cayce’s concept of reincarnation

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  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Cayces Concept of Reincarnation

    On October 11, 1923, Edgar Cayce was in Dayton, Ohio, where

    businessman Arthur Lammers had commissioned him to do what he hoped would

    be a different type of reading than the 2,000 physical readings Cayce had given up

    until this point in time. Lammers believed that Mr. Cayces Source could answer

    questions about other topics, including those related to esoteric studies.

    In reading 5715-1, Cayces Source shared ten words that would signal the

    dawn of a new direction in Cayces work. Referring to Lammers, it said: Third

    appearance on this plane. He was once a monk. Years later in 1964, GladysDavis, Cayces secretary, made a notation about this reading in which she wrote:

    So far as we know this is the first reference in the Edgar Cayce readings to

    reincarnation,or at least a definite former incarnation of an individual. In 1976

    she amended that to say she had found another reference to reincarnation in an

    earlier reading, but it seems this earlier reference was done in such a subtle way as

    to not even draw attention to it.

    But back in 1923, telling Lammers this was his third lifetime and in one of

    those lifetimes he had been a monk was a stunning revelation. You can imagine

    how Mr. Cayce reacted, for such a thought was sacrilegious to him. Here he was a

    devout man who had been brought up with traditional Protestant values. He had

    read the Bible for each of his 46 years of life. He accepted a literal interpretation of

    the Bible and taught it that way in his Sunday school classes. Yet there was no

    mistaking ithere was a reading in which his Source emphatically stated that

    reincarnation was a fact and not a myth.

    At first, Mr. Cayce feared the dark forces had taken over while he was in

    trance. He had vowed he would stop using his psychic powers if they were being

    misused in any way, or if they were harmful to anyone. Lammers felt otherwise.
  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.2

    He was excited about the reading and although Mr. Cayce initially had second

    thoughts about continuing to answer broader esoteric questions, he eventually

    agreed and permitted Lammers to continue. As a result, a new concept of

    reincarnation emerged in what would be identified as the Life Readings.

    Over the next 21 years, Edgar Cayce gave a total of 2,500 life readings to

    roughly 1,500 people who came to him to learn of their previous life histories. You

    may wonder what good did those readings do for those people? What is there to

    gain from knowing about your past lives? As with anything, knowledge is power.

    A serious study of your past can make a tremendous difference in your present life.

    Learning from past lessons and recognizing karmic patterns is essential for your

    soul to reach its full potential.

    The Life readings focused on psychological problems such as a persons

    fears, mental blocks, vocational talents, and relationship issues. Cayce did this in

    the context of what he called karmic patterns that arose from previous lifetimes. He

    viewed karma as the universal law of cause and effect, a system that holds you

    accountable for your every thought, word and deed. It is the truest definition of the

    adage:Reap what you sow. Whatever you do, comes back to you in some way,

    shape or form until balance is restored. In doing so your soul is given

    opportunities for physical, mental and spiritual growth, so while on Earth its

    advantageous for your soul to make use of successive rebirths in order to balance

    your positive and negative karmic patterns.

    The Cayce life readings give us a detailed understanding of how

    reincarnation works and explain the law of Karma and how that influences the

    experiences we have in life.

    You may ask if knowing about our past lives is so essential to our souls

    growth, why doesnt everyone remember having lived before? The truth is, we do!

    Everyones subconsciousremembers every previous lifetime. Our souls have a

  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.3

    built-in database containing details about our former selves and with the proper

    tools we can access that information. In week one you already experienced that for

    yourself when you went to the Akashic Records. We learned, as Cayce said,

    anyone can read these records. Cayce sincerely believed that there wasnt a person

    anywhere who didnt have the same ability as he did if they learned how to attune

    themselves properly.

    The reason so many people can easily dismiss reincarnation is because,

    unlike our subconscious minds, our conscious minds have no recollection of

    previous lifetimes. Thus those who choose to live on the surface and are not

    inclined to explore the depths of their souls are not aware of the treasure-trove of

    information there is for them to discover.

    There are a lot of misconceptions about reincarnation. Karma, for instance,

    is often misconstrued as being solely retributionof having to pay for less than

    stellar behavior in the past. But karma isnt one way or the other. Edgar Cayce

    equated karma to memory and said that the laws of cause and effect were not rigid

    and inflexible, but were, in fact, pliable. That means that depending on how you

    behaved in the subsequent lifetime, your karmic debt could be reduced. One

    lifetime in service to others may equal multiple lives where your soul did nothing.

    It should be noted here that often we see individuals who are struggling in

    this lifeespecially those dealing with disabilities or extreme poverty. You might

    assume that soul is dealing with a lot of negative karma when, in fact, it could be

    just the oppositethat they accepted this role in order to gain stature from the

    experience, or for the lessons they teach to those who interact with them. Think of

    the lessons that a physically or mentally challenged child teaches its parents,

    godparents, siblings and other family members. They are the way they are and in

    that particular family because thats what they chose to do. Knowing that in this

    life you face particular circumstances and are dealing with specific people because

  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.4

    of your choices in previous lifetimes means you cannot blame others for your

    current reality. You are not a victim. Whatever is going on in your life now is the

    result of a decision you made in your pre-life planning session to give your soul

    and the souls around youan opportunity to advance.

    Just as you bring in issues to work on, you also bring in skills and talents.

    When Cayce did a life reading, he often spoke about gifts and talents that were

    acquired in a previous life and available to the individual in the here and now. For

    example, a 23-year-old amateur artist was working in a dead-end mechanical job

    because he had no confidence in his craft. Cayce told him that in previous lives in

    Egypt, Greece and Rome, he had designed frescoes for the temples, courts and

    government buildings. As a result of that reading, this young man went to art

    school and traveled the world to study architectural design, which he later put into

    his own practice. It was a natural progression of his skills and talents from those

    past lives into his present one. You see, you do not lose abilities that you acquire in

    past lives. When I conduct regressions, I often find a correlation between talents

    that were first developed in a past life that are manifesting again in this life. For

    my own part, I have been a writer for multiple lifetimes. The same can be said of

    healers, musicians, teachers, and others who resonate to a particular vocation.

    I wish I had been around in Cayces time so that I might have had the

    privilege of having a life reading. The readings are fascinating in that they

    provided such a wealth of information to the recipient. Individuals were told of

    usually three to four past lives that were impacting their current one and how their

    soul gained or lost ground as a result of the actions they took in those lifetimes.

    What an extraordinary learning tool this isa true roadmap to knowing what areas

    needed improvement and what talents could be drawn upon again in this life.

    A question that is asked often in past life work is whether or not a person has

    had a famous past life. Celebrities of history represented only a very small

  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.5

    minority in the life readings. Cayce suggested that the majority of souls achieved

    their greatest spiritual advances while living uneventful, average lives in relative

    obscurity. All souls are equal so regardless of who you were, you are judged based

    on how you are doing in your current lifenot on a life you led hundreds of years

    ago. The life readings gave recipients a microscopic view of their inner being.

    They described experiences from previous lives that were relevant to their current

    life and they exposed patternsphysical, mental, emotional and spiritualthat

    were the direct result of actions taken in those previous lifetimes.

    Yes, the Cayce readings are filled with accounts of individuals who led

    famous past lives, but these people will tell you that having that knowledge was

    not an easy thing to bear in this life, especially if they felt they were not living up

    to the potential their previous lives had earned or couldnt live down some of the

    rather unsavory things they did before. Reviewing our past lives does not give us

    a picture of a steady upward climb. As Cayce points out in the readings, souls

    make advances but often lose some ground as well. Cayces own past life history

    evidences this. He went from great heights to nondescript plateaus where he was

    neither exalted nor especially gifted. From high priest Ra Ta to the gambler John

    Bainbridge is quite a roller coaster ride for any soul.

    When studying reincarnation, the question always comes upwhy are we

    here in the first place? There have been severalbooks written about Cayces

    version of the creation story, so if youre interested in really digging into the story

    of how and why our souls first came into physical bodies, I encourage you to read

    Edgar Cayces Story of the Soul,by W. H. Churchor EdgarCayces Origin and

    Destiny of Manby Lytle Robinson.

    Cayce called souls the offspring of a Creator. In reading 5753-1 he

    provided a comprehensive discourse on reincarnation before the Second Annual

  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.6

    Congress of the A.R.E. He told the group the why of why we came into being. His

    Source stated:

    Thefirst cause was, that the created would be the companion for the

    Creator; that it, the creature, wouldthrough its manifestations in the

    activity of that given unto the creatureshow itself to be not only worthy of,

    but companionable to, the Creator.

    So according to Edgar Cayce, the reason for our being is to be co-creators

    and companions of God. Reincarnation enables us to earn that privilege by giving

    us opportunities to grow into our fullness as spiritual beings.

    Souls are students in the three-dimensional classroom we call Earth. Some

    souls are still in what we could equate to elementary school, while others are

    working on their PhDs. Which grade you are in is not determined by how many

    lifetimes youve had, but instead by how many courses youve passed. When you

    are between lives, you work with your guides who act in much the same way as

    school guidance counselors. With you, they review how well you did with the

    courses you took in the last lifetime.

    For example, if you signed up to work on issues of humility, were you in

    fact, humble in that lifetime or did you continue to operate from a place of self-

    centeredness and ego? How well or poorly you did determined whether you passed

    or failed that class. If you pass the course and thoroughly learn the lesson, you

    dont have to repeat itagain. But lessons that you fail must be taken again. We all

    want to move up a grade level, but often we have to repeat a class depending on

    how seriously we took our studies. Sometimes we have to repeat a course multiple

    times until we learn the lesson.

    Earth isnt the only school in the planetary system, however. Cayce said that

    souls travel to other planets as well. After his life as Ujhltd, he went to the system

    of Arcturus before returning to earth. However, Cayce made it clear that any

  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.7

    karma that is acquired on earth has to be resolved on earth. In reading 5749-14 he

    was asked: Must the solar cycle be finished on earth, or can it be completed on

    another planet, or does each planet have a cycle of its own which must be

    finished?In his answer, Cayces Source gave one of the most important precepts

    of reincarnation in the very first sentence:

    If it is begun on the earth it must be finished on the earth. The solar system

    of which the earth is a part is only a portion of the whole. For, as indicated

    in the number of planets about the earth, they are of one and the sameand

    they are relative one to another. It is the cycle of the whole system that is

    finished, see?

    Regardless of where the soul chooses to study, the catalog of classes is huge.

    School sessions on earth are designed for those working on issues of love, power,

    finances, relationships, honesty, responsibility and patience to name just a few. I

    occasionally hear someone brag that this is his or her last lifetime. What they fail

    to understand is the mere fact that theyre bragging means theyll have to come

    back and sign up for that humility class I mentioned earlier! So one can see, just

    by the sheer number of issues we face while in physical bodies, that ascension to

    the point of not having to incarnate again takes much longer than a handful of


    But dont worry. Each soul is granted as many lifetimes as it needs to

    complete its development. Some souls are quick learners, while others struggle to

    master lessons. For that reason, the term old soul is misleading. Most people

    believe an old soul is someone who is very wise because theyve led many

    lifetimes. In truth, theyve led many lifetimes because they didnt pass the courses

    they signed up for. So you might say, an old soul is really just a slow learner!

    Old soul or not, there is comfort in knowing that youre never alone.Not

    only do we come in as individual souls signing up for a particular class, but also

  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.8

    there are members of our soul family who come with us, often signing up for the

    exact same class, either as a fellow classmate or as a teacher.

    Your soul family consists of souls who have been with you before, but their

    roles change from lifetime to lifetimeso the sister you have now may have been

    your husband before; your current son may have been your mother in another life;

    your present father may have once been your child. We come back with each other

    to work out the issues that arose from our previous time together. Out of love for

    each other, we agree, in our between-life planning session, to come back to provide

    the circumstances to enable each other to master the lesson and pass the course.

    Sometimeson this side of the veilour relationships are problematic and

    painful, but when looked at from the other side, they were designed to be that way

    so that we may learn the necessary lessons presented by those relationships.

    If, for instance, you have an issue with abandonment or need for approval,

    you can be sure that you will choose to come into a family and have a circle of

    friends who will exasperate that feeling of abandonment. You wont get much

    approval from them if approval is what you are working on. What better way to

    teach you that approval comes from within than by souls agreeing not to provide

    that to you during your next lifetime? Challenging? Oh yes! But so rewarding in

    the end because, remember, once learned, the lesson need not ever be repeated


    We make our choices about life fully and freely. Thats why we cannot

    blame others for the challenges we faceespecially our parents who often labor

    under that burden of blame. Who and what you are is because you chose your

    parents, your friends and family members, knowing full well the lessons and

    opportunities they would provide. Cayce confirmed this when, in reading 5759-14

    he was asked about patterns made by parents at the time of conception: Should it

  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.10

    readers out thereand Ive worked with several of themthere are also many

    who are far les reputable and whose gift seems to be in their ability to deceive you.

    Cayce said, all answers lie withinso if that were the case, why would

    you seek answers outside of yourself? You have the ability to access that

    information on your own, but make no mistake about it; it does require work on

    your part. Still, if you do the work yourself, the benefits are enormous. You have a

    Source you can trustyour own soulso the information is not being filtered by

    someone else whose own perspectives may taint the purity of the message they

    convey. Even an outstanding psychic can inadvertently distort the information and

    provide an inaccurate account. You cannot assume that a source, other than your

    own soul, can provide you with the definitive truth, and even then there may not be

    100 percent accuracy. Edgar Cayce himself advocated testing the accuracy of his


    On the flip side, accessing past life information through your subconscious

    means the images and sensations we receive have come from your soul, the

    repository of past life memory. You communicate with the subconscious by

    entering an altered state of consciousness, such as a hypnotic regression, where the

    regression therapist acts as your guidenot your informertaking you back in

    your memory until you reach an earlier lifetime. We will do just that with the

    regressions you will do in the next three weeks that will guide you in exploring

    various aspects of specific past lives.

    People often ask whether what they saw, felt or sensed in their regression

    was their imagination.Did I just make that up?Information that comes through

    while in an altered state is a product of your subconscious. It comes from within.

    Through meditation, you reach a deeper level of awareness and are able to pull out

    information that resides in your soul. Whether you do it verbally in a regression

    session or allow your subconscious to write the information out for you through

  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


  • 8/13/2019 Cayces Concept of Reincarnation


    Writing Your Past Lives Week Two: Past Lives & Present Karma

    Copyright 2012 by Joanne DiMaggio. This material may not be duplicated without permission.

    Edgar Cayce Readings Used by Permission.12

    about the resonance technique is that it works for everyone, even individuals who

    have no memories of a past life and aren't sure past lives even exist. Everyone

    knows what he or she likes and doesnt like. Perhaps you gravitate to a particular

    type of architectural design, or you detest the taste of certain foods, or youre

    drawn to a specific time period. When working with resonance, all that is required

    is to make a list of how you feel about certain common place things, such as foods,

    cities, physical traits, books, movies, architecture, religion, hobbies, art, music, etc.

    and then look for a pattern that connects your likes and your dislikes. Once that is

    revealed, you can use soul writing to fill in the blanks. If you put down Denver as

    one of your favorite cities, you may ask something likewhat is the significance

    of my resonating to the American west? Questions like these can jumpstart the

    writing session. It is a fascinating process and can be a powerful, enlightening first

    step toward exploring the journey of your soul.

    Regardless of which method you choose, using soul writing to acquire or

    expand on past life information is a valuable tool to understand why were here,

    locate both positive and negative karmic patterns, and receive guidance on how to

    master the courses weve enrolled in for this lifetime. And if, after all this, you still

    question whether reincarnation is a fact or a myth, I can only quote Cayce when in

    reading 956-1 he was asked: What will convince me of reincarnation?His

    Source answered: An experience.

    In this eGroup, you will have many such experiences, beginning with the

    regression and writing session you will experience this week. But for now, return

    to the Lesson Plan and continue with the next assignment.