental data are compared with several transi-tional CFD results (including XFOIL analyses), and avery good general agreement between measurementsand simulations is observed. The transitional char-acter of the boundary layers of thick and relativelylow Reynolds number WT aerofoils and its impact onthe aerodynamic forces point to the importance ofmodelling transition when using CFD for WT design.

Computed and measured profiles of static pressurecoefficient Cp are presented in Figs 14 and 15. The

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Fig. 14 ISAAC computed and measured profiles of staticpressure coefficient for α = 4.02◦

Fig. 15 FINETM/Turbo computed and measured pro-files of static pressure coefficient for α = 4.02◦

definition of this parameter is

Cp = p − p∞q∞

where p∞ and p denote the free-stream and localstatic pressure, respectively. Both in the case of ISAAC(Fig. 14) and FINETM/Turbo (Fig. 15), one sees that(a) there are no visible differences between the transi-tional results obtained with the standard and adaptedgrid, (b) these two transitional RANS results and theXFOIL prediction are in excellent agreement, and(c) the CFD profile obtained with a fully turbulent anal-ysis deviates from all transitional numerical results inthe first 35 per cent of the upper side, where tran-sitional analyses place the transition. The differencebetween transitional and fully turbulent profiles onthe lower side is very small. As for the comparisonbetween measured and computed data, some differ-ences between all computed transitional results andthe experimental data are visible in the front and rearparts of the upper side. The fact that the RANS and

XFOIL profiles present negligible differences despitethe fact that they use substantially different flow mod-els makes it possible to assume that some neglectedwind tunnel effects may be responsible for the afore-mentioned differences.

As reported in reference [12], measurements of thetotal pressure in the wake were also made. A fixedvertical rake of pressure taps was positioned behindthe aerofoil. The variation of the flow incidence wasenabled by rotating the aerofoil about a hinge placedat 40 per cent of its chord. The distance between theTE and the wake rake of the aerofoil was 70 per centchord lengths when the aerofoil was in the horizon-tal position. The measured profile of total pressurecoefficient in the wake and that computed by ISAACand FINETM/Turbo using the wake-adapted grids arecompared in Figs 16 and 17, respectively. The over-all agreement between depth and width of computedand measured profiles is fairly good. The centreline ofthe computed profile appears to have a left offset withrespect to the measured profile. Conversely, the posi-tion of the TE streamline predicted by XFOIL is closerto the centreline of the measured wake. This compari-son is affected by some uncertainty, such as the effectsof top and bottom tunnel walls on the streamline cur-vature at the inlet of the test chamber. As reportedin reference [12], these effects are only partially takeninto account in the experimental corrections.

The effect of the grid adaptation on the wake reso-lution for α = 4.02◦ is not significant within one chordlength from the TE (Figs 8 and 9). Hence the profilescomputed with the option 1 grid do not differ from thecomputed profiles displayed in Figs 16 and 17.

The numerical and experimental values of lift coef-ficient CL and drag coefficient CD are reported inTables 1 and 2 for the ISAAC and FINETM/Turbo anal-yses, respectively. All numerical values are obtainedby integrating pressure force and viscous stress on

Fig. 16 Measured and computed (ISAAC/k–ε) ASM pro-files of total pressure coefficient behind theaerofoil TE for α = 4.02◦

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Fig. 17 Measured and computed (FINETM/Turbo/SA)profiles of total pressure coefficient behind theaerofoil TE for α = 4.02◦

the aerofoil surface. The experimental estimate of theforces is instead obtained by integrating the measuredstatic pressure distribution on the aerofoil, and apply-ing a momentum balance approach to a control vol-ume enclosing the aerofoil. The momentum balancecalculation makes use of the wake rake data. Furtherdetails on the calculation of the forces based on theexperimental data are provided in reference [12]. Thefirst two columns of Tables 1 and 2 report CL and CD

computed by transitional RANS analyses with the stan-dard and adapted grids, respectively; the third columnhas the force coefficients computed by the fully tur-bulent RANS analyses with adapted grid, and the lasttwo columns have the XFOIL and experimental esti-mates, respectively. One notices that: (a) both in thecase of ISAAC and FINETM/Turbo, the mesh adapta-tion in the wake region has a negligible effect on thedrag force, and a small effect (variation of about 0.5per cent) on the lift force; (b) both in the case of ISAACand FINETM/Turbo, the error induced by not account-ing for laminar-to-turbulent transition is about 7 per

Table 1 Measured and computed force coefficients(ISAAC/K –ε ASM CFD analyses) for α = 4.02◦

Option 1 –Trns

Option 3 –Trns

Option 3 –Turb XFOIL Exp

Cl 0.7596 0.7549 0.7006 0.7691 0.769Cd 0.0114 0.0113 0.0169 0.0093 0.0126

Table 2 Measured and computed force coefficients(FINETM/Turbo /SA CFD analyses) for α = 4.02◦

Option 1 –Trns

Option 3 –Trns

Option 3 –Turb XFOIL Exp

Cl 0.7778 0.7712 0.7295 0.7691 0.769Cd 0.0100 0.0102 0.0146 0.0093 0.0126

cent for the lift and 50 per cent for the drag; (c) thelift predicted by the transitional CFD analyses are inreasonably good agreement with experimental data,and the level of agreement is slightly worse than thatbetween XFOIL and the experimental data; and (d) thedrag predicted by the transitional CFD analyses arecloser than the XFOIL prediction to the experimentalvalue.


To assess the influence of turbulence modelling onthe computed forces, the flow field past the FFA-W3-241 aerofoil for α = 10.2◦ has been computed usingthe linear and ASM versions of both the K –ω and theK –ε models. This analysis has only been performedby means of the ISAAC code, because at present theFINETM/Turbo code allows the user to specify the posi-tion of the laminar-to-turbulent transition only withthe SA model.

The skin-friction coefficient computed with all fourturbulence models is plotted in Figs 18 and 19. Over-all, the best agreement between XFOIL and ISAAC isobtained with the K –ω ASM model. On the upper side,some deviations between these two results are onlyobserved from 70 per cent chord to the TE. At present,it is not clear why both K –ω models appear not totrigger the laminar-to-turbulent transition at the samepositions of XFOIL. These latter have been prescribedas input for all four calculations, but only the two K –ε

analyses appear to place the transition exactly whererequired.

Figures 20 and 21 depict the static pressure coeffi-cient determined by all four CFD analyses and XFOIL,and show that the differences among all results arenegligible.

The total pressure deficit in the wake computed byusing the four turbulence models is compared to the

Fig. 18 Comparative analysis of turbulence models forα = 10.2◦: skin-friction coefficient computedwith K –ε and K –ε ASM models

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Fig. 19 Comparative analysis of turbulence models forα = 10.2◦: skin-friction coefficient computedwith K –ω and K –ω ASM models

Fig. 20 Comparative analysis of turbulence models forα = 10.2◦: pressure coefficient computed withK –ε and K –ε ASM models

Fig. 21 Comparative analysis of turbulence models forα = 10.2◦: pressure coefficient computed withK –ω and K –ω ASM models

wake rake data in Figs 22 and 23. The most remark-able differences between the K –ε and K –ω models arethat (a) the former ones predict a minimum total pres-sure in the wake, which is about 25 per cent lower thanthe predictions of the latter models, and (b) the widthof the wake predicted by the K –ω models is slightlylarger than the width computed by the other two mod-els. Both features appear to make the prediction of theK –ω models closer to the experimental data. On theother hand, the use of either the linear eddy viscositymodel associated with the Boussinesq approxima-tion or the ASM expression of the Reynolds stresstensor seems to make little difference for both K –ε

and K –ω models. This is highlighted by the fact thatthere are small differences between the two profilesof Fig. 22, and also between those of Fig. 23. Finally,

Fig. 22 Comparative analysis of total pressure coeffi-cient at 70 per cent chord from TE using dif-ferent turbulence models for α = 10.2◦: profilescomputed by K –ε and K –ε ASM models

Fig. 23 Comparative analysis of total pressure coeffi-cient at 70 per cent chord from TE using dif-ferent turbulence models for α = 10.2◦: profilescomputed by K –ω and K –ω ASM models

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Table 3 Measured and computed force coefficients(option 3 grid) for α = 10.2◦ using four differentturbulence models and the ISAAC code

k–ε k–ε ASM k–ω k–ω ASM Exp.

Cl 1.4296 1.3949 1.4633 1.4495 1.344Cd 0.0194 0.0204 0.0197 0.0184 0.0171

the computed force coefficients using the four modelsare reported in Table 3. The best prediction of the liftforce seems to be that of the K –ε ASM model, whereasthe best drag prediction appears to be that of the K –ω

ASM model. It should be observed that the experi-mental values of lift and drag coefficients have beenobtained using different methods (lift by aerofoil pres-sure integration and drag by using wake rake data formomentum balance). Hence it is possible that the twoexperimental forces may be affected by different typesand levels of uncertainties, which probably explainswhy the best prediction of lift and drag appear to begiven by two different analyses.


This study has presented an a priori grid tailoringmethod for structured grids aimed at quantifying theimprovement of the resolution of the wake shed by WTaerofoils achievable by grid adaptation. To assess thegenerality of the reported findings, an open source anda commercial RANS codes have been used. The latterhas been used with the one-equation SA turbulencemodel and the former with several two-equation mod-els. Using either analysis set-up, the resolution of thewake shed at the trailing edge of a typical wind turbineaerofoil for an incidence of 4.02◦ appears to improvewith wake-tracked grids, though such improvementseems to be higher for the open source code. Thisis most likely due to the use of different turbulencemodels in the two solvers. Indeed, similar studies per-formed by the authors but not reported herein suggestthat the extent of the sensitivity of the wake resolu-tion to the grid refinement in the wake region usinga given CFD solver greatly depends on the choice ofthe turbulence model. More precisely, the sensitivity ishigher when using two- rather than one-equation tur-bulence models. Additionally, the improvement of thewake resolution achieved by wake tracking becomesmore significant as the thickness of the wake grows,and this condition is associated with higher valuesof the flow incidence. Indeed, the analyses for higherincidence (α = 10.2◦) reported in reference [22] showthat the wake has nearly disappeared within threechords from the TE when using a standard C-grid.Conversely, the same physical wake is preserved asfar as 20 chords from the TE, when the wake-tailoredgrid is adopted. The wake-adapted grid has also beenfound to improve the convergence characteristics of

the CFD calculations. As for the computed lift and dragcoefficients, these unexpectedly appear to be fairlyinsensitive to the grid resolution.

The extent of the wake resolution enhancementachievable by grid adaptation has a great potentialfor supporting the application of mid-field drag cal-culations. Since a substantially higher flow resolutioncan be obtained by simply adapting the grid withoutchanging the grid size, it also points to the fact thatgrid-adaptation and high-order methods should beboth considered for the development of optimal RANSsolvers.

The numerical analyses presented in this articlerefer to 2D attached flows. The proposed wake-tracking algorithm can be generalized in a straight-forward fashion to 3D attached flow problems byincorporating a 3D potential flow solver into the gridgeneration process. Because of the extremely low com-putational cost of the potential equations solver, thisfeature would have a negligible impact on the com-putational cost of the grid generation. In the case of2D and 3D flows with large amounts of separation, thewake-tracking algorithm may yield smaller resolutionenhancements than in the case of attached flows, aslarge vortex trails may also be found farther away fromthe C-cut. Enhancements of the presented method, oralternatively, a computationally more costly dynamicgrid adaptation, might have to be considered in thesecircumstances.

The comparison of transitional and fully turbulentanalyses reveals that the errors on the aerodynamicforces introduced by not accounting for transition areof the order of 10 per cent for the lift and 50 per centfor the drag force.

The comparative analysis of four two-equation tur-bulence models shows large variations of the fourpredicted drag coefficients, with the K –ω ASM resultappearing to be the closest to the measured data.


The authors would like to thank Gaia-Wind Ltd forcontributing to the realization of this study, and theRisoe National Laboratory for providing the geometryand the experimental data of the FFA-W3-241 aerofoil.This research has been carried out in the frameworkof a project supported by the Engineering and Phy-sical Sciences Research Council under grant numberEP/F038542/1.

© Authors 2009


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CD drag coefficientCf skin-friction coefficientCL lift coefficientCp0 total pressure coefficientCP static pressure coefficientp static pressurep∞ free-stream static pressurep0,∞ free-stream total pressurep0 total pressureq∞ free-stream dynamic head

α angle of attack

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